Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    BangBang is a big bruiser of a girl (I keep forgetting she's female); extremely aggressively affectionate (I suspect she got her name because she's a headbanger), and has been face-marking up a storm. Unfortunately, I seem to be allergic to her saliva, so I need to steer her away from being so "mouthy" (her canines do overlap slightly and scrape my chin when she face-marks me). Going through a lot of witch hazel and Benadryl cream at bedtime. so the rash abates overnight. Roxy is more chill, but she has bonded strongly with both Bob and our HK. I don't feel guilty about keeping the bedroom door shut (so the light from the hallway doesn't get in), because never in their lives were the girls allowed into their humans' bedrooms and so have never slept on their owners. (Although I've noticed BangBang will occasionally settle down on my lap & chest for a snooze in front of the TV).

    Bob's car is in the body shop getting a scrape repainted, so he'll be taking the train(s) to work tomorrow, Fri. and Sat (when it's supposed to be ready). No after-work Costco stops for him without a car, so it's up to me to be the household hunter-gatherer. Gotta admit I enjoy being able to park in the middle of the garage.

    Anyway, my PCP said that since all the labs he ordered (except for creatinine, eGFR and H&H) look normal, my anemia may be caused by CKD. He had me message my heme-onc, but she says he's likely overreacting and she doesn't need to see me till our Oct. appt. for the MGUS. He did insist I see a nephrologist—first appt. I could get is July 31. You'd think if it's a primary care doc putting in the order I could sort of "jump the line" ahead of those just setting up their own establishing visit, but nooo….

    After plateauing for 2 weeks, I finally lost another pound-&-a-half this week. Bought new Levis—the 32s I'd bought last year were getting tight and I had to go up to 33—but both of those are now swimming on me (I don't even have to undo the zipper, just don & doff them as if they were "jeggings"). The new ones are 31 waist. And just out of curiosity, I pulled out an Old Navy Super-Skinny midrise pair I hadn't worn since 2021. Size 10—and they fit! (I'd been trying them on every week since starting Zepbound, and this week was the charm). Will be back in my size 10 Bermudas once it warms up…assuming I don't mind the spider veins, bruises & battle scars showing.

    What's keeping me humble, though, is that today's size 10 was Y2K's size 14, same cut, same amount of fabric.

    Going to have chilly, windy raw weather all weekend. So much for spring plantings—even though we're now a zone warmer than we used to be, our last possible frost is mid-May. By then the cicadas will be emerging. Wonder how the "girls" will react if one hits the window screen while they're watching the world go by. 17 years ago the cicadas never made it this far east, but they were a plague throughout the western & SW 'burbs. Now there will be 2 broods, so we shall see.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Cindy, thinking of you today and wishing you good luck at the dentist!

    Betrayal, gorgeous roses!

    Petite, I never did the test either, even after have three new breast cancers. No one even mentioned it to me. I have had the same thoughts about our house, there is always something needing to be fixed, but I am not ready for condo living. Don't make a decision now, wait until (in between issues) there are no house issues and weigh the pros and cons. Maybe look at some condos so you have an idea of what you are comparing. I couldn't live in a condo cheaper than living in our house and since we can live on one floor, we are staying in our house.

  • petite1
    petite1 Posts: 2,346

    The cancer center ordered it to so I can get off Als. That would be so nice to be off that stuff.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    I need a kind of spiritual inhalation, a spaciousness that comes when I am living from the inside out. Only in this way can I find my joy again, the tenderness I can feel toward myself and the world. Find is the wrong word. I don't think anyone "finds" joy. Rather, we cultivate it by searching for the preciousness of small things, the ordinary miracles, that strengthen our hearts so we can keep them open to what is difficult: delight in taking a shower or a slow walk that has no destination, in touching something soft, in noticing the one small, black bird who sings every morning from the top of the big old pine tree that guards this cabin. I need to give my attention to the simple things that give me pleasure with the same fervor I have been giving it to the complex things with which I drive myself crazy. Dawna MarkovaI Will Not Die an Unlived Life

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    Sandy, I'm loving hearing about the new additions. Sorry about the saliva issue. Yes, bruisers. We have them here although all are actually males that are big. We have two girls, one normal size and one who remained quite small. She has been sickly since we took her. Never gained enough to be able to have a neutering.

    Cindy, I too hope you have a great dental appt. Hope you don't have to have anymore and can get along w/o need of medical interventions for a while.

    Petite, leaving AL's behind is a marvelous thing. It is always great to be able to take less 'pills' since a lot of the older crowd have or had a number of them before AL's. Hope if you had any effects from them it clears up soon.

    It's cooler today here. I think with the slight clouds some rain could show up. Yikes I say. Well, that's Spring here, so I'll just have to be grateful. All the beautiful leaves popping out now on the trees. It's a true marvel to look out into a sea of green where just a short while ago were only bare tree limbs everywhere. Once outside it looks a bit different, but looking out our windows, especially from a sitting position, you'd swear this house was in the middle of a forest when all the leaves are out.

    I hope you all have a really good day. MM, I'm sure waiting to hear how your new addition does as well.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Yes, pets can be expensive. Vet bills can be compared to human medical bills. I'm not saying we will not have another pet but life without one or two is easier in a lot of ways. And less expensive. But I'm happy for MM and Sandy.

    Off to an appointment with the plastic surgeon this afternoon.

    Tomorrow I have a reunion lunch with the remainder of a class that attended grades 1 through 9 at a small rural school. It's a pot luck and I'm making a broccoli salad to contribute. I was just looking up recipes to revive my memory. I make one change to the recipes. I blanch the broccoli instead of using it raw. I like it better. Also, I omit the red onion. That's another change! I don't eat raw onion and I'll probably have a helping of the salad. My friends on the What's For Dinner thread are familiar with my aversion to raw onion. And friends up in MN save me a portion of salad without onions when we have potlucks.

    It's already April 18 and we are scheduled to depart for MN on May 20. Not a lot of time, the way the days zip by.

    Petite, I have a friend in Fort Myers whose husband passed away this past September in MN. She has their large home with a swimming pool in FL and their lake home in MN. She looked at condos in Fort Myers and decided she didn't want to live in a condo. Even though the house is large for one person, she's decided to continue living in it and have room for family to visit. I assume that expense isn't a consideration.

    I'd better get moving.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Roxy has discovered the top of the (big tall) fridge and the piano. Had to move the basil plant away from the sunny corner of the kitchen table lest she gnaw on it. (I read somewhere that basil is safe because it's related to catnip). BangBang is getting very mouthy, though—not biting hard but open-mouth nipping when I'm not paying attention to her (which is basically during the few moments she lets me type).

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Oh, the joys of learning how your new kitties fit into your household. I used to have 2 garden windows: one in the powder room which Misty has commandeered and one above the kitchen sink that is packed to the gills with some of the plants that used to inhabit the powder room window. Each window also had a shelf so I could display plants on 2 levels; nope, had to take the shelves out to avoid having to clean up broken planters and plant debris. So I now have plants that reside on top of my clothes dryer. Fortunately I have a window in the room and they are mostly low light plants that are thriving. The one above the sink is chock full of planters and she still tries to squeeze in there. As the sayings go, if you have a cat, you become their servant.

    MM, had to chuckle at your shopping spree for your new bundle of joy. I hope she likes all the things you have purchased. Our vet is part of the VCA chain so the insurance is through them but is accepted by other veterinary services.

    We do not go to excess to save our animals lives but we also do not deny them treatment for a treatable condition. Our one dog developed glaucoma, had conservative treatment for a long time and then required an enucleation. This would have been covered by insurance but we did not have it on her. It was expensive surgery but not a reason to euthanize her. Same when one of the cats required dental extractions, expensive but he is currently healthy and I would not have euthanized him either for this. A trip to the vet for just updates on vaccines is $$$ and forget stool samples, etc. because they are costly as well but all covered by the insurance. We do not miss the monthly cost versus coughing up a large amount quickly. Many of the local SPCA's also offer low cost vaccine clinics and my son uses them for his dogs.

    cindyny, I am sure you are happy to be over dental visits. Hope the new bridge works well.

    carole, hope the plastic surgeon visit went well.

    petite1, I do not believe the cost of owning a condo is actually cheaper than your own home. You will perhaps have HOA fees, and when the owners of the property decide to update common areas (sidewalks, parking areas) these costs are normally passed on to the condo owners. Before we moved to this house we had looked at new builds but were turned off by the HOA restrictions. I want the freedom to do what I want in my yard and around my house. I would weigh your options since you also like to entertain family and would there be room for them?

    Illinoislady, did you manage to get a new appointment for your hair? I used to say there were days where I felt like a I needed a whip and a chair to manage my hair. No longer have that complaint but really don't think a pony tail is a style either.

    Taco, I hope the visit with your sister is going well. Nice to have some "girl talk" time.

    Puffin, hope that each day at home gets a bit better and that you regain some feeling in your arm. ((Hugs)).

    It has been overcast and in the low 50's most of the day. It is downright chilly so being outside for any length of time was canceled. So I decided to address my closet again. This is an ongoing declutter, donate, toss effort because if the rule is "no wear in a year, toss" doesn't work for me (nor Sandy either from her clothes reveal). I still am keeping some of my work clothes for times when I need to be a bit dressier than jeans, etc. and have already winnowed them down quite a bit. There are a few tops that I will most likely pull out though. Today I went through my casual slacks section and they seem to be okay. I tried on some and they still fit. Then I addressed the tee shirts and found some that are stretchy fabric and they don't work. So they went in the donate pile, some older ones went into the work tees area (yard work and dirty house work), I sorted through my cardigans and had a pile to donate when I finished. Next section is the long hanging clothes including work suits, suit jackets, etc. which requires some culling and will be saved for the next rainy day. I will most likely keep the suits because I am not a dress person now that I have to wear knee high compression stockings and need them for funerals, etc. Sounds morbid but they could also be used for formal dinners. If I do a little at a time I am more likely to really cull. Plus my back keeps me from spending more than 1-2 hours in there. It is a work in progress.

    Hope everyone has had a great day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Dentist - bridge went in nicely, looks “real” but my only complaint is it’s super white. Looks like bleached white teeth. So I took a ride to the company where it was made, 25 minutes south from the dentist. There a specialist was able to see my upper crowns are actually lighter at the bite, and darker at the root. Most likely a blend and he’ll match them.

    I also questioned my bite - the new bottom teeth do not touch the top teeth. I recall him saying something about not wanting them smashing crown on crown but I think the gap is pretty big - or big in my head anyway. So I go back to see him tomorrow at noon. He may explain his thoughts and I’ll get used to them, but I want his input.

    The saga continues.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Betrayal, thanks for the dog advice! We have always done the same, paid high prices for vet bills that would keep our dogs alive with quality of life, but not when they were old and in pain or suffering. We had dogs die naturally, and we had some put to sleep. Both were sad. Now that we are on a fixed income, I have to take expenses into account when it comes to our dog. That said, to me, she will be giving us more than we could ever possibly give her! My vet is not VCA, but I am going to ask if they can recommend a plan.

    When I look back at how upset I was at not being picked for one of the puppies, and then had an opportunity to adopt their mom, well, that made me feel it was meant to be! I think like many of you said, an older dog, even though three years old isn't a lot older, is really better for us than a puppy. They were super cute though!

  • harley07
    harley07 Posts: 409

    Sandy - happy to hear the kitties are home with you ! Bang Band sounds like my kind of girl - a bruiser with attitude. I’m sure there will be some adjustment period as you settle in to being a family of four. Those kitties are so lucky to have you.

    MM - eagerly awaiting the arrival of Johanna at your house. It sounds like a dose of good medicine for your DH.

    Cindy - hope you get the issue with the bridge worked out quickly. The bite is important so that you don’t have jaw issues and resulting headaches.

    Petite - good luck with the breast cancer index.

    Puffin - you remain in my thoughts

    It was a gray, drizzly day today. We did get out for a 1 mile walk outside which lifts my spirits. I’ve had a little difficulty controlling my pain with Tylenol and ibuprofen but seemed to have gotten over the hump. I’m kinda of bored but don’t really have the energy to do much. I miss my friends at the food pantry but am nowhere near ready to return to packing and lifting boxes of food. I’m thinking it will be at least June before I can occasionally help out.

    Thinking of everyone.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Posts: 1,366

    Sandy, cat allergies keep me away from cats. I take allergy meds daily and a car can still give me asthma.

    MM, your new pup Jojo (or what name comes to you) will be lucky to be with you.

    Harley, best to be bored and not sore. You’ll get back to the food bank when you’re able.

    Carole, hoping your surgeon visit went well.

    Jackie, I hope your weather gives you some sunshine. I know it brightens your day.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    harley, I think of you a lot, you have been through so much, you are very inspiring. I agree with Cindy, you need to take your time getting back to the pantry, but it is a nice incentive to get back to "normal." I hope you can find pain relief soon! Your walks put me to shame! Some days my phone says I haven't even walked a mile, but then again, when I am at home, my phone is usually setting on a table.

    Cindy, I hope the dental issues are resolved.

    Carole, I too hope your surgeon appointment went well! I was supposed to see my PS last month but canceled the appointment. I think it was more for my lymphedema than my implant, as most people I talk with said they didn't see their PS after their last surgery follow up. I am not doing anything about my lymphedema.

    We got a mulch delivery yesterday. I need to do a lot of work in the gardens. Unlike many of you, I do not enjoy working in the garden, but I like them to look good, so I do what I need to do. I will work on it Sunday or next week.

    Doing wash today and hope to schedule a pick-up to get rid of some of the items I bagged up to donate. Also, need to dust/vac downstairs and clean the bathroom. I also want to plant the hyacinths I had from Easter, outside in the garden, which shouldn't take very long to do. I can't wait for the weather to get warm enough to replant the geraniums and hibiscus tree outside! We will not bring the tree inside again, at the end of the summer. Sadly, I know it will die if left outside, but I don't have room for it anymore. We don't have a covered porch or sunroom which would be ideal for it. It was a Mother's Day gift from my DD years ago. so it is a little sad to think I am going to let it die.

    Sometime in the not so distant future I need to clean the garage too. Always something, but I am so thankful to be retired and have time to do these things!

    Carole, I still marvel that you and your dh drive to MN every spring! I used to drive to NE to see our DS, but those days are gone. We will fly from now on.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone. It has created the word “loneliness” to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word “solitude” to express the glory of being alone.    -Paul Tillich

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    What a delight this morning. Pretty cool, but there is sun which I'm loving. We had lots of thunderstorm activity last night. A light show and lots of booming. I was concerned about the weather warning for tornadoes. As mentioned before — we do seem to get missed, but my concern was the original warning was to go from last night to tonight at about 8 p.m. A pretty long time to expect dire weather.

    Hope Sandy and anyone else in the path of the storm had no issues to speak of, but this is that time of year.

    I agree with the others Harley. Doing what you are use to is easy to miss, because doing what you have done for so long would feel natural, but your body needs the healing. Enjoy being a bit lazy and taking it easy.

    Amazing that in only a month you will return to your summer home Carole. I have forgotten how you found that little hide-a-way for yourself, but I always look forward to your notes while you are there enjoying your smaller home and easy lifestyle.

    MM, retirement is a great time but does take a little adjustment. You sound like you have arrived pretty good now. I nearly cried with the hibiscus tree you won't be able to bring inside anymore. Still we have to recognize changes happen. Wonder if there may be someone or somewhere it might fit in that has more room who could save it. A church, library, building lobby somewhere who could give it a home. I know it requires work to find someone to even ask, but just thinking it would have a chance if it could be re-homed.

    Puffin, petite, Harley, and anyone else with medical issues — you are still much on my mind and I'm hoping all goes well and is as quick and painless a possible.

    Wishing sunshine for all.

  • petite1
    petite1 Posts: 2,346

    Just met with a contractor and waiting for a quote.

    betrayal, I do like the privacy and I love my home. We do have an HOA and deed restrictions that are a pain. They decide they need money for stupid little things and we have to pay for special assessments. The deed enforcement people are selective about who they go after. It is so political. I went to one meeting. There were 2 deputies there to make sure it didn't get out of hand. Anyway, I still like my home and just figure out how to keep it maintained, before it falls down or the deed police come after me. LOL I guess condos might be worse.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    MM, if we didn't drive up to MN, we would have to hire someone to drive the truck with the cargo trailer packed full of stuff, including bins of dh's bowls and other handmade wooden items we sell at the Farmers Market. We allow 2 1/2 days for the trip. The best alternative to driving would be snapping my fingers and arriving there. I don't like flying, don't like airports.

    Confession. I did something really dumb. Got the date wrong for the class reunion. It's next Friday, not today. So we'll have to eat the broccoli salad I put together this morning. Fortunately I called the old classmate who had given me directions to another old classmate's camp. She repeated the directions and then said, "It's not today." Sure enough. I looked at the calendar and the notation was on the 26th, not the 19th. Since I was dressed, I decided to make a trip to Walmart's and get some items that we buy there because of lower prices, like Hellman's mayo. It's $2 cheaper or more so I buy several jars.

    Normally I don't use the self check out stations because I want to support the employees but lately I do self check out so that I can limit the weight in the bags. After I put the bags into the back of my Prius, I have to flag someone down to close the hatch because it's higher than I should reach during surgery recovery.

    Thinking of Puffin and Harley. Hope everyone is having a good Friday.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Costco made me use self-check the other day; but lo & behold each one had a staffer scanning first my card and then the barcodes on my purchases in my cart. I still had to scan my card for payment, but it was the best of both worlds—much shorter line and still not 100% DIY.

    Finally located Heidi's vet—but the VCA online contact form kept rejecting me for "suspected blacklist." So I'll have to call. BangBang has been strangely absent today after her morning feeding—wonder where she hides to sleep. Gonna be a struggle when the time comes to lure her back out and wrestle her into her carrier.

  • @carolehalston, it is not dumb to confuse a date - I am sure we have all done it - very easy to do if your calendar is filled with other not-so-nice appointments. On the other hand, you have a salad made and you could always say you were giving the salad a trial run for taste testing purposes.

  • Please help. I am a 74years old Woman. I had a mastectomy I now have a tissue expander which is now expanded to the desired size. My mastectomy was on November 8th. during my pre-surgery aappointment my surgeon said that my BMI was high. She suggested that I wait until I lowered my BMI I want this tissue expander removed. I hate it. Has anyone experienced this. what do you recommend Weight loss is not easy at my age My BMI is 37 the optimal recommended BMI is 35

  • refering to my previous post concerning the elevated BMI. this is my second time having cancer in this breast.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    anita08081, I don't get it. I had a mastectomy in October of 2022, had the exchange surgery in March of 2023 and my BMI is higher than yours! I am 70. This was my third time with breast cancer. I had no issues with anesthesia or the surgery, other than I was allergic to the dressing they used (xeroform) and developed quite a rash. It resolved over time. I do try to eat healthy foods in moderation and exercise, but it is really hard to lose weight as we get older. I stopped stressing over it as I don't look as fat as my BMI suggests. I also have lymphedema which doesn't help. I would suggest a serious discussion with you plastic surgeon as to why she needs you to wait!

    Carole, it makes perfect sense to drive to MN. I forgot about your husband's artistic talent! So nice that he can create such beautiful bowls! You are both such creative people, no wonder you are a great couple! I laughed at the mistake in the date as I have done that before too! We live such busy lives it is easy to do! At least you didn't actually go to the place it was being held, then wonder why no one else was there.

    Sandy, good luck with the cats at the vet! I have a vet appointment on Thursday for our new dog.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Ouch on the tissue expander. Sure hope you get relief, Anita. I didn't go that route but the immediate placement of implants was painful enough. The TEs seemed like medieval torture when I learned about them.

    MalleeMiss, thank you for your kind response to my forgetfulness.

    Yesterday I looked through a box of photos searching for old school pictures and ran across some of me when I was first married. I looked so good it was looking at someone else! I do miss that slim figure and face with no wrinkles. Sigh… Glass half full. I'm still alive and fortunate to be in good-for-my-age health.

    At my appointment with the PS, I had US of both breasts and the fluid on the right was less. BUT there was more fluid on the left. He did not instruct the NP to draw out the fluid, instead wanting to wait and see if my body could manage the situation. I have another appointment in 2 weeks. He stressed that I should call him if I had any pain or cause for concern. It concerns me that he is concerned. I don't recall any mention of fluid buildup in 2009 with the BMX and reconstruction but I had drains. Maybe I should have had drains this time. Any comments from nurses are welcome.

    I probably have been lifting and reaching too much in this recovery phase. It was only 3 weeks since surgery on Tuesday. Today I plan to go for a walk and also do some balance exercises from the senior exercise classes.

    Puffin and Harley, I'm thinking of you. And hoping everyone is having success with dealing with life's challenges.

    Happy Saturday. 🙂

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    Compassion makes no distinction between friends and
    enemies, neighbors and outsiders, compatriots and foreigners.
    Compassion is the gate to human community.

    Joan Chittister
    Seeing with Our Souls


  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Posts: 1,275

    Carole, full disclosure, I am NOT a nurse, but I had fluid build up when I had my exchange surgery and the implants were put in. They drained it with a syringe and it didn't hurt. There was a lot at first and it got less and less, but again, they were draining it. When it got down to a certain amount, I don't remember how much it was, they let my body absorb it, and it did! I only have one breast with an implant, the other is a flap.(DIEP) Not sure if that helped you in any way, but at least you know it happens to others too. I think they always get concerned about fluid build up because it is a place where bacteria can grow.

    TMI: I wasn't a nurse for humans but for animals. I gave vaccines, ran the blood work, (CBCs were not done with machines in the 70's) took the x-rays, ran the anesthesia, I did the intubating and all that is involved in that, I scrubbed for surgery, cleaned the instruments and OR, ran the autoclave to sterilize the surgery packs, put in the IV's, did the dental work, including pulling teeth and when I worked in research, I also castrated pigs! I liked the research especially when I was promoted to the microbiology lab where I received tissue samples from across the USA and would test them to see what was causing sickness in farm animals. Microbiology was like a mystery to solve, and I loved that!

    Sunny today and perfect day to welcome our little "Johannah" into our family! Not sure what we will call her, but we have a short list to pick from. Today is our 45th anniversary. The day looks to be exactly as it was 45 years ago although it was warmer on wedding day. We were married on a Friday night and then went on our honeymoon the following day to the Chesapeake Bay area and Williamsburg VA. Wonderful memories!

    Today I read about a truly amazing man today, that is 110 years old! He lives alone, his bedroom upstairs, laundry, which he does without help, in the basement, still drives, is alert and according to his 49-year-old GD, has less health issues that she has! He was a fireman for 60 years! He looked absolutely fabulous in the photos! Such an inspiration!

    Wishing those who are healing, much positive progress, and everyone a wonderful weekend!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Posts: 42,185

    There is a beaty of a sun out today. Not sure it rained through the night, but I did wake up and see some lightning. Didn't hear any thunder with it so maybe it was a far-off storm somewhere. Going to stay cooler as well the next few days. It is a part of Spring so we wait it out as the trees continue to get properly dressed.

    Carole, I too always thought of the word torture or medieval when thinking of tissue expanders. I only had a lumpectomy so never a 'choice' I had to encounter in any way. I too hope Anita finds the help she needs. It is a daunting journey no matter what but made worse if you have expanders and other things giving you major discomforts.

    Boy, memory lane, huh!! Seeing ourselves as we normally feel —- only far, far younger and slimmer, with smooth lovely skin and perky smile. Still the same but so different now. Yes - grateful is the best word to help cover those miles we have traveled from then to now.

    Nothing special today as usual. I guess one of the best things about retirement is I don't have to 'stew' over things not completed nearly as much. Don't have to fit so much into the off-work time. Got part of the bills and will do the other part today. Monday I will get my hair done finally. Beth was so apologetic about missing our appt. Made me feel bad and I finally said BETH — we have both taken the journey and things happen. You have my total understanding. I will also go in the early evening to have a CT and on Friday will see the RO to see what shape my 'lung nodule' is in now. Hoping it is totally obliterated. The conversations that took place before my week of intense radiation all indicated that it could and hopefully would be highly successful.

    I think I am doing well with my daily reports of Blue Tooth Blood Pressure Readings. I don't see a lot of difference in them really. I am set up to take the reading about an hr. after I take the tinniest half of a Losartan pill ever it seems. Frankly, I can't believe the pill is doing much for me actually. I think it won't be long and I'll be able to return the medical devices back to the V.A. I still have to take my blood pressure before I take any heart meds to make sure that my pressure isn't too low at the time which is below 90 systolic. Oh well. I'm doing it so if someone of my medical team can assess my needs from it then it will have been a good thing. It not, it gave me something to do.

    Hugs to those with issues and need of medical interventions. You are definitely on my mind. I hope you all have a really good day.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Sun not fully out but trying hard but think cloud cover may be part of it. In low 60's and will not get much warmer. I'll take it.

    Had to refill suet cake holder yesterday afternoon and already the birds have made a large dent in it. I need to adjust the top because it is partially open and I don't want any bird to get trapped in it.

    Worked on closet yesterday and think I am done with purging clothing. Like Sandy there are some clothes I am not willing to part with now. They are mostly classic pieces that can be dressed down or up. I went through a zippered bag and found some jackets I could wear now that would make my outfits a bit dressier but not in the formal sense. I loved to dress when I worked even though my colleagues mostly resorted to jeans, etc which I didn't find as professional as I wanted to appear. I did wear jeans/casual clothes to the labs where we were more likely to get dirty but not to class. Just my POV and comfort level.

    I do need to go through shelves in closet and winnow through them. The bins with sweaters have been sorted but I have baskets containing purses and they could be winnowed down. I love shoes and have tons of them acquired over the years and they could use a reorganization. Last year I did offer some new sandals (in box) to my SIL because I could no longer wear them and she did insist on buying them. She got a bargain and I got a small payment for them so win-win. She loves them.

    Today I am pretty much caught up on what I wanted to do around here so we will be going to Ikea this afternoon. We will most likely grab a late lunch of Swedish meatballs there which is a favorite of both of us. Don't really need anything but like to look at what's new.

    I am looking for a lidded wicker chest large enough that I could store my laundry basket in. Then I could just add dirty clothes to the laundry basket and all would be out of sight. I need to measure laundry basket for exact measurements. I don't like my current laundry hamper and having to store the laundry basket on the floor of my closet. It gets in the way. Not sure I will find one at a reasonable price but can dream.

    Carole, the body can reabsorb fluid accumulations but not sure how this works around implants. The concern may be that fluid can also be a reaction to irritation. So I would take it easy to see if fluid decreases. I can understand the need to be more active.

    MM, so glad you are getting your new dog today. The name will either come to you or when we rescued we just stuck with the name because it fit them. Lita remained Lita because she was a petite Dal and Regan was 2 year old and she was used to it so it seemed appropriate to keep it. I think JoJo is a cute name but she will let you know what her name should be.

    The roses are starting to open so I trimmed them this morning on hopes they will continue to open. The lilies remain shy though one appears to be trying to open. I love the scent of white lilies and buy them when I see them but most of the time they offer the small Oriental lilies which I don't like as much because their aroma is a disappointment.

    Anita, I can't offer any info on TE's because I did not have them but can say that right now your focus should be on healing from your surgery and your BMI be damned. I would just remind the PS that your are there for breast implant issues and NOT your weight. My BMI is not what it should be (too high) and I do not tolerate comments about it anymore. I eat healthy, do not overeat, don't drink but exercise has been limited by my medical issues lately and knees that are in sad shape. I was a walker but have been hindered by my knees so I do what I can to keep myself moving. I am scheduled for a knee replacement in June.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. The sun just came out fully so I am happy.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Thank you, MM and Betrayal for insight on fluid accumulation.

    Anita, I agree with Betrayal that BMI is not your focus right now.

    JoJo is a cute name.

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Posts: 979

    Yesterday I had my follow up hospital discharge appt with primary care Dr. I've developed thrush in my mouth from the steroids. When the Dr came in I said before we talk about my tumor look in my mouth and send an order to pharmacy so the med will be ready for me to pick up when I leave. She did and it worked perfectly. I can wait 6 weeks to have blood work to see if the steroid raised my blood sugar or my thyroid level has gone down from the prilosec

    Home Health PT and OT have been here and I have adapters for a couple pens, a spoon and a fork, which help until my hand tires. I learned a safer way of getting into my shower chair and she talked to the office about adding a grab bar by the shower.

    PT changed my exercises and reminded me they are to be done slow for control, not for increasing strength.

    Grandson and his mom are making the 5 hour drive here this afternoon with frozen meals and help with whatever, laundry and garbage and shopping on my list. They'll return home tomorrow. First time they've been to this apt

    Typing on laptop is slow with just left hand but I seem to be a bit more coordinated with the mouse with my right hand, and more accurate with the pressure I apply using my phone. Everything takes so much energy and I fatigue quickly.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015

    Puffin, so nice to hear from you. Hope the thrush clears soon so your mouth is less tender. If the med is a swish and swallow make sure to not drink anything immediately after use. It is to be expected you will tire easily but your strength will return gradually.

    Hope your visitors can help with tasks and that them bringing frozen meals is a blessing. Stay in touch as best you can. (((Hugs)))