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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Jeanette, Kathleen and truly all of you ladies here -- wonderful vistas are always opening up here.  We do get to peek through one anothers' eyes and share the feelings -- good or bad that come from your heart.  I am so impressed, often several times in one day.  I felt a bit of a spark when Jeanette said about her journal -- looking back at her darkest hours that now have begun to look like HOPE.  I guess the big C tends to awaken us all out of a complacency we may have been  in at some point. 

    Life's Lessons -- we may not understand some of the why's or why me, but there are lessons to be learned -- something is always gained even from all we think of as pretty negative.  We just have to separate the chaff from the grain.  Sounds easy but we all know that it can be a  struggle.  I think right now, of four letter words -- no, not that kind.  The kind like FEAR that comes from hearing your diagnosis....and out of FEAR come more four-letter words like NEED because are are scared and NEED someone who totally understands and that is where LOVE comes from --something we all NEED to survive WELL. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic Saturday and great week-end.  We are definitely going to be starting the count-down.  Blessings and LOVE to all full of healing vibrations.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2009

    It may not be an advantage to be "older", but my next door (apartment building) neighbor,who also has a garage next to mine -- He shovelled my "driveway" - one car length concrete area in front of the garage where you can park you car if the garage is full of "things".   

    I opened the garage door to see how much snow there was (14 inches) and and it was already cleared off.   Adding that our garages are attached to the building, like in a house.   One step down from the kitchen/laundry room and you in your own private, self contained garage.    Chad and I introduced ourselves.   He then told me he would keep it cleared off for me.   

    Not that I planned or needed to go anywhere - they are telling everyone to stay home, the roads are treacherous and you will be fined either $ 250 or $ 500 if your vehicle is not 4 wheel drive and with snow tires and you get stuck.   One man on the news took 11 hours to go 60 miles home from work last night and it is still snowing non stop.  

    Keep warm, keep happy, Hugs,   Nancy 

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    My son works in DC and says it is closed down, my grandson got stuck in Baltimore so it must be really bad.

    Binney, have I told you lately how much you are appreciated!  you are very much.

    JO, I got your and Patoo's scolding and laughed because you are so right, I knew better than to do that but just "had to".  The xray was better but still no weight bearing and have to keep wearing this steel brace, they did give me a new smaller brace depending on what the cat scan shoes.  Why a cat scan?  I really don't know and they were all cheery trying to make me think it is just routine but as a nurse I know better.

    Lefty, what a wonderful neighbor and such a blessing.  thank the Lord for him.  You stay safe.

    Kathleen, wow, one year ago today, so thankful your here with us to share all.

    Jeannett I loved what you said and darkness and then hope, that says it all.  We must always keep hope.

    Carel, if I want to post one of my own pictures, I have to upload it to photobucket and then copy and paste it here.  Photobucket is a free program that has worked well for me.  If I just want a pretty picture I go to and search images and rt click and copy and paste to here.

    I hope everyone has a good, fun, safe day and gets to stay in out of the cold and enjoy their day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2010

    Merry_Christmas.jpg Merry Christmas image by jamesbuttersAha!  I did it just by googleing Christmas pictures!  Sometimes I amaze myself!  You know girls, I have been making my own skin/face cream for over 20 years.... I just thought those expensive ones were just un-affordable to me, & they were!  So I read what the ingredients were, & made it myself!  I just bought jars of cocoa-butter, shea butter, aloe vera, even petrolatum, (vaseline) zinc oxide, vitamin E salve or cream, & I have even added sun-flower or grape-seed oil, & drops of fragrant oils!  I used the cream  this morning when I showered & rubbed my sore "tit" as my husband said..(I sternly corrected him again this morning when he made such comment again!)  I said, "Honey, it is not a is a BREAST, & from now on, you will only ask how my breast is...Damnit!"  If he is talking about both of them, they are "breastesus"  (that's plural).... So what was I saying? 

    Well never mind.....You guys up there in the East & North are really getting a storm, right?  Well stay warm!   Stay safe!  It sounds like a very dangerous storm!  My prayers are with you! xoxoxo

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2009

    10 pm - I just measured 20 inches of snow.   A white Christmas is pretty, but I and the rest of the folks here are screaming ENOUGH.   It is the most snow ever recorded on one day in the month of December.   The weather man said, maybe back in 1492 they had more, but our records go back to the early 1700's - "only"....    

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2009

    Hi leftyakanancy!  Man, that is awful!  I know how it is, to be stuck in the house, & thinking the power lines might come down!  I read your other post in "Day to Day matters..." And when it is that bad out, I think a lot of people sort of panic, & just "have" to get more food or supplies!   When we get storms llike that here in Denver, it really does frighten a lot of people!  

    The whole city just "shuts down"...and you have to wait until it is almost over, to even go out!  With temps below freezing, it is even worse!    We have watched your situation on the news, & feel so bad for you folks! 

    And my Daughter just sent me pictures of their "driveway" block Orlando...Don't even ASK what the weather was like!   But they DID have "coats" on....Wink  It must have been a "cold" 40 degrees out!  Oh wah wah!  

    Just stay warm and safe!......Thinking about you....Jeannette

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2009

    I saw this pictureHandmade Holidays posted by someone here in town!  It's not OUR house...I just didn't even get around to sending Christmas cards this year!  I just haven't exactly been thinking straight for awhile...Undecided  Did you gals notice your brain seemed to be in a "fog" after your surgery?  It's been 2 weeks, but I still feel like I'm not quite "there" yet!   And when you get the "chills"...does your "recovering" breast just tingle & feel like it's been zapped with electricity?   Or do I just have something going on here? 

    I check back with the Surgeon tomorrow, but you gals always seem to be there, & to help! 

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Yes Jeanette - I had left over brian effects from surgery for a while- did some dittys stuff- I think this is normal even if unexpeced d and unwanted. This too shall pass.

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2009

    I survived the storm - no power outage - and the sun came out today and the melting started.   My sister is up from Denver at 9000 feet, so I do not dare complain to her !!!   

    Brain drain is what I have.   Like my brain is a sieve and stuff goes in, bits and pieces stay, but the majority goes right out again.   One day I was to meet a friend for lunch.   Got dressed, in my car and drove straight to the mall and forgot about the lunch.   So embarrassing.   There are usually a half dozen post its on my purse and bathroom mirror to remind me of things.   And I have phoned myself from my cell to the apartment and vice versa if I remember something and really need to keep remembering it.    Since I live alone, no one is going to erase the message.  

    I am going  to try to get out tomorrow and finish my gift buying.   Just a couple of little things I need for stocking stuffers.   Hugs and Blessings,   Nancy 

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2009

    Oh my gosh!  20 inches of snow!  That makes our little two inches look pretty puny and cars were all over in the ditches on our way back from Springfield today.  I think that FL block party sounds pretty appealing to me right now!   LOL

    Carole, did you like Invictus?  I thought the first 15 minutes dragged along but then I really got into it.  We saw Blind Side yesterday and if any of you movie goers have not seen it, it is really great!

    Kathleen....congrats on the one year!  YEAH!!!!!

    Well, I'm exhausted and need to find my recliner. It's been a fun but busy week!

    Catch you later!


  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited December 2009

    I woke up this morning to a winter wonderland....Philadelphia had 23.2 inches of snow in this storm.  Since I had no where in particular to go, I had a wonderful day of cooking "comfort food" and finally getting some holiday cards written.

    And on that note, I want to take the time to wish all of you a wonderful holiday season and a new year of health, happiness, and peace.

    Hugs to all of you.


  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    Kathleen one year ROCKS- congrats and hope you are feeling great about that!

    Did anyone go out and make snow angels?, sledding, snowball fight? Snowmen built?- right only somwonw in Vegas would be thinking that, right?

    Had a great day wrepping gifts and cooking-Hope all is well with each of you.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Mandy....23 inches of snow is incredible and I would have made some snow angels.  Have done it almost every year we have had enough soft snow to do it in....because I really did miss my seasons.  There is something about the white snow falling from the sky that speaks to something inside of me -- it is such a natural part of nature.  Then I look out and see those beautiful male Cardinals standing on a snow covered branch making their red coloring all the much brighter and I have to go outside and share the snow covered world with them. 

    We don't get a whole lot of snow here, but still manage two or three fairly nice ones through the couple of months that are the worst.  I missed all the seasons living in California so long so each of is delightful to me.  See you all later. 


  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Good morning.  Yes, we did get a lot of snow - Nancy and I live in the same state.  Saturday morning when I got up I saw that same beautiful winter Nancy saw.   It was a magical scene.  Now I have had enough already!

    We honestly didn't think we would get much snow so we did not buy any groceries.  My sis and I have been digging boxed and canned food out from the pantry.

    Members of our church came Sunday morning and cleared the walks and driveway.  My home teacher from the church dug us out the last snow and helped again on Sunday.  This is called compassionate service and we are so grateful.

    When the roads are passable, we plan to buy them a gift the whole family can enjoy.

    Melissa - if I got out in the snow and made a snow angel they would need a crane to get me back up!  What I miss is making "snow ice cream" in the kitchen with my grandmother.  Its the best!  With today's pollution, I wouldn't put snow in my mouth.  What a shame.

    Rita  I'm with you on the block party. 

    Mandy thanks for a lovely moment of sun and surf - its sounds heavenly.

    I know I have forgotten some of my sistahs but brain drain.  I think it just happened to me in the Experience of Aging in America. After my bimx I did not have any other treatment so I can't blame it on that.  DarnCry  That's why I made such a great HR director.  Someone could tell me something very personal and within a few days they would thank me for keeping their "confession" confidential.  I would tell them "no problem" that's my job all the time thinking what did she tell me?  And since my brain could not retain information, I would document everything in detail.  Anyone who sued us was in for a big surprise!

    To all who wished me congrats on my one year anniversary I thank you.  The only good that came out of having bc was  meeting all of you!  IF anyone should be canonized for sainthood, they only need to look on this site for candidates.  You guys are awesome and profoundly appreciated and loved.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2009

    Hello you beautiful women!  And THANK-You for explaining what my brain is trying to do!  No-one could do it better!  leftyAKAnancy, it's like I can do simple things, like crochet, & the washing, etc.....but I just can't focus too long on one subject!  Ha!  And I DO have to make notes!  The thought of Christmas is so over-whelming right's just hard to think about decorating, the cards, dinner, & shopping!  But I'm doing a little at a time!  I sent "e-cards" to the friends that sent us cards...Wink 

    We live in Denver also!  But your snow-storm ranks right up there with ones that we've had, Ha!   I still have slabs of ice where the sun doesn't reach, & that's where we find Lacee most of the time!   It should get around to melting by mid July, I figure! 

    That description of the snow & the birds was beautiful!  Yeah, I always love the snow, even though we've NEVER done winter sports, or even go blazing a trail on the snow covered city streets!   We just hang around inside, & go for walks when enough people shovel the snow & we figure we won't break our necks!

    Melissa1518....Maybe I can't focus for any length of time, due to the anesthetic?  But as long as you gals kind of know what I am talking about, I'll just figure it is "normal."  Sometimes it's like I'm looking "back" on things I should be doing.....???  (Whatever THAT means..)

    kmccraw...THAT was funny, explaining about your job!  Okay gals, I think I'm supposed to be taking a shower about now...!  And thanks to you, I know I'm almost normal.  xoxoxoxoxo

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited December 2009

    Too funny, Kathleen, about needing a crane if you do snow angels.  Me too.   I have to say they did a spectacular job around here.   The snow plows were still out at midnight last night.   Isn't it odd that even if you think you have no groceries, there is always something in the cupboard to get you thru?   Mandy, you get the prize, as if you wanted it, for most snow.   

    Congrats on one year.   I have several dates to celebrate.   This month is one year since partial mastectomy with no lymph involvement and NED on the pathology report.   It is also 13 years since my Daddy died.   I am the first born, so Daddy and I were real good buddies.  

    Hugs for everyone,   Nancy 

  • kayok
    kayok Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Hi all,

    Happy shortest day of the year. 

    We didn't get the snow here in KC but we sure have seen  some of the sights of your winter wonderland.    They say we can still have a White Christmas starting thursday.  Just hope you all enjoy the rest of the month regardless of what holiday you may be celebrating  (or not)   For me and my house we will be singing "Happy Birthday to baby Jesus"

    The other day my DIL answered the phone and then told her 2,3 and almost 5 year old that Santa was on the line and did anyone want to talk to him.    The three year old came running in and said, "Yes, I want to tell him that the bad guys are trying to kill baby Jesus"   We are not real sure where all that came from but not we are trying to reinforce that baby Jesus loves all of us and came to make our lives worth living.Embarassed 

    Have to get the house put back together after having son #2 and all his tribe here this weekend and prepare for son #3 to fly in Friday.  Lots of fun cooking and baking all their favorites but  don't have to tell you all  IT'S WORK.   Then off to the simulator for the second time so hopefully I can rads started the first of the year.   So happy for all of you that have finished treatments this year and right in there cheering for all of us still going through them.

    Melissa, sorry you have to wear that compression bra 24/7.  I shouldn't ever complain again, (but I probably will)   Thanks for help keeping me grounded.

    Why doesn't the dishwasher unload itself????? 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009

    Good Am Kayok,

    If I ever have my dream kitchen it is going to have TWO dishwashers.  I'll just unload the clean dishes as I use them and transfer them over for washing.  Back and forth over and over again! It's exactly the same pieces getting washed every 2 1/2 days!

    Every once in a while I get a plate from the bottom of the stack just for variety :)   But, since hey all look identical, only I know.  


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Good morning everyone -- another glorious day begins.  Would love to have some sunCool but I don't think that is going to happenFrown.  There is not much snow here right now, but is fairly typical of southern Illinois.  May even get a thunderstorm some time this week ( has happened several times before ) though that could easily turn into good ole' white stuff soon enough.  I found a few quotes about snow and thought you might all enjoy them:

    Where does the white go when the snow melts?  ~Author Unknown

    A snowflake is one of God's most fragile creations, but look what they can do when they stick together!  ~Author Unknown

    Snowmen fall from heaven... unassembled.  ~Author Unknown

    By the way....I do have troubles getting up when I get down which is from stroke as well as carrying too much weight.  I purchased another walking track ticket good for a month at our local Recreation Center Complex.  It is mainly for bad weather as I actually prefer to walk around my neighborhood.  We are a couple miles from town so traffic etc. do not present issues here.  There are no sidewalks of course,  I live on a little country lane with only three houses back here where the deer and the buffalo  -- well, the deer at least, roam.  We are the "poor" relatives here I say.  One street over and katti-cornered from us is another long winding drive-way that has a home costing over a million dollars.  Two people live there.  I think they thought their kids would come and visit a lot, but they don't.  I just many hungry people and animals could be fed and kept warm -- the home has been up for sale for some time.  I think they would like to build another on the property -- presumably much smaller, but no one seems to really want the one that is there. 

    Well friends....I'll be checking  in later.  Time to get my lazy day started.  Last minute cards and other things to do.  See you all and do know that I think of each of you everyday.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited December 2009

    Good morning, everyone. I have not posted for awhile here, but I love this forum. just wanted you all to know that there is life after breast cancer. I just came back from my 6 month check up in Pittsburgh and I am five years out and still NED. I was diagnosed with bi-lateral breast cancer with one positive node, but I was very aggressive with treatment. thank you for such a wonderful forum with such lovely ladies. God bless you all and have a very blessed Christmas. lOVE KATHY

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009

    KATHY - Way to go!  Congratulations.  You give us all something to look forward to.  Thanks.

    IllinoisLady - love those 3 'Author Unknown' quotes. 

  • kmccraw423
    kmccraw423 Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2009

    Kayok - a church membrer told me her 5 year old asked her "Is Jesus for real?"

    Pam - my sister does have two dishwashers - but to be fair - she entertains a lot.

    Kathy - congratulations!

    Jackie - you think like I do  I see extravgant homes and think the same thing!  Actually anyone I hear of that pays enormous amounts of money on nothing ($25,000 for a purse!), I think exactly that.  Unless that purse comes with unlimited cash (like the goose and the golden egg) why would anyone pay that for a purse!!!!!!!!!!  When I hear about Jimmy Choo shoes I think who in their right mind pays that kind of money for shoes -- they wear out.  Check it out - would you pay that much for this handbag?

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited December 2009

    NO!  But the legs without varicose veins?  Maybe :)


  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    Jackie, I also love those unknown quotes.

    No way would I give that much money for purse or shoes, but I have to agree those legs really look good, but oh well way past the age I could have those. LOL

    Am I the only one with a new dishwasher and never uses it?  My daughter keeps asking why don't you use it, it I had one I would use it.

    So many here got so much snow.  Hope everyone stays safe.  We are suppose to get snow Christmas day.

    The cat scan is tomorrow, will be glad when its done and results are in.

    I haven't made snow angels in years but use to all the time when the kids were little but then I was 100 pounds lighter too.  And I promised my self this year is the year to lose weight, work out with light weights and get stronger so I can prove to my kids I can still do things.  Just as soon as I can walk again. LOL

    Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.  Thinking of all of you.  God bless.

    We Wish You A Tacky Christmas dot COM by Tekjock.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited December 2009

    I accidently posted twice so deleted this one. sorry

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    OK Pam I think you are on to something with the 2 dishwashers- would it save cabinet space ? Possibly as you could reduce the amount of cook wear and china so that one could always be clean and on dirty. Just a thought.

    OK Anyone who would make a snow angel IF THEY COULD ( Like, I would but it would be a sand angel)- is going to get credit for the thought- that is  what they say, right , it is the thought that counts? I looked for an angel to put on my tree but they were so "not" Christmas angels out there, I will just have one in my mind until it is so.

    There is a forum to lose weight together- I told them I would join AFTER the Holidays-  BC Dx'ed in the fall and dieting during the Holiday-well that would just push me over the edge!

    Jeanette- MY brain disconnect is totally from my anesthetic- 4.5 hours on the table and I have done some lu-lu's- all minor I hope but then I may not know all of them yet. I get Christmas cards from friends and I sent out more cards this year than ever but am often wondering"Did I send her one?"- so well , it won't make the world end.

    Kathleen- what a waste those legs would be on my abdomen! And th subject of the costly stuff - well most of us seem to be on the same page, just doesn't seem to be worth it. I see the price tags and think "well they are crazy" and then someone comes along a buys it!!! In Vegas it is especially bad and foobs are very common as a cosmetic thing- no other need than "I want"- don't get that one either- we could immunize a bunch of little poor kids, feed the hungry or be kinder to our elderly as far as I am concerned. Call me the "E-bay" queen.- of course that is were I got my Errol Flynn in Robin Hood speaking Korean, which is actually quite funny (good thing it didn't cost much!).

     Spar dear- will be sending "Good Vibrations" your way for the CT tomorrow. Hope all is well.Thanks for the card and the good wishes.I know you could have gotten hurt up on the mountain BUT you didn't and you were with your family , mom will get over it! & I don't blame you for wanting a good time.

    Kayok- I don't worry about the 24/7 compression bar because it makes me feel so much better than without it- however I am sitting down at my sewing machine and design my own pads- the manufactured ones are good but "not quite right" and the new ones (2 bras with pads that cost 1600.00 !!!!) don't work at all- I haven't used one pare of pads and the bra portion is OK so maybe I can return them???????? I am short waisted so the pad hangs out of the bottom in places and gets jarred around . I know I can make improvements.

    Jackie- love the quotes- and thanks for your help a few days ago- I am so much better, and your description of what happens to "us" has helped me explain my feels to others that are interested. MY sister just sat with her mouth open and kinda took it in for a few minutes. I am a survivor now and need to get in that mind set- someone give me a KICK start!

    Welcome back Kathy- I joined while you were gone. and you are right , THESE ladies are the BEST

    I need to go walk my "2 brisk miles" as told by DH, who believes it will help the LE problem, anyone heard of that? or did he get his MD over night?

    Love you all!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,280
    edited December 2009

    Walking is just plain good -- for everything although this is the first I have heard it paired up with lymphedema.  Melissa you are too funny. 

    Spar, I had to re-learn how to use a dishwasher when we bought this house.  It had black fronts on everything which I don't like and the white panel we bought for the dishwasher was $100.00 so I had to learn to justify what I paid for that panel. Guess I am too traditional where kitchens are concerned and I didn't want to wipe up fingerprints constantly either.  Might as we fess' up on the stainless appliances -- I don't care for them either.  Makes me feel I'm in a restaurant kitchen so that is out here too. 

    Hmm -- the legs, awfully skinny aren't they ???  and no veins either.  Some people have all the luck.  I've got about 35 pounds to un-load somewhere so that purse would not look so good on me either.  Well, I'll have to make do with the one I got at Wal-Marts for $7.00 that everyone likes.  I have paid a bit more for purses but to tell you the truth ( which I may have actually done once or twice before ) I don't have any sense of style or taste so I'm not a very good shopper.  Maybe in my next life or something.....I'm 64 and while you might never be too old to learn, there is so much in front of learning to finesse style that I don't think I'll get around to that.

    Hi to Kathy and thanks for the nice wishes.

    I need to run again.  I'll see you all again soon.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited December 2009

    Hi everyone.  Just dropping in for a minute or two.  Hip is bothering me so I took 2 regular Tylenol and 1 PM and am ready to hit the sack.  Just not feeling that great.  Nothing serious I think I just need to get to bed early.

    Spar, will keep you in prayer tomorrow.

    IJackie, at 64 we have an excuse because people expect us to be eccentric anyway so our purses and other accessories don't have to have style if we don't want it to.  LOL   Actually we might still be too young to claim that but it's my story anytime I commit a fashion faux pas!

    Okay, eyes are failing real fast.  Will lurk a couple more threads and try to make it until 9pm so my son won't laugh at me - the brat.

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited December 2009

    Melissa, walking can help with the lymphedema -- or it can give you grief. Kinda an individual matter. If your hands swell from dangling when you walk, obviously you need to make some adjustments. Wearing compression garments can help. So can pumping your fists gently and frequently and bending your arms a bit at the elbow and swinging them gently as you walk.

    Here's an article about Nordic walking -- which means essentially walking with lightweight poles in each hand and using them somewhat like you would with cross-country skiing (in the sand, right?!Undecided)

    Between the snow angels and the cross-country skiing I'm actually feeling nostalgic for real live snow!

  • melissa-5-19
    melissa-5-19 Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2009

    THANKS Binney- I walked and walked and don't want to gain any more weight- I haven't gained too much BUT we all know how this subject goes.  My DH is pretty smart- but sometimes it is the WAY  he says it. I am betting some of you understand that statement. I start LE therapy tomorrow and then they will order my sleeve. I have gone to the LE thread and read some of the suggestions to help with the bogginess under my arm and all the advise there was good, and worked well.It is funny that during my walk I noticed that the leaves (the few that Las Vegas has) are falling. I guess it is Fall here.

    Had a good day- going to bed early this evening- my 92 y/0 MIL wore me OUT last night!