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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012 must know how I did this already, but it came in on my notifications and I read it............then I went into the blogs......and lo and behold, I saw the delete and heard your boo hoo's.  I thought....well, that thing you wrote is still sitting in my mailbox -- just has to be, so I figured I'd go take a look and if it was there as I was pretty sure it HAD to be......then I would copy and paste it into the blog.....and viola' nothing lost after all.

    Ok day, though as always much to do.  Denny is off tomorrow and can help a bit.  Not sure what I'll have him do while I'm at work.....but he usually waits till a half an hour before I'm to come home and works his fingers to the bone.....figures I don't really know that he does it.  Hmmmm, it shows....badly.

    That pic is too cute.  We are supposed to care for one another....they have taken it to heart.  Good lessons for us.

    I'll see ya'll all later.

    Nice to see you here again Bev.  In truth......I have wished a time or two.....that I would have just have both off.  I had a lumpectomy and in truth it was in a good place so to speak, and I don't really look too different or have any clothing issues etc.  But....I'm thinking --- at my age, this is something I could do without.  Then again....I'm not very vain...less than I use to be which wasn't much then were it not for muscle and tendon recovery...etc. I could easily do without and be ok.  After all.....there was nothing there the first 13 years of my life. 

    We all do hope it works out well.  If any consolation.....I have read that BC tends to be easier on us slightly older gals.  We just tend to do better I think that meant less general problems like cycsts, and scar tissue and  things like that.....or the reverse and that it would more often be that if anything. 

    I'll see you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012
    "I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures." - Lao Tzu
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Isabelle, congrats on finishing your first rads!  Doesn't it feel good to have that one over with?  Before you know it, they'll all be history.  It's hard for me to believe I'm already 3 years out.

    Nobody could have talked me into a lumpectomy.  As soon as I learned I had a cancerous tumor in one breast, my decision was made.  Off with both of them!  I had the immediate reconstruction with implants and ended up a B cup instead of an A.  There's no guarantee that cancer won't pop up in my body somewhere else, but not in breast tissue!  No mammograms ever again.

    It's very cool here in MN today.  When we got back to the campground about 1 pm, it was still in the 60's.  The camper was filled with the aroma of pork roast cooking in the slow cooker.  After dinner, we plan to go into Park Rapids for the last 2nd street concert of the summer.  The town closes off Second Street on both ends of a block and sets up a stage for that week's performers.  Everybody brings a chair and enjoys the music for free.  We've been almost every Thurs. night since we arrived the first of July.

    This weekend is a festival in Park Rapids celebrating the area's logging history.  One event will be a contest for chain saw carvers. 

    Hi to everyone.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Carole!  I just love reading about your adventures!  It sounds so fun!  You have a way with words, as you well know....  Do you ever write anymore?

    I'm not reading as much.... Been crochet-ing, and fooling around moving and cleaning up gardens and plants!  Man, they just over-run everything if you aren't careful!  I have to plant flowers with flowers, same with herbs.... I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow, but it's fun to do a little at a time!

    I have 2 pork-loin chops, 3 potatoes cut up, some sweet peppers that he bought at a Farmers market here...and I'm frying them with a little water after they are browned.   They really get tender that way.

    Tomorrow we are taking our Daughter & our "daughter from another Mother" up to Echo Lake Lodge for lunch!  Then going to walk 1/2 way around the lake up there!  It is always beautiful! 

    See y'all tomorrow! xoxoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Carole...I'm ready to come have pork roast with you.  I love walking into a kitchen with all the "odors" of cooking food....and that is just as good if it is coming from a crock pot.  It's a comfort brings back fondness from every enjoyable meal, get together, etc...since when????? and holds it right there again for you to re-taste and experience everything positive. 

    Think we are going to have a little cool the next couple of days....oh please.  It has been such a summer so far and hoping again for rain. 

    I hope you all have had a wonderful day..................hugs to all.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012
    "I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures." - Lao Tzu
  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    Hello all, almost through my first rad week...#1 &#2 were gruelling....1 hour on the table, not moving, they could not get the images to line up...yesterday they brought in a "big gun", i guess I person with more experience and she had me off the table in  1/2 hr .   #4 is today at 2:15  what hurts now is my my poor arm from keeping it overhead for all that time.     If this is as bad as it gets it will be a walk in the park.

     Bev, I too opted for lumpectomy and so far so good.  A slight dent but I can live with that and I am not thinking about down the road until I get there.

    I still haven't figured out how to post pictures...Can anyone help me?    I want to share.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Isabelle, I'm glad you're tolerating the rads treatments with no serious problems.  I haven't mastered posting pictures yet either but I'm about to tackle that challenge.  I've been so lazy about downloading photos this summer.  I think you get the program for Picassa on your computer first.  Then you select the picture you want to post.  Chevy and Jackie are good at it.  They can go into more detail.

    I went for a long exercise walk this morning, 3.2 miles.  It took me 55 minutes.  I walk for 28 min and then turn around and return.  The walk back is usually faster.  A beautiful deer crossed the street in front of me today. 

    After a late breakfast DH and I went into Park Rapids for Logging Days at the Antique Tractor field.  We watched chainsaw artists at work.  It was really interesting.  There were also venders and crafts people, like a woman who wove baskets, a cooper who made barrels (supplied the barrels for the Pirates movies), and a young man who was spinning yarn out of sheep's wool.  The latter is also a weaver and had some beautiful rugs and mats on display.  We plan to go back tomorrow.

    Today is such a lovely day that going anywhere outdoors would have been pleasant.

    Hope everybody is having a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012
    The marvelous richness of human experience would lose something of rewarding joy if there were no limitations to overcome.
    - Helen Keller
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Morning ladies:  Isabella, yes --- Chevy actually taught me how to post pictures from the Picasa program which was very easy to install on my computer.  It is easy to use though I have to admit I never really mastered the use of it like Chevy does.......she makes separate albums in her program.....and I just have all my pics in one.  Still it works about the same way it seems no matter which way you do it.  Seems to be a "forgiving" program if you are not able to master the intricacies of it. 

    You can just go to whatever search engine you use.....ask for the Picasa website and it will give you one where you can download the program.  If memory serves ----   it will automatically pick up any pictures you currently have on your computer.......and bonus point, with a rt click on any picture you find, you can put it in your album for later use.  There are pics all over the web and if you are stuck for that you can always go to Google or Yahoo ( some of the others might have images on their tool bars ) where there are thousands more. 

    It seemed quite daunting at first....but I got used to it and don't think I could do without now.

    We are so much cooler there today.  Was nearly cold when we went out to feed the dogs.  Sssh, don't tell anyone......I love summer, but not the massive drought and heat we have been having.  This is much more what feels normal.  Would be nice to have green grass and trees that didn't have lots of curled leaves and underbrush that is starting to die out about a month early at least......but hey, at least we are getting a taste of normalcy.  It feels good.

    I hope you all have a magnificent Saturday.  I'm going on vacation with you next yr. Carole.  I wonder how many people are with you vicariously. 

    See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    OMG....I don't much get into talking about politics or religion.  It causes way too many disagreements  and upsets......but just got a "bulletin" from my local news station.  Romney introduced his new running mate as the next President of the United States.  I had the thought.....someone should sew his lips seems like every time he gets in front of someone he makes a huge gaffe.  If he continues in this present vein -- I think I know what is going to happen.

    Ok....that is all you'll hear out of me.....but I'm stunned


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Man, I am so sick of all the political phone calls!  I'm sorry, but I am not going to vote....  I think I am too old to know who would be the best candidate, and I actually don't care anymore.    I don't like a lot of Romney's values, but then again, the President leaves a lot to be desired also.  If I HAD to vote, I think I would vote for someone who is sick of all the talk, and would present themselves honestly and with deliberate ideas on what is best for this country.  I don't care if he/she is Republican, Democrat, or Independent....  And I hate to see those doo-dad people like Trump, etc. think they are the best idea for the Presidency! 

    Actually I think I have more sense than a lot of them!   But we all know that even IF our President has good ideas, he has to go through the Congress, Senate, and everyone else who are of a different party than him!    I guess I just think government has gotten too big....

    Okay.... that's my 2 cents....Wink

    I have been working all day, trying to clean cupboards, because we found evidence of those damn MICE!!!  Holy Cow, I thought I would gag!   So we marched to the store, bought D-con, and cleaned everything out, and set little "tray's" of D-con, and hopefully that will do the trick!   One ran across my foot last night, when I was running the vacuum under the cupboard!  WELL!!!!  That did it!  I removed the whole cupboard, took it out to the spare garage, bought sealed plastic containers, and now all of our "stuff" is either in jars, sealed plastic boxes, cans, and athe D-con is a back-up!  I woke up last night, and couldn't go back to sleep!   So I had to get to work, Ha!

    I thought seeing those cute little mice running along our fence, were just so much fun!  But THEN I found they had invaded my house!  Damn!  Well, they will now see who is boss.  They aren't cute anymore.

    And our DD in Orlando bought our tickets for our October trip!  Man, I just cried, when I saw that this morning!!!!  She is doing well with her Real Estate, and her DH is also doing well, but  we HAVE to think of some way to pay her back!!!!   It just makes us feel bad, that she paid for our trip AND her Sister's!  I called her this morning, and couldn't quit crying!  I was so happy, but we have to think of SOME way, to pay this back to her!  We have the money....  Maybe if we can do something for their Boys????  I don't want her to feel bad, and she would be mortified if we left her the money!   And I'm sure a $400 Starbucks card is not needed....Wink  Or maybe it's closer to $600!   We were going to pay for our younger Daughter's ticket also!  She will be going with us.....  When your kids do something that special for you, it just makes your heart sing! to y'all later!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    I think they are having a party, like THESE guys!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Oh my....I love the picture.  I know your allergic to cats....but we never have mice that get into the house last very long here.  A couple of them.....I swore died from a heart attack. After seeing how many fancy felines were just waiting for one false move....they just gave up and keeled over.  Had nary a mark on them......

     I know it is fantastic when our kids do something really special for us.  My daughter had me come out to California for 12 days and paid for my tickets.  It was wonderful.  She is pretty special.  I think it probably makes them happy to "treat" the parents who made many sacrifices through the years.  It is a loving thing to do and I'm sure enriches both the giver and receiver. 

    See you all later.  I have to get back to the grindstone. 

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    I love cats!  I'm allergic to one of my Daughter's....but not the other!  I can't figure that one out!  I used to have a cat, but I DID get allergic to him after about 12 years!   But then I also had 55 gallon fish tanks, and every time I changed the water, etc., my arms broke out in hives.....Wink  I can pet our neighbors cat also, but I think you can be allergic to some and not another??? 

    You would THINK, with all the cats in our neighborhood, that there would be no mice around!  I don't mind them scampering along our fence, but I have just set up boundaries....Ha! 

    Yes Jackie....  I think I will leave some money, when we leave....then she can't argue with me.  It's like whenever my youngest Daughter and I go to lunch or shop, I just can't let her spend her money!!!  She is always so appreciative, and we love to do it.   I'm just glad, that NOW we can spend that money.  I know we all remember what it was like when we first got married, and we didn't have an extra dollar!   We used to play poker with his family, and when we "won" we would buy a dozen eggs....  It was only penny poker......but we really had to make those dollars count.

    Okay....I'm enjoying the cloudy skies! Makes it a little cooler! See you later!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012
    God doesn't require us to succeed, he only requires that you try Mother Teresa Add to my favorite listWe are all pencils in the hand of God. Mother Teresa Add to my favorite listI like this quote!
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Chevy, I think you should accept your daughter's generosity and realize what pleasure it gives her to be generous to her much-loved parents and younger sister.  Remember, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." 

    One summer we had a mouse family invade our camper.  DH and I would be sitting in the living room at night.  I would see a blur of movement and would exclaim, "Did you see that?"  He didn't see it but a few minutes later, he would see a moving blur.  So I put a paper towel on the floor in the kitchen area that night when we went to bed.  I put a cashew nut on the paper towel.  The next morning the cashew was gone.  Ah-hah!  We bought some mouse traps and caught the little suckers.  I used a mixture of bread and peanut butter.  That always seems to work.  We threw mouse and trap away as we caught THREE mice!

    One nervy little guy got up on the counter and gnawed a hole in the bread wrapping to get to the bread.  I think mice are cute but they're very dirty and destructive.

    I walked this morning or I should say this am, because it was almost 11:00.  Other than that, it has been a lazy day.  We're watching NASCAR and golf on tv and we've both been fooling around on our computers.  I downloaded Picasa so in the next day or so I'll try uploading a picture.

    Chevy, are you going to Orlando on your vacation?

    Jackie, glad you're having some cooler weather.

    Hi to Mommarch, Kaara, Isabelle and anyone else I missed.  Hope you're all enjoying this Sunday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    In the post I just submitted, I forgot to say, I NOMINATE CHEVY FOR PRESIDENT!!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Oh Wow!  Ha, ha!  You know Carole, I just don't like to take any crap from anybody....  And if I knew anything about politics, and could speak my mind, it would get me into trouble!  A couple of my old gal-friends just keep sending me negative stuff about our President....and I really don't like that!   I tell them so, or just usually ignore their emails.... BUT it really gets tiresome after awhile...Undecided  I know we usually get crabbier after we get older, or is it that we just speak our minds.... ???  But I am not negative about anyone....  mostly....Wink  I mean just when people get hurt at another's stupid actions, then I am all over the matter! 

    Yes, I was watching the races too...mostly!   Did you see that finish!  I thought for sure the little rebel Kyle was going to win!  But  I was continuing my quest for the mouse family that has invaded my home!  I could tell they were into the D-con!  So maybe soon, there will be no more.  My Daughter said, "But what will they eat?"  Ha, ha!   I went to Big Lots and bought a bunch of covered plastic boxes and containers.... So anything that me and the mice like, will be in plastic, and they can't open them!  L*****-#######s!  Eeeeeks!    You know, we were throwing scraps out over the fence, into the ditch area, for the Racoons, Fox, and squirrels and I guess the mice.... Well, now they must fend for themselves.   They will all probably lose weight... and sit out there crying.... Oh well!

    Yes, we are going October 9th!  How fun!  And good luck with the Picassa.... Once you get the hang of it.... you can upload your own pictures to an album, then post, or send them to anybody!    If I could learn it, ANYbody can...

    My younger  Grandson showed me how about 12 years ago...  Also how to download tunes into Itunes!   And transfer them into my Ipod!    And I figured out myself how to download books onto my computer into MY NOOK, and then upload them into my Nook!  Sheesh....will wonders never cease? 

    Okay girls.... hope you had a relaxing Sunday.... I didn't....but I got a lot done!  Smile

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Back to Breast Cancer stuff.... this is the MammoSite Device that they implanted in me during surgery.... The radiation seeds were sent through the tubes into the little saline "balloon" and left for 7 minutes....then removed.  This went on twice a day for 7 days.... Then she deflated the balloon,  yanked it out...  (Man, THAT hurt) and then as soon as the pain subsided I was done!!!!  Well worth it! 

    The tubes were really attractive, hanging out, as you can tell...Wink  But even DH cleaned them for well as my Daughter's....   It was only a little over a week.... 

    I took this picture, then uploaded it to Picassa, and then I can go to that album on-line, R. click, hit copy, and paste it you can do with any picture you load into your album! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Well, I think we also need a Vice President and Carole I think you would work just fine with Chevy.  I had a great day today.  My friend took me out to lunch.....we went to Wendy's because we both adore the Apple Pecan Chicken Salad.....then on a mini-shopping excursion which was fun........and we chat almost non-stop about anything and everything.  Then back in the car and out to Dairy Queen for an ice cream treat.  It was just a whole lot of fun.  I can see I won't be getting  much done now at all.  Probably, a bath, pj's and the recliner.  I gave the one outside dog a bath.......then another flea pill.  Hoping it takes hold.

    I think today is the last day of the Olympics and I'm glad.  I like to watch a lot of the events, but I do wish they would put on just regular news casts.....then Olympics after.  I would enjoy some normalcy instead of watching some obscure news channel where I don't relate to it is better than nothing but just barely.  The 24 hr. Olympics is as bad as sitting through the long months of the primaries  and all.  Politics...all seems so is not about the best candidate is about the one who can tell the most believable lies.  That is sad indeed. 

    Well, I'm off to do what little I can to neaten up the kitchen.  I'll see you all in the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited August 2012

    Well it is late again, and did not take my ambien thinking I might go to sleep with out it.  Not the case.  I forgot to post that on Friday I went to see the surgeon to see about having my chemo port removed.  Well she said we can do it right now in the office with a local, boy was I surprised.  It went well, but of course I look like I went through a wringer again.  Feels better tonght.  Will go back on the 20th to have the stiches removed.

    We had bad news today.  Our Son's childhood friend's wife died she was 38.  Heart is heavy.

    Take care 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    I'm so sorry mommarch.....  It's all just so hard to go understand.  That is the worst.... to lose a loved one.

    I'm glad you are all done with your chemo!   When we have a lot on our minds, we sometimes forget our really personal important things.

    Jackie, your day out sounds so fun!  Us girls just need that time with out friends!  Wink  Was that good and proper English?  Nope, don't think so.

    I missed the closing ceremonies...I'll look for some of it on-line.

    Do any of you gals have older Husbands that once in awhile just act like they came from the furthest corner of Mars?  That from out of the blue their brains take leave of their whole body?  And they fly off into some sort of un-intelligible rant about nothing????  I'm convinced something takes over their head, and they revert back to 2 years old again.  But then again.... that too shall pass.  Undecided

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited August 2012


     You made me laugh and although I usually just lurk here, I had to add to your remarks..

    My 7 year old grandson was here for three weeks. Dealing with him and DH (who is 15 years older than I) was like managing two five year olds! We were trying to play Monopoly one day and I totally lost it... they were bickering like brothers! Grandson is smart and polite, DH is smart and tolerant. But putting them together was a real trial. I don't know if they were jealous of the attention each was getting or what?  

    Men! Can't like with them, can't live without them. :) 

  • Isabelle2
    Isabelle2 Member Posts: 231
    edited August 2012

    chevy, I have done all those things too...books to my Nook(I love it), itunes to my Ipod & I downloaded Picassa I have to get those pics on here.  We aren't too badly for dinasours are we????  Had my #5 rad today & it is going a little more quickly ..only 22 min. this time.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Isabelle2, I am glad you are doing better with your rads.

    Mommarch, feel better soon. Sorry about the loss of your son's friend. That is such a young age it just does not seem right.

    Jackie, your day out sounds like you had a lot fun. It is nice to get out with friends once in awhile.

    Chevyboy, I also had the mammosite but 2X a day for five days. My DH had to clean the tubes that hung out for me. But it was nice to have it over with in a week.

    I wish the candidates would just state what they stand for and forget all the lies they make about the other candidates.

    One more week of training. This week I get to do all the reports that are sent to the corporate office. Hopefully, when I get back to my own center this new company will be up and running so I do not forget how to do the reports. 

    Have a great week everyone


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Hi gals.... Yes, Termite.... The MammoSite device was great!  It just took longer to "position and fill" mine...But once they got started, it was over with in 5 days!  We were very lucky. 

    The candidates....  Yes, by the time the election is here and over with, I will have been driven nuts by the phone calls, all the crap they put on TV, and expect us to listen to, and still won't know any more about either candidate than I did before.   It's all in what you believe I guess.

    I think Republicans and Democrats both, will vote for their party...  Is that wrong for me to say this?  Hopefully not.  But I always wanted to vote for the candidate that I thought was best....the most believable, and the one who thought along the same lines I did.  But that was before TV....Ha! 

    Now, the Presidents work is dependent on the Congress, the Senate, and all his supporters who give their team lots of money.  

    Okay....I'll be President of this forum, Ha!  And Carole would be VP, and Jackie would be Secretary/Treasurer.... of which we will have no money to buy any votes. 

    Ask me about gun control.  I think all guns that are more than a mere pistol or hunting rifle should be outlawed.  There is no use for any more high-powered weapons..... No excuses... no exceptions....   

    And all people who hate this country, will be deported to Mars...or somewhere comparable. 

    Next issue we will delve into drivers licenses, and who should have them, and what would happen if caught driving without a license..... Ha!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Jackie, I was going to nominate you for VP!  So glad you had fun with your friend.  If anybody deserves to relax and enjoy life, you do.

    Isabelle, good for you in downloading Picasa!  I did, too.  These ladies are in for some treats with pictures, right?  :-)

    termite, how did you pick out the name? 

    DH and I biked 20 miles today.  Boy, was I ready to climb off that bike when we finished.  I'm developing more stamina and leg power, but I guess 69-year-old legs don't get younger with usage!

    On the subject of politics, I find it shocking how candidates outright lie.  They figure (and perhaps rightly) that if people  hear the lies and slanted half-truths over and over again, they'll start to believe what they're hearing.  And all the rosy promises.  Some of us have been around long enough to have some insight into how the political process works.  Oh, well, I'm still not moving to any other country.  And  I openly admit that I try to vote for my own self-interest as an older person.  I believe Medicare and Medicaid are good government programs and I'm not in favor of doing away with either one.  I heard this weekend on one of the Sunday talk shows that Paul Ryan's economic plan calls for giving "premiums" to older people so they can buy their own insurance.  Nope, I'm not buying into that plan.  If you can't find an insurance plan for the amount of the "premium" you have to fork up the difference.  One thing I'm absolutely certain about is that insurance companies do not care about me.  They care about making money.

    Off the soap box! 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited August 2012

    I think it was Dave Barry who said we should switch to a jury-like system of government. If your name is drawn you have to go to Washington DC and serve, along with all the other folks who's names were drawn. That omits the money, the big contributions, the buying of legislators, etc. He said he had been really impressed by the jury he served on. Everyone took it seriously, followed the law, and listened carefully.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    That sounds good Wren!  Yes, while on jury duty, we DID all take it seriously!  Maybe we should elect a President, and who ever comes in second is the Vice President.   If we could just get away from this competing they all do.... and yes, the lies, and exagerations.  It's like the government is for all of the Politicians, and not "the people"....  It benefits companies that give the most money...  And the constant haggling between the Senate and the Congress. 

    Honestly I have lost track of what "job" every one has!   And I still don't understand the difference between the Republicans and Democrats....  My one friend says, "Well my Parents were Democrats, so that's what we all are!" 

    And Carole, you are right...I love this country, even with all it's warts....but Election time is like a big comedy of errors.....