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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Thanks you guys!  So glad we can all talk here together, and either celebrate something special, or lend a shoulder when one of us isn't doing well.

    Yes Jackie.... the "dreaded red x"....Ha!  I just hate when I can't open an email, because of that very thing.  But you will get your computer figured out sooner or later....  Yes, it IS a little problem, but nothing you can't fix. 

    I like that Dreamers....That is good advice....If we can't fix it, no use in worrying about it..... But like our plumbing, man, it was just hard to not worry about it...because it took forEVER to get it figured out and fixed!    But it's done, and working. 

    We went to the flea market today....It was fun, and I bought some more natural Shea Butter... It feels so good, especially on these chapped, cracked Eczema hands!  I just cleaned some roasted chile's...but I wore rubber gloves.... 

    And we all shared a Tornado Potato!  Have any of you tried those things?  They are deLICIOUS!!!  Went out there and met BIL, and wife.... So it was a fun day.

    Termite....It's always hard to go through changes.... but hopefully you will fit in....Have fun with your "little girl"....Wink  You will remember these fun times, like I do....with my Grand-sons!  The oldest one called me last night.... Talked to him for about 40 minutes....  He was driving to Tampa to have a week-end with his friends....  I STILL worry about those two boys!   We are all anxious for our trip to Orlando on the 9th!   Don't you wish you could just set your "kids" on your lap some days, and just hug them?    I just want to soak up their sweetness and their love....  enough to last me till the next time.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012

    Chevy....must be the little guys from your, my, my.......what a couple of nice looking guys and when I say nice....I also mean nice as in.....very family oriented and do anything for you nice.  You my great friend are a  lucky Grandmer. 

    Ok.....I guess since I'm getting some email now the next project ( because it worked before ) I tackle will be that X thingy.  Since my computer nerd skipped town some time back I maybe should attempt to make the acquaintance maybe of some 5 or 6 yr. old......they already seem to know more about these crazy things than I ever did.  Guess if I have any claim to fame it is that I never even remotely considered anything like a blog....of any kind until my big C diagnosis....and I was on here big time and right now posting away.  i think someone up there knew how much I was going to need the connection.

    See you all in the morning.....after I sleep in just a while.  Looking forward to happens so seldom, but I just wanted to snuggle in and not leap out of bed like I usually do every tomorrow is my lallygag for a while before I hit the floor. 

    See you all then....hi Kaara.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2012

    Well another took my med night and cannot sleep any way.  

    Chevy, we modified our living room plan, we had a roll of carpet we had bought about 6 years ago all rolled up in plastic as it comes from the store, so we are putting that in the living room and DH and GD went today and got vynil wood plank flooring for the 1/4 of the floor in front of the entertainment center.  They got most of it down and it looks real good.  The tile I bought yesterday we will put in the kitchen.

    The plan is to by area rugs for the bedrooms as we can and put tile around the outside of them.  GD was helping DH pick up new carpet and kick it in place this afternoon and she got to close to one of the living room windows and backed into it and broke it out.  Thank God she was not hurt.

    GD's  X step father wants her to come to Las Cruces and visit for a few days while her brother is on fall break at school.  I had said yes at first, but now he is pulling some crap with her mom so I think I am gong to call and tell him no.  Besides she has a bacterial infection she is taking med for and changing climates again with her asthma is not a good thing.  Two can play his stupid games.  He does not like it because our DD is getting married and is very happy after being divoriced from him for 9 years.  He did not want her but does not want her to have a life.  

    Happy Anniversary Chevy, we will be 43 on Nov. 28th, does not seem possible.

    Everyone have a good Sunday 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2012

    Mommarch.... Really be careful with any change of climate for your GD... Asthma can be so sneaky........  And one medication might not work, if it takes a turn for the worse.  I went to SF with Bronchitis years ago, and I wound up with Pneumonia... made it back, but was then given a different antibiotic to help get rid of it all.

    And yes, men, especially ones with that ego that they can't let go of, can be such jerks!  You know what's best for your GD, and so does your Daughter.

    Tile in the kitchen sounds good!   And we had area rugs also, on top of our carpet, to hide the years of wear and mmm...(dirt)  Ha!  But so glad we replaced it with the Laminate. 

    Jackie, that's so true!  Those kids know so much more about technical things than we do!   I remember when I bought my first used computer!  I didn't know beans about one, or how to use it.... But my oldest Daughter, and one of the boys, helped me as much as they could......  It's just that so much new information is hard to retain!   But I struggled through it, bought that book about computers for Dummies, and by trial and error, learned the basics.  But I still get that sinking feeling in my stomach when something goes wrong..... Ha!  

    I bought that first used HP and printer at the flea market about 20 years ago.... and that was a good way to start.  I would have screwed up a new computer so fast, that it would have been impossible to figure out. Wink  I typed a book about Coors and Beer on a Word processor, before I knew how to navigate a computer.  When you THINK about it, a computer is just typing, but with a lot more doo-dads to cause you problems!

    You know, I'm going to delete the pic of the boys... since that time my Debit card was "stolen" and then the Identity theft thing, I don't trust  posting too much personal stuff on the web.

    Have a fun Sunday my friends!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012
    The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart.  The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace.
    Carlos  Santana
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited September 2012 are up early Chevy.  I don't blame you for taking out the picture.  Too much goes on now and sooo many ways for someone to get information they should not have.  Thievery  a long, long time ago I think was easier to deal with but the electronic age has changed it drastically. 

    I am stuck with my old laminate which needs changing out but have to wait till I win the lottery or pay off most of my bills....whichever comes first.  Sigh !!!!  The neighbor who used to do all my flooring talked me out of buying the really shiny flooring and I have had regrets.  Especially when I go somewhere and see it down somewhere.  Shame on me......for letting some one else's personal preference influence me that much.  I haven't waxed floors ( don't see it as safe and when you need to remove the wax soooo much work ) for a long time.  Sshhhh gals...I'm going to admit it....just about everything here needs some updating, but all in good time.  I'll have to keep calling on my patience. 

    Hope you all have a gorgeous Sunday.

     Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited September 2012

    Very belated happy anniversary, Chevy!!!

    Just caught up on all the posts I missed the past few days when I didn't have much computer time.

    DH and I backed the 5th wheel into our driveway about 1:30 pm this afternoon.  We hurried inside and turned on the tv to watch the Rider's Cup singles golf matches.  Europe ended up winning over the US.

    It's good to be back home but tomorrow will be a busy day unloading the camper. 

    Hugs to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012

    Stopping in early today to say good morning.  Still gimping around on my knee....and nothing much has changed.  It is not better or worse, just tiresome.  I will have to try and make an appt. though already have some coming up.  Will check on the calendar and see if I can squeeze another one somewhere.

    Cloudy today but I'm hoping we don't get any of the rain that sounds like it may be near-by.  I think we are pretty much caught up so those little wet, cold drops won't make me happy. 

    Hope you all have the kind of day that makes you really happy.  Mine will be.....I'm back on my newer work schedule of 11a.m to 4p.m. which gives me time to do things after I get home.....and there is always something to do here.  Must be partly age....I never really get done with housework is always, but always a work in progress.  Thinking about your camper, Carole.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited October 2012

    WOW!  I think we need an Ark down here in NC.  It has been raining hard for two days and there are flash flood warnings out all over the place.  We're up high, so it won't effect us, but enough already!

    Chevy:  Happy Anniversary...hope you did something special!

    Carole:  I'll bet it was good to get back home after a wonderful vacation!

    Jackie:  Hope your knee gets your quote about an open true!

    Another good day to read...I'm just starting the book "No Easy Day" about the Navy Seal that took part in the killing of Osama bin Laden...the real story that the media didn't report, but so far, no revelations.

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    Jackie, sorry about your knee.  I must have missed the dx on the problem.  What is the problem?  My sister who is three years younger than I is scheduled for knee surgery to repair some torn cartilage.  She has hardly been able to walk.

    Kaara, I have negative feelings about the Navy Seal breaking the expected silence on an operation and writing a book to make a lot of money.  It seems like treason.  What do the rest of you think? 

    I made many, many steps yesterday but got the 5th wheel emptied out, with dh's help.  I also cleaned the inside, including the refrigerator.  After vacuuming it, I told dh, "We're ready to go on a trip!" 

    Most of the transferred possessions are put away.  I'll finish that up today and get the laundry done, if the ancient washing machine is still working.  But first, I'm going to go for a walk.  My weight is up (as always happens) after a month of visiting family and friends and not getting my usual exercise and eating out a lot.  My bp is also high.  I'll make an apptment with my pc dr. today.  Also an apptment with my hair stylist. 

    I'm reading a really good book by Anne Tyler (Pulitzer Prize winning author) that I bought at a Good Will store in SD.  The title is Back When We Were Grownups.  I love the main character, Rebecca, who thinks one day, "I turned out to be someone I'm really not."  She contacts her old boyfriend to see if it's too late to take the road not taken.  I think she's going to discover that she actually took the best road for her. 

    I should get moving around here.  Hope everybody has a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012
    Take time to laugh.
    It is the music of the soul.
    Take time to think.
    It is the source of power.
    Take time to play.
    It is the source of perpetual youth.
    Take time to read.
    It is the fountain of wisdom.
    Take time to pray.
    It is the greatest power on Earth.
    Take time to love and be loved.
    It is a God-given privilege.
    Take time to be friendly.
    It is the road to happiness.
    Take time to give.
    It is too short a day to be selfish.
    Take time to work.
    It is the price of success.
    - Anonymous
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Hi all.... You know, I watched an interview on the computer about that Navy Seal.... It was pretty extensive, even showing the "floor plans" etc.  And talking about entering the building...the people encountered, etc. 

    And I know we all wanted him "gone".... but to see someone talk about it, and the women they encountered, in looking for him, made it a little bizarre.  I didn't realize a book had been written....  I don't know about "treason" but I think if any money is made, it should be donated or shared for all who took part in that raid on Bin Laden's compound.   At least he is GONE!  Now if we could just get totally out of there!  And never go back to fight another war, where no-one is the "winner." 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

     This isn't the video I was talking about, but it explains the book....

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2012

    Its one of those days again, if I did not need the insurance that goes with this job I would be out of here.  She has her panties in a wad again.  I just want to run out of here screaming.

    DD gets married in FL on Friday at 3:00.  Doing the JP thing.  They will be comming Thanksgiving and picking up DGD.

    DGD & DH are finishing putting down the vinyl tiles in kitchen today, we sure have a mess, but it sure is clean and nice.

    Take Care

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited October 2012


    I am 60 and just got diagnosed. I would love to chat. I just joined yesterday. I am DCIS stage 0 grade 2. I start rads on Thursday.

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2012

    Bunkie, I think  you are young on this thread.  It's good news that they are starting you on rads.  Probably wasn't through a lymph node.  Otherwise it would be chemo with our Sept. girls.  It's always a shock.  I thought I had no risk factors.  Had three children which I breast fed substantial months.  No known cases in previous generations, yet, here I am at 75 after a long life of excellent health.  Sooo, the card's you are dealt.  The discussion threads have helped me in so many ways.  One way is that friends and neighbors don't have to listen to my victories and woes.  So, join the Exclusive Club that no one wants to join."  Hugs

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited October 2012

    Hi Bunkie

    I was just diagnosed on July 27, 2012. Having surgery on October 22.

    I'm sorry you have the need to be here, but it is the very best place to come to when you or someone you love is fighting this war.

    Where do you live? There are ladies here from all states, plus nations from all over the world. We are so blessed to be able to connect to each other.



  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited October 2012


    Hi, I'm recently diagnosed. Had lumpectomy and sln just over 2 weeks ago. Am seeing radiologist Friday, hopefully will start rads soon. Also have a seroma, about the size of an egg. It seems to have shrunk some in the last few days! Our only other history  of BC, is my daughter, who  fought it for 6 years, passing at 33. I'm 69. 

    Welcome to the club no one wants to belong to! Jean

  • Cindi74
    Cindi74 Member Posts: 69
    edited October 2012

    Oh Jean,  How terrible to lose a child.  My heart goes out.  Hugs.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2012

    Welcome to all who have just been diagnosed, having surgery or anything else.  This is a wonderful and supporting group.  I am 63 and was diagnosed March 2011.  Don't be afraid to vent when you need to and cry when you need to.  As so many people these days, no history.

    I really feel that all the DDT we were subjected to as children was not good.  We saw what it did to the wildlife and they are finally starting to come back.  I grew up in Iowa, I had never seen a humming bird until I was 30 and living in CO.  Our daughter is in remission now 12 years from hodgkins disease, and we lived right behind an oil well, who knows.  

    I guess we just need to live what life we have left to the best of our ability.

    Home from work, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.  I may have to go and talk to human resources if this continues.

    Have a good evening 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    Welcome, Bunkie.  Good luck with rads.  If there's anything "fortunate" about bc, you're fortunate to be DCIS.  The recovery rate is about 99 percent. 

    Hugs to all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    Morning gals!  Hey Paula... It won't be long now, right?  That waiting is the worst..... and then it's all over with!  I will be 3  years in October.

    Cindi...How are you doing with the chemo?  Glad to "see" you & talk to you!

    So Jean, the Seroma is a little smaller?   It is supposed to gradually go down, once your body settles into all the trauma it went through... When they "take out" an area like that, all the fluids rush into that pocket it leaves, and sometimes it hangs around for awhile.

    Hi little Bunkie!  You are just 60?  Ha!  You are like our little Sister!  Wink  I don't think "North Star" is posting any longer.... It's been awhile since we heard from her, but WE are always here.... Sometimes we just talk about whatEVER!   So did you have surgery?  Are you getting rads before that?  If you want to talk, just feel free to spill the beans, because we've all been through it....

    Sorry Mommarch for having to deal with Attila the Hun.........  There just HAS to be one in every working environment.  But you can take "anything" now, right?   Some horrid people think that they have a right to be-little, scold, and make life miserable for who-ever they set their sights on!  Report her butt!  And hope you don't have to work with her anymore!

     And yes, there were so many things that we were around, and things we even DID that were not good for us!  And we made it this far, right?  Also the BC pill, the formaldehyde I put on my fingernails, to make them "stronger" and saccharine and even those diet pills that made your heart race?  Not to MENTION that dratted cod-liver oil we had to take!   And me and my little  Brother would "smoke" those dried hollow weeds we picked in the vacant lot?

    I still color my hair, eat bacon, chocolate cokes once in awhile, and Star-bucks coffee almost every day, Ha!  But at 75 I almost feen "entitled"...Ha, ha!

    Just remember all the women that were so conscious of their bodies, and super athletic, always eating the right things, and still having been one of us with Breast Cancer.... We just do what we can, with what we have.... and we survive.

    Hey Jackie..... Been fiddling with your computer?  Once you get it working right, just sit back, stare at it, and never use it again....Wink They like to show you just who is "boss!" 

    Have a fun Wednesday!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2012

    I just HAD to do it!

    Jackie posts sweet, profound, words of wisdom that we all need.....

    ........and we all need wine..........

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942
    edited October 2012

    Wow!!! I feel so blessed to be around all you veterans!

    I will be 62 in November. I'm married to a younger man. He's 4 years younger.

    I have church tonight. I'm always anxious to get there & get my midweek refueling. I've set the DVR to tape the presidential debates. I'm all in for Romney. Can I say that on here?

    Now that surgery is less than 3 weeks away, I'm getting a bit apprehensive. I've had several surgeries over the past 30 years including knee replacement, gall bladder, c-section, and gastric by-pass. I always bounce right back with no complications. I pray it's like that this time. I do realize I'm 13 years older than when I had my last surgery, but I'm pretty healthy too.

    I think my biggest concern is lymphedema.

    It's a beautiful day in Central Ohio today. Sunny with temps in the 70s, and the leaves are beautiful! But, it's supposed to rain this evening.

    Chevyboy I have friends in Littleton, and Aurora. My DS, DIL, and GD were out there in the Spring.

    Blessings to All


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012
    Excellence is the result of
    caring more than others think wise,
    risking more than other's think safe,
    dreaming more than others think practical,
    and expecting more than others think possible.
    - Anonymous
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,576
    edited October 2012

    Bunkie --- big welcome to you. Glad you found us.  We are one for all, and all for one here.  Life just seems to be easier when you can come to a place where we all have pretty much the same exact awareness of how cancer interferes in your are always you, but it just puts a different dimension there....and a lot of people don't totally get that. are you doing??  You said such nice things I nearly wanted to re-join myself....and I have been hanging around here for a long time. 

    Soteria and bonnets......I think we all can fairly well relate to just why in the world did we get "picked" for this not too great -- rather lousy actually --- honor.  There was a little ( best of my knowledge it was quite little ) cancer in my family......but no BC that I am aware.  I seem to be the first one for it.  At least I waited until I was 61 ( like I had a choice ).  It is very true that this disease plays no favorites.  It has been willing to become a part of any of us, and there is little rhyme or reason as to when or how it will be found.  So, I'd much rather be in a Gin Rummy club or something else equally fun.....but noooo, not to be.  My lot in life, which has in fact become rather enjoyable, is to visit with all of you who are just like me.  Confused, bewildered, but still all said and done happy to be here and surround myself with women who understand.   

    Mommarch.....just hate it too when I put my best foot forward only to have it stomped on --  it I guess is always hard in the business world to "see" how we might be making others undergo misery.  We all have to work to some extent so will always "run" into people who don't understand that we are working not because we want too, but because we have too and so it is already a burden that they have just added too.  Do you think this person comprehends just how difficult she makes the work enviorment?  I hope things will level out.

    Greetings to Chevy and Carole too.  Hope you are all going to have a good day. can pretty much say anything you like here.  I don't care for Romney, but we don't talk much about politics here.......there are a couple of threads on BC that do, so if you would like I could get you a link to them......I post on one of them myself.  Of course, after the matter who wins......I'm sure the talk will calm down there considerably......but things have been quite lively understandably.

    Hope you all have a really great day.

    Hugs, Jackie

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,111
    edited October 2012

    Good morning everyone.  Paula, you're fortunate to be able to enjoy the beautiful colored fall leaves.  DH and I got to see some pretty color in IL and MO before we returned home. 

    Chevy, love your sense of humor.  So that's why I enjoy my wine!

    For dinner last night, I cooked some walleye fillets from the freezer, gift of our friends in SD.  So delicious.  There is no better fresh water fish.  I pan fried them with a little olive oil and a pat of butter.  We have two more packages.

    Today I'll finally venture out in the car after two days of staying home and working.  More house work and yard work to be done, but it will take some time.  The ole gal (gray horse?) ain't what she used to be! 

    Have a good Wednesday.