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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    Thanks, Jackie. 

    Cami, wishing you the best possible day and I did not mean to dismiss your pain - I know you deal with chronic pain...just hoping for a better day for you. And as Jackie said, you bring a lot of smiles and wisdom through your good humor. 

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    Camille, I hate that you have chronic pain.  It's a marvel that you keep your sense of humor.  My mother has chronic pain, too, from her osteo-arthritis.  She goes to a pain clinic and gets steroid shots that help for a while.  How did your PT go?

    Jackie, my dh is also 74.  When is your dh planning to retire? 

    Joan, I wish you an "uneventful" mammo.  That's one thing I love about having had bilateral mx.  No mammograms, ever again!  I really hated them. 

    We had gentle rain during the first part of the day.  It began during the night and made such a restful sound pattering on the roof of the 5th wheel camper.  So our Tues. golf was rained out.  Instead we took our computers to town and the computer data card, too.  We went to the library and I did some banking on my computer with the secure connection. 

    Then we visited the Park Rapids Museum, which had some interesting items on display. 

    Hope everyone enjoyed the day in some manner.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited July 2013

    Maybe we should have a 'wives of 74yo men' club. My dh is also 74. He retired about 1.5yrs ago. I don't think he misses it any more.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Joan u never dismissed me in anyway.

    And Jackie thank u and Carole I really didn't realize tik now I was complaining so much and I'm sorry, we all have something going on and I was gettingmy aggrevation out. So u guys really got stuck with it.

    Carole I love the sound of gentle rain, it is so theraputic but I'm sorry u got rained out of golf--but u 2 find so many other interesting things to do--It's wonderful. Rain here has been a little stormy and that I don't like.

    Oh I have HOUSE on TV and someone is getting a scan with the nuclear sguff that we've all gotten and she's alergic to it and stopped breathing--Commercial---Why do I watch these shows????

    Another silly thing I had kunch at my GFs home with my other ones and 1 owns a restaurant so she had all kinds of food that was delievered to us everything thing that I especially like. Of course I ate to much and then my GF brought me to PT--I could barely move. I felt like taking a nap (like lions do) but she was gentle LOL

    But we had so much laughing and goofing around at lunch I love being with my friends. So my day was good. 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    Cami, I am so glad you had a day with your friends...and all you can eat!!  Laughter is so good for us....and I do not think you are complaining at all. We all talk about whatever it is that we don't feel good about at the moment...whether it's BC stuff, family, job...

    Carole, I did have an uneventful day with my MO and mammography.  I do not mind the mammos at all; but I am definitely grateful for the normal result.

    Am going on a road trip to visit DD#1 and family...have to go alone this time. I wanted to take the train but it's more expensive than flying and the arrival times don't work.  Hope I can stay awake....I'm not as good as I used to be as far as stamina.

    Hi Jackie...hope your day was good and you did all you needed to do.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Joan where are u going?

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited July 2013

    Cami, DD lives in Washington DC - 5 hour drive.  I used to love the drive, but now....after 2 hours, I have leg pain and hand pain from Femara.  (now look who's complaining!)
    I have to work a few hours first...then get on the road and try to get through NYC before rush hour.  I won't think about it...I'll just do it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    It makes no difference how deeply seated may be the trouble; how hopeless the outlook; how muddled the tangle; how great the mistake.  A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all.  If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world.

    Emmet Fox

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Good morning from the land of more rain.  I don't know how much if any of a cool down we may get.  We have gotten so much rain this spring and summer so far.  Sort of amazing in a way.  I mentioned on another thread the fact that we had to have the plumbers out again ( septic system ) and it mainly seems to come down to the fact that having a high water table anyway.....our ground saturation is so full right now that we are just draining too slow to empty the septic fingers crossed.  He did clean out a separate line for us......and hope that will help our issues.

    Joan....I'm wondering if half way you could get out and take a little rest period, stroll if possible, but if not lots of stretching etc.  You have probably tried all those things and more already, but thought I'd at least ask.  The five yr. pills  can sure be harsh now and then.  I have only a few months to go on mine....until November, but have little idea what the recommendation might be at that point.  Easy to find lots of do or don't information, and guess I'm just hoping my Oncologist will have the LATEST word by then and I will end up with choices that I can feel good about for me and my overall health.

    I think I may have put this quote in is very powerful I think.  What I get out of that even something that might seem like a negative outcome will not sway you --- because sometimes life events are meant to happen in a certain way -- because it is the right thing -- and is done in a certain fashion so that you will learn something and be able to move on in your spiritual progression. 

    Anyway hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    Cami, your day with friends sounds delightful. Do you eat out at your friend's restaurant sometimes?

    It's cool here this morning. My coffee tastes good and I'm wearing long sleeves.

    Today we plan to do a little biking from the village of Nevis to the village of Akeley, which claims to be the home of Paul Bunyan. There's a huge stature of him. We have a rack for the bikes on our truck and transport them. So far we've biked 10 to 12 miles but will increase the distance as our legs get used to pedalling and rear ends get used to sitting!

    Joan, hope you have a wonderful trip.

    Hi to all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Joan I hope u've done what Jackie suggested and took some time out from driving, that's a long drive.

    OK the screen is all screwed up on my computer AND i DIDN'T DO IT hahahahaha

    Carole God Bless u==I love how u and u'r DH do so much together and keep on the go--good for th 2 of u.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Mom finished rads today!  17 visits and one red spot that the RO doesn't think will open up.  Unfortunately, we are dealing with a vomiting issue. The RO doesn't think it has to do with rads.  Don't recall if I mentioned this...One week into rads, she threw up in PT.  Then again, one week later also while exercising. Then, twice the next week after medium (for her) walks, now 3 times this week with hardly a walk.  We put therapy on hold for a couple weeks.  She seemed more tired and with the throwing up gave her a break.  Of course, her leg and arm get so tight.  We stretch a little at home but can't come close to what they do in therapy.  It starts to affect her walking. 

    Each week her appetite has been decreasing, and she seems to have alot of acid buildup.  She eats a couple pcs. of toast and a few bites of a bland dinner.  Obviously, I am worried.  The gastro (well, his asst) said it could be gastroparesis (delayed stomach emptying); the treatment is fairly easy and nothing to worry about.  We were supposed to have test today but offices are so non-customer focused.  The only time they schedule it is 7:30 am, even when I explained issues with seizure med making mom sleepy that early in AM, etc.  She threw up late last night so slept in recliner. She was exhausted and I couldn't get her up.  Rescheduled at another place for 9 am Monday.  Going to see actual doctor tomorrow for advice hopefully.  She started Prilosec but maybe she needs anti-nausea for a couple days til we get the results.

    I am going back to our house in CT this weekend for the first time since Mom's stroke (13 months).  My boyfriend is still not talking to me.  I assume he will be there so we'll see what happens.  I have 3 different aides coming to cover the weekend.  I had 3 people cancel on me- 2 after I spent 2 hrs training them.  I keep telling myself that once I get a list of a few reliable people whom I have trained in mom's routines, it won't take me hours each day trying to coordinate it.  Of course, I hate that I am going away with mom having the vomiting issue and not eating right but thinking like that is what got me in the situation where he's not talking to me.  :)

    Think of me this weekend please!  Take care, ladies.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Reg u've done so much for u'r mom u are a jewel---U need some time for u'rself and to be home=U have someone taking care of u'r mom so just try to relax and recharge u'r own self and space and I hope everything goes well for u with u;r BF.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    No one is happy or free who lives only for him or herself.  Joy in living comes from immersion in something one recognizes to be bigger, better, worthier, more enduring than his or her own self.  True happiness and true freedom come from squandering one’s self for a purpose.

    Carl W. McGeehon

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Lost my whole here goes again.  First off, I have reported ( as several of you may have too ) the wonky screen to the Mods.  They usually always jump right on things and get them fixed.  Assuming one or more of you have done as well....maybe there is quite a glitch this time but I'm sure they will find what it takes to set it to rights soon. glad your Mom is through her rad txs.  I feel as well that it is not highly likely that her stomach/vomiting issues are that related to the rads.  Do feel she 'needed' something ( rads ) to give her a higher chance to not have to deal with cancer again if possible.  At any rate, it does sound like a "new" thing ( the stomach issues )  and may take a bit of time to get a good handle on things.  I like Omeprezole....but I think Prilosec is basically the same thing.  Whatever it takes to soothe the stomach into better behaviors.  I think the white diet ( basically bland food ) is almost always good for people with sensitive that may be something the week-end caregivers could use.  White food is eggs, banannas, potatoes, rice, toast with white bread.  Sara Lee makes a good white bread.  So, just something to think about.

    I can understand people being possibly overwhelmed  attempting to take on the care of a person with multiple issues.  Probably made a bit worse by limited communication.  You have had over a yr. to develop your abilities and they must come up with them on a rather immediate basis.  Still, don't give up hope that you will find some wonderful people who will become sensitive to your mom's needs and be able in future to give you some much needed breaks. 

    I will indeed be hoping in every way possible that you are able to go have this time in CT, and have it work out in ways that will satisfy you.  You have had so much to deal with and have been so selfless and loving to your Mother.  I guess my thought may deserve this man....but does he deserve you ??? I just hope that you get a whole lot closer to the answers you need.  Wishing and praying for your happiness and an otherwise restful week-end.

    Love and peace,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited July 2013

    Reg, sure hope you can get a break and get things straightened out with your BF.

    Greetings to all. I' m using my phone to check in. We played golf today and just had lunch at A&W. Love the icy cold root beer.

    Tonight we're coming back to town for a street concert from 6 to 8. So dinner may be an ice cream cone!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Carole that all sounds good to me and I'm glad u got the golf in--that seems to perk u up more.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Take care to see that you don’t lose sight of the one thing that is constant, beautiful, and true:  Everything will be fine—and it will turn out that way because of the special kind of person you are.  So, beginning today and lasting a lifetime through, hang in there, and don’t be afraid to feel like the sun is shining just for you.

    Collin McCarty

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Morning everyone.  Carole, I'm sure I've said it before ( maybe it is the writer in you ) but you have such a flowing way of talking about the things you have done or will be doing.  For instance, I instantly wanted an ice cream cone after reading what you wrote and I'm sitting here at the computer having my morning coffee. 

    Anyway....I'm glad its Friday.  Of course, in a way.....that means nothing now that I'm not going to work everyday like I use too.  Nothing about any jobs have come up as yet.  Will just have to see how it goes.

    Dh will be on at Sears until September and then his retirement will come.  Well, he is 74 and were the store to stay Sears it is mandatory that you retire from them at 75, he would have to think about not being there that much longer anyway.  Maybe he will find a little part time work in the home-town dealer store here.  I know a lot of people might think why shoudl someone that age work.....well he is not a workaholic but more so a spendaholic.  I have always told him.....when you quit spending, you can quit working.  Sigh !!!!I'm more of a really is true opposites attract. 

    Hope you all have the most fabulous Friday.

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Some people need to work even PT for themselves. My dad retired and found part time jobs til he lost his sight about 86 and he loved it, to be around people and my mom loved when he worked so she could be alone. She retired at 62 and never went back to work--she kept herself busy and just enjoyed her life.

    And Jackie it's true how Carole writes and U also, u have a very calming way of explaining everything--it's wonderful.U 2 should write a book together, Carole could get people all to get going and u can calm them down.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    'Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment.' **Eckhart Tolle

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Well Cam....I was laughing and then I must have known what quote I intended to put in this morning.  I think you could be spot on there gal.  Carole can provide the parts of the book that get the generated energies boiling really well......then I can come in as the relaxing agent and get them all scraped off the ceiling again.  Perfection personified. 

    I think it is going to be a fantastic day here.  No humidity much yesterday and of course, I'm hoping we will hold on to that here.  I do have to admit in the woods ( better know as Jackie's little piece of heaven on earth ) it always a little cooler in town and even on not such good days feels nicer by comparison.  I'm just not a town dweller, but some day......when I am older and we can't do this place anymore......but by then I'm sure I'll be so tired of trying to keep up ....  it won't bother me much. 

    Peace and love,


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2013

    Hope everyone is well.  I had a bad night again last night, Dr. wants me off the ambien and I agree.  He said take benedryl, It wore off and I did not sleep well at all.  I am a zombie without rest. Never had this problem until after chemo.  Guess I will just have to

    get used to it.  We have had a little rain, this drought here is really  bad, we have dead trees all over the resort where we live.  Have chance for some more this next week.  I have so much I need to get done today, guess I will do what I can and have to go to town and get a few groceries.  Town is 20 miles one way.  

    Yesterday my arm the one they took the lymph nodes from gave me fits, I could hardly do anything.  When it gets to hurting it also shakes, that is annoying.

    Where is Chevy?  Miss her on here!

    Have a good day need to get started

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2013

    Morning ladies!  Been a while since I involved in watching Zimmerman trial (which I said I would never do again after Casey Anthony!)  guess I love torture!  BF an I are both watching and taking different sides to argue the points.  We had to turn it off for a time because we were getting too contentious with each!  What a sad situation all around...will be difficult to ever know what really happened out there.  IMO it's the classic case of what transpires when one is in possession of a weapon and has little or no training on how and when it should be used, and is further complicated by the "stand your ground" law in Florida, which gives anyone the right to defend themselves by use of deadly force if they even "suspect" that they might be in danger.  If only Zimmerman had stayed in his car....or....the young man had just gone on home...either way it's a terrible tragedy for both families and my heart goes out to them.  I just pray people keep their heads and don't go crazy when the verdict is announced.

    I'm up in the mountains today waiting for the lawn people to come and give me estimates for trimming and removing bushes that have died.  It's foggy and raining as usual.  It's been a horrible summer for rain and flooding.  Two days ago we had to remove a ton of debris from the yard at the lake house in Greenville due to flooding.  Fortunately we sit high and the water didn't get near the house...just made a mess of the lawn and dock.  The good new is my flowers are just beautiful and thriving from all this rain.  I took a lot of photos...wish I could post on here but haven't mastered that art.

    Camille:  So sorry you're having pain....hope the PT will help and you will be better soon

    Reg:  I sure hope your BF isn't upset because you're spending time taking care of your mother....that's not very supportive.

    Carole:  Glad you're still enjoying your vacation and hope the weather is better where you are!  Fortunately we had great weather for most of our vacation, so I shouldn't complain about a little rain.

    Jackie:  As always, your quotes are inspiring, and I look forward to reading them.

    mommarch:  Dr. is right...need to get off that Ambien.  I take a tylenol pm every night which helps me sleep and eases any little pains I might have.  They say it's addicting too, but I've gone off it before with no problems.

    Yes...Chevy hasn't been on here in a while....hope if she reads this she will check in and let us know she's ok!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Hi gals!  Sorry I haven't posted here, but I've just been hanging around on the STFU thread, and by the time I read all of our threads, and then post, DH is usually UP, and you know how THAT goes!  Wink

    He finally had his teeth all taken out.... They were a MESS.... but he wouldn't really get them taken out, until he HAD to!  And by then, most had broken off, and infected!   But that was HIS problem.... I quit hollering awhile ago!  

    So after 10 days of Penicillin, he went....(My Daughter and I threatened him) to the Dentist, had them pulled, all but 3 "anchor" teeth on the bottom, for a "partial".... and a new plate will be put in on the top..... Well I guess it WOULD be new, Ha, ha!  He will wear them, or I will wire them to his ears!    NO-ONE looks good without teeth, and I will remind him of that, if he even THINKS of not wearing them. 

    His DAD did, but that was another story!  Does stubborness run in the family?  Do Dogs bark?  You get the point.

    So I've just been fooling around in my gardens....  trying to heal my hands..... I found out by deduction, and going crazy, that I am extremely allergic to MERCAPTOBENZOTHIAZOLE, or MBT!  It is in the medication that I put on Lacee for her Hot Spots, and ALSO in the "rubber" gloves that I wear....The list includes Tick & Flea powder, rubber handles on golf clubs, even condoms!  Of which it wouldn't matter in THIS case. Wink  Nope, don't have to worry much about THAT one.

    Jackie, how are your hearing aids?  Mine are great, except I thought my ears were getting worse, or it was my aids going on the blink!  But it was all the wax that I finally removed with ear-candles.... 

    Kaara, if ANYone, you would have heard about ear-candles, right?  I remember you were very knowledgeable about complimentary/etc. medicine.  Anyway they really worked, and I can hear sooooo much better, and I don't feel "crooked" anymore.... Shut up Cammi! 

    On the last page someone, was it you Cammi, that talked about frozen toes?  Yes, mine were frozen....just 3 on each foot!  And the Dr. said that was probably why those toes have thicker nails....    I think any kind of damage, like nerve damage, will maybe cause problems?  That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.... Ha!

    Hi Mommarch!  Sorry about you not sleeping!   How about  trying Melatonin?   I couldn't sleep when I was taking Tamoxifen, so I started Melatonin.  Well, it helped THAT problem, but then I got diarrhea!  I mean I REALLY did.  Didn't know WHY either.  Finally I had to then take like 4 Immodium AD a DAY because of THAT one! 

    Then I said to myself.... SELF!!!!  Stop everything, and see if that makes a difference!  It did.   I quit the Melatonin, which was causing a virtual train-wreck in my system.   THEN I had to quit the Tamoxifen..... but I'm doing fine. 

    Regbeach!  I'm so sorry about everything with you....About your Mom, and your what-everheisboyfriend....that is not being very supportive! Wink  I think you need to slap that man around.... or else just take a vacation from him.   You already have so much on your mind, taking care of your Mother, without that spoiled-brat boyfriend having issues.....  Anyway, I'll be thinking of you, AND your Mom.....  Like Jackie always says.... "I just want 10 minutes"..... to go on..... then say that again..... Maybe the next 10 minutes will be better.... try and make them better.

    I have to go back and read more about you gals....Hi Carole and Joan, and everyone on the last few pages! xoxoxo

    Okay, I'll catch up....I promise!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited July 2013


    So good to see your post, you always make me smile and laugh.  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Oh Thanks Mommarch!  I just went over to feed the neighbor chickens.  So I had the big board in front of me when I opened their coop.  Otherwise those "girls" will make a dash for it!  I set the board down, inside, and reached back for the tray of corn and greens I took them!  I also set down their feed refill container. 

    They looked at the greens, like " WTH is THIS?"  So I took the greens out, and they saw their beloved CORN!!!  They got to work!  One jumped on top of the water can, another spilled their feed container all over my feet!   So I backed out, with board in front of me, and I was safe! Ha! 

    Then I looked into their "nesting" door, and they had left me 3 little eggs!  Yum!   I'll go back later to take them some more corn.....  They love corn so much, I can hear them singing "Farmer in the Dell".....Wink

    They let me pet them, but I'm still leary of their beaks, and feet! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Introspection enables one to be free from the influence of negativity.  Introspection means
    the desire to be good. Introspection brings the ability to look within and see the true self
    in the mirror of the heart, thus enabling one to activate the inner spirituality.  Then all
    effort made will be towards activating this inherent goodness.  And slowly one finds that
    the behaviour associated with negative traits are no more expressed, as they begin to
    lose their hold.  When I am able to introspect and look within, I can find the goodness
    that is there within me.  Because of this, I naturally am free from expectations from others
    that they should recognise my goodness or consider me good.  Instead I find myself
    content with what I am and continue to bring out the best from within me.
    I continue to learn from all situations and experience progress.

    Brahma Kumaris

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Good morning this morning.  Wonderful to have our great friend ( mine certainly ) back here to chat.  Not hopefully having much for humidity today....rain later maybe, so it will be ok here.  May even get to leave doors and windows open until late afternoon. 

    Summer has a good start now...sure hope it doesn't go too fast.  Always so much to do when it is warm out. 

    I'm still a retired person and trying to enjoy it.  Have worked for so long that sometimes it feels like heaven and sometimes a little worry ( about no extra funds ) creeps in.  I need to find the balance I think.

    Anyway onward for the day.  Hope it is great for everyone.

    Peace and love,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited July 2013

    Suppose you feel you cannot accept some fact about yourself.  Then own your refusal to accept.  Own the block.  Embrace it fully.  And watch it begin to disappear.  The principle is this:  Begin where you are—accept that.  Then change and growth become possible.

    Nathaniel Branden