Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,782

    petite1 What a beautiful photo 😍

    cindyny Wow, outstanding photos! So pretty too!

    Happy weekend to all.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Saw PCP today and last of blood work came in as we were meeting. Was able to submit urine specimen while I was there so now all labs for her are done until next visit in 6 months. She will be leaving for maternity leave soon. Ordered short course of prednisone for back pain and I have CT next week. Wish they could identify source of pain because I am no longer able to vacuum, use a broom or rake without it flaring up. This means I am really restricted for ADL's as well as gardening which I love. If back pain doesn't resolve by October, she has a plan ready to go. Can I tell you how much I love my PCP? She really listens and we discuss options available for care. Today she asked if I wanted to stop Metformin because my A1C was so good but I declined because it is keeping my blood glucose in check even when diet was not as strict post-op. Now if I could just lose a little more weight because the kicker is when you start to lose height as I am with osteopenic discs it makes your BMI even worse! Have had degenerative discs in past but not complicated by osteopenia most likely from AI's.

    She feels I am okay for TKR in June. As soon as hand therapy is over I will reach out to Ortho for PT orders. Only so much I can do and I do have the home exercises I can resume on my own now that incision is healed.

    This morning it was raining so hard it was like gully washers especially when I arrived at PCP office. Had to run between drops and was soaked by the time I got to the door. Cleared long enough for me to run into Home Depot for some pansies. I found 2 containers left and woman gave me 50% off one because it looked a tad bedraggled. Some Osmocote and they will be fine. Drove to hand therapist which is less than 1/4 mile away and it poured again. It did clear enough for me to reach the door and was sunny when I left an hour later.

    Flower box outside living room window has one rogue pansy that must have self seeded last year because I haven't touched those boxes since last spring. Several of the vines seem to have survived the winter as well.

    Hoping I can dead head some daffodils this weekend. Privacy fences ordered to hide propane tanks (for stove and generator) will arrive on Tuesday and of course, they have to be assembled. We are putting new fencing around junipers to keep deer from trimming them again. They have expanded and current fencing is too restrictive. We use chicken wire for fencing and garden poles. So always something to do in the yard but this is work I enjoy, I just need to be able to do it. I am hoping knee replacement will permit me to get back to this.

    Sandy I am sure your HK leaving will be like losing a family member for both of you. You have been lucky to have established such a caring relationship over decades. I hope she has a long time to enjoy with her family in Birmingham.

    Cindyny, lovely photos. Loved the orchids and keep buying them. One is getting ready to bloom for the second time. Seems they prefer the garden window in the kitchen which faces south so i moved the one in the family room to this window. It would be nice if the 2 that just finished blooming will bloom again at some point. Love manatees and was lucky enough to see some when we were in Florida last. They were munching on heads of lettuce.

    petite1, love the baby photo of your great grand niece. Hope the lymphedema doesn't flare. I wish I could find a local bra fitter because I know I am wearing the wrong size bras. Can't wear underwires any more so not sure Victoria Secret would work for me and not sure they have a fitter either in this area.

    Illinoislady, sun has disappeared again and it is graying up so I am not sure we are out of the rain yet. We really don't need it. Hope you get some sunny days since I know they bring you joy.

    Hope everyone had a nice day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Great photos, Cindy! And Petite, your little one is adorable (you ain't half bad yourself).

    Our HK is in shock. The house went on the market last Thursday. Open house was Saturday—and she got FIVE offers. One couldn't come up with the earnest money, but the other four started a bidding war. She got $20K over the asking price. She wasn't prepared to close so soon, and may have to pay the buyers a few weeks' "rent" (basically deducted from proceeds) to get fully packed and moved down to AL.

    We won't be getting a new full-time HK. She started as Gordy's nanny (after her MIL, who lived in, had to move on to care for a dementia client per her agency) and morphed into HK. Gradually, her work week became M-F (less holidays & vacay) and went from 8 hrs./day to 4. We will ask neighbors whom they use for periodic cleaning—there are any number of people advertising on Nextdoor. We will do most of our own laundry and use a service for the big stuff and dry cleaning. (If we get tired going down to the basement & back up, use a fluff & fold service). Bob no longer wears dress shirts, just white coat over his Duluth Trading shirts sans ties (which are verboten at his clinic for hygiene reasons)—so we won't need ironing. He wears mostly jeans & Dockers now. Most of the housework will be dishes, trash-taking-out, bedmaking, vacuuming and of course cat care. We got a taste of doing our own work at the start of lockdown (especially when her DH got COVID at the VA dialysis center) for 7 weeks (getting advice from her over the phone). We will also have a cat-sitter on file for when Gordy or our friends can't come over and feed, play with, and clean up from "the girls" while we're out of town.

    In other words, we will cope like >90% of couples do.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Cindy, beautiful photos! Your grand niece is adorable! She looks like a very happy baby! I like the houses, orchids, and the manatee. That is so cool to see one in the wild!

    Carole, glad you got your hair done, even if it isn't exactly the color you wanted it to be. Have fun tomorrow!

    Illinois, I too am glad the weather wasn't an issue driving to Marion.

    I got a call this afternoon from the person who is fostering the cairn terrier who is the mom of the three puppies we put applications in for. I don't know if we will be chosen for her, but at least we will get to see her and I feel validated that they even asked for us to meet her. Apparently there are a lot of applications for her. She is scheduled to be spayed on Wednesday. I know stitches usually come out in 7-10 days, so likely will be a few weeks until we could pick her up. I am just excited to get to meet her. I hope it works out but I do believe that while things don't always work out the way we want them to, they work out the way they are supposed to.

    Betrayal, you have been through so much, please don't worry about your BMI. That was never meant to be used the way it is today, it was for a specific population of European men in the 1800's! It was NEVER meant to be used as a means of health of an individual. I admire your attitude and how you deal with all the health issues that have come up! Honestly, I think back pain is the worst! I thankfully only had an issue with back pain once after a car accident, but enough to remember how debilitating and excruciatingly painful it was! I hope you get relief from that soon! I too think it was nice for you to have a thoughtful gift for your VN.

    Sandy, sorry to hear your DHK is moving, she is a big part of your family! I am happy you are getting the kitties! I will be thinking of you on Monday! They are so lucky you are adopting them!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    I posted before you did Petite. I so agree with Sandy. You look wonderful and your little one is so adorable. I love her very colorful outfit. It's becoming to her.

    I am something of a fan of the orchids as well. Jo (my friend) usually has at least a couple almost all the time. She keeps a couple of other houseplants I think just for the health part and the fact that she would love to garden more but she wasn't able much at her other house anymore and this one being a rental will mean that it is not likely she will have anything much in the ground outside, but perhaps a few things in pots.

    Not sure I mentioned but surprise to me the other house sold. She said it was an older couple from Chicago. Not sure about why they would buy it. It is an 8-bedroom house (if you actually use all the rooms that could be bedrooms) with two offices and a triple car garage along with a screened in porch. There are four bathrooms and one-half bath. This is an older couple Jo was told and by that I mean well past retirement.

    No one is there yet. Jo knows this as her old friends that lived across from the old house still live there and are able to keep Jo up on things. It is just a very interesting development.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    MM, with today's spayings, there are no stitch removals. They seem to favor plastic repairs or use dissolvable sutures. Regan did not have to return after her spaying and we were advised to use the cone of shame for 7-10 days but she never bothered the incision so it was actually less than 7 days for her. Since she was over 2 and had been through several heats as reflected by her enlarged mammary glands, her incision was quite long. When they do the early spayings, the uterus and fallopian tubes are quite small so tiny incisions about an inch long at most.

    I don't worry about the BMI because I haven't consented to being weighed at a doctor's office in probably the last 3 years. It's a BMI from before then so it's not going to change anyhow. Besides what it reflects is not who I am, its just their perception of what I am and I don't give a rats ass about that.

    My PCP never even discusses it though the MLHS is big on posting a reminder in the exam rooms that they should be addressing it. Her focus is keeping me as healthy as I can be at my age and given my medical challenges. There were pluses today in reviewing blood work, a tweak made to going back on B12 to see if it will help in increasing my hemoglobin and offering changes in dosages of meds I take for back pain.

    Glad that Jo's house sold. One less thing for her to worry about and it will be interesting to see how the new couple uses that very large house.

    Right after I posted earlier we had a huge sun shower. Full sun but a downpour. Had to laugh because I thought the rain was over.

    Carole, enjoy your blonde hair. As someone who used to get her hair frosted with regularity, when the ashy gray came in the hairdresser actually had less to do so I became blonder.

    Now I go to the hairdresser about every 3- months to get an inch or so cut off my covid hair style which is a relaxed pony tail with bangs. It has a slight curl to it especially when I let it air dry. It is so thin now from the AI's I cant be bothered with trying to style it. It would require so much product and maintenance to be styled. Occasionally I make a chignon but only when I want to be more formal.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    When we experience moments of ecstasy—in play, in art, in sex—they
    come not as an exception, an accident, but as a taste of what life is
    meant to be. . . Ecstasy is an idea, a goal, but it can be the expectation
    of every day.  Those times when we’re grounded in our body, pure in
    our heart, clear in our mind, rooted in our soul, and suffused with the
    energy, the spirit of life, are our birthright.  It’s really not that hard to stop
    and luxuriate in the joy and wonder of being.  Children do it all the time.
    It’s a natural human gift that should be at the heart of our lives.

    Gabrielle Roth

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    Good morning. We are having a nice sun today and our temps. (not bad yesterday actually) are going to go up and keep it up all during the week. I hope that means no rain. I think maybe Spring has finally sprung and we will now gentle into leaves on all the sentinel trees that watch my yard. It will become hard to see the few houses that we can see in wintertime. Makes us feel just a bit alone here and that is how we like it.

    Betrayal, MM and others. I so agree. BMI was a rather manipulative way to get people concerned about a part of health that may not have made all that much difference. I often think of my Aunt who became in her divorced life a Nurse. She was overweight her whole life but ate well, if sometimes too much, and was extremely active all the time. Non-drinker and non-smoker and not much for sodas nor excess coffee. She passed when she was 92 — and not from disease processes but the result of a broken hip.

    I do think though that the food adulteration that has gone on for years is not a good thing for anyone. I continue (though mainly for salt now) to read labels most of the time I'm deciding on food at the grocery store. It's a good habit to have.

    Nothing special today I don't think and will just see what appears in front of me. Looking forward to Monday and getting my hair done finally. I called my hairdresser (she is bald again due to chemo) to let her know I'd be coming straight from another appt. Beth is wonderful. She had breast cancer about five yrs. ago. Had chemo before her operation and did fine for a couple of years, but year three saw the cancer return. She is very stoic about it all and takes it all in stride. I do think her religion helps her keep the serene spirit she continues to display.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Started out overcast but sun is now fully out. Extremely windy with temps in high 50's but feeling colder when outside. Bought some pansies to put into window boxes but one was full of smelly water so took out soil and bailed water but need a step stool to see overflow drains to clear them. Supposed to be able to take them off wall but reluctant to try so will save that as last resort. Pansies I got for half price because they looked sad actually perked up with a bit of Osmocote and the rain we got. They are the ones that got planted in 2 of the 3 boxes. I will save the other pack for when I figure out what is going one with drainage issue. Need someone tall like SIL to assist me. I really should replace dirt in all 3 with new potting soil. This is the plan for when I put in summer flowers. Saved the plants that survived the winter and found 2 more that just sprouted.

    My Seal of Solomon is sprouting and it spreads like wild fire. When they did the walkway I dug up several large buckets worth and gave them away. I may have to do that again. I planted some near the gazebo and will check to see if they have sprouted as well. It is quite aggressive so I may introduce it along the property line since my neighbors do not do anything to the weeds that overgrow there since it is distant from their front door. However those weeds end up invading my yard meaning I need to weed more. The first owners had their lawn service mow and weed whack the area but never since with the past 2 owners.

    Replaced the suet cake because it was completely gone this AM. No sooner that I replaced it when I had my first bird to check it out. The blue jays and cardinals love it as does the wren, sparrows, and the finches.

    DH going to a IEEE dinner tonight so I am on my own and can eat what I want and when I want. Trying to decide what dinner will be. Thinking maybe a swiss cheese omelet with rye toast.

    Started 6 day course of Prednisone to see if it will knock out back pain. Hoping it does since they have not been able to determine cause. Just know that any movement such as sweeping, raking or vacuuming is a trigger.

    Need to do some work in primary bed room since I boxed up leftover dressings to store in case I need the, I had to purchase some initially until VN came and they were quite expensive for small amounts. Now I have a large supply but can always share them with my children if they need them. Can't pass them on to others because of concerns about maintaining sterility and don't want to just toss them. May look into animal rescues to see if they could use any.

    Will also clean hall bathroom floor. Rugs are in the washer and it is so nice to be able to do them in a washer again. Did not do them in old washer at the end because of its age.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    DH and I drove to meet with the fosters of the dog we want to adopt. They own two small dogs, both rescues, who were super cute. The are fostering an adorable fluffy white Bichon Frise and of course the sweet Cairn Terrier we were there to see. She is adorable, very shy, but poor baby has been through so much. There is someone else who is coming to see her tomorrow, so after that person meets her, the foster will decide who "Jojo" should be placed with and I will get a call either way. We had a wonderful visit, the fosters are sooo nice! Animal lovers are most always the best kind of people.

    Betrayal, good to know that spays don't get stitches as they did when I was a Vet Tech! It has been a LONG time since I worked for the veterinarians, or had my own dog spayed. I wondered why the foster said Jojo would be spayed on Wed. so we could be taking her home on Thursday! I am so tired right now and afraid to get too excited about her.

    I don't know what is wrong with me, I was perfectly happy around the dog today, now, at home, I feel apprehensive. I don't know why I feel like this, if it was because I was so sad that I didn't get one of her puppies and then thought I lost my chance with her too, or what? I am glad the fostering process takes a bit of time. If we are chosen to adopt her, it gives me time to buy the things I need for her. I gave most all of our dog supplies away to a local rescue years ago. I have a few things, but not much.

    I found a small lump on her back that the foster didn't notice but said she would ask the veterinarian about it on Wed. I think it is just a lipoma, nothing serious. I love her! I think the best part is how happy my dh was when he was holding her! She is not used to a leash but I am not worried, she will learn.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,319

    I am jealous of all the people getting dogs and puppies. I keep thinking of getting another cat. I known Louie misses Felix, but I have a fear of getting someone else's problem. That happened to me twice. I know eventually I will do it. Or maybe a little dog….

    My arm is still producing clear to yellow fluid. I switch from the prescribed dressing changes to doing wet to dry with saline. Yes, in my distant past I was a nurse before becoming a nursing home administrator. I will call the dermatologist in the morning and do a shout out to the cancer center. I almost think it is similar to an allergic reaction to something. I bought bandages for sensitive skin, but no help. It is the best at night. I elevate it on a pillow.

    On other bad news, the steel supports on my back porch has rusted through on one. The others are close behind. I thought I would contact the home builder and start from there. I don't want the roof to come crashing down out there.

    April is not a good month. Between taxes and medical copays and now this. Yikes. Of course IRS has not sent my 2022 overpayment, yet and I have to pay 2023 taxes, anyway. Well this too will pass.

    Sorry to go on.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    petite1: The IRS should give you some interest on your overpayment. Sorry that April has been so unkind to you. I hope you can get an answer about what to do with your arm.

    I wish I lived closer, I have all these dressings (most are sterile) that were ordered for my post-op care and were ordered in excess. Today I filled a plastic storage bin with quite a few gauze pads, abd's and kerlex. I have hypoallergenic tape as well since I am allergic to adhesive tape. I will keep them rather than toss and am sorry I can't donate them to another patient for use. As a nurse, I can't waste them but may donate some to animal rescues that may need them. BTW, you are still a nurse even if you no longer practice. No one can take away what you have so justly earned. I still renew my license.

    MM, bichon's are cute but incredibly hard to house train. One of my co-workers had 2 rescues and had to diaper them when she was not at home and crate them also. Seems this is a characteristic of the breed. Cute as the dickens though. Fingers crossed that you get the mom, she sounds like she needs you to improve the quality of her life.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2024

    MM, I'm sort of apprehensive about the kitties too—I've almost gotten used to not having to worry about being home in time to feed them. I also may have to give up on my favorite black outfits…that, or have lint rollers in every room (I keep one in the car too). I'd forgotten how copiously tabbies shed—and torbies are, after all, tabbies. I'm also nervous about the incipient spring plague of those tiny "sugar ants" that used to try to climb into the kibble bowl—had to put it in a pasta plate with water surrounding it as a "moat." My landscaper/exterminator/handyman came by and put down some pet-safe insecticide. Will get some liquid bait cartridges for around the first floor bathroom sink—they seem to emerge from the escutcheon around the faucet.

    But I worry about how long it will take the girls to adapt to a new home—their fourth in as many years. Their entire world right now is one room in a sunny daylight basement; but here they will have hidey-holes galore for me to try to coax them out. My major victory will be getting them to the basement to show them their litter boxes. Feed-wise they'll be lower maintenance: wet food twice a day, free-feeding kibble. Gotta set up the water fountain again (which Heidi loved but Happy ignored in favor of a battered old enamel saucepan into which he'd stick his paw to scoop water into his mouth). Hope they like it!

    Had my visit to "Dracula" this a.m. and results are back already. Nothing I didn't already expect, except I'm more anemic than before (uh-oh, here comes another colonoscopy & EGD?). Time to add some more red meat back to my diet, maybe a stronger iron supplement. Everything else is as before…except my lipid profile is the best it's been in years—total cholesterol is 168, and I can't remember when it's ever been below 200 since my mid-30s. So if anything gets me it probably won't be my heart (my risk is half of the average for my age).

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Petite, so sorry you are still dealing with the oozing wound! I hope you get relief soon! I can also relate to the house issues, the steel supports on your back porch. I also hope that gets resolved quickly! Our house was built in the 1950's and we have been in the house for 44 years. We are on our second and third time replacing things. When one thing is fixed something else needs to be repaired. Also, I want to apologize, I mixed up your post with Cindy's and said I loved her picture of the baby. I am so sorry, the page changed and I didn't go back to re-read it. That is what I get for staying away too long! LOL

    Betrayal, we were not there to see the bichon, never applied for her. Bichon's have a lot of issues with bladder stones too, plus they need regular professional grooming. She was so cute, but even more shy than our little Johanna.

    Sandy, thank you for mentioning your feelings about adopting. You are feeling many of the same things I am. It's nice to have "a pet adoption buddy!" I think when one is pet free for a while, especially at our age, it does become a harder decision to adopt. I also think as women we tend to think of all that is involved in the care of furry family members. I realized this morning I tend to focus on the negative, the cost, the care, etc. I forget about the benefits, the joy that animals bring.

    My dh fell in love with Johanna, and this morning my first thought was remembering him with her on his lap yesterday. I haven't seen him so happy in a long time. I do think it will be a big adjustment and I need to focus on the "two week" rule, it takes a minimum of two weeks to get used to a new pet. I think that is just "my rule" LOL but the point is, it takes time to adjust and if I set my expectations on knowing it might be rough for at least two weeks, hopefully after that many of my negative feelings will be far outweighed by the positives.

    I need to gather up my donation things and sort out the rest of the items upstairs with the names of who it goes to. Then the upstairs will be complete! Of course, I still need to go through my closet and kitchen! Also, we need to order and spread mulch in the gardens. Not my favorite thing to do, but I like beautiful gardens.

    It is sunny today, beautiful! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    To me, the essence of keeping the soul nourished is obedience to one's conscience. I don't think that the soul can be nourished unless people have a strong sense of conscience that they have educated and developed and soaked in the universal and timeless principles of integrity and service.  This way, the individual's soul becomes part of the universal soul of service, contribution, and making a difference.    -Stephen R. Covey

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    ((((petite)))). On all fronts I hope things will go well and solutions turn out easier than expected. Wonder why it can never be just one thing, but two or three.

    One of our dogs was a Bishon. We loved him, but there were difficulties with house training and lots of visits to the groomer. We went to the Chicago area (4 hr. drive up north of us) to pick up a Puggle. While there I was interacting with Poncho the Bichon. He had lost his baby hair too soon and would no longer be adoptable as a puppy so rather than the one dog (Chico the Puggle) we also got a free dog which I was glad to accept. Didn't know all the ins and outs but found them out along the way. Never regretted it though.

    It would be easy to start to enjoy not having to do pet details if you have gone a while without. Still, I think for most the joy of having companions again will soon outweigh relearning the work and hassles that are a part of the entire experience. Also, I do think after many changes it shouldn't take too long for the pets to become stable and redevelop a sense of security with you. We all (even our pets) recognize love and devotion and will respond in kind in time.

    Beauty of a day and likely to get in the lower 80's. Spring has definitely sprung. Trees outside are full of little leaf buds and it won't be long till they fill out. I love the newness of the early Spring green colors. Time of renewal and it always feels like such a great reward for having gone through winter. For the most part our winters have been mainly easy. We haven't had a 'good' snow (not really complaining, mind you) for a few years now. Most of the time we have had more rain than snow. Some pretty windy and very cold days but overall, not so bad.

    I hope you all have a great Sunday.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Beautiful sunny day with temps nearing 70. Many of the tree buds have opened and are leafing now. Unseasonal to say the least and I realize this early heat wave means some of the flowers that lasted into June will most likely not make it to the end of May.

    Busy week starting tomorrow with hand therapy and hopefully this will be the last week. I need to get some PT for legs so I am prepared for TKR in early June. Have dermatology appointment for total skin scan on Tuesday, CT of back on Wednesday and another hand therapy on Thursday. So far next week is absolutely clear.

    First box of privacy screens arrived today. It was supposed to arrive on Tuesday. Need to check to make sure we get the second box. Each box contains 2 panels which we have to assemble and we need panels to hide the propane tanks. These are replacing the lattice panels I had which had stability issues and now have rotted legs. These have metal stakes that go into ground so they should be more stable. The ground is quite hard so we will most likely have to dig holes to install stakes.

    Just put a Yankee pot roast in the oven with carrots and potatoes in an oven bag. So dinner will cook will while I work in finding out why the window box did not drain. It is supposed to have overflow drains but they failed dramatically since the dirt was saturated and smelled like a swamp. Hopefully the soil left is dryer. I don't want to remove it for fear of breaking it so I need a stepstool to see in and work on it.

    As far as those adopting pets, the benefits outweigh the negatives in the long run. All new relationships require an adjustment period and some effort to maintain so I think this applies to those with pets as well. The new pet will never replace the old one as far as personality or character but I think no matter what they enrich our lives but exposing us to new ways to become compatible. Misty and Regan have their quirky personalities and have at times challenged us. However, they have also have enriched us with their company and love. So Sandy and MM (fingers crossed you get the mom), I wish you joy with your new pets.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Gorgeous day, high in the mid-70s, but a chill wind is about to blow in off the lake and drop the temps into the low 50s or even high 40s (infamous "Lake Effect"). So I think I'll head west to a forest preserve to take an outdoor walk. The treadmill is so boring, TV notwithstanding!

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979

    it has been quite a week. Originally, I was fatigued and had very tired legs and passed that off from my cold.
    Then when my right hand started having trouble typing on the computer and my writing became squiggly, I had a friend drive me to the emergency room. I had an MRI that showed. I have a mass on the left side of my brain very deep in the thalamus and basal ganglia area, too deep for a surgical approach.
    I have been hospitalized since Thursday morning going through various CT scans and multiple MRI scans. They have decided that it would be too risky to try to drill a hole in my skull and insert a needle down to the mass to try and get a biopsy. So yesterday I had a lumbar puncture to get spinal fluid , hoping it might have some cells in it from the tumor that would tell them more what kind it is. Possibly from my breast cancer 10 years ago.

    Determining the type of cancer will determine a course of treatment which might include targeted radiation from many directions, all hitting the tumor at one time to frizzle it.

    Having much trouble writing with my hand, eating goes best if my head is right by the plate and I just shovel in because my hand/arm get so tired. I am on Decadron to decrease the swelling from the tumor, which hopefully will improve my hand and arm symptoms.

    They’re hoping to send me home tomorrow. my roommate from the cruise has set up a website for people to sign up that are willing to help me when I get home. I will tell her my needs and she will see who she can find for helpers. I know I won’t be able to drive a car for a while so will need help getting to shopping, doctors appointments, therapy appointments, visiting dad. So we’ll see how things go.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Puffin - (((Hugs))). What a shock! Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    I’ve been reading along but have not taken notes. Seems to be a very busy thread as folks are enjoying the spring weather, adopting pets and gardening. I enjoy hearing what everyone is doing. Our weather is 80 F and sunny today. Since I’m so far from the lake, our temperatures are generally warmer than Sandy’s. Should have temps in the 70’s tomorrow and then dropping to the 50’s later in the week. We had a landscaper do a spring clean up on our yard and it looks really good. We are having some drainage problems in the backyard due to a low spot so we plan to have an underground drain put in to drain the standing water out to the street. We really need to do it but I’m not thrilled with spending $3500 to do it. But I’m less thrilled with a lot of standing water in the backyard every time it rains.

    I had the staging surgery last Wednesday. It took 5 hours which was longer than anticipated. Doctor found a nodule stuck between the uterus and rectum and believes it is cancer which will upgrade my stage. I’ll know more when I get the pathology results this week. I had wanted to go home the same day but was unable to fully function so I spent the night. Fantastic nursing care from pre-op to post-op to the floor. Can’t say enough good things about the nurses. I am also very comfortable with my GYN Onc. Went for a 1.1 mile walk outside today to enjoy the summer like weather. Felt great to be outside. I’m not in pain but am a bit sore and very, very tired.

    On Tuesday I’ll meet with the oncologist to discuss chemo. They’d like to start in 2-3 weeks. I keep telling myself one day at a time.

    Have a good week!

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    Puffin, so shocked to read of this news. Please ask for contact with the social worker at the hospital who can assist you with some of needs at home. You may qualify for a home health aid to assist you at home. I second Harley's message about hugs, and thoughts and prayers.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,349

    Puffin, I’m shocked as well, and at a loss for words. It’s a good thing you went to the ER. HUGS to you.

    Harley, all I can think of is one step at a time. A lot to absorb.

    Petite, I hope you get some relief with the drainage. And you can get a local handyman to fix the supports to your back porch.

    Betrayal, I’m wondering if you’re about my height, 5’8”, which is more like 5’7” after back issues and age shrunk me. I too, for years, get back pain bending to vacuum or sweep. Counters are a tad to low for me, and doing dishes can cause pain too.

    Dogs & cats and cats & dogs. I hope all off you contemplating and those awaiting animals, all get what you want.

    We’ve had hot weather. I was able to get out for a walk yesterday but dilly dallied this morning too long as the temps kicked up.

    My cousin and his son came through for me, by cutting and removing all the branches from my back yard and piling them nicely at the curb. He sent me some pictures of a clean (nearly clean, needs raking) backyard, the the front yard pile. I was pleasantly surprised to see my daffodils! They’re out on a corner which none of my cameras pick up; and they’re long gone by time we get back home.

    Rose bush needs to get cut back from damage. But I’m thankful there is no roof or pool damage to deal with.

    The before picture. I’m fortunate.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    Puffin and Harley — you are getting all the hugs I can muster and lots of hope and prayers for things to go right for you.

    Cindy — you are fortunate. So glad you were able to get all the wood out of your yard and to the curb. Hats off to your cousin and his son.

    Harley — walking a mile right after a hospital stay is quite an accomplishment. Again you and Puffin are deeps in my thoughts and I'm so hoping for you that things work out to your satisfaction when the time comes.

    Busy day here still going on. It is not that we did so much but more that it all had to take place late in the day. Looking forward to bed though.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Puffin, I too am shocked by your diagnosis! My first thought, and I hope it doesn't sound offensive, was that I am glad you went on your recent trip as your friend's guest and you didn't have issues at that time. I guess I try to find something positive when times are difficult, even though it isn't always easy to do. It goes without saying I too am praying for you! I wish I lived near by to help out!

    Harley, I am very sorry you are going through this, but I am so impressed that you walked over a mile! You are one tough woman! Saying prayers for you too! I am so glad the nurses were great! Nurses make such a difference; they are the ones who really connect with the patients!

    Somehow my good news doesn't feel as good after reading about Puffin and Harley. We are getting the dog on Saturday. Her name is Johanna, but the foster calls her JoJo. Not sure, but I don't think that is her real name, but a name the rescue organization gave her. I need to ask the foster about that. I asked dh what he would name her and he said she will tell us her name. We haven't told our kids/grandkids as we want some quiet time with her to get used to us.

    Having coffee with my sister this morning. She knows about the dog, but not that we are definitely getting her. I had a great talk with our friend who is an AKC judge, about all things terriers. She handled some of our dogs back in the 1980's when we were showing dogs. I am calling our veterinarian today to set up an appointment for next week. I will feel better after our veterinarian gives her a clean bill of health!

    Question for all pet people here. Do you have pet insurance for your pets? Our friend said she doesn't and thinks it is more trouble than it's worth. I might just add extra to my savings account each month.

    Cindy, wow! You did have a lot of branches come down. So great that your cousin could clean it up for you! At least you house is OK.

    Wishing all here a good day!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,653

    Over the years I have come to believe that life is full of unchosen circumstances, that being human has to do with the evolution of our individual consciousness and with it, responsibilities for choice. Pain and joy both come with life. I believe that how we respond to what happens to us and around us shapes who we become and has to do with the psyche or the soul’s growth.    -Jean Shinoda Bolen

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,319

    Hugs for Puffin and Harley. Puffin is a Facebook friend so I already knew her bad health news. I, too, reflected that I was glad she had her latest birding trip with no knowledge of what lay in store.

    Cindy, how wonderful that your storm debris has been removed from the yard and no damage to the pool.

    MM, I'm happy for you and your dh that you will be a pet owner again. From your descriptions this will bring your dh a lot of joy.

    Petite, good luck in dealing with your home repairs. A good honest workman is a valuable asset for homeowners.

    I have a project this morning. I asked dh to set up our smaller power washer on the front walkway and I will clean the walkway. It is patterned concrete and there are some black patches in the broad area in front of the little entrance alcove. I will do what I can without too much exertion and he can finish it at his leisure. We have a stronger power washer but we don't want to remove the seal coat that dh applied a couple of years ago.

    We could use a handy man on demand. As I look around outside I see jobs that dh and I used to do. Now he is more involved in his creative projects that bring him satisfaction and I am not as industrious as I was during younger days.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,730

    MM, I have pet insurance on 2 of 3 cats and on Regan. It was not popular when I adopted the older cat and he had one bill that would have been covered that was in the range of the grand national debt. DD pays for one of the cats because we became the adoptees when she failed to locate a new home for the kitten she found. It pays for itself because each visit to the vet is more than $$ these days for shots alone and forget any emergency visit. Prices vary because there are several options but I would prefer to pay a smaller monthly fee than a big lump sum. Happy for you.

    Cindyny, cleanup job looks great and glad there was no damage to the pool or house. No, I am not your height and have never been taller than 5'2" but think I am more like 5'1" now. In my once highest heels I might have reached 5'4". My BF in HS was 5'10". I wore size 4.5 shoes then and she wore 10's so when we went to a shoe store we were most likely to leave empty handed. Now we can laugh about it.

    Carole, I love to power wash and now will only have to do the front porch because the walkway was replaced. Ours always leaks a bit so I get wet at the same time, still love to do it though.

    Harley, we must have been posting at the same time because I totally missed your posting about your staging surgery. I was sorry to read that they found something in addition to what you already knew about and really am at a loss for words. Please stay off Dr. Google and I recognize this is hard but using that for info is as bad as some of the info offered by "do-gooders" when they learned of BC diagnosis. We have your back and will provide support and dispense ((((Hugs)))) as needed.

    Puffin, like others I am so glad you had your trip when you did and hope that memories of it will be the place you escape when times are tough. Guided imagery is when you use all 5 senses to escape a stressful situation. My imagery is imagining I am in Sorrento, Italy looking at the Bay of Naples, feeling the warm sun on my body, smelling the lemons and salt air, listening to the lap of the water and sea gulls, and drinking a Campari and orange juice while appreciating its tartness. If you can find a memory from your trip that fits the 5 senses it provides a short respite from reality. (((Hugs))) to you as well.

    petite1, I also missed some of your message. I hope you can find a reasonable contractor to fix the metal supports. Hope the arm drainage has ceased, too. Sorry April has been so unkind to you.

    Going to hit a sunny 80 today and I am not sure I am ready for it. I have hand therapy at noon so I will be out in it. Have to remember to use sunscreen after months of not having exposed skin I have to add it to bare arms.

    Have a great day.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Many thanks to all for the well wishes. It so very much appreciated.

    MM - Woohoo!! Congratulations on adopting Johanna. As your DH said. she will reveal her true name to you.

    Cindy - wow! That was quite a storm. I’m glad your cousin could clean up the debris and there was no major damage. Now you can come home to a clean yard.

    Carole - I’m really impressed at how much you get done around the house. DH takes care of the outside stuff at our house and I’m noticing that he is more likely to hire out the heavy jobs that only a few years ago he would have handled.

    Betrayal - good luck at hand therapy so you can move on to resolving the knee issues.

    Petite - I hope the drainage on your arm is resolved soon.

    Puffin - you remain in my thoughts. (((HUGS)))

    Brother #2 is at home and (barely) managing his health with the help of a friend. His level of cluelessness is astounding but I don’t have the energy to help him at this time. Brother #1 is doing what he can to offer advice long distance.

  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 389

    Great news from doctor this morning. Everything removed during last Wednesday’s surgery was negative for cancer. The only cancer found was during the March 14 surgery. The staging of 1C3 ovarian cancer remains. So I am early stage which gives me a best chance for long term survival. I’m so relieved.