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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • sandiesau
    sandiesau Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2013

    Hi Jackie   Thanks so much for your info on arimidex.  I talked to my oncologist today and she's recommending femara so I'll take your advice and give it a good 3 months  AND try to only have optomistic thoughts..Positive thinking...I always say   thanks again  Sandi 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Jackie, I never knew that there was a difference of taste between brown and white eggs--in my whole life, now I too have to check it out. I just thought they were laid be different kinds of chickens. Thanks for info

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    Termite, I am so sorry to hear about the sad loss of your sister.  I hope that you will find healing with family and in your good memories.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    Jackie, the "new" job sounds good...I hope it works out well for you.
    Linda, I am so glad to hear your son has found a full time job.  What town will he be near?
    I think you may find the trip from Rochester to CT seemingly easier than driving through NYC.  I was in Port Jefferson Saturday on the 4:15 ferry going to CT.

    My DD#2 threw a 40th birthday party for herself.  It was a Moroccan theme complete with beautiful tent, lanterns, low couches and cushions, scarves, and belly dancers.  We were the only "older" guests there....and we had a great time with her friends and our grandkids who stayed around until 10 or so. 

    I'm leaving in 2 days for an educational trip to Colorado and Utah studying geology and ecology in a few parks and fossil sites.  I also booked a rafting trip for one day.  I hope I can do it all....I was "training" but that didn't get very far. Am trying to clear out the guest rooms in case kids come to visit while I"m gone.  DH will be home.

    Hi Carole, I'm glad the humidity broke for you.  Still pretty humid in the east.
    Hi Chevy, Colorado chicken gal....I'll be flying by you...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    So Cammi!  YOU are being all serious now?  And talking about CHICKENS?  And eggs?  Okay smarty pants.... Which came first???  Aha!    And I think white chickens lay white eggs, and all the other "pretty" ones lay brown, and actually bluish and pale green eggs!  I KNOW because my OTHER neighbor GAVE me some...   But do they "taste" different?    It's because of their fore-fathers... or something meaningless like that.

    Jackie, are you just making that up?  Wink   And how is your juicer thing?  You know I THOUGHT about getting one like yours, but I just put everything in my 150 speed Blender, and it did the job...I mean I ground up whole walnuts, whole eggs....  (just kidding!)  Actually I SAW them do the egg thing on TV once!  Shell and all!   Those people must be desperate for food...

    Yes Sandi...!  Always think positive!  You HAVE too!  Even when you see no light...(except for the train) at the end of that tunnel...  Like Jackie always said.... "Give me just 10 minutes"..... Then when that goes by, ask for 10 more!  Jackie, what WAS that you said? 

    Okay Joan...You should have Soooooooo much fun!  Wave to me when you do a fly-over!  Where will you be landing?  And the rivers are running high lately!  I've never been rafting... Just be careful!  I become fearful when I look at a tub full of water! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Human beings are parts of the whole called by us a universe—parts limited in time and space.  They experience themselves, their thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of their consciousnesses.  This delusion is a kind of prison for us; it restricts us to our personal decisions and our affections to a few persons nearest to us.  Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

    Albert Einstein

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Morning from southern Illinois.  Having my second cup of coffee ( desperately needed in the morning ) and only because I'm addicted to coffee.  The good thing is......I drink the first ones black....and only the last one gets the Mocha creamer in it.  Cuts down on calories and other unmentionables that shouldn't actually float around in a body. 

    As to the !!!   Have to say it tasted better than I imagined it would.  Ok...the truth is, while I was willing I had some " green foods powder " one time that you blended.  Dh and I tried so hard but the fact of the matter was it tasted pretty bad....just TOO green.  As well, honestly, I couldn't tell after a couple of months that it was doing anything at all for me.  So, we both dropped that after comparing notes.

    This nutri-blast machine is quite small and compact so takes up very little room -- a plus for me with small counter area in my otherwise large kitchen.  I was amazed turning it on.  It is extremely powerful so takes less than a minute to pulverize anything.  I won't know much about the claims they make ( you would also likely have to follow their recipes to the T ) but one of the major factors for me is that Dh and I both know that we don't eat the food pyramid -- most of the time don't even come close, and as well, do know that taking off some of the skin/peels etc. tends to remove valuable minerals and vitamins.  Also, some seeds in fruit are just as good for you as the rest of all in all, we felt at our age we needed to try and maximize trying to get as much benefit from food as we could with the limits we have -- less time, having to sometimes skip meals and of course knowing that we don't do the pyramid properly. 

    We try not to get into fad type things and this is not an advertisement for anything, but just something we felt we needed to try and do for ourselves.  We also had a new whole foods/organic market start up and their prices seem quite that was another reason we were willing.  Organic makes it easier to use fruit without peeling it, as well as less concern with the fresh veggies.  So here's hoping we are doing something decent for ourselves.

    Yes, yes, yes.....brown eggs taste far more richer ( way less bland to me ) than white eggs.  I think a great many of our brown eggs come for Rhode Island Red chickens.  I'm sure there are likely others that also lay brown but I don't know which ones.  As cholesterol has never been an issue with me.....I eat eggs enough to want as much enjoyment out of it as once I started eating brown eggs....the habit of it formed quickly.  On the very rare times when the store is out of them....I buy the small half carton ( 6 eggs ) of white....but try to use them up in cooking where you don't much notice individual flavors of an egg. 

    See....I have been spoiling myself for years and years.  I'm not a clothes horse, purse, or make-up......have never been good with those things....and not much moved by shoes either.  That leaves me able to go a bit more extravagant I guess in the foods department.  So, I am picky, picky,picky. 

    Sandi...hoping you do well on the Femara.  I do think it takes a little time for some bodies to adjust to the "cancer drugs", but at any time that you feel it is toooo rough, speak to your Oncology Dr.  Sometimes I think people have had some good success with just changing the time they take it.  I've always taken mine in the morning....but some take it right before bed.  Wishing you very well. 

    Saying hi to all of you and wishing you a wonderful day.

    Peace and love


  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone,

    Well, mom's sister literally visited for just a few hrs. each day.  They took their grandson to the boardwalk and swimming pool.  They stayed in a hotel about an hour away- they said they stayed in a place they knew rather than trying to find something closer. It's perplexing.  She didn't eat or drink anything I offered.  I think because when I told her I was supposed to be away I mentioned that my mom always motions to me to make sure people who are visiting have something to drink!

    As far as mom, I took her to a "family dr" Friday. He basically said we needed to be patient in figuring this out and that people can go along time with eating little.  I almost got her to have 1000 cals yesterday- yogurt, Gatorade and Ensure.  She takes the anti-nausea pill in AM.  I took her to an ENT today.  He looked at her upper airway and said it was clear. Saw a small blister in her throat (irritation).  Maybe that is why she is refusing toast and potatoes now, and choosing the cold, smooth foods.  He said it could be paralyzed diaphragm and that if it was his family member he would have a PEG (feeding) tube put in- said people take them out too soon.   I guess the endoscopy on Thursday will give the most info.

    Her radiation wound seems to bleed a little sometimes.  I talked to nurse yesterday. She said to call back Wed.  Still putting silver sulfadiazine on it. 

    We are starting home therapy so that mom can be stretched by a professional.  Her leg and arm are very tight. Maybe with the anti-nausea med she will be able to do some other exercises- if she eats more.

    I told my boyfriend I will come to his father's this weekend. But, I haven't actually talked to him.  He doesn't call me back.  They are finishing up a boat they built (a wherry) over a year ago at a Maine boat school. 

    Can't wait to report some good news.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Hi Sharon,

    Sounds like your Aunt was fairly pleasant during her visits with her Sis.  Perhaps she has caught on that you are in charge and that you the right person to be in charge.  Perhaps too, in looking back she sees how long you have been at the helm ( quite a good long while ) and knows that it is often something of a thankless task.  Of course, we'd have it no other way --- but it is a life changing event to be in charge and caring for a beautiful mother who cared for you so much when you needed it. 

    I do think your Dr. is pretty much right.  All during my chemo ( once every three weeks ) there was a week or so each time that I scarcely put a bite into my mouth as it would come right back up.  Older people do not have the huge requirement for nutrition of the younger crowd.  We are at a different pace level  ( slower ) so we do not need a consistent level of energy in.  Also, I think even if having general she would not be doing those with huge energy pushes.  I do think the Ensure is an excellent idea.  It is a liquid meal in itself.

    I think feeding tubes are not fun.....and hope you won't have to do that, but whatever can best get your Mom back to as much normalcy  as possible. 

    Do wish your bf would/could be a bit more supportive.  I'm sure it has not been the easiest thing for him either, but my goodness, woudn't he want a person who would be just as loyal to everyone she cared for....including a bf or more.  Were it me...I would have some real doubts about a person if I was chosen over a parent who had the medical issues your Mom has.  But then as women....we often see things in a much different way since our role has ALWAYS been major caregiver/director of home and hearth.  Sigh !!!  Major responsibilty for men is much different. 

    Hoping you will be able to have another "week-end". 

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OMG I have missed so much---where have I been.

    Termite I am so very sorry for u'r loss of u;r sister, at least u got there for the memorial.Wishing u and u'r family peace.

    Reg u are an amazing woman how u can do all this is awesome, but I'm sure u'r BF really doesn't get it and I'm sorry for that.

    Chevy I have seen a chicken play a piano and that was all I can bare about chickens oh and I do like egg salad. But don't eggs have to go thru a candle test to see if they are really chiceny things there? Do u candle u'r egg Missy. Or u just crack anyways eating anything that's there.? 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    Termite, I'm so sorry about your sister's passing.  It would grieve me deeply to lose either one of my sisters.

    Joan, can't wait to hear a report on the rafting trip as well as the rest of your educational travel. 

    Jackie, I prefer brown eggs, too, but have read that there is no difference in the taste.  We had eggs for breakfast, four of the dozen brown eggs I bought at the farmers' market, and they were delicious.

    I look upon your work as a blessing for the elderly people you care for.  It's not easy to find capable, trustworthy and kind people to hire to help out older people so that they can stay in their homes.

    This morning I pulled out some long pants and a sweatshirt!  It was 60 degrees in the camper!  

    Yesterday dh and I drove to Brainerd, MN, and biked a really pretty segment of the Paul Bunyan Trail.  Today we played golf at the course near the campground.  Now we're in Park Rapids at the public library using their wifi. 

    Reg, you've been going through a difficult period with taking care of your mother, but I feel confident that things will get better and you'll have cheerful news to report.  Meanwhile, we can only share what's going on in our lives.

    Camille, have you ever considered getting a pet chicken?   LOL!!  Only kidding.

    Hi to everyone not mentioned, including Rita, who has disappeared.  I hope you are doing well, Rita.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Okay little missy Cammi! I use the candles in my ears! I told you that once or 5 times.... What things can be in an egg, if there is no Rooster?

    When I went to Kelli's yesterday, little Ivy would pick up the chickens and bring them over to me... So I could pet them! .... They aren't what you would call "cute" or fuzzy like a puppy, Ha! Kelli showed me a HUGE egg that one of them laid! OMG that thing made the other little ones look like Robin eggs!

    Okay, Carole is right.... You need a pet chicken.... I will find one for you....

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2013


    I left a message for the gastro today that maybe we could postpone the endoscopy since mom ate a few bites of spare ribs, potato salad, mac salad and even corn last night and didn't seem to throw up as long as she took the anti-nausea pill.   This morning she had yogurt and half a Belgian waffle. She was really tired because of her early shower followed by a quick RO visit since her skin breakdown had bled onto PJs (instead of an extra hr sleep after the shower).  She fell asleep for about an hr. then had home PT.  She was laying down on the couch being stretched and all was fine- til 45 mins. into it.  Imagine peddling a bike laying down.  Well, she made a face and sure enough threw up part of the waffle. 

    The message from the dr. was we could postpone a few weeks as long as vomiting didn't return. So, she is going for endoscopy tomorrow.  Please pray that it is done safely (she was told not to stop blood thinner except for AM dose) and that nothing serious is found.  I'm trying not to be scared...but admit I'm crying.  We are long overdue for some good news but sometimes that doesn't matter...

    Thank you.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Whatever our individual troubles and challenges may be, it’s important to pause every now and then to appreciate all that we have, on every level.  We need to literally “count our blessings,” give thanks for them, allow ourselves to enjoy them, and relish the experience of prosperity we already have.

    Shakti Gawain

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Sharon...lots and lots of prayers coming your way.  Tests are good because there are so many answers we could get....along with really good solutions.  I admit though it is frightening --- your Mom has had ( and you have shared it all ) so many ups and downs and bumps in the road since her stroke.  Every thing you do and I think very much so when you are talking about health issues is a matter of large segments of time full of stress and tension, and good ole'pins and needle fear. 

    There is no other way to get to the other side of just have to get in the boat and row.  Just remember that you have all of us with you hoping for the best outcome and praying for and sending lots of healing, loving thoughts. 

    Wishing your mother well. 

    Love and hugs,


  • sandiesau
    sandiesau Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone.  I have just been switched over from tomoxifin{due to horrific side effects} to femara. Is anyone familiar with femara and any side effects. I don't want to jump from the frying pan into the fire. I would be so grateful for any information or personal experiences with this drug. Gratefully Sandi

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Sandi I wish I could help but I'm back on aromasin and it's not great either--we all take each one differently. So good Luck with the Famara

    Reg U and u'r poor mom going thru all this, but if a test will help than it has to be done--it's not painful and she won't really realize what's going on so that part is good. U sure have u hands full. (((HUGS)))

    Joan u'r really having a good time and the weather is doing all right for u--so glad. And oh yes a chicken would be good too Chevy--I'll get it at Jewels Food Store in the broasted section, all ready to eat.Wink

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    Good morning. A beautiful morning here. Sitting outside drinking my morning coffee and using my Kindle Fire.

    Will be thinking of you and your mom, Reg, and hoping for good outcome.

    Breasted chicken sound good, Camille!

    Sorry, but I haven't taken Femara so know nothing about SEs.

    Have a blessed day.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2013


    The endoscopy showed nothing that would cause vomiting.   Relieved nothing serious found but still no answer to the vomiting.  In fact, she threw up waiting for the test and then when we got home- ate nothing all day.  The gastro suggested waiting a few weeks to see if she can take the stomach emptying test.  I asked about check for intestinal blockage. He doesn't think that's it.  Have to see him in the office to discuss it and get a script...ridiculous.  Gastro said if not the stomach emptying thing then could be neuro-related.  My brother wanted to just take her to the ER and say, "Do whatever tests to figure this out."  Instead we called (but didn't get thru yet) a seizure specialist in Philly and tried to call her MO- figured he would send her for some kind of test.  

    I talked to her current neuro. He is going to change her seizure med if gastro ruled out GI issues.  Neuro asked if they checked for gallstones but no one has. Gastro hasn't ruled out stomach emptying but since she did have a med increase during the time the vomiting got worse, my brother and I are all for the med. change.  Unfortunately, you have to slowly taper off the current one and slowly start the new one.  Hopefully, mom won't get the side effects of the new one.  It will be the 4th seizure med she's tried.  Will find out tmrw how slow the taper is and will get that started.  It's so hard because there is no one dr. who can investigate all the possibilities- we just think of what it could be and call that dr. and hope he tries to do something.

    Even though she ate more for 36 hrs., last night and today she took a step back and threw up without moving.  Praying it's the medicine. I will still make the Philly appt, I think, for a second opinion. They have an epilepsy center there (which is what it is called if a person has more than one seizure regardless of the cause).

    Supposed to go to Pocono's to boyfriend's father's Sat. AM til Sunday night. They were going to work on a wherry they built 2 yrs. ago. But it's getting all messed up because now a "boatload" of family will be there and no time for working on the boat!   BF doesn't want to stay over with all them, blah, blah.  That means I would have to drive 3 hrs. to Poconos, and 4 hrs. to CT in the same day then 4 hrs. back here the next day.  Hate to leave mom with a new aide...esp. since she threw up as soon as I got her in bed.  It is just a slight look on her face that makes me pick her up really fast.  I'm trying to get my life back on weekends but it's not easy.

    Thanks for thinking of Mom and me today.   You guys seem so relaxed- esp. Carole and Jackie- even with the new job.  I'm a long way from that but trying.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Shame on me.....I forgot to put the quote in today so here it is:

    There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

    ~John Andrew Holmes

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013


    Drat, drat, and double drat.  Well, at least you didn't LEARN some really difficult thing.  Counting blessings over that I think.  Keeping in mind though that it leaves you still pretty solidly on square one which is not exactly a great place right now. Being able to rule at least one more thing out though is better than no answer at all.

    Maybe (  hope-hope-hope ) the medicine change if it does not have to be too prolonged will actually be the answer.  Do you or any of the medical people recall just about when your Mom started the vomiting?  Sometimes....I think, especially when several issues are going on, you start looking for big complicated ( 'it must be's ) rather than looking for simpler things.  Not for any real reason other than things become tangled and complicated and that is how we feel like we have to deal with it all.  We start to think it will be something that comes with a big formula and lots of steps ...... when maybe it is the simple act of changing a medication.  I'm just hoping ( I never even thought of that til' now ) that it could be just that easy.

    I've probably said it way too often, but I did take a class one time an within part of the class some of the information given was that when you are having trouble solving a problem.....seems maybe stuck and won't resolve,  go back to where it was easy, simple and other words more or less working fairly good.  That is where you are most likely to discover a key to changing things for the better. 

    Don't know if any of that will help, but I do hope it will.

    I also hope you can soon find some alone time with your bf.  Maybe he is right.....the week-end is sounding a little like a three-ring circus. All that !!!!  I'd  likely wait a bit......maybe just go to Ct only if at all this week-end. 

    You'll get back to a relaxed place. Nothing stays the same -- it will change.  Of course, we just always hope and pray for the better.  Would be nice if you could find a day spa and treat yourself to some massage therapy or something really soothing.  Hugs to you and Mom and hoping for better things soon.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Carole u r so happy now I love it'.

    Reg I never know what to say what u and u'r mom and brother are going thru is awful. I can understand him saying go to the ER and let them figure it out. Cuz if u have a good ER Dr. wow so uch can be solved within a day. But u's have to know --people usually think and ER Dr. is not always the best to see, but at the Hospital that I went to there was a Dr. aroun 40 that was the best. I asked him once why he styed in ER and he said he loved to reall help people and it kept him sharp on everything. So u don't know if it's a good idea or not. I just pray u find answers and help soon.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2013

    The new seizure med the neuro suggested has to be slowly ramped up as in 4 to 8 weeks from what I read on reputable websites, then you can ramp down the current med!  I left a message for neuro that it sounds like a great med except for that- unless he knows of a way to stop her vomiting.  Maybe more anti-nausea med.  He can't expect her to vomit and not eat for that much longer, right? 

    I wish I had called him earlier but since vomiting started before the last dose increase and she has been taking some amt of this med since mid-March, it was always in my mind but didn't seem like the first likely cause.  Plus, she was at the neuro after she threw up twice and he sent us to gastro!  I guess we had to rule GI out but, hindsight is always 20/20.   Just realized she had no appetite and threw up twice at end of March....neuro told me then she wasn't taking enough of the med for it to be caused by that so we wrote it off to stomach bug.Frustrating.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    Reg, if I were in your situation, I wouldn't be relaxed and happy, either.  I have a 90 yr. old mother and I figure bad days are ahead in being a caregiver for her.  Thankfully, she was stable and dh and I were able to do our "away summer" thing, but who knows what next summer will bring.  We're all living on the edge of developing problems.  We just have to enjoy the good periods when we're in them.

    On the subject of the elderly, I spent an hour and a half in a beauty salon today and had my hair roots colored and my hair trimmed.  I saw a 95 yr. old lady in the salon and she looked great.  She walks quite well.  There were two other elderly ladies there, too, and an elderly man.  It was nice observing them all getting their hair done.  My hairstylist did a great job and I made another apptment for late August before we leave and go farther north for a couple of wks in Sept. and also visit some midwestern family members of dh's.

    It's COOL here in northern MN.  A cold front blew through yesterday afternoon and last night, knocking over a few trees at the campground.  Luckily none fell on our camper or anybody else's camper.  Today I'm wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt.  Tonight it's supposed to drop down into the 40's, possibly a record-breaking temperature for July.  We'll have to get out a fleece blanket! 

    Hi to everyone.  Hope things are going well.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Hi Reg.... I'm just thinking along with your Brother.... It has to be sooooo hard to be trying all different types of medications, and nothing seems to help. 

    Would it be possible for her Doctor to ask her to be admitted to a hospital, in hopes of getting to the bottom of all the problems?    I would have wanted that for my Mom, if she were in the same situation.

    I would think that once admitted, she could be seen by different doctors specializing in everything from her digestive problems, to her seizures, or even maybe any other cause?  I know this SOUNDS simple, but maybe it isn't.  I would be just like you, frustrated that nothing is helping her!

    Yes, like Jackie says, you are in this now, and have to go along with the ride, but maybe you would steer it in a different direction!   I don't think I would quit, until someone found an answer. 

    You could even just TAKE her to the hospital....  I mean if it were MY Mom, in this situation, I would do it.  If they aren't helping, then try something else.  Maybe one Doc just specializes in one thing.... and more opinions surely can't hurt.

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for all the well wishes;  I am really proud of my son; he has worked so hard trying to find teaching jobs for the last 3 years. Full time teaching jobs are few & far between, so I am overjoyed that this opportunity finally worked out for him. 

    We took the ferry from LI to CT on Sunday & met w/ a realtor.  Of all the apts. we were shown, there was a 2 bedroom condo available & my son really like it, so we put a deposit on it.  Now he just has to pack & move, yet again, to CT sometime in August.  He will be teaching Italian 7th & 8th grades. 

    Joan, I just missed you; we were on the Noon ferry to Bridgeport on Sunday; a first for me.  I couldn't believe all the cars waiting in line!  We had to take the 9pm ferry back cause the earlier ones were booked!  He will be living in Torrington, CT & teaching @ that district.  I think it will be a shorter drive than to NYC but I wish there was a major airport in case I wanted to fly.   Of course there's always Amtrak but I haven't taken it in at least 25 yrs! 

    Enjoying the cooler weather here in Rochester; hope everyone is doing well.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    By being honest with yourself about what you believe, and then acting on that principle regardless of what others might think or say, you promote an inner peace that gives you a strong sense of worthiness.  I encourage you to examine your thoughts carefully in all areas of your life, and identify where you are not in harmony with your actions.  Then work each day to bring about more of a sense of inner congruence that meets with your own personal standards.

    Wayne Dyer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    The greatest gift you can give another
    is the purity of your attention.

    Richard Moss

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Practice being gentle, respectful and loving toward the life force
    in all things.  Remind yourself that your efforts do make a difference, 
    even if you think they are miniscule in comparison
    to the magnitude of the problem.

    Wayne Dyer

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Good morning everyone.  Obviously been a little quiet here since the 26th.  Likely no one is wondering.....but on that day..... my entry had gone wonky.  Meaning going clear across the page.  I asked the moderators to set me right and they were so kind as to do it.  I often wonder when I see their name by someone's entry.....and for the first time today....I noticed it by mine.  I only say this as I proved to myself how hurried and rushed and UN-seeing I sometimes can be.

    Had a very cool night and morning.  I am a bit amazed.  Broke records.  It was in the low 50's here this morning.  Of course I like it.  No heat and humidity to plow through.  Then again, while I have complained about humidity.....we haven't had all that much this summer...........and have had far from the triple digit temps. that we had starting in June last yr. and never letting up till Fall.  I was nervous about what we would see this summer but so far it has been fine.  Fingers crossed.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. Sending a big hi and lots of hugs to everyone.

    Peace and love
