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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    You know, I don't care for it either! But it's better if you mix in one of those little SF drink packets in a bottle of water! Kind of disguises the taste of ..... nothing...

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Our water here in San Antonio is delicious! It's my favorite drink next to Diet Pepsi. And hot tea. And cold iced tea. And gin. Smile

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OK Sandra the gin got me, that's the way. Well everyone knows I hate water but I actually enjoy my propel so when I started drinking it seriously it was good.

    Sally it's so easy to get dehydrated at this time u think u'r drinking enough but u really have to guugle it down. Hope u feel better now.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited November 2013

    My onc is OK with alcohol so I vote for the gin. Anyway tonic water should count too.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013 are right. Tonic water is water. It all counts.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    Glad everyone is safe from those terrible tornadoes. I can't imagine hiding in the basement and hearing all that devastation going on!

    Di...good luck with the facelift. I would love to have one of those! LOL But since I can't I will just keep putting on my make-up.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    On Sunday I was admiring Nancy Pelosi's skin as I watched her on one of the Sunday talk shows. I said to my mother, "I wish I could afford her plastic surgeon." Di, I hope your PS is as skilled as Nancy's! I'm a great believer in cosmetic surgery if you can afford it.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    I did not have a drink of alcohol for a year and a half while going through treatment. It did not even appeal to me. I then started drinking some vodka, but that was not good, so now I have a few glasses of wine every evening. Probably more than I should, but OH well I am not going to be here for ever and do not want to be.

    My Great Nephew had his first surgery this evening. They were putting in a new Trach Line. They were afraid of infection with the Emergency Line. Then they plan on starting to wake him up. He will have to have surgery on the femour in his left leg also. Not sure what else. I talked to my neice last night, she is a very strong person. She has had a child with mental chalenges for all these years.

    The moon is beautiful in the Davis Mountains tonight. Going out tomorrow to help DH gather yucca cactus stalks. Stayed home today to do some things around the house.

    Hope everyone is having a good night.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Mommarch...... whatever it takes! I know..... Vodka does not taste good plain.... neither does whiskey, or bourbon, (my Dad liked it though) or even BEER! Ha, ha! I worked for Coors for over 18 years, and loved the people, but not the beer. Loopy

    You have to mix the Vodka with OJ or Cranberry juice.... then it is acceptable. And if you have a little Amaretto, that helps too!

    So den yu kin dwink it all down....... and tings won't bodder U as muchhhhh.

    I used to quit smoking when I had Bronchitis.... but when I could BREATHE again, I would start smoking! Finally, when my lungs were screaming "for a little help here" I quit for good.... in 1964..... I couldn't really afford that 30 cents a day habit! Not to mention

    it was killing me.

    Sorry about your Nephew.... Wow.... but at least he is young, and will heal a lot faster, than some of us would....

    How are you doing Di? Yes Carole..... Maybe if I can get one of those exercise rubber band things, and tie it under my chin, around my neck, and fasten it in back of my head, that would help?

    I already wear compression stockings, for the Edema I get in one leg, and hearing aids only so I can HEAR, and let's see...... I guess that's all. Oh! Yes, my upper teeth. Actually they look better than my own teeth ever did.... So they stay there.... don't go without them, only to brush.... Ha, ha!

    See how I "bolded" you guys? So you and I can see it better? ThumbsUp

    Okay gals.... Jackie, Cammi, Mgster, Rita and all the rest of you on the last page..... have a good .... what IS this, Wednesday?

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited November 2013

    Good morning! It's BF's birthday today, so had to get up early and send him one of those e cards that he loves. He'll have it when he wakes up. He wants to wait until he gets to Florida to celebrate at a steakhouse that is his favorite. Last night we went out with friends to a nice restaurant in downtown Greenville. I had shrimp and grits which was delicious.

    The football game was awesome....I couldn't see the plays but all the pomp and circumstance was wonderful and exciting. USC won and that's all that matters in the end. My gator friends were not happy at all...very silent on my facebook page.

    Chevy: After hearing about my friends allergy to those gel nails, have you considered your problem might have originated from using that polish? I have to admit Carole that it was great while it lasted but I'm just going to be satisfied with my regular old nails from now on...not worth the problems of trying to get them back in shape again. I know what you mean about the gloves...I just messed mine up again while moving and cleaning...too much trouble to don the gloves. I just cut them down and start over.

    Mommarch: Praying that your nephew gets through his surgery and begins to heal.

    I'm off to the eye doctor it too much to hope that I won't have to have an injection for the fourth month in a row? I know when I get back to Florida that doc down there will want to give me one every month. His philosophy is different from the doc up in NC who feels that as long as the eye is stable, no injections. They sound worse than they actually are, but's an injection!

    Have to go finish my packing...headed to the beach tomorrow and then back to Florida next Monday. Why oh why do I have to drag so much stuff back and forth! I won't wear half of it, but I do need my stuff for skiing in February.

    Take care soon!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    I'm a little nervous about a "filler" appointment with my dermatologist today. I've never done this before. The wrinkles around my mouth have become much worse the last couple of years. Actually since I started taking Arimidex. So I'm going to have injections of a filler. I hope I don't end up black and blue or puffy looking.

    Happy Wednesday to all.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning, we are getting ready to go out to the desert and harvest broom handles.

    My Nephew's surgery went well, they are going to do the surgery on his legs today and then will start waking him up. Thanks for all your prayers

    Carole, good luck.

    Catch you later

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning again! No Kaara..... I was having trouble with my fingers even before I tried the gel-nails.... but I know that didn't "help." I don't know if it was exactly an "allergy" to the nails.... just damaged them.... made them susceptible to fungus I think...

    It's like when you are looking for a "cause" you tend to think of EVERYthing.... but with all my allergies, anything I do, makes it worse, anyway.

    I'm pretty sure it was the MBT that started it in the first place. It is in the "hot spot" spray I use on our dog.... And also in flea products, which I didn't use. Rubber gloves have the same chemical, to "vulcanize" the rubber....

    So I can wear vinyl gloves.... never rubber, and that's what I use when I groom Lacee...

    Carole, our friend gets those regular injections in her face.... she is still young.... like 55, but she just does not like the wrinkles she is getting..... Also the rather large brown spot on her face, so somehow, she said, they can "fade" ??? that. She doesn't get puffy, or bruised.... but I can't even tell when she gets them. It's kind of hush-hush..... don't know if her DH even knows she gets them....

    I think some women are just really protective of their "age" and any work we have done....Ha!

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited November 2013

    Mommarch, so glad to hear things went well with your nephew's surgery. He has a long road ahead.

    Chevy, I battled nail fungus for years. Used Lamasil twice. It made them better, but the big toe nails take years to grow out , and are soooo thick! My thumbs still have a tiny bit, which seems to be growing out too. I didn't ever have my nails done, usually didn't wear polish of any kind. Still don't. I did find a nail buffing sponge at Ulta, which makes them look like they are polished.

    Arimidex makes your wrinkles worse. I've done pretty well in the wrinkle category.I'll be 71 Sat, a few deep ones in the corners of my mouth. The skin over my eyes sagging is the one that annoys me! The arthritis is the worst for me. Some days everything hurts! Told my onc, didn't know if the Arimidex was worth it.

    Had my hair cut this morning, now need to do the color this week! Was 18 here when we got up, in the 30's now. Brrrrr. The sun is out though. Have a good day everyone, stay warm!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Bonnets.... Have you tried White Vinegar for your nails? It really helped mine.... Yes, my toe-nails are thick also.... just my big toes.... but I had my toes frozen one time when we were little, and they never grew back right.... So I just file them from the top! Loopy

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013

    Hi all,

    I got the cutest catalogue in the mail today from The Vermont Country Store. As I was looking through it, I kept seeing things I wanted to tell you all about. So many things to remind me of days gone by. They have the 1935 Monopoly game with wooden houses and all the original metal playing pieces, the original 1956 version of Yahtzee, Tinkertoys, a little metal loom to make pot holders on, bubble lights and metal spiral tinsel for the tree, old brands of cologne for men like Jade East and for women like Wind Song, White Shoulders, and Evening in Paris, Tangee lipstick, Max Factor Pan Stik foundation, the cake mascara we used to use with water and a little stiff brush, soap-on-a-rope, Camay, Lifebuoy and Cashmere Bouquet soaps and Fuller brushes, (OK, take a breath now before I go on.) Round cake pans with the attached piece that swiveled around under the cake to loosen it, B&M brown bread in a can, stove top percolators, Postum, floursack towels, and Jubilee Kitchen Wax. Then there were all kinds of old fashioned candies - many kinds of licorice, horehound drops, coconut bonbons, the original Bonomo Turkish Taffy, Merrimints, and handcut ribbon candy. Did that bring back memories for you?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Sandra! Yes, I have seen that catalogue also! I have ordered a few things over the years from there...

    Do you remember those Horhound drops? I just remember my Grandma used to have them, and I thought for sure they were the WORST thing I ever tasted...Ha!

    That, and the Sen-Sen! Yes, instant Postum! That was sooooo good!

    And Evening in Paris! Wow..... I felt so grown-up when I used some of Mom's cologne! Her favorite "expensive" perfume was Shalimar! Brings back so many memories, because I have some of my own.

    You know the other catalogue I just LOVE is Victorian Trading Co. ...... The things are so beautiful that they show.... You can probably type that in and see what they have on-line....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    My songs will pass and be forgotten. What counts, however is that I sang them.

    Father Andrew Greeley

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    So late today. Had my couple hours of early morning work and then off to feed the feral cats and then from there the long drive to the Marion V.A. Dh had his check-up for his hernia repair surgery. Had to have the staples out too. It all went fine and he looks good.....despite thinking a couple of times that he was in deep do-do. Men....they get a little dramatic now and then. He will be ok with things now, but still needs to be super cautious yet.

    Sandy....I've gotten the Vermont Country Store catalog for many years now. Is about the only place you can find some of the older brands and products. It is fun to wander the pages and get a bit nostalgic. I love seeing one come. Been meaning one of these days to try some of the jams and jellies.....guess I'm sort of oral in some ways. I love tasty toppings for my toast.

    One of the oldies too was Beechnut gum. I recall most of the stuff......haven't seen them lately ( maybe they can't find them anymore ) but they were advertising spoolies for a long time. I use to have some and could roll my hair so fast on them. They didn't feel too great laying and sleeping.....but I was young and you know we were so super then.....we could do spoolies, and go out with nearly nothing on in the dead of winter because you had to look great. Sigh !!!! It is a relief to be my age and not give much of a toot about anything.

    Carole....Arimidex sort of turned my skin -- especially around my hands and arms to something that looks way older than a lot of me, but I don't really know what to do about it so I just sort of pretend nothing has changed. I haven't noticed much of anything around my face......hope, hope, hope, that maybe it missed that part of my anatomy.

    I bet you will look super. Good for you.

    Hope you all had a good day. Got to skip yard cleaning today with the trip to Marion......back at it as soon as I can though.

    Peace and love


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited November 2013

    I remember Evening in Paris cologne.

    The "filler" apptment went well. So far no bruising and I have lips! My mother and my father had thin lips so I didn't have much of a chance at getting nice lips. DH came in and inspected me and said something positive.

    My mother's electric wheelchair is terminal so I'm shopping Craigslist for an affordable replacement. She has a newer chair but it's too broad for her to pass through the door of the bathroom with the shower. The door is too narrow but making it wider isn't a viable possibility so we have to find another chair narrow enough to go through the door.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Carole....the lady I use to work for had what was called a transport chair. I think they bought it at Byrd Watson's drug store which has a big medical supply company attached. Don't know what they paid....I think around $200.00. If there is one around could at least maybe get measurements and get an idea of what to look for if you do something like look on Craig's List.

    The transport chairs do not have the extra wheel that the patient can use to roll themselves around with, which if one of the reasons why they are smaller.


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited November 2013


    LOL...spoolies! I had forgotten all about them. Beechnut gum...wasn't that the one in the green wrapper? I used to watch Dick Clark's Saturday evening show which was sponsored by Beechnut, as I recall. My girlfriends and I saved those green wrappers and folded them into a LONG ropes. People in the audience did too.

    Some things I remember from about 1954 or 55. We had skates that hooked onto our shoes and you had to have a skate key. We drank Fizzies...I remember especially liking the Root Beer flavor. I had Pop Beads and a hula hoop. We watched Captain Kangaroo, a new show on t.v. (Bunny Rabbit, Mr. Greenjeans, Grandfather Clock, the cartoon Tom Terriffic, his dog, Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog, and his foe Crabby Appleton.) It's so much fun to remember.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2013

    My mother (age 94) has always gotten the Vermont Country Store catalog and I love looking through it. She has ordered things for us over the years. I remember my friend and I buying Sen-Sen at the small pharmacy near us and the owner trying to talk us out of it. He said we would hate it. But we had to have it and it was HORRIBLE! My Grandmother loved her Postum! Thinking of that little pharmacy we went to...every few weeks when I had save up enough nickles I would buy a root beer popsicle and the newest Archie comic book. Or, my VERY favorite comic book "Katie Keene" (the fashion queen)! I was a paper doll fanatic!

    Looking forward to tomorrow. I am going to the church where I taught preschool for 23 years (just retired last May). I am not subbing in the class this time, but filling Thanksgiving food baskets for the needy members of our community. For years I watched people do this but it was always while class was going I get to hang with a great group of people (most seniors) and do something that helps others.

    I have never tried gel nails. I do enjoy wearing nail polish and I love the new colors. This summer I wore a great shade of blue and now I am wearing Revlon's "Mystic Green" which I love. I think it is one of those hologram shades. Got to have some style once in a while! LOL

    Wonder how Di's facelift went?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited November 2013

    I'm going to have to look at that catalog. I've thought that cake mascara with the little brush might be just the thing to use to fill in my eyebrows. Have you seen the catalog that caters to the Amish? They have all sorts of things that don't require electricity. Interesting to look through although everything would be a lot more work.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013


    You mean like this Wren? These were all so good! And I used to chew a stick, then save it beside the bread-box for later. And we LOVED Fleers Double Bubble Gum. It just doesn't taste the same anymore... I've TRIED it...Loopy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Di posted on another thread..... She said she is doing alright.... !Happy

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning All,

    Kaara, did you get to skip the injection?

    Carole, how is the wheelchair search going?

    mommarch, I am thinking of your nephew and your whole family.

    Sandra, I loved my grandmother's chili which was more of a soup and not spicy. She served the B and M brown bread with it. Ahhh ... a delicious memory. My skates that hooked on my shoes always seemed to fall off. It's fun thinking of these old memories. I haven't thought of the skating street in many years. This morning I am picturing it perfectly.

    Chevyboy, I still wear Shalimar.

    IllinoisLady, Andrew Greeley is one of my favorite authors. He brought back Chicago memories for me.

    Mgster, I bet your students loved your colorful nail polish especially if you wore the "modern colors." One year my sixth grade girls critiqued my clothes almost daily ... in a warm, kind, cute way.

    I got my surgery biopsy yesterday. I will be meeting with my RO and MO to decide on treatment. The surgeon thinks it will be radiation and hormone therapy. The MO will be the same doc I saw for a platelet issue 5 years ago. I really like him.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited November 2013

    Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of all the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourself a difficult task but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost.

    Helen Keller

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited November 2013

    I was in a Tom Thumb grocery on Monday which is now owned by Safeway. Now I will qualify that this is a very upscale neighborhood so might account for this. BUT they did have the canned B&M Brown Bread. It has been a long time since I have seen it too. Might try a Safeways.

    Sally - your treatment plan sounds just like mine.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited November 2013

    It is gloomy, damp, and cold out here today but I am still counting my blessings. There are so many around us that have no homes after the tornado went through on Sunday. The town of Washington was almost completely destroyed and it hit about 5 miles northwest of my house, taking off roofs and completely twisting the large interstate highway signs. We had the heavy wind but the worst it did here was knock down some limbs which I need to get out and haul out of the yard. Very, very scary stuff. We had lots of Dave's sister's clothes left and we donated lots of them to the victims in the area. I can't imagine how terrible that would be.

    Carole, I messed up my fingernails with the gel polish, too. I just kept going and having the old polish taken off and more gel put on. Then a couple of mine chipped over a weekend and I went and got the acetone to take off all the rest of the polish and found that my nails were so soft that they just tore. I am currently using clear "hard as nails" on them to get them back to a decent length. I hope they regain some of their former strength in time. That gel polish just made them look so nice!

    O.K Carole, how painful was the filler injections? I really need to work on my wrinkles which have really appeared during and after the arimidex but I am such a wimp.

    Jackie, I hope that DH is doing better. Men seem to have little pain tolerance!

    Oh, I had forgotten all about that wonderful ribbon candy that I always loved! It was indeed the simple things that were so wonderful when we were growing up.

    Speaking of great beverages....if any of you have a Trader Joe's near you, try their peppermint candy cane green tea. You can only buy it during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season so I always stock up on it. It is fantastic!!!!

    Seven years ago today I was diagnosed with bc. I can still remember every detail of that doctor's visit and the look on his face when he told me I had cancer. It was a roller-coaster ride for a long time after that but I made as (as well as all of you). It took two surgeries, chemo and radiation but I did find that there was good life left after all the treatments. The experience sure puts a different outlook on life, doesn't it. Hugs to ALL of you!

    Hi to chevy, mommarch, cammi, bonnets, joan, kaara, sandra and everyone else I haven't mentioned in this post. If I go back a page to reread or refresh my memory, I'll lose this post. Be assured that all of you are so special!