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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited August 2013

    I can't tell the difference unless it is brown eggs which to me taste far richer than white eggs.....I don't mean to imply that there is anything wrong with white eggs.....but somehow the brown just have some kind of difference --- really noticeable to me. 

    Carole....the fresher the eggs are when boiled...the harder they are to peel.  Older eggs peel really well.

    Also.....I just tried out something I have heard for years...........that milk tastes better if you buy it in glass bottles rather than the carton or plastic jugs.  So far, so good.  I am in fact enjoying the milk from the bottle.  We got the 1 %.  I'd have gotten skim but DH was adamant that he would not be happy.  Personally....he probably wouldn't have BECAUSE he was already thinking about it in a negative way.  Sigh !!!!  Some men can be silly --- tastes change and often what you thought you'd never be able to tolerate becomes tasty.  Well, I may just get myself a bottle of skim and one of the 1% for him.  Double sigh !!!!!

    Here is another could have knocked me over with a feather.....the milk in the glass bottle is about a $1.00 cheaper than that in the carton or plastic containers.  I really can't believe anyone is paying that much more for a "container".....but I really don't know what the difference is for a rather startling price difference. 

    Scorcher of a day....around 100.  Sure not to my liking at all.  Five minutes outside and I'm sweating like a pig...........ick.

    Hope you all had a good day.

    Love and peace


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited August 2013

    Rita.....hope you have the greatest birthday ever.

    Peace and love


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Hi folks, I'm sassy. Di and I talked for several hours today in two separate discussions. With the beauty of being able to talk versus write,  allot was accomplished. Regrettfully because of past learning" experiences, I was able to give her allot of info and she has a list of things to do.

    Basically, it comes down to the doc didn't do the paper work right. The hospital didn't do their part right. Diagnosis Related Codes DRG's have to be right. The are listed in the ICDM-9/ICDM-10 publication. Sloppy work will get a denial.

    Noridian Health Services is the contracted Medicare insurer. The government contracts with private companies around the country to manage claims. What is unknown about Noridian is their method of operation. For example, what percentage of first time claims are denied. They manage many states for Medicare. If they are your company, I suggest some research as to their effectiveness. The mere fact that I could not locate a customer service number does not impress me. My Medicare HMO/PPO provider has their customer service number right on my card. AND they are well trained to answer questions and troubleshoot problems.  Also, they have a very high rating by J D Powers.

    The role of the hospital is unknown at this time re:why Noridian denied the claim. BUT they have to follow the Medicare rules.

    I have made several/ many suggestions for DI. Of course it's Friday of a long weekend. The bottom line is because this is a medicare insurance claim, she is PROTECTED by Medicare rules. SHE WILL NOT HAVE A PENNY COME OUT OF HER POCKET EXCEPT THE OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL BED CHARGE. That will be either 297$ or a possibibilty of 1900$ But that will be the limit. I gave her all the in's and out's of how this screw up likely occurred.

    One of her big concerns was that she signed a form at admission that she would be responsible for the bill for whatever insurance didn't cover. We all sign those forms.

    1. People with Medicare are protected by Medicare rules. The hospital and other providers sign a contract that they will not charge the patient greater than the Medicare allowed charge. There are allowances for a 15% extra charge in certain situations which are defined in their publication. This is not one of those situations.

    2. People that are insured by other companies can be at risk for payment problems when the providers--docs or facilities don't provide accurate info or get pre-authorization when required. That can get real sticky. Know your plan:)

    3. The uninsured because they don't have anyone watching their back, get treated almost crimanally unjust.

    Some suggestions for all.

    1. Read your insurance manual

    2. Know if there are in-network out-of-network rules

    3. Contact your customer service department of the company managing your plan. Have the phone number on speed dial and available at workstation at home/work. For any planned treament diagnostic test, treatment, admission, surgery ask if an authorization number is needed. Document it. Basically, all the big things will require an authorization code. The docs office is required to get it. The facilities will not proceed without an auth number. Allot of this is done behind the scenes. I always ask even if I know what the rule is, with the idea that there may have been a rule change that I didn't know about.

     Why check when it's their job to make things happen? People screw up. The one time they screw up and you didn't check on them, can lead to months of paperwork and phone call headaches.

    What made talking with Di easier today, there was almost an identical screw up re:DH.  Bill was somewhere around 30,000--plus or minus 10,000 LOL. The hospital ate that bill. BUT it's because it was Medicare. I have no idea if it had been a private insurer what would have happened. Did I say yet, I love Medicare  :)

    I wrote a thread along time ago that I'll post at the bottom. It's in regard to "organizational stuff" re: your care. I will add that in the insurance binder. Keep the EOB Explanation of Benefits, insurance correspondence, denial letters, Ombudsman contacts for each hospital admission all together. Chemo & rads  do the same way. Sections for other providers as needed. Paperclip each set. A 3 hole punch will become your sidekick :)

    For Dh, he had many admissions, chemo series etc. I made a ring binder for each of us. I put a sticky that numbered them in sequence, date admitted and date discharged. Big letters. Makes retrieval very eazy. Was I this organized from day one--NO. That's why I wrote the thread. Hoping to help others avoid problems.

    Have a great weekend folks :)

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited August 2013

    Sas-Schatzi----> Thank you!LaughingLaughing   (Kissed my hubby of 45 years, too!Wink)

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited August 2013

    Sas.....did anyone tell you how wonderful you are.  Well, it is fantastic that people  ( especially with a disease like cancer that has so much about it that is frightening )  are so willing to help someone else get through so many of the hard scary parts of INSURANCE. I know you'd likely say no big deal......but you just did a wonderful thing and gave someone back some sanity. 

    There aren't enough thank you's so

    Peace and love to you on behalf of Di and all the ladies on the Older ladies Forum

    Jackie  aka  Lilli

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Lilli, Chevy, and Di :) sassy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    See Di we told u don't worry--we all have Sas.

    Carole cooler???????? now here yet--but big storms a little while ago got kind of scary my cat went into hiding for about an hr. OK I don't notice a difference with eggs but there has to be expecially with Fresh eggs CHEVY who will get a whole bunch very soon--I'm sure.

    Jackie/Lilli LOL---I totally agree with u about the milk--bottled milk even skim tastes so much better, I think it keeps it colder too--maybe that why---but I don't like skim in my coffee, but skim actually quenches u'r thirst.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Geez Di!  I was so worried!  I just KNEW our Sass would come through with SOMEthing, so I thought the best was was to PM her about your predicament!    (Glad you didn't mind.)  So I took your problem in my hands, and threw it over to Sass, Ha!  Lord only knows I don't know ANYthing about what you were talking about!

    We mostly just fiddle around on the STFU thread, and we ARE a bunch of "hooligans"   But we are there for the fun of it, and to support and hold-up our gals who are going through a LOT!

    WTH are you gals talking about???  Milk tastes better in a bottle?   So yeah sure, it probably tastes even BETTER right from the cow!    I have not had milk from a bottle since I was 12!  I will have to look for it!   You must get it from a .....  WHERE do you get it?   

    I have been drinking whole milk.... There... I said it.  I have lost some weight, maybe from eating more Special K with berries, instead of regular "food."   And I don't have a "drink" like I used to every day!  Just isn't as good as a chocolate coke.  So you are sitting there thinking, WELL, how can she lose weight by drinking whole milk, AND chocolate cokes? 

    I don't know, but it works. 

    And YES little miss MeercatCammi.... as soon as it gets light, I will go next door to see the girls!   They had BETTER have some eggs for me... Now if I can just open their gate, without them all making a mad dash for "freedom" I will be happy! 

    Jackie, you are so sweet!  And so are YOU Sass, and Di and Cammi, and Wren and Carole and  Regbeach and .... Oh man, I can't THINK of the rest! 

    But have a fun week-end gals! xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Okay Di.... before I go..... WHAT is your Avatar?  Before I jump to any of my wild conclusions here, just tell me WHAT it is, or I will tell you what I thought it was....  Wink 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning all- I hope everyone gets to enjoy the long week-end and feels decent enough to enjoy it.

    Chevy why does u'r mind automatically go to places where hardly any man goes in real life. Don't worry Di she's harmless, a bit irksome but harmless. Chevy did u manage to didge all the chit on the ground before u abscounded with fresh eggs?

    It's still coudy now but I hope it xlears up for plans for the weekend, tomorrow supposed to rain alot--ick on party Sunday. I'm such a party whore--yea right.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited August 2013
    "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen." 


    -- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross 
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited August 2013

    Good morning on this lovely HOT day already.  Can't believe the a/c was coming on 7:30.  Ok....I admit Dh had it turned to 80 which is just too warm in the house for me.  78 is where it normally is ( that is warmish too, but not too bad if your just sitting ) and I can do ok with that.  Two degrees sure makes a big difference though. 

    I also keep a small fan on in my bedroom -- just to keep the air circulating good which is likely why I could detect right away the rest of the house was TOO warm when I got up.  It will get to 101 or so today......nearly Fall and we are getting our late summer weather all at one week.  Sigh !!!!  Not going to complain though as on the evenings of the Balloon Fest....we were wearing light jackets and darn glad to have them. 

    Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday....I'm working in the house --- not outside thats' for sure.......and will go to work at my little job at 5:30 this evening.  Home around 10 p.m. so it won't be bad at all.

    See you all later.

    Peace and love


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Jackie for the birthday wishes and the cake.  This is the best kind of cake for me.  It looks so good and it helps me stay away from sugar!Smile  That's such a hard thing for me to do!

    Sas...Thanks for all the valuable insurance and Medicare info!  All of us need to be more informed!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited September 2013

    Happy Birthday, Rita!  I had a BIG piece of that cake, and it's the best kind for me, too.

    Chevy, be sure and clean the poop off those eggs!  I bought 2 dozen eggs from Eva, my egg lady at the farmer's mkt.  One dozen was the pretty pale green eggs.  That't the color they're supposed to be, Camille!  I can just imagine what you're going to say about green eggs!

    We had a storm yesterday afternoon with wind and hail.  It didn't last long, about 20 minutes.  The temperature this morning is in the low 60's outside and is supposed to stay in the 60's all day.

    Tonight at 6 pm we're having the holiday potluck here in the campground/resort.  There are lots of people here this weekend, many of them relatives of the young owners.  Lots of children.  This cool weather should tame them down! 

    I'm cooking a pork roast and potato salad for the potluck. 

    From 1 to 3 pm is a Tastefully Simple party for the women.  One of the women here in the campground sells the products.  I bought $90 worth last summer just to support her but I don't intend to buy any today.  It's pricey and all the seasonings contain salt.  I've barely used what I bought last summer. 

    Tomorrow we'll be getting ready to get on the road again.  Tues. morning we'll head north to Grand Marais.  It will probably be jeans weather up there on Lake Superior.  Hope I can zip my jeans!  And I'm not kidding! 

    Happy Labor day holiday to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile,
    nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to us
    when we discover that someone else believes in us
    and is willing to trust us with their friendship.  ~~~~  Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    Oh....I'm beginning to be almost ready to pack up and move where you are Carole.  Then again, I really should complain.  We actually had a pretty good even though its hot and sticky right now, it is only what is normal finally.

    We had quite the storm last night here.  When I came home from work....right before 9 p.m. there was all kinds of lighting in the sky.....and one bolt right after the other too.  Interestingly there was no sound.  I started to think it was just heat lighting.  Boy, was I wrong !!!!  In a short while....without warning pretty much the house boomed ( felt a bit of reverberation ) with thunder and in a very short while....huge big drops started coming.

    Had a great rain that we had been needing ( yesterday's temp had heat index of 111 ) for awhile and just to make sure we got one.....I washed my car yesterday at high noon.  Dumb, I know but it was so dirty that I hated getting in and going anywhere.  When it is filthy outside.....I start to feel the inside is too.  So, it got a wonderful bath while I dehydrated myself nearly.  Kept running in and getting a place to keep it outside.....and I did get to feel the a/c for the slight while it took. 

    I don't buy Tastefully Simple or much of anything like it for the same reason Carole.  The old salt enemy.  We don't need more than a tsp. or less per day and amazingly we can get that much almost with a small snack.....let alone the 3 meals plus snacks we usually take in per day.  I have lost 7 or 8 lbs now on my eating more fruits and veggies plan.  I'm just not calling it a diet because that always has something of a negative connotation to it.....and for reasons I don't totally understand almost guarantees me several huge falls off the wagon.  I've learned it is easier to try and lose a bit.......then give myself a permisable-planned fall which seems to help me keep going.

     You know all the white stuff.....sugar, salt, flour etc. are very hard to stay away from and I do think it was way less so many years ago.  The adulteration and alteration of our foods just almost seems to guarantee we are going to have some issue. 

    I hope you all have a beauty of a Sunday.....we may get more rain later today......but no matter what we are due to cool some which will really be great. 

    Peace and love


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited September 2013

    Jackie, when you learn the trick to staying away from sugars, please let me know! I do so good for a couple of weeks and then I revert back to my old ways.  Bad me!

    Carole, your holidy potluck sounds like fun!  I grew up on community and church potlucks and I still love them.  It was funny how so many people had thier own specialties and we looked so forward to Aunt Margaret's deviled eggs and Treena's potato casserole...along with all the other good things.  Enjoy your time away!

    Well we are off to a golf mixed scramble today.  It was a trying summer for me and I didn't get to play as much golf as I like to play and now summer is winding down and I sure hate to see it go. I love the Fall but I know what follows and I'm not a fan any more  of the snow and ice.  But Fall brings the Fall festivals with all the crafts and good food!

    Everyone enjoy your long holiday weekend!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Yes Carole.... One of the 3 eggs this morning was the pale pretty green....

    Okay, I'll wash the eggs, but I haven't seen any poop on them...Ha!  Besides the shells are really hard to eat....Wink

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited September 2013

    One of the chickens must be aracuna, if it lays green eggs. They're really handsome chickens in my opinion. Raising chickens seems like a lot of work. They're popular here, but I'd rather just raise vegetables. Quieter and you don't have to worry about racoons.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    I forget what kinds of chickens they all are.  They all have names that little  "Ivy" named them, and they are all different, and really pretty.  That's all I know...  I think they are a lot of work too, but I only see them about once a week, or more like when they leave for the week-ends! 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    When we are conscious of being part of a wider universe,
    we can begin to see that what we do matters.  Every action
    we take has a consequence somewhere, whether good or bad.
    Everything that happens affects a part of the whole body of life.
    Having this knowledge of being part of something larger may motivate
    us to contribute to the greater good in whatever ways we can.

    Sallirae Henderson

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2013

    YEAH for Diana Nyad, at 64 swimming from Havana  to Key West!!!!.....

    Us old peeps can do whatever we put our mind to, if only I could remember!Undecided


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Hi ladies---everyoe sounds like a good weekend has been had by all----except these storms scare me more than ever and come up so fast.

    Oh please Green eggs and ham I am---I am truly sorry our posts are mostly about hicjens and eggs--look how I spelled chickens--see Chevy how u'r bringing my dyslexia back (I didn't mean to type that honest) This is very stressful for my age LOL cuz i've had no stress my entire life until now.

    But u all sound good yea even Chevy the chicken lover MF---no it means mothering forever. OK??? I'm nice here, kind of. Or we are reliving our youth in a different way--since none of us are SPRING CHICKENS anymore. I know I go on and on about nothing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    You gals are just too your graphics Cammi and I say double yay to Diane Nyad.  She just refused to give up in any way, shape or form.  Good for her.  It is not just about what she proved to us.....most assuredly what she proved to herself.

    Cooler today....I think most of the storms are out of here now.  It was pleasantly cool last night after the little storm we had.  I was in 7th. heaven.  Nice to have that heat with such a high heat index starting to keep a really low profile again. 

    Hope you are all having a great do almost nothing day.  I'm not, but that is is all odds and ends that were hanging fire and are now starting to come together nicely. 

    Peace and love


  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited September 2013

    Hi Ladies, 

    I have to apologize to all of you; I'm sorry I haven't been on in awhile.  I don't have access to the internet like I use to.  As you know this past month has been VERY stressful for me.  The movers were @ HIS house on Sat. (8-31) they were 2 hours late getting there & to say the least, it was a horrible day! My son & daughter-in-law met me there for moral support & my "ex" was a complete asshole to all of us, even the movers!  He kept screaming & yelling @ me the whole day!    This still feels like a nightmare to me; it's so surreal; a month ago, I thought everything was fine in my life, except for the cancer part & now I'm living w/ my 82 yr old mother!   Today I went back to work; school started here.  Now I have a much longer commute to get to work from where my Mom lives.  So 3/4th's of my belongings are now in a storage unit until I figure things out.  I feel like I'm drowning in this utter chaos that has become my life! 

    Hugs to all,  Linda

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Linda never apologize--u are really going sideways right now and it happened to u like crazy. Now u even have a longer ride to work which can be bad with traffic ?? I hope u can adjust easier than how this all started, maybe u'll have some time to actually relax some and come to terms with all of this. I am sorry u had to go thru a move like that tho, u had to be so very aggrevated on top of the situation. (((HUGS)))

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    I am so sorry Linda, but you REALLY, REALLY do have a huge,huge, huge entitlement to feel all the scattered emotions you are feeling.  Just dealing with a diagnosis like cancer is enough to put you into a very large tailspin and you have all these other things........and they are not good things.....none are guaranteed to make your life better.  They are all big burdens in one way or the other. 

    I wish I had some really good answers, but I don't.  I have had some times where every foot-step I took had a great deal of reluctance in I know that the only way out of something is to just keep on going through it.  I think I did my best to try not to even feel the worst of those times -- to deny their badness, and not allow what they were to rise to a level of TOO much power over me.  I didn't have power over those things....but I just wanted to keep them from getting bigger or worse. 

    Your "ex"  --- had a real problem going on.  I mean.....I don't think he was scoring points with anyone, period -- yet he was getting what he wanted, wasn't he????  What did he gain by being so obnoxious ????  

    This is about the time I'd start making lists I suppose.  Priorities --- what needs to come first -- like maybe health and work.  What could come later --- like maybe an apt. closer to where you work. could be a good thing if you have time.  If at all possible.....I would definitely make time for long walks as often as possible.  Probably sounds a little other worldly in a way, but if I walk experience something like what I think runners feel.  They get a "second" wind so to speak that has I think the effect of releasing them somewhat.  I did much of my best thinking when I could walk long enough to silence my mind from all the muddy sort of distorted and mixed up items.............and would clearly see just what was needed to pull me out of the mire that was holding me back.  All the wild jumbled parts would sort of just fade out --- and I had a clean slate to work with. 

    If you could accomplish something on this would still not be easy at times, but you would have a TRUE plan, you would know that it would work, and you would know that once accomplished even in just parts --- that life would start to come together for you again.  I would be so much simpler if there were some kind fairy that could wave a wand, but everything in life entails some sort of work.  Lots of that work can be happy and fullfilling from the first......some like this takes time and effort and because you have to get through a lot of negative emotions and feelings is difficult and time consuming.  I think when you go through this you are really seeking a life to reclaim.

    I'm rooting for you Linda !!!!!  Its a difficult road....but in time --- it could become smooth and even.  Sending lots of hugs, and tons and tons of hope. 

    Peace and love


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    the quote very late:

    Flexibility is a goal worth the striving.  It eases our relations with others, and it stretches our realm of awareness.  Letting go of rigid adherence to what our perceptions were yesterday assures us of heightened understanding of life’s variables and lessons.  Being torn between two decisions, feeling ambivalent about them, need not create consternation, though it often does. . . . Our contradictory responses, which we may express to others or to ourselves, keep us on our toes, lend an element of excitement to our lives, and push us to think creatively about our perceptions.  Growth and change are guaranteed.


  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited September 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    I have not been on in a while. I just gave my two weeks notice at work. Looking for another job now. My director quit the beginning of August and I was filling in for her. Many hours per day-----which upset DH because we never see much of each other and he feels I am going to get  sick.  I have been offered and 8-5 job M-f.  This will sure beat the 10 to 12 hour I have been putting in trying to get caught up with everythin. I tried for the position of director at the center but was overlooked after keeping the center running for quite a while.  Oh, well,  They said they would looking for some one more bubbly and enthusiastic(sp) Now I am trying to catch up with all the post.

    I hop everyone is doing okay and had a great Labor Day weekend.
