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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Wow Sandra that sounds terrible, all I have is a port, still do and it's great for everything. I didn't know about those PICC, never heard of them/ Wish u all the best and as soon as u can and feel like it please get right back here. And u'r Birthday sounded like so much fun.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, don't know if you'll be back on, but I'm with Cammie....seems like you have gone through so much and so much of it surgical.  I hope it goes smoothly and you just keep on consistently moving up and away to much better times.


    after this surgery and hoping you are doing really, really well before you know it.

    Peace and love


  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, hugs and good wishes. You will be in my thoughts. Your birthday adventures sound wonderful ... friendship, love, music, art, and good food!

    Chevy, I hope your uti goes bye-bye quickly.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited December 2013

    Sandra: We'll be thinking of you.

    Back to the singers for a minute - I loved Johnny Mathis until I saw him in person. He moves his mouth in a really funny way. At my 2nd Beach Boys concert I promised myself I wouldn't yell since I was with an older man (25 to my 20), but I still jumped up & screamed when they played Help Me Rhonda. And I have the the distinct honor of being kissed on the cheek by Smoky Robinson in the late 80s. He really does have green eyes (or maybe contacts & I'm naive). Of course this was long after Smoky & the Miracles, but still... And who remembers the Kingston Trio before there was ever a Peter, Paul & Mary?

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    I have been on tamoxifen for 18 months. It has caused depression, which I have never had, and my muscles hurt. My Family Dr. put me on Cymbalta and it has really helped. I take the Cymbalta and Tamoxifen now in the evening after dinner. I was on the Cymbalta for about 6 months but it upset my stomach so bad I had to get off of it. Taking it at dinner has helped.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, sending you good thoughts.

    DD saw ONC today and the protocol now is a full hyst. on Jan. 10th and then radiation 8 weeks after. DH and I will go down prior to surgery and stay as long as they need us. Will be there to help get DG to school, cooking and house hold chores. Jan. and Feb. here is a slow month, every thing picks up at spring break in March. We will take our dog with us, guess we will have a neighbor check on the cat.

    We are to have Ice again tonight and tomorrow, hope the electric stays on this time.

    Carole, so sorry to hear about your neice. It is a hard situation.

    My Great Nephew is now in the rehab center in the hospital, he was in ICU for 3 weeks. He is a very fortunate young man. He has a long road to go.

    I was in an auto accident when my first born was 6 weeks old. I had a broken arm, cuts, etc. and broken pelvis, it was seperated and bruised my bladder. The Dr. told DH that I would probably not walk again. I was on my back for 5 weeks with a traction bar to move myself around. Then they let me get up and sit in a chair. Dr. came in and said if he knew what he did after they did another X ray that I would not be sitting in that chair. Not only was one side completly seperated but the other side was fractured. I told him I was not moving. The pain during those 5 weeks was awful. DH Mom took the two girls and my parents took the 3 boys, it was a total of 6 months before we were able to bring the kids home. I came home in a wheel chair and crutches. I was a very fortunate person also.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    I remember The Kingston Trio ... and Glen Yarborough and The Limelighters.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    Thinking about Sandra and sending her healing thoughts.

    Mommarch, you have been through a lot. No wonder you're such a strong woman.

    The news about my niece is totally disheartening. The last week in the detox hospital she was taking some kind of drug she got from a man who was admitted for the short-term treatment. It looks as though she has abandoned her children as did an aunt on her father's side. This aunt had 4 children and didn't raise any of them. She died young of an overdose. My niece knows this history and says she is following in her aunt's footsteps. Such a sad situation for my niece's 3 children. And for my sister, mother of my niece.

    It is foggy and warm here this morning. A front is coming through that will lower our temp. significantly. See-saw weather.

    I have no Christmas spirit. Seems like Christmas has come too quickly. If we don't host the family dinner, I probably won't put up the tree I bought last year.

    Sorry to be such a downer this morning.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited December 2013

    Carol, hugs and prayers for you, your sister and your niece's three children that you all have the strength to carry on. Your niece sounds determined to harm herself, and until she wants to get better and does not want to follow in her aunt's footsteps your family will suffer watching her self destruct. Mental illness and addictions take their toll on more than just the person who is going consumed by them. It's a shame that she doesn't see what she is putting the rest of family through. My heart goes out to you all.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Carole, I wish I had healing words for you. Your extended family is in my thoughts. How are the children doing? I am thinking that the Christmas season may make their mother's situation even harder for them.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    I'm sorry Carole..... It is all of her family that suffers, along with you guys.... Addiction is worse, or as bad as cancer! Sometimes we can take the right steps to stop it in it's tracks, and sometimes it just takes over.

    My next door neighbor..... Tracey , was raising her little Grand-daughter, also little Tracey, because her Daughter, was caught selling drugs, and in and out of jail. Little Tracey's Dad was in Prison. So Tracie took such good care of her! I met them when the little one was 3.... and for 3 years, she was like my little angel neighbor! She would come over, with her hair all washed and smelling clean, and I would let her play "her" games on my computer! We gave her popsikles, and cookies and candy in a bag to take home....

    She helped me work in my gardens, pulling weeds, and picking little tomatoes for her to take home. We loved her...

    Big Tracey's Son .... accidental over-dose..... And I knew Tracey was also using drugs, just because of how she acted.... but Little Tracey was all I cared about.

    She never got over losing her Son..... so SHE got worse.... House in foreclosure.... blah blah.

    One day I was having lunch with a girl-friend, and DH called me and said "Tracey just killed herself."..... Took little Tracey over to HER Mother's... The great grandmother, and their dog, and she went to a Motel, and just ended it all. I was just heart-broken! I didn't know what would happen to Little Tracey and her little Brother, Walker! I saw them ONCE, a week later, and just hugged her, and told her I would always be here for her.... The Aunt had them, but I don't ever know what happened.... This was 5 years ago.... I tried a phone number, but it had been disconnected.

    I just think, every Halloweeen, that someone will bring her over so I can see her again....

    Suicide, and accidental overdoses are just so damn selfish. The families are left to pick up the pieces.....

    Carole, I just thought that she HAD to be on drugs or alcohol when she WENT to the sober house! She wouldn't have done this without them. She would not have been in any accident.... Did she even have a license?

    Maybe being in jail will straighten her out? Did they keep her for awhile? She HAS to hit some rock-bottom.... Something to jolt her back to reality and her family. It's a wonder she didn't get hurt, or hurt someone else. I'm sorry for your Daughter, and her Husband.... mostly for the kids. How do you protect them from someone that does not want them? It's just so heart-breaking..... ((((( Carole))))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Mommarch u've had a lot of bad times, but right now I'm so glad u'r going to be with u'r DD and her family during all this time for her--It's going to relieve u'r mind too to be there. Oh good u'r taking u'r furbaby, and as long as someone takes care of u cat no worries cuz they are much more independent.

    Carole I'm sure this time of year is hard for u'r family--such a tragic situation for u'r sister and you and especially for the kids, Oh just thinking about it gives me shivers cuz of the kids mostly.Does u'r sister ever come over with the kids> or do u go there.

    BTW Miss Chevy I said I would be nice to u cuz u have an infection--and u r on Anti-b's I for got I'm on them too so it works both ways, cept I have no idea why I'm on them, something to do with my colon.???

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    OHHH I still sing the Beach Boys songs--so happy sounding, and of course Peter, Paul and Mary and the Kingston Trio. I think it was Paul who invented that crazy sound a guitar makes or something musical, I kind of remember that. There is a name for it and it's not Paulsthing.


    Chevy we bumped each other---what a sad story. So many lives destroyed.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    "We cannot tell what may happen to us in the strange medley of life. But we can decide what happens in us —how we can take it, what we do with it —and that is what really counts in the end." —Joseph Fort Newton

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Good morning everyone on this very cold and also snowy morning.  Yikes.  More on that later.

    momarch -- as Carole says you have been through so very, very much it seems.  I do think that often it helps us prepare for the harsh trials that come.  You do seem to manage well.  I can almost "feel" what you feel with your DD needing you and you don't even think of NOT going when you just work out the details without question.  Moms just sacrifice anything -- usually.

    Carole....good for you acknowledging that life is causing some depression and negative feelings.  That is the beginning of getting out of them.  You, like mommarch have weathered so many, many storms with your family situation and sooner or later it will find  a tiny little un-protected spot and get to us.  Not only your own pain, but as Chevy said.....experiencing every one else's too.  You also had the recent stress during your vacation with your I don't find it so surprising that you are feeling the pinch.  Just wish I could come hold you up for just a bit. 

    Otherwise.....we are pretty much snowed in here.  Dh had to take a big push broom and sweep five inches of snow off my car ( we have 7 right now and more is coming ) and pour warm water on the door handles to un-freeze them enough to open them.  I actually enjoy winter weather to a degree but it is not at all fun when you go from 60 degrees one day to 29 the next, with rain turning into sleet and ice.....and then all that snow on top.  I like my winter a little slower and gentler, please.  Oh well, we get what we get and you don' t  get a choice.  I likely won't get out to do the feral cats today, but will make it tomorrow.  Most days I would go out, but Dh is using my car right now as he is not sure his 4 - wheel drive is working and it would be very, very iffy right now to go anywhere if you don't know. 

    Anyway....hope you all will stay warm and well and know that I am thinking of you and hoping that life will not give you too much grief.

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Oh Jackie! You got our storm! I'm sorry! Just don't slip and fall! And don't go out unless you have to!

    You , Sandra, was it you, talking about how funny Johnny Mathis moved his mouth? Yes, and so did Johnny Ray!

    I loved anything by Ray Charles.....! And my Brother was his Drummer, in later years! His name is Kenny Malone, a back-up Drummer ever since he got out of the Navy! He played drums, ever since he was 3! Bobby Goldsboro took him around Nashville, when he and his family drove there with a wife and 4 little kids in a Corvair! He first recorded with Eddy Arnold.... and Dobie Gray.

    Do any of you remember Opryland? That show hosted by , oh I forgot his name! He would have guests on his talk show.... so every morning I got to watch my little Brother play with the band on his show.... Oh wait.... Ralph Emery! My brain is a little froze today!

    Cammi! Of COURSE you are on Aunti B's! Because you need them! I only have to take one for 8 more days, to cure whatever it is that I didn't have a clue that I had an infection, ANYwhere!

    And yes Cam.... I just saw a show about Les Paul and Mary Ford, and how that "sound" was attributed to him! Didn't you love the Righteous Brothers? But my favorite is still Whitney.... and "I will always love you...." Brings back soooooooooo many memories! WAIT!!! You mean Peter, Paul and Mary? Oh Wow.... I completely mis-understood you.... nothing new...ha! My fault.... I'll try and .... No wait.... it was the Les Paul Guitar that is worth so much money! I saw that on Pickers or somewhere!

    Now I have to look up what we are talking about, that I don't know what I am saying....Snooze

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Chevy u;'r right Les Paul and Mary Ford he did the sound thing--oops I got them mixed up too. OK my fault.

    And u never told us about u'r brother u stinker--how exciting for him and u. And I remember all those people, u'r brother got to meet a lot of peeps. Wow.

    OK I'll still be nice to u.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2013

    Carole, Big hugs. Is your sister prepared to take the kids and raise them? It doesn't sound like their mother will be able to. It's harder for the family than for the addict. I wondered if she might be using when you said she'd gotten into 2 accidents. Perhaps the legal system will take action.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    mommarch..I'm so glad that you're going to be able to go out before your daughter's surgery. You will be such a help to your GD and your daughter and you will feel much better about being there with them. Being able to help will make you feel better, too and give you a bit of a sense of having a little control over the situation. Hugs to you and your daughter. sorry to hear about your niece. What a strain this is on your family! I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. It is so hard to understand how she can just ignore her children but drugs seme to rule their lives. Hopefully something will cause her to realize that she's hit "rock bottom" and that it's time to start moving upward. It is certainly understandable that you're a "bit down" right now. You've had so much stress lately. Hang in there!

    Jackie, we stayed just north of the snow line this time so we just got the bitter cold and some fllurries that didn't amount to anything. It's unusual that you are the ones that are "digging out" today. We can't blame Chevy for this snow, though. She said she tried to keep the cold and bad weather in her area! Now that's a true friend!

    Cammi...did the storm miss you, too this time?

    Sandra, I am thinking good thoughts about you today and hoping that all goes well. Please let us know how you're doing as soon as you're able! Hugs!

    Well, I am not really in the Christmas spirit yet either, but I'm heading downstairs to wrap a few more presents. I can only wrap about 10 and then back tightens up from bending over the table. If I try to wrap on the floor, it's not a pretty sight when I try to get back up off the floor! :-)

    Wishing you all a good weekend!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Cammi.... This is My little Brother...

    This is Blue Grass music.... Darrel Scott has written songs for a lot of groups.... Like the Dixie Chicks...

    Man, I remember how much fun my Brother and I used to make of Blue Grass Music, or ANYthing western! He would set up his Drum Set out in our front yard, and we would turn up our phonograph player so he could drive the neighbors nuts! Except they loved it! He was in the Denver Junior Police Band for years... Had his own group..... Then he joined the Navy when he was 17, and taught Drums and Percussion at the Naval Academy....

    And me? I took Dancing...ha!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Two of my favorite videos with Ray Charles.... My Brother was not on these sessions...

    This one is with Willie....

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited December 2013

    Chevy: WOW - your brother is amazing. Thanks for sharing.

    Carole, Mommarch, Sandra - thoughts & prayers.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    I fixed DH favorite meal tonight, home made chicken and noodles. I did not get enough flour in the noodle dough and it was sticky when I cut them. Oh well it was OK. We lucked out and did not get hardly any ice. We are socked in tonight with fog.

    Carole, I really feel for your neice's children. My DH first wife ran off and left the 4 children. DH was out of town working, oldest son was 4 and he was in the hospital, the oldest two girls were in school and she had took the then year old to the baby sitter. The hospital could not get a hold of anyone to pick up the son at the hospital and then they finally got a hold of DH Mom. DX had sent a cab to school to pick up the two girls and take them to the baby sitters. It was a sad situation. She left in the fall of 1968. DH and I met in Feb. 1969 through a friend of mine it was a blind date. We were married on Nov. 28th 1969. After we were married she decided to send Christmas presents to them. We took the presents and marked them from Santa Clause. How dare she. It was a roller coaster for several years, but she knew she did not want to mess with me. DH youngest son from the first marriage actually was not his and he knew it but signed the birth certificate and we took care of him. He is the one who died Feb. 16, 2012 from a heart attack. He was two when we were married. When he died she threw a big fit and told DH he did not have any right taking care of anything because he was not his. Minister said BS you raised him and you are on the birth certificate. Well anyway enough of my soap box

    Carole I know what you all are going through and you will be in my thoughts and prayers.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Compassion is the basis of all truthful relationship:  it means being present with love--for ourselves and for all life, including animals, fish, birds, and trees.  Compassion is bringing our deepest truth into our actions, no matter how much the world seems to resist, because that is ultimately what we have to give this world and one another.

    Ram Dass

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    mommarch that is a sad story.  I feel like only a truly selfish person could years and years later make statements like the run-away  mother.  I wish I could feel it was from remorse for her behavior but probably more the jealousy of understanding that someone else did the honorable thing for her son --  something she can never repair is the dishonor she did to those children.  Sad for her, but not for you and your Dh.  Obviously she feels it and can't shake off the emptiness that comes. 

    I hope today ( there is I think going to be sunshine ) feels a bit better.  Will still be cold and I will dig out a place the ferals to eat.  I didn't get out yesterday for them.  Just too awful around here.....but can't let it go.  I'll do my usual of putting the snow shovel in the car.......someday.

    Hope you will all have a great Saturday....I'm here early but will be checking in later.

    Peace and love,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    What is "Sun".... I mean where is it? Heard we might see some by maybe Wednesday. The Sun is THERE I know, but it isn't helping warm up anything.

    Mommarch..... I'm so sorry.... I don't know how women can just leave their children!

    I remember my Dad telling me that when he and his little Sister were 5 & 6.... their Mother took off and left! Left the 2 kids with Grandpa... (their Dad.) So he brought them both to Denver.... Met my Step-grandma, and she raised them both with him, and she was only 21. I remember them talking about she used to go ask the neighbors for their old clothes so she could make them shirts and dresses for school...

    Then their "real" mother cam back in the picture when Dad was about 40! ALL THOSE YEARS! And of course the "kids" accepted her back in their lives. Grandma was ready to kill her! And it really hurt her, that the kids she had raised would have anything to DO with her....

    She finally went back to Chicago, or wherever she came from, and vanished again. Worthless.... People just don't have the brains God gave them.

    Guess it worked out okay, because I'm here....Ha! And I loved my little German Step -Grandma....

    Mommarch, your Husband is a Saint......

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    'Not only is Mommarch's dh a saint, but Mommarch qualifies for saint status, too. I wish Logan and Nova's dad could meet a good woman who would help him raise the kids. But he has his problems, too. I wouldn't call him highly eligible.

    I had a busy afternoon yesterday trying to find a jacket that would fit 8 yr. old Nova who is a large child. I had found a cute jacket size 14-16 at Belk's. It was a London Fog, 60 per cent off. Which made it affordable. She loved it but it would barely zip. That's the largest girl's size. So I made the rounds of stores and bought 2 jackets women's small and 2 that were women's medium. The women's medium worked but the sleeves are too long. At least she has a jacket. We don't have a lot of cold weather but when a cold front comes through, she does need one.

    A front came through yesterday afternoon and last night. The high today is supposed to be high 40's. Sleeping last night was wonderful. We had a window open in the bedroom. This morning dh has the fireplace going.

    My plans today are to do some chores around the house. This afternoon we're going to see The Butler at the movies and then go out to eat. Another couple is picking us up. They'll be moving in January for a job change for the man. We'll miss them.

    Happy Saturday to all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Carole, YOU are also a Saint! I used to make my Daughter's clothes.... How about Goodwill? I like the one near us, or any other "near-new" shop. Sometimes the stores donate their stuff to them, and it is new! DD gets her work blouses there....

    Man, if I slept with our windows open, I would be a popsickle in the morning! The high is supposed to be 14 today.... So I must put my shorts on...Loopy

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Carole, hugs for being a super caring aunt. Your jacket search took persistence. Your niece must have trouble finding cute clothes ... my heart goes out to her as clothes are so important to school kids. I hope you enjoy the "Saturday night date." Going out on Saturday night still holds a special feel for me.

    Chevy, 14 yikes!!!