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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Oh Chevy that was a beautiful post, I actually felt that salty watery sepage from my eyes, which doesn't happen often. And of course Jackie has said it so beautifully.

    Chevy I watched that whole debalacle on TV yesterday, I was sick about that lady and baby in the car. It's all so upsetting. BUT otherthan that horrible thing that happened--and I wondered why no one shot her tires out as soon as she started moving, they didn't know there was a baby in there yet Anyway---I watch to many crime shows   BUT I have this whole crazyness figured out for the government so we should go dammit--I'm tired of all the politicians playing with our country like a gameboard--The country that helps everyone cuz we're so strong, I can't even figure out where they put the close sign up for the country. Like we're loved all over the world anyway, the other countries are laughing there heads off I'm sure. Off soap box now--but I could go on and on.

    Carole u sound like u feel good--I hope so.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited October 2013

    Cami, I agree with you as to why the tires weren't shot out. I thought the police looked like the Keystone Cops when they surrounded the car. Got caught up in that chaos going to pick up my DH from work. Media trucks were still there this morning at 6:30.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    I read an article this morning in the Denver Post.... A reader talked about being sick of what is going on in Washington, and WHY do the politicians insist on voting party, instead of Country! It's just what I was thinking.... If they threw out the "party" till death do us part, maybe if they just sat down, and all talked and what is best for the country, it might just work. '

    I mean right now, because the President is Democrat, there is no way in hell any Republican would DARE to go along with him, or agree! That would be bad for their party! I mean even if the Republicans are right about things, same as the Democrats, they canNOT find it in them to vote against their party.

    AND another thing.... as long as I have the soap box.... I was scared to DEATH that we were going into another war this last time! Then Russia came through, and actually helped us save face! We just didn't pick up our troops and cart them off to another COUNTRY to fight for their people! I know it's nice to help EVERYone out, but at what cost to OUR country, and our service men and women? Okay, I'm done.... I'm just scared!

    Jackie, my ears drive me nuts! I just think I make wax because I have nothing else to do! When they "tickle" or start to plug up, I know I have to use more ear candles. If I don't keep the wax under control, they plug up, and even with aids, it's is harder to hear.... At least I can do it myself, instead of going to get them "flushed out".... Because THAT did not work!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited October 2013

    Camille, I wondered the SAME THING! When we were watching the debacle on tv, I asked my husband, "WHY don't they shoot the tires?" He was busy looking at her car and said, "That's a very nice car she's driving. It costs about $50,000."

    Looks like a lady storm named Karen is supposed to dump some rain on us this weekend. Most of the weather forecasters are predicting the storm veers east more toward MS and AL but you never know.

    I played golf today with four women golf friends and three of them have Oct. birthdays. So we went out to lunch at a quaint restaurant with excellent food. I had the blue cheese salad with crabcakes and enjoyed every mouthful. The tee time was too early for me. 7:50 am. I had to get up at 6:30. Tomorrow morning I'm looking forward to sleeping until I wake up. No alarm clock.

    Mommarch, I take the generic of Effexor and it costs me $30 for 90 capsules. When my last year of taking arimidex is over next Sept., I'll probably taper off the Effexor and see how I feel.

    Wishing everyone a happy weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    I think the tires were not shot out as they was some fear that maybe some sort of explosives might be in the car, so if the car crashed.......a lot of people could have gotten badly hurt.

    Chevy, the small band of Tea Partiers are the Republicans that are basically responsible for the shutdown. They have been searching for this opportunity since Pres. Obama was first elected. Boehner along with many of the others in the GOP are afraid to stand up to them since corporations and big money like the Koch brothers are funding them. They do not want Obama care period and they want smaller government in every way. It is a long convoluted story which I am not good at telling.

    I would just say though that surely no one, with two brain cells would see this as anything but holding our government ransom. The Pres. has tried to work with these people and it does not work. When someone is asking you to defund or turn back a health care law that passed and was upheld by the Supreme Court and is about to take effect it borders on insanity. This could be stopped and could the day the government shut down by Boehner passing a clean CR. He chose not to so he and the Tea Party could do as much damage to the Pres. as they can. is a mess and people have their opinions, but everything the Tea Party Republicans were doing up to this was set up to bring about a shut-down. They were and likely still are thrilled as they see it as smearing and damaging the President. I doubt that as already about 77% of people are blaming the Republicans.

    Anyway, I think it won't go as far as actual default......but the Republicans have no intention of capitulating too soon. I just think they are hurting a lot of people.....a huge amt. and will not get much for it but the ire and ill will of the world at large who can plainly see and figure out where the fault lies. Just some of my opinions based on lots of reading.

    Peace and love


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2013

    I think the basic problem is that only the rich can get elected, either by having the money from their family, or by getting corporate contributions that make them beholden to the corporation. These people have never wanted for food, diapers, gas money, etc. and have no sympathy for the people who need every dime they make just to get by. They could go months without pay and never notice.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2013

    I don't like to talk politics much, especially among friends. I just wish that politicians and constituents alike would look at the big picture. I know people who are being hurt by this shutdown, and if it continues for more than 2 weeks, both my DH and my SiL will be out of work. What is not being addressed on the long term is that nobody -on either side - will say no to spending for their favorite causes. Our national debt is so huge and other countries own our debt, property and assets. That does not help build a strong nation.

    Why would anyone lend money to the US if we have to borrow just to pay the interest on loans we have around the world? Would my bank lend more money for me to use to pay them back for money I previously borrowed? Could I get away with unlimited charging and not paying my bills? It's a fine line to balance spending cuts without stifling the economy. When businesses do well, more people work and the government takes in more tax revenue.

    Right now, it seems the only solution that politicians can come up with is to "tax the rich" (exactly their words) to pay for anything and everything that is passed. Then corporations pull back and instead of growing they invest elsewhere.

    Well, I've gone too far now, for someone who doesn't like to talk politics...and I am sure that my long term view is not popular.

    I understand the legitimate protest against unlimited spending and debt ceiling. I do not understand the focus on single issues which causes the impasse. It's time both sides own up to the decades of selfish waste of our money and work out a plan that encourages growth while still protecting those who are unable to help themselves. OMGosh am I in church? sounds like a sermon.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    I know, Ha! But it's good we have our own opinions! It's just harmful to all of us that this country is divided into mostly two groups! I just thought of this last night.........


    But now it seems like we are divided! We ARE one nation, but the two main parties are pulling it apart.

    How did the Civil War start? Wasn't it because the North fought the South? In the same country? It seems like each party is positive that THEY are the only ones that know anything. It is impossible for them to work together, because they have their own agenda, written in stone..... And both are un-bendable.

    So now I have alienated people from both sides.... I am neither a Democrat or Republican.... I am just an American, who is so sad and disgusted and what is going on with our leaders...with the people we have elected! I just hate the politics in "politics."

    Where are the smiley faces.... ? Insert one here.....

    This, from one who knows nothing of politics.... I never get into it with other Family members, so you guys have to suffer....Hah!

    Okay, now I promise I am done ...... I love you guys....


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,120
    edited October 2013

    First, I read Jackie's post about the shutdown and I said DITTO to everything she said.

    Next, I read Jean's post about spending out of control and I said DITTO to everything she said!

    Finally, I read Chevy's post about being an American and what she said made a LOT of sense! Come on, Camille, admit Chevy made some sense!

    Our country does need to curb wasteful spending. A small group of right-wing conservatives are holding the whole country hostage. A lot of people are being hurt. Ironically, the shutdown will cost the country money and will probably damage the recovering economy.

    I hear on tv that the House would pass a clean short-term budget if given the chance but the Speaker won't allow it to be brought up for vote. If a majority of both legislative branches would approve a budget, it doesn't make much sense that they aren't given the opportunity.

    So here's my view on the ACA or Affordable Care Act. It is law and has been upheld by the Supreme Court. Let's see whether it's a workable law. If it's not, then change it or abolish it. I'm hoping it works because I hate to think of people (many of them hard-working people) who can't afford to go to a dr. or have a surgery they need. I'm hoping that preventive care will make people healthier.

    Boy, am I a Pollyanna! But that's the way I feel. I think and have thought for a long time that it's shameful for the richest country in the world to have a large segment of people who can't afford the health care that I have.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    No doubt we would all agree with the sentiment:“There’s more

    to life than things.”Yet much of our lives seem to be spent in

    the acquisition, maintenance, and disposal of material goods.

    Certainly we cannot enjoy the basics of food, shelter, and clothing

    without a concern for things.The truly important things of life,

    however, are those which cannot be encountered by the physical

    senses, purchased with money, or placed on a shelf.When we

    take a look at what we value most in life, we generally find family,

    friends, health, peace, contentment, laughter, helping others,

    and communion with God foremost on our list of priorities.



  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2013

    Chevy, you said it so well! I see good and bad on both sides, as Carole says. And Carole, nothing wrong with thinking positively.

    Hey, I got to lounge this morning...first time, long time. It's getting cloudy...will clean the kitchen then go out for coffee...DH is fishing and won't be home for hours. The more I look around, the chores are screaming at me! I will try to stay positive and "finish" something.

    PS - Jackie, I just read your post. It is so true that I have too many things...that is why even on my day of choices, I feel stress from the "things" that need attention. I vow to get rid of some "things" today and everyday that get in the way of well-being.

    Wouldn't it be nice if I could wake up each day and say

    "what can I do today, or who can I help today" instead of

    "what MUST I do today to take care of my things"

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Morning everyone,

    I stopped myself from putting in an article that easily outlined a lot of what is going on right now politically and the reason why the Pres. cannot do anything other than what he is doing. I chose not too because really nothing stirs things up more than the talk of religion and POLITICS.

    As well, there are indeed a couple of threads here on BC.Org where it basically is almost the only thing discussed. So for my over-all political fix, I participate on those threads --- well, one of them anyway. That said, I know well that it isn't just one side, however; at this point ( and it is the smaller faction within the Republican party ) I will side FIRMLY with the Pres. One small faction, inside and a part of one party, should not, cannot be allowed to destroy all of us. This was planned and executed.

    Ok....nuf' on that. It is a somewhat gloomy day here and could rain later. I would not necessarily mind, but the humidity that had managed to seep into our house caused even dh to be uncomfortable enough that he set the a/c on to remove that cloying feeling the air has.....and we are a bit more comfy now.

    Our leaves though not raining down are coming out of the trees and I'm wondering what we will get for winter. Colorado I know, along with the Dakota's and Wyoming are getting snow or soon will. Wow !!!! It seems so early though I don't always watch weather reports for some of these areas that close. Just does not seem normal to me.

    I have work this evening and am thinking ahead to Monday. I believe that is when I will see the Oncologist ( not the PA Oncologist ) and find out what will be taking place as far as going forward on Armimidex /Anastrozole -generic, or switching to something else, or going off entirely of everything. I am already torn a bit. I don't think I have had NEAR the issues others have with Armidex or some of the other AL's, but you do feel a sense of security about having SOMETHING to do that seems as if it works. Anytime naturally that you don't have a recurrence it seems like it is due fairly directly from what you are, hopefully, there will be enough information to help me make an informed decision.

    So....onward for the day. Hope you all have a really good one.

    You might have noticed a new tool-bar up top as your typing your entry. BC. Org changed it so that those using I-pads etc. would have an easier time using the system here. Though I initially had some struggles with it, I now find that in everything I'm doing ( unless I haven't run across something ) it actually works as well and in some cases even better than the original one.

    There are possibly a couple of issues -- like smileys that will be addressed soon.

    Peace and love


    ETA: Joan, you are so right. My 'dream' is that someone would just come in here and take the stuff and leave me out of it. Don't know why it is so easy to look at something and think.....well, I'll need that when the snow is 10 ft. deep ---even if it may only be once in a millennium. So.....I have to steel myself to not find good reasons to keep some of my overload.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2013

    Jackie, LOL...I look at my bookshelf and realize I can't read half of them with the life I have left.

    I did try out the new tool bar - very easy to post photos - upload directly from our files instead of having to float them into web space. But, my first attempts at photo uploads was not successful. Anybody else want to try?

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    Amen Jackie, I like your soap box I am one just like it!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited October 2013

    DH and I once agreed that we could both move out, taking everything we wanted, and the house would still be full. It hasn't improved since then. It's even harder now, living on a fixed income. It's quite possible that we couldn't afford to replace something we've discarded.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013 as I say it........I'm using that partially as an excuse as we speak. I guess I have forgotten the life-time I spent as a pioneer when I needed so little and could do so much with the little I possessed.

    mommarch....glad to have some company.

    Saying hi to Carole and Joan. Sometimes......just knowing I'm going to open up my computer and talk to people I like so well is better than all the things money can buy. Further proof that a whole lot of this mountain of "stuff" needs to find a new home. Send me your addresses....friends.

    Peace and love


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Oh do I love this one:


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    In a word NO.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Hmmm, look what can be found when you follow the money.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Well said, Elizabeth Warren.......very well said.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Hi everyone I'm here. Been kinda sick this week went for more tests this morning.
    I hve to say something---Chevy made made SO MUCH sense---u guys have to remember I worked for all politicians for over 20 yrs. Demos and rep. They are all the same. Altho I always respect the Presidency and I do respect him as President, and I;m sure Jackie and other folks from Illinois know exactly what he did in or for our State. So it would be nice to stop arguing over who's got the shiniest bike and take care of our people. And Chevy the word War scares the hell out of me===it's just to close.And I always said there should be 2 Presidents one for foreign affairs and one for domestic===I know that's the silliest thing u ever heard but. One person with one staff usualy isn't good at both.
    I'm so enjoying the Elton John concert on PBS I enjoy his songs cuz he plays so much piano in them, my favorite is piano.
    And this new stuff is on the computer is to much for me thisweek.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    OK I finished watching the concert 2013 and I just realized I think Elton John was (as he said in one of his songs.) high as a kite when he wrote so many of them, not that there is anything wrong with that. The orchestra was fabulous, They were playing so hard strings were breaking on the cellos. For real.
  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2013

    LOL Jackie wants our addresses to send us her stuff???

    Cammi, I actually think that's a great idea you have - two prez''s way too big a job for one person. (I wonder if they'd be jealous of each other like when a man has two wives)

    I agree in respecting the presidency. And our problems are not entirely the fault of one side or the other. Our economy and the rest of the world took a big hit in 2008 and in my lifetime, I have never seen hard times such as these last so long. Prayers for our country...

    and hugs & prayers for everyone here.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    OMG Joan u hear the same voices I hear in my head...
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Geez Cammi! You posted, and you were sick! How come I can't have the shiniest bike? I'll be danged! That is a great idea, about having 2 Presidents...Ha! I always wondered why we couldn't just have the guy that came in second, be VP!

    No parties, just honest guys or gals we could vote for! And just like in school, or beauty pageants, they would be 1st, 2nd, and so on! THAT way no one could fight, and blame everything on the other "party!"

    Or do like I did when my girls were argueing... (See? the automatis spell check is NOT working!) I would tell them to go back upstairs, talk it over, figure it out, then come back downstairs, and I didn't have to hear their squabbles.

    I say send these high paid elected officials back to school, TOGETHER, and teach them how to moderate, and debate, withOUT starting another war! WithOUT either sending out the troops, or shutting down OUR government. WTH?

    I would post a picture of a chicken here, but I canNOT post any picture or link! WHAT did I do wrong? I have asked the moderators to step in on this one.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,676
    edited October 2013

    Good morning everyone. The automatic spell check should catch your miss-spelled words and underline them in red. If you then mouse to the word and tap it......a list with correct spelling should pop up. At least that is how mine has been working.

    I also noticed a feature where ( if there is some word you use a lot ) a certain word, if not normally in our dictionary, you can get a drop down menu where you can add it here. For instance.....the Tea Party is being referred to as of late as Tehadists. So, you could put that word in your dictionary if you use it a lot and you would not get the red mark under the word each time you used it. Very clever to have that feature.......I can see if someone has a list of 'slang' or words that are comfortable to them.....they could include them if they are seen as miss-spelled words.

    I felt for a long time we should not have Presidents as such............but a panel of individuals who would make the best decisions for the country and then have them implemented. No more lobbying....just a presentation of what is wanted. I think it is too major.......we had a one-man ( but two could be great ) system for so long.

    Cam....sure hope you are feeling lots and lots better. I am thinking about you.

    Linda....hope you are doing ok.

    It's pretty here today with sunshine, and the rain from yesterday has it nicely on the cool side. Mr. Sun does keep you feeling good out there though. In general I'm warm natured enough now to like the moderate temps.

    Have a few things on for today and going tomorrow to Oncology at Marion V.A. Sort of anxious to see what will be in store now that I've reached my five yr. Arimidex mark.

    Hope Sunday is gorgeous for everyone.

    Peace and love


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited October 2013

    We were at 29 degrees this morning at 6000 feet. It is to warm up to 72 today, have a bright beautiful sky. I played hooky from church. I have been so fatigued again I just could not stand the thought of having to get dressed. I think today will be a me day, DH went into the broom shop for a few hours. Lots of people in town this weekend, he had a good day yesterday. Will be able to help kids out with DG private tuition again this month.

    Have a great day