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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Spent half the day at the Army hospital, going to doctor's appointments. I counted how many doctor's appointments I've had since my breast cancer diagnosis in July...43 appointments. If you add the appointments earlier in the year that were related to my stroke and my heart aneurysm, plus my anemia treatments, I'm sure the total is at least 100. I have two more next week before I go into the hospital Friday for surgery #3. For someone not used to being ill, this year has been a challenge.

    I'm thankful to be alive for Thanksgiving, grateful I'll be around to see 65 on Wednesday, and very thankful I found this thread. Much love to you all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh Sandra! You are just a younger one of us...Ha! At least me anyway!

    CAMMI! I almost gave you an E there.... but you wouldn't have known who I was talking to...

    There IS a stage V??? Where did you get that? So if we don't think there is, then that means there isn't. Nor stage lV... See, if we ignore some things, then that means it doesn't happen.. nor is true! So forget about all "they" said, and we'll just go on our Merry Way... We just never "know" what we will wake up to tomorrow...! God gave us today, and I have you and all my friends and family, and a pretty happy life.... that's all I care........ well I care about other things too..... the cat, my Dog, the chickens, etc!

    What's this with you and the Indians? I wasn't there, so therefore it didn't happen. And as soon as I get my head out of the sand, I'll get back with you! Loopy


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Just stopping by to wish all of u a very Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful Holiday season, wih decorating and shopping and baking cookies--Geeze sounds like more work now then it did before. But I think it's kinda fun work.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Funny Ransom Cards Ecard: Put away your phone and nobody gets hurt.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited November 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving Chevy, Ritajean, Carole, Bonnets, Camillegal, Wren, Joan, Sandra, and everyone who visits today  ... I am joining you for my second cup of coffee.

    Chevy, I agree that getting special meals ready is half the fun ... not that I am in charge very often.  Your couscous recipe is interesting.  Is it a family tradition?  I'd enjoy helping you.  However, you'd probably not enjoy my help.  I am a happy kitchen klutz.  Fortunately, DH is our cook. 

    Carole, it sounds like you are enjoying your Thanksgiving vacation.  Will you need a few days of rest when you get home?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Sally! I just made it up as I went along...Loopy I HAD almost everything I put in it.... I think I'll put it on a bed of that mixed greens you can get at Costco! I also made Brussel sprouts.... Just cut them in half, simmered them in water, then when the skillet went dry, took them out, and fried a bunch of chopped up bacon bits... Drained those off, then added a little butter, and mixed it all up...! DD loves Brussel sprouts....

    You know, I think you can make Couscous the same as Quinoa! I also have some Pomegranite seeds, and it might be good on that Couscous salad!

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving, special ladies! I'm thankful I found you all!

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving all, big day is over and I am tired, kids got here at 11:00 last night and I did not get to bed until one AM and up at 8:00 and started Turkey, We ate about 1:30. DS was so good to help clean up. DGD is such a toot, fun to be with. DS repaired our ramp to the house this afternoon. There are so many things these days we just can't get done without hiring someone.

    Hope you all had a good day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies that transcend moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.

    John Milton

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Sounds like all of you are doing wonderful and have had a beautiful Thanksgiving.  I have been MIA for a couple of days as I signed on for 4 days of staying with my little lady.  Rita....I have only been with Sally for a brief few months.....since late August.  Anyway.....been starting at 8 a.m. and have been getting home between 9 and 10 p.m.  It makes for a very long day, but the work if not actually hard.  Sally is 97 and just about the only thing she can't do is put in her pierced earrings, or cook any food.  So, for the most part, I just mainly have to be there.  Turns out I may work a bit on Saturday as well.....won't know that until tomorrow night. 

    I am thankful for so many, many things including all the wonderful ladies I've met here and learned to care so much about here on BC. Org.  As well, I'm thankful that I can work for really super people. 

    I had cranberry pie for the first time this Thanksgiving and it is SOOOO good.  Odd that I never tried it before because I absolutely love cranberries.  Wow !!!  Very good.

    I will see you all later.

    Peace and love


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited November 2013

    Happy working through a turkey and pie hangover...

    I had a big fluffy buttercream cake while the family was together...(BD was Monday).

    Jackie, I love cranberry...will have to try that pie.

    Sandra, I am just days ahead of you birthday-wise...just turned 65. So far, it's pretty good!

    Sorry you have to go through more surgery....I hope that soon you can put 2013 behind you and start to enjoy fewer doctors and more health!

    We went to the Macy's TG Day parade in New York today...been up since 5:30 AM. It was a fun day for the little ones (4 grandkids) and us big kids too (DD#3 and her DH and my 2 my other 2- grandson & grandaughter). We got to watch from a hotel room over the parade route and there were lots of activities for the kids. It was a fun morning....followed by turkey dinner. It's my favorite holiday.

    I am looking forward to a long week end ahead...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Jackie what patience u have u are truly blessed and her family must love u. Cranberry pie??? I never heard of it, I love cranberries--how could I not hear about this.?

    Joan how wonderfully fun u'r day has been--Of course seen the parade on TV, but never in person and how exciting with u'r GKs---I'm so happy u had a great day.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013

    Oh Jackie, your long days must be so very rewarding! Somehow I missed the part about a new care-sitting job. Glad you found a good one!

    It sounds like everybody had a wonderful and busy Thanksgiving. We got through it pretty well. I only get to see my son and his family every other Thanksgiving because his wife's family is from Nebraska and you can't do dinner with one side at noon and the other that evening! :-) Although I consider myself a pretty generous person, sharing is hard! :-) Dave and I drove up to Sterling and put a grave pillow on my mother's grave. Then we drove though the little town in which I raised and I recalled lots of wonderful memories. We came home through Rock Island and ate Thanksgiving Buffet in the middle of the afternoon at Jumer's so the day was nice in a different way!

    Now we're into the Christmas frenzy! I think I'll tackle a few cards today and make a run to the post office. No Black Friday shopping for me. I move too slow anymore to get out of the way and I'd be trampled for sure! :-)

    Everyone have a good day! Enjoy those good "left-overs!"

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Joan, I'm so jealous. I would love to see the parade in person.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    I also would love to see the parade in person. We get to NYC every so often by catching the train in New Haven. Love NYC at Christmas time. Especially the Christmas Show at Rockefeller Center.

    No Black Friday shopping for me. The only store we went to was Aldi's to pick up some groceries. No crowds there! I will check out the online specials on Cyber Monday, however. Even though I didn't do too well on that last year.

    AMC has Hitchcock movies today and watching "Rear Window" right now. How I love the old classic movies!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    We DID it! We drove by Walmart on our way to DD's house, and it was not busy! So we stopped by on the way home, and it was really FUN! They had all their advertised "stuff" in all the aisles, and lots of people! But plenty of staff to answer all of our questions!

    I wanted one of those plastic drawer stands...with wheels... And the guy helped us FIND one! Then the Flannel Sheets! Not that I couldn't wander around myself and find them... but that made it easy.

    No-one was in the grocery section...Ha! So we just wandered around, and was just happy it wasn't crowded!

    I made a casserole.... just dressing that I hadn't baked, covered it with mashed potatoes, and those crispy onion bits, a little cheese, and baked it! It was really good! With a little warmed gravy over the top!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Chevy that casserole sounds like what my DD is making tonite except they are going to put in turkey so that blows it for me. There is so much Turkey left over.-Geeze I wish I liked turkey.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Yesterday was such a good day. In spite of the big casual buffet on Thanksgiving day when we go to our friends' house, we always have a second celebration the next day just for family. My daughters don't live close to San Antonio (Allison in Chicago, Stephanie in St. Petersburg, FL) so they didn't come, but my son is in town. I set a beautiful table with my best china, Czech crystal, and silver. I had candles in Swarovski crystal lotus blossom candleholders and a lace tablecloth. The traditional meal was so good. I had watched a chef on tv last week who put butter under the skin of his turkey, so I tried it. What a difference! The white meat was amazingly moist and flavorful. After 44 Thanksgivings, a new tradition is born!

    My son Ryan is doing so much better. It's hard to believe how much he's improved since this time last year when he was "circling the drain" of depression and social anxiety again. He is seeing friends, going out a bit, and making a life for himself. He proud of himself for being able to work again. He's saving his money for a new keyboard and talking about the future. Those of you with children who've suffered from mental illness can especially relate to our joy. We have much to be thankful for this year.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Sandra that is soooo good to hear about u'r son, it actually makes other things pale in comparison. I know. I'm glad u'r day yesterday was so good--see u even write brighter.Happy

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, it's wonderful that your son has improved so much. I too know the heartache when a loved one is struggling with the emotional side of life. My loved one is also doing much better and is reaching out socially too.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning gals.... Cammi! When I make the dressing, I boil the neck, gizzard, and liver & heart, and cut it up real small and put it int he dressing.... I "peel" the gizzard, and I also add a breast of one of those Costco chickens, cut up.... so it has a lot of turkey and chicken in it.... I had some again, with gravy for breakfast....Ha!

    My Brother's Grand-son Jake, who has been living with him...then moved in with his friend 6 months agol...... (long story) had his house burn down early Thanksgiving! He and his buddy were not in it, nor the dog.... But it was an awful fire.... My Brother thinks they left a little space heater on when they left? They are investigating... They were renting.... His Dad is still in a 1/2 way house out of re-hab.... My Neice, Kenny's Daughter, died of cancer 2 years ago, so my Brother has been trying to hold Jake together.... Now this....

    Brother & his estranged wife drove by it... (wait.... she really IS strange, come to think about it)..... But it looked just terrible.... Jake is with his girl-friend & her Parents, who welcomed him in.... The Dad, and my Brother are trying to get him more clothes, etc.

    I'm just baffled as to WHY wife of Brother cannot see it within herself to take him in!!! Into that big house, with 4 bedrooms! I mean NO-one can live with her.... People are just strange....

    But he says he has a lot to be Thankful for.... because they weren't in the house when it burned down!

    Sandra, that sounds like so much fun! I'll have to try that butter under the skin next year! I'm also happy for you and your Son! And good for you too Sally!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Chevy HEART and other things, OH that doesn't sound very good me me, but I guess SOME people might like eating a heart.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    Sandra! That is the best news about your son. You really had a great Thanksgiving. And the pretty table was icing on the cake!! So nice to hear.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013

    Sandra and glad to hear that your loved ones are doing better! YEA!!!

    Wow Joan! I'd love to see the Thanksgiving parade in person. That is so neat that you could see it!

    Hey Chevy, your stuffing recipe sounds a lot like my Grandmother's recipe and it was delicious!

    Carole, I hope you had a great time in Decatur. Anytime you come and have an extra afternoon, let me know and I'll come meet you somewhere over there. It is only about a 45 minute drive from me. I know what it's like to drive in for the holidays and then leave shortly after and didn't want to impose on your family time, but please keep that in mind.

    I need to get my Christmas letter ready to send with my cards. I never did a standard typed "newsy" letter until last year and then I finally broke down and saved myself hours of hand-writing multiple letters to the family and friends who live farther away. I really felt guilty, too, as I prided myself on my personal notes but I'm getting lazier the older I get. I don't feel quite so guilty this year.

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend. It's cold here but the sun has been shining this afternoon.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more.

    David Stindle-Rast

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Ah, home at done for the week.  Huge paycheck --- I thought there could be a bonus -- wow !!! Was there ever.  Anyway, I stopped on the way home to help a gal get one of her cats into a carrier.  It is a two-person job and I really like this I was happy to help.

    Then home and I warmed up some gravy and a big plate of left-overs ( my cousin knowing I didn't cook sent a huge amt. of food over here ) and just sat back and dug in.  I am a left-overs type and enjoy it more ( especially if I'm the one cooking ) the second day or two.  I have more work to do here of course, but that is ok.  Tonight I relax. 

    Loved reading about what everyone did and glad that we all seemed to have had a pretty good holiday.  Food, just yum.  I've been on an "eating program "......I quit calling it a diet because that just evokes a sort of negative feel for me right away.  Much more tolerable if I'm doing a "program".  I lost 17 lbs. and then due to time issues went without a few meals.......well, just  not eating enough calories and that does make you hold onto weight, so have worked to get back on track with the right amt. of eating and have managed to drop almost another five.  The busier I am ( as long as I keep eating right ) the better I seem to do. 

    Am so glad to at long last be off Anastrozole as that makes you not only hold onto tends to give you a bigger belly.  So many things at this age to sabotage a lot of efforts and toss in the AL's and it starts to be quite the struggle.  I'm hoping that I will notice ( it will be a bit yet ) feeling less stiff and maybe will give up the achy feel from weather changes.  Will just have to see how it goes. 

    Anyway......glad you all had a great Saturday.  Forgot to mention....I've never, ever done gray Thursday or Black Friday and I never intend too.  I have to admit I've never been a heavy duty shopper anyway......even though I like nice things and I feel at 68 is I've gone without this long --- there is no time like the present to just not bother. 

    Anyway......see you all in the morning when I'll definitely be back to my regularly scheduled quote.

    Have a wonderful evening.

    Peace and love


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    Sandra and Sally, it's wonderful news that your sons are doing well.

    Joan, what a special thing to do with your grandkids--watch the Macy's parade in person!

    DH and I arrived home about 3:30 this afternoon. We travelled from Decatur, IL, to Blytheville, AK, yesterday, where we stayed overnight in a Hampton Inn.

    My sister Linda came to spend a few days with our mother while my other sister and I were both away. So this afternoon dh and I went to my mother's house and enjoyed a meal Linda had prepared.

    It's SO good to be home.

    Chevy, you sound like a good cook. We have no Thanksgiving leftovers, which is probably a good thing. My favorite dish is the dressing, which has a lot of carbs.

    Jackie, I'll bet your little lady enjoyed having your company during the Thanksgiving holiday.

    Rita, I would love to get together with you on one of our visits to Decatur.

    Camille, did you say you are a working gal these days?

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Welcome home Carole, it sounds like u'r really happy to be home. Oh yes I'm working, don't know how long cuz it's mostly computer and we all know what I'm like on one, but for work I use my spell check--1/2 my page is all red lines. I do work from my home answering an electrical, plumbing decorating everything business. so I had to learn some new things on the computer Ooohh . I do answer all phone calls, but all I have to do for work is wear a better nitegown so it doesn't interfere to much in my doing nothing day. My GF said leave it to u to have someone call u to do a job at u'r house and u don't have to miss TV. Cuz when I worked for the state it was right across the street from my house, so my travel time was like 3 minutes.In bad weather it was still 3 mins. But then I could never use bad weather for an excuse so I would open and close the facility, so it wasn't all peaches and cream.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Morning gals! CAMMI!!!!!!!! Oh yes, little miss working girl! Okay, so you say your pages have all little red-lines??? I can't believe it! Well that is a surprise. I mean WHAT will they think of next? Yes, it does have something to do with spelling, or lack of.....

    See what you can DO is, hover over that word with the wavy lines... I mean hover over it with your mouse... not yourself.... and then right click your mouse, and you will see MORE words .... which you can take your pick, of the right way to spell that word... (usually the top one) unless your word is so far out of the universe even SPELL check cannot figure it out.... In that case.... just go on.... don't fret none.

    Besides I would not be able to understand a thing you say.... and now that I have gotten my brain focused on exactly what you are saying, don't change a thing. Besides I love you just the way you are.... Even with that huge flannel night-gown with the flower-print blowing in the wind when you are outdoors. .... for all the neighbors to see... and out there scaring all the children and cats..... and smoking a cigar!

    You say the STATE was right across the street from your house? Awfully small State, wasn't it? I mean how big WAS your State? And so did you DRIVE across the street? Take a Cab? Or suck it up and walk?

    And yes you ARE all peaches and cream! Just thank you for making me laugh! Ha, ha!

    One time, we were all up in the mountains! And the guys had gone fishing early in the morning.... So my SIL had to have a cigarette... but I made her go out on the porch of this cabin... So she slipped on her Husbands work boots, wearing her big flannel night-gown, and STOOD there smoking! Smoke curling above her head! I snuck out the back door and took her picture! It was sooooooo funny! What a sight! I entertain myself rather easily.