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  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited September 2013

    Joan, that was a very good post with some wise thoughts in regard to Linda's situation.  Same with Camille's post.  I so admire the women on this forum.

    Mommarch, you married a man with FOUR children, the youngest 18 months?!!!  What a wonderful woman you are to take on parenting four children.  No wonder you sound so "solid" in your posts. 

    I had a very "wearing" day yesterday.  I picked up almost-four-year-old Olivia at Head Start at 1:45 pm.  Her mother, my niece, was in the hospital having gallbladder surgery.  I took Olivia to her house and at 3:30 her brother (10) and sister (8) arrived home on the school bus.  The 8-yr-old has learning disabilities so I spent a couple of hours helping her with her homework.  Then I loaded the kids up and took them to McDonald's for supper.  $25 later we returned to their house.  Fast food isn't cheap any more.  Of course, I let them order what they wanted to eat, including a 2nd french fries for the two older ones.

    Their mother and her mother (my sister) didn't get home from the hospital until about 8 pm.  Everybody spent the night at my sister's house, except me.  I GLADLY drove home to my house!  Where dh was watching football in the peace and quiet.

    Please don't feel sorry for me because I didn't have children and don't have grandchildren!  I'm perfectly happy not being Grandma.  It's enough being Aunt and Daughter and Wife and Friend. 

    It's looking like rain.  DH left earlier to go and have his stress test. 

    Wishing everyone a good day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Thank u Jackie, it's about time.

    Carole I give u credit for all u do, it's not easy with kids, I would have bailed, so no one is feeling sorry for u. Those are long hrs. and I would have gone home too. Now tell us how u'r DH test went today.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    Whew, much to do, but I'd have gone home too.  Parenting I think was never meant to be actually easy and for me it seemed at times the people who were doing good with it.....had older children who could help with the younger.  In  some cases that doesn't work out though. 

    We had a mild few drops of rain, but some cloudy skies which is keeping it cooler.  I don't know that I'm ready for Fall.  The summer here was really I would not mind if the warmth and leaves stayed a bit longer this yr.  And yes, once we do have some really cool weather the hard work of cleaning two acres of leaves, nuts and other debris will have to begin. 

    Hope you all have a fantastic day.  I'm going to go fix some lunch....I think turkey sandwiches and a salad.  Just sounds good to me.

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited September 2013

    Camille, thanks for asking about dh's stress test.  He won't know anything about the results until the dr. tells him.  Tonight he went to a woodworkers guild meeting.  So I'm home alone.

    The weather was weird today.  We would have a brief rain shower.  Suddenly it would stop and the sun popped out.

    When I walked into Walmart's this afternoon, I had no clue it was about to rain.  I did my shopping and when I started to leave, I saw it was raining outside.  So I sat down and waited a few minutes until it stopped and the sun came out.

    If the golf course isn't too wet tomorrow, I will play golf.  I'll call in the morning and ask if it's cart path only.

    The BIG event tomorrow is getting my hair trimmed and the roots colored.  I had one haircut in July up in MN and I'm way overdue.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Hold on Carole has it been one full week since u were in the hospital--I get days all mixed up--don't overdo or take any chances on u'r health, playging golf isn't worth it. I know u were dehydrated but don't rush anything, u might feel fine but don't rush anything. I know i;m a nag, but I can't help myself==Please watch out--Maybe I asked this already, but what type of Stress test di u'r DH take? and let us know.

    Jackie I think u'r right there are some people (like me actually) that wasn't meant for motherhood When I was in the hospital-those days u stayed in a week and they'd bring the bbies to you, I was in for 4.5 days and they brought me my baby to feed and I was feeding her and the nurse came in and said they gave me the wrong baby and the other woman saw it right away. I didn't notice anything different they all looked like Winston Chirchill and i knew right then that I wasn't motherly. I have to say I am Grammaeee but not the first. So everyone is different. I do enjoy my nieces and nephews alot too.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.  ~~~~~ Isak Dinesen

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited September 2013

    Great quote, Jackie!  Now IF I can only stop worrying!  :-)

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited September 2013

    Great quote, Jackie!  Now IF I can only stop worrying!  :-)

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited September 2013

    I liked Michael Fox's comment on worry: "If you worry about something and it happens, you've lived it twice."

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    How right that is Wren.  It is hard not to worry about things.....but so much of the time, what we worry about doesn't happen all that often.  I guess that also comes to not waste valuable time on worrying.  We are so used to it.....would we really know what to do with the time we had if could adjust to no worrying.....and would that lead to some sort of guilt reaction. 

    Double or triple sigh here *****we are such complicated beings.  Gives us something to work toward though.....

    Peace and love,


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited September 2013

    Camille, dh walked on a treadmill and was hooked up to wires.  He was injected with medicine.  It was the typical stress test for those who are capable of physical exertion.  People who can't walk on a treadmill just get the injections and monitoring.

    I had a stress test earlier this year or maybe it was last year when I was experiencing the high bp.  I also had an echo.  Everything was ok.

    It was a little less humid today and I didn't perspire as much as I did last week in the golf tournament.  But the golf wasn't much fun because the course was wet and played very long.  We got no roll to help lengthen our shots.

    Afterwards I went to McDonald's and had a grilled chicken sandwich and a large chocolate shake.  I LOVE McDonald's chocolate shake which must be loaded with calories.  Then it was time for my hair apptment.  My hair stylist must have cut off a lb. of hair.  It feels good to have a short cut again.  I hate spending a lot of time drying my hair. 

    All in all, a good day. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Carole I'm glad u had a semi good day--well the shake alone is a good day for me.

    Jackie u always say the perfect word for everything. It amazes me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    But don't I too?  Cry  Now I'm mortified.    I even like shakes, but haven't had one in maybe 50 years!   I DO fix chocolate cokes though!  So does that count?   And I DON'T steal eggs.... so HA!   (little miss Cammi!) xoxoxoWink

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    Life is often messy, uncertain, and unpredictable.  Sometimes it's a string
    of troubles that seem to never end.  That's normal.  Ups and downs
    are normal.  Being ill on occasion is normal.  Feeling peaceful and happy
    are normal.  Occasional low-energy days are normal.  According to Chinese
    medicine, it is accepted as natural that we fluctuate from being in balance
    to being out of balance.  Peace of mind comes from not attaching a great
    deal of significance to either state.  We simply note our moods and
    physical states and gently move toward balance as best we can,
    accepting it all as part of the flow of life.

    Charlotte Davis Kasl

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    Chevy --- just saying....Steak and Shake has Happy Hour and the shakes are way less then.   They also have some of the yummiest flavors ever.  I think you should go find out just how good they can be......I mean, hey.  I know already what you are missing.

    Have to go to work now.  I'll see you all afterwards.

    Peace and love


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited September 2013

    Beautiful eggs! 

    Jackie, the chocolate shake at McD's is better than Steak'n Shake.  But I'm going to TRY to not have either for a while.

    Sunshiny day here.  DH and I were lazy this morning and stayed in bed until 8 am.  Today I have to go to Walgreen's and have passport pics made.  DH said it would be our luck for the gov. to shut down and mess up getting our passports.

    My young hair stylist has lost 70 lbs over a number of months.  She looks completely different.  She did it on her own and is trying now to maintain without losing any more.  I think she's almost too thin but I didn't say that, of course.  Maybe she will inspire me.  Her parting advice was to stay away from Mickie D's!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Carole did u go to MickyD;s before or after" LOL--OK what did I miss for u to have passports? where are u going.? As soon as the government allows me too I'm going to get one too. I've never had one.

    Eggcuse me Chevy--that looked like a bowl of eggs, I don't think they sell them in the store like that--do they??? Just proves my point--u seem to do that over and over on u'r own, I need not say anything but u'r guilty. U know I'm eggactly right. Maybe u need an eggcellent support group to help u --Ok I'll stop egging u on. Or will I? cluck, cluck. cluck--that's chicken talk for LOL--well u should know that by now.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited September 2013

    Hi all, I am at our library, my computer at home has a virus so I had to take it to be fixed.  Its a bummer. 

    A  beautiful day in West Texas.  Everyone take care

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Okay, so have any of you read HOMER.... THE ODYSSEY? Translated by ROBERT FAGLES.  It was left in the alley, along with a Dr. Seuss book, so I took them both, and cleaned them up.  The Odyssey sounds very interesting!    Not that I will underSTAND any of it, BUT! 

    Cammi, I can always go sit by the Chickens and read it out loud to THEM!    I was with my DD today, and we got rear-ended!  Damnit!  She has this old 1995 Berretta, and takes such good care of it.... Then this gal, who was on her cell-phone, just slams right into us!  We were waiting to merge, and she smacked right into us!  Didn't even see us! 

    But she has insurance.... we weren't hurt.... and it could have been worse, I know.   So that's been OUR day....Undecided

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited September 2013

    I think people on cell phones who cause accidents should get double fines. I wish they would enforce the law. It worked with seat belts.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Chevy of course I'm glad u 2 are all right, but I hope u took pics on u'r phone or something cuz u didn't call anyone and most ins. co. want to see a police report, unless she doesn't want to go thru her ins. But it might be different in CO. I don't know, but anyone who picks up garbaggge for books should at least have some pictures.

    Actually if I read Homer now I'm sure my mind would say HUH WTF am I reading, but when I did read it I thought it was great so long ago. But I will openly say u'r mind is sharper than mine so u and the chickens enjoy--they'll understand it more than I would now.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited September 2013

    Yes little Cammaroonie!  We both took pics...Ha!   But the other gals insurance is going by DD's today to look at the damages.  And DD is coming over today to fill out the accident report on line.  The Police told us to do that.

    So it is all taken care of...   She DID call the Police, but DD was in the wrong parking lot from the officer...Wink  Of course we didn't KNOW that, until she checked her phone, WHICH she couldn't hear when he CALLED her.  Then we WENT to the Police station, and they told us to fill out the report  on line....  So she is coming over this afternoon to do this...on MY computer with the razzle-dazzle 23 inch monitor...Ha! 

    I haven't started THE ODYSSEY yet...but I read the reviews on line...  It really sounds good!  I'll read it, and then Translate the translations for YOU Cammi!   No, my mind is not sharper than any ones....  Is it?  Well maybe it is...

    Yes Wren, you are right!  ANYone who either talks on their cell, or texts should be ticketed for THAT also!  I shut my phone off when I get in the car.    She could have said she was NOT on her phone, when DD asked her in her loudest voice, "Were you on your phone?"   But she started to say,  "yes, I...... " then she thought better of it.... with phone in her hand! 

    But we all jumped out of the car with our phones!  DD was calling the Police, and I was getting the information..  DD was just pissed!    Anyway, it will all be taken care of....  If she isn't offered much for blue-book value, because it is an older car, we'll always help her get a better one... We always take care of these little rascals... don't we?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited September 2013

    Chevy, I'm glad you and your daughter weren't injured.

    I read the Odyssey years ago in a college English class.  It's an interesting classic.  Homer also wrote The Iliad.  Maybe you'll find it in the alley, too!! 

    Have a good Friday.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited September 2013

    Hi ladies!  Haven't been on much lately as I'm selling one home and moving to another (every time I do this I say it will be my last!).  It's a lot of busy work which doesn't give you much time for relaxing and reading.

    I wanted to share my good news.  I had my yearly diag. mammogram on Wednesday and got a clear report.  I think that's the longest wait ever...waiting for the radiologist to come in and review your report with you.  Also went the same day to have my eye injection and didn't have to have it because eye was stable for second month in a row!  It was a good week!

    It was nice catching up with everyone...Jackie...I never knew you had such health truly are a survivor!

    The packing boxes are calling my name...still more to be done.  I've thrown or given away so much stuff...don't want to take it with me.  A couple of my favorite pieces are going to my daughter...she is so in need of new furniture.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    Stop! Breathe deeply.
    Begin bringing peace to the outer world
    by regaining your own inner peace.
    Choose love, choose gratitude,
    choose forgiveness, choose peace.
    Begin with your own inner peace.
    Then use that inner peace
    as a platform from which
    to approach the outer world
    with perspective, understanding, and patience.
    - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Kaara u are one busy lady and with good news from drs. Wonderful.

    Moving oohh is such hard work good luck on the move and everything u  have to get rid of/

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited September 2013

    Hi, Kaara.  We've missed you.  Great news on your mammogram and eye stability.  It's hard to believe you're selling your wonderful house in NC. 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited September 2013

    Just checking on another adventure...last week end I met up with some BCO friends for the first time - one in CT and one in PA.  Lots of driving!
    This week I am visiting a dear friend...and having a great time.  More later...

    Cammi, you make me smile...

    Chevy, I thought you were the original egg smurfer...if I remember correctly?
    Sorry about your accident...UGH it is so darned inconvenient and upsetting to everyone.  Glad you are OK.
    Kaara, glad you got good reports.

    Carole, I am happy you could help your niece out by taking good care of her children while she had surgery.  I hope DH's test results are good...and that your next golf outing will be cool and dry, and result in low numbers! 

    Jackie, thanks for always starting the day with beautiful and challenging thoughts for us. Hope all is well.
    Everyone has gone to sleep here so I'm going to be a good houseguest and say gn...

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    You cannot fail at being yourself.  A cat doesn't try to be a tiger, and you shouldn't try to be something you aren't.  You are a process, not a product.  Your job is to discover what you are and create that creature.  You still won't be perfect, but success isn't about perfection--it is about authenticity.  You are a success if you are being your real, authentic self. Bernie Siegel

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited September 2013

    I love how Bernie Segal puts things -- it touches the Jewish person in me, but then other quotes from other people touch the  Cherokee person in me and the Dutch, French, English..........Well, the truth is I don't really know just who all does residde within me....but I'm at peace with it all.  I think it rounds me all out and helps shape some perspetives on life.

    I too wish Chevy and DD well.  Sometimes.....I think you get the creaks, aches and groany feelings a day or two aqfter something has hope you two are feeling ok today.

    Kaara....selling property is a big undertaking or can be.  Sure hope everything goes well.  It is the final inspections that can be nerve wracking.....and where some contract changing can come in.  Don't know all the rules in NC though so hoping everything goes well for you. 

    Joan....sounds like you are having a great time.  Always nice to spend some time with new-made friends and very much the older ones. 

    I think I'm glad its Saturday....though I don't work as much now, its probably a good time to make some plans ( a great list ) for some things to get done before the Fall work of tending to the falling leaves and nuts out here has to start. 

    Peace and love
