Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • webwriter
    webwriter Posts: 63
    edited January 2009

    Glad you're here NervousKnitter. The laters it gets, the harder it gets. We're now into my "private writing/computer/smoking time" if I get through the next three hours I will have accomplished something.

    (Okay, they're all the same studies, and they're all about lung cancer...but taxol is taxol and nicotine is nicotine, even if cancer isn't cancer. I'm on a roll. Keep me here, haha!)

  • Firni
    Firni Posts: 521
    edited January 2009

    Oh Webwriter, hang in there.  Three hours is a long time by yourself. But, You can do this.  Sometimes I had to just go to bed early and get the day over.  You're a tough lady!!  61%

  • FitChik
    FitChik Posts: 392
    edited January 2009

    Just a quick additional tip from another former smoker. This is a fabulous website with very active forums (much like ours here):

    Check it out, especially when you're having a tough time and need some empathetic support. And GOOD LUCK to each & every one of you!!! It is so, so hard, I know, but I assure you that it is SO WORTH IT!!!!


  • spar2
    spar2 Posts: 3,631
    edited January 2009

    I quit nearly 10 years ago, just decided with grandkids allergic and can't smoke in the house that I was quitting and I did and it has been one of the hardest things I have done but so very worth it.  I don't have the shortness of breath anymore, don't have to use inhalers too breath anymore.  Marin is right it is so worth it.  You also don't stink anymore.  Best of Luck to you.  Go girl.

  • wine
    wine Posts: 1
    edited January 2009

    hello i am new to this site because of my diagnosis.  i to am trying to stop smoking cold turkey. i would love to join in discussion with you it would be nice to have person to chat with who is taking on the same challenge as myself.  i am the only smoker in my house and i am determined to do it this time for good.  this diagnosis really scared me this time.  wine

  • Madison
    Madison Posts: 859
    edited January 2009

    I stopped smoking cold turkey after diagnosis.    It was one of the hardest things I have every done, especially since DH still smokes.   I relapsed a year ago and stopped again 10 days ago.  I just had a clear MRI so I really don't want to start smoking again.

    As Marin has stated, it is hard to quit smoking.  

    You can do it.

     Wine, I'm approximately 75-85 miles nw of you.

  • nobleanna007
    nobleanna007 Posts: 58
    edited January 2009


           How are you doing??? Has the sanity left you yet??? Hang in there! I will be right there with you soon!!!

    Candie- How are you doing???? We all understand the pressure to quit and for sure its not easy! I wanted to quit today but my Dr. wants me to ween myself off instead of cold turkey due to having problems with my heart scan. I guess it would not be good to put that much pressure on the old ticker. So my goal today is 12 ciggs. I usually smoke about a pack or less so here we go!!!!!!!


  • webwriter
    webwriter Posts: 63
    edited January 2009

    Wrapping up day two! Amazing!

    I have to admit to being a little more grumpy and frustrated today tho. Guess I'm just antsy to get through it so it stops bugging me to reach for something that isn't there. It's like that dumb feeling you get when you KNOW you've forgotten something, but can't figure out what it is. Yeah, that one. I've had it for over 48 hours now. GRRRRRRR~!

    YEAH, time for a few updates from you all too! How goes it?!

  • bee5467
    bee5467 Posts: 7
    edited January 2009

    Webbie --

    The nicotine is almost completely out of your system!  You'll well over half way there as in terms of getting rid of the damn stuff.  after that, it's behavorial.  Boy, you all have so many ladies out here routing for you . . . We got through it, and you guys can too!!!   I found it so helpful to say to myself, "Just wait.  Not this time.  Not this time."  One Day at a Time.  For us, it's "One Cig at a Time."  Walt til tomorrow.  Then tomorrow, wait til tomorrow.  It's how I got through.

  • webwriter
    webwriter Posts: 63
    edited January 2009

    Hey Bee!

    It's puting up a huge fight, I'll tell ya that! I haven't been this grumpy in a long, long time. Can I make myself go sit somewhere else? I mean really. I'm annoying me.

    But I'm makin' it! ;)

  • nobleanna007
    nobleanna007 Posts: 58
    edited January 2009


           You crack me up!!! You so sound like me I annoy myself all the time. When being grumpy with all this and being on my husband I will say I am sorry about being grumpy I can't even stand myself never mind you having to put up with me. Mine is coming from them throughing me into menapause but still get the PMS!!!!!!

                                                  Good-luck today!!!!

  • Lucky-Man-Ken
    Lucky-Man-Ken Posts: 15
    edited January 2009

       Good luck quitters, I am 3 years quit and I used to say quitting smoking was the hardest thing I had ever had to do,  with the exception of recently having to watch my awesome wife Karen learn about and successfully fight her BC.  

       I recommen "'" they have a fantastic cessation support forum which is much like this forum. It is full of great info, compassionate mods and tons of people fighting the same fight. of luck, its the best thing you can do for yourself.

  • NanaOfTen
    NanaOfTen Posts: 13
    edited January 2009

    I am so glad I am not alone! I was ashamed to admit I am having a hard time quitting after being told jan 6, 09 that I have breast cancer. I "quit" twice so far ... have two cigs left and then thats it. I see my plastic surgeon today and hopefully will get my surgery date (mast recon) (my keyboard is acting up, not letting me use my keys right ... arghhhhh)

    this will be one of my fav posts now. I definitely need the support. I do fine for a day or two, then I dont like being around myself I am such a bi**ch!!! 

    Webwrite, didnt know about the 61%. that will definitely be a big boost, I will be starting chemo soon and 39% is not enough for what we will go through with it.

    going to make me a cup o java and have my last cig.


  • NervousKnitter
    NervousKnitter Posts: 46
    edited January 2009

    Go Webwriter!  Go NanaofTen!  My quit day is next Tuesday. I'm going to smoking cessation class and that is THE day. I'm counting on the two of you to get over the hump and then drag me over it as well. We need to keep posting and supporting each other so our post stays current. I'm sure there are other gals out there who need to quit, too. We've supported each other through BC, now it's time to support each other through QS (Quit Smoking!). Good luck today, gals.

  • webwriter
    webwriter Posts: 63
    edited January 2009

    This thread is really turning into something awesome. I had no idea how good it would feel to be able to rant and rave here, and see all the great encouragement, tips and tricks just pouring out of the woodwork!

    So, with my head hanging and my tail between my legs, I have to admit that I smoked today. I had too much time between appointments and led myself astray. Waiting for that Onco score just tore me up. Not that chemo is optional for me, but Onco and I had decided to let the numbers decide my particular TX.  I couldn't take it.

    Now I gotta start all over. 

    But I will. Have to. Got all of you to hold me to the line, and NervousKnitter to haul over the wall with Nanaof10. We're gonna beat this thing, Ladies. We can and we will! 

    Say it with me! 61%...61%...

     **maniacal laughter in the background**

  • webwriter
    webwriter Posts: 63
    edited January 2009

    PS. Nobleanna07--MENOPAUSE WITH PMS? Oh no. Not happening. No way, no how! But you will be here--on the other side of the room, when it's my turn, right?

  • Firni
    Firni Posts: 521
    edited January 2009

    Well good for you for not beating yourself up for slipping.  It happens.  The important thing is that you're climbing back on that smoke free wagon.  Good luck to all of you.

    Now when I get the craving for a smoke I just chant 61% for a minute or so and I'm all better.  I quit in Oct. 08 and I still do get the urge now and again. 

  • bee5467
    bee5467 Posts: 7
    edited January 2009

    Hey webbie, honey --

    You don't have to "start all over."  You just pick right up where you left off!  Now, doesn't that sound easier???  ;-) 

  • hollyann
    hollyann Posts: 279
    edited January 2009

    Good luck to you all...I quit Dec.30th 2007.....I used Chantix..It is a pill you get from your doctor...You can smoke while taking it too.....What it does is block the nicotine receptors in your brain so you don't crave the nicotine in the cigarette.......It does have side effects like weird dreams and such  and some ppl have had more serious problems too....If you are like me and have tried it all, maybe this will help....I wouldn't recommend it if I didn't know first hand it works...My brother and his wife used it and stopped smoking 3 and 1/2 yrs ago.......I tried everything from the patch to the gum  everything   ..........I know I sound like a commercial but if nothing else works try it.........Again good luck to you all...i feel so much better  I can actually RUN upstairs where I used to crawl and wheeze all the way up  LOL .........

  • NervousKnitter
    NervousKnitter Posts: 46
    edited January 2009

    Thank you former smokers! We need encouragement! I'll be taking Chantix, too. Webbie, it's just a little slip, not the end of the road. And it's certainly understandable. Pat yourself on the back for each one you DON'T smoke! I bought an herbal tea today for "detox". Figured I'd make a cup of that when I think I need a smoke. I'll let you know how/if it works. Keep up the good work! Jill

  • webwriter
    webwriter Posts: 63
    edited January 2009

    Lady, I'll take ANYTHING that will help. It's been a nasty night. I have wine in my glass and leaves on my sleeves to prove the stuggle!

    But I'll stick. I have to.

    You all being here makes it more so.


    I hate you. I love you. I hate you. I love you....

    We really CAN do this, right!?!


  • boobytrapped
    boobytrapped Posts: 3
    edited January 2009

    Good luck to all you brave ladies for deciding to quit.  Long time smoker who has quit a number of times, longest for 2 years.  How stupid to start again, but what can ya say?  The idea of smoking with radiation just scared the crap outta me so on 11/3/08 I quit and started rads on 11/6. I used Wellbutrin, patches and a smoking cessation class to help get me thru it. It still sux sometimes but I soooo want to be done with this forever. I liked the idea someone mentioned about the parent/child thing going on.  I found myself telling my inner child "Go to your room" many times that first 2-3 weeks.  Hang in there all and good luck.  You've all got a lot on your plates right now but maybe now is the right time to make it work for all the right reasons.

  • Firni
    Firni Posts: 521
    edited January 2009

    Hey webwriter how's it going??  

  • webwriter
    webwriter Posts: 63
    edited January 2009

    Thanx for keeping tabs on me ya'll.

    I have fallen on my shoulder. Yes, of course the recently repaired one, so I'm in even more of a foul mood than usual. Back in the sling, with the ice machine, demerol--the works.

    Yup. Smoked one over that too. But that's all! Bet I have another one waiting on the new MRI results which will tell me if the internal repairs held or not.

    Seriously, it's getting a lot easier to send my inner child to her room. When it's over the top, I've vowed to just give in. One crisis at a time sort of a thing. Got rid of the first morning craving. Got rid of the after dinner craving. If heading off a temper tantrum with one is what I gotta do, well, for now that's fair. We'll get to the temper tanrums next week. haha!

    Thanx for all the great support (and accountability!!)

    How is everyone else doing???

  • NervousKnitter
    NervousKnitter Posts: 46
    edited January 2009

    You're doing GREAT, Webwriter!  Only one--that's impressive. And you've already gotten over the morning and after dinner cravings.  So you're still two steps ahead. Pat yourself on the back! (whoops, guess that would be difficult! LOL). We've had to keep a diary of each cig we light up and why. I'm spending more time writing than smoking. Tuesday is quit day, so I'll enjoy what I have left while I try to transcend into thinking how a non-smoker thinks. Keep up the great job and try not to worry too much about the MRI. Have a great (smoke free) weekend

  • nobleanna007
    nobleanna007 Posts: 58
    edited January 2009

    Hi Everyone,

        I just got back from Boston and the verdict is ( DrumRoll) I have to quit or no surgery for me. And it has to be a month before and a month afterwards! I told my new PS if I quit that long I will not ever smoke again. I am now working my way down holding off as long as I can. Changing my habits. Like when I need the cigg first thing in the morning I make myself wait. Talking on the phone NO cigg anymore!!!! I am going to try the Chantix also but I am in hopes I can be cut down alot when I start it. I am not a big smoker just consistant with one pack a day. I have a friens who has quit for a long time now and she was a heavy smoker 3 packs I think I can't even imagine smoking that much. But anyhoo she said she quit cold turkey and drank a ton of water to flush it out of her system faster. Sounds like a game plan. I need the water anyways I admitt I am a soda aholic also BAD!!!! I will work on that hopefuly the same time.

    Webbie- You are still doing great and I am still very proud of you!!! Don't beat yourself up to hard they say it takes us more then once to finally quit. But can understand your disappointment alo to get through the the days and then feel like a failure when you give into the craving. But keep your head up and go forward!!!

    Nervousknitter & everyone of us who are trying lets pat ourselves on the back!!!!!! We have all diffrent methods to our way of quitting but I know with this thread its going to be a lifeline. I know its going to be hard and I have my yearly scan coming up and I am so scared, due to having severe hip and back pain. But I am going to try to stay on course.

                                               LUV YA GUYS!!!!!!

  • carrythecross
    carrythecross Posts: 10
    edited January 2009

    It will be the hardest thing you do but also the best.  Do like Nike and just do it.

  • KathyAlex1960
    KathyAlex1960 Posts: 6
    edited January 2009

    I have to quit, too!  I have been taking Chantix for 3 weeks and no help.  I have cut down quite a bit - still too much smoking!  Still recovering from 2 surgeries (mast/lymph nodes).  Chemo to start in 3-4 weeks once I heal up.  It is my crutch - I like smoking!  Help!!  Ha Ha

  • eleanorj
    eleanorj Posts: 28
    edited January 2009

    What about second hand smoke? I don't typically believe in 2nd hand smoke, but.... my MIL is a heavy smoker, we went to their house last night and played cards for a few hours, well, there's hubby, me & 4 smokers in the dining room. It was getting thick in there, she's very sweet though she told everyone that they can't smoke next to me. If smoking cuts chemo by 61% what about 2nd hand smoke?

    The funny part is that 2-3 months ago, I would have been the 5th person getting the air thick and last night, I couldn't stand the smell!

    Webwritter keep up the good work. YOU CAN DO IT!

  • Janzin
    Janzin Posts: 491
    edited January 2009
    Good seeing all of you here supporting each other. I too wanted to quit smoking even before I found out I had BC. I just had a mast and expander put in on Jan 21st. My Dr. told me that if I smoke, I would undo all his good work and have to start all over again. Even with that huge scare, I found myself still smoking 4-6 a day. Better than my pack a day though.

    I am so scared and feeling pretty helpless. Having to battle the BC and quit smoking at the same time has been harder then I thought it would be. I also stress on my business and if I am going to make my goals this year. I finally realize that I have to learn to let go of things and concentrate on what is most important at this time, my health and peace of mind. But......having a hard time letting go.

    Cebula, not sure if this is true but I heard second hand smoke can be bad too, especially since you don't inhale through a filter. But who knows, I would avoid it if possible just to be on the safe side.

    Thank you webwriter for starting this thread. I have quit smoking for 8 years once. Hardest thing I ever did. Started smoking again a year and half ago on my divorce. What helped me a lot was NA the first time. I do plan on going back to those meetings, something about group support really helps. Being accountable and helping others also helps you too.

    To all of you, keep up the good work, keep trying and keep writing!


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