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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh Rita! Just wait until Jackie reads what you like to drink! She LOVES Peppermint tea...Ha! I remember her telling me this last year.

    I'm drinking a mint-tea with honey and a piece of lime.... It is sooooooo good.

    Yes Sally..... I do too...Ha! And I like Tommy Girl! I have too many fragrances for my own good.... but I love to wear different ones.

    Rita.... It was just about 4 years ago.... Dec. 4th, that they did my surgery also! Yes, it WAS a roller-coaster ride..... I just remember trying to make my husband not worry... to act like "sure it is cancer, but I'll just go and they will take care of it..." It just hurts them to the core, thinking that something awful will happen.

    Seven years is a LONG time.... Congratulations! Did YOU get any of that Tornado damage? Cammi was closer than Jackie.... Have you guys heard how Cammi is? I'll make her some Chicken soup..... Well maybe better not....... But then again, that's the only way she likes Chickens....Ha! Winking

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    In the end, nothing that we do or say in this lifetime will matter as much as the way we have loved one another.

    Daphne Rose Kingman

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Raining here today and will continue to do so for the rest of the day. Just let up long enough to get all the animals outside fed, and the feral cats. I have to see life as good when I am able to do that.

    For many of you ladies here ( some are aware ) Rita has been reaching out for a long time and actually started a thread that is still going. Some of us ( mainly I'm thinking of myself ) got through some really tough times just knowing she was doing it too and being extremely supportive and caring............anyone with these disease processes wants her sisters to do well. When someone else does gives the rest of us high hope and a star to reach for along the way. If someone else is doing automatically understand that you likely will too. Women like her and Carole, and Chevy --- they have pulled and tugged so many of us across some really rough hard patches. We all celebrate each other and our wins with this intertwine.

    I have felt for so long.....I would not be who I am today save for the marvelous loving, caring, devoted to your welfare and well-being women that it has been such a huge pleasure and part of my life to know and care about in return. I have grown bigger for the shoulders I have been allowed to stand on and I if I can only increase one other person's blessings and sense of rightness.....I will be ok.

    Every day I hope to help someone, someway. That is much the product of the sorts of people that I come her to inter-act with everyday. I have such grace in my life because of al of you.

    I hope -- even it its raining that a little sun comes your mental picture so you can see it as a little bit of a hug from me. You are all the very best.

    Peace and love,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Jackie! Dang! Are you alright?

    That was soooooooo sweet you talking like that! It just gave me chills.... I love to come here too.... Talking to you women is so full-filling.... I look forward to reading what everyone posts..... even on the threads I don't post on..... I can usually learn something, even if I can't "remember" it......Winking

    Talking with our Husbands and kids is just different..... Women can talk to women who have walked down that same road that we have. We know what each of us are feeling.... and maybe we CAN, in our own way, say something that will comfort them a little.

    Jackie, you are just so darned sweet..... You are the most patient women I know.... And you always know what to say to me.... Thank you for being my friend... sunny

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    so were you talking about me? Snooze


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013

    Aw nice! Yah, Chevy....Jackie's a keeper and we're going to keep her around. She knows how to make us all feel good! :-)

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    Just reading these last few posts makes me regret so much not coming on here at the time of my diagnosis. I was in such a dark place. If only I knew you were all here! I only cried twice...when the call came in that I had cancer and when my daughter broke down as they wheeled me into surgery. I tried to hold it together for her. But when I was alone or just awake at night...well, that was awful. After the worst was over my son-in-law told me that she would cry in bed at night and that broke my heart! I am tearing up right now just thinking about it. I knew my husband, my sons and my brother were certainly worried, but they put on a brave face. As you all will agree, I am sure, waiting for the results of our biopsies is just a horrible, horrible time! My mind went right to the worst scenario. I remember one night I could not sleep so I came downstairs and did all kinds of internet searches. By the time I dragged myself up to bed I was sure I was dying! I was reading medical reports when I should have searched for communities such as this one. Well, I am here now and I feel such a close bond to all of a secret club. I know that if I have a question or just a fear I can ask for your help and guidance. I have no doctor appointments until the beginning of January. It will be with my breast surgeon and time for a mammogram on my "good" breast. I still have to have a revision on my implant and then nipple surgery. I'm sure I'll be sharing all of this with you. You may have to hear some whining or at least a little venting! :)

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Rita, the injection session wasn't terribly painful. My dermatologist gave me some painkiller shots similar to what a dentist gives. On the inside of my cheeks near the mouth. So I really didn't feel much from the needle pricks when she was injecting the filler. I had some swelling yesterday above my upper lip. But I'm really liking the enhancement of my lips. And the smoothing out of lines radiating out from my mouth.

    I have located an electric wheelchair over in Ocean Springs, MS, that is pretty reasonable at $350. According to the owner, it was barely used.

    I caught up on some of my ironing today. Now there's room to hang up more clothes on the hanging rod in the laundry room.

    We had a gray overcast day but the temperature was comfortable, about 70 degrees. It's supposed to get into the high 70's tomorrow. I'll be wearing shorts to play golf.

    It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week. This year is whizzing past.

    Hello to everyone. Hope things are going well.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    Great Nephew came through the trach well, they will not do the bone surgery until Monday. Well I cooked dinner for friends and am all done in. Nite

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited November 2013


    We removed the doors from the bathrooms to give my mom more room. One bathroom is very small so the door would be in the way of the grab bars we installed and the wheelchair never would have fit in. The other bathroom is a normal size doorway. Without the door, a regular w/c or a travel one (4 small wheels) fits. Of course, w/cs are different widths depending on the person's size but it may be an option for you to consider. To cover the doorway for privacy, I bought a compression rod (so now screws or nails needed) and a long drape which only needed to be hemmed a few inches. You gain 2 or 3 inches without the door which really helps with turning.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    I'm very grateful that the list of resources they handed me at diagnosis had BCO listed right under the American Cancer Society and NIH. It's been the best thing I can imagine. I only told family and a few close friends about my diagnosis, so you have been my support and learning source.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013


    Morning Mgster! What IS that name of yours? Can we call you something like little Missy or something? Yes.... we are here.... and that's exactly how I feel about the gals also. We ARE like secret friends! Secret Pals, we are! I still like to research.... but not everything you read is true... maybe it is just someone else's opinion.... but your own common sense will see that.

    Yes, doesn't it hurt when you know your Daughters' are hurting because of you? I would walk over burning coals for them... I can't let them see me worry or cry. Well, maybe for a minute.... but no more than that...

    Just don't regret nothin'.... We are always here.... just to listen, and maybe make you smile... Whatever you are doing with this stuff, or whatever treatment you are going through, there are bunches of us who have been there first... BeLIEVE me, at MY age, nothing surprises me anymore. Loopy

    Morning Carole! It's sure nice to hear of someone having nice weather! And playing Golf! It's only 22 degrees here! A little nippy to say the least!

    Mommarch.... good to hear he is doing okay.... It's still nice to know he is "asleep" and not feeling any pain....

    And Hi Wren, and Jackie.... WAKE UP!!! xoxoxox

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013


    Let's mot take for granted

    That friendly little deed

    of the kindly neighbor

    Who recognized our need.

    Let's not take for granted

    The sunshine and the rain,

    The peace that enfolds us,

    The day that's free from pain.

    Let's not take for granted

    The loyalty and smiles

    of one whose walked beside us

    These many, many miles.

    Let's not take for granted

    These gifts that smooth our way,

    Instead let us express

    Our gratitude each day.

    Dora L. King.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Morning all......there are four stanzas to the above poem.....but it wouldn't go in that way. Hmm. well I won't complain as it actually reads correctly I think....even if it doesn't quite look like it did when I typed it out.

    I think we won't get rain today but it is looking cloudy and drab gray. Not what I like to see, but what I do like......I'm here, I'm fine, and I can complain if it feels appropriate. I also don't like how very cool it is but winter has been on the way and pulled back a bit so I'll try to not mind the prelude.

    Will work tonight and won't tomorrow night when I normally have been. That is ok with me. I am getting extra work...........for four days of the Thanksgiving holiday so that will not so much give me a handle on just catch me up so that on the first of the month....hopefully I can pay all the bills. That got off.......and I'm having to work it back to what makes me most comfortable.

    I do hope you are all going to have a really nice Friday. This is a most wonderful place and though some of you won't be at all aware......just as on a couple of other parts of BC. Org --- we had some incidents here that nearly destroyed this little section of the forum. So many people left..............but Chevy and I just kept posting away. I felt then as I do now that it was something too special to let disappear. So for a few weeks it was looking a bit on the thin side here. Carole and some others returned and here we are today....alive and well and happy to know and care about each other.

    Peace and love


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013


  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013 glad that you and Chevy kept posting while some of us went to hide in different spots for awhile. This is my very favorite thread!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    That was beautiful Jackie!

    And yes Rita.... Carole was always with us, also remember Spar? And Jo with the Raggedy Anne avatar? I think it was in November of 2009 that I first started reading and posting... A bunch of others joined in too, but left for all different kinds of reasons.....Loopy

    Jackie kept this thread alive.... I finally told her "Jackie, no one is posting here besides us!" And she kept posting beautiful sayings, and pictures....Then I went looking for Carole, and found her! Yay! And now we have a bunch of great gals with us!

    I think every thread goes through changes.... for whatever reason.... but it's just nice to be around a bunch of even-tempered women....Ha!

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited November 2013


    To those who shared some history behind this thread ... Thank you!

    Jackie, Rita, Carole, and Chevy ... Thank you! ... for keeping this thread going when there weren't many people posting.

    luvmygoats, how many goats do you have? Do you milk them?

    Chevy, I like how you labeled us "secret pals."

    I may not say "hi" to everyone by name, but you are all in my heart. Thanks to all of you for helping me stay "balanced."

    I baked a crustless pumpkin pie today ... I figure it's a healthy treat ... almost a vegetable ... I used Splenda instead of sugar. Half my reason for baking it was to fill the house with its comforting scent.


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    I wish we could persuade Jo to return. I always enjoyed her presence. She's a good person. Thank you, Chevy, for contacting me and letting me know it was safe to return! This discussion group gets better and better as we add more brave women.

    My other favorite discussion forum is So...What's For Dinner? If you like to cook and like to eat, that's a great place.

    We were supposed to go to a free dinner tonight for volunteers of the Wooden Boat Festival, but when I got home, DH said he really didn't feel like going anywhere. That suited me so here we are at home.

    Tomorrow my younger sister, Michelle, and I are driving over to New Orleans to visit her daughter, my niece, at the mental hospital. DH and Michelle's DH will be driving to Ocean Springs, MS, to buy the used electric wheelchair I saw advertised on Craig's List.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2013

    Marshmallow head saying hello:

    image can you say puffy?....that was the evening of surgery when I got home

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013

    Your crustless pumpkin pie sounds great Sally! I'm like you.... I love the smell of pumpkin pie when it's baking!

    Maybe I should try that thread....What's for Dinner? I certainly like to eat!!!!

    I don't know what I did differently but I woke up this morning with a very sore left knee. I had hoped that I'd left those kinds of aches and pains behind me with the Arimidex. Hmmm.....maybe I slept on it wrong or the colder weather has caused it to flare up.

    Well the cats and I are going to curl up in the chair for a bit before bed tonight. I plan to finish the book I am reading.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    It is cold here, 25 degrees with a wind chill of 14. We are having some freezing mist, nothing major yet.

    Keep warm

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Hi gals---I hope u'r doing OK tonight.

    The good feeling  of pumpkin pie baking is so cozy and warm. Well not that I ever made one, but I know GF who've made then and I've watched. And it the feeling of being by the firplace and if u don't have one u want to burn up the wall--It's such a strong feeling.

    Many of person turns about when they might have won had they stuck it out-(shut up Chevy) Well I'm glad u kept it going for all to share cuz unfortunately more are coming here (only because no one wants to have met this way) but we did and so happy that we did.

    It is cold here and getting colder so we'll see but no snow yet.

  • regbeach
    regbeach Member Posts: 84
    edited November 2013

    Today I had to go back for a 2nd mammo because the first one showed something that could've been a shadow. After taking more views, including focused ones in the area of concern, the tech had the radiologist read the film to see if an u/s was needed. She told me that it was not, that what they saw was just me. I said, "Are you sure, really, really, sure?" She laughed and said, "Yes." At that point, I couldn't explain to her that 9 months ago was my mom's u/s and that the waiting for her to come back in the room was difficult. Too much thinking. Afterwards, I thought how our fate is left in the hands of the technicians, really. Hopefully, she focused on the right place and hopefully the radiologist knew what he was doing. It was just a local lab. I recalled how when we took mom's films to Sloan Kettering, they re-did her mammo because they thought some tissue was missed and their radiologist saw calcifications that 2 other radiologists didn't mention.

    I'm not going to be paranoid about it though. She said in the different views with the squishing, it just blended in. We all worry about choosing the right drs. but it all starts with the techs and radiologists.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Reg, I think once we get our Drs. all in place and we trust them it's still all in there hands praying that they are really good at what they do and sometimes u don't even meet these Drs. who are making all the medical charts as they see them, but they rely on them too--but I also think many onc. overlook these tests if they think something doesn't make sense. So we just take the protocol for our particular needs and along the way u'll hear oh this is different, or unusual and u think U just saw 100 patients this week I don't like the words unusual or different, but it happens more often than we know. It's not easy.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning gals! Thanks Carole.... We're so glad you are back with us! Sounds like you are going to be BUSY again...Winking

    Still so cold here! I mean it doesn't keep us in, but it makes you make a bee-line to the store and your car! Yesterday Costco was almost colder than outside! I bought some of my favorite candies there... Those Dark Chocolate covered Almonds with Cherries! EEEeeeks! I limit myself to only one... maybe 2 a day.... Such a special treat.

    I can get my hearing aid batteries there so much cheaper than anywhere else also.... $9.50 I think, for 40 of them! Also I pick up that double-pak of Goat-cheese, so I can soften it and make a dip for crackers.... I just season it with a little "steak" seasoning, and have a couple Sally's Gone Crackers with it! It lasts forever, also.

    Then we went to Super Target, and found some Apple Fritter Breakfast Bread.... I'm going to make French Toast with it also!

    So Okay Regbeach!!! Can you get your Doc to recommend a "Diagnostic Mammogram" for you next time? That's where they have a Radiologist THERE to read it right while you are waiting! And then you don't have to go home, and worry, and then go back?

    I DID that this last Monday, and it was so messed-up, that I'm going back this Wednesday to try it again.... It was a mix-up with the "order" between my PC AND the Breast Center.... But usually it works really well! I mean I was undressed, waiting, and they came back to say they didn't have the "order".... So I whined! I mean we had WAITED to get in, had pre-registered the week before, and got that nice warm size 2000 robe on, and...... nothing!

    Hi miss Puffy-face! But I know you are better now...ha! And yes, we are all jealous! I will try and post a picture of myself, after I post this....

    Rita! Is it Bursitis? I'll bet it is! My left knee sometimes does this.... In the middle of the night! And then hurts all day! Take Aleve, and wear one of those Salon-paz patches. Maybe the change in weather? And what are you reading? I am reading The List.... by Steve Martini... It's one of those where you have to get to know each character, before the story begins...Ha!

    Mommarch, you are supposed to get bad weather! Ours wasn't much about show.... just cold.

    CAMMI! WTH did you just say? I mean you want to burn up a wall? Well okay.... but don't do it! That's not a good thing. You never made a Pumpkin Pie??? Well you are no Martha Stewart... But we love you anyway! You want to go with me to feed the Chickens tomorrow.... for a week? No.... ? I don't either... but I am their only chicken-friend. I took those people a little heating mat.... you know, for seedlings? Well I brought her another blanket to make a bed for her cat, BACK in the garage..... and with the plastic crate I had taken over! And she KNOWS I want those chickens and cat to stay warm! Sure they have two little girls, AND a little barker, (that needs a trainer now to TELL them that if your dog pees on the floor, to LET IT OUT AT NIGHT A COUPLE TIMES, OR PUT IN A DOG DOOR!) I mean how dense do you have to be? I TOLD her this yesterday, and she said, "well, she is so sound asleep." I said then YOU PICK HER UP AND GO OUT WITH HER, UNTIL SHE PEES! Either THAT, or get those pee mats, or put diapers on her too!

    It will be toooooooooo funny if the trainer tells her the same thing! I mean! WHAT is a dog supposed to DO? It's a wonder they don't put HER out in the garage! At least it has a cat door!

    Jackie! Where ARE you? xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    imageThis is...... me..... yesterday.....

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    Di, I can empathize since I had a complete facelift in 2007. I had dh take some BEFORE pictures that showed just how much I needed cosmetic surgery. Then he took a picture every day. It was amazing the improvement each day. But the first two days after surgery were miserable with all the swelling. I didn't want to say any of this until after you'd had your surgery. My PS was a young man I taught in high school and I'm pretty sure he gave me a good price, although it was expensive enough. I was in surgery 7 1/2 hours because I had the complete works including the brow lift.

    Today my younger sister Michelle (grandma of the 3 little kids) and I are driving to New Orleans to visit my niece in the mental hospital.

    Have a great Saturday!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    If I trust in the process, If I just " lean into " what comes, with the attitude that whatever comes is for me; then magical things can happen.

    Dr. Cara Barker

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited November 2013

    carolehalston, you are probably on your way to visit your niece. I hope that the trip went well and that your niece is doing well. It must help your sister to have you along.

    ritajean, is your knee feeling better today? I hope so.

    regbeach, I hear you about it all starting with the techs and radiologists. I see my RO for the first time on Dec. 3. I know nothing about him. My BS was recommended by a trusted doctor and my MO treated me for a platelet issue some years ago ... this RO may just be a random assignment or may be my BS's choice. I should have ask my BS at my last appointment.

    IllinoisLady, I enjoy your inspirational thoughts.

    Wishing everyone a peaceful day.