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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited June 2013

    Kaara, I can empathize with your dread of the eye injection.  How wonderful, though, that this treatment is available. 

    Joan, we bring our golf clubs and play on the average of twice a week.  I like to play 18.  Hope the scenic little course just down the highway from our campground has the same good deal as last year.  Two for the price of one greens fee ($18) on Tuesdays.  This course is short enough for us to walk so we can play for $18.  Quite a bargain.  The other course we played last year was a longer drive but seniors got a bargain rate on three days of the week.  I think it was $18 with a cart.  $32 for both of us with a cart is also a great deal. 

    The nicest course in Park Rapids is too pricey for us to play there except occasionally at the twilight rate in the late afternoon.

    We biked around the lake again today.  The total distance was 12.5.  No wind and low 70's without a lot of humidity.  Perfect biking conditions.  It took us about an hour and a half. 

    Tomorrow we'll be moving on to Pine Hollow, where we plan to stay through Labor Day.  It's only an hour and a half drive.

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited June 2013

    I meant 18 holes, not 18 times a week!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited June 2013

    Reg, you must have been posting at the same time I was posting.  Glad your mother enjoyed the dance recital.  And sorry that your BF isn't being more supportive at this difficult time in your life.  Don't apologize for not being upbeat.  We all have those times when it's all we can do to cope.

    My mother has been going through a very upsetting ordeal the last few days.  She got news from her bank that her acct. was overdrawn.  I accessed her acct. online and we discovered that my nephew (21 yrs. and a prescription painkilller addict) had managed to steal some of my mother's blank checks and had written two checks for $500 each.  I can't think up enough derogatory words for this kind of despicable behavior.  This nephew is the brother of the niece I've mentioned who has three children and is bipolar.  My poor sister had two kids and they both have personality disorders and addictions.  I feel really sorry for her.  She really tried to be a good parent but was probably not enough of a disciplinarian. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited June 2013

    (((((((Reg))))))) Hope things improve for you soon. I wonder if we have anyone on here in Ct who could run over and punch him one in the kisser.

    Carole, Will your Mom call the police? Judges are pretty good at scaring people into treatment. My niece's husband finally got straight after police in 2 counties were watching him, and he's stayed clean for years. I'm sure your sister did the best she could at the time - which is all any of us do.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2013

    Reg.....this is the best place of all to whine and have a bit of a why me party.  We all have faced many life alterning events since our diagnosis..........please don't feel bad.  Hopefully the Dr. is correct and it was just fatigue ( even though it was so enjoyable ) that gave your Mom the seizure. 

    As to your mate.....people struggle with so many things and maybe he is not feeling  just to on top of his game and hiding some sort of insecurity by not responding well with your earlier discussions and possible plans.

    I tend to be fairly direct which may or may not be a good thing, but I know if it were me, I'd probably just up and ask very pointedly and directly just what is going on and what can I expect so I know how to deal with things. awful for your mom as well as you.  Addictions so often do override the love and care of good friends and family too.  This is sad for all involved.  Saddest probably in many way for the ones addicted.  I think Wren has a great idea.....that of maybe getting some kind of help for this young man to break his dependency.  Surely this is one of the few if not only reason ( personal drug issues ) that he would ever do something so despicable to family. 

    I don't think ( we could have all done many different things ) it is whether you were hard enough on your is a different world today than it was when we were reared.  Things are often too easy in many areas and there are it would seem a lot more "rights" for youngsters now.  Some of that is good.....but sometimes you can't deal with things in ways you might like to. 

    I hope it all gets sorted out for all concerned in ways that will actually help.

    Love and peace,


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited June 2013

    Carole,  I think I would have charges filed.  I know it is hard but it might be the best thing to do.  

    It has been a relaxing week, no one here but me and DH.  Have got alot done.  Have been feeling pretty good.  Sure do not know what caused me to be so bad on Fathers Day, maybe I had a virus on top of it all.  It has cooled down some may rain the next 3 or 4 days, sure hope so.  Hope all is well with everyone.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    Carole, LOL...I didn't catch that "18" until you pointed it out.
    It wasn't too nice today but the LPGA was finished ... there were a lot of missed shots this week but a great tournament.

    So sorry to hear about the theft from your dear mother's account.  It is so hard with a family member involved.  But it is so wrong....I hope it is resolved in her favor.

    Mommarch, glad there is a little break in the hot weather.  We have had days of high humidity but the rain just doesn't come. 

    Reg, I hope you can work things out with your significant other...illness brings such stress to families...especially when it's long distance.  I hope your mom is doing better each day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited July 2013

    If, like a Cherokee warrior, I can look at the new day as an opportunity to stand on new ground, then strength and courage are on my side.  I will remember that things do work out, bodies do heal, relationships mend – not because I said it, but because I believe it.  But it is time to make things right, to stay on the path.  As water runs fresh and free from the woodland spring, so new life and meaning will bubble up from my own inner source.  I will be still and steady, because there is nothing to be gained by showing fear in a chaotic world.

    Joyce Sequichie Hifler

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Wow I've missed so much--now I have to go by memory so u know how that will go.

    Reg don't ever apologize to us for anything u say, that's how u'r feeling and I really don't blame u--U'r mom's seizures would have me all over the place--U are doing so well--and u'r BF might just be going thru a what are we doing time himself. But u have een together for a long time so chances are things will get straightened out--I'm just sorry he's not there for u now--Sometimes men are slow to pick up on what u need from them-Ladies I said sometimes no matter how long u've been together so take it one day at a time and please just say what u feel and Jackie's one of the uppest persons I know and I'm the downest so between the two of us we'll level u out.

    Joan u golf too?  Holy cannoli--u golfers are starting to come out of the woodwork--what a nice pasttime tho and good excerise and fresh air.

    Carole u sound like u are having a great, great time and u so deserve it and of course it's good for u to do u'r golfing and just doing whstever u feel like doing. Oh BTW that dance picture took me forever to post--I'm not really bright.

    Kaara u still sound like u'r on vacation with u'r party, sounds like fun and I'm happy for u finding new in u'r life. I'm sorry u have that eye thing, I know what it is but as Carol said it's so worth it.

    Mommarch I know u said something, but can't remember except it sounded ike u'r doing all right.

    The weather here has been ok, yes some rain, but not hot like some areas--way to hot with fires and all. I was at my other DD's and planned on going swimming but it was cold for me--the little ones went in but young ones don't seem to care.

    My kids--SIL.DD and Joey are going away Wed thru Sunday to someones home in WI, they never go anywhere so Joey is so excited and it'll be the cheapest way to go on a vacation-Actually it's my SIL's cousin, who was and is one of my DD good friends--that's how she met Marty so they all get along and she helped me with Joey on the week-end right after he was born cuz i had to take care of him for months cuz Leslie was in the hospital so everyone is close and she loves Joey. When he lived with me I never took that kid anywhere, but she would come and take him to Walmart, grocery andyplace and then keep him overnite--God I love her to this day for helping me. My own DD#1 was to scared.hahaha--anyway--see how babble when I first take my pain meds--I'll be alone for 4 days cuz I have to take care of our furbabies. Ilived alone forever but in a condo--not a house--so we'll see how i do. At least the days are longer now.

    OK I'll be on my way and hope everyone is feeling good and can enjoy and relax and Jackie will have a whole other weather report.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    Cool here, and finally rained...but then, I am at the end of the line for weather reports...from here it goes up into New England or out to sea.  Jackie, send some good reports my way!  And thanks for the daily inspiration. 

    Cammi, I hope you will find some enjoyment in your quiet time with the furry friends...sometimes I love being alone, and other times I don't like it too quiet.  i hope you find something fun to do just for you.
    I am an occasional golfer and do not compete.  I couldn't follow Carole's shadow...but I enjoy the walk, the outdoors, and occasionally making par.  It was a significant day when I played golf after BC...I had a full swing and I acknowledged that moment as a big one for me.  (I had no axillary nodes taken but have had joint pain from the AI drugs.) 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Joan, actually I love being alone--I always have I think that's why I couldn't keep a husband--the few that I had I didn't want to be bothered hahaha--If people who lived here had money my room would be considered the maids room it's at the other end of the house--Joey (my Gs) can come in any time bit my kids knocke hahahaha

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited July 2013

    Human beings are made of body, mind and spirit. Of these, spirit is primary, for it connects us to the source of everything, the eternal field of consciousness.

    Each of us is here to discover our true Self... that essentially we are spiritual beings who have taken manifestation in physical form...that we're not human beings that have occasional spiritual experiences that we're spiritual beings that have occasional human experiences.
    --Deepak Chopra

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning Jackie---like that one and yes Deepak said that, I was there.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited July 2013's my weather report.....oh my gooness the rain.  Rained most of yesterday.  Had a brief respite early evening so to combat total boredom I gave myself permission to go have a McDonalds burger and fries.  You might know... started raining again on the way home and hasn't really let up.  I think most of today will be wet....then a dry day or two.....then more rain. 

    Very different from last years drought.  If it continues......later on I may take a small ride to see what the creeks are doing and if the fields are filling up.  Last year the farmers got their crops in and they proceeded to burn up.  This year.....crops are in and I'm wondering if it will dry up long enough for them to grow. Reinforces Gilda Radner's all time best statement " It's always something ".

    Enjoying my morning coffee though on the computer here in solitude.  Camille....I'm on my own as well.  I enjoy my time alone......even more so since Friday was my last work I can be a little lazy ( the mucho moisture outside makes it even better ) and just please myself for the most part at every turn. 

    I do have a number of things I have been working on though and they will get some attention later when I actually get tired of doing practically nothing. 

    Dh will be returning home from S. Dakota tomorrow I believe. He was thinking his brother might want to come today....well, not if they see the weather probably. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Jacke yesterday we had mostly sun and today it's cloudy but no rain. HMMM we're going opposite of our usual routine. And u'r right last yr no rain this year we breaking more records and it might now be as good as we thought for the farmers if we get to much rain. Life I always say Balance is what we all need in our bodies, inour life and in nature. U can use that Jackie. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Jackie no sun today just cloudy and a little cool.

    Remember u'r past so u can build from it--Criminal Minds

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    We're set up at Pine Hollow Resort near Park Rapids, MN.  The same site where we spent last July and August.  Today we bought a fishing license and one of the fishermen here at the campground is supposed to take us fishing tomorrow night.

    We played golf today at a lovely little course just down the highway.  Then we picked up printed info at the welcome center.  Had a hot dog and big chilled mug of root beer at A&W restaurant.  Then shopping at Walmart.

    The only downer is that the Verizon signal is very weak in this area.  So I'm not sure if this post will work.  Here's hoping!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Carole golfing which u so enjoy, A&W bringing wondeful memories back and so good and Walmart where u can dress anyway u want an no one will notice. What else can u ask for? Hoping the weather is good.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2013

    Illinoislady==so well said and uplifting!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited July 2013

    It’s simple things, like a glowing sunset, the sound of a running stream
    or the fresh smell in a meadow that cause us to pause and marvel
    at the wonder of life, to contemplate its meaning and significance.
    Who can hold an autumn leaf in their hand, or sift the warm white sand
    on the beach, and not wonder at the Creator of it all?

    Wendy Moore

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited July 2013

    Hi to all,

    I had my last radiation treatment yesterday!   Yay!   I rang the bell & had a massage. 

    I've been reading the latest posts on here & it seems like we are all dealing w/ certain issues in our lives BESIDES BC.  Why is life so hard?  Why is life so unfair?  It seems to me that some people have it fairly easy & for others, it's always a struggle.  For me, I've always had to struggle, being a widow @ a very young age, raising two sons alone, always worried about money, etc.  Now at my age, I should be enjoying life, not have to worry so much, but it seems there's always something that causes anxiety. 

    I can sympathise w/ Regbeach; I too, have a domestic partner & he hasn't shown me any care or concern since I was first diagnosed.  His actions have hurt me deeply.  Also, my older son, who lives in Long Island, is now looking for teaching jobs in CT!  I've been helping him out financially, but I just can't do it any longer.  I will be bankrupt soon!  I certainly know about not being able to sleep ; too much on my mind!  I've made an appt. to see a therapist; not sure if that will help & I really can't afford it. 

    Like I've said before, what happened to the "golden years"??? 

    Hope everyone has a safe holiday!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    Happy July 4th tomorrow!  The campground potluck supper for the 4th will be tonight because the young owners of the resort are leaving early tomorrow.  I have all the ingredients prepped except for slicing up the chicken breasts into pieces.  We're eating at 7 pm so I'll start it cooking about 5:30.

    It's a beautiful day today but I turned on the a/c in the camper about an hour ago. 

    Tonight after dinner, one of the fishermen here at the resort is taking us out fishing.  He went to town with dh today and helped him pick out the fishing rods.  I'm hoping we catch some fish but then we'll have to clean them!  There's a special little building called the Gut Shack for cleaning fish. 

    Here's hoping I'm able to post this.  Our Verizon signal is very weak down in the hollow.  The booster dh bought and installed doesn't seem to help a lot.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    Oh, the dish I'm cooking for the potluck is jambalaya with brown rice, chicken, sausage, and shrimp.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,675
    edited July 2013

    Carole....that just sounds so very yummy......and I don't like shrimp.  Or so I don't think I do.  It has been a long time since I had any. 

    Linda....yes...Golden Years.  I wish I had some great words of wisdom and even greater of comfort.  It just seems to be --- after much spiritual study through the last 20 years or so, that for the most part we are REALLY here to learn how to handle trials and in so doing grow our soul.  It is a huge, huge simplification.....but this growth is much more for the next world than this one.  Boy....I bet that just makes everything dandy, doesn't it????  Yes, where is the comfort in that. 

    Well, I choose to feel that is exactly what is going on mainly because of the fact that soooo much happens....and so often to people who certainly seem quite un-deserving.  Most of the time.....all we can do is the best we have in us and hope for some peaceful and calm afterwards.  Why does one person seem to be loaded down with much more than a fair share.....I can't say I really know that for sure. 

    But I do find some comfort in assessing what I'm going through.....doing what I can with what I have and deciding whether I'm going to let it cripple me or if I'm going to go on and find a way to win or at least come closer to even.  So far, so good.

    I hope you too can find a direction that helps you keep ploughing through no matter how much comes down the pike.

    Love and peace,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Carole u'r coming in loud and clear and u'r having a great time. And u'r pot luck dinner sounds grest. I can imagin u being an excellant cook. Oh wht a wonderful summer u'r having and I'm glad for u. So far the westher is good here too. Keep us up with u'r trip if u can. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Linda I'm so glad u'r done with radiation, bit u still might feel icky for a little bit.

    I swear when I was reading about u, u were tslking about me too. LOL Raising kids mostly alone-working 2 jobsand finally settling into being a senior and BC comes along and forces me to retire. I was not ready for financil reasons, but I got stuck. I really feel what u'r saying, sometimes I know everyone has problems. and I know their life, and yet they are saiing thru life with minimum problems and I think what is this all about. And altho I'm religious and believe in God I don't go for the he won't give u more than u can handle--I thinnk God has nothing to do with this--it's our lives and what hapoens happens after ll why would he thingk well this one is weak so I'll give them an easy life but this one is stronger so I'll pack it on and if that were tru  there would be no suicide so I don't blame God or myself---I just blame life in general--it just sucks for alot of people. And I'm really sorry it sucks for u too. And yet we want to be here, kind of ironic--I hate being so broke I can't buy anything extra just cuz i wnt to I hat having so much pain I live on pain meds, and I can never count on doing anything outside of my house cuz I don't know how I'll feel--I'm sying all this to let u know we're slmost living the same life hahaha and at my age I don't see it being any different. So my thought are just hang on--u have days that we;re allowed to have our pity parties and day we won;t and the days we don't and they do get better a little at a time--I just call it acceptance cuz at this point what can I do--ah I could win the lottery and live in the land of OZ haha-so I've learned to just know and accept it--hell I can't even type and I did for most of my adult life--thnk God I worked for the Government no one noticed. I wish u well and with happiness coming u'r way-and everyday more and more and it will settle in to have more good than bad days. Hell look whst u just did fought a hard battle alone and u've done it alone--U are  a specisl woman and no one else is like u so u've got that going for u right now. (((HUGS)))

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2013

    Happy Fourth of July Eve.  Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.  Our Nation has its problems but if we work together we can overcome.  I so hope the Dems can turn around the Anti Abortion Bill here in Texas.  Rick Perry is a nut case. When we first moved to Tx it was a Democratic state and things were good.  Ann Richards was one of best Governors we had.

    Today was one of my not so good days, so I just did what I could.  Weather has been plesant this week.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Hi mommarch I'm glad the weather is good there cuz there is so much lousy weather all over the place.

    And yes this country is going thru rough times but at least on the 4th of July everyone gets together to support and celebrate this great country we live in. So I hope everyone has a lovely day tomorrow with friends and family or just quietly and watch it on TV.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2013

    Happy Fourth everyone!  Woke up to rain...rain...and more rain!  Glad we didn't plan our party on this day, and grateful that my dreaded eye injection is over for another month or two.  This specialist feels that I might be able to go several months between injections because I seem to have reached a point where there is no more improvement in the condition of my is stable...but not a lot better.  At least he's being honest with me.

    Carole...glad you're having a great time on your vacation!  That shrimp dish sounds wonderful and perfect for a potluck!

    Linda:  I was going to offer some words of comfort, but don't think I could say them any better than Jackie.  It can be very depressing to have to go through all of this at a time when we are supposed to enjoy life, but on the other hand, I think I would rather do it now than when I was young with little children.  I think that would have really taken me down.  The good news is you finished your treatment and you're at the end of the tunnel.  Each day should get better going forward.  Try to do one thing each day that you enjoy!  The massage was a great start!  Sending you prayers and positive energy!

    camillelegal:  Wishing you all good things too!  Money doesn't solve all problems...I know a lot of wealthy people who are very unhappy and depressed.  I think it's more about our state of mind and how we view life.  I'm financiallly ok now, but remember times when I was raising my four kids alone with no child support from their father.  It wasn't easy and I think the only thing that saved me from worry was the fact that I was so busy working to put food on the table that I didn't have!  They still come to me for money and I help them if I can.  I just let my DGD and DGGD move into one of my rental places.  I'm thinking...well....there goes some of my retirement income as I'm sure she will not be able to keep up with the rent, but I couldn't stand to see her struggle, and my DS doesn't seem to take any responsibililty, which disappoints me.

    Looks like a dreary day has set in so I'll do some reading on my new book that I've of those trilogy's by Ken Follett.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh kaara I'm so glad u'r eye thing is done--to me u are so brave to do that and just so it stays the same it's ok.

    Thank you for u'r good thoughts for me.

    I hope everyone has a happy day today for the 4th nd enjoy the fireworks--they are so pretty to watch and happy.