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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Amen April485, on all counts.  You girls will be there with us, and there will be one BIG CELEBRATION!

    Everyone have a great day .... sun is shining!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Ladies, I'm back.  You can see how much I love doing housework .... taking a break.  I just read something in Woman's World magazine, that I want to share with all of you.  I think it applies to all of us, so here goes ....

    "YOU have everything you need to succeed.  You're tougher than any trouble, able to outsmart any problem and more than equal to any challenge.  And when there's an obstacle in your path, you find a way around it.  So with your dreams and determination, there's no stopping you!".  

    I think it fits!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    It does indeed Judi! I just put out a cigarette Embarassed GAH! Why does this have to be so damn hard! As my re-excision surgery is tomorrow, I get more worked up and it seems that I want to smoke like a chimney! I HATE hospitals!

    Enjoy your day!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    April485, don't worry too much about the re-excision.  I also had it done.  I just looked at it that they wanted to make sure I was healthy and they got all those damm little buggers.  The drill for the surgery is the same except you don't have to have that nuclear shot.  Honestly, like you, there was little time between the lumpectomy and the re-excision.  Try not to smoke too many today because you will need your oxygen to heal.  What worked for me for some time, was just to hold the smoke and pretend I was smoking.  At least I got to hold it and smell it.  I'm in your pocket tomorrow as well as all of the other girls.  We will be making a lot of noise so hold on to your bed rail!  Will be thinking of you!Cool

  • Lisa65inNY
    Lisa65inNY Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2013

    Good morning all!  Hope everyone is having a great day and enjoying the change in time (I only like it at the end of the day, but not in the morning!)

    Shawntez:  I am so sorry you have to go through chemo. :-(  I do not have b/c but I am BRCA2 and this nasty disease took my sister's life 3 years ago.  I have been trying to have prophylactic mastectomy/recon for the last 2 years but as we know, smoking does not allow for that.  I am fearful that my next MRI will show something for sure.  My mom, who is a b/c survivor, was diagnosed at 44.  My beloved sister was also diagnosed at 44 with DCIS and had genetic testing.  When she found out she was BRCA2 she chose to have what she thought was going to be prophylactic surgery at that point but during surgery they discovered she had stage IIIc IDC.  It never showed up on mammogram or MRI.  My only point here is that I am almost 48 and prophylactic surgery for me could be what saves me life.  This should be enough motivation for me to quit smoking but it is not and I feel like such a failure most of the time.)    I can so relate to feeling suffocation by the anxiety.  That's exactly how I feel too.  I get so anxious and so panicked and then I smoke more when I should be smoking less.  Sometimes I can be really intellectual with myself and say, "You know Lisa, if you're going to be anxious and depressed ANYWAY you may as well be that way as a non-smoker and perhaps you will even feel better in time."  But as always that's as far as I get with it.   Being a person who is in a walking state of panic most of the time I am constantly "self-medicating" myself with the cigarettes.  And in my head, I feel like the cigarettes enhances other things - makes caffeine more enjoyable, makes a drink more enjoyable, makes a phone call more enjoyable, etc.  I know that's not true but that's how I feel.  I am so sorry to ramble here but just wanted to say that I can relate to what you're saying.  I so admire your strength and courage, and I am sending postive energy and hugs your way!!!

    Lisamarie:  It's a process we all just have to go through (kinda like quitting smoking), and it sucks, but I can promise you that it will get better!  It doesn't help to hear that now but you WILL find someone that will make you forget this person was ever in your life.  Not having closure certainly makes it harder but in the end it may not matter.  Years I go I met a guy that was in the "dating pool" after being recently divorced. I was the first one he had met and he told me up front he just wanted to "have fun - nothing serious".  After 2 years of just "having fun" I fell in love with him and I know he did too.  He was practically living at my house. One night when I asked him about the status of our relationship now that we were spending so much time together, he literally FREAKED OUT and left!!!  I believe that he was having feelings for me that he was not ready for and wasn't sure how to deal with them.  So (of course this was MY fault) he told me not to call him, not to come see him, not to email him or anything!  He wanted NO contact! I had a mini breakdown, was out of work and cried for about 2 weeks straight!  Months later he finally camed around and admitted why he left so abruptly and wanted to start dating again but I could not do it.  I was hurt so bad by him that those feelings just were not there anymore. Yes, he was nice and funny and we went out for drinks a few times but I no longer had the romantic feelings that I had previously.  Not sure where I'm going with this other than to let you know that you will forget about this person a little more each day.  You are worth so much more and deserve someone who loves you for you!  You will find someone when the time is right and you won't even realize it!!  Just want to send you big hugs lisamarie! 

    Day:  I feel so stupid... I am still confused about the tank cigarette!  Is it like smoking a regular cigarette or a typical e-cigarette or is it a completely different experience?  What I mean is that with the e-cig you are still doing the hand/mouth motion thing and simulating smoking.  Does this kinda work the same way?  Kinda sorta?  I just paid off my credit card and am ready to order.

    Lots and lots of hugs too to Beckers, Judi, Braids and April.  I hope everyone is having a great day.  Thanks for putting up with my rambling!!!  I am trying not to be so hard on myself today but....

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Lisa65inNY, ramble away.  We are all here for each other through thick and thin.  I know where you are going with the non being able to quit even though your mom was hit with bc and your sister died from it.  My heart goes out to you on the passing of your sister.  We are sisters from cradle to grave and then some.  My brother passed away from cancer and he was a very heavy smoker.  When he passed, I was given his leftover cartons.  You know what, I couldn't smoke them - I gave them away.  Why????? Because he died from smoking-related cancer.  Did I quit?  Not a fat chance!  I too thought phone calls with a smoke was better, cleaning with a smoke was better, drinks and parties are better with a smoke, stress is better with a smoke - you know what, all smokers think this way.  Trust me, sometimes that feeling never goes away but you don't act on it.  Today, I'm cleaning and I too thought, oh I'll have a smoke.  Don't even own any but could go to the neighbours.  I just think it but don't act on it.  You have to be in the state to say "enough is enough".  You'll know when you get there.  Don't beat yourself up.  When you decided o.k., I'm done then maybe you can move forward with your prophylactic surgery.  Have you ever thought that your are BRCA negative.  Even though you are related, some family members may never be positive.  Anyways, I don't know a lot about this so I won't speak on it.  Try and look at all the positives in your life and go fromt here.  O.K.

    Off to clean my room and make my bed.

    Lisamarie, how's the babysitting going?  Lot's of fun, eh?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Good to see you Braids. We were worried about you. What kind of radiation are you having? Insurance companies can be such a source of frustration! Are you having chemo? You know, I just read the entire opening post for this thread the other day for the first time. I didn't know smoking interferes with chemo. (I didn't have chemo) it is so hard to quit. We are here "on the other side" and ready when you all join us in the cheerleading section. :-) well, you already are cheering each other on. I look forward to seeing each one of you free from these things!!!

    Lisamarie, what a jerk! Or "cock" as Judi put it! No great loss it sounds like. Maybe you should have a ceremony and burn the pictures. We could have a bon fire on ladies night! Ha. I also don't seem to have much fear. I had an ooph 4 years before BC and still grew bilateral BC that is >95% ER +. dietician said my fat could have provided the estrogen yet I can't eat right. Ugh! Anyways, I do hope you are feeling better today!

    April, good luck tomorrow! Pocket parties are the best. We will be there. Check in with us when you can.

    Shawntez, the pic of your grandmother doesn't show up for me. Is it just my computer?

    Judi, I consider housecleaning exercise. I, for one, prefer to disguise my exercise. :-)

    Have a good smoke free as possible day!

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited March 2013

    Men have many layers, some are like onions, the more you peel away, the more they make you cry. Better to look for an artichoke, they may be a bit rough on the outside but they have a good heart. 

    I hadn't dated since my surgery in 2010. Last summer a guy asked me out and I went into a panic attack, I just wasn't ready. When I was ready to date again a friend told me about OKCupid--I've been on the other dating sites and I like this one the best because besides being able to read what they write about themselves, you can answer questions--which OKcupid then matches your answers up with the answers from men. I'm now dating a real gem of a guy that I was matched with at 94%. When I went back and looked at how we each had answered various questions--we matched on so many different levels.  I saw profiles of men that I thought I would like from what they wrote about themselves but when I read the answers to the questions--it was obviously we wouldn't get along. It's worth checking out especially since it's free. 

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Hey VJSL8, congrats on meeting the "gem".  You are so right abou men having many layers.  Do you think their moms make them like this?  I'm lucky that I met my guy at a high school reunion.  He remembered that I wore "white go go boots".  Told him he had the wrong chick .... didn't own them.  Funny though, years before I had gone to see a fortune teller.  She was a friend's mom and you didn't pay her big bucks - $2 for the cards.  She told me I would meet the man of my life and I already knew him.  He wore all blue and had a moustache.  I would say maybe 5 years later, I met dh and the fortune teller was bang on.  We were in one class in high school, and I had a crush on him.  Never spoke to him but I thought to myself, we will be together one day.  When I told her, she said that if you wait for it to come true, then it doesn't.  Funny, I had been dating a cop on/off for years - he was an "onion" and I kept thinking it may be him.  So, you just never know when you are going to meet your artichoke.  

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Lisamarie, Help! How do you post pics? 

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Love the "love stories", ladies. Sorry about the pic, when I posted, I could see it. Now I see what you see.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Hi everyone , I had a nice day . MY best friend baptized her baby and we got to spend the day wwith her family .. that is my granddaughter and I .. it was really fun .. and when my grandaughter ran in the room telling everyone she went pee in the potty .. and I gave her a dollar everyone in the room decided they would go pee in the potty as well.. what a great day . I just returned home . I am exhausted but happy . 

    Shawntez, I right click on the photo and copy the image  URL and then paste it ..into the box that says URL .. but they always come out huge .. lol I have not clue but here is a huge pic of me and the granddaughter and my bf baby boy Declan .. today :) 

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Oh No I am so sorry , I am tired ...

    April In your pocket girl I got cheesedoodles ... and cokes lol , Ill try not to be to noisey ..

    And Lisa .. I feel like we belong together , You just had my story with this x down to a T .. OMG that is how it was for us .. I never thought for one minute ...we were best friends , laughed all the time .. never had a fight I mean never .. every thing was so good until the day he walked away and never said a word ... I cant believe this .. and it was 2 years for us too .. wow .. anyway I love ya girl keep on keeping on and I will try the same :)

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Lisamarie. Here goes...

    Me and my dad last year

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    My great-great grandmother

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Love the pics Lisamarie and Shawntez.  Your grandchild is so cute and your grandmother was beautiful! 

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    I just copy and pasted mine. It worked!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Laughing Pictures are beautiful Lisa Marie and Shawntez!

    Thanks for being with me tomorrow. As for the cheeze doodles and coke, can you make mine ice water and a piece of good chocolate. I am such a food I don't drink soda and I don't like cheez doodles. I know, try and do something nice for me and I ask for something

    Thanks sweet ladies. Heading to bed. The big day is coming quick and I have to be at the hospital at 7:45 am for a 9:00am surgery!

    See you all on the other side!

    Oh and I have an appt with the smoking cessation people at Yale. It is a free service offered for all cancer patients and I am taking them up on it. Can't hurt!

  • braids3
    braids3 Member Posts: 131
    edited March 2013

    hi all i only smoked 2 cigs today used my tank i got the 8mg juice and am ordering the 0mg soon. yes i'm on xeloda and tykerb i've had 7 brain mets all taken care of with cyberknife. the type of rads there doing is external i'm pretty sure find out thurs have mri of brain on wed to check for new mets (every 3 months).

    April i'm in your pocket with a chocolate bar for u hope all goes stress free for ya. and

    oh yea i can relate to the x thing real well right now i have a friend who lives about 2 hrs a way we talk every day and maybe see eachother every couple of months right now its what i can handle yea i get lonely alot part of the depression but try to live one day at a time right and not smoke

    love to all of u tons of peace and blessings

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    I love all the pictures! It's like show and tell. I hope you all had a nice weekend (if this was the weekend for you). I will see you all bright and early in April's pockets!!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    April, Good luck this morning .. I have no problem bringing choclate cake and water .. I am not much of a doodle fan or soda haha I just couldnt think I drink coffee in hte morning then water all day and night .. But I am here in your pocket and ready to go ..

    Biraids .. congrats on ur not smoking . I will be praying for you . 

    Shawntez, how did you make them so small ??? the pics .. and they are great :):) 

    anyway , im up getting ready for work .. I will be checking this all day wwhile I am at work .. Big Hugs and Lots of Love and support to you all ..

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Leaving for the hospital now. Just waiting for hubby to put his shoes on and off we go. I can't wait until this part is done! Thanks for being there with me.

    Hoping you all have a smoke free day!

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    April: Best of luck. Have a Dove dark chocolate bar in my purse for emergencies (lol).

    Lisamarie: select dimensions after pasting url, divide the number in half to reduce size.

    Braids: Good job! Cut-off day for me.

    Chemo treatment discussion appointment for me this morning.

    Good luck to us all. 

    Thank you everyone for your support, encouragement, love and being here. 

    Love you all!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Shawntez, thank you . and best of luck to you today :) I got ur back .. Hugs 

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    OUCH! LOL...I am home. Even though this is a re-excision and not the full lumpie, it hurts more this time than it did last time! What up with that??? Anyway, took a percocet and gonna lie down for a little while. Not at all hungry but have a headache and a half from coffee withdrawl so gonna slug down a cup before hitting the couch. Sheesh...addictions. Coffee and cigs.  Hugs and thanks for being there for me. My pockets were bulging! lolKiss

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Rest well April ... my poor little daughter just sent me a pic and text of her at the doctor office , she said getting my boobs checked for breast cancer all by myself .. made me sad .. :( she is in NC or id be with her .. 

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    Lisa, no need to feel stupid - it's a new device and we all are a little confused when we get something new. It is in a way similar to the regular e-cigs, but it's a notch (or ten) better. You still do the hand-to-mouth motion, but you have to pres a button when you inhale (save battery) and also the amount of vapor you get is like 4 times higher, hence it is more effective than the regular e-cig.

  • Lisa65inNY
    Lisa65inNY Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2013

    Thank you, Day!  I am having a horrible day... Feel almost manic about quitting smoking.  I just found out that the procedure I need to have done in order to have the mastectomy/recon will not be covered under by my insurance so if I want it, I have to pay out of pocket... On top of that, as yo know, you need to quit nicotine for at the minimum 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after.  I feel like such a failure that I can't even do that.  I thought I could white-nuckle it once my surgery was scheduled but I am not back to square one!  Surgeon was willing to work with me as a smoker but I really don't want to take any risks.  On the other hand, I'm having a hard time grasping the concept of living a smoke free life.  I feel like it's just not in the cards for me....ever.  I have been crying so hard my eyes are swollen.  I have given up so much for this damn addiction - i could be taking estrogen right now, which I really need, but no doctor will prescribe it to a smoker... I need to have this breast surgery doesn't seem to be enough. Nothing seems to work, I can't even stand myself..... Anyway thanks for letting my cry here....

  • Lisa65inNY
    Lisa65inNY Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2013

    P.S. - Sorry about all the typos!  I should have read that through before I posted...ugghh...

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Rest well April485 ... lots of time to heal.  The worst is behind you now.  Lisamarie, sorry to hear your daughter was by herself for her mammo .... here's to being clean.  Shawntez, hope all went well today.  Lisa65inNY ... never despair .... today just wasn't your day.  Once you have time to soak everything in, you will be able to sort it all out.

    Ladies, tomorrow is another day!