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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Evening everyone.....I'm the odd man out I guess......I've come to feel that we shouldn't have just one man to make decisions anymore......we should have a panel of about 12 people and they should ALL vote by secret ballot on things....what wins is fine and we all do our best with it.....same as with what loses. I mean now it is so easy to point the finger at one guy.......but since often no one wants to work together for the common know the Republicans tend to hang back on passing anything much that is deemed Democratic so the House and Senate dig in and hold everything hostage for as long as they can. 

    If we had a panel.....they are presented the information perhaps arranged for the best three or so senario's and then they one holds anyone is just done and no bellyachin' afterwards.  No one is going to like everything so there will always be a group of people who will moan and groan and carry on like they are being treated especially badly. 

    It just seems so divisive the way we do it now......argue, fight and too much big money is being spread around in ads and other things while people are starving or as of this yr. dying from heat strokes and losing their homes and so many other things.....and all you yahoo's are spending all this money to sling mud on each other.  Very shameful.   

    I by the way don't really vote party much.  I do tend to go Democratic more than anything else.  But.....I'm not tied to any one party.

    Government is way too big now.....I find it hard to believe that anyone REALLY knows what is going on for sure.   Would be nice if we could bring our jobs home and scale back government to an understandable level and one that was therefore transparent.  What is that saying...." When pigs fly  ".

    See you all the morning.

    Hugs, Jackie

    oh spell checker decided not to turn on. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited August 2012

    Morning everyone:  I took a break for a few days and came back to a political!  Well my two cents worth is get rid of almost everyone in congress and begin anew!  Install some term limits, same as we have for the Presidency, and eliminate lobbyists and special interest groups.  This would level the playing field and allow everyone to have a voice...not just the big corporations!  Our current elective system is a joke, and regardless of who is in the Presidency it is still dependent upon congress to work together for the best interests of the American people.  Anyone who believes that happened in the last four years has been living under a rock!  Romney just sealed his fate IMO when he brought on Paul Ryan.  This guy is a young arrogant idealistic nitwit (the kind I had to sometimes deal with in business) and probably like Sarah Palin did for McCain, he will also do for Romney...cost him the Presidency.  Oh well....the beat goes on.

    I'm headed back to the Highlands for, of all things, a cocktail party tonight!  What was I thinking!  I'm actually praying for rain so I will have a socially acceptable excuse for not going.  I promised myself when I retired that I would never attend another cocktail party as long as I lived, and here less than seven years later, I've broken my promise:(  I'm doing it as a favor to a friend...that's the ONLY reason.  I hate cocktail party chit chat, and these people will be especially booooring because they are wealthy and pretentious!  Give me strength!

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Boy....PB just sums it all up neat and tidy:

    I never really look for anything. What God throws my way comes. I wake up in the morning and whichever way God turns my feet, I go.
    -Pearl Bailey

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012 pretty much said how I feel --- other than not making just one guy responsible.....I'd still have a panel.

    We are having a gorgeous day here.  Cloudy right now, but rain not predicted.  That will come in the next couple of days.  I'm just glad it feels cool and comfy.  I don't mind heat so much, but I don't like the extreme heat we were having along with humidity too.  Makes you feel like you are trying to walk through a sponge. 

    When I was young....none of that bothered me, but that is what youth is all about I guess.  Such flexibility and such a high ability to maintain and overcome.  Now it is difficult at times but thank goodness doable. 

    Mommarch.....hope things are smoothing out for now.  It is very hard to lose people from life.  Especially when they are so young.  Hope peace returns for your son and his friend.  Hope you get some good rest too. will get through these rads.  They usually become a little boring by the time they are done which is definitely what I wish for you. 

    Termite...a little bit more and you will be through.  Sounds like it is not going so bad, but I think when we get a couple extra years on us lots of things seem a little daunting for some reason.  Change is bothersome when we don't have the exhilaration of youth to help us race up to the starting line.

    Pj....I'm glad you lurk.  I always love seeing you come and value the input. 

     Hope you all  have a fantastic day.  I hope we retain our coolness.  I'm really loving it.  See you all after work.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Okay yes!  I think we all think alike!  And also, why do the candidates HAVE to belong to a party, of which I don't understand anyway?  The two parties we have seem to love to believe the opposite of each other..... I wish we could just have a panel of 10 of the most trust-worthy, intelligent people we could select from..... And their voting records would mean a lot.....

    AND the big corporations could not buy their way into the President's graces..... Or get any favors...  Term limits, yes, that's a good one!   Okay...guess we've about covered it all....  Won't make any difference what we said or want anyway. Wink

    Did you gals KNOW that if we talked about jury service long enough one of us would be called???  Yep! the mail.... Sept. 10!  Do they actually know how old I am, Ha!   But it's just one day, or one trial, and we call the night before to see if we even have to report.  Man, I would just dread that. 

    I only hope that that Holmes animal doesn't ever go to trial..... That they just sentence him to life..... somewhere.  We're going to Orlando the next month anyway, so I can't be bothered too much....dangit.

    Kaara, can't you just pretend you are sick or something?  If you really don't want to go, you don't have to....  I've learned that I really don't have to do anything that I just don't want to...And I can say no, whenever I want also!   Find a compromise somewhere, somehow maybe.

    pj..... It seems that the older men get, the younger they think they are....And sometimes they act like little 12 year old boys!   And when they come home from the corner bar after 2-3 beers, they TALK just like the other beer-heads there!   I have politely reminded DH that he doesn't have to SOUND like the rest of them, that he is home with ME now. 

    Termite...sounds like you are looking forward to "going back!"  That will help you a lot!  Glad you are feeling better.  I ran into an old "boss" today..... She used to call every week to give me stores I was to report to, to sell Pepsi...It's been since 1975 that I saw her last!  I heard someone call my name in the Walmart....I looked, and I thought...."That MUST be her!"  Ha!  So we had fun talking for about 20 minutes! 

    I found out she also went to the same High School I did, AND so did her Husband!  They have 2 Daughter's, and 2 Grand-sons....same as we do!   It was fun to see them!  Small world....!

    Okay to you tomorrow....

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Kaara, Highland, NC, is a lovely little town and definitely "high rent district."  Lots of money there.  Pricey shops and boutiques.  A nice place to visit.  DH and I were there one summer in July and the temperature was in the 70's.

    I, too, tend to think that Romney's picking Paul Ryan for VP wasn't a great idea.  I don't see where he helps pick up votes from minorities (soon to be majorities!) or independents. 

    I don't like cocktail parties, either.  I DO like getting together with friends and having a cocktail!

    Just chatted with my mother on the phone.  She sounded good.  She had a perm today.  Recently her primary care dr. changed his practice so she had to find another dr.  The new one is younger and she really likes him. 

    Chevy, what's the report on the mice?

    Jackie, are you enjoying your deck during your cooler weather?

    Isabelle, hope you're not experiencing a lot of discomfort with the rads.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited August 2012

    Hi  Everyone,

    Carolhalst, termite was a nickname when I was very young

    We had beautiful weather today. Hopefully it stays this way for a while.

    Jackie, Training is okay. This week I get to do all the reports and tours by myself. I just hope I remember how to do them when I get back to my original center.  I really  enjoy the ladies at this center but I miss my kids and staffl at the other center. This corporation kept my salary the same as the old place but I am starting over with vacation time which does not seem fair since they are just taking over the company. I am not changing jobs the center is just changing hands. Oh well, I guess thats how it works. At least I still have a job.

    Today was a great day. Our 7th grandchild was born. Both mom, dad, baby and his 2 brothers are doing good. That makes 5 grandsons and 2 granddaughters for us.  Not surprising about all the boys since we had 4 boys. I came from a family of all girls.  My mom had 14 grandchildren and 11 of them were boys, and she had 13 great grandchildren and 10 of them were boys.

    Have a great night

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Morning gals!  You know, it takes a lot of work to get rid of mice, once they settle in and call all their friends, and they all meet at my house for dinner! 

    I think we really got invaded when our plumbing problem started, because a section of our outside wall was gone for awhile, drying to dry it all out from the inside where it had been leaking.  Because we have NEVER had this problem!  Undecided  But DH finally put in the heavy insulation around those pipes, and sealed it all shut.  We kept it closed, sort of, to keep rain from going in, but not enough to keep Mouse and friends out! 

    Anyway, the D-con finally worked!  I don't notice any more pellets "gone" from the little trays that I put all around their dining area. 

    I also cleaned out everything thoroughly!  What I use now, is in plastic containers, cans, or jars.  They had even chomped on our potatoes!  I had them in a bin in the hallway...But now they are in the frig!  I had nightmares about this!  But once I figured out what was making those little messes of grain on the floor, I really got busy!  I thought it was DH getting his cereal.   But when I saw what was going on, I couldn't beLIEVE it!

    I remember one time, my dear old Dad, always kept this huge ceramic candy dish on his coffee table... He kept Peanut M&M's, cheetos, Pistachio nuts, chocolate covered peanuts, and everything he liked that Mom would never let him keep out.... Then he knew I was flying into town, and he wanted to clean his house...So he pulled out the couch, and there was a mountain of "stuff"!  I can just hear the words that must have come out of his mouth!  Nothing nice!   He filled a dust-pan with a treasure trove of peanuts, frito's, and all his candies, etc!  I know, because he showed it to me when I got there!!!!  They had their own stash!  Ha, ha!  I would like to tell him, "Dad, I know the feeling."  Wink

    I'm so glad I wasn't there to see what happened to the mice! 

    Glad your Mom is doing better Carole... And Kaara, what's the report?  Did you get all glammed up and join the hoity-toits?  Yes, I just like to have fun with a few girl-friends too...

    Congratulations Termite!  You really do have lots of little kids to give you hugs!  Little Ivy Wren, my neighbor girl came running up my walk, and jumped into my arms, and I got to hug her and kiss that cute little kid!   She is sooooo beautiful!  The biggest blue eyes I have ever seen!  Her Mommy, and baby Sister came by to bring me some homemade zucchini bread....  I watch their "phantom" cat when they take little trips.

    Morning Jackie....hope everything is going good with you! xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Waving at you all...and going to be late for work if I don't see you all after work today.  Hope it is pretty for you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited August 2012
    chevyboy, went through the mice invasion in az. final straw was when hubby said turn on the light one night when we were in bed. a mouse was sitting on his chest. that was it i said adios to az and haven,t  had critter problem since. did learn that steel wool is good to wrap around pipes ane possible entry points, can't chew through it.Laughing
  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited August 2012

    When we lived in the country, mice got into a fruitcake wrapped in foil. My husband picked it up and they had eaten the entire inside. It looked like an airplane hanger, just sides and top. They scorned the raisins which were in a neat pile.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Oh yuck you guys!  Ha!  Right before we left today, DH came out of the bathroom with one hanging by his tail.....  I mean the mouses tail....Wink  When we got home, I made him take a quick look around before I would come in!

    Tonight I am leaving night-lights on everywhere...  That's so funny about the raisins!   But even worse about sitting on his chest, Ha, ha!  He thought he was your pet! 

    Our neighbor said she has mice too, and she has 2 cats!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012
    "You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler." - Denis Waitley
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    We don't worry much about mice here.....too many cats.  We have found a couple that had nary a mark on them, but were deader than dead.  Hmmmm, we though either old age struck very suddenly or seeing 10 pair of eyes looking at them at once gave em' a heart attack. 

    I hope you all had a gorgeous day...... at least all of you who could go into your house without fear.....just teasin' Chevy.  I don't really blame you. 

    Well, got to go feed my varmints.  See you in the morning.

    Love, Jackie

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2012

    I had mice in my other apartment on the first floor.   Set traps and found one dead in the bathtub in the morning - scared the @#$** out of me.   And one decided to set up in the oven and would peek out the vents.   Got the manager to come get that one.    So far, this apartment - third floor - no bugs or mice.   

    Midnight here and 85 degrees - near DC.    

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    That is funny Gram!  I remember years ago, I would hear a mouse under my top stove plate!  Man, they go anywhere.... WHAT???  They can't climb to the 3rd floor?  Ha, ha!

    DH just said to me....  "Is the hose still on?"  So I got up from the computer, and thought, Oh man, I meant to shut it off.  I went out and shut it, and when I came in, I said Thanks, I thought I shut it off...... He said did you hear what I said?  And I said, Yeah, was the hose still on!  And he said, No, I asked if that was Goldie Hawn?..... He was watching a funny movie, and with these hearing aids, words just do NOT come through the back of my head, Ha, ha!

    We both just bust out laughing!  I can get things twisted up so BAD, when I'm not paying attention.  BUT at least I can hear...... more or less....

    Jackie, YES!  Man, I'm still afraid to go in a room without the lights!  They are cute outside, but not in my house!

    It's so beautiful out here!  55 degrees!  You can almost feel the change of seasons coming!  And I'm glad!  See you later!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012
    "The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows."  Buddha
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Brrr... It was chilly this morning, in the 50's. I'm sitting here in a sweatshirt and long pants. Thurs. is one of our golf days but it's windy out. We may change our plans. I really need to have my hair trimmed and my roots colored. I have a good inch of gray.

    We had severe thunderstorm warnings last night and did get some rain and wind. Thankfully, nothing damaging. DH just went down to the dock to pump out a fellow's boat.

    Hope to check in later and get a dead mice count!! Just kidding you, Chevy.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    So this is what I did..... You know I have 3 friends who send me so much hate email about the Obama's.....  I don't care WHO it is, that kind of email is not wanted by ANYone.....  So instead of offending them, and asking them to buzz-off, I sent this....  Michelle Obama was on Live with Kelly this morning, and it was a very good show!   I know Kelly tends to flirt with any one on there, but THIS time, Michelle Obama added a lot of class to that show... And Bryant Gumble added a lot also.....  Mrs. Obama acted so refined, and honest, and nothing about Politics was mentioned.    And to see her jump-rope with the kids was great.....  So much nicer than listing to bad-mouthing, and commercials, and Political crap.

    Hi  Jackie, we have only seen one fat mouse!  There HAD to be more...but so far, they are out of sight.... Sleeping with a few night-lights on again tonight.....Wink

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Oh Chevy -- I so enjoyed the link.  I always feel pretty much the same as you. I may not be in agreement with what our President does all the time...........but I admire that he sought this very difficult position and is doing  ( all the circumstances considered ) I feel a credible job.  Because our Senate and Representatives have so often refused to work diligently for the better good of the country.......could any other person have done much better. 

    I see nothing good being served in bad-mouthing and heavy criticism of the people we elect.  Even if I don't care for a lot of what is done....I tend to be very low-key because there seems to be little shortage of those  who are willing to sling around all sorts of information.....truth or not and give it the worst slant possible.  I have even told my family ( it is actually dh's family ) that if they start up with a need to "display" their political brilliance....that I'll be picking up my things and leaving.  I always want to seem to have all the answers --- why aren't you in Washington sharing them with the powers that be instead of spoon feeding it to your family for hours when they can't do a thing but nod their 'weary' heads. more ranting on my family. I bet we all have one or two that "actually" know how it should be going on the political scene. 

    We are having mighty storms.....and lots of rain though it is coming a bit on the fast side now and then.  I think most of it will be over soon.  Hope you all had a good day.  I'm going to be having a late day tomorrow.  Won't be home till 8 p.m.......but a nice week-end off.  See you all later.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012
    The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others. Do as you would be done by. Try this for a week and you will be surprised. - H. C. Mattern
  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2012

    I keep lurking and not posting much, but gonna tell my plans for tomorrow (Saturday) -- American Legion (Motorcycle) Riders Bar B Que, live music, Hooters gals washing motorcycles, raffles, door prizes and fun, fun, fun.    Hope you all have a super weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012

    Sounds like tons of fun to me, Gram.  I'm thinking you are more than likely doing well and just like to read now more than post.  If I didn't do quotes, I'm not real sure how much I would post but I've come to view so many people here as my extended family.  So....even when I don't have a lot to avatar ( which I change frequently ) pops up.  Just wonder how many people it may annoy. 

    Anyway.....we should both be having a great time. 

    See you.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012
    Oh Wow Gram!  How FUN!!!!  One time I rode to this place....I think it was called Blues, Barbecue and Beer!  It was such a kick!   All Harley riders, and just one of those places where life is just FUN!!!    It was in California somewhere, so naturally it was perfect!  Wink  Have a more than GREAT time! 
  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited August 2012

    Sounds like a lot of fun, Gram!

    Jackie, don't you dare even consider just lurking!  We'll all come and get you.

    DH and I had a nice day today.  It was downright cold this morning but warmed up enough to go biking.  It was a lovely bike path.  Lots of wild flowers and view of a lake and beautiful fields. 

    Tomorrow we're going to an art fair at a winery.  That's after we hit the two farmers' markets in Park Rapids. 

    Hope everybody had a great Friday.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited August 2012

    Back after a few days absence....lots of posts!  The weather has been beautiful here all week, nice and cool.  The cocktail party was bearable, and then I went to a friend's house in Greenville for a few days.  Next week we are going to Myrtle Beach..I've never been there and am looking forward to the adventure.  On the way back we'll go through Charleston and stop at the market.

    Nice to see and chat with everyone again! 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited August 2012

    How good to hear of trips and plans for good times.   I have little to post except Hugs and Best wishes for a super duper weekend.   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2012

    Morning gals....I just saw these cute baby commercials!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,575
    edited August 2012
    "The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn
    for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the
    present moment wisely and earnestly."

    -- Siddharta Gautama