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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2013

    We can't believe the gastro isn't more concerned about the fact that she isn't eating.  If she takes the anti nausea med in the AM, she doesn't throw up when she eats but still eats very, very little.  Says she feels full.  She seems to still be urinating almost her regular amount. Some mornings she is wetter than others.  We have been concerned about that too.  I am taking her to an internist on Tuesday.  Always so much waiting. Last weekend when I was away, she threw up more often. The aide was freaking me out- telling me she didn't urinate all day but then she said maybe her "pullup" was wet that the bathroom was too small to see!  When I got home a few hours later, it was wet.  I almost had brother take her to hospital last weekend with the reports I was getting.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Reg I didn't mean to alarm u, but (here I go again) older people get dehydrated quickly almost like a baby, that's why I was wondering why no hospital. U'r poor mom.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    Reg, the care you have given your mom has made a difference.  I also am wondering if she needs a boost of fluids and/or food. 
    You also need a "boost" - someone who cares for you, and an escape from all you've been doing.
    Hugs and prayers for a solution to her stomach issues...I also know how hard these tests can be on an older person.  More hugs and prayers for you and bf; I know you want things to work out.  These are tough times.
    I am glad you decided to join here and trust the ladies here to listen. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    "The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will
    appreciate it when it finally arrives. The harder you have to
    fight for something, the more priceless it will become once
    you achieve it. And the more pain you have to endure on your
    journey, the sweeter the arrival at your destination. All good
    things are worth waiting for and worth fighting for."

    -- Susan Gale

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Oh Reg...I'm so sorry for this development.  That said though, and since I do believe that the patterns of our life make sense, even if we can't see is obviously going to be the right thing now to stay with Mom. 

    Are her Dr.'s recommending Ensure ( nutritional drink for elders with nutrition problems ) or Boost is another good one.  I would hope so.  Bottom line though.....there needs to be some answer and treatment for this fairly pervasive problem.  Something is definitely going on with her stomach and unless that is found and addressed she is going to feel out of control and likely nervous with anything different ( like new caregivers ) upsetting.  Also there is a med that will greatly "perk" up her appetite but of course she needs to get the vomiting dealt with first. 

    I think the pink skin ( you heal fron the inside out ) may be a bit of left over rads issue.  I had to use my lotion for a good spate of time after the rads.  It may have been not applied enough or something that the caregivers forgot somehow.  Maybe they simply didn't put on enough.  I think that sounds at this point the lesser of your issues. 

    You have been so stalwart for your Mom.  It would be such a wonderful thing if your Aunt would just give you a huge hug ( I know, when pigs fly ) and tell you how wonderful that you have walked every step of the way with your Mom doing the best you could to keep her going despite huge problems and issues presented by her medical problems.  I don't know that you will come anywhere close to anything like that from your Aunt........but I'm sure everyone here is giving you a hug right now...........because you are truly your mothers' biggest blessing...along with your brother.  Neither of you have taken the easy way out and I know it has to make the sun shine in your Mom's heart to know how much you love her.  She must feel ( even though perhaps quite hard to express ) such appreciation for you and your brother. 

    All any of us can do is the best we can.....some days being better than others, and you have put your heart and soul into it.  You have a beautiful, kind and loving spirit.  Will be praying for positive results......with everything that is a part of you.

    Peace and love


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited July 2013

    Reg, ginger tea is good for nausea. You just cut up some ginger and boil it in a couple cups of water for about 15 mins. Another poster said she puts it in her sweetened ice tea, about 1/4 cup per large glass. I know it's difficult for her to eat. Once you haven't eaten for a while it doesn't take much to make you feel full. I hope the aunt doesn't make you miserable with her visit. Just let it roll off your back and consider the source. Hugs.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Reg, just really keep an eye on her.... The other gals are right.  My Supervisor wound up in the hospital, just because she didn't drink enough water!  Her health was good, but getting dehydrated is really dangerous.   That is even more important than the eating she isn't doing.

  • sandiesau
    sandiesau Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2013

    H Linda   I love the idea of talking to women over 50 OR 60.  I think our health concerns are quite different than women in their 30s  to 50s. I am 61 and was diagnosed Nov 2012. Had to have 2 lumpectomies in order to get a clear margin but my nodes were clear. Radiation followed with 5 years of tomoxifin recommended and another 5 years on something else.  After 5 months the side effects were just horrible and my quality of life was nil. Insomnia, debilitating migraines where I had to be hospitalized  constant yeast infections not to mention hair loss, constipation, menopausal symptoms, etc. etc After 6 months my oncologist said that obviously I couldn't tolerate the drug so right now I'm on a 2 week break before she tries the next one. I'm hearing a lot of you saying you are taking arimidex. How are you all tolerating it? Any side effects so far? I've never had any side effects from any drug I've been prescribed other than tomoxifin.  I would love to hear from you.      Sandi 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited July 2013

    Sandi, I've been on Arimidex (actually the generic) since March 2012 with almost no side effects. None for the first year, then some mild hot and cold spells and mild causea for a few weeks. Then those went away. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Hi Sandi---I decided to go off aromasin, it's done a number on me too. But honestly sll these meds everyone takes differently, there is no reason why the have hardly any SE for some and horrible ones for others so it's probably a toss up. But I do hope u find one that treats u well.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Hi Sandi... I took Tamoxifen for 14 months.... and yeah, I had all that you mentioned, but those SE's seemed to get better....  You are just 61?  I was 72 when I had a Lumpectomy.  What was your diagnosis?  Did you have an onco-test?  And did you have chemo?  Maybe you don't NEED anything else?  Just ask your Doc. 

    I flat-out quit Tamoxifen on my own.... because one morning I woke up and could not hear!  Then the other ear.  So I lost my hearing, and would not take it again.  It is like a chemo-drug...  which causes hair loss, etc.  And the nerves in your ears are like little hairs, so mine just were damaged enough where I couldn't hear.  Hearing aids really help.

    I know Jackie has taken Arimidex for maybe 5 years... maybe she can help answer your questions, also!

    Hope you're doing alright!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2013

    Morning ladies:  Just returned from spending a couple of days with girlfriends in the Highlands of nice to have clear skies for a change!  The drive back to Greenville was through a lot of winding roads so thank goodness for good weather... with my compromised eyesight I could have been in trouble otherwise.

    Went to see Jersey Boys (for the third time) with friends last night and it was the best one ever!  I love the energy and music of this play and each time I see it, it's like seeing it for the first time.  My BF and friends we were with thought it was awesome.  After we went to a nice steak house for dinner.  I had filet which was deliclious, then we went for ice cream.  I'm feeling it!

    Although I qualified for arimidex, my OC gave me the option of taking tamoxifen for several years and then switching.  I have no ovaries, so fortunately I could do that.  I take only 1/2 the recommended dose with no SE's other than hot flashes which I would have had anyway after going off all my hormones.  So far so good.  I'm due for a mammogram soon and just pray that all is status quo.  It is almost 2 years since my diagnosis.

    Headed to my mountain cottage for the weekend, then to Myrtle Beach for a few days next week to soak up some sun!

    Have a nice weekend everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    We in the West don't think much in terms of balance, and obviously we should.  Even the very thought of an exquisite union and balance of all our forces, both physical and mental, has a gentle, hopeful ring to it. . . . All of us must find a bridge between our physical and spiritual parts.  When that balance is achieved, what a happy comfort for ourselves!

    Edward J. Lavin

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Hi Sandi,

    I have done really, really well on Arimidex.  I have some hot/cold spells now and then but so in-frequent that I usually don't even own up to them.   That said, when the generic of Armimidex,  Anastrosole came out I was put on that.  Lots of side effects turned on....sore muscles and joints, clomping around, stiff when not expected, name it.  Just as I was about to complain to my all went away.  I assume something in it that help deliver it was acting on me......after approx. 3 mos. I built up a tolerance and it all went away.

    So....sometimes if you give it a bit -- 3 mos. or so, many of the se's ( side effects ) will diminish or dissappear completely.  For some reason.....when one seems to be quite bad, often the next one you try....will actually work quite well despite a long list of se's. 

    Hope it all comes out well for you.  Also glad to see you here.  We love our Forum for people just our age.

    Peace and love


  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited July 2013

    Hi Everyone,

    IT IS SO HOT HERE ON LONG ISLAND!!!  The humidity sucks but it sure is better than cold & snow!  My son received some great news since I've been here.   He was offered a FULL TIME Teaching Job in CT!   Not that I want him to move to CT but he really needs a full time job.  So we have been searching for apartments & possibly driving to CT on Sunday to look @ a few.  He only has about 5 weeks to figure things out! 

    We are going to Port Jefferson soon for dinner! 

    Hope all is well w/ everyone,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh linda that's wonderful news (well not about the moving part) but the job part. Now I'm awful with geography (if they still call it that) I know where NY is but how far will he be in CT. I hope not to far--And we all hear about hiw beautiful CT is--I do I know. U do sound good.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    What great news Linda.  A full time job is a treasure.  Hope a nice apt. can be found.  I'd likely love liging in Ct. or Maine or a lot of the Eastern area. 

    Peace and love


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    The rhythm of walking generates a kind of rhythm of thinking, and the
    passage through a landscape echoes or stimulates the passage through
    a series of thoughts. This creates an odd consonance between internal
    and external passage, one that suggests that the mind is also a landscape
    of sorts and that walking is one way to traverse it.  A new thought often
    seems like a feature of the landscape that was there all along, as though
    thinking were traveling rather than making.

    Rebecca Solnit

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Another hot muggy day here....whew !!!!  I think we will soon get a little welcome break from it and it can't come to soon for me.  I have not "suffered" as much as some, but it still has the ability to steal way too much of my drive and starch.  I like to come out swinging and that really doesn't happen in this heat. 

    Hope you all have a gorgeous Saturday.

    Love and peace


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    Linda, great news about your son's job.

    I've been on Arimidex 4 yrs. Side effects are menopausal symptoms (eased by taking effexor), weight gain, higher bp, higher cholesterol. I look forward to discontinuing it.

    At the laundromat doing 2wks of clothes, etc. Using the Wi-Fi.

    Chevy, thought about you when I bought yard eggs at the farmers'mkt on Wed.

    Our weather has turned beautiful. Less humid and cooler. Looks like a good week coming up for golf and bicycling.

    Reg, hope the situation with your mom improves.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Having a great thunderstorm right now.  Of course, I missed the chance to go out and feed the dogs.....thought we'd have one of those quickie 5 Min's of hard rain and back to nothing but heat and humidity.  It looks like this may be with us for a bit.  Sigh !!!!  I guess wrong more often than not.

    Went for an interview yesterday evening and I'll start back to working ( less than I was though which is fine with me ) on the 30th. 

    Good for meager social security just didn't have much -- if anything -- I could ear-mark for a couple of extras.  Won't be as hard to find that now. 

    Carole...lucky you with your weather getting back to sweet reason.  I think we won't be as bad for the next few days.  Surprisingly, I can't say I was suffering badly.......but then I was taking it fairly easy outside and not doing anything strenuous. 

    Hope you have all had a fantastic Saturday.

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Carole glad the weather is getting more cooperative for u. Now u can get back out.

    Jackie qait--u just passed over this so quickly--Now did u say u got a PT job> ding what and where and what are the hrs.--If I misread this OK, but otherwise u know I need answers.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

     Real success requires respect for and faithfulness to the highest
    human values--honesty, integrity, self-discipline, dignity,
    compassion, humility, courage, personal
    responsibility, courtesy, and human service.

    Michael DeBakey

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Morning everyone.  Wow !!!  Knew we were due for a storm last evening and we sure got it.  Though I worry about  the whole storm and what might happen -- it is always interesting when it becomes what seems like nearly night time in the LIGHT hours.  Don't know just exactly what sort of fascinates me about it....but it does.  Thankfully, we didn't really get much for wind, but did have quite a pour down.  May get a bit more this morning.....which I won't mind....or again tonight.  With the global warming....we are now never quite sure of what we will get or just when.

    Cami...yes, I did get another part time job.  It will be like the one ( 2 yrs. nearly ) I just got done with as the lady went to a nursing home.  I will stay with a 97 yr. old lady who can walk just fine with a walker, dress and undress without help, and use the bathroom alone.  Really, it is age and being unable to cook for herself that requires she have help.  Will likely from the sound involve a couple of days a week and one overnighter which is fine with me. 

    I had known that the call for help would be coming....just was not quite sure when.  I had time to think about not taking on any more work and it was just enough time to realize that I will fare better with a little income boost.  I found a salon to do my hair----and they did a really great job this first time ( assuming other times it will be as good ) and I realize that if I want my hair to look good.........I have to stop going to the Beauty College here and go where people know what they are doing and have done it for quite a while.  So.....the extra money from my part time job will help with that............and a few other things as well.

    The Beauty College was $30.00 for the perm I always need...........and the salon I went too was $55.00.  Big difference, but there was such a startling difference in the good hair-cut I received at the salon ( the hair-cuts there are $21.00 ) so I would pay nearly the same if I got the hair cut at the salon and the perm at the Beauty College ---- might as well go for the full treatment at the salon.  I love having hair you can sort of count on...........and maybe have learned my lesson about trying to cut corners by using the Beauty college.

    Anyway....Cam, hours will be Tues 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the same on Thurs. and then either Friday or Saturday night.....I would stay all night which would allow the Dr. and his wife to go to the city and take in a play, or movie, or whatever.  They would stay in the city and come back next morning.  I think I will enjoy it all.....and I always enjoy older people.  They have such grat stories and are no longer frantic about life. 

    Anyway....hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.

    Peace and love


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited July 2013

    The quote from Michael de Bakey must have been ghost written. He was well known in the medical center for throwing notebooks at secretaries and scalpels at nurses. I never saw it myself, but he did have a fearsome temper.

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am reading the past posts trying to catch up.

    My oldest sister passed away on July 2, 2013. We did not get to texas to see her before she passed. DH found me a flight to go to the memorial  on August 10, 13. It will be a fast trip there and back the next day but  at least I will get there. I have not worked with this company for a year so do not have the benefits of taking off yet.

    DH and I have been researching mobil homes for a place in Florida to retire to when he retires. Probably not for a year or so. I can't imagine leaving the grandkids from around here though. We had all our kids, spouses and grandkids together for the July 4, weekend.  the first time all together since 2008. We had a fun week and all kids got along great. We had 7 children ages 1yr to 9 yrs old together What a joy it was and at a time when I really needed it.

    We have have had some hot and humid days here. Waiting for a little cooler weather to come along.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    termite...I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister.  As well that you could not see her beforehand.  Sometimes we have to follow the bends in the road of life even when we hate it.  I hope she had an easy passing and I'm so glad you will get to go to the memorial for her. 

    A lot of retired people go to Florida but I think for me....I'd have to know just what I'd have to handle, like heat, storms, palmetto bugs and things like that.  I'm thinking.....I'm pretty certain for myself, I'll be right here.  We normally don't get the super severe weather or winters that seems to go on all around us and so likely if anything....we'd sell this property out here at the lake and move into an apt. in town.  I hope to make it out here for a few more years though.

    Peace and love


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Hi Gals....  Termite, you'll really have to love hot and humid to live in Florida....!  

    I don't know if I would really like to do that...  Or if I HAD to, I would maybe move into a Senior Living place, close to where I am now.  But I won't ever leave our home, unless something awful happened.  ... 

    My Daughter lives in Orlando, and works for Coldwell Banker near Dr. Phillips area.  If you ever need any advice in the Orlando area,  about the neighborhoods etc. just let me know.... I could give you her number.  And I'm sorry about your Sister!  I'm glad you will go to the Memorial for her.

    Carole, yes, aren't those eggs good?  Shut up Cammi!.... Go back to sleep little trouble-maker!  Wink  I ate my last egg.... and I really can't ask for more!  Can I?   Nope.... that would be tacky.... UnLESS I took them over some corn scraped off the cob, and if I looked sadly at the Chickens, maybe she would give me some?   Maybe I'll just eat the ones we buy. 

    And someone on the last page or two, asked about my hands?  They are sooooooo much better now.  No more breakouts.... just really still dry, and peeling.  But I found out I am allergic to the "Hot-Spot" spray I use on our little Sheltie!  I had no idea!  All the Doc's kept saying it was something I was getting into!  But I had eliminated ALL soaps, cleaning stuff, because I always wore "rubber gloves."..

    But I found out, after looking up "Sulfadene".... the ingredient in that spray. I was afraid it could have "sulfa" in it....And I KNOW I am allergic to that.  But  instead it has  this chemical called Mercaptobenzothiazole in it... AND the same chemical is used to vulcanize the rubber gloves I have.

    The reactions include blisters, burning, itching, swelling and that's all that I had.... on my hands, and starting on my arms.  So NOW I put on vinyl gloves when I clean and groom her, and put these cut off socks to cover my arms.  And they seem to be a lot better!    I still use a lot of creams, like Shea Butter mixed with Urea ointment, Bag Balm, and a little of the Fluocinonide prescription cortisone ointment still.  AND I wear cotton gloves whenever I can....and to bed.

    So I'm done with that "curse."..... Wink

    Jackie, your new "folks" sound fun!  You would really be good at taking care of someone like that!    You could even throw a wild party on their night out...Ha!    Would you please explain to Cammi what you are doing?  She needs help with those things.... AND her spelling..... Of course none of us would understand her, if she fixed THAT one.... 

    What's going on with your Mom, Regbeach?  And you?  Hope everything is going smooth!

    Talk to y'all later! xoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    independent will and creative imagination. These give us the
    ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to

    -- Stephen Covey

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Chevy...your hands sound so much better.  I think that must have been the big sigh of relief I keep thinking I hear.  How discouraging to find that just about the last thing you'd consider ( since you were wearing gloves ) is something you use so often on your dog.  And to find that the gloves have the same ingredient in their production as well.  Double whammy.  No wonder.  Seems though, even if it takes a while that you will get mainly back to normal...............or as normal as any of us ever get.

    Just think though...everything that happens makes us a bit more human and so very often gives us another chance of NOT knowing it all and finding our humbleness.  Well, as long as we is partly why we are here.

    Likely I mentioned this before.....but I only buy brown eggs.  I didn't realize it for a long, long time, but they do taste different than white ones.  To me the brown ones have a richer taste and once I discovered that.....I just pretty much quit buying the white ones.  I don't always do it, but Eggland's Best seem to be a good brand too......and they have brown eggs.  A bit more often I look for range fed.  I know everyone has to eat, but I hate thinking about chickens being captive ( kept in one small place ) for their eggs.  Since I read ( almost every-time without fail ) for any changes that may have been made to things I buy...I am generally aware of things I use to NEVER bother myself about ever. 

    Guess I am something of a fuss budget now.  Of course, that was not something I longed to be or thought I would be when I was young.  One of the advantages to getting some time in service --- you start to treasure shoes that feel great and don't care too much how they look and you watch what goes in your mouth.....along with the scale of course. 

    Hope you are all going to have a marvelous Monday.

    Peace and love
