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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2013

    Welcome, Rabbitvelvet! Sorry for your diagnosis, but you have come to the right place!

    Chevyboy, I want those Crocs! They looks warm and comfortable.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Oh? I see a someone new! How fun! See, Marcia, me and Cammi kind of hang around together..... and Jackie, (Illinois Lady) tries her darndest to keep us straight! We will be WITH you, in all your pockets when you go in for that dreaded surgery!

    So you are going in on the 16th? I'm a little over 4 years now! I'm the noisy one... So if me and the Camgirl make too much noise in your pocket, tell them not to bother us. It will be over before you know it. You just want it all "fixed."

    Like I want my TV fixed. Dangit ! This is going on 3 days, and I am so bummed! We DO watch funny shows... The Dean Martin Roasts! Our VCR and CD player work good... I almost had a melt-down though..... Last night I put another tape in, and ...... NOTHING! OMG, I thought I would just scream! Then I took it out, and tried a CD of the Johnny Carson shows..... and of course you know.... nothing again!

    So I tried to see if a little light blinked out of the front of the unit remote.... nothing.... Batteries were all corroded! Shows ME how much I don't know! DH fixed THAT problem, and we laughed at the shows all night...Ha! Well at least until 8 when we went to bed.

    Mr. TV repairman is coming this afternoon! If I see him up on that pole out in the alley, and he can't fix it, I will shoot him from the door! I'm TIRED of banging my head against the wall, trying to fix it...... I just plain give-up.

    Mgster... They ARE warm and comfortable! But Wren! Your feet are "square?" Ha, ha! Mine are short and fat... kind of! So they fit fine..Loopy And I have a single hammer-toe...... I know, I know.... I don't like the name either, but I caught it from Cammi.

    Linda.... WHAT? He is still trying to creep into your little head! I know it's hard, but don't give in.... There's an old saying, about something... Maybe it's "Fool me once, and it's my fault... Fool me twice, and I will come after you with a shovel, because I hurt so bad from the first time, that I believed you, and you are doing it AGAIN!"

    Something like that anyway.

    Who just SAID they saw Frankie Avalon and those guys? I can't find it. We saw "The Golden Boys" years ago, and it was the greatest! And we also saw Red Prysock, and The Platters.... AND we danced at the Rainbow Ballroom with Louis Armstrong! We were such wild kids! Ha!

    Cammi, that is so sweet how you talk about little Joey... Maybe we can share him? My Gs's are like "men" now...Snooze They just don't like when I set them down on my lap. Actally I don't do that.... but I would like to.

    Carole, you have long skinny feet? I wish I had ONE thing on my body that was long and skinny! sniff....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    1. Kind of like this, only I don't have this much hair on my feet..Loopyimage

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning everyone.

    Oh Chevy u had to show that foot, wow I wish mine looked so good. Are u still an Aunti-B-s remedy?  loose track. Oh I also have Hobson's toe--he must be going crazy looking for it, but I've got it

    Marcia don't believe Chevy altho she is the loud one I'm am much more reserved and genteel. Cuz I am a lady not a rowdy person at all. We all humor Chevy , u know the obvious reason.

    Oh ladies do u ever wake up and know exactly the kind of day u'r going to have? Chit It's happening as we speak> LOL Oh well work comes first--hahaha I hurt even saying that one. I had to laugh at my DD -Leslie she heard me on the phone and said OMG u sound so nice and friendly, then u hang up and those filthy words come out as she's laughing. I am a biotch. The proof is in the pudding, and I even know where that saying came from. LOL

    OK everyone have a good, or decent or great day. I'm going for great. 

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Welcome Marcia. I had my lumpectomy and snb one month ago today. We will be around to help you next week. Keep us updated.

    Cami, when I told you that I bet you were wonderful on the phone, you denied it. Leslie heard the proof that you are great on the phone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    "In the midst of hate, I found there was, within me, an invincible love. In the midst of tears, I found there was, within me, an invincible smile. In the midst of chaos, I found there was, within me, an invincible calm. In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger – something better, pushing right back." ~ by Albert Camus

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Damn Sally----I blew my cover and u caught it. LOL

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    It's a gorgeous day here.....sun is out for now, but it is very cold outside.  Not sure why I thought we would start warming up to the 30's or so.......and eventually we will but not right now.  Tonight is going to be our coldest yet....I guess.  I'm sorta bummed about it, but as long as I can keep my car moving ( I had to skip the feral cats on Monday ) and doing what I need to......I'll be ok.  With that and my really invincible parts.

    I do have to be out and about today and get some gas in my car.  I really don't like it to be so low in colder weather.....and when I'm using 4-wheel drive a  lot.  Could have done it yesterday, but I was tired and just wanted to come home. 

    I'll be checking back later on to chat with all of you.  Hope your morning is super and Cam that yours can improve a little even though you feel it just isn't a good time.  I'm sending you some stamina if you need it. 

    Hi to everyone else....I'm always thinking of you all and silently wishing you well. 

    Love and peace,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Jackie stay warm and be careful out there, even when u'r walking,

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    Good morning gals! Welcome rabbitvelvet! I'm the class of '65, too! Such a good year! Please keep us updated on your journey and we'll all be here with you the whole way!

    Carole, I have those long skinny feet, too so crocs and I don't mingle. I hate having narrow feet because it's tough to find cute shoes and boots that fit and don't cost a fortune.

    Chevy, I hope you get your TV fixed. I'm like you. It drives me crazy when something doesn't work and I can't figure out the solution. Then you're at the mercy of the repairman who always takes his own good time to get to you! glad you are back home. I'm sending healing vibes your way!

    It was only 5 degrees this morning but it's warmed up to a whopping 17 degrees now! Brrr.....I'm going to start another fire in the woodburning stove. That seems to take the chill out of the house. Then I'm off to laundry. UGH!

    Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday! Waving to all of you.............

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Hi gals.... The repairman is working on it right now! Rita, he had to replace the whole line FROM the pole out in the alley, through our whole yard, over the fences, and onto our front porch! Man, what a job..! I would have done it myself, except I didn't have a tall enough ladder! Loopy

    Then I hope he can fix our remote, so we don't have to use 2 of them!

    They said he would be here between 1 and 3.... and he came at 1 exactly! I sure hope this works!


    Just something to warm everyone up!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Fingers, toes, eyes, legs and arms crossed, Chevy.



  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    Today I had to go to Alpine and run errands, as I was driving and topped a hill there were around 10 javalena's crossing the highway, they were spaced out evenly as they crossed. One Christmas eve we were going to go to Candlelight services and we could not even get out our back door because the javalena's had taken over our back porch. That same night we had deer come and the donkey's. I told DH all we needed was the Baby and Mary & Joseph for it to be complete.

    Sandra glad you are home and hope everything goes well from here on.

    Marcia, Hi sorry you are going through this, this is a great place for info and just to escape. I am a Marcha to. Class of 67.

    Carole, your little ones are very lucky to have you.

    My Great Nephew has been transfered to the Younker's rehab center and was to start 3 hours of therapy a day starting today. It will be a long road.

    Stay Warm

  • daydream
    daydream Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2013

    Whew, no way I am going to be able to read the entire thread! I just turned 66 and start treatment for lung mets Friday with Abraxane six a years after initial diagnosis and treatment. I almost immediately decided to retire. Too much to do when you aren't sure how many years you have left.

    If this weren't enough, it's colder than hell here!

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Beautiful garden scene, Chevy. Did you have lots of tomatoes? Did you make salsa ... my favorite tomato dish?

    mommarch, good luck to your nephew. He will be getting a good work out ... I hope it's not painful. You and your DH must have a good aura since the animals surround you.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    Wow Chevy! First, I'm impressed that your repairman got there on time and then found the problem and got to work. I'm glad he's fixing it instead of me. I hate heights! Anyway, I hope it's up and going for you tonight! Lovely little garden you have, gal!

    Welcome daydream. This is a nice play to park on this site. :-) Where are you located that it is so cold? I think your retiremenet decision sounds perfect. Now you can do what YOU want to do with your days. You get pretty used to doing that, too and it doesn't take very long! :-)

    momomarch, The descriptions of you area just fascinate me but I love nature so much. Still keeping your great nephew in my thoughts and prayers. it sounds ike he still has a challenging journey ahead of him.

    I have been very lazy today...and rather enjoyed it. I hope everyone is having a good day! Have the phone calls kept you hopping today, cami???

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Doing better today. Things still hurt but nothing is making me gasp anymore so I'm making progress on post op day 5. I'm my own worst enemy though. One of the cats is allowed to go outside in the backyard. The other three are strictly inside kitties. My husband had gone to the store and little Rosie was pleading with me to let her out. I got the sliding glass door open enough but couldn't get it back. It killed my pectoral muscles. I tried shoving it along with my butt...even that couldn't budge the sticky door. So I had to sit by the door and keep the other three away until Mike got home. It was COLD and quite windy so I kept thinking I'd give it another try. Failed each time but managed to strain the muscles even more each time. What a dummy. My husband says I'm not allowed to get up out of the recliner if he's not home. LOL...but I think he's a little serious too.

    Welcome to the newcomers. You will like this group. They have such great life stories and memories. Also funny pictures and great quotes. We all seem to love music too. I was one of those crazy young teens watching The Beatles in '63 on Ed Sullivan and squealing. I 'm a proud member of the class of '66.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Oh Sandra! You are a teenager compared to me! I am the class of 55....! That means 1955... Married in 1957.... I have shoes older than you gals.

    Welcome Daydream! I'll call you Dreamers! It is cold in Reno? Try coming here to Denver! You will think this is an ice-box! You have LOTS of years left! Man, I just had breakfast with my older friend! She turns 90 tomorrow! I said I want to be just like her, when I grow up. She drives, and looks and acts like she is 50! I worked with her DH, but we lost him about 5 years ago.... I mean we didn't LOSE him exactly, he is just not among the living... We are all sorry.... Say I'm sorry girls....

    You guys, I am sooooooo happy!!! Rita! He was here almost 2 hours! He had to replace everything! All the wires, splitters, etc, that I had connected 24 years ago! And now we only use ONE controller!!! I am so happy! DH gave him $25 because we liked him, and he made us laugh! He kept calling me "little lady"... because I made him laugh, because I told him he performed miracles...!!!

    He even wrote the instructions down, on how to change from the TV remote, to the DVD, and VCR to show movies and videos, with THAT controller! He TOLD me, and then wrote the steps down for me! It would have cost a LOT to replace everything he did.... I couldn't understand his accent very well, much less HEAR him, and besides that our dog Lacee was trying to sniff his equipment, and make him pet her! He got all 3 of our TV's working! His name is Mario.... in case you guys want to call...Ha!

    I am really thankful!

    Thanks Jackie and Sally! Yes, I wish it were Spring again! I had lots of tomatoes, and yes I froze a lot, and made salsa and sauce, with my Basil and Cilantro that I grew.... AND the Italian parsley.

    I was mostly trying to see if I could post a picture from AOL.... and it worked!

    Okay, am I the only one that has never heard of a Javalena before? I mean I know Deer and Donkey's but not a Javalena!

    I just learned that when a horse and a donkey fool around, their offspring is a mule? Did I get this right? Or is it the other way around? I'm not much of a farm-hand here girls.... could you tell?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Daydream, I am so glad you found us and hope you will come often.  Wish none of us were here for the reason we are, but probably one of the very few ways we MIGHT have met each other.  Just come on it, pull up a chair by the fire, relax with your favorite beverage and chat your heart out with a bunch of very caring women and great friends to have.

    Chevy --- well good.  Isn't it wonderful when it all ends well.  You will be all set now for the festivities that are so much fun on t.v. this time of year.  Hmmm, what a great guy to write all that stuff down for you.  If someone were trying to explain it to me ( I am so thick about electronic things ) I would just have to have him change his last name and move in here.  Hate that I don't do well with electronics, but accept that we can't have very talent possible. 

    Glad you had a nice do almost nothing day Rita.  It is hard to find those sometime but I love the feeling of just choosing to mainly please myself.  I really can't afford spas and other things one might do as a treat so just giving myself permission to do nothing on occasion really makes up for that.  Besides I'm afraid if I ever lived close enough to a spa they take one look and say something.....oh no, I really don't think we can help you!!!

    Hope you all have had a gorgeous day.

    Peace and love,


  • MaryFox
    MaryFox Member Posts: 88
    edited December 2013

    Age 70 at dx. Turned 71 last month.  Finished 4 cycles of Adriamycin/Cytoxin.  Started weekly Taxol.

    I have Triple Negative BC.  This occurs mostly in younger women and in black women.  I'm old and white.  Go figure.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Welcome Mary Fox -- wish you didn't have to be here but this is how we all got here.  We hope you will stay and enjoy being with others who know how disconcerting this diagnosis can be, and are committed to helping others get through the tough part so as to enjoy the easier parts of the path we have to walk.

    Wow !!!  Amazed that you did the four A/C's although I had four as well......and then 4 more of Taxotere.  For me the A/C had some difficulties to get through, but you sound like you have done ok.  I don't know a lot  about Triple Negs, but I do think you are correct that  it is generally younger people.  Well, just goes to show I guess that with this disease it is an equal opportunity one so not totally surprised that you beat the odds in a really backward way. 

    I hope you will come spend time with us.  The door is always open and the welcome mat always says hi, come on it. 

    Peace and love


  • rabbitvelvet
    rabbitvelvet Member Posts: 38
    edited December 2013

    Thanks Everyone for the warm welcome(s).

    I started out writing notes to myself to answer specific questions or to make comments but the scratch paper looked like drunken chickens had wandered through.  Instead I'll make general comments....

    Frankie Avalon still looks good and sounds good however Bobby Rydell's voice has gotten better! His tenor voice has mellowed into an awesome baritone.  Fabian looks his age (our age) but he has a very appealing personality...when he sings "Turn Me Loose", every woman remembers the Fabian of yesterday:)   Apparently these 3 guys go all around the country giving concerts of all should all check it out!

    As for myself I'm presently diagnosed as IDC 1C, poorly differentiated 1 cm mass. ER-/PR- but HER2 +.  Looks like I'll qualify for the BERCA tests and perhaps the Oncotype DX.  As soon as I am recovered from my surgery, I start chemo and then radiation.  Last week I was terrified about needing chemotherapy but several women on this site wrote and calmed me down.  Part of the problem is that I am a retired OR nurse and I know too much!//

    /this site is twitching and won't let me write anymore..Marcia  



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Marcia my site twitches too, I thought it was just mine--Oh a nurse--well get ready for our questions too.

    Welcome Mary Fox and dreamer---Dreamer as I understand u are restarting chemo right? I got  a little confused how u worded that--well I get confused when I watch a commercial=so u have lung mets==Oh dear I'm so sorry all this chit happened to u. and please if u want share how u'r feeling too.

    MaryFox u'r still having chemo weekly so make sure u keep us up on all of it.

    This is a great group of women, maybe cuz we're older Chevy must be the oldest one and she talks lot about anything that comes to mind. I on the other hand pick and choose my remarks. (BTW Chevy and I have an ongoing debate about everything--u'd never know we love each other. sshhh don't tell her)

    It's freezing here tonite going into minus tonite with wind chill-warming up Friday in the 30's with snow--the weather report is done.

    I just had my last (I hope) phone call for the day. so I'm closing my book til morning. It sometimes starts up at 7am crazy calls thruout the day, but I'm trudgen along--where else can I work and not leave my home and u all know how I spell.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, glad you're feeling a little better. What an experience, having to sit by the open door! I remember those sore pectoral muscles.

    Welcome, Daydreamer and Mary Fox. Our little group is growing larger, which is very nice. Hope you both will become regulars.

    Too bad we can't get audio on here. I would love to hear Camille on the phone!

    Rita, 5 degrees! That's seriously cold. I'll bet that wood fire does make the house comfortable. We had a wood-burning heater when I was growing up.

    I cooked a pot of chicken and sausage gumbo today and it turned out really good. I also did a little ironing and went to the supermarket for a few things. That was my day! And it almost felt busy!

    Thank goodness Chevy's tv is repaired! I was worried about her sanity!

    So is anybody doing Christmas stuff? Baking, shopping, decorating? Our family Christmas Day dinner will be at my younger sister's house. So I don't have to worry about cleaning house. As usual I'll cook a lot of the dinner and we'll transport it to her house. Only about a 15 or 20 minute drive. I need to make a food list.

    DH makes chocolate chip oatmeal cookies every year, batches and batches of them. We give cookies to the neighbors. We also eat quite a few which isn't going to help my efforts at weight loss.

    Wishing everyone a good night's rest.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2013

    Carole, that gumbo sure sounds good. Maybe I'll suggest that to DH - his turn to cook tomorrow.

    Cami, Ducky is the oldest, prettiest, etc, etc. Then Chevy. Then maybe me. I'm class of 57 and married in 59. Turned 73 on my birthday this year. Seemed like there was someone between Chevy and me but I can't remember who it was.

    Love the Javalinas. That part of the country is so beautiful. At first desert looks empty. Then you notice that each thing has its own space, which I like. Here it's a big tangle of green fighting for light.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning all

    Carole Chevy's sanity, sanity??? U mean it has to do with TV all this time????

    Wren let's face it were all the same generation---I have never heard of Javelinas--ever==strange not knowing that LOL All I ever hear about is Chevy's chickens lately

    Oh Carole if u just hear me and don't see me--remember when people would say u have a whiskey voice that's me, that's my best quality right now hahaha, then in person it's annoying.

    OK Today is Friday Eve and I'd better get my day going, shower etc--so I can get ready for work and napping in between. OK BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Morning girls! Yes, TV's all running! I am happy, and I am DONE thinking about them.... And yes Carole, I was sooooooo relieved when they actually got fixed!

    Believe me, I tried! But can you see me up on the top of that telephone pole, on that ladder, with all those power wires? There was no way. I kind of KNEW that it was those old lines, but it was beyond my reach. Ha! image

    And there is MaryFox, and Rabbitvelvet! You gals are still young yet.

    Rabbit! You said CHICKENS! Drunken ones at that!

    Do they drink? See, I have neighbor chickens... 6 of them.... and sometimes when Tweedle Dee, and Tweedle Dumb go away for the week-end, I am the chicken sitter... Watching over them drives me nuts... I care about critters too much.

    Yes, just keep reading about how other gals get through treatment, and it could help calm you down.

    CAMMI! Am I actually the oldest? You gals just won't spill the beans! I had breakfast with one of my friends yesterday, and her Birthday is toDAY! She is 90!!! Good Lord, I can't believe that she is that old, and still driving and acting like she is maybe 50! So much fun to be with, and we tease each other every month when we meet!

    And you spell? When did you learn that one? And it is freezing there? Like what did it get down to? Maybe 50? You are such a panty-waist!

    Yes Carole, I would love to hear the Cam on the phone too? She probably cracks up all her callers! I'll bet she doesn't tell them she works with her uniform of flannel night-gowns and Rudolph the Reindeer slippers on.

    Wren! I KNOW! I thought I was too old to worry about breast cancer! I was 72 when I "caught" it... But about 4 years out now.... We need someone on here that is older.... Ha!

    You guys, Cammi said Friday Eve? Is it? Can't be! And she posted a picture of a chicken? It can't be Cammi. We have an imposter.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013
