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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Hard to pick a quote today.....several I really liked.  It is going to be super muggy today.  Well, the brief rain we had last night and the one that is coming some time today.....all is going to cancel ( most likely ) the great weather pattern we have been enjoying and put us over into sultry.

    Mommarch...hope your nights are getting better.  Sounds like Texas is going to get some water from the sky in many parts.  I hope it gets enough to do some real good.  If memory serves it often comes down too fast ( unlike ours here that is often slow and has lots of time to SOAK in everywhere ) and runs off and doesn't really do the good it could.

    Reg --- I hope things went well for you.  Hope your mom had a good week-end as well. 

    Chevy --  glad you want to spend a little time with us here.

    Hope you all have a marvelous Monday.

    Love and peace


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    DH and I biked 21 miles and got quite wet from light rain showers. It felt so good to get back to the campground and take a warm shower. We're having a lot of rainy days, but it's mostly gentle rain. Hard to believe I'm looking forward to sunshine!

    Best wishes to everyone.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2013

    I was raised on a farm in Iowa and when my Grandparents were gone we had to tend the chickens and I was afraid of them.  Of course there were probably 30 t0 50 at any given time.  One time I helped my Grandpa when he wast planting crops and rode on the back of the planter and put the seed in the hopper.  He gave me a Rooster, when he grew up he was as mean as sin.  He would trap us up on or swing set and not let us down until my Mom brought out the broom.  One winter he died.

    Decided I would not take anything tonight for sleep unless I need it much later.  


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2013

    You are a better person at 70 then I would be at 64.  We used to bike, but it is impossible here in the Mt's at least for us.  It is even hard to walk because of all the rocks on the roads, even in our own driveway.

    Glad you having a good time.  We will leave this Friday and go to Bryan, TX and stay with our son and family for a few days and then go to Milton, Fl to pickup our GS and stay for a few days.  We are taking our cabin tent, but it will depend on the weather meaning rain if we stay in it, may just have to get a room for about 3 days.  Hope we have a good visit, DSIL is having a problem again with his X. His son is a handful, he is 11, but he is all boy.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Morning gals....  Hi Carole!  I think you and your Husband have all the ambition that the rest of us need...Ha!   I used to ride this bike, but I was always afraid of getting off and even on!  My feet didn't touch the ground.... only one at a time, and the seat was lowered all the way!  This was about 10 years ago... but I became too afraid of falling, or getting hit by a car, Ha!  A lot of traffic around here!  And CURBS were the worst!  I needed to strap a pillow on that seat, and maybe extensions on the pedals.... but then that left the getting on and off again!

    Mommarch, I was really afraid of the six chickens also!  And now "the girls" are REALLY big!  But quite tame!   They are used to being picked up by little Ivy, the 3 year old, and are used to running out into their yard.... Of which it is MY job to keep them in that COOP when I open their gate!   I sent Kelli and email.... "Do not come home.... I ate all the eggs!"  Ha, ha!  And I said "was I supposed to be saving them for you, or keeping them myself, which I did!"   She wrote back and said they were all mine!  And they thank me all the time for watching the chickens and the cat, which is never around.  The invisible cat.   I leave food out for her...but I think that brood of hens was the last "straw"....  she beat feet  to a neighbors house and is taking up residence there... where someone CARES for her!  And DOESN'T harbor 6 big intruders!  And builds THEM a house!

    Hi Jackie & Kaara and Cammi, (the wild one!)  xoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good morning--Carole i love hearing all of the things u do with u'r husband, it sounds like fun and u both have the same interests.

    Chevy did u ever think of a tricycle--it might be more fitting for u, after all if u fall off, what's going to break, the bike? Just get a biiger pillow for the seat, I'm not saying u need a bigger seat but u do, not butt, but seat on bike. I wouldn't get on  bike now at all--my balance is not walking straight, (I walk like I need a V-8) I can imagine the bike-

    Well I hope a good day is going to happen for everyone

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    On life's journey faith is nourishment, virtuous deeds are a shelter, wisdom is the light by day and right mindfulness is the protection by night. If a man lives a pure life, nothing can destroy him.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Good morning to all.  Carole, I'm with Jeannette.  All that energy you have though I do know, you have energy because you use energy to more or less....get more energy.  So, I know where I'm falling down here....I'm not exercising. I have knees that are getting worse and I'm going to have to go to almost stationery exercising I think or have most of it be.  Always little adjustments.  I could likely maybe ride a bike to an extent....if I had one.  I do, and though it is easy to ride....has almost a tractor size seat.  It is called a recumbent bike.....and you don't peddle up and down like a normal bike....but outwards towards the front wheel.  Front wheel is smaller than the back.  It looks something like a motorcycle -- but with the roads here.....I think a regular bike would be better......even if not quite so comfy.

    Mommarch you are back on the other page so I hope you are sleeping a bit more.  I think it is just as hard to sleep well after not sleeping much for a night as any time you are needing genuine rest and recuperation. 

    I have to take dh to work today.  He is leaving his truck.  Great.....ggrrrrr.  Today is the first program of the V.A. wt. loss clinic....and I don't want to be late.  Will have to pick him up and high-tail it for home.  Hate feeling pressured like that.  One of the great things about being retired and right out of the gate.....

    Hope you all have a good day.  Muggy as all get out here. 

    Peace and love


  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone,

    I am going out of town for the next week to visit my son, who lives in Long Island.  I fly to JFK tomorrow!  I haven't seen him since before my surgery so I am really excited about this trip.  This is my reward to myself for finishing radiation! 

    Hope all of you are doing well and have a great week.  Linda

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited July 2013

    Linda, what a great reward! Enjoy your visit.

    Chevy, I'm with you on the bicycle. I'm thinking that a 24" rather than the adult 26" might be what I need. I'm 5'2" and have really short arms and legs. But I'm not sure I would have the courage to ride even then. They are trying to turn Seattle into a biker's paradise and hell for drivers by reducing lanes and adding bike lanes. The street behind us has been turned into a "greenway" for bikes. Speed limit is 20mph and there's 3 speed bumps in one block. God help the poor people who need to get out of their driveways. Wish they would offer a buyout for the people who are too old/infirm to ride bikes so we can get out of Dodge.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Cammi!  You little brat!  I bought that bicycle at a yard sale, up the block, for $20!  It LOOKED good, But  I don't know if it was a 24" or a 64 "..... !  Ha, ha!  I just know  it WAS larger than a tricycle..... I could try the next door neighbors  (she is 3)  trike though.... right?  Wink    I could get a tractor seat for it.... with a pillow! 

    I have a hard enough time walking.... I tried jumping once, I mean like hopping?  Well it was like my feet were nailed to the ground!   I can run, but I'm afraid my body will get ahead of my legs, and I would go air-borne!    Course I'de wind up right there on the ground with you!

    Hi Jackie (Lillie) and Wren!  And Linda!  Have fun with your Son!  Congratulations for finishing radiation!  Okay, talk to you gals later!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    Camille, your tricycle recommendation to Chevy was so funny I laughed out loud!

    Well, I got soaking wet today again but with my own perspiration. It seems our LA humidity has followed us to MN. We played golf at Eagle View, the nearby golf course, which we walk using our push carts. We were both pooped at the end of 18 holes. I played pretty well but couldn't sink a putt.

    Linda, hope you have a wonderful visit.

    Chevy, be careful around those chickens!

    Jackie, keep us posted on the weight loss program.

    Camille, you keep us all straight!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Carole, you're just going to "egg" her on!  She goes nuts when we talk about chickens!   

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Well, I made it to CT this weekend.  It was an odd feeling to be back in my home after 13 months.  It felt comfortable, like I never left but it only takes a second to remember reality is completely different than when I left.  My boyfriend was civil- our issues due to me being with mom and his travel and the resulting fact that we never saw each other for weeks on end over and over took their toll to say the least.  It made him question our relationship, blah, blah.  We are supposed to be going to VT this weekend (Thurs.-Sun) for a tennis weekend. Yes, two weekends in a row.  I mentally had to go to CT last weekend or I would have burst.

    Like last weekend, I had two more aides cancel on me for this weekend.  I just had a new woman come to the house this a replacement for this weekend.   I have spent the equivalent of a few days trying to find, train and coordinate aides.  To further complicate was pretty sick all weekend. Basically threw up whenever she walked down the hall. Ate maybe a potato or toast a day.  Kept talking to the aide or my brother every few hours.   So, I was considering postponing my VT trip if mom wasn't improving.  She went for gastric emptying test Monday but couldn't eat two pieces of toast and 2 eggs so they couldn't do the test.  It was the most she's eaten in days though without throwing up.  First they told me dr. wanted to repeat test when she felt better.  I said she hasn't eaten a meal in weeks, and just throws up when she eats anything, we aren't just waiting. So, Dr. called in anti-nausea med which she took once yesterday and today- and no vomiting. 

    Went back to dr. today- wants to do endoscopy which doesn't require eating to see if irritation or stricture.  If he doesn't see anything, he wants us to see oncologist for brain scan (I can't even think about that).  Actually, the endoscopy doesn't answer the gastric emptying question- it just looks for other things.  My brother and I are hoping she starts eating this week and we can cancel the test.

    To top it all off, I updated my mom's sister (remember the one who was against a biopsy) that she has vomiting issues.  I tell her the truth.  I listen to her lectures. Today, she calls and tells me that they (sister, husband and grandson) are driving here from SC TOMORROW!  They will be here Thursday til Sat.  Staying at a hotel.  Will take grandson to boardwalk, etc. so won't be with mom all day.  I explained I was planning to go away, that I didn't think it was right to have her visit with aides here, that mom would want her to be comfortable as a guest.  Like mom points to refrigerator for me to offer her grandkids drinks.  Told her it was new aide (didn't mention that the aide won't know how to act when my aunt tries to give my mother teaspoons of honey and all liquids when my direction to the aide will be to give mom potatoes, toast and pasta).  I repeatedly told her I would have to cancel my trip. She said that she was her sister, they were close, she was worried, that I didn't need to be here or to cancel my trip.  That if my brother was not feeling well, what would I do.

    Over the last few months, I have told myself that rightly so mom has been my priority but that I need to make my life and my boyfriend (if he talks to me) a priority again- to have some balance at least.  And now, I will be postponing this trip because of mom's sister.  I talked to my brother about it.  When my aunt visited before, she wasn't "as bad" as we anticipated.  However, it just seems bad to have mom not feeling her best, a new aide and "company" even if it is her sister.

    I have to decide in the morning what I am going to do since I was supposed to leave Thursday. 

    Gee, and it has only been a few days since I updated you guys!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,292
    edited July 2013

    Reg - go to Vermont.  You've done more than anyone could possibly do.  You need a break.  Your aunt is right - she is your Mom's sister.  They have years of history.  It won't really hurt if she gives your Mom honey over the weekend.  Just tell the aide to go ahead w/what you've instructed but not to get into an argument w/your Aunt. You said they're staying at a hotel & not w/your Mom & will not be there 24/7.  Hope it works out.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Reg go to Vermont----U'r Aunt will be fine and let her help with u'r mom on her own, with the aide---U'r Aunt needs to do this too--so go and enjoy u'rself and don't worry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Carole wet or not u'r having a great time---Good

    Even Perdue doesn't tlk aboit chickens this much Chevy, but he does talk about what they feed them and watermelon isn't on the list. Ahem

    Jackie yep its', humid all right---don't like this at all.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited July 2013

    DH's relatives always fed watermelon to the pigs. They ate the heart themselves first. I think chickens wouldn't eat it if they didn't like it.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    I was just about to agree with Kaara that Chevy is missed and now she's back!
    (Chevy, I cannot keep up on stfu - you guys move too fast!)
    Kaara, I share your sentiments about the trial; the whole thing disturbed me deeply. 

    Jackie, Cammi, I did exactly what you said I should on my long drive....After a few hours, I got out and walked  and got coffee and I really did feel better. I had a great time in DC with my 2 grandsons (8, 4) - and since the kids were in camp I had time with DD too.  We went to Bloomingdales and Nordstrom rack for bargains. I sat with the kids one night (a first) and we had pizza and a movie in the den...they loved it.

    LindaJD, welcome to Long Island! It's darned hot here...even the beach was hot today but my walk along the water felt wonderful!  Are you going to Suffolk County?  Just wondering!

    Regbeach, So glad your mom is DONE with rads. So sorry about her queasy stomach...she's been through a lot.  And so have you...I am glad to hear you and BF are communicating.  It is a time for both of you to is full of ups and downs and it is important to know you have support.  I do hope you get the weekend in VT. 

    Carole, I hope you continue to enjoy your outings and I hope the weather improves!

    DH is in TX (Amarillo) where it was in the 60s and raining.  He doesn't know what he's missing here...I watered our 52 new trees and shrubs by hand today (his job)...I picked up an empty pot and my arm was covered with ants.  Thank the Lord they weren't biters...and I had a cold running hose just feet away. Whew!

    Next week I head to Grand Junction Colorado and Utah for a geology course for teachers.  We go to Arches NP and Canyonlands...and I plan to take an extra day to go rafting in Westwater Canyon.  I only hope that my body can do what my brain thinks it can do. I planned this trip 2 years ago but was diagnosed with BC right before and I had to cancel.

    Rita, Bonnets, and other missing friends....hope your summer is happy.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
    Morning gals!  Regbeach, I'm so sorry for all that is going on with you and your Mom, AND your boyfriend...  You probably feel like your Mom is "yours" now, and you don't want anyone or anything getting in the road.... I felt like this when I was taking care of my Grandma.... I only wanted things to go my way, which I thought was best for her... but I didn't have to contend with her family, either...She had forgotten all of them, which was alright...


    But my Dad wanted to come back to town and see her, when she got so bad....  They didn't ever get along in the first place, and she couldn't remember that she even HAD a step-son.  So I didn't want him to come...  I explained to him that she was doing alright, but didn't know anybody, and I could handle things..... Actually he didn't even come when she passed away.... But that was okay with me.....I was the only one she knew, and I loved her like my child.....  I wouldn't let anyone hurt her, even when she didn't know any different.  (I don't mean "hurt".... I mean try and upset her little time left....)  So no more tests....  no more trips to the hospital for psychological check-ups... It was obvious what was going on.


    But I agree with Minus, Cammi and Joan....  The two sisters will probably enjoy themselves....  and you SHOULD head out with your boyfriend!   It can't hurt, and yes, her Sister DOES need to be with her.   My two Daughter's are soooooo close, although the older one lives in Orlando, but they are always talking, and texting every day, AND seeing each other at least twice a year.  It's that bond.


    Cammi!  WTH?  What does Perdue have to do with anything?   You mean the University?  Do they have chickens?  Maybe they don't know what watermelon are at PerDUE!   Tell the CHICKENS they don't like watermelon.... like to see THAT one!    (no more eggs..... sniff-sniff....they are home...sniff)


    Yes!  SEE?  Wren knows!  Chickens and Pigs.... all the same.  They love watermelon AND Oatmeal!  (although I didn't try THAT one.)


    Joah, I know.... It goes soooo fast...  And I love those gals too, but it takes forever to post in both places, Ha!   It's good to read your posts.


    Okay gals, it's getting light out, so I have to go welcome the morning!




  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely, or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature, and God.  Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.  As long as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be.

    Anne Frank

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013 happy to hear from everyone.  Hot and muggy ( almost steamy ) out of doors.  Fortunately, it seems much nicer out here in the country away from excessive concrete and some of the slightly taller down-town buildings.  Still to look outside and not even see a leaf moving is a big tip-off that things are not pleasant out there.  Ok, this early, but later oh....hmmm.

    Reg...I'm so glad you went this just past week-end and began to discover and assess where you are with "your other life".   I'm in agreement with the others that you should go this week-end.  Seems to me that this first week-end back with the BF was sort of a fact-finding mission with the second week-end something to experience together more for just fun.  Perhaps you both need to get into many of the things you both enjoyed together before to see if you can get back to that same level. 

    As to your mom....I'm hoping that her stomach/vomiting issues may resolve with the current meds the Dr. gave.  I'd like to think if they break the cycle that she will continue on to a better response all the time and that it will all go back to being a non-issue.

    As to your Aunt.  Well, she is your mom's sister.  She is far enough away I think to stay pretty much out of your hair most of the time so it would sort of be a shame if she didn't get to see your Mom right now.  Hopefully, it will turn out that she is not as invasive/pushy/ or otherwise hard for the aid, you, your brother, or you Mom to have around for a short while. 

    Even I know I'm generally an eternal optimist and believe that everything works out in the end -- that even the things that can seem wrong usually have some sort of gift or silver lining if we allow ourselves to soften our attitude in order to hopefully find it......even it if it is just a quick glance ( so we know it is there somewhere ) and gone.  Hard to accept a path that won't show us all we feel we need to know --- but that path is helping define our knowledge, courage, hope stoicism, faith and ability to move on and try and become exactly who we are while helping others ( by virtue of their watching our climb ) so sometimes.....the only thing we can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other with the certainty that at some will all make sense and become something we can feel good about.

    Joan....I missed Chevy so bad that I went to the STFU thread.....and will likely go there still, but doubtful since it is extraordinarily hard to keep up that I will post much.  The gals there seem very delightful, but I have been on the Illinois thread ( my home state ) since I started using BC. Org and I got on this forum not too much later.  Sort of nearly at the begining of it.  As well, when it was mis-used and nearly everyone left......I think for a bit only Chevy and I continued on to post here......I just could not let it go.  I just made up my mind.....if I was the only be it. heart is really here and it is far easier to keep up with.

    Carole....un-like the other nutrition class I took at our local Rec center here.....just with the first class, I feel that a lot of what I am seeing will be just a little bit more age-commiserate.  By that I mean that while the other one took it into account, the manual that comes along with this V.A. class looks quite extensive.  Looking in tells you what exercises are possible and recommended for say someone with a bad back, or someone knees that don't function well.  I had a good handle on food to an extent but had gotten away from some of the better aspects.  Now Dh and I will be back to handling our own meals and can eat like we NEED to for our age and activity level.  I'm hoping to do pretty well here.....but of course, the proof will be in the pudding -- which I won't be eating too much of by the way. 

    Linda yay for you.  Just what the Dr. and the Older Forum reccomends.....great rewards for a job well done.  I hope you have a really wonderful time and your mood just soars.

    Love and peace


    p.s.  the formating is wonky but my spell checker worked.....double yay.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    Joan, you can do it!  I know you can!  Utah will probably be hot but you are visiting some beautiful places.

    Linda, it sounds like you enjoyed your trip.

    I must have missed that post from Kaara about the trial.

    Reg, I agree with all the opinions that have been offered.  You're a devoted daughter but you have a life to live, too.

    I'm feeling worried about one of the women on the What's For Dinner? thread.  Michelle or LuvRving.  She's also on the Stage 4 forums.  Please put her on your prayer list if you have one.

    We were supposed to go biking today but when I got out of bed this morning, I felt my 70 years.  Joints creaking and muscles aching.  So we changed plans.  We checked out both farmers' mkts in Park Rapids.  Bought a loaf of multigrain bread, cookies, a mini rhubarb pie for dh, dozen of fresh eggs, new potatoes, yellow beans, two beautiful cucumbers.

    Now we're using the wi-fi at the library.  Then we'll take care of a few more errands.

    Last night about dark, we went out on the lake fishing with one of our campground neighbors in his boat.  It was so beautiful watching the sun set.  I enjoyed the fishing and caught one throw-away fish.  It doesn't require "catching" for me to enjoy "fishing"!

    Our weather is supposed to improve by Friday.

    Jackie, good luck with your efforts to control your weight.  I'm hoping that when I stop taking arimidex after another year that it will be a little easier for me.  But I'm probably fooling myself. 

    Hope everyone has a blessed day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Still morning all--so Good Morning

    Lokks like busy time for so many--except Chevy who lost the use of her taking eggs cuz her neighbors are back.

    Joan what u planned sounds like a lot of fun--u'r to much wow.

    And Carole u still kept u'rself busy by far even tho u didn't continue with u'r original plans an fishing--I've gone fishing (with one of my ex's) and it wasn't bout catching for me either--there was such a relaxing and calm feeling I did enjoy it. And I do know who u r talking about so my prayers are going that way now.

    And ladies STFU misses u ladies.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Cammi......I do intend to read on STFU, but I don't feel like I can keep up well enough to post unless it is something really specific.  I just have a lot to do....even retired to keeping up with too many threads isn't going to be possible.  But -- it is a good thread I know and I will be reading and keeping up with people I know there and adding a little bit of two cents from time to time.  I just won't have time to be regular with it. 

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Jackie I do understand, but I miss u on there.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited July 2013

    Joan, I think you'll really enjoy the geology trip. That was my science class in college and I loved it. Just get a big sun hat with a string to hold it on.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2013

    Well, Ladies, I was going to go to VT.  I had all the notes posted around the house for the aides, updated the food list, separated out mom's meds, confirmed with the aides, started to pack.  So, thanks, for the encouragement.

    Yes, "WAS". Mom threw up in the afternoon as I was walking her to bathroom.  Afterwards, I reminded her that I was going to go away tomorrow.  I asked if it was OK that I go or did she want me to stay.  She said, "Stay."  Last weekend, when I left, I cried saying goodbye to her. She laughed and patted my cheek (like, I was being silly).  This weekend she has answered two questions telling me to stay.  It's not the sister- it's that mom isn't feeling well and I think she realizes how long she hasn't been feeling well and how long it's been since she's eaten more than a few hundred calories.  If I were her, I wouldn't want her to leave me with aides either.

    So, I am calling to postpone the trip to late August in the morning.  I am hoping my boyfriend will come here this weekend but not holding my breath.  Maybe I will be surprised. 

    When you hear from me next, my head might be bursting with the sister lecture about how mom should only be getting liquids for 2 days  :)  Thanks for listening and, really, I took your advice to heart.  I even told my brother my "discussion board friends" think I should go.  He laughed when I said I am on the over 60 board (I'm in my 40s). 

    Stay cool in this heat wave.  Oh, thought mom was out of the woods with skin breakdown but she has two bright red/pink spots that weren't like that before.  Calling RO in AM.  Hopefully, it's a simple solution. 

    Praying for a miracle to cure mom's vomiting...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Oh crap Regbeach!  I mean I thought we had this fixed.  I'm sorry about your Mom, but I would stay too.  See, you POST here, just because we ARE older than you, and we SHOULD know more about what is going on with your Mom!   WE have been there, done that!    You are still a young squirt... My Daughters are older than you!  And I would only hope that one of my Daughter's would give me the care and the love that you show your Mom.

    Your Mom's Doc will ask what she is taking, to make her throw up?  God, I hate them doing more tests.    I also think your Mom is scared.   And you are her only comfort right now.   See how it goes with her Sister.... don't even think about your boyfriend right now.... What happens..... happens.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Reg why isn't u'r mom in the hospital getting fluids? it seems to me her Dr. would want that now--she's got to be somewhat dehydrated by now--her skin has to be so thin and weak.??? Maybe u should find out why.

    I hope all goes well this weekend and if everyone comes and u'r boyfriend too, try to get away some maybe to a motel or something just to have alone time.--Good Luck