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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Termite I'm glad u stopped by, and I'm sorry about u'r job that u were overlooked, u should have said good-bye with a bottle of bubbles and blow them thru the air--well that's something I would have done. But working all those hrs. sounds just to much and u'r DH was thinking only of u, how sweet. Good Luck finding exactly what u are looking for. But enjoy i'r DH in the meantime.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013
    Oh Cammi, you bad GIRL!  You are such a little "chit" as you so proudly say!    WHAT or I mean WHAT does green-eggs and ham have anything to do with anything?  You mean because I am going to scramble up one of my green eggs?  With ham-bits!  Ha!  I got it.     Okay, you are off the hook....for now.   And WTH are "hicjens"....  Oh never mind, I already know.    WHAT would I do without you?  "motheringforever"..... Oh sure!  RIGHT!  


    No, we are not what you say SPRING CHICKENS...  We are much older and wiser now... maybe like AUTUMN CHICKENS.  Never WINTER CHICKENS, because that sounds old.


    You think YOU could go on forever abut nothing?  I'll show YOU...


    LINDA!  GEEZ!  What else could go WRONG?  But aren't you glad you are not around "HIM" anymore?  You should have shot him.   SOMEone should have.  I'm so sorry for all the turmoil...   Just don't stay in that funk!  It's okay to let your wounds heal....all of them.... But then you will eventually get back to some kind of normal.  Take it slow.... just thank GOD you got out of there, and that part is over. 


    When you can, maybe look around for some place closer to work?   We can all talk about it here....  even when you can't talk about it anywhere else.

    Jackie is right, but when I was going through a lot...(like all of us do) I could barely keep a straight thought, much less read a book, or write it down.   Your brain and your heart just wants to cry.   That's okay too.  But a time comes when we somehow get ourselves out of that black hole, and we begin on another path.   Wow.... I'm almost beginning to sound "normal" here... can't let that happen....


    And little Termite!  Man, 8 to 5 sounds like a long day too!   Tell them they know what they can do with that "bubbly enthusiastic" type of person!  Okay?


    Cammi, WHAT?  What's this about bubbles and WHAT did you say?   Honey, YOU would do that just for...just for because!   I haven't blown bubbles since my Grand-sons were kids, Ha!   


    We were all in Celebration Florida one time around Christmas... And at night, out of nowhere, came these bubbles and flakes of "snow" in the sky!  It was so pretty!  They all landed on the sidewalk and street,  and we neatly broke our butts walking across it...Ha!


    Okay.... guess I've done enough damage for this morning! xoxoxo

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013
    The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.

    James Allen
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    Termite.....don't these people realize that everyone working at that place is or was bubbly and enthusiastic....but see what happens when you work too long some here.    I'm partly joking, yet at the same time....feel for the most part it is true.  Most of us start out with the more positive attributes -- but fish seldom swim upstream and it is hard to hold out when the odds are all going the other way.

    Good for you.....I hope you find something that is tailor made and very, very few pressures to ever have to contend with.

    Thinking of you Linda and Sharon too...........always hoping.

    Peace and love


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2013

    Hi all,

    Had a great day, a very good friend who grew up in Fort Davis and we attended the same church in College Station, Tx. for at least 20 years.  Her husband died last Nov. and she has decided to spend as much time as she can at her family home.  She is 85, I love her dearly.  We spent the day together, I took her to Alpine for what she needed to do and then we met Kimber's Paternal Grandmother for lunch at the Chinese Resturant, had a good lunch and lots of good conversation. It was a good day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Momarch I'm glad u had a good day with someone who means so much to you.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited September 2013

    Rita, glad you are playing some golf after the stressful summer.  I've been wanting to ask you for a report on Life after Arimidex.  I recall that you finished your 5 years and discontinued arimidex?  Has your health improved?  Is weight control a little easier?

    Linda, your BF sound like an A-hole to me.  To act the way he did, he can't be a very good person.  I suspect that once you have your life in order, you'll look back and say Good riddance. 

    Jackie, you and I have a lot in common.  I completely empathized with your thoughts on the benefits of long walks and having a plan.  A week after my bmx/with reconstruction, I was out on the street taking a short walk, about a block.  It was pure determination because the surgery really left me weak. 

    Home is a totally different place since Tues.  We're in Duluth, MN.  Our rv site is in the middle of a marina on a spit of land that juts out to the harbor.  We can look out and clearly see the nearby hundred-year-old lift bridge.  Yesterday afternoon a 1000-ft. ship passed and went under the bridge out into Lake Superior.  I'm sitting here drinking coffee, wearing a sweat shirt and long pants.

    It's really a delightful location.  I can walk a few blocks, cross the bridge on the pedestrian lanes (or walk my bicycle across) and go for a long walk on the 7 mi. lake walkway that goes along the shore of Superior.  DH and I will probably bike the paved walkway today if he feels like it. 

    Yesterday he wasn't feeling his best.  We drove to the Depot Museum, which houses several museums including one with old trains.  Then we went to lunch at a restaurant that was recommended.  After we'd ordered, I asked him if he was feeling ok.  He said no.  He didn't feel good at all.  Since he's a cardiac patient, I was immediately worried.  We had already ordered so we took the food back to the camper.  He napped during the afternoon and then felt better.

    Duluth is a long "skinny" city built on a hill.  At night we can see all the lights of the houses and buildings nestled into the hillside.  There's a skyway drive along the top of the hill or mini-mountain.  We'll probably drive it today, too.  We may have driven it back in 2005 when we were here on a previous trip but I don't remember.

    My state of mind now is that I want to enjoy whatever we do the rest of this month, but I'm ready to head home.  I know it would be uncomfortable if we did go home because the temperatures are still in the high 90's.  After I was home a day, I'd think, "Did I really leave all that cool weather back in MN?" 

    I guess we can't have everything, can we?  

    Hope everybody is having a good... Thursday? 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh Carole u've seen and done so much this summer, it's wonderful u'r having such  good time and u'r so descriptive we all get to share. I do hope u'r DH is doing good now and continue to enjoy the rest and u are in coller wether so good for u.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited September 2013

    Sitting in St. Luke's Hospital ER with DH. As always with heart patients, he was taken to a cubicle immediately and is undergoing tests.

    His symptoms are shortness of breath and tightness in upper chest.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited September 2013

    Carole - Prayers from here. Was hoping his feeling unwell yesterday was just a fluke. Praying just a bug or something. Keeping you close in prayer.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2013


    My healing thoughts are with your husband  & hugs sent your way....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Carole I'm so sorry sending prayers for u'r DH and sending u (((HUGS)))--Keep us informed please

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited September 2013

    Carole, Sending healing thoughts to him and hugs to you. DH is a heart patient also.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013


    'Forget about your life situation and pay attention to your life. Your life situation exists in time. Your life is now. Your life situation is mind-stuff. Your life is real.'

    Eckhart Tolle

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    Carole....sending lots of prayers and hugs and hoping for an outcome to this that can suit you both.  Just thinking out loud here......I'm on another BC site and there are some 'older' people there who have developed an intolerance to higher elevations.....They have gone to ER....on more than one occasion with what seemed an impending heart attack......and all tests were negative. 

    Just mentioning this as God willing, it could be something as simple as being up too high.  I think this would  ( or seemed so in their case ) or could be something that could happen to some of us with some years on us.....and just turns up when it turns up.....seeming to be no special reason but the fact that you have attained another year of age.  I have everything crossed and hoping that it could be something like that.  Not sure but I would think it rather wide-spread enough that most Dr.'s would consider it were tests to be negative for actual heart issue. 

    Sending healing energy.

    Peace and love


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2013

    Carole, Hope all will be well.  Prayers from West Texas.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2013

    I forgot or at least I think I did to tell you all of my experience since I had to let my Cobra Insurance go at $500.00 a month.  I had my tamoxifen filled at our local pharmacy and it was $80.50 for a month.  I came home and got on line at Walmart and found that it was $9.00 for a month.  So I had everything transfered.  My husband went to the Dr. today and we had his prescrips sent to Walmart in Ft. Stockton which is 100 miles from us.  His meds for 90 days were $40.00.  Live and Learn.  See you later

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited September 2013

    Has anyone had a silent heart attack, except me?

    When I was admitted for my BMX I was told I had an irregular EKG and the surgery was cancelled, five days later my PCP cleared me in writing and then my BS proceeded with the surgery. 

    In July for my foob revision I again had my surgery cancelled and had to have a new EKG, ask for a copy and finally saw that I had had a anteroseptal myocardial infarction of indeterminate age.   Had another stress test and then my PS rescheduled my surgery.   My PCP said I had a silent heart attack.

    I had the rudest cardiologist on this earth, that was very concerned with a new computer program and other than introduces himself to me, he had his back to me/and the monitor and was questioning the tech about the computer program, I would have been found days later at the end of the treadmill with a skinned forhead, nose and chin if it wasn't for the tech monitoring me and taking my BP and asking how I was feeling.

    Hunting for a NEW cardiologist.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Morning gals.... Carole, I just hope you and your Hubby are doing much better!  Man, I don't have a CLUE as to what is happening with him.

    With my DH, he had symptoms of just "always tired, no energy"..... Went on for about 2 weeks before he really thought something was "wrong."

    Went to PC finally, THEY checked him the usual way, were going to draw blood, and finally I went out in the hall, and asked them to "PLEASE check his pulse, my Mom had Congestive Heart Failure and he seems to be having the same problem"......  They DID take his blood pressure, but nothing abnormal...  FINally a cardiogram showed "Heart Block".... Which means the top part of his heart was sending out signals to the lower part, but the signals were not getting there all the time.   His pulse rate was down to 32!   Instead of around 70 plus!

    Doctor came in rather fast, and said "Never mind the blood tests, just go on over to the Emergency Room".    So we thought, "Well fine...whatever"

    When we GOT there, they were waiting, thinking we were coming in an ambulance!  Our stupid Doc only said "Heart Block patient on his way!"   So we took our time, but how did WE know?  Damn Docs anyway!  But they all rushed him right through, had head cardiologist come right in, scheduled for a pace-maker that next morning. 

    Doing fine now.... about 12 years later!  And on his second pace-maker.  Carole, my Mom lived with CHF for years, with medication.  Let us know what is going on with DH, okay?

    Jackie, yes!  My Dad had TERRIBLE symptoms going UP towards MT Evans one time!  We had to turn around and get him back down to a much lower altitude.  This happened to my Brother also!  Altitude sickness is very real, and can be dangerous. 

    Dad's main problem was his life-long smoking... then moving to Sea-level for 30 years, and coming back here to a much higher-altitude.   We LIVE at a mile-high level, but when we go up to about 9,000 feet, I notice you huff-and puff a lot more...Ha! 

    Di, I have never heard of a Silent Heart Attack!  Or that other condition you said!  But your so-called Doc should have been smacked up side his head!  What a jerk!  And how are YOU feeling?

    My first Oncologist was more interested in taking his phone-calls from who-ever while I was "talking" to him!    And HE said I would start chemo!  Without even having an onco test!   I said both my surgeon and my radiologist didn't seem to think I would NEED chemo, and he said "But you don't KNOW without the test!"  

    I said I don't WANT chemo unless I NEED it, and he said I could take Tamoxifen if I wanted.  I found another Oncologist, and THEN found out he DID order the Onco test, and the results were a low-intermediate at 19.  But it was still my choice to not go on it.  I'm not sorry...  hope I never will be.  The Tamoxifen was hard enough.

    Mommarch.... Yes, we are with United Health Care, with Medicare Complete, and our prescriptions are always from Walmart also.  Right now we aren't taking ANYthing...  knock on wood!

    Carole, your last post was 18 hours ago....  Are you guys doing okay?  Let us know.... Thinking of you...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    "Gratitude takes three forms: a feeling in the heart, an expression in words, and a giving in return."
    John Wanamaker

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    Di....I'm very much with you on a different Cardiologist.  If he has a new computer or computer program....he needs to learn about it after hours.............and should he feel the need to ask a question about the program....he should clear it with you first.   We are paying him for his expertise...not the other way around. 

    I have heard of a silent heart attack and feel like they don't do the amt. of damage that many do....or we would know that something was going on.

    On the other can have angina -- pain often associated with heart attack and not actually get into a full-blown heart attack.  This is mainly if you over-stress for some reason.  Like working too hard or exercising in high or humid heat. 

    Carole....we all continue to wish you and your dh well and continue to pray for an outcome that is satisfactory to both of you.  I know it is not a good time for you and want you to know I'm with you in spirit.

    Peace and love


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    forCaroleright now:

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited September 2013

    Cammi and two crack me up with your banter.  I just sit here and chuckle!  :-) glad that you had a great day with your friend. Some of my dearest friends are from the past.  I call them my antiques, and remind them that just like antiques, they become more precious the older that they get and that our friendships get.  It's really funny but we can go a few years without seeing each other and then sit for hours and talk up a storm when we finally do get together.  True friends are always near in our hearts.

    I lost another golfing friend this week to lung cancer.  It has been a summer of losses and it's just so emotionally draining. 

    We're going out to eat this evening with some friends so I don't have to cook.  That's always a treat for me.  I'm not a very good cook like some of you are!  I cook very basic.  I think that I never had the time to try out different recipes when my son was young and I was teaching.  I got home, whipped together something for us, cleaned up the mess and helped monitor homework.  Then I graded my own papers and reviewed lesson plans.  Cooking was not a big priority in our house although we all certainly liked to eat.  Maybe this winter I will try a new recipe each week and see what evolves!  :-)

    Everyone have a great weekend.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Hi Gals.... Carole, still wondering how you and DH are doing!

    Ritajean.... Thanks!  But that little kiddle Cammi is probably off somewhere causing all kinds of trouble.   She learned how to post pictures, once, but I won't let her post the ones she REALLY wants.... We would both be arrested.   Wink

    She ESPECIALLY likes when I talk about my neighbor's chickens.   She ranks them right up there with  flying pigs!  

    Yes, I know what you mean.... It hurts to hear someone has bad news about their progression, much less when you lose them....   All we can do is be there for them, and maybe give them some support....

    Love you guys! xoxoxoox

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Geeze it's been a long time since Carole posted anything. I just hope cuz she doesn't have a computer handy. Cuz she usually posts everyday. I praying for a good outcome and she's just overexhausted for now.

    Rita I think Chevy and I are very nice to each other on this thread, we have cut it down alot here-I didn't think anyone noticed--see Chevy I've been much nicer than u.

    I'll check back later

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Well, SURE!  You have to behave on THIS thread!  Just wait....  I'll get you tomorrow!  Hah!    We just don't act as rowdy here...

    You must be sick.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    OH I'm ShAkInG ChEvY--bring it on--tomorrow I'm to tired tonight.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Oh Cammi!  Shaking in her boots!!! 

    Are you still in bed?  It's almost 4 here....I need someone to talk to.  Well, not really, but I wanted you to feel needed.... If you were here, we could go sit out back, in the dark, and drink coffee, and sit on the swing and act like we were normal!  Heaven forbid....Wink I think I'll go do it anyway!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    Contentment. . . comes as the infallible result of great
    acceptances, great humilities—of not trying to make
    ourselves this or that (to conform to some dramatized
    version of ourselves), but of surrendering ourselves
    to the fullness of life—of letting life flow through us.

    David Grayson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    Thinking of all of you  and especially Carole.  I know we all remain worried and praying for things to be really ok with her Dh............and of course, sending her strength filled with much love and many prayers. 

    Wishing you all a great Saturday and waving hi to each of you.

    Love and peace,
