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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2012

    Thanks Ladies........................your all so fantastic..................You make my birthday even Happier, just being my friends......................hugs to you all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Love that Jeannette

  • jennifer1
    jennifer1 Member Posts: 113
    edited April 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Ducky, a very happy birthday to you, do something special for yourself.

    Donatela, welcome to the group we never throught we would belong to.  You are making something good (vests) out of something not so good (bc), good for you.

    Chevy, you are so right, everyone reacts differently to meds.  Very likely I am having old age things going on because of bc, kinda laid down and now its hard to get up.  Rather than admit this easier to blame meds.

    Jackie is so right, we live with the shadow (elephant in room) and it does get a little smaller.  I read what everyone says and it makes me know that I am more normal.  Still get very paranoid when tests are ordered.  Hopefully that will end some day, not a great way to live.  They called today and now the PAP test, omg, does it end.   The trauma takes awhile to get over with but the others on this board have and someday I will too.  Again I wish to thank all for you for the chat, the recipes and well wishes you have given and know that you will do it for everyone that comes here.

    Hi to Kaara

    Have a good day, its great in Kansas today, sun is out and  very warm.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2012

    Ducky, Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day

    Donatela, Welcome to the group. I just joined also and I am so glad for this group of ladies 

     Hi to everyone, I hope everyone is having a good day.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    Happy birthday, ducky!  Are you still losing weight.  I read some of your posts on another thread.

    Welcome Donatela.  I hope you'll get as much support from coming to as I have.  It's so good to communicate with other women who know what it's like to adjust to a "new normal" after bc.

    My bp is still doing its High-Low thing.  High in the morning, normal by late afternoon.  Today I said, "BP, just do your thing.  I'm going to play golf today!"  So I did and what a gorgeous day it was to be outdoors.  This was day one of a member-member tournament.  Tomorrow is the 2nd and final day.  I wish I could tell you my partner and I are winning, but it would be a lie!

    I've been writing down all my bp readings and will take the chart when I go see my PC dr. next Thurs.  I also have an apptment with a cardiologist next week.  It's awkward, though, to be seeing two drs.  I really like my PC dr. and don't want to go on any new med without her input.  That is, if the cardiologist wants to try me on a new med.  I feel pretty confident that adjusting the med is what has to be done to regulate my bp.  I've been through something similar with my mother a few years back.  It can take time to arrive at the right bp medication.

    Jackie, that cake recipe sounds good and not too fattening.  I'll be sure to put it in my cooking notebook so I can give it a try.  Hmm.  I think I'll make it for Sunday.  The can of pineapple is a large can, I assume.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful evening.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012
    You don't have the power to make life "fair," 
    but you do have the power to make life joyful.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    Good Morning......guess I was so tired and out of it last night....the question I answered stayed right where I left it ---  ( disappeared ) as I guess I did not hit the submit button.  You are right about the can of crushed is that more regular sized one.....and of course, juice and all. 

    It is light-wt. for calories and the flavors of the cake along with the pineapple blend so well.  It doesn't need any sort of icing at all.  I go for the easy things....and if there is a LACK of calories or a long list of additives or fillers and dyes.....all the better naturally.

    Going to be 86 here is all I can say.  Cooler the 70's but we seem to be holding firm to our somewhat strange winter which has now carried over quite well into Spring.  Will be pretty interesting when we reach the summer period. 

    I hope you are all going to have a gorgeous day and accomplish everything you need or want too.  I plan on looking for a few roses to smell along the way in mine. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Carole:  Good for you that you played golf and stopped worrying about the bp.  Doing something that is fun and rewarding will probably work to your favor vs sitting home and stewing about the whole thing!  It's all about enjoying life at our age.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2012

    Weight is doing well.........the hypnosis CD really does work....I just wish I could stay awake for the entire CD..........1/2 way through I fall asleep...........Imagine what I could lose if I actually heard the whole truely works..................guess its because Paul McKenna is messing with my brain...............hahahahahaha

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Hi Gals!  This is pretty new information....My Daughter just sent me this.....  I have wondered, just how many different types of breast cancer there are....this explains it a lot better, and why, there will not be a "cure" that will eliminate every type there is.....  But maybe, someday soon....

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    Today's golf was longggggg.  It took almost 5 hours to play 18 holes.  My partner and I both played well with each of us having a couple of bad holes.  But we got tired of the waiting.  Cannot understand why people can't just step up and hit the golf ball without taking a lot of unnecessary time.  It was 2:30 before we finally ate lunch.  I think I'll skip the Member-Member tournament next year.  I enjoy going out with friends and playing a round in 3 1/2 hours, or 4 hrs. at the most. 

    Tomorrow I'll be taking my mother to have her hair done.  Afterwards I'll pick up some lunch to take to her house, where one of my sisters and her daughter and her daughter's little girl will join us.  So we'll have 4 generations of women!  That's a lot of know it all!

    Hope you all had a good day.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited April 2012

    Chevy:  Thanks for the link about no easy cancer cure & the individual cell mutations.  Very informative.  I'm again glad I chose agressive BMX.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Up early this morning...just couldn't sleep any I get up and watch the sun come up over the golf course...beautiful!  It's very peaceful here in the early morning and I can't help but count my blessings and appreciate all the good things that life is presenting to me at this moment.  It's going to be another beautiful day...cooler weather for S. Florida this time of year.  My flowers love it!

    Hopefully my cleaning lady will show today and put things back in order.  She loves coming here because there is virtually nothing for her to do but sweep and mop the floors, but it hasn't been cleaned since before Easter, and we had some little ones in here dropping crumbs and such all over, and leaving their little hand prints on all the mirrors and doors which I don't remove because when I see them it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling knowing who left them there.

    Later today we go for our IV vitamin infusions which I think are giving me my energy back.  I am feeling stronger each day and have had almost no issues with the tamoxifen...even my hot flashes are getting better.  It isn't covered by insurance, but is well worth the investment.  I think my immune system is in optimal condition again, because I survived two plane trips without getting sick...they are the worst for spreading germs.

    Chevy:  interesting link on the cancer and why it will be difficult to find a cure.  Let's hope that something can be found to stop the progression and "manage" the disease for all our sakes.

    Carole:  I hear you on the slow BF taught me to play fast, so I get very impatient when people fool around too much taking their shot or looking for a lost ball.  Hopefully I am going to get a set of used Taylor Made clubs with that latest technology that I was playing with in Arizona.  We are going to look tonight.

    Ducky:  Good for you on the weight loss...keep at it because the reward at the end is worth all the effort.  Even though I wasn't that heavy, I feel much better with a few less pounds around my middle.

    Have a wonderful day everyone! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2012

    Good Morning everyone.--It seems like it's going to be a nice day today so I hope everyone enjoys it and if it's not were u are just cuddle with a warm blanket. I'm going crazy--hahaha Im moving in a couple of days and I'm frekin out. I'm just taking my clithes and certain thins. but I've lived here for 25 yrs and I found Christmas presents i never gave over the years,  I have a 1 bedroom condol alone and have so muc junk--why did I keep all this stuff LOL Now the bad part is I'm useless in packing and carrying and general moving--I feel kind of guilty cuz I have to depend on my kids totally, but I just can't do these things anymore. I'm moving in with my one dgtr and SIL and grandson in a new home (to us) with lots of room and I pray it will be good.I'm super close to my grandson (7) and my dgtr and My SIL is wonderful. But this moving thing has consumed my thoughts, my other dtr is coming tonite and we'll pack more and thow out mor haha, I should just throw everything out it would be easier. Well I had to vent this morning and I stuck u guys with it  So like I said have a wonderful day..

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,107
    edited April 2012

    Camilegal, I hope this move works out for you.  We all need to move every five years or so and get rid of all the "stuff" in closets and attics and basements or whatever.

    Kaara, I never buy golf clubs new.  I usually decide what I want and set up a search on Ebay.  Sooner or later I see what I'm looking for and buy about half price.  A lot of pro shops all over the country sell their demos on Ebay.  Also, their surplus inventory left over when the new models come out.  I haven't bought anything in 5 or 6 years.  Our golf closet is full of clubs that we no longer use.

    Happy Thursday to all.

  • artsee
    artsee Member Posts: 701
    edited April 2012

    Thank you to all those who welcomed me....for those that didn't I guess you're stuck with me.Wink

    yes, I am taking my vitamins. I take calcium, D3, Omega 3,multi vitamin and Letrozole.One more year on that stuff and just maybe I'll feel human again. I recently added, Forskilin. Dr. OZ said it was so good for the heart and getting rid of unwanted fat...including 'belly' stuff. Ugh. Has anyone seen anything about it?

    I have Osteoporosis and years back tried every med out there for it...ending with the once a month pill, Boniva. Every one of those pills made me so sick that I ended up going to the ER several times thinking I was having  heart attack.My jaw started to stiffen from Fosomax so I 'nicked' the whole idea and now I take vitamins and walk every day and do Yoga. So I"m helping myself in other ways.

    Have a good day ladies...till later.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    artsee:  I might have been one who forgot to welcome you...forgive me...I was just getting back from vacation and got caught up in all of the posts.  Welcome and we're glad to have you, although wish it was not under these circumstances.  Keep in touch!

    Carole:  Yes, the BF is a master at searching for clubs on the internet...he has enough equipment to open his own store:)  I, on the other hand, have had only one set of clubs and it's time for new (used) ones.  There really is a difference with the new technology...I could tell immediately.  It just makes it a little more fun for me to hit the ball and see it go straight down the fairway with a nice loft rather than running along the ground like my usual fairway shots:( 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,529
    edited April 2012

    camillegal.....moving is the pits -- no matter when you do it.  Personally, for some reason most of the organizational skills I once had ( if I really had them ) flew the coop.  I have been since a while after all my txs. been trying to scale back.....on everything.  I keep going through and finding more one point, took everything I KNEW for sure I could do without and carted it all to a local auction house....made just under $3,000.00

    Yard sales take a lot of time, effort and energy and everyone that comes along wants it cheaper than the rock-bottom price you have already put the auction....prices go up. 

    I do wish you is a daunting task -- the only good part is the surprises you sometimes find.....I always think little elves bring someone else's  "items" they didn't want and leaves them at my house.  I always say.....where did that come from....I don't recognize's not mine, but it probably is...or I should say was....because it went to the auction and I got paid for someone else's stuff.

    I too enjoyed the article.  It is worrisome though.  I still believe it is going to be something really simple when it comes and that it will be a little only breast cancer.....and that a lot of adjustments will have to be found for many of the other types.  I just hope it isn't still too many yrs. down the line. 

    Artsee, I have a lot of fears for the Osteoporosis meds and hope I can avoid them.  Then again, I fear breaking bones that shouldn't be broken as well.....sigh !!!!  Hope I can do it all with diet and exercise.  I'm lazy about finding time to do exercise and really need to work on getting it in my schedule.  So far......I feel all is fine, but time marches on and little changes can sneak I need to get serious.

    Lots of thunder and lightning last night.....but today looks like it will be ok.  Not as warm as yesterday......but, hopefully the rain is done.  Sun is out bright.  Hope you all have a fantastic day.  See you later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,283
    edited April 2012

    Osteo drugs - I was diagnosed with osteopenia & took Boniva for a year, then got really paranoid about the possible side effects & stopped.  Instead in 2007 I quit smoking, quit drinking cokes, started walking 3 miles a day and doing weight bearing exercises.  Also I started taking 1300 mg of calcium a day along with 2000 IU of Vit D (along with Omega 3 & Vit E and Centrum Silver).  After one year there had been no further bone loss.  After two years there was actually some bone growth.  It remains to be seen if the BC has changed this progress since I won't have another bone scan until this fall.  I do have a friend who has osteoporosis and has had luck with a once a year infusion at the hospital, but I can't remember the name.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Hello gals.....

    I think moving ranks right up there with a bad case of the Shingles!  Both would be just impossible to even think about.  I mean it is bad enough to try and organize our house, after living here since 1964, and to think of moving....EVER! 

    It's like for the first 50 years of your lives, you try and just buy what you need, and hold onto whatever you have, "in case you might need it again."   Then the next 50 years, you are so over-loaded with "stuff" that you have to start letting it go.

    I've been doing this for the last two years.  I don't really need 3 toasters, or little coffee-makers, even though they still work.   So we take it all up to the Battered Womens shelter.  I have cleaned out our "trove" of "stuff!"   And it really feels good!

    Minus two!  I think that "infusion" you talk about is called Quick-crete"..... Or something that strengthens your bones...????.Wink

    It's just that whenever you take something to "fix" some problem, it usually comes up with another different problem.

    Artsee...keep taking those vitamins....can't hurt.....

    Have a good day gals..... and always remember.......

    "Alcohol does not solve any problems, but then neither does milk.

  • 7donatela81
    7donatela81 Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2012

    Chevy, I hear you about moving.  We made our 12th (I hope final) move a few years ago.  I finally got ride of a lot of stuff by just giving it away to family.  We are in a 2 bedroom condo but rent a small warehouse for work reasons and I still have boxes of stuff I'll never use.  I have my grandmothers' china still!  In boxes, I don't want to hand wash it.  I keep hoping for a grandchild who might want some heirlooms.Wink My sister is comng for a visit this summer and I hope she'll help me sort and get rid of more stuff.

    Had another neupogen shot today.  One more tomorrow.  Today at least I feel like eating. Hercepten #3 on this coming Monday then back to chemo the following Monday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2012

    What a day--I did a few boxes, but rather badly LOL Oh ILLINOISLADY--I live about 30 miles west of Chicago so I'm Ill too. Soon I'll be 45 miles W. of Chgo. if I can move my butt out of here.

    Donatelo how much longer do u have all the chemo and h to do---It's kind of rough sometimes. I'm sorry.

    Oh and if i repeat alot in my posts just ignore it--I tend to do that lately. My sister, cousin and i all have been dealing with cancer and u should hear our conversations--it's all about what, did u tell me, did I tell u, I forgot what I ws going to say--We of course end up laughing cuz we really say nothing. Oh well.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Camille!  Oh 1/2 the time I say "nothing"....Wink  I mean I wear the hearing aids, but DH says HE can't hear ME....Ha!    And he is the one that can hear a flea fart in a wind-storm.  No worries. 

    Donatella...Yes, I give away what I can, or what my neighbor wants, or my Daughter....but the rest just has to go somewhere....  I still have too much Christmas "stuff"....  Not like I used to, but if I don't use it all this year, I will get rid of more.  And I'm sorry too, that you don't feel well.... Dang!  If your Sister is coming this Summer to help you clean out stuff, maybe it would make it easier if you go through it first, and set aside what YOU don't want....Then she can either have it, or you can donate it.  Guess that means that you have to do it, but I have found, when I tried to help my Mom clean out her stuff, she wanted to keep everything....Ha!  

    I know....SOME things just mean a lot.... like I have little framed pictures of "my Gsons" all over the house....from when they were babies!   Even when I went through their albums, and I found 2 or 3 pictures of the SAME thing, I had to keep them.  There must be a name for that flaw.  And my Jr. High year book?   Now THAT is a downer, if there ever was one!  I don't think I look the same.Wink

    Who was it that told me about the "compression" stockings!  Man, they really WORK!!!  And are much easier to put on, than any of the others, and they are "thicker!"   I really love them!  I'll probably order another pair or two....I just love it when something I order works out good.

    And I love that "garden kneeling bench" I ordered from  It makes working in the garden SO much easier.

    Okay...gotta go rustle up some to you later....

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited April 2012
    Chevyboy, Glad the socks work for you. I really like them and they are a must for travel or long walking.Smile
  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2012

    Good Evening all,

    Welcome to all who are new.  This morning we had an acorn woodpecker hanging upside down and drinking out of our humming bird feeder.  It was the neatest thing.  We get finches that do that but have never seen a woodpecker do it.  They must be terribly hungry due to the drought.  This woodpecker looks like it has a little red cap on its head like a catholic cardinal. They sound just like woody woodpecker.

    We have 4 fires in the area right now, so far they are not a threat to any structures, mostly in the high dense areas.  Also there is a big fire in Mexico that is sending smoke into the Alpine area.  We had alot of smoke at the house yesterday, but is gong the other way today. Its a scary situation.  After last years fires the county put in a reverse 911 system so if we need to evacuate or our threatned they call and give us a recorded message.

    I did not take an ambien last night to see if I could sleep with out it.  I did not get settled down until almost 3 AM, will take it tonight.  I guess I have some nuropthy in my toes, they feel like ice cubes and when I go to bed they feel numb.  It keeps me awake.  It starts bothering me at about 3 on the way home from work and continues until I get to sleep.

    I hope you are all well, Take Care 

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited April 2012

    Good Evening all,

    Welcome to all who are new.  This morning we had an acorn woodpecker hanging upside down and drinking out of our humming bird feeder.  It was the neatest thing.  We get finches that do that but have never seen a woodpecker do it.  They must be terribly hungry due to the drought.  This woodpecker looks like it has a little red cap on its head like a catholic cardinal. They sound just like woody woodpecker.

    We have 4 fires in the area right now, so far they are not a threat to any structures, mostly in the high dense areas.  Also there is a big fire in Mexico that is sending smoke into the Alpine area.  We had alot of smoke at the house yesterday, but is gong the other way today. Its a scary situation.  After last years fires the county put in a reverse 911 system so if we need to evacuate or our threatned they call and give us a recorded message.

    I did not take an ambien last night to see if I could sleep with out it.  I did not get settled down until almost 3 AM, will take it tonight.  I guess I have some nuropthy in my toes, they feel like ice cubes and when I go to bed they feel numb.  It keeps me awake.  It starts bothering me at about 3 on the way home from work and continues until I get to sleep.

    I hope you are all well, Take Care 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    mommarch:  Once you are on that ambien, you can't just quit cold must be weaned off it like any addictive drug.  Try taking just 1/2 the dose for a week and then go to every other day and go down from there.  Expect some sleepless nights.  This is how one of my friends kicked the ambien habit.  She is fine now.

  • Desny
    Desny Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2012

    Hi Carolhalson,

    I wanted to reply to your bp issue.  My high bp went unchecked by 3 doctors for over a year.  All thinking it was an anxiety issue, white coat syndrom.  Still with bp medication it was still high, my onc, not my pc finally added a diaretic (water pill) to help the bp medication work better.  She explained that the Arimidex was causing the bp to rise due to fluid build up in my body.  It really does work.  After about 4 months of using the other pill a few times a week. My bp is within normal range.  I check my bp each morning and night to make sure of the dose to take of bp meds is working.  Good luck to you.  Keep us posted.