Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • NervousKnitter
    NervousKnitter Posts: 46
    edited January 2009

    Janzin, glad to have you join us! I think we can all use each other in a good way to get us through this. What is "NA"? And yes, I agree that a few a day compared to a pack is a good thing--and it's going to be hard to give those up. I hope your expander isn't bugging you too much (they suck, let's face it!).

     Webwriter--how are you doing? You're our mentor, you know!

    Ladies--we CAN do this!! We WILL do this!

  • Janzin
    Janzin Posts: 491
    edited January 2009

    Thanks NervousKnitter. NA stands for Nicotine Anonymous. Most larger cities have them and good size groups. Nice to have good size groups because you get more support, etc.

    Back then I smoked 2-3 packs a day so quitting was very painful. Bitch was a nice word to describe my behavior at times, lol. NA helped me a lot my first year of quitting because sometimes it takes just one statement that will get you through the week or more. It also feels good when your able to reach out to someone too. The support is great, making new friends and even sharing laughs about our difficult moments helps too, and they are real and pretty funny at times.

    This time around, I am having a harder time. Not physically but more emotionally. The fact is that I really don't want to quit, even with the cancer. Before I was totally fed up and set my mind to quit but right now I am quitting because I know that I should. I just know that I need to keep trying and reach out to you all to keep myself on track and hopefully others too. We will all quit if we keep trying and helping others to quit will help keep us from smoking.

    The expanders are horrible by the way and I feel like an alien from a horror moive with the tubes and grenades hanging out of me. Thinking about painting again to help get through this a little easier. Maybe I could do something with a hint of Frida's surrealism with the grenades, lol.

    Best to all!

  • Marie45
    Marie45 Posts: 2
    edited January 2009

    I was diagnosed November 20th, 2008.  At that time, I smoked 17-19 cigarette's a day.  I immediately dropped it down to 7 (fear did that).

    My first Chemo was December 16th.  They looked at my chart and saw that I was a 17-19 a day smoker and they asked me if I could 'bring that down'?  I told them, my intention was to quit immediately upon receiving Chemo because it seemed dumb to be on Chemo and smoke.  The nurse didn't seem convinced I could do it even though I told her I was down to 7.

    Of course I couldn't quit immediately but the week of Christmas, I dropped it down to 4.  I would take one or two puffs then put out the smoke, then a couple of hours later take another couple of puffs then put it out.  On Christmas Day, I had 2.  On Boxing Day I had 1.  I haven't smoked since then.

    I switched from coffee to hot chocolate in the morning but what did it for me was:

    a) my kids.  I thought for them to see me smoke or even smell that I've been smoking after telling them I have breast cancer seemed the ultimate in irresponsible and setting a bad example

    b) I told myself that Chemo doesn't work if you smoke even one cigarette (I made up that statistic and made myself believe it).

    Both those reasons keep me smoke free.  It's been almost a month now.  I would say the past week or so, I don't even think about it anymore but a couple of days ago I did catch some second hand smoke outside of Wal-Mart and it sure was sweet!  But yet I remain, smoke free.

    Keep at it webmaster.  YOU CAN DO THIS!!!  If you slip, start again with new resolve.  I think once you find the right mind set, you can do it!!

  • bethr
    bethr Posts: 4
    edited January 2009

    Thanks so much for this post.  I've been trying (very unsuccessfully!) to quit smoking ever since I found the lump and learned that it look like cancer (September).  I'm finally having my surgery next week and have determined my next attempt to quit will be Sunday, the 1st (definitely need the mental preparation).  I've been on such an emotional roller coaster that it's just made it all that much more difficult to quit.  But I know I've got to do it.  I think now the 'emotional roller coaster' has simply become an excuse.  So..  here I go again.  One of my aunts told me it took her 13 attempts before she finally did it and this was after going  for hypnotism. 

    Wish me strength as I wish the same for all of you who are still trying to kick this nasty, smelly, habit!


  • NervousKnitter
    NervousKnitter Posts: 46
    edited January 2009

    Beth--glad you are joining the struggling group. My doctor told me it's common that it takes many, many attempts to quit before it finally kicks in; so good for you for trying. Plus it's so stressful waiting for surgery--I highly recommend Xanax!! My quit day is tomorrow and this is the first time where I have combined Chantix with a cessation class. I hope it's the magic trick. I wish you the best and look forward to all of us sharing our woes as we make ourselves healthier!

  • nobleanna007
    nobleanna007 Posts: 58
    edited January 2009

    Hello to all the new comers!!!

        I am so thankful for this site, each day I read and it gives me the strength to quit, no I am not their yet but I am getting closer. I am going to get chantrix prescrip before I completly quit but I have certainly cut down and feel proud about that I just need to take it to the next step. I know I will!!!

           Goodluck tommorrow NervousKnitter kick some serious BUTT!!!! We are all routing for you, and think your definatly going in the right direction. Its not going to be easy, I know easy for me to say since I am still using my crutch but I know you can do it and if you don't its okay as they say try try again. But I have the faith you will conquer!!!

           Where are you Webbie we miss you!!!!!!!


  • Janzin
    Janzin Posts: 491
    edited January 2009

    Great to see of all you!

    I see my PS today, almost a week out of surgery. A little nervous as he had said the first week is critical for healing and to not smoke one cig, otherwise I would undo his good work and might have to go through surgery again. I ended up smoking 4-6 a day with all my efforts not to.

    Nervousknitter, I was stressed before the surgery but even more stressed after surgery with my PS scare tactics. The first week was a lot more painful than I thought it would be too. I never want to go through that again but here I was still smoking, upping the odds for complications. Stress was a bit much.

    I think that somewhere inside me is this denial thing, that bad things happen to other people. But I have fallen into the small percentage of breast cancer. And I still continue to smoke, crossing my fingers and toes that I don't fall into that percentage of unsuccessful recoveries, or that I don't get lung cancer like my mom who is still smoking. But this time around I am really scared that I will fall into that percentage, so now I am a stressed guilty smoker, but hopeful with every puff.

    A couple of nights ago I have read some thing online about smoking complications with expanders and even though I know this is just a theory, it is something for right now. Basically it said that for every pack of cigs, it will create 20-25 hours of bad. Sorry, not good with medical words. Smokers are 5 times the risk for complications. So every cig counts and every puff counts! They also suggested quitting a month before surgery. For all of you who can't, and I am right there with you, cutting down will help.

    Keep on writing and keep on trying and don't give up! Together we will get through this.

    Best wishes to all.

  • webwriter
    webwriter Posts: 63
    edited January 2009

    Hey Ladies! I'll go back and catch up with all of you ASAP! Gotta go grab dinner with hubster. BUSY STRESSED time in Webbie's World!

    Quitter Webbie, reporting in for check up, however. I can't say I've been perfect. Since I checked in last, I've actually had 3 in one day. But things are calming, and so am I--should be able to make that a zero day again soon. Hubster broke too. Nah, nah, Nah, nah, na-na!

    I'm still going to make it. I'm still rooting for all of you...

  • NervousKnitter
    NervousKnitter Posts: 46
    edited January 2009

    Okay, fellow smokers who are trying to quit--I wanted to bump this back to the top and keep us motivated. For those who have offered their support and quitting tips and hints, I thank you. I know I will be reading them often. For those of us who have admitted our bad habits--hop on the board and let us know how you are doing!  (Bridget, Janzin, Bethr, Wine, NanaofTen, KathyAlex19, daisy6, babyc, Candie1971).  We need to join cyber hands and support each other. Perhaps if we are busy "holding hands" we won't be able to use them to light up!!

    I have a dear aunt who is a very large woman and when she gets out of the car she always says "Some push, some pull".  Well, I feel like that right now. My smoking cessation class is in two hours and I'll have my last butt then.  Then I'll need some to push and some to pull.

    Webwriter--hope all is well. Don't be kicking yourself if you slipped.

    Best of luck to all--whether you're trying to cut back or cut out all together. WE CAN DO THIS!


  • bee5467
    bee5467 Posts: 7
    edited January 2009

    Ladies, ladies . . . I'm so proud of you all working so hard and together. Slipping just means "Ooops!"  Just a little bump in the road.  Been there, done that, but I sure could have used you all ;-)

  • Janzin
    Janzin Posts: 491
    edited January 2009
    Hello Ladies!

    Webbie, nice to have you back, was getting worried. Just like NervousKnitter wrote, we need to join cyber hands and also like Beth wrote, that it may take many tries.

    My first Dr appointment went great, he said I was healing fine and everything looked great. He did get on me for over doing it with my power walks, told me to walk around house and not get my heart rate up, otherwise I will go back to surgery. I kinda figured that one out myself last Sunday when I swelled up and was leaking a little right were my tubes came out. Swelling up is painful!

    I remember years ago I had used Kaiser's quit smoking program so I could get my patches at co-pay. They had told me to pick 5 other things to do instead of smoking. One of mine was jump roping. I jumped 30 times, died, but I didn't feel like smoking afterwards. I couldn't walk for a week either, lol. My other 4 picks was walking, gum, sunflower seeds and water. I was a gum maniac for years but at least I didn't have stinky cigarette breath.

    I have decided to pick another quit date, Beth I am quitting with you on the 1st. I realized I wasn't really quitting every day but just cutting down because I still held onto my pack just in case I needed one, I was fooling myself. I need to put more effort than that and I really want to quit before chemo, 61%. Cutting down is a lot of work and tiring so why not take it to the next level and be done with it and enjoy the freedom and the rewards of a nonsmoker.

    Nobleanna, hang in there and you will get there. Have you picked a quit date yet?

    NervousKnitter, how are you doing?

    You all have been a huge help for me, thank you all for being here!

    I remember years ago I had used Kaiser's quit smoking program so I could get my patches at co-pay. They had told me to pick 5 other things to do instead of smoking. One of mine was jump roping. I jumped 20 times and I didn't feel like smoking afterwards, but I couldn't walk for a week either, lol. My other 4 picks were walking, gum, sunflower seeds and water. I was a gum maniac for years.
  • Janzin
    Janzin Posts: 491
    edited January 2009
    Hello Ladies!

    Webbie, nice to have you back, was getting worried. Just like NervousKnitter wrote, we need to join cyber hands and also like Beth wrote, that it may take many tries.

    My first Dr appointment went great, he said I was healing fine and everything looked great. He did get on me for over doing it with my power walks, told me to walk around house and not get my heart rate up, otherwise I will go back to surgery. I kinda figured that one out myself last Sunday when I swelled up and was leaking a little right were my tubes came out. Swelling up is painful!

    I remember years ago I had used Kaiser's quit smoking program so I could get my patches at co-pay. They had told me to pick 5 other things to do instead of smoking. One of mine was jump roping. I jumped 30 times, died, but I didn't feel like smoking afterwards. I couldn't walk for a week either, lol. My other 4 picks was walking, gum, sunflower seeds and water. I was a gum maniac for years but at least I didn't have stinky cigarette breath.

    I have decided to pick another quit date, Beth I am quitting with you on the 1st. I realized I wasn't really quitting every day but just cutting down because I still held onto my pack just in case I needed one, I was fooling myself. I need to put more effort than that and I really want to quit before chemo, 61%. Cutting down is a lot of work and tiring so why not take it to the next level and be done with it and enjoy the freedom and the rewards of a nonsmoker.

    Nobleanna, hang in there and you will get there. Have you picked a quit date yet?

    NervousKnitter, how are you doing?

    You all have been a huge help for me, thank you all for being here!
  • babyc
    babyc Posts: 20
    edited January 2009

    I've been reading and haven't posted because I am still smoking....... I had gone down to 3 a day after first chemo treatment but am up to five now.  (Actually, the one day I spent on phone trying to straighten out insurance-mess, my number soared.)  When stressed to the max, I want a cigarette.  I do have a prescription of Chantix but am afraid to put one more pill in my body--- how's that for logic--- smoke into my lungs, but not another pill????  I must be the weakest link in this cyber chain.......... Go ladies!

  • NervousKnitter
    NervousKnitter Posts: 46
    edited January 2009

    Babyc, you are definitely NOT the weakest link!  We are all weak links in different ways, and that's why this thread is so wonderful. Even if we can help each other cut back, not just cut OUT, isn't that a good thing? I can sure understand wanting to smoke when dealing with the insurance company. That's enough to drive a person to drinking along with the smoke!! Check with your doctor about the Chantix during chemo. I cut back on the amount I smoked during chemo but wasn't taking Chantix. I don't know if it would have affected how I felt or not. During chemo I was just mostly a slug--not sick, but just exhausted. So, you keep reading and post when you feel like it. And if you just need to do a post that says "I want one, I want one" and it keeps you from lighting up--then WHOOOPIE!!   Have a GREAT day and congratulate yourself for each one you DON'T light up--but don't beat yourself up for the ones you do.

    We can do this. One butt at a time!


  • webwriter
    webwriter Posts: 63
    edited January 2009

    NervousKnitter, you Rock! That was just the thing I would have loved to have typed/heard just catching up in this thread! Thank you!  I won't be doing the Chantix, tho. I feel just like babyc on that! NO more, um, unfamiliar, pills into my body, smoke, yes, pills, NO. Yeah, babyc we're feelin' it. Time for us to both hold the line and reverse it. I didn't have a fight with my insurance company, but I did have a bad fall. I'm going to find an excuse to be stressed out for a long time. Sigh.

    Janzin, you ROCK too. Way to pick a date! I'm just where you are on that too, in a sense. Er, um, since my date has passed. I have that pack hidden so I have to work to get it. But as long as it's there, I haven't really quit, have I? Maybe I'll join you and Beth and pitch that stash on the first.

    First day of chemo's tomorrow. I'll go in with 2 in my system in the last 24 hours. 

    61% is nothing to play games with. I need to re-dedicate and get serious.

    Thanx for being here ya'll.

    (Blueberries make good "candy")

  • NervousKnitter
    NervousKnitter Posts: 46
    edited January 2009

    Yay, Webwriter! You were worrying us! I'm 23 hours away from the last cig I smoked yesterday. Am having to come up with something else to do in situations where I would usually smoke. Since we have three dogs and the weather I was nice I decided to plug into my new Ipod and SING while I picked up the doo. Danced, too. If any neighbors should see or hear me they should be calling the moving vans promptly. But I got through that urge. I love disco--but I can't dance worth doo!!

    Whether anybody who wants to try picks Chantix, gum, the patch, or cold turkey--my hat is off to them. Whether it's a first try or a tenth, my hat is off again.

    I made sure I didn't/don't have a stash, cleaned all the ashtrays and put them away, even went around the yard to make sure there weren't any butts anywhere. When I quit before I always kept an emergency stash. Now I guess I'll ask my teenagers to take my keys away so I can't made a late-night run to 7/11.

    Webwriter, don't mean to encourage you to smoke, but since tomorrow is your first chemo I think you're entitled to do what you need to get you in that door without any additional trauma/fear/uncertainty. You're stronger than you think and you can do this! I hope it goes smoothly.

    Have a good evening my "fellow" (what's the feminine version for that word?) attempting and/or quitting butts pals. Perhaps we can start a new television network--the QVB . A smoking woman sits in a chair that is covered with burn holes, has too many wrinkles on her face from smoking, coughs when she laughs, has a deep hoarse voice. etc., etc. Okay, thoughts of QVB are going to be my next thing to think about instead of lighting up.

    What's yours?

  • NervousKnitter
    NervousKnitter Posts: 46
    edited January 2009

    Ooops, I can't spell. Quitting Butts Pals would be QBP. Guess the woman in the chair would have to be a ditzy brain, too!

  • Janzin
    Janzin Posts: 491
    edited January 2009

    Welcome back Babyc! Good to hear from you. Just reaching out is a quit smoking progress as we tend to make it more real by being a part of the QBP. I knew people in NA who showed up for a year at every meeting still smoking before they quit, but eventually they did and that's what counts. I have learned from this time around that quitting will be a new experience each time, some easier and some harder, and staying quit is the hardest thing to do. I got in 8 years and I am hoping that this time will be the winner.

    Good to see you are still on track Webbie. It would be great if you joined Beth and I and throw out that stash. Make it really hard to light up again by having to suit up and go to the store, maybe the moment will pass before you get in your car. It's okay to be stressed, maybe you can get a punching bag or try a session of acting like a Tourette syndrome and see what colorful words you can come up with, if anything you might have a good laugh. Laughter is good for stress!

    Good going NervousKnitter. I remember what someone had said to me in NA that really helped me. That at first, you may have a craving every 1/2 hour or so. For me back then it was every 5 minutes because I smoked so much. But then your cravings will be further apart and then one day you realize that you didn't think about a cig all day. I really looked forward to that day as I was really hooked and every hour was a battle. Down the road you will not think about a cig for a month, and so on. I really wanted to be free of cigs and to not think about cigs was a freedom I couldn't imagine as a hard core smoker. I knew getting pass every craving and every day of success got me closer to that freedom. I didn't see the Green Mile at the theatres because that movie was way to long to go without a cig for me. As a nonsmoker I flew to Brazil without a thought about smoking and that was huge because that is a long day of flying, and being a smoker I probably would of bitch slapped someone.

    Would of loved to see the disco poo dance! I would of joined in with, "We are family, I got all my sisters and me"

    Good luck sisters, we will make it!

  • nobleanna007
    nobleanna007 Posts: 58
    edited January 2009

    Hi all,

         It is so good to see all of you quitting it gives me hope. I have been trying really hard to cut down but I have one good day then one bad. I have a question did any of you want to smoke more when you were on a narcotic? I am on several pain meds and truly they make me want to smoke. It drives me crazy. I do know the drugs I am on make me feel like I have drank a pot of coffee I get that reved up feeling. So I don't know its crazy. Just wondering if any of you have experienced this.

           Your doing awsome NervousKnitter keep doing that Dance!!!!!!

           Good-luck Webbie for your first chemo TX I promise it will be over quicker then you think!!!

            Everyone else we will get there gosh darn it, I am getting Chantix next week and hopefully it will work this time cause I really want to this time around!!!!


  • klp
    klp Posts: 1,454
    edited January 2009

    I've told my cig story before but here goes again....On Sunday 9-30-07 I was talking to my daughter on the phone while I was puffing away. She could hear I was smoking and said "Mom, I wish you would quit so you would be around longer". That did it. We finished our conversation, I put my cigarette out and haven't touched one since. I had cartons of cigs left and cigs in my purse but never touched another one. Eventually I sold the cartons to a smoker friend (83 years old).

    I smoked for over 50 years but made up my mind to be an ex-smoker. My home, clothes, car do not have the horrible smoke smell..and I'm sure my dog and cat appreciate breathing clean air in the house. If I can stop cold turkey after the many years I smoked, anyone can do it if they put their mind to it. I will no longer have a little white stick control my life. After I quit I joined Curves, started to eat healthier and went back to church...then a year later after my annual mammogram bc was discovered. I was always worried about having a chest x-ray because of my smoking but I had to have one at pre-op and it was clear. I'm glad I stopped smoking a year before my bc surgery..made it a breeze. I can't say I don't miss smoking..I was up to 3 packs/day, but to me the expense and health risk was not worth continuing any more.

    It isn't easy to quit but it is the best thing you can do for you! The website was a big help to me.

    Hang in there and don't give up..if you truly want to quit, you will!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184
    edited January 2009

    I smoked two packs a day for over thirty years...I used the patch..and I was motivated...

    it has now been 14 years since I quit for can do it if you decide you really want to..'

  • Bold
    Bold Posts: 306
    edited January 2009

    Hey webwriter:

    I was a heavy smoker most of my life. As my parents before me and there parents. Everyone in the world it seemed has quit but me. I choose a day my mothers birthday Aug 1st 2008. I got drunk the night before smoked my ass off. called everyone that would talk to me about quiting. cried to be loosing such a good friend. Reminisced about the good times. Another words had a funeral for my habit. The next morning I had a really bad hangover took the boat to Catalina island had a wonderful day with my husband. I have never looked back never listen to the VOICE in my head that would of thought of reasons why I could continue to smoke. I shut it down failure was not an option the time has come. DONE DONE DONE.  I was DX in Oct with breast cancer. I was soooo grateful that I had quit smoking the healing process and the SE are so much easier for people that do not smoke. I would hate to have lung cancer. The saddest thing is that there are no ribbons for lung cancer. People always say oh she smoked. I did not use a patch or any program. I know that the fear of quitting is much worse than the actual quiting. Forget about it. you have enough on your mind believe me that if a desire comes up in your mind redirect immediately and move on.

    Best of luck. It is easy not hard believe that and it is true.

  • NervousKnitter
    NervousKnitter Posts: 46
    edited January 2009

    Thanks for the encouragement, ladies. It means a lot to me!  I am now 48-1/2 hours from my last smoke. Had a few tough triggers today, but managed through. It really helps to hear how other people have made it through their moments.

     Bridget, I had the same problem when I was taking heavy-duty pain killers. I think it made me want to smoke more because I felt like a useless slug--and it was easy to smoke when I wasn't trying to think about anything or do anything. I also react very differently to drugs. Sleeping pills will wire me; antihistimanes wake me up. I even have difficulty sitting still if I've had a valium. I really do think the Chantix is helping----but it still has to be ME who decides not to light up.I still say that having a good day where you smoke less than usual is really a GREAT day. Each one you miss is a success!  Don't beat yourself up for the bad days--geez, look at what all you're going through.

    Webwriter--thought of you often today. Hope you aren't too wiped out.

    Let's keep up the great work, gals! Whether it's cutting back or cutting out--we are doing the right thing!

  • Janzin
    Janzin Posts: 491
    edited January 2009
    Hello Ladies!

    Great to see all the posts. Thank you ex-smokers for your experience. You never know when a statement or story will hit home and give the necessary boost that one may need at the time. All the posts are supportive and helps us all in one way or another, and your posts have been helpful for me.

    Nobleanna, I too get funny responses from drugs at times too. I smoke outside so the higher my energy, the more I smoke. The worst part is this recovery, can't do to much because I can't get the heart rate up and the constant pain makes you want to do nothing, so what to do with all this energy. Hard to sit still and I am getting pretty bored! I will make myself work on some posters and flyers today with a couple of vics.

    Want to thank all of you ladies for your support. I am coming up to my quit day with a better altitude and less fear. I am going to celebrate that day with treating myself to Blockbusters, computers games ( one of the few 46 year old who likes to play but what a great distraction) and healthy fun veggie snacks, and give myself a vacation on my quit day. Maybe take a drive to the mountains, though I wish I could do some of my favorite hikes in Boulder, but maybe the peace of the mountains will be uplifting as it is beautiful here in Denver with the snowy mountains.

    Congrats to Nerousknitter on your over 48 hours smoke free! Those triggers will get better with each time you get pass them. And remember, each one that you pass is one less that you will have.

    Beth your still on for the 1st? If not, there is always another date and we are here for you. Keep coming back.

    Webwriter, keep up the good work, hope your doing well and thank you for starting this thread!
  • LizFL
    LizFL Posts: 2
    edited January 2009

    I started smoking when I was 16 and quit a year and a half ago at the age of 60!  I was a very addicted smoker.  I was unable to quit after being diagnosed with breast cancer and feared that I would smoke until I died (and maybe hasten it a bit by smoking)..

    I had tried cold turkey, the gum, the patch, hypnosis, ACS meetings, all to no avail.  I was going to try laser or acupuncture, but was debating about wasting more money on something that wouldn't work, thus making me feel like even more of a failure.  I was at my GP's office for something and he tossed a prescription and a coupon for Chantix to me telling me if I wanted to quit (we hadn't discussed smoking at all....I'm sure he smelled it on me) to try that.  I went to have the prescription fillled and it was not cheap and to use the coupon I had to register online or by phone.  So I held off while thinking about it.  I had my port removed at that time and while at my surgeon's office, the PA said that if I wanted to quit smoking (again it had to be the darn smell) to try Chantix.  She said her husband had smoked since he was 14 and was able to quit.  So I decided to give it a try.

     It wasn't easy at first, but the Chantix does help relieve the craving.  I smoked past the first week and had to take it for the full 12 weeks.  I was going to stop at 8 to save the money, but decided to not risk a relapse just to save $100.  I have been smoke free now since July 17, 2007 and I am thrilled as I never thought I would be able to quit.

    Friends tried it after I did, and were successful too......they were even able to obatain the prescription at no charge since her employer had a smoking cessation program for employees.

    It wasn't cheap....but I have more than paid for the prescription in what I have saved on cigarettes.  In additon to the health benefits, it is nice to go places and not have to worry if I am going to be able to find a place to smoke.

    To all those trying...I wish you success!


  • nobleanna007
    nobleanna007 Posts: 58
    edited January 2009

    YEY!!!!! NervousKnitter aka Jill I am so proud of you, a bit jealous cause your doing it girl!!!!! We are all rooting you on. See No Pressure. just teasing ya. I am definatly doing the happy dance with you.

    Webbie- Please check in with us so we know your doing okay with your first chemo. We are all thinking about you.

    Janzin- I am so glad to hear someone else feels this way. It seems when I have to take less meds I can handle it better, but when I take more it makes me want to smoke and like you I smoke outside and in Maine it gets pretty cold and snowy you would think that would be enough to stop. But as I noticed you live in CO so you know about the cold and snow. It is such beautiful country there. And your right you need to go places that bring you peace. I live on the coast of Maine so the water has the same effect. I just don't like driving in the winter and this last storm we got lots of snow, sleet, rain, freezingrain so its terriable driving right now. I will be thinking of you tommorrow, I would really like to say I would be there for you and quit beside you but I think I am going to try chantix but with all the meds I am on I have to wait to Thursday to talk to my PCP. I think I might be getting more nervous also due to all my scans coming up on Monday. I know another excuse, but I feel they messed up my first one cause they could not get the contrast in so with all the lower backpain and hip I am a little scared. I think and hope its the Herceptin doing it although my Onc. doess not agree. But I really really want to wish you luck!!!!

    Liz- Thanks for all the encouragement that you bring and all the other ladies cause its embarrassing to admit that we still smoke and I am totally ashamed of myself and I hate sneeking around the corner to see if anyone is around to see me smoke. I hate it when I am beside my car smoking and someone coughs cause they can smell my smoke. I can't wait for that day when I have this FREEDOM!!!!!!


  • NervousKnitter
    NervousKnitter Posts: 46
    edited January 2009

    Thank you Janzin, Bridget and Liz. Every word/stroke of encouragement keeps me going. And I'm equally proud that you gals are targeting a stop date. Too bad we don't all live closer to each other and could go out and either walk the urge off or beat something with a stick! Bridget, you are so right about the freedom thing. I have to remind myself that I control my life, cigs do not control my life. I think one of the reasons I smoked during treatment was because I felt my life was out of control.  Yep, just another excuse.

    Have a great weekend ladies. Hope we hear from Webwriter and the other gals who are on the brink, too!

  • nobleanna007
    nobleanna007 Posts: 58
    edited January 2009

    Jill- Thinking of you today and hoping all is going well for you, I am so proud of you I am just going to keep saying that to you!!!!!! Everyday is the step to freedom.

    Webbie- I am really hoping your gone away from home and not sick with your first chemo TX. remember we are all here for you through the good, bad, ugly!!!!!!

    Janzin- Are you ready for this, tommorrow wil be your day!! Your day to Freedom. Listen to me little miss smoker I am. I am so wishing you luck and all of you encourage me to that I can do this.

    To Everyone else who is ready to quit or quit soon or is new to this board we will be there soon with our Sister's!!!!


  • Janzin
    Janzin Posts: 491
    edited January 2009
    What was I thinking! Took 2 vics, felt little pain but was too stoned to work. Can't wait for this to be over!

    Well tomorrow is the quit day. Want to thank all of you as you have helped me with my mind set to let go of my cancer sticks. Sorry, kinda applies this time. I remember the first time I had to set my boundaries as to what I could take on. I was always the type to take on too much, always there for everyone, but it was okay because I could smoke through the stress of it. Over the years I have lessen the demands on myself so this time I have less to deal with except for the demands I make on myself. Over the week I have learn to let go the demands I make on myself and give myself the time I need to quit smoking and deal with the BC, which has also helped my mind set. My 2009 work projects can wait, my current stress is enough!

    Thanks LizFL for your post, maybe I will try Chantix if I don't succeed. Heard a lot of success stories with that pill. Thinking about starting a new bank account and putting that smoking money into it and treat myself at the end of the year. Mexico here I come!

    Nobleanna, good to have you, you will get there soon. This thread has slowly helped my with my mind set to quit and make a date. Hope your scans turn out okay, I am really nervous on getting my tubes pulled out next week. Going to brace myself with 2 vics and scream, "Pull the _ucking rip cords!" I will be thinking of you on my mountain walk and I too miss the water. Miss Torrey Pines in Diego and my beach walks in LA. Northern Ca with the redwoods. Love the mornings with the mists, the water is so peaceful. I bet Maine is just beautiful.

    Come on Nervousknitter! Going on your 4th day! Your on your way to freedom! You don't realize how much of a slave you were to cigs until you taste the sweet freedom of a nonsmoker, it's like a whole new world out there and the rewards are huge.

    Webbie I hope you are okay with your chemo. Drop a line and let us know how your doing. We are here for you!

    For all those reading who are thinking about quitting, come join us. It really helps and your helping us too.

  • webwriter
    webwriter Posts: 63
    edited January 2009

    You all are so awesome!

    NervouseKnitter! 48 hours, and more by now! That just ROCKS! I'm so happy for you! You all are doing such a great job!

    I so know what you mean about the drugs making it worse. The Decadron in my IV wired me so bad I thought they were gonna have to scrape me off the ceiling. I smoked like a chimney Thursday and couldn't stop. Friday was much better. Neaulasta shot didn't mess with me much--and I've pretty much been asleep since then, haha!

    Up and around. Don't feel like smoking, but don't feel bad either. How nice for a change! 

    Thinkin' of you all tons! Just can't make it 500 yards to the computer, haha!


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