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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Hey chicks~

    Just wanted to let ya'll know that I too, survived surgery!   Compared to my last surg (bi-lat mast w/ alloderm and expanders) it has been a walk in the park.  I'm still really swollen, but that'll pass.

    On the up side-- I have soft squishy boobs!  Whoohooo!  Bye bye tupperware lids!

    Congrats to Chris and Robin!  Last tx and NO bone mets!  *I think that deserves a happy dance!*

    Also, I posted a pic of me. O_O  I was inspired by bar and Spring.  You ladies look great!

    Jane!  Thanks so much for the card.  I don't have a 'wall of strength'-- mine is more like a 'pile of strength'. lol   I really enjoy rifling through it on the days I feel down.

    Good luck and great big HUGS to all of my sweet, wonderful, chemofriends,


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2008

    spring and lei it is sooo good to hear you are doing well from your surgeries!!! Take care and get plenty of rest!

    Robin- great news I am sooo happy for you.

    Have a great evening gals!!

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    I'm getting nervous.  My docs all tell me that Taxol is a walk in the park compared to AC, but you gals seem to disagree.  What have I gotten myself into?

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008
    me too, Jane. I'm afraid that I'll be feeling crappy for 12 weeks straight! Yell
  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    Juli! Got your card today! What a sweet surprise!!

    Taxol really is easier than FAC...I have to remind myself that the rest of my ailments are most likely from the initial port insertion.

    No nausea (which means no Zofran, Emend, or Phenergan), no mouth sores (can we get a Hallelujah?!), no constipation, and only a possibility of diarrhea and bone pain (which is most likely attributed to my leukine shots on Fri and Sat...

    All of my premeds are Tagamet, Aloxi, Benadryl and Decadron...I don't take anything after my treatments unless it's ibuprofen for general aches, and potassium and magnesium supplements because Taxol has stripped my system of those minerals. THOSE I'll take GLADLY... the Lopressor and the flecainide, I would sooner flush them down the toilet than take them til surgery next month!

    Don't be afraid of Taxol...Whine about every ache and pain you have... MAKE those doctors earn their money! BE their own personal puzzle! MAKE them remember's working for me!

    Love Love Love you ALL!!!

    Robin (with only 9 more treatments to go!) 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Thanks Robin... good to hear! The fear of the unknown is so daunting sometimes!

  • BreastMan
    BreastMan Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2008

    Thanks, Singapore Chris.  Forgot to ask.  When do they take the port out?  Same day as Reconstructive Surgery, or even sooner?

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2008


    Breastman, I am not sure when they will take the port out as I didn't have one. From what I understand, if they think you will need any further treatment they would like you to keep it, but ultimately I would say it is up to your wife, as it is her body.  Some people like it, but most can't wait to get it out.

    Spring and Lei, so good to hear from you, I have been waiting for new. Great to hear all went well with you both. Take it easy and keep a hold of that fat Spring, you will need it to keep you warm during the winter.

    Robin, lovely to hear you are in such good spirts, keep up the good work!

    Take care everyone, Singapore Chris

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2008

    Hi Girls, thought you might like to read the poem I write to my oncol on my last day of chemo. 


    Dr Tan and his Wonderful Team

    Dr Tan is one of the great pioneers

    And respected worldwide by all of his peers

     He is kind and wise

    As he saves our lives

    You can rest assured he has devised a plan

    That will make our lives last as long as he can

    When you put your life in someone else's hands

    You need to feel like it's the right choice for you

    Then just relax and follow everything you're told to do

    It is not an easy job and some difficult things are said

    Which will float around your mind when you're laying awake in bed

    But with every appointment you get the time you need

    Because he is a patient caring man indeed

    You can challenge Dr Tan and he will listen to your fears

    But he is the expert and has his own ideas

    He'll agree if he can

    but he is a very cautious man

    But whatever he advises you know that it's for the best

    For he is the expert when it comes to your breast

    When you enter his clinic, efficiency abounds

    Everything is ship shape when he gets back from his rounds

    He has a cheerful team; they are a dedicated group

    And if Dr Tan says, will jump through any hoop

    I would like to say "Thank You" to you and your team

    for making my journey, a lot less extreme

    You will always be remembered for your kind smiling eyes

    as you and your team are angels in disguise

    Singapore Chris

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2008

    Love the poem, Chris!

    And I'm sure that your Doc and his staff did too. :)

    Wish I were half that talented!

    Much love,


  • LisaF
    LisaF Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2008

    Julie and Jane,

    I just had my 2nd Taxol and so far so good.  Are you doing the D/D or the weekly?

     Mine is D/D so I'm sure that may have been a part of the reason I had so much bone pain.  I'm hoping that if someone times it weekly it will be diluated and easier to tolerate.  Who knows maybe I'll do much better this time.  My dr. says that happens often.  Your body isn't used to the first dose, but sometimes does better on the other ones.


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    Lisa - my Taxol is weekly. Hope I can tolerate it so I can keep working. Are you taking L-Glutamine or B-6, or anything else for the SE's?

    Chris - fantastic poem! You are a woman of many talents!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    Hi you gorgous ladies,

    We will check out of the hospital today and go to hotel- but later, I am resting right now in an easy chair. Guess what. I had a SHOWER. That was a huge project with all these tubes and drains! It was like an event in itself! Husband helped. I am actually wearing real clothes now after the shower.

    I feel very puffy and swollen, and sore and achy, but good too. Feel better every day. It's amazing how our bodies heal! Thank you God!

    Chris, great poem. It is wonderful that you felt this way about your care! I liked, " But whatever he advises you know that it's for the best, or he is the expert when it comes to your breast"  :)

    Jane, TAXOL was so EASY compared to AC. Believe it!

    Love you all !! Spring.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited December 2008

    Spring and Lei...It's wonderful to  hear how well you're both doing. Smile 

    Love the poem you shared with us Singapore Chris.

    Robin, I'm super Glad  there is NO bone  mets, YEAH!

    I'm paying attention to the good  Taxol/Taxotere forecasts especially  since I've finished with my first  set of treatments. I also have Radiation  next Spring following  Taxol/Taxotere.

    love and hugs to all, 

    back soon.


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited December 2008

    Hi! I had my last A/C yesterday!!! I am glad to be over all this Smile. I will have my Neulasta shot today, have my estrogen levels drawn on 12/23 to see if I am still perimenopauseal or pre. I then will do a SOFT trial of drugs, depending on the results. Moving forward, yet scared abt it all!Glad everyone is doing well.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    D (priz47),

    YOU BE DONE WITH AC GIRL!!! Congratulations!!!! This is such a BIG mile marker. That AC is a butt-kicker!!!

    I have not yet had my estrogen levels checked. I was very regular up until my first chemo, were you?


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    Spring!! I wanna see your boobs!! 

    Priz!! Congratulations on graduating from AC!! 

    Mina!! Taxol IS a piece of cake...seriously... unless you like pie instead!! It was suggested to me by my onc that I should take 400 mg of ibuprofen to get ahead of any bone pain...I'm no masochist.. I'm taking it!

    Juli!! I do believe that you are a true hat gal!! I love it!!

    Lei!! OMG!! What a beauty you are!!

    Singapore Chris!! I'm so happy that you're DoneDone!!

    Last night, My daughter and I went to church, and I braved the elements wearing just a headband to cover my ears...she kept looking at me weird, and when I asked her what the deal was, she said that I looked like my head was a doughnut...and if it was ok with me if she didn't sit next to me...I laughed my tush off...she's around me all day after school when I'm not wearing anything on my head...She did notice, however, that I had steam coming from the top of my head when I stepped outside!! Silly girl!!

    I'm feeling pretty good...just waiting for the heart surgery next month! THAT, I wish was tomorrow! LOL 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited December 2008

    Chris - great peom.

    Lisa - My taxol is DD as was my AC.

    Somehow I gotten myself a cold.  I can't stop sniffling and sneezing and I have no nose hairs to stop the sniffles!  Does anybody know if this couldl effect my next chemo on Monday?

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    I don't think a cold would stop chemo...I've had a low grade temp, and they did a quick cbc to see where my whites were...I'm just happy that they didn't postpone my treatment... I'd have to throw myself on the ground and kick and scream until I got

     I do hope you feel better, though, Jane! Not having nose hair must be awful...Did you buy stock in Puffs and Kleenex? ;) 

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2008

    jane, i had quite a cold myself for tx # 2 i think it long as your chest is clear chemo will go on.

    Priz-  YEAH!!! YOU ARE DONE!!!congrats!!!!

    Well onco was apologetic that the first taxotere was sooo bad for me. After discussing alot of stuff about the preservatives in taxotere to the shots ect.. I showed him my hands which look like they have chemical burns on them...THAT he said was proof that the dosge of the taxotere was too much for me. The plan is to lower the dosage next week, change from neulasta to neupogen shots to see if the bone pain will be lessened and see how it goes. IF i still have trouble with the taxotere he said we would discontinue it and move on to a new drug(I think he said abraxane) for the last one. He was still puzzled that the pain was so bad in the heel spur and even more puzzled that it stopped when the rest of the bone pain stopped...I guess he cn talk about it in san antonio!!LOL Anyway i was glad to know i wasn't crazy and that he didn't expect it. He did say I would be more fatigued at this point because the effects were cumalitive but that the pain was not supposed to be like while i won't party going into next weeks tx i do feel better knowing that he is trying his best to avoid another fiasco like the last one..

  • LisaF
    LisaF Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2008

    Hi Julie and Jane,

    My oncologist said that sometimes the first treatment of Taxol is the worst, and he's hoping that I won't have so much bone pain.  However, I'm wondering if the bone pain was more from the Neuelsta shot.  He said that my WBC before my second taxol was 1400, so he almost didn't order it for me.  If those counts stay so high I probably won't get it the after my next treatment.

    I did take L.Glut. which my oncologist  said was fine, but he didn't think it made the difference.  The funny thing is that after about a rough 4 days after the steriods wore off, I was just fine.  I cooked Thanksgiving dinner, and spent the whole next two days at the hockey rink for a tournament with my kids.  If I had started the L-Glutamine I would have thought it was a miracle.  But, I've started it now with my first treatment so I'll see if there is a difference.

    Good luck all!~!  

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited December 2008

    Jane and Julie,

    I just had my 2nd Taxol today.   NOTHING like the AC....I am a little tired, but no more naps needed.  Also no nausea !!!!  Yeah!!  I have had a little shooting pains in my pelvis and kidneys, but tylenol worked just fine.  I was soooooo scared, but all has been good.  I am once a week x12......2 down and 10 to go.  I actually feel more human..... I am taking the L Glut and seem to be just fine. 

    Tanzie and Spring    YEAH on your surgerys.....I just know you will both heal with speed and have great boobs when done ......and you kicked cancers butt !!!!!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2008

    Hi Girls,

    Glad to hear that everyone is doing well, despite the fact that it is pretty awful. I also agree that the first of any drug you do, is the worst and somehow our bodies do get used to it! Take care everyone, especially you post surgery beauties, I know how wonderful it feels to have had a shower and how difficult it is with all those tubes hanging around.

    If it's cold where you are, keep your hats on, you don't want your doughnut to get cold!

    Singapore Chris

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008
    Trude - That is so good to hear!!!! Yay! Laughing
  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Hi all...

    I had a bout with food I have been out of commision.  I hope everyone is hanging in there......I'm still not feeling up to par today.  

    Juli.....I got your Christmas card......thank you sweet lady!!!  Lifted my spirits!

    I thought I had escaped the awful SE's this time around....and prob would have if I hadn't gotten the food poisoning.  I never vomited......but diarrhea sure did kick my butt!!!  lol

    Hugsss and love to ya all.......Genia

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2008

    Gol DARN, Genia!! We need to say some extra prayers for you, girl!!

    Hey, Genia... I have a question for you...What's your mom's name? The reason I'm asking, is that I was talking to my mom about all of you wonderful girls, and I mentioned that your name is Genia...and she said that we have a relative who named her daughter I wanted to ask...long shot, I know, but wouldn't it be funky awesome to be family?!



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    LOL...Robin stranger things have happened sweetie..

    Her name was Nevil.....but they called her Nell!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2008

    The Prettiestmess, YOU ARE CRACKING ME UP!!! In good spirits hey? (you wanna see my boobs, you are a riot!) They are still sort of "high up" if you ask me, I imagine they will "settle down" as time goes on. I'm going to ask on Monday!!!

    Jane, I got a cold too, but it lasted 7-10 days then gone. I was using that Zycam glop you put in your nose, it seemed to help. I also used nasal spray (just one shot on each nostril) a couple of times a day, That was a BIG help. I think it also helps it from getting into your CHEST - really don't want THAT!!!

    Trude, SEE???? Told you!!!!  - Taxol was nothing compared to the "butt kicker" AC!!! Glad you have found it easier to take. I felt like "me" again once on Taxol. Yay!

    "Doughnut heads", LOL Chris and Prettiest at church!!! That we need to see a picture of!

    Genia, Sorry about the food poisoning , That is just not something ELSE you need at this point. Are you feeling any better? I like your new pic. There is something special about black and white... your eyes feel like they can look right through me!!! (What do you see???) LOL...

    So, I have pathology news. The cancer was NOT all gone, it was still 3.5CM left of invasive cancer,  Yell  but maybe it was not as "dense" (I'll see the report on Monday). So seems like I will have rads, which I was sort of counting on even after Mastectomy (mx), but I was hoping for a miracle. I guess God wants me to experience the full breast cancer scenario! Chemo, surgery (mx), rads, hormone drugs, etc. I am tryng not to be bummed out. It is just a little dissappointing.  Frown I was hopeful ... but onward we go, right?

    Love you beauties, Spring.

    Oh PS, I am in a luxury Hilton Suite hotel (with DH and in-laws) resting in one of those big puffy luxurious beds with the fancy linens and pillows!  I am able to walk a lot, and feel better every day. Today is only th 4th day after surgery, and I am already so much better.  - So that is the GOOD NEWS!!!  Laughing

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited December 2008

    Spring......I see one of the most beautiful souls in the world!!!  THAT'S what I see girl.......   :)

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited December 2008

    I see a lot of beautiful souls in this group, especially you, Genia. Wink

     So glad you're feeling better already Spring! Kiss