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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,283

    Petite, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Being busy with laundry may help with the stress; who knows.

    Fort Myers beach is flooded, I’ll upload a picture. Downtown Fort Myers has started to get flooding, with high winds, but so far ok. My neighbor walked around outside her house videoing - some puddles in between the homes, fake lake looks pretty full, ducks are out & about. She had the news on the tv in the background - talked of coastal flooding and bridges from coastal areas inland are closed. I’m assuming all along the coast, folks were advised to evacuate yesterday. So if Fort Myers is on the fringe of the storm, you know the bend will be hit so much worse. Fort Myers as a whole is also under a tornado watch.

    A note I saw yesterday was a reminder to run dishwasher now, and make sure nothing was hanging out in the garbage disposal. Electricity may go out.


  • harley07
    harley07 Member Posts: 344

    Petite - keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Cindy - hope your property makes it through with no damage

    Hope all will be safe in this storm.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    Remember, what you possess in the world will be found at the day of your death to belong to someone else, but what you are will be yours forever.        -Henry van Dyke

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    Petite — thinking of you while Fla. is battling with hurricane Helene. I feel concern and wonder every time a big storm comes how much global warming have had to do with it. Hoping you have power and you and your house guests are safe and as comfortable as it is possible to be in current circumstances. Of course, the storm will pass and go onto others along the coastline past you, and I hope they too will do okay.

    Cindy, hope your property stays safe. Must be hard to wonder if you will have a mess on your hands at your return to Fla. later on. I hope all stays pretty much okay for you.

    We woke up to rain this morning once again. I sort of hoped we were done with it for a little while, but not so. Having to chuckle as Dh asked me had I seen a weather report his morning. I said no, but when I looked out the window it was raining — would that do as a report. He didn't smile…. hmmm.

    Nothing special today anyway which is good with the weather as it is.

    Saying hi to Carole and everyone. Are you still on the cooler side Carole? Are you thinking of packing up yet??

    Taco, Harley, MM and everyone — stay well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    Surprise, surprise. Came back to mention that my WJBD (one of our local radio channels here) had pictures of a destroyed car under a tree that up-rooted in the wind and another that had damages. The description paragraphs said it was remnants from Helene ( all the way here in mid-central Illinois) and told of some other things with guy wires and transformer. I now presume this is what our rain is all about and it is continuing as we speak. It has waxed and waned a time or two, but even when lighter it has been pretty constant.

    Somehow I did not think we here would feel an effect at all. Still this is more like just a normal rain to us for the most part and certainly nothing to speak of up next to Fla. and the loss of life that they have listed — not sure if the number was 30 or 33. I'm hoping everyone I know was able to come though okay while hating that lives were lost.

    The report did indicate that it is the strongest storm yet to ever come through the region it did. People are being rescued in other states as well since the storm is on-going. I think it mentioned Georgia and the Carolina's. Prayers and hope for all.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,283

    My Florida home is fine. They said we had more wind than rain. But our downtown was flooded. And poor Fort Myers beach… what can I say - all the sand that was trucked in to replace what Ian took out to sea, is now on San Carlos Blvd, the road next to the beach. I’ve heard the Margaritaville pool is full of sand, it’s right on the beach so that's pretty much expected. I think the Pink Shell resort pool is full of sand also. I have not heard of any loss of life in my area, which is a blessing.

    I’m guessing we won’t hear from Petite for a few days as I don’t think the area has power. Last I heard 4.4 million were without power. With Ian at some point they put satellites up to get some cell service, where cell towers were destroyed - hope they’ll do that again if necessary.

    I was out for a walk today, on the late side, near 11 AM. But the weather was perfect, and lots of walkers were around. I put my audio book on and totally enjoyed myself.

    Lots of ducks and geese in the ponds too.

    Jackie, I hope your rains stop. I didn’t think we were going to get any remnants from Helene, but tonight’s forecast mentioned rains late Wednesday & into Thursday from Helene. Low 40% chance but still a surprise to me.

    Carole, I’m hoping any of your friends and family stay safe too.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    The highest reward for people's
    toil is not what they get for it
    but what they become by it.

    John Ruskin

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,258

    Overcast here this morning after likely a good amt. of rain all day yesterday and overnight as well I think. The sky does not look promising for clearing any time soon. I admit since so many trees surround us we can't always see A lot of sky from our windows.

    Cindy, I so enjoyed the pictures. I am so fond of any water pictures and the ducks were really neat. They have the same high regard for water that I do — for different reasons, of course.

    Good to hear that things at your Fla. home seem to be pretty much okay. I think there is a lot of suffering going on there and people that were lost. I know people will be taken care of with federal help, but at the same time — more Insurance woes. Sad that weather has become so perilous that people can't live where they want to but must go where they can get Ins. for their property. A real sign of our times.

    We have had a bit of wind here and some still. The deck is littered with leaves from out of the trees and a couple of small twigs. Though so costly, I am thrilled we had the tree people out this past early Spring. It has sure made a huge difference in the yard debris after a storm. I presume at any rate the wind and water is still being attributed to storm Helene

    I am thinking about Petite and hoping all is well with her and her guests. You are likely right Cindy — that she doesn't have power or enough cell towers etc. Here's hoping and praying.🌈