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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Carole and Mommarch such sad stories and for the kids really. Bless them.

    Hey it's in the single digits today, as the weatherman put it. Whatever it is cold

    I've already been on the phones working and it seems no one is answering my emails--Men---

    I'm going to rest now. I'm already tired and hurt like hell so of course I took a pain med, maybe take more in a while I'll see.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    Carole..let us know how you like The Butler! Also, how nice of you to take your niece shopping for a coat. You are a good, caring Aunt and she will need you and your stability. Hugs to you.

    It's cold here, too cammi. The sun is out but it's verey deceiving as it's pretty windy. I went out and bought some gift cards for Christmas gifts and couldn't wait to get back into the warm house. We are going out tonight to a friend's house to play cards. I imagine we will play Canasta.

    How much snow did you end up getting, Jackie?

    Well, I'm back to working around here. Dave went deer hunting so there's no work on the living room and kitchen today. I picked out a golden paint for the walls and hated it when it was done. It looked like baby pooh and I just hated to tell him that I wanted to change it. Finally I got up enough nerve...only to find out that he hated it too, so we are repainting it tomorrow a light brown with a slight greenish cast.

    Hugs to all of you! Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    We got about 10 or 11 inches of snow ----drifts a bit higher.  More than I wanted for sure.  My arms are so tired......between the two feral areas.......I must have shoveled 3/4ths. or a bit more of a block to clear out a path that we both could walk ( me and the cats ) and a spot where I could put their food down.  Yikes.....I think I need Ben Gay. funny about the paint.  You might know, huh, that Dave would be as disappointed as you with the paint but I would have felt just as much reluctance to bring it up as you did.  Glad your are going to fix it and I just bet you will both be thrilled with it for sure this time.

    Going to work tonight.  I don't mind but noticed when we were out doing the cats that apparently the city is short on supplies for salt.  The really treacherous places......up on the over-pass and down below got lots.....but seemed most other places would have a block where the ice and snow was melting and then a block or more would not have any moisture except right at the intersection.  They forgot our road.....maybe on purpose....who knows.  Denny is going to call and tell them what he thinks on Monday.  Good thing. 

    Anyway.....see you all later.

    Peace and love


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    We got up to a winter wonderland this morning. We have been socked in by fog since yesterday afternoon and it has froze the trees, they look like they have been flocked. Tomorrow it is supposed to get into the 50's.

    Thanks everyone but we are not saints, just decent caring people.

    Hope all have a good day, stay warm and safe

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2013

    Evening ladies: We've had beautiful weather here in S. Florida in comparison to the rest of the country. Makes me feel blessed to be here.

    Mommarch: Glad there is a treatment plan in place for your DD and good to hear that your nephew is slowly improving. He is indeed fortunate.

    Carole: It sounds as though your niece is like my sister was....hopelessly addicted to drugs and destined to have a short life. The only blessing with my sister was that she didn't have any children. Your nieces and nephews are so fortunate to have extended family to assist with their care. I have had to come down hard on my DGD who is now not paying me any rent on the townhouse I leased her. I am not going to allow her to neglect her responsibility as it would not be teaching her any life skills. I rented her the place so my DGGD would have a stable roof over her head, but I'm not going to let her shirk her responsibility and use the money for partying. Her boyfriend is living there and he can pay his share as well. It's a constant battle and stressful for me, but I feel I'm doing her a favor by giving some tough love.

    Went to see my DGD today...she is four and so smart! Wish I could post the video of her playing her! Also found out that she is going to have a new sister or brother next August. She informed me that it wouldn't be would belong to Mommy and Daddy! They better get her out of their room and into one of her own before the blessed event takes place or sibling rivalry will prevail.

    Well, I'm ordering chinese for dinner tonight as the college football finals are on and t will be hard to get BF to the table. Only a few more weeks and it's over till next season!

    Have a good weekend!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Just ducking in here for a moment to say my mammogram turned out just fine.  I felt like that was the case, but there are a few moments where you just feel a little suspended in time.  Like if you don't move or breathe much everything will be all-right.  I think some of the iffy feeling came from the fact that I'm no longer on Arimidex.  Was so glad to see it go, and still getting used to not 'having' my crutch  -- but it did give a sense of protection in a way that I now have to learn to do without.

    Feeling great and really happy.  I waited until after work tonight to open the envelope so that my lady and I would have a good evening -- no matter what.  Feel a little silly now.....silly, but happy.

    Peace and love


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    Jackie so glad you do not have to be on the armidex any longer. I took it for a month and could barely walk. Hopefully things are winding down and you can live the rest of your life without cancer and drugs.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Jackie yay it's wonderful and I'm glad u'r home safe. too Good Day for you.

    Kaara that is so good that u think of u'r family in such a good way, and hopefuly she will appreciate it soon.

    Carole what can I say u'r heart is full.

    Rita good luck with the painting. I had a gold wall that took 7 coats and 7 different paints til I had what I wanted, LOL everyone was taking turns doing my wll til I got exactly what I wanted. Wasn't easy.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Jackie, great news that your mammo turned out good!

    Kaara, it sounds like you had a fun visit with your DGD. I find that children help me to think young. I even enjoy watching the students walk home from the nearby bus stop.

    Rita, good luck with your new paint color. Choosing color is very hard for me.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    In arriving at a decision in a question of doubt, the apostles
    in the Acts were guided solely by their sense of the Spirit behind
    the action, not by any speculations as to consequences which
    might ensue. And so they found the truth.

    Roland Allen

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Morning.....sort of chortling just a bit at the quote up against paint color for a wall.  The paint chips ( even the larger ones you can bring home )  always look so delightful in the store.  I think the high light there......and the fact that you are surrounded with many shades of the same color.....start to make if difficult to discern just what effect you will have at home.  As well, it seems often that there is a very, very and sometimes subtle difference in how  a color dies on my wall.......and the chip which I held up to the wall, earlier.  Maybe its the fact that I need to see a large expanse of wall to actually KNOW how it will look.  I've been toying with the idea of changing my living room which was done in Madonna white 11 yrs. ago. 

    As you can was an off-white and I loved it back then, but it is wearing on me.  Even off white, a hint of vanilla white......after a bit, white is white and just doesn't give your room much umph.   It was inviting then to a degree but now it is just blah white.....and I'd like to spice things up a bit.  We will see.  It is really time to re-do most of the house.....but that is a major thing for us so I'm in no hurry.

    I hope you all have a fantastic Sunday.  I'm not going to do a lot I don't I don't plan too much for Sunday, anything can happen though.  So....hope only good things happen for all of you.  Putting out positive thoughts for all to have a wonderful day. 

    Sending big Hi's and hugs to bonnets, Sharon, Linda and anyone else who has not posted much for awhile. 

    Peace and love,


    ETA:  up above I did not mean to say DIES on my wall, but dries on the wall.  Sigh --- sometime I just get very ahead of myself.  Hope one day the spell checker will get REALLY good and say....did you mean to use that word right there !!!!!!!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    YEA JACKIE! Now that the results of the mammo are in, you just take a deep breath and go right on with your life. I think you will enjoy it more without the Arimidex but it is a little scary. I go for my mammo on the 20th....right before Christmas and I'm hoping for the best, too. It is a bit of a worry now that I'm not taking the Arimidex anymore and I tend to be a Type A who has a degree in "worrying" anyway!

    Kaara...I wish I was down there with you. The cold temps bring out my aches and pains and the lack of sunshine dampens my mood. I have to work very hard to stay upbeat this time of year and can hardly wait to get to FL in January!

    Big hugs to everyone! Enjoy your Sunday!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2013

    Lots of store have little sample bottles, or will mix them for you. Then get a big white piece of posterboard and paint it leaving a white edge. Gives you a much better picture of what it will look like. We got samples of the floor covering we wanted for the kitchen. Immediately realized it was way too dark.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Wren, great idea with the poster board and leaving a white edge.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good thinkin' Wren.

    It's snowing now but not bad, it's still just pretty to look at.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Hi Gals..... I painted all of our walls.... always..... This last time I did it an easier way than I ever have before. I had to do the whole living area, like the front-room and Dining room combined....

    But I only did sections at a time.... Like maybe 15-20 feet at a time. I had to base coat all of it with flat white.... Then I painted a pale blue.... and then I "ragged" it all. It came out so beautiful! You mix the "white" overcoat with this clear stuff... I forget what it was called.... And you use wadded up rags, to dip in the mixed paint color from the paint tray. And it's so easy to "blend" each spot, where I started over again!

    The "blue" shows through so pretty.... and you don't get tired of it. I then did the window and door frames. And I hung light blue and white "scarves" over the verticle blinds in the windows on the sides of the white sheers.

    So I like it so much, I'll never paint those walls again. I did the same in the bedroom, but on one wall, I painted it a dark blue .... and put a flowered border next to the ceiling all around the room. It came out really nice too....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    OMG Chevy u did all the painting--whew I stopped all my painting when my Dad stopped, cuz I was the helper and when he stopped-he was in his 80's then I said no more for me--oh I hated it, just like I hated fixing a water heater with my dad, we had fun, but I hated the work. So I give u credit on that one.- That's lots of work, and ragging too.

    Oh, it is snowing still but not as hard, I guess since it so cold it's not only sticking, there is icy roads too even some of the main roads, but the trucks are out now so we'll see how this goes,

    No phones today (so far) so I'm happy about that cuz I have gotten calls on Sunday too. OK I'm tuckin' myself in now and watch my crazy shows, like Snapped, Wives with knives and my scary movies.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2013

    Hmmmm, not much new around here. Went out to lunch after church, as the weather here is supposed to go down hill this afternoon, snow leading to the wonderful Hudson Valley ice. DD in Maryland says it is snowing there.

    Got our tree up yesterday and a few more decorations. Went from I'll never have a fake tree, to a lg fake and now a tabletop. Getting old! Just have the creche' and village to go.Got the cards in the mail and most shopping done.

    Tomorrow will be 10 years since my DD Amy died from Breast cancer. Doesn't seem like that's possible. Sure do miss her. Her youngest was just 5 , one 7 and the oldest 9 at the time.

    We did all our painting about 5 years ago, one step ahead of kitchen and bath remodelers.

    Be glad when I can say byebye to Arimidex and its side effects.

    Back to my Facebook bubble games!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    Jackie, great news on the mammo!!! What a relief to learn all is well in those boobs!

    Bonnets, send me some of that Christmas spirit. DH is insisting on bringing in the artificial tree we bought last year. I'll probably enjoy it once I commit to hanging some ornaments on it. There is something charming about a Christmas tree. My other Christmas favorites are wreaths and poinsettias. I suppose we'll get the lighted wreath down from the attic and hang it out by the door. DH puts it on a timer. He's very big on timers!

    We watched the football game between Phil. and Detroit today. It made me shiver to see the football players battling it out with snow falling and accumulated on the ground.

    DH made a big pot of chili from scratch--even the pinto beans--yesterday for today's lunch at my mother's house. It was/is delicious. We have leftovers. I'll probably have a bowl tonight.

    Mommarch, what a pretty picture you paint with words, the icy trees. My sasanquas, which are in the camellia family, are in bloom. They're a winter plant, like the camellias, and add a cheery note this time of year. I'll have to post some pictures.

    I've always done my own painting. I alternate between off-white and neutrals and color. We're currently in the color phase. My bedroom is painted a dull gold and I hated it when I first completed the painting. But it was a good color for the color scheme I had chosen for our master bedroom and master bath. Gold, cream and cranberry red. I painted our bathroom cranberry red. That was a dramatic change. The hard part of the job was cleaning the walls of wallpaper glue after I stripped off the wallpaper.

    I would love to switch back to whites and neutrals but cannot muster the energy. Protecting the carpet and woodwork is such a pain. Our carpet is a cream color just a tad darker than the off white woodwork. I'm too much of a tight-wad to pay painter's wages.

    Best wishes to all.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Cami, glad that calls have not been bothering you today and hope it stays that way.

    Chevy, your two color application must have been a long involved project, but it sounds like you enjoyed it.

    Bonnets, I was sorry to hear about your daughter. (((Hugs))) I hope I did hugs correctly ... I am new to text/email symbols/abbreviations.

    Carole, it took me awhile to get inspired to decorate our tree. You are right about about enjoying it now that some ornaments are hung. The past several years I had been decorating the tree with birds and shiny balls. This year I just used the shiny balls.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Bonnets I echo Sally, Of course she'll always be in u'r heart, I'm so sorry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Sally so u'r sticking to just shiny balls, good idea, u must love balls more than birds. OK nuff said/

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    I'm trying to catch a little of that Christmas spirit you gals have. I've about got my shopping done but only have one little table-top lighted Christmas tree up for decorations. I still can barely walk through the house. The dining room walls have been repainted and look wonderful! This color is much better. I wish I would have thought of wren's idea before I selected colors the first time. Tomorrow the hardwood floors are supposed to get put down unless somebody calls with an emergency that Dave needs to address. Then we tackle the trim and move to the kitchen. Maybe I'll just hang a bow on the new dining room light and use that for decorations! :-)

    It's still snowing here but the forecast is for fair and sunny skies tomorrow...........just extremely cold temps. Everyone have a good Monday and stay warm.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Home from the hospital today on day 3. Still goofy from general anesthesia. Will write tomorrow. Too much pain now.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Rita u'r home is all over the place right now, wait til it gets done then u'll be enjoying it. My SIL put lights round my window and a retro kind of tree in here on my dresser, it's bright like  waving in a plane but I enjoy it.

    Last I looked it stopped snowing here so it should be stopping all over the state now , maybe.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, hope your pain is manageable and that you can get some rest.

    Rita, your remodeling sounds exciting ... so many changes must be fun to watch the changes ... tiring too, I'll bet.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    Sandra...glad you are home. Sorry you're having so much pain. Hugs! Keep us updated.

    The reason my house is in shambles during the holiday season is that I live with a contractor and nobody else wants their house torn-up this time of year! :-) I've learned to take the time I get for home improvements. I think the dining room is coming together well. If I can figure out how to post pictures, I'll take some when it's finished.

    Now....I'm headed for my chair with my book. I imagine I'll have a cat in my lap soon!

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2013

    Wrote a big long message and then when I hit "submit" some error message came up...GRRR! Can't do it over so I will just say congrats to Jackie on the mammogram results. And glad to hear that you surgery went well, Sandra. Hope you are feeling more yourself tomorrow. Take it easy!

    Have to sub at the school I retired from last May but now I hear that we are expecting really bad weather during the night. Please don't let school be cancelled...I want to see my kids! Which is kind of funny because when I worked there I always love snow day! HAHAHA

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Sandra I bumped right into u'r post before so I didn't read it. I'm so sorry the pain is there, every day u'll feel a little better. Hope u have meds.

    Mgster good Luck for no snow day--this time.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    that is worth cherishing begins in the heart, not the
    head. ~~~~ Suzanne