Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    MM, as mentioned in a previous post, we join the small Anytime Fitness gym in Park Rapids since there is no local YMCA. DH likes to exercise early and yesterday he found the gym crowded. I exercise on different days, while he is golfing. I go a little later in the morning and it's usually not crowded. So you might do some research and find out when you're likely to encounter fewer people at the gym.

    Our new used golf cart has the sporty big wheels that look cool but makes getting in and out not as easy as the regular wheels. So dh has found some regular wheels to buy for a reasonable price and we will sell the sporty wheels. That's the plan anyway. We are not noted for success at selling things. We joke that Buy high, sell low is our slogan.

    I have heard any number of times laments from parents and grandparents that their kids are not interested in the nice china and tableware and crystal. DH and I switched to the wine glasses without stems and now I have a cabinet full of stemmed wine and champagne glasses including Orrefors crystal we bought in Sweden on a trip there years ago. It looks pretty through the glass fronted doors of my kitchen cabinets.

    Jackie, a window air conditioner in your daughter's room sounds like a great idea. It would also be more economical that cooling a house to 68 degrees, which is a good sleeping temperature. We set our a/c to 68 at night. The up side is that the house stays cool for quite a few hours the next day. We had to sleep with the a/c on last night.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    Success is in the little things you do, and in the things you say. Success is not in getting rich, or rising high to fame. Success is being big of heart, and clean and broad in mind; it’s being faithful to your friends, and to the stranger, kind.     -unattributed

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    We have a busy schedule today and I hope to get back and write more. Feeding cats in two different places today. Tomorrow will as well. Have to exchange a modem at Charter as well at go to Lowes in Mt. Vernon to see about the portable a/c unit. Also my normal list that gets done every day here.

    Until I get back. I hope you all have a really good Friday.

  • petite1
    petite1 Posts: 2,346

    Good morning. I am still coughing. My BFF has it, too. Some people at church have it, so I don't think it is allergies. BFF went to the doctor and has been treated with antibiotics and steroids. I think the steroids might help, but antibiotics don't do anything for a virus and I think that is what it is. I stopped taking Mucinex and the stomach issues stopped. I have learned that can be a side effect. So, I am still coughing.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051

    We went to a D-league baseball game last night. The Winchester Royals. It was played at Shenandoah University baseball field which had recently been completely renovated. The players are from colleges from all over. Good turnout for the first home game and it was fun to watch.

    DH likes to sleep with the windows open when it gets cool at night, which it does this time of year. Unfortunately, we’ve been still getting lots of smoke from the fires in Canada and it was hard to breathe So we closed up and turned on the AC. It’s still hazy today but we have a breeze so the smoke isn’t as bad.

    I still have my stemmed wine and water glasses. They’re stored in one of our cupboards. We have other wine glasses. We of donated good China and sold silver which I inherited. My kids didn’t want it and I really had no use for it. I have enough dishes for those times when I have lots of people over. I do have so bone China tea cups that my DIL and DD would like. Just need to have them pick out what they’d like some day.

    Sorry you’re still not feeling well Petite. Hope you feel better soon.

    Enjoy your day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Just signed updated wills and had previously signed DPA's for health and finances. So another thing off the list of "to-do's". Wills were seriously out of date and so much has changed in the meanwhile.

    I have the Noritake china we received as wedding present (we have added to it as well) but did not want silver so decided to have upgraded stainless instead. We use both for special occasions. Our wine glasses are Stuart Leaded Crystal (made in England) which was purchased by Waterford in 2001 and then put out of business. I have 8 each for wines, champagne and cordials. I can still find pieces online as needed but it has gotten so expensive since it went out of business. My mother's china went to my SIL who had no china. My china and crystal are on display and stored in the dining room china cabinet.

    The Waterford I own is limited to pieces that do not get handled often: chandelier, wall sconces, lamps in living room, Kennedy bowl, Master bowl, map of Ireland dish, and 2 hurricane candle lamps. I have other small pieces as well and love them because each has a memory attached. Like Illinoislady, I need to write down the provenance of each piece. Most of the Waterford was purchased there while on a trips to Ireland.

    Misty was found perched on top the large parakeet cage last night. Not bothering the birds but lying there like it was a comfortable place to be. Need to discourage that because I do not want her to knock the cage over. She has also taken a shining to the kitchen garden window amongst the plants. Less sneezing now that she is down to final 2 days on meds.

    petite1: sorry to hear you are still coughing. It is exhausting when all you do is cough and it seems it gets worse when you try to lie down. Hope you can find something that helps soon or it passes.

    Cindyny: Enjoy your trip. We used to go for 3 weeks, rent a car and our agenda was fluid. We stayed at B & B's and sometimes visited the same owner on subsequent trips. It was always an adventure. We usually put over 1,000 mile on the car and they were in disbelief when we turned it in. Their question was usually "where did you go" and the answer was everywhere. Remember to stay on the left.

    MCBaker: Glad to hear you got approval for the surgery and that your post-op plans are near completion. Do you have some distractions for while you are in recovery? Our dental surgeon used to give us these circular gel packs that freeze very well and are great for pain relief. They had a cloth side so you didn't need a towel but I used one to keep it in place. They melted within 20 minutes which is the max time recommended for ice or heat to prevent rebound pain.

    If I overlooked someone, my apologies. There is a lot to scroll through and it they would only make these boxes larger with less wasted space on the right it would be easier to keep up.

    Going to be in the low 90's today so finding things to do indoors. Slight breeze but not enough to make it cooler. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    Betrayal, they have heavy-duty ice machines for this. A bucket with water and bottles of ice. A pump to send the ice-cold water into a sleeve and return it to the bucket. Some people have it going all night. Need to keep the swelling down to facilitate movement. If you don't get it moving, scar tissue forms, restricting movement. If that happens, they will knock you out and force it to move, breaking up the scar tissue and putting you back to day one.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    I didn't need to go to the dealership after all. I went to leave for my appointment, turned on the car, and the radio came on as did the screen. DH said since I had the appointment, I should go and just get it checked out. So I did, and when I pulled in the technician who greeted me said there was nothing they could do if it is working, really nothing to check. I didn't think that was right, maybe check the fuses or something, but I said ok, and I left.

    It was a beautiful drive on back roads on a sunny morning, so I enjoyed the drive and it is good for my car to run more than five minutes at a time. Stopped at the grocery store to get some things to have chef salads for dinner tonight since temperatures are expected to be in the 90's! I too put the A/C on for the first time this year.

    I came home to more bad family news. My DSIL has apparently been in the hospital since mid-May and is on a feeding tube! I guess she is starting to improve, but no information on what she has or how this happened. I don't know what is wrong with my family, why so much now days seems to be so secretive? My nephew visited for two weeks this past spring, he lives in Europe, and didn't want to see anyone other than his parents and brothers? My sister's other son is the one who just had eye surgery. He is doing better than expected, but she was "hush-hush" about that too! Then to find out my brother's wife has been in the hospital for weeks and neither he nor his two daughters thought to tell my sisters or I? The only reason I know about her is because my sister texted our brother about her son and he responded. She forwarded his email to me. I just do an eye roll and go with the flow. I don't want to start friction over choices others make.

    Betrayal, glad Misty is sneezing less, and yes, good to get her to "perch" on something other than the parakeets cage! I wonder if some day she will curl up with Ragen?

    illinois, sounds like you have a lot of cats to care for. I assume your friend is home now and you don't need to let the puppies out. I am still wondering about a chihuahua that is at the SPCA. Part of me wants to call about it, but I am not ready for a pet now and I know when I am, the right pup will be available. I hope you are able to get all your errands done and can pick up an A/C unit for a good price!

    Carole, thanks for the info on your gym. I think mine will be the same, I will need to find best time to go. I was thinking around 8:30. On the phone it tells me when the gym is most and least crowded. I think missing the "before work" crowd and getting in before the noon and after work crowd, may be best.

    Mary, I had a similar ice machine after my first shoulder replacement. When I had the second replacement six years later, they no longer used the ice machines.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    MCB: I did have one of those machines when I had my rotator cuff surgery and it was a godsend. Although then insurance would not cover it so I had to pay out of pocket. Hope insurance covers for you. They used to use continuous passive motion (CPM's) machines for post-op knees when they kept them in the hospital for several days. Most patients regarded them as torture machines because they were on for several hours a day.

    The ice machines do restrict your movement because you are chained to them and it had to be removed for any ambulation or bathroom trips. Did not use it at night because I found the small ones worked better. I could lay on it and by the time it thawed I was usually asleep from the pain meds. Hoping it provides the relief from swelling for you.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    No continuous passive motion. But there will be a pressure cuff for preventing blood clots. Some of the blood circulation to my lower leg was damaged in the injury and hasn't recovered completely. There will be no torniquet.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    My poor mother hated that passive motion machine. I remember being with her in the hospital room after surgery and thinking she was being tortured. The whole knee replacement experience was so traumatic for her that she never had surgery on the other knee and lived with the consequences later in life.

    I managed to delay shutting up the 5th wheel and turning on the a/c units until 3 pm. Now it's blissful sitting inside and enjoying the coolness.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Over cast today. I went grocery shopping early this morning, stopping first at CVS for my DH's prescription.

    Doing laundry now, and hope to clean out at least one closet. Tomorrow, I want to wash the former office walls and hang the curtains. Thankful for cooler temperatures this week! Hopefully next week we can shop for my DH's adjustable bed!

    I bought an adjustable movable laptop table via Amazon and so far it is working out nicely. I haven't used the desk top computer in days and now realize I won't miss it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    Joy, sorrow, tears, lamentation, laughter--to all these music gives voice, but in such a way that we are transported from the world of unrest to a world of peace, and see reality in a new way, as if we were sitting by a mountain lake and contemplating hills and woods and clouds in the tranquil and fathomless water.    -Albert Schweitzer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    Some clouds today but mostly sun. No humidity though so the warmer temps. aren't really bad. This is one day though I could wish for a bit more breeze. It is one of those feast or famine things. Just shortly ago I was lamenting too many days of wind.

    Today is my last day of taking care of my friend's kitty cats. She has strays in her back yard as well as her dog, and then the house cats. I had just finished up doing my other friend's puppies/dogs and then took on the cats. Didn't expect to get the work buts glad to do it. I don't have the 'steam' for working I once did, but I have to remember that dealing with animals most of the time is the last thing I can call work. I (had I the funds) would pay them to let me do it.

    I keep four sets of keys in my car since in the past I've helped these friends enough that it was just easier to allow me my own key. All on key chains but no markings — so if something were to happen to me or my car, the keys are not identifiable.

    I have never learned to use a laptop computer and would find it really difficult if I had to switch. I have always had desktops and the last few years, replacements have been with the mini towers. Dh has kept a laptop for many years and in a real pinch I've appropriated it but, have to keep him near-by usually to give me some guidance when I 'mess' up.

    Hoping the rest of the weekend is just as relaxed as it has been so far. Found a portable a/c for the kids' room. Of all places at Walmart. We had gone to Lowe's in Mt. Vernon and all of theirs's had to vent out of a window horizontally. The Mt. Vernon Walmart was right across the street from Lowes so before going across town to Menards, we decided to just look. They (Walmart) had a unit that would be available to set up with a vertical vent. Exactly what we needed. So, we took it. We never thought of trying our own Walmart here, but we tend to have less stock and less variety often since we only have about 13,000 people living here. Our Walmart was turned into a Super Walmart so they are better than they used to be but we do suffer somewhat with our small size.

    Speaking of which we did get a Scooter's coffee which is close to a fairly major corner for most of the shopping mall stores. Well I couldn't wait, but turns out I've never gone. I don't ever see many cars there either. If the make it I will be surprised. The people that have tried it ( I think it is from mainly Mideast states) don't think it tastes that good, has enough variety and is way too costly. It just apparently doesn't stack up to Starbucks. There is in fact a Starbucks in Mt. Vernon, and while we don't live there and I can't say for sure, the times we have gone to Mt. Vernon they seemed to have had enough happening at those times to sustain them. They have also been there 5 or 6 yrs. now so I think they are making it. Scooters here in Centralia is a big question mark in my mind.

    I hope you all are having a really nice Saturday. Thinking of those who don't post much.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Been emotionally rough, anxiety mostly. Spent 90 min. getting to the wake (including through downpours that flooded a viaduct)—but when I got there my HK and her family were leaving because they were too exhausted to stick around till 6 with so few people expected. She did go back inside with me before we all turned around to head home (another 90 min.). Next morning it took less than an hour to get to the church. Nice service, but it was sad that the regular pastor didn't attend (she's still in shock over her brother being convicted as part of the "Com Ed 4" bribery scandal). My HK is a cornerstone of that congregation.

    90-min. drive down to the cemetery (Gordy rode with me, Leslie took our friend John—hair-raising every time clueless drivers kept cutting into the procession before they figured out why everyone's flashers were on. Very long wait at the visitor center, but at least people got to use the facilities & water fountain. They line up each funeral procession in a different lane, so we had to wait till the previous one was done. (Started 20 min. late). Brutally hot, gathering storm clouds, distant thunder. But it was a very nice "committal" ceremony. Can't do graveside, of course, because all the graves are so close together and there's no way to get cars close-in the way civilian cemeteries do. We were ushered into an open pavilion with benches—most of us had to stand, as I guess the military doesn't get big funerals very often. But it was quite stirring—full military honors (Navy) complete with dress uniforms, 3-gun salute and "Taps," followed by Scripture reading by the funeral director and folding & presentation of the flag, Presidential condolence letter, and plaque by the cemetery's top Naval officer.

    Hightailed it out of there afterwards, so that I could be there to greet the family & friends. Along the way we had a couple of downpours, but I knew where I was going (and so did Siri). Got there right behind the limo. I was nervous that I might get dinged for not meeting the minimum, but people did trickle in and we ended up as a party of 42. My BFFs got stuck in the storms and massive traffic jams due to accidents—they chose to have Waze route them to avoid the tollways. (Funeral processions are toll-exempt en route to the cemetery but not afterward). Then they got lost in the mall parking lot, unable to find the restaurant—by then it was pouring again. I talked them down gently and got the hostess to give them turn-by-turn directions. Had I known their car's AC was broken and they didn't have an EZPass, I'd have offered to let them come to my house and ride with me. The open bar came in handy—people did drink like fish. We had loads and loads of leftovers—nobody left empty-handed. (Empty wallet for me, figuratively).

    HK's sister came over to me and thanked me for all I'd done…but in the next breath said "you know, we've been trying to get her to move back down South…" They all left today, she's alone and crying. I hope she doesn't take them up on it—she's worked for us for 38 years and lived in Chicago since 1975. There's still more than us & her DH tying her to Chicago (especially her friends and church), and I hope she realizes that. She still has a mortgage to pay off. I don't know how much longer I can cope on my own. Bob is no help except to take out the garbage and set the table. And to have to hire help (strangers) to do all the things she's done for us, and pay her severance at the same time…don't ask. (We have to massively declutter to be able to make needed repairs, too).

    And last night Bob was feeling bloated and painful—of course, he refused to admit it until I found him sitting up in bed at 3am. Possible bowel obstruction (which he had in 2017). But he wouldn't take anything, nor let me take him to the ER because "I have to work—it's my weekend on at the hospitals!" I barely got any sleep myself. But he said this afternoon he was "feeling fine, no pain." So I told him I'd grill steak for dinner and make some sides. But as of 8:30 he was still an hour from home—and that's if there was no Taylor Swift concert traffic on Lake Shore Drive. He was about to say he wasn't "that hungry;" but I busted ass preparing dinner (as well as the usual house & garden work and cat care—no time to even practice the songs we're rehearsing tomorrow for Tues. night's radio show and the festival next weekend). I suspect he's being stoic again—this has happened before, without seeking help from his colleagues. Physician, heal thyself?

    (I could regale you with countless stories of decades of ruined dinners and canceled plans because of his work—yes, patients come first, but to put colleagues ahead of family…).

    Tuesday night we're on at 8:15 CDT—if you have internet you can hear us on regardless of where in the world you are.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited June 2023

    ((((((Sandy))))) Oh my, you had a time of it and I sure hope once you have your concert is done things will settle down nicely. I hope as well that your better um half isn't just being stoic, and you won't end up with something like that on your plate as well.

    I also really, really hope your HK doesn't make any major life changes for at least a year. You definitely are not yourself for some time after a loss. It is different for everyone, but I think after a year you would have a much better handle on what might be right for you if changing addresses in some way comes up. HK does sound like she is capable health-wise to continue working which is something I would certainly do.

    Really does sound like it was exhausting for almost everyone so hope all of you get a chance to veg out a bit.

    I'm sure your help on putting on the dinner (financial) was very, very appreciated.

  • 1946taco
    1946taco Posts: 319

    Jackie - May 31st quote was meant for me. I've been asked by the women's group at my church to talk about my life journey. I've never kept a journal so it's been interesting to reflect on what I want to include

    Took the plunge yesterday and actually got a few drawers cleaned and stuff bagged for the food bank thrift store.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. .

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    I haven't used a desktop computer for years. I switched to laptops and find it convenient to have my laptop beside my chair. I know quite a few people who use tablets.

    Sandy, you're a trooper. What an ordeal. Makes me think of Faulkner and his book about the deceased person's journey in a casket through fire and flood. Was the title As I Lay Dying?

    We had our best day of sales ever at yesterday's Farmers Market. DH had made two large bowls that are truly gallery pieces this past winter. We priced them high thinking they wouldn't sell. He likes having eye-catching pieces to attract people to stop at our booth. So much for priced too high. A woman walked up and said, "I'll take that bowl." DH said, "Did you look at the price?" "I'm from the Cities," she said. "I have a friend with some bowls smaller than this one that cost more. My husband said I wouldn't find that kind of bowl for a lower price anywhere." So I put the bowl in large bag and swaddled it with tissue paper. Now we have only one eyecatcher, although all of the bowls are lovely. DH has become quite an artist with his turning and it pleases him to have people admire his work.

    The hot weather continues. Fingers crossed that the not-new a/c units continue to do faithful service. I may do some laundry during the am, which requires walking to the laundry room to use the one washer and dryer.

    Hope everyone enjoys this Sunday.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    illinois, you have been busy! Lucky pups and cats! Glad you were able to get A/C for your DD!

    Taco, I imagine your story will be very inspiring for so many at your church group! I know you inspire me more times than you can imagine!

    Sandy, wow, no wonder you are exhausted! Very glad the funeral and all it entailed is behind you and your DHK! I agree with Jackie, your HK should not make a major move for at least a year if possible! It is, however, your wake up call, that life changes whether you want it to or not! You too need time to adjust to the changes too! I never had a HK, never wanted one, but that choice came at a price too, namely my former career, but I don't regret my choices.

    Your HK has been part of your family for so long, that the thought of someone else doing "her" job is not just about the money, but about the emotions! Still, it is time for you to adjust your mindset that your life has changed too, by events that were out of your control. The HK changes in your future, will happen no matter what. We age and life changes and it doesn't ask our permission to do so!

    I think it is natural for you to be annoyed by your DH's lack of help around the house, and easy to blame him for his inactions, but it really isn't your DH you are annoyed with! It is the reality that your life is changing. I have similar feelings about my DH for different reasons. Your husband is a very successful physician. He has helped save the lives of countless people, not only his patients, but his patient's families, friends, co-workers and countless others. Our lives are so entwined with others, that it sometimes takes events, like the passing of your DHK's husband, to realize how closely we are connected with others. Your DH would not have been as successful without your support, and you would not have been as successful as you are had it not been for your DHK, She's someone you grew to trust and love as part of your family. She was someone who allowed you to do things knowing your home and child were in good hands! She is not just your HK, but your friend, a "sister." For that, you are so lucky!

    While you DH should step up and help out more, I am pretty sure he doesn't feel the changes that are occurring in your lives the same way you are. He has his work, that takes up a large part of his time and attention. Men think and feel very differently than women do, not an excuse, just fact. You both need time to adjust, but you also need to look at your future and the changes that will come in the years ahead. Change is always difficult, but taking some time to adjust, to let the changes settle in your mind, makes all the difference in the world.

    I am going to try to listen to you on Tues night! Music truly is something to be cherished and it's something I could never live without!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    When all the words have been written, and all the phrases have been spoken, the great mystery of life will still remain.  We may map the terrains of our lives, measure the farthest reaches of the universe, but no amount of searching will ever reveal for certain whether we are all children of chance or part of a great design.  And who among us would have it otherwise?  Who would wish to take the mystery out of the experience of looking into a newborn infant's eyes?

    Kent Nerburn

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Carole: Love turned wooden bowls and the German festival we go to every year has a gentleman who has lovely ones. I wish I had a place to display one but have too many other pieces of handmade art I have collected that reflect artisans from the countries we have visited. So glad one of the gallery pieces found a home from someone who will enjoy your DH's skill.

    Glad that we changed Whispers to Misty because she is seldom quiet and is quite loud for such a small body mass. She is a talker and seems to have much to discuss. She is very affectionate and is very direct when she wants attention. Regan and she get along well but if Regan gets too boisterous, a hiss or growl sets the boundary she is pushing.

    Chisandy, it sounds as if the funeral went off as well as one can expect for such an occasion. As far as your HK moving to be with family, this would seem to be a logical decision, even if not soon. I do not know her age but if she has been working for you for 38 years and now that her income will be slashed by the death of her husband, she is probably thinking about retiring. Hard to lose someone you have been dependent on for so long though.

    Illinoislady: I have a touchscreen laptop and love it. I also have a desktop computer but it is in my office and I find that I cannot work there when DH is also in his section. He doesn't like noise other than music and I like the hum of a TV even if I am not watching it. Grew up with a TV in the background and never could stand the silence of a library because I could not focus in the quiet.

    We had a busy day yesterday. It was DGD's last double header soccer games for the season end. She has decided soccer is not in her future and wants to try basketball next. Glad that she is willing to try different sports especially ones that require energy expenditure. At 7, you are allowed to make changes in life directions with sports. She gave her best and I think learned a lot from this experience.

    We had dinner plans with DH's former student and his spouse. We try to get together with them at least annually since we enjoy their company and hearing about how their girls are doing. It was at a Mexican restaurant in Conshohocken and the food was really good. Had to laugh when they told us on arrival that we had the table for 90 minutes! We actually exceeded this by 15 minutes but they were not rude about it. Came home with about half my meal since portions were large. It was our turn to treat them.

    Ran to Ikea on the way home since we were close by. I needed some new lanterns for the patio and they had light blue ones that I liked. They hold tealights rather than pillar candles and I have lots of tealights to use up. Our patio furniture had been picked up in February for reconditioning and repainting. It will be returning this month so we are looking forward to seeing it. We purchased this furniture over 30 years ago and have had it painted once before and were pleased with this company. They sand blast before repainting so the finish doesn't flake. The last paint job lasted over 15 years so it holds up well.

    Today I want to tackle some mulching after weeding. I have the mulch and hope my knees will let me do at least one area before they start squawking. Have a good Sunday.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185
    edited June 2023

    MM, such sage thoughts and advice. Sure rang soooo true for me. A couple of months before my open heart surgery I would have sworn I had years and years left to work as hard as I wanted and almost any time I wanted. So for Sandy as well as myself — life will change whether we are emotionally or physically ready for it.

    You are also so right about men usually not being able to grasp all women do to keep home rolling along smoothly or to be able to consistently help out. We were given different roles long ago that we didn't get to choose — it just is that way. Some men can be pretty good at things but are the exceptions and I think some women never adjusted well to their roles, so they don't cook or clean much at home and hire it done.

    I've seen this here in our little backcountry town. The cure was starting to order Hello Fresh and learn to cook atter the age of 45 by having everyone one needed plus instruction pages of how to do everything as well.

    Life always tends to throw curves and, in some ways, maybe our 'visit' to earthly life is to learn to swing with the punches and develop strengths out of weakness — flex those inventive tendencies and find solutions to carry on. I think as a group we do this pretty well.

    We already had a really small rain this morning — pop-up shower it was called. I call it just enough to bring us the humidity we have been doing without for the past couple of warmer days. We turned the a/c on a few days earlier than I would have liked, but if not then, today due to that shower would have definitely been D-Day.

    Nothing special planned — will maybe run into town to our Sunday morning foray to Goodwill. I don't need anything — usually never do when we go there, but if it is a GOOD enough bargain I often take them and exchange for something that I already have at home. Also can contribute to my small list of people who are going to change residences (whatever the reason) and could use good items for good prices.

    Hope you all have a really good day.

    ETA: Maybe Taco, you can find use for today's quote as well in your recitation of life.

  • nkb
    nkb Posts: 1,561

    So true about women knowing and keeping the house going. My DH will do what he is "assigned" but, not spontaneously know something needs doing. and then announce that he "took out the garbage" etc- I think there was a show on TV where the woman decides to announce everything that she does to keep the house going- about 200 to one in chores.

    My oncologist told me early on that "everyone has a dark cloud above them, yours is just bigger". I admit that I have spent 12 years wondering when the other shoe would drop (and various shoes have dropped over the years) and others never worry or wonder about that- they feel like they have 15 more years before they worry- when a shoe can drop anytime from any direction- not only to those of us with cancer. I used to not want to make a commitment to a trip or something- worried something would happen and I would screw up the trip- then I thought- if someone has a heart attack no one is going to blame them for messing up the trip.

    I think many people I know expect me to die before them- it might not happen. one day I was merrily walking down the street and the next I had cancer and a year long whirlwind of treatment, early retirement, baldness etc.

    It is sunny here today!

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905
    edited June 2023

    Glad to see you. and know that you are still fighting and enjoying life. Yes, we all have to take life as it comes. And enjoy the sunshine. Even though the grass is drying up, and I have to wear sunglasses to avoid headaches.

  • cardplayer
    cardplayer Posts: 2,051

    Chisandy - sounds like HK DH had a wonderful service and was honored for his service. I’m sure her family and HK appreciated your support during this difficult time. I hope you got a chance to relax today and that Bob is feeling better.

    Illinois - no nice that you watched your friends cats. We’ve always had cats so have never been able to pet sit for our kids. The cats prefer it that way. I hope DD enjoys her AC unit.

    Carole - so nice that DH sold one of his pieces at the Farmers Market. I like to browse Farmers Markets for those hidden gems, things that I can wrap for future gifts or use for my own use.

    Betrayal - our gray tabby Lisa can also be quite chatty sometimes.

    As for the discussion about DH helping out with housework and cooking, my DH sounds like yours nkb. He will do things that I ask him. He does vacuum and handles all the outside work. I figure he never took home economics and learned the basics. His Mom showed him how to do laundry (which he helps with) before he went to college. He’s very handy having taken shop in high school and a Dad who showed him how to do things. He showed our kids (boy and girl) how to use tools and they’re both handy. He gave them both tool boxes when they moved out. They both know how to cook, despite my lack of being a good cook. It’s worked for us.

    I use my iPad, but have a laptop I’ll use occasionally. It has Microsoft products install and my access to our family shared files. We’re able to print from any device on our network. DH and I both have the same setup, although he has an iPad setup with his security cameras.

    It started out cloudy here today, but now it’s sunny and hot. Didn’t smell the smoke from the Canadian fires today, which is nice. I hope they’re under control. I hope everyone is doing well and have a stress free day.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905
    edited June 2023

    No, cardplayer, we have smoke from Ontario. Visibility 6 miles instead of ten. Can see it and smell it. Wind speed is a 6mph gale. That is not going to blow it away here.

    Sandy, you did a great job setting up the funeral. Now you can rest.

    I have a Gateway with a printer. Gateway was a hand-me down from sister and BIL. Its hardware was just too antiquated for what they wanted it to do. Printer was a nice buy from the neighbor's annual multi-family garage sale.

    Carole, that must be a beautiful bowl. Can you show us a photo of it?

    Tippy was grouching around, so I took him outside and he laid himself down in the grass and watched the park. We came back in and I turned on some music for him. I need to get a subscription with youtube. His music stops regularly for commercials or "are you still listening?"

    I think I will make myself another pair of wide-leg pants from my sari collection. Maybe a caftan top from the rest of the sari?

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,905

    I don't want to look like a peacock- but. I forget how many i have.

  • nkb
    nkb Posts: 1,561

    gorgeous fabrics

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    Been a really nice day here. Only a couple of bargains at Goodwill. A second lap robe to keep at my chair. The one already there stays too long w/o a wash, so found another today with a half price ticket on it. I look at them every time I go. Glad today was the day and it was one with a strong edge and not the loose stitched edge that is on many of them.

    Had dishes soaking while we were gone and while doing them (almost done) phone rang. It was my daughter. She and her Dh were at the town laundromat (new one actually) doing a big load of work clothes. Some homeless people had stopped outside to sit on the benches out of doors in the shade for awhile. They had a small older dog with them. The kicker was outside of the fact that our Minnie is a much bigger, they could be twins. Also, as my daughter was talking to them it turned out that they did not really want the dog. She called me immediately.

    Of course, I said yes after hearing the description. I do worry though. It is not the way we usually come by our dogs. My daughter was concerned about the heat and the dog so she was thrilled that I said okay. We will take her to the vet's office tomorrow and have an exam and likely a shot or two. She is in fact much smaller than Minnie, although Minnie who shouldn't be over 17 is likely closer to 27. We have tentatively named her Millie. It will be an interesting night here. She has eaten (quite well) and drank and been out several times. The kids went after Bible Study and got her a harness and lead as well as collar. Since she was a homeless dog, she should be highly acclimated to "going" outside. I do hope it works out for us.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    MCB: Those saris are beautiful. I am partial to blue so that was my favorite. I would not worry about looking like a peacock and I have never seen a peacock that was ashamed of its coloration, so go for it.

    Illinoislady: How nice that Millie will have a stable home and a dog companion. Your DD reminds me of mine since neither could pass up an animal that was not wanted. You got a dog and I got a cat out of my deal. I hope she is happy in her new home and is medically clear.

    cardplayer: Misty is not only chatty, she is loud and insistent when she meows.

    The mulching was going well and I got 8 bags spread before the knees gave me agita. I know I most likely have effusions in both knees which causes pressure and pain. I find that my balance is off with the knees and when I get wobbly, I call it quits. DD and DSIL showed up and she finished the last of the mulching in the large bed while he cut up the dead branches I chopped off the butterfly bush. That bed looks done and I gave it a good watering since the mulch will trap moisture. We desperately need rain since everything is curling and brown including the ferns. I have 2 other beds to do but they are much smaller so I should be able to do them tomorrow if the weather is not overly warm. They look so nice when the mulch is fresh. In some of the beds the mulch from last year still looks good so I may not have to do them or just do a light top coat.