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Join us for a Special Meetup: The Benefits of Exercise for Anyone With Breast Cancer, Oct. 16, 2024 at 2pm ET. Learn more and register here.

Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be fulfilled.  If your happiness depends on money, you will never be happy with yourself.  Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are - when you realize that nothing is lacking  the world belongs to you.

    Lao Tzu

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Oh what a bright, beautiful day.  It is going to warm to the 50's as it did yesterday and stay there.  Maybe even a couple more days of it too..........then, down, down, down.  By next week-end it sounds as if we likely could have snow.  Will have to blow as many leaves as I areas where it will make us feel the whole yard is fairly clean.....and then we will have to let any left-overs just winter over. 

    It is nice to have a regular day again....I tend to stay in my pg's for a while and drink a little extra coffee when I don't have anything but my own work to do.  I have to work, and fortunately for me I love what I do, but I also enjoy being a little on the lazy, relaxed side when I get a chance.

    I think it has been a pretty good year so far which means I had soooo much to be thankful for and I'm sure next year ( well on the way  now ) will be just as good.  After many friends to enjoy.....good work, good family, good life. 

    I hope you all have a fantastic Sunday. 

    Peace and love


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    Pretty wore out today. Kids left yesterday morning. We going to go to church, but after I got my shower I told DH that I really did not want to drive the 20 miles back to town today. I have clean dishes in the dishwasher, dirty rinsed dishes in the sink, turkey roaster to be washed, laundry to do. Will pace myself and get some of it done.

    My Great Nephew is off his sedation now and more alert. They ran a Brain MRI yesterday, but I have not talked to my sister, so really do not know what it showed.

    Everyone have a good day

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    Cammi....I think your job sounds like the perfect job! glad that they gave you a bonus! You're certainly worth it! glad you're back home safely. There are some crazy people behind the wheels out on the highways anymore!

    It sounds like everyone had a great Thanksgiving, filled with lots of good food and family! Life is good!

    mommarch...hope the brain MRI comes out well. I feel so sorry to him.

    Well, it's fairly warm today here compared to our slightly above zero temps last week so I'm going to put out a wreath and few outside decorations. The inside of my house is a complete mess. We have taken all the wallpaper off the dining room walls and are getting them ready to paint. Then we're tearing up the tile and putting hardwood down in both the dining room and the kitchen. Right now the dining room furniture is in the A-frame so it's a good thing that I'm not hosting any holiday events this year. You can barely walk through the house. Dave's doing all the work and I'll help where I can. For some reason, he doesn't seem to work as long at one time on a project at our house as he does for clients so hopefully it will be all finished in a few weeks! :-) The price is right though and I know it will be done right!

    Well, I'm off to get things accomplished around here. I'm still hobbling a bit with my knee but it's not as bad as it was. I am trying to get by now without the ibuprofen. It seems to bother me most when I climb and come down the stairs. I suppose if it doesn't heal up in a week or so I should go see the doctor....UGH!!!

    Everyone have a great Sunday! Hi to all of you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Afternoon Ladies

    Rita u have a huge job ahead of u, I really hope u let the Dr. see it if it's not better very soon and u'r DH sounds like he has loads to do,

    Jackie. u'r worth every penyy tht u get and then some for wht u do.U are truly a giving soul. Anyone's family would be so lucky to have u, the kindness u show is priceless.

    Chevy I didn't now know about the hovering--wow what will they think up next? And today I'm in an old nitegown, I'm not working and no shower today even. OOHH I have  my Onc tomorrow morning and I can't find where I wrote the time down--see I'm so confused with all this stuff. Oh maybe it's Tues. See why working is not as simple as u think for me. I wnt the old princess phone back with the pad and paper next to it, cuz u relly didn't walk around with it and u knew where it was. Now I think I can do that, but there is no jack in this room, ?WTF? Now that everyone is walking around with a phone, try to have a conversation with someone when u'r together, either texting or the hone rings--I hate that--and I don't know why---before now I had a phone in my purse and I would charge it probably used it once a month if I wasn't home Geeze---I guess I'm so fossely I can't get used to things. Oh Miss Chevy I live in Illinois a pretty good size state--I worked at a facility not the capital--giving DL, which I only did for about 1 yr. then I moved next door to the titles and registrations and yes when it was nice I walked, but I drove when it got cold so there and I had to make decisions now if someone like u came in I would say it can't be done, but if it were Jackie I would move all of Springfield to get an OK on what she wanted--so there.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Cam...what you said, and you know Chevy will hit me up-side the head with a chicken for that.  Poor, poor chicken.  My head is really hard.  If you were still working there....I'd have to come in and ask for something. 

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Jackie hahaha But living where u live I could help u no matter where u lived in IL and I would have.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Yes Jackie.... You could go ask her "something."...... Ask her when MY appointment is in the morning..... I have to look it up.... I just have to have my annual physical, and ask her a couple things.... like WHY do I break out under my breast? I mean it itches like crazy, and comes and goes! And why my one leg is lumpy... I wear compression stockings, but I want to know it is NOT a vein, or clot thing. It goes away when I wear the stockings. I wrote these things down, so I won't forget!

    Don't you guys just hate when you are trying to visit with someone, and they have to take their phone calls like every 5 minutes? Or read their texts???? and then ANSWER them? I saw a cartoon once of everyone sitting around a table at a restaurant, and they were all on their phones! I KNOW some people have to DO it, because of the business they are in, but it just seems so rude.


    Cammi! I LOVED the Princess phones! Ha, ha!


    And they DIDN'T get lost, like our remote phones!

    I have a cell-phone, but I use it just for emergencies, or for calling Long Distance, like to Orlando... I get 150 minutes a month, for only $15. So it is worth it. I can text, but I hardly ever do that. I would rather talk.... or send email. I don't have Internet access on my cell phone either.... I am not a business women like you are little miss Cammi...

    Your appointment is Tuesday? See if you can drive your Doctor nuts.... Ha, ha! Ask him what is wrong with ME..... No.... don't. He might tell you!

    I just watched most of Magic Mike.... I watched it on my 23" computer screen.... DH was gone, so I naughtily DID it. !!! You know I never went to a Bar.... even when I was young.... Not until I was over 40! And I never saw a Male review... DANG, those guys can dance! Hooooly Mackerel! I think I would be embarrassed to see a show like that in person! And that Mathew McConahey is no slouch either!


    I could have made this smaller if I had wanted too! LoopyLoopy But I didn't.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013


    For the little Princess!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    This is what I used to do, from 1955 until 1958...


  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited December 2013

    Me too Chevy!......I work the LD board in Seattle, and as a intercept operator, I even visited the Denver office when out that way on vacation in '67....I will see if I can find my polaroid pic of the Denver office...when able...


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    OMG I loved those operators for some reason u felt like u were calling real people with real people and talked to someone. Lotsa jobs for people gone by the use of technology.

    Chevy that was my princess phone same color, it was sanity then. Chevy do I (me) hae an app't to morrow or Tuesday t the Dr. U know I'd better look now.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    I feel like I remember the princess phone, but my Dad would not let us get a phone in the way, Hosea !!!!  Then he got elected to the Village Board ( ours was then a town of 200 people ) which I think happened by some strange default --- no one else would offer to be put up for election ( I doubt he actually went along with it either ) but some one found out that he had ( and he did ) really good handwriting so they snuck his name on the ballot and before you knew it......he was on the board. 

    So, one day a truck pulled up to our house with the Secretary's desk in it.......and some men brought it into the house.  Even though my Dad wore one of those old fashioned hearing aids and DDEFINITELY could not talk on the phone.,.....the Village insisted that the Sec. must have a phone and since the Village footed the bill ( my Dad never turned anything down that was free ) in came the telephone.  It was the old fashioned black desk model.  Very office-like, but I think we may have been past Princess phones by then....not sure.

    My Dad had the job for three or four years.  When someone else was "rooked" into the job, Dad decided to put the phone in his name and let us keep it.  So, till the day my folks migrated to southern California -- we had a phone in the house.  My Dad was never able to talk on it, but to tell the truth......I think he liked things that way.  No intrusions for him from some pesky person on the other end of the line. 

    We started out sort of without amenities at our house but over the years.....we got city water put in and a regular gas stove for cooking.  Never did have indoor plumbing ( bathroom ) in the house, but we were one of the very few.  That is ok with me --- I was a bit resentful at the time, but I have memories a lot of people do not and some of them are downright you kept the door just a little ajar for light ( you will never know how dark a little outhouse can be at high noon with the door totally closed ) and then a wasp or maybe two would fly in.  Of course I always wondered how they "knew" I was in there praying with all my might to quickly finish so I could get out of there.  At that time it seemed they wanted to check out every square inch of the territory and I just dreaded that they would get to me before I could make a mad dash out of there.

    Ok.....enough of the fun stuff. 

    Peace and love


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    No, mine is tomorrow! See if you are going with me!

    Yes, Di! I was just 17 when I started, and quit when I was 8 months pregnant...Ha! And we listened in on people's conversations? Ha, ha! I hated the job at the time, but it was really a great job for beginners.... I STILL remember all of our old phone numbers, and addresses.... I think it was grilled into our heads when we were trained!

    That picture wasn't of our office.... I worked at Mountain Bell at the Phone company on 15th St. in Denver.... But our office was on the 6th floor, just one of 2 floors FULL of Long Distance Operators. I worked with much "older" women..... they were like 24! And I thought they were old! I was so stupid!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Oh Jackie.... we bumped! Our first phone number was Glendale 0573..... Then it changed over the years.... then they added a prefix. Do you guys get phone books anymore? They quit that a few years ago...

    Your Dad couldn't hear on it? I believe it.... It is STILL hard for me to hear from my left ear, even with the hearing aid.... Just too much noise, and I can't understand the words! But my right ear makes up for it, and I like to use speaker phone....

    The people that used to watch my Brother and I used to have an out-house! With Geese in the yard! That would CHASE us back and forth when we had to run out there! Ha, ha! How fun remembering all of this!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Chevy I actually found it, the last Dr I had wrote it down in my papers --It's Dec 3, at 1:PM Woot Woot.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2013

    Sounds like everyone is winding down from Thanksgiving! I am still enjoying the leftovers. My husband is not crazy about turkey and all the more for me!

    We went and visited my mother-in-law today. Sometimes that goes great and other times not so much. We were discussing insurance or hospital bills or something like that and my husband just casually mentioned that I still had a couple of surgeries to go. My breast implant needs a revision and then, hopefully, my nipple. Well, my Mother-in-law thinks it is absolutely ridiculous that I am going to have it done over. Hello! It has ripples and even my plastic surgeon doesn't like it one bit and wants to do the surgery. He says he wants me to be able to look in a mirror and not always be reminded that I had cancer. My mother-in-law said "who is going to even look at it?" Then she said it was odd at my age (64) that I should care so much about it, blah, blah, blah! Talk about making me feel like I have a huge ego or something for wanting my left breast to look a little like my right one. I am so sensitive about this and she really picked the wrong subject to give her unasked for opinion about. I should have said "you son is going to see it"! That would have shocked her! hahaha I have a friend who told me to go for any revisions I can get because she absolutely hates her implant. I have a very well respected plastic surgeon and he told me before my mastectomy that revisions are common so I am not upset about this at all. I would have thought that my mother-in-law would realize what I have been through and be supportive instead of telling me I was ridiculous to care about this. My husband, thankfully, has my back when it comes to her. She had him when she was 16 years old and was not the most loving of mothers. Anyways, it was not a fun visit but as my daughter always says "Grandma is Grandma" and that is about it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Mgster....MIL's can often be callus about something that pertains to you.  I'm sure if it were she in your shoes, she would expect you to understand perfectly why she felt as she might.   I'm presuming here she has been fortunate and not really had to deal with anything that had the capability to disfigure and/or did.   I have always thought that if something happened to one side of me.....I'd probably opt to just have a double mast. and then not have to consider anything that way.  I'm at an age where it is not highly important to me, but for some it is.  I understand that you always know that part of you is gone.....and that that comes close to restoring you should look as natural and 'real' as possible. 

    Sure glad you have a great PS who is concerned about this and is eager to make it right for you.  MIL forgets, for most people the belief is that we only go around once, so whatever it takes to make you feel "normal" and whole, you should have. 

    Wow....was listening to the Dr.'s appts. and when they were.....good thing Chevy and Cam decided to discuss it.  Turns out ( and boy was this a close call ) that I have an appt. in Carbondale tomorrow.....75 miles from here to do my mammogram.  Had you gals not talked about your appts. I definitely would have forgotten mine.  My mind was on everything but......and this office does not call you the day before.  Especially since this is a Sunday anyway.  Whew !!!! 

    So, of course, I'm starting to feel a jitter or two.  I feel that way most of the time, but think feel it more since I almost skipped out.  That is the reason my appt. is so late anyway.  Since I can only have one diagnostic mammo per year......they have to make it later so that it is exactly a yr. in order for them to get paid.  I'd never do anything in December if I could help it.  We don't do much in December.....but just to not get into an area where we might be fighting crowds or anything.

    Anyway....tomorrow will end up being a long day since going that direction almost always means a stop at Sam's Club and eating lunch out.   I don't think we will have it together well enough to  get there too I'll have to do several things in the morning ( usual feral cat feeding etc. and going to the bank )  like getting my gas tank filled.  Sigh !!!  Denny will go with me.  He loves to shop......dare I tell him.....there is very little on my list of needed items. 

    Anyway....see you all later.

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Mgster ----well u'r MIL is U'r MIL----that's such a personal thing to do--I'm kind of surprised she sid anything, but she hs to say what she thinks I guess--u know what u want and how u and u'r DH feel about it so let her rant, it's still going to get done.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited December 2013 deserve what YOU need...

    I am 66 and I am having my 2nd revision tomorrow @ 6:45am......MEDICARE threw a wrench in on Dec 1, a new medicare rule that surgery has to be in an out patient surgery center, rather than than in a doctor's surgical suite in their practice, my PS plan as to have part 2 of my cosmetic surgery which I paid for the plastic surgeon, the nurse anesthetist and the surgical suite....the plan was for my fat transfer would happen after my cosmetic and medicare would pay for the reconstruction so I would not have a deep divot and a z shape vertically on one foob & nips done at the same time....they said granted an exception for me....but I DO NOT TRUST i am not sure this f⊙⊙b part will happen tomorrowSad

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    Good luck on the mammo and tests Jackie! Enjoy your lunch out!

    Just a quick "Hi" to everyone. I'd love to write more but feel guilty since the renovation project has started downstairs and I'm upstairs getting caught up on the computer and my emails so..................I guess I'd better get down there and help out!

    Everyone have a good day!

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Morning all,

    The pink princess phone pic that Chevy posted is just like the one I use.

    Mgster, I am so sorry you had to endure that conversation with your MIL.

    Di2012, I hope your procedures take place as you and your doctors planned. You don't need insurance/Medicare worries.

    Chevy and Camillegal and others with doctor's appointments this week, I hope all goes well ... am sending good wishes.

    I have my first MO appointment today. For some reason I am very emotional/teary about it ... scared. I wanted to "get on" with my treatment, so I was caught off guard by today's emotional wake-up.

    I think I will distract myself with another cup of coffee and some "Morning Joe" (MSNBC morning TV show).

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2013

    In your pocket Sally. Is DH going with you? It helps to have an extra set of ears. There's also a list of possible questions you can take along. It's in the information part of the site.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.

    Gladys Browyn Stern 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Di.....sure hoping all went well for you.  I too hope all the insurance/Medicare issues come out with no problem. 

    Sally.....I think many of us have experienced just what you talked about....the spontaneous tears that you had no idea were going to be there and it just comes.  I think there may be a number of reasons.....normally we are the ones that hold it together for everyone else and are not actually used to being the "ill" one.  Also, we tend to be the ones to put on the brave face and voice.....we comfort everyone else.  There is much that is daunting and just a bit over-whelming with this disease.  It robs you of your security, you invulnerability and you now feel a 'different' kind of fear do to that. 

    I also think this happened not once but a few times with many of us.  Just know that it is actually sort of a normal event and I personally never minded -- well usually I didn't.  It is harder if your out somewhere, but I was home alone a couple of times and so got to make friends just a little bit with my fear and upset.  It will pass. 

    Long day in deep southern Illinois  --   Carbondale to be exact which is 75 miles south of us.  Long drive to go for a mammogram but they have all my records there and they have always done digital pictures.....which I think are a bit better.  They added something new this time.....3-D.  The tech said it would show everything.  Nothing could hide.  No difference in cost ( I don't pay anything anyway ) and just better.  I now have to wait for a couple of days until I get a letter in the mail.  She kept me  in the room chatting so apparently someone had glanced at them and I presume not found anything on them to keep me there.  So....really hoping that meant all was fine although she didn't say so. 

    It is always a long trip for us.....glad to have it over for another year. 

    Also hope you all had a fantastic day.

    Peace and love


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Jackie, I'm so glad that trip is over! That waiting is just a pain in the neck.... When I go, it is called a Diagnostic Mammogram.... once a year, meaning a Radiologist is right there, and they read the films, and tell you right then if they need more views, or if everything is okay.

    I think they should have a glass of champagne waiting for us, with the "all-clear" finish...Ha!

    Di! How did it all go? Are you alright? Did they straighten out that mess? Let us know...

    And Sally, don't worry about an Oncologist.... Some people, like me, doesn't even see one anymore.... And you have to like him/her.... See if they will talk to you, and answer your questions, or do they run off and answer phone calls, etc.... They will take your blood, and prescribe meds for your "after-care".... Sometimes you even have to holler and yell, because you don't LIKE the SE's.... But see if they will work "with" you.

    So I am oncologist-less.... meaning I don't even have one anymore. I just see my Primary Care Doc for the annual physical, blood work and the order for the Mammogram.

    My Doc was "sick" yesterday, but she saw patients anyway.... I told her to go home, and drink lots of hot tea with lemon and honey.... I forgot to mention the additional shot of bourbon! Loopy She said "Okay Doc.... see you next year!"

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Our noblest act is to practice un-conditional love, especially with ourselves.  It is the soil of our goodness.  We may feel afraid or un-worthy, we may think, 'I couldn't possibly love that part of myself'.  I assure you:  the heart is big enough.

    Karly Randolph Pitman

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Wren, DH did go with me.  Thank you for the referral to the questions.  I read them before yesterday's MO appointment and today's RO appointment.  Both doctors agreed, as did my BS, that hormonal therapy and radiation were the post surgical treatments of choice. 

    Jackie, thanks for the reassurance about by tears.

    Chevy, I like the champagne idea.   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Okay, so you know what I used to do?

    When it was really nice out, I used to set up the ironing board....(I took in ironing) I set it up out back on the Patio.... And I had this little cassette recorder, and I would play Janis Joplin ....

    As loud as I could, almost! And when she sang "Cry Baby" I would sing just as loud as she did! It was so much fun! Made ironing a whole lot easier!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Janis Joplin was my favorite! I saw her in concert on my 21st birthday way back in December 1969. I was a singer in a band then and always wished I had her talent.

    We had a record temperature of 86 today. A cold front is coming and it's supposed to be 29 on Saturday. That's Texas weather for you.

    Yesterday I finished all my Christmas cards and the last of my shopping. Today I baked all afternoon. Everything will go in the freezer and brought out later in the month. My back is killing me from standing for too many hours. Getting old is such a pain...literally. I have one more thing to make but it will have to wait. This recliner was calling my name and I intend to stay here for a few hours until bedtime.

    Tomorrow I celebrate my 65th by going to a Christmas concert and lunch with a friend. In the evening my husband and I will be going downtown to the lovely San Antonio Riverwalk for a boat ride. It's so pretty during the holidays with lights in the tall trees and carolers everywhere. We'll have dinner at a German restaurant I like. They have homemade pea soup and make their own root beer.