Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2011

    Hi all

    Haven't posted in a while. Have been dealing with a few issues here.Was having trouble with arthritis and had bad reaction to drug - plaquenil. Was making me feel terrible and I was having bad hair loss which I didn't appreciste at all. I am on femara so it appears it was reacting to that. Have stopped the plaquenil and feel better but hair not improving as yet.

    Then there were issues with my sister who lives with us because she has no other means of support. She is not a real problem it has been her children and grandchildren who were demanding money from us - we said no as we would never see it again. They all think we are made of money especially since we have done major renovations to the house recently. I don't like the pressure they were trying to put me under.

    Today i have my four year check up. Things are OK but BS is concerned about area around mastectomy scar as it feels very hard. So have to go back in 3 months and if no improvement will have CT scan. If  I get concerned I can see her at anytime. I think its lymphoedema as I get it badly under my arm. 

    So thats me at present. I do hope everyone is doing OK and coping with treatments etc. Barbara enjoy your trip, sounds great. SV look after yourself and that Angus. Isabella I do hope you get power back soon.

    Big hugs to all.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    MB - that is quite a snowstorm you've got going there! I hope they close your office tomorrow. Your neighborhood is so pretty! But that a yard gnome I see there?? Those are so ridiculously cute - I need to get one!

    Barbara - I've been freezing way too much this winter, too! I liked getting one or two snow days per year, maybe 30 degrees temps for a day or two, but lately we have weeks of freezing temps and days and days of snow. Not what I want in Georgia, either! Like I said before, PERFECT timing for your cruise! Oh, to be warm again...

    SV - I know your hands are full right now being Angus' nurse, so maybe you can "slow your roll" a little at the same time. And thanks again for the gorgeous picture of the little sandpipers! The colors are so vivid - it's beautiful!

    3jays - I hope you get a good report from your tests tomorrow! I can't wait until the waiting is over for you! 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Yeah Alyson-I am so glad you posted-been thinking of you and about to send the rescue doggies out!! Family is like the worst-well at least trying to deal with them is the worst!! And you had a bad reaction to meds???!! Are you OK? I mean obviously not but gees, is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Then to have family trying to mooch off of you-like how can they not SEE you are suffering!! Good lord, they should be waiting on you hand and foot!! I am so sorry you are having a rough time with the meds-do you have any hair?? And what is up with the scar-I mean what does if the scar is hard? Even at a four year check-up it is like MORE waiting-now three months to get it rechecked. This is torture!! Sending prayers that all will be well. 3jays-tests.....reports asap gal!! Barb, I want a weather report the minute it gets above 75 degrees on the cruise-you are gonna have a blast! Welp, just shoved a handfull of meds down puppy and he is not happy. He has the biggest bucket mouth-I mean a whole tennis ball can disappear in there-but try to get a little pill into him? Thank heavens for bread cause when I wad the pills in bread he gobbles it up ususally-not tonight though-so the battle was on for a bit. Very tired tonight-just feel like i am under so much stress-truly, I slept most of the day and trying to hit the hay now-Isabella, I SO hope that you have electric and that you are warm and toasty tonight!! Hugs to all, SV

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2011

    hello everyone....been MIA for a while.been reading but not usual my back is really bothering wondering if its from the rads.that table is hard like a rock.

    just wanted to say hi.Barbara---have a wonderful trip.Marybe,Amyjo,SV,and anyone i forgot im thinkin of all of you,prayin too.i see some new people,damn that suks.and i also read one of our sistas passed.that really suks.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    GrannyDukes!!!! Missed you, gal!

    Alyson!!!! Missed you, too.

    MSCal, the stripper pole visual I got cracked me up.

    HnS - I know Atlanta was hammered this winter so far. We have an office there and it has been closed a LOT.

    SV - hugs for Angus and Mommy.

    MB - SOOOOO glad I live in FL.

    3jays - let us know waht's up with the MRI!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    GD OMG-you're alive!!!! Hooray! You have to get back to your feisty self - i know the pain and rads is hard-but we are all there with you. And BON VOYAGE dearest Barb!!!! XXOOO, SV

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2011

    Headed to the bedroom to pack the carryon then crash. Up at 4AM. YIKES!!

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    Barb, Have the best time ever!!...if I were you, I would not be able to sleep.

    Granny,   So glad to hear from you.  Back problems seems to be going around lately....I am trying deperately to find the PT I used to go to who could do wonders for my back.  Something the orthopedic doc's nurse told me today...Said he was writing me a script for PT, but no electric stimuli (I knew that one) and no massages....guess there is a danger there is can trigger lympedema....ever heard that one before?

    SV, Poor Angus.  It's not like we can explain to them what's going on...hopefully he will forget all about it and be back to running after the ball on the beach again.

    Yep, we got lots of snow and this AM when I looked out there were deer in the front yard and Harley was barking his head off at them.  However, after I got my doors unfrozen( had to dump hot water on them) on the car, I did go to work today and the roads were much better than the trip home last night and not a single patient canceled, even though I was wishing they would. My friend who is coming this weekend decided to come tomorrow AM since she didn't want to drive in the dark and they keep talking about black ice....tonight it was 10o when I just came in from the grocery store.  We are going to the movies tomorrow and out to eat Indian food with our other pal from home.  H&S, is there a yard gnome in that pic?, know my gazing ball is showing in that one think I used to make fun of those, then one year I decided Hmmm, maybe I like those and now I have one in both the front and back yard.

    Has 3Jays checked in after her test yet?  

    Stay warm, ladies and Barb, be sure to wear sunscreen!!

    Hope your neck is better soon Connie and also hope you are feeling better soon Alyson

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204
    edited January 2011

    I had a statuette of a wizard holding a gazing ball, then I lost the ball so I tossed the wizard - never could find the right size ball again! Isn't that funny how we don't like something and then, all of a sudden we do? Now I think I want a yard gnome, maybe even more gazing balls. I have lots of woods so I think the gazing balls look neat in the distance through the woods. And I hang wind chimes through the woods, too. No neighbors around here to annoy, so I'm the only one that hears them and I think they are pleasant. Well, maybe not in a tornado or something - that would definitely raise my anxiety level then!

    Alyson - the doctors can keep us constantly freaked out every time we go see them. If they dismiss something I'm concerned about, I'm usually still concerned and if they raise something on their own, then they got me concerned again. It's a very fine line we walk between calmness and a nervous wreck. I'll bet you're right about the lymphedema, but it will be good to get your onc's final say-so.

    GD - so glad to see you again! I bet you'll be glad when your rads are over - maybe your back will finally get some relief!

    Barb - Bon Voyage! I know/hope you're asleep by now, but hope you have a nice relaxing cruise and just live in that spa! Be sure to send us some pics so we can at least be warm vicariously!

    Nurse SV - I hope your patient is doing better!

    My brother had to put his 16-year old cat down today. It's so heartbreaking to hear a grown man cry. I was crying, too, because I helped take care of Amos. He was the coolest cat - my brother went sailing for 2 years with his 11-year old son and his kitty. I didn't think the cat would make it back, but he became quite the sailor cat! So sad when we lose a pet. :(

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    Oh H&S, I am so sorry over the loss of sailor kitty-but wow what a great life!! Still our pets hold a special place in our hearts and in heaven, i know it!! Big hugs, SV

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    OK, the gals I have left to send pics too are; Barb A.; Rae; AmyJo; Alyson and Isabella. Now who else wants one-and what do you want 3jays, Mscal and who else. I need Pm's sent to me with address and what you want like wild swans; wild horses; beach scenes; lighthouses; little birdies in surf. Let me know. The next mailing will go out after jan 3 bec I have to order new matte and that takes some time. love ya and i hope everyone is getting on I am getting on with no problem and no survey. Big Smooshy kisses, SV

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    SV.  You mean Feb.3, right?  And no rush on mine...I am still cleaning and cooking away.  I had trouble getting rid of that survey for awhile, but it is gone now and I added to the thread complainign to the moderators about it.  Today's the day, Barb is hitting the high seas!!! 

    Hope Angus is getting better every day and I also am sorry about your brother's kitty.  I still miss my lst silky, Sydney, who was with me for 17 years.....Harley is the same breed, but totally different as they are all in personality, but sometimes I will catch myself calling him Sydney. All you animal lovers should post on my Pets are good therapy thread....I have put up pics of the whole gang, now that 3jays has taught me how to post pics and CREATED A MONSTER!!  Let's see what shall I take pics of today?....maybe one with my friends Cyndee and Kathy after Cyndee gets here this morning. 

    I have got to ask about this steroid I doesn't seem to wear off like the other one eating, sort of jittering, babbling more than usual and just real antsy like, searching for things to do.  Something is definitely off when my house is clean!!  Oh project idea I have come up with....I am going to start photographing DH (yeh right) every night passed out in his chair, pose is always the same, but the clothes (maybe ) will be different and his head may be a little different slant or tilt, but pretty much always the same, and I am going to make a calendar out of it.  I  think it would be a best seller!!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    MB, you are a little devil but i would love to see pix of DH passed out!! And i did send a meesage to moderators to get rid of the freaking survey thingy cause it is freezing everyone's computer!! What is up with the steroids-when was the last time you took them? The ones they shoot in my knee after they drain it take about two weeks to work out of my system and i don't know why they are so long lasting-but the steroids they use for that feel awful-lots of SE's. But PLZ call your doc and find out what the heck is going on!! XXOO, SV

  • Unknown
    edited January 2011

    SV!!  You are on here and so am can we help the other ladies get rid of that stupid survey that keeps popping up?  One thread told me who knows is the moderators even read what is sent to them....that's not too encouraging.  I will send you a pic of sleeping beauty. 

  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    Hello Ladies! It Is A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood! Hope everyone is doing ok today. I had started PT for a frozen shoulder and now I have stopped going. I got tired of them bending my arm back with minimum results. I had a very short PT and she had to climb on the darn bed with me to mash on my arm. She was telling me that her husband was over 6ft tall. I told her then you should bring him to work with you! Had already gotten a cortisone shot in it. Nothing is ever going to be the same anyway after all that we've been through.

    SV, I am thinking beach scene.I will hang it over my bathtub, light candles, close my eyes and find myself wadding in the ocean.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    MSCal-awesome but you have to pm me your mailing address!! And so sorry about pt-without doubt shoulders are the worst!! i fell out of a tree about three years ago and broke my scapula in half and shoulder in three places-crikey it hurt and took weeks of just laying in bed for it to heal then to do the pt with minimal results. my regular ADL's did nore for me than paying for expensive therapy!! It feels so wierd to have Barb A gone but i know she is having a well-deserved blast!! i am curled up trying to knock the pain down with prednizone and muscle relax and watching PPV-A-Team-it is really good!!! Gees it is so cold here-like going outside is absolutely painful!! I want a new body!! MB, don't know what to do to get the other ladies on the thread-I sent several messages to the moderators but who knows. I don't know how I got past the survey thingy without it locking up my computer. I am google hitting Discussion Board and going directly to our thread-don't know if that helps anyone. ERRGH-got to lie down again!! It is so cold the bordies are falling off the branches. XXOOO, SV

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011

    its' so good to be back on ladies! 1st things 1st... Lagos' way worked for me. on mozilla, its a little different.. go to tools.. look for delete recent history (your cookies) check the box for Today.. and it will automatically do it. thats' how easy it was, once she explained how to. got it from someone who read her post. in Explorer, they have a box straightaway that tells you you can delete recent history. with mozilla, its two steps. if you have ANYONES home email: send thiose instructions. i woulda lost my mind missing you guys if I hadn't gotten on tonite.

       OK< so, I'm dancing with NED; as far as the brain tumor goes.. thank you Lord!!!the tumor thats' theres' been there for yrs.. probably birth, too small to worry about.. and BC didn't find it as they were afraid it might..

       So, the answer isn't pretty. its more progression of the MS. Monday, i pick up the report, and will see how bad it is. How things change, with just " alittle" cancer.. sarcasm there, ladies.. a few yrs. ago i would be crying my head off. the dx of porogression of MS is not good, but it beats the alternative!!!lol

        next, the PET scan for the rib pain. i'm ok with that one. don't get sick, scared, or claustrophobic.. so, its' all good. then one more NED and i'll not worry for.. oh..24 hrs..JUST KIDDING...heheheee...   3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    edited January 2011
    doin the happy dance with a couple of fools!!! 3jays
  • mscal02
    mscal02 Member Posts: 167
    edited January 2011

    Hi Ladies

    SV would you walk me through sending a PM. I went to compose and when I click on to (nothing) How do I put your name in?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 709
    edited January 2011

    MsCal, stay on this board and find my avitar (or the photo of me). Click on the photo and my bio should come up. Then i the upper right corner there is a post that says "add as a member' of your friends and/or send a message. Either way, it will or should put me on your PM list. let me try to get to you and you can just reverse it. fingers crossed sv

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    I am HERE!   My husband emptied my cookies of BC,org that mentioned the survey and emptied my cache. I am in Mozilla.    I am here!!!!!

     Melissa the photos are beautiful. Thank you very much for your time and your talent that you gave as a gift to me and all the others.

    I looked up the wild horses of corolla and it  was really interesting. I also looked atthe laws about them and it is so good to see they are protected. Running free and wild! . 

    I finished a week of radiation, it is so quick! Not the week but the treatment. The lighted stars on the blue sky above the machine are the best. They even twinkle and I love them. I might still have a breast infection, the Doc will take a look on Monday. My boob is pink and the nurse who came in said it was too soon to be pink and the breast infection could be hanging on.

    I am so glad to be back here, I was missing everybody.  Do we have photos from BarbA yet?

    Hugs GInger

  • dbdaze
    dbdaze Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2011

    New here!  I'll be 60 later this year and will be returning to NOLA next month for Stage 2 DIEP reconstruction.  When I lost a breast a year ago, I felt I was too old to mess with reconstruction but fate months of trying to cover up a missing breast every time I dressed, I tried listening to my real thoughts on the subject.  In fact I started a blog just recently in order to help me on my journey of becoming whole again.  My family is "over" the cancer scare and so it's not talked about much any more but I still need to deal with it and the blog is one venue that helps.  Glad to be part of this group!

    The Quest: Discovering the Dream Inside of Me 

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2011

    welcome dbdaze! Yeah, families get "over" it long before we would like them to. And 60 is young (speaking as a 54 year old), you will find women in their 70's opting for reconstruction, it is a personal choice. Either way is right. No one can tell you your choice is wrong or that you can't change your mind. I am in the midst of my reconstruction and I must say it is amazing and has kept my mind for the most part off of a lot of other icky stuff...anyway, sorry you are a member of our club but glad you are here:)

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2011

    dbdaze - Welcome to the group.  So sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us.  I also have a blog of sorts that helps me keep all my friends and family informed of how I am doing with out me having to repeat everything all the time.  It is at and it is free and anytine that is going through any kind of illness or trama can get their own webpage.  Here you can say anything and ask any questions or just plian vent about whatever.  We all get throught this together and we know what is like to deal with BC everyday.  

    Sorry everyone has had a problem getting on BCO, but hopefully the problem will be fixed soon, if not already.  I did not have a problem either on my laptop or my iPad so I guess I am one of the lucky ones.  Hope everyone has a restful evening and a joyous day tomorrow.

    Joy and blessings, Amy Jo 

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2011

    Hi everyone!

    Welcome dbdaze - you have found a caring, understanding, supportive and loving group of ladies - visit often 

    Alyson - good on you for sticking to your guns re the money - I have two bludger brothers and I learnt many years ago to say no but they still try from time to time.  Hope you are safe from the storm - looks like Auckland is getting a real battering.  Sorry to hear you had a bad reaction to the drug - just what you didn't need.  Hope you come right soon.  Passed through Auckland four times recently taking my DD3 to a band camp in Opononi - had things to do at home during the week she was up there so had to make the big trip twice - 6 hours each way and 900kms round tirp - phew.

    granny - glad to see you posting again.  Only 10 rads to go - you rock!

    SV - you are such a great friend to us all - I am proud to be able to call you my friend.  Hope the weather warms up soon and you can get out - you get cabin fever real bad it seems and need to get out into the fresh air to feel right.  Poor Angus - he will come right pretty quickly though - can't keep spaniels down for long!  I have a cocker and he is adorable and such a happy soul.  When Angus's tail starts to wag you will know he is on the mend.

    (((Marybe))) - I am sorry you have lost a close bc friend and I hear what you are saying.  Whenever some wonderful lady has been taken by this disease it just brings all the terrible thoughts back to the surface for us to revisit and deal with again. I hope your heart settles soon and you are able to carry on spreading your love and peace to those of us lucky enough to know you.

    Connie - neck pain is so awful - nothing you do relieves it and every little movement is agony.  Hope the prednisone does the trick.

    H&S - I had wind chimes given to me by Step daughter 1 and I refused to put them up for ages as I just didn't want them tinkling away all the time.  She was coming to visit one day though so I put them up and ... I have never taken them down - somehow they don't irritate as they used to.  We are in the middle of a tropical storm coming from the East at the moment and they are boldly tinkling away despite the storm raging around them - maybe we should be more like them while we are struggling with this disease?


    Barbara - yay! you are doing it - have the BEST time my friend.

    Don't know what's up with the font, bold and spacing tonight - oh well, love to you all and take care.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2011
    Marybe - forgot to say what a lovely neighbourhood you live in - the homes are just gorgeous. A lot of our older cheaper homes look like this  and our much older more affluent homes look this  and our modern middle of the road homes look like this  In NZ we have lots of land to build on so traditionally we had quite large sections around our homes - sections used to be 1/4 acre at least. Now they are a lot smaller as people in town don't generally want a lot of land to care for.  1/4 acre sections in town, with a big backyard are quite often cut in half and a new home is built on the back.  Feels way to crowded to us - we live in a semi rural area on 1/4 acre with a big house - we like to spread out and not have too many neighbours overlooking our every move.
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    Rainzz, what would be the furthest place on the planet away from NewZeeland? I am making you the expert since you live there Laughing. I knew only one person who was from there but moved to the states. She told me of the beauty of the land and the warmth of the people. Thanks for showing the different sort of houses. I always find that interesting, a sort of contemporary social housing history.

    Off to sleep finally. 


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited January 2011

    You may wish to post this on your facebook page. I did along with a suggestion that my friends may wish to donate directly  to a real cancer research organization. 

    I say again, How Dare They! 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited January 2011

    good ginger...i read that article.i knew they were full of crap but not to that extent.i put it in an email form as many of my friends are not on fb.everyone needs to know.turns my stomach.

    Rae---how nice the houses are.gosh its like a history lesson.thanks for sharing.

  • mandy1313
    mandy1313 Member Posts: 978
    edited January 2011

    I'm afraid I have been in a bit of a funk and have been lurking. But Gingerbrew's article on the Susan G Koman's attempt to make the words "for the cure" into a trademark really got my ire.  I have written a letter to the foundation in protest, which says that I will not donate until they stop wasting my dollars on such lawsuits.  The only way to stop them is to let them know that they will lose donations and will receive bad publicity.  The address of the corporate headquarters, for anyone interested is:

    Susan G Komen Foundation

    5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 250

    Dallas, Texas 75244

    We are having very cold whether here in the Northeast where I live.  So I think I will spend the day inside doing domestic things---baking some homemade bread and making some kind of hearty soup to go with it.

    To all my sisters here, I send hugs and ask that you please forgive me for not acknowledging each one of you individually.
