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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Our life is our prayer. It's our gift to the universe and the memories we leave behind when we someday exit this world will be our legacy to our loved ones. The best thing we can do for ourselves and everyone around us is to find joy and share it.

    Anita Moorjani

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Golly hate to report it is not very nice here. It is below freezing again and I don't think will come up much. A very mild breeze which won't help at all. Just have to hang on and see it through. There is a big storm headed this direction but does look this morning like we won't get nearly as much of it as the eastern seaboard and the states below us......Louisiana and across there. I hope some may back off for the holiday travelers, but one thing we can't design is weather to suit us.

    Have been cooking for Dh since I will be working long hours most of this week starting Tues. I really don't mind, but have a big pot of chili made and tonight will cook Thanksgiving dinner.......all which can be re-heated when the time comes.

    Otherwise....I'm a happy camper as always. Not much point to being anything else.

    I hope you all have a great Monday.

    Peace and love


  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited November 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving Week to all,

    DH and I are having a quiet Thanksgiving.  DH always enjoys quiet holidays and I am thankful for one this year as I adjust to my dx and post lumpectomy hospitalization rapid pulse issue which seems to be getting better every day.  My younger son is going to meet his girlfriend's parents for the first time.  She has one child (age 9); he has four (ages 8-15).  Since his kids will be with their mom, the meeting will only introduce my son.  I hope they realize what a wonderful person their daughter is dating.

    Chevy, I am happy that your local skiers have snow.  Although we don't have any here in the valley, I did see that the ski resorts above us (Tahoe region) are opening,  so I am happy for my younger son and family.  I hate driving in the snow too.

    IllinoisLady, one of your inspirational quotes compares "kind words to angel's song."  What lovely imagery!

    Carole, have a safe trip to Decatur.  Do you have warm clothes?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Yes.... still cold and cloudy and a few little flakes of snow.... and LOTS up in the Mountains!

    Jackie, I'm always making way too much also! I'm going to toast the bread today, for the dressing, and maybe cut the celery and onions up.

    I've always just loved to cook, and get things ready..... even if I DO cook way too much. I think if I could get DH to eat "left-overs" more than he does, It would help...Ha!

    He won't eat that Quinoa salad that I love.... so I just have to learn to not MAKE as much! Even the Cabbage soup.... Carole, did you make it? It's the WW one, and it takes a head of cabbage plus all the other veggies, and it makes a TON! But it is the best tasting soup in the world.... and no calories! Or maybe just a couple.

    Have a safe trip Carole! And a great Thanksgiving everybody!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh JO! I'm so happy you came by! I wanted you to surprise Carole and Jackie.... and Rita Jean too!

    I just remember when I was diagnosed, and so terribly afraid.... all the gals were giving me advice about "It must be a breast surgeon..." and since I had already had the surgery date set, WITH a general surgeon, I was even more scared! You PM'd me and sait, No, it doesn't have to be a breast surgeon, that a general surgeon would be just as good!

    And you were sooooooo right! I loved her, AND the Radiologist she recommended! They had the "new" Mammosite Device, and I would be a good candidate for it, and it all worked out very well. I am just 4 years out now! Congratulations to YOU for almost 10 years! THAT is great! I'm happy for you!

    But thank you again, for "calming" me.... and helping me go through it all more confident!

    I know you followed Spar..... How is she doing? I didn't really know her, but I always felt bad for what she was going through with her leg.... We just somehow get used to some gals that we really care about.

    I tried to use my Daughter's Laptop one time, but man, I was lost! I asked for a mouse, to make it easier..... I just am so used to my Dell desk-top, and my new 23 " screen!

    So you say you are in Jensen Beach? Where is that from Orlando? I don't think our Daughter has taken us there! I know about Ft. Lauderdale, and Singer Island, Datona Beach..... Melbourne beach, and we watched the shuttle take-off one year! It was the one, that didn't make it back safely..... It just really hurt all of us.... waving good-bye when it took off, and then not coming home....

    We watched the Turtles lay eggs one night on Melbourne Beach! That was magical!

    You have a BIG family! I remember one time our family AND my Husbands family all came over here for a get- together... So the sons of the Nephews went nuts.... ! I meaning running up and down the ditch, out in the alley, out front, and through our house, and I scaring me 1/2 to death wondering WHAT they were doing, and WHY no-one cared! The adults were oblivious.... Everyone had a good time, except me.... Ha!

    So it wasn't my HOUSE that wasn't big enough, it was the whole block! All 19 of them, including 4 wild little boys.... so I won'tt/can't do it again....

    Anyway Jo! YOU have a wonderful Thanksgiving! So good to hear from you! xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Jo! Singer Island is close to Jensen Beach! I know about where you are! I hope you are having good weather.... Singer Island is close to West Palm Beach.... I think ANYwhere is warmer than here....Ha! At least we aren't in the path of that huge storm, supposed to be moving in the Eastern States, and Inland! Take care....

  • Safetyyfirst
    Safetyyfirst Member Posts: 31
    edited November 2013

    Hi Northstar,

    I am 67 and was dx Aug. 2013. I am stageIV and there is a forum for "stageIV ONLY" where

    Several older ladies are. If you are not stageIV but, have questions you are permitted to ask

    Them in that forum.

    I have only been a member almost two weeks and the ladies there are exceptionally

    Knowledgeable of most avenues of bc. Also, there is a thread for 70 yrs. olds I have visited

    There too.

    Hope I have helped a little. I am not feeling my best today so I wish you the best and may

    God bless.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013 case you stopped by just to check....I wanted to say a special hi to you and tell you how great to be able to catch up with you a bit. It is always wonderful to hear how many years someone has been NED. We always have that little ( maybe it never totally leaves us ever ) nagging worry that something is hanging around inside of us just waiting to catch us a bit off guard.

    Glad you are able to be in what most of us living in pretty "cold in winter" states think of as a glimpse of heaven this time of year. Hopefully, some of the conditions will improve so you really feel as though you are getting to cheat Ole' Man Winter, at least a little bit.

    In honor of your visit.....I will close with a quote that I really like.

    Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh, and the greatness which does not bow before children.

    Kahil Gibran

    Children can sometimes be a trial in some ways, but I like the quote which says they are proof that the world is meant to go on. Many loving blessings to you and yours, and a hopeful warm and wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Peace and love


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Safetyyfirst. How nice to meet you. So sorry it is due to this type of illness. Northstar started this thread for which everyone here is deeply thankful, but she hasn't been here for a long, long time. I am sorry that you are Stage IV but I do know that there are many, many protocols that can be implemented which will hold you at bay for some time.

    We mainly stay together here to encourage each other, discuss whatever comes up that we feel like sharing and to encourage anyone who is doing treatments of any kind. We are good at hand-holding while holding each other up.

    I hope you will feel free to come talk to us anytime you feel you would like to.

    Peace and love


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    It has been a hectic weekend here in the Davis Mountains of West Texas. As you know we had ice all weekend. Yesterday around 2:30 PM we lost our electric and by 6 this morning it was 40 in the house. So at 6:30 AM we got the car warm and headed for Alpine, well we got half way to Fort Davis and there were downed power lines so we had to turn around and go the long route. We called our DGD Paternal grandmother and went to the Donut shop for breakfast and they came back up the house, no electric. At noon we headed back to Grandma Sue's and spent the day and I cooked dinner and then we found out our power was back on so we drove home. Is nice to be home. I have so much to do for Thanksgiving and DH has so much to do at Broom Shop. Will just do what I can, if kids don't like it they can do it for me.

    Stay Warm

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013


    For Thanksgiving, we always go to the home of good friends where there is a big crowd, usually around 30. Some of the people we only see once or twice a year. We've seen new babies turn into newlyweds before our eyes.They are like family after 25 years of doing this. It's like cousins you only see on holidays. There's good food, after dinner walks, dessert, football, puzzles, more dessert, sharing photos and catching up on everyone's lives since we saw each other last. Wish I had better news of 2013 to share with them than stroke, aneurysm, & breast cancer. Maybe I'll make something up..some wild tale of travel to a foreign land where I saved the life of a celebrity and became her best friend! Winking Damn, they'll never believe it without pictures. Wish I new how to use Photo Shop!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013

    YEA!!! A post from JO!!!! I am so glad to see your post Jo and so glad to hear that things are going well for you. Gosh, you're 4 years out from Arimidex. That's fantastic! I am almost 2 years past Arimidex and I must admit this old body feels much better without it. However, perhaps it was that Arimidex that has helped us, eh! Have a great Thanksgiving and come back often. You don't need to get caught up. You'll fit right soon as you get back here!

    Gosh it sounds like several of you have had a bout with the ice and snow. We have only had a few flurries but I drove north to Dekalb yesterday to see my aunt who is in the nursing home there and I ran into a good bit of snow along the way.

    Carole, it's cold here. It was 9 degrees this weekend and 19 degrees yesterday. Bring your heavy clothes! Enjoy your Thanksgiving in central Illinois.

    Our Thanksgiving is going to be pretty uneventful. My son will be with DIL parents in Nebraska so Dave and I are on our own. If the weather is decent, we are driving up to Rock Falls to put a grave pillow on my Mother's grave for the holiday season and then coming back through Rock Island where we will stop and eat Thanksgiving dinner at Jumer's. I am cooking a little turkey right now for tonight. All the grocery stores around here offer turkeys for 39 cents a pound with a $25 purchase so I got a little turkey for $4 and figured we'd never get anything else that cheap for dinner. It won't be long and the turkey smell will start to permeate through the house.

    Oh mommarch....that ice can really cause lots of power outages! Glad your power finally got back on and you got back to normal at your house.

    Jackie, where are you working during the holidays? Do you have a new job or are you still helping that same lady?

    EVERYONE have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    We are expecting lots of rain here in CT. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the low 60's but a real downpour. At least it isn't snow. I don't hate snow, but it could ruin lots of plans for Thanksgiving. We are all going to my brother & sister-in-laws so I bought a small turkey breast and will cook it tomorrow so we have leftovers. Tomorrow morning we have a woman from a bank coming over to go over Medicare options with us since we are both turning 65. (Me in January). I just hope that all five of my doctors take Medicare patients. Since I will be having more surgeries, I need a good supplemental plan. We had so many calls from people wanting to come and talk to us. They were incredibly pushy! Told them we just wanted them to send us info but they would not take "no" for an answer. This one woman was so nice and told me she would send a package of info. She is the one we selected...cannot stand pushy people!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2013

    Good evening ladies: I know we are experiencing this horrible weather and some of you are right in the path...I send prayers and positive energy that everyone gets through Thanksgiving safe and sound.

    As for me, I had to take off a day early to return to Florida so that I wouldn't encounter the rain that was predicted. This was the day after I prepared a pre Thanksgiving dinner for BF's kids at the new beach house. It was a fun day with football and lots of good conversation and food. Unfortunately I caught a sore throat several days before and was battling I have laryngitis and can barely speak. Loading up on Vitamin C and D-3 licked the cold but the hoarse throat is hanging on. This is a weak area in my body...damaged my vocal chords years ago when I was a cheerleader.

    I came home to a clean son had hired a cleaning service....what a blessing! I don't have to cook DD is doing the turkey so all I have to do is show up. My DGD who is vegan is here from Hawaii with friends, so there will be some interesting healthy dishes to eat.

    Carole...glad your lips tuned out good. I'm getting the same thing....I really notice when I put on my glasses, so I just try not to look too closely in the!

    Funny thing happened....I bought my little DGD's their holiday dresses that I give them on Thanksgiving so they can have their pictures taken. I brought them home and looked at their last year's photos and low and behold I had bought almost the identical dresses! Back to the mall today to exchange I'm officially old:(

    Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving...we all have much to be thankful for.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    My Great Nephew had his surgery on both legs yesterday and did well. They are concerned that at some point he may have had a small stroke because he will move his good arm. It is going to be a long hard row and alot of rehab.

    Temp warmed up to 45 today wow. trying to finish up what needs to be done. Found out today that the city of Fort Davis lost power at 5:00 PM on Sat. and did not get it back until 3:00 AM today. Thought we had it bad.

    Take care

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Hi to everyone.. We arrived in Decatur, IL, about 4 pm today. We departed from home in Louisiana at 1 pm on Monday and drove to north MS, where we stopped for the night in Batesville. It was raining most of the way so the travel wasn't much fun. But travel today was easy.

    Now we're settled in for the night at the Hampton Inn since my SIL and BIL did not have a room to offer us. Their daughter and son-in-law have 4 kids and their son is in town from Seattle. It's supposed to get cold tonight, about 17 degrees.

    Jo, what a treat to have you check in and say hello. I'm so glad you are doing well. I wish you would join us and visit on a regular basis.

    I hope everyone has a good meal for Thanksgiving and much to be thankful for.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Again I'm getting so behind, I was always up on everything now I'm lost. I read every single post and yet don't remember much.

    Well Chevy blabbing on and on is one thing, but that's a given on any day.

    This little job I have is using up my eye time for the computer. It's cold and wintery here too. I'm glad I don't have to drive in it altho I do miss my car sometimes. Any way I'm thatful for meeting such a nice group of women that I talk to like I've known all my life. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving week. And welcome Safety it's great here, there are a few threads I am on and got to know great people, I'm sure u'll feel comfy in no time and find the ones u enjoy the most, this is a great one.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning gals! And a special Welcome to Safety! Just want to tell you, you can post here, no matter WHAT stage, grade, or whatEVER you are...ha! We don't even care if you are Vegan, or if you have a cat! Of course you HAVE to have a cat on here.... that's our only "must-have." Actually I don't have one, but we have a dog... so that counts!

    We will answer any of your questions, about EVERYthing... not that we KNOW anything...... and I hope you are feeling better today... It's getting close to Thanksgiving, so you HAVE to get better!

    Hi Jackie... Yes, Carole had mentioned Jo, so I tracked her down... I love your quotes, as always! Makes us think, and be Thankful!

    Sandra.... I'm staying home today.... getting things ready..... I still love to do this.... I cooked our first Thanksgiving Dinner when we were just married... 2 months later, and we were 20.... No one laughed, and no-one got sick!

    We lived in this tiny little 1/2 a double... $55 a month rent, and it was like we were in Heaven! So much like "playing house!"

    Now we've been married over 56 years.... I still FEEL in my head that we must be about 30.... so as long as we are pretty healthy, that's what it is...Ha!

    Mgster.... Make sure you check into Medicare Complete, by United Health Care! They have been advertising it like crazy... But there isn't that much time left to enroll! We pay $0 premiums a month. I did this all over the phone... No, I don't like pushy people either....

    Morning Kaara! What a great surprise! That would be a gift from heaven...Ha! Hope you are feeling better.

    Mommarch, sometimes a small stroke (infarction) will heal itself? Depending on where it was... I mean what was affected.

    Cammi! You little Dickens!! So you say I am a blabber-er? Well yes, that can't be far from the truth...Ha!

    Did you ever say what THEY said is wrong with you? I mean this last go-round with the medical people?

    I see you are stage 4, but as of now, I'm changing you to stage maybe stage 1 like me.... We don't pay much attention to what THEY say you are. I want you to be stage 1.... So you even had those ratty little nodes? Pay no attention. We will take care of you. I don't know what I would do without your silly little things you say....

    You MUST be still in bed.... Lazy-bones.... that's what you are.

    I have to go feed the chickens pretty soon.... as soon as it gets light, and I can SEE them! Ha! Only 2 eggs yesterday... But at least they have their warming lamp... And Edith...(cat-face) was happy in her heated "bed"... (that I took over!) So since you prefer to snooze, I'll have to go without you....

    Love you guys! xoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2013

    Good rainy morning ladies,

    Had snow flurries here all day yesterday, turned to pouring during the night.Heat wave today, its 45!

    Love to see everyone busy cooking. We are going out to dinner tomorrow with another couple, but miss those leftovers! We did go to our churches yearly community turkey dinner Sunday night. We have done it for many years, wont accept even offerings, it's FREE! Usually have around 400 people attend. For some it it their only Thanksgiving. I remember the years when we had 25 to 30 at home for the holiday. Tables set up in the living room and the kitchen. Everyone brought something, so I only had to do the turkey, gravy, stuffing and potatoes. At least I don't have to clean the house, Kaara!

    Yes Chevy, we have a cat too, so I guess I can stay here. She is a Holstein, and the smartest of any kitty I ever had. Amazing how much she understands, and communicates! Nearly lost her twice with tooth infections. Never experienced that with all the other cats I've had. She's 14 or so, she was a shelter adoption 7 years ago. My last kitty was 21 , when she left us.

    MIght go out with my SD for my birthday lunch, I was 71 Sat. Will see , if she ventures out.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited November 2013

    Hello all,

    I am thankful for all of you.  As I think I have said before, your posts have helped me through my Dx, surgery, and post surgery hospitalization for pulse issues.  I am hoping that all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving have a warm and happy holiday.  I am hoping none of you are stranded in airports or on highways.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Hello again! Bonnets..... You have a Holstein? Better check again..... does she meow? Or does she Moooo??? And you keep her in the house? Loopy

    14 is a good life for a cat! That's how old our cat was! Our Daughter.... Actually both Daughter's have cats.... Our oldest has quite a few, some rescued from wherever they came from, and some were kittens when she found them... But our youngest...(52) has just one now.... They are our kids.... just as important I think.

    And by the way! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Birthdays are just SPECIAL! Don't care how old we get! And I should know....Singing

    Sally! How ya' doin? Want to come help me get things ready? I just steamed some Brussel Sprouts, then put diced cooked bacon on them, and seasoned salt....

    I also made some Couscous, with chopped mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, onions, celery & a couple pickled peppers, and olives! I had the Couscous, so just thought it needed to be made..... I'm taking a break.... got the bread toasted... celery & onion chopped up... and cooked giblets. Got the Sweet Potatoes baking.... to just heat up tomorrow.

    DD is bringing over the mashed potatoes, a special cranberry dish from the Deli, and the Reddi-whip which I forgot...Ha! Getting it all ready is 1/2 the fun I think.... and doing it a little at a time, is so much easier than trying to do it tomorrow morning.....

    Jackie, how was your dinner? You did it early, right? Because you have to work! I wish you were home, little one....

    I might make that Green-bean dish, but ... no wait..... I don't think I will..... There is only 3 of us...And I know we can't eat as much food as I think we need! Ha!

    Okay gals.... talk to you in the morning..... Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2013


    Cookie , (otherwise known as BooBoo) is one of the ones with a black tail, and about 6 black spots on her white coat. I always thought they were white cats, but read genetically they are black cats! Had lost our dear doggie and then the next year the 21 year old kitty. DH said," no more pets." But after 2 weeks petless, I cudn't stand it. He said we travel too much, but we adopted her, and guess whose baby she is? Right his, follows him everywhere and he loves her!Nerdy

    Guess I shud make some supper.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013



    Like this! Kind of?

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013

    Hi gals.... HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope that everyone has a special day with family and well as those four-legged furry critters that we all love!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Have been doing sous chef work for a good part of the day. Peeled two butternut squash and diced them for a roasted veggie dish tomorrow. Also cleaned two lbs of brussel sprouts and sliced them in half. Made a batch of gravy. Snapped beans for a green bean casserole.

    All the thought and preparation are for a massive meal tomorrow. Last night we went out to eat at a Thai restaurant that was pretty good. Tonight we'll go out again. Somewhere. For lunch today I had to scrounge up something out of the refrigerator for a sandwich.

    The room at the Hampton Inn is comfortable and there is a hot breakfast of sorts.

    Now it's about time for my afternoon cocktail, which I feel I've earned! I'm sure I'm probably tagged as the inlaw alcoholic! So be it.

    Tomorrow will be very nice, I'm sure, and I'll enjoy visiting with all the other nieces and nephews and invited family members. Then we'll go back home to good ole everyday life.

    DH will have his Thanksgiving holiday!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2013

    Chevy, Love it!Happy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OK I'm tired just reading what u are all doing, but I am a working woman now so sorry, I don't have time LOL I have never in my life cooked a turkey--with that said u know the rest--Well I've made the side dishes around it for lots of people. but never the Turkey==when I was first married we wouldn't even be home and after that if we did have it my husband pick either one would make the turkey Notice I didn't say Dear. U all seem like u'r day will be great---Jackie u'r working and I'm sorry, but as usual it doesn't seem to bother u , I'm glad. I'm sure u'r a blessing.

    Chevy remember when I said there was a Stage V cancer--I decided that---then IV doesn't sound so bad so eff cancer.

    I hope everyone has a blessed day tomorrow and maybe u'r not feeling well from surgery or treatment or tests or meds but it is a day to be Thankful for what we do have--and if it wasn't for the Indians welcoming with open arms we would not be here, of course we screwed the Indians royally, but that the magic of government.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    So there's an official name for those kitties? At the shelter we call them cow kitties, but that's the cow they resemble. We did a foster cat vacation coverage for a week and then brought a kitty from Seattle to Portland to go to a sanctuary. He was FELV positive, but they will let him live out his life there.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving to all friends "old" (you know what I mean) and "new".

    Wishing peace and love around your table.
