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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Sandra....glad you are home.  I think it is often easier to relax and recuperate when you are in a familiar, comfy setting with only loved ones......not thee hustle and bustle of a busy hospital.  I hope your pain gets into some easy control for you. 

    bonnets....Cam is so right.  We learn to go on, knowing in our hearts we need too, but those we cherish are never far from our mind.  People say time heals and there is closure.......and in many ways it does, but much of that acceptance is forced.  Loss is loss and is never anything else.  What would we be without the memories we have to cherish of the special people in our life.....close family, or wonderful friends, !!!!! The work going on does sound rather remarkable and wonderful.  Golly, unless you are going to have a ton of company which doesn't sound likely, I wouldn't be too distraught over not having loads of decorations......the bright side year you'll be ready with your wonderful improvements and hey....even Valentines' Day and Easter should be fine. 

    Mgster....sure hate when that happens and it used to happen to me a lot.  I don't remember getting a message, but something about using the PREVIEW button used to make me lose my whole post.  I think Rita had the issue too.  Not even sure now why I used that button......but when I stopped it, I did tend to stop losing whole posts to never-never land.  I have forgotten where your from, but I do hope you were able to go to school today.

    We got more ice last night.....and sure glad it came after we got back from a side trick to Mt. Vernon.....which is about 23 miles away from here.  Would not even have realized it, but Dh decided to run over to his brothers house in town.  Got onto the road leading out of our woods.......and the truck would not go up the hill.  Seems the light rain falling had created another layer of ice on the road.  He had to very carefully......back down and keep backing until he got around the corner that would lead him back home.  The truck just wouldn't go forward.  By chance some other person had pulled off the road and was able to push him enough to get going in forward so he slowly inched his way back home and into our driveway.  What a total bummer. 

    We had a layer of ice in the beginning of this storm.......then the 10 or 11 inches of snow and now another layer of ice on top.  Hope the trucks have been out laying sand down so that we can all get to where we need to go today.  I will be late with my errands I'm sure. 

    Do have 4 - wheel drive but that is no help actually on solid ice.  So here's hoping the sand trucks are not late getting us cleaned up.

    See you all later.

    Peace and love,


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Post op day 3: Got a shower. Feeling a lot better. Pain diminishing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Sandra some nice news---Good.

    E Gads Jackie we got mostly snow now and the streets are ok, but ice is another thing, can the trucks even get to that area in ice? I hope so.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2013

    Jackie, glad your DH made it back home OK.

    We used to live near a hill which was closed when it was snowy/icy because it was pretty steep. Neighborhood entertainment was watching people drive around the closed sign and try to go up. About 1/2 way they would start sliding back down. Why did they think it was closed in the first place?

    And the news here has to remind people that 4wd does not make brakes work better.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    No ice or snow here, thank goodness. Although the snow is so pretty on those rare occasions we have snow.

    Today I took my mother to a good shoe store to buy her some new SAS shoes for her Christmas present. Then we did most of her Christmas shopping and had a good lunch. She was happy with her purchases.

    Happy Monday to everyone.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Carole u had a good day--I'm happy u did. Good no snow for you.

    Wren that would have been fun to watch, Now that's entertainment.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Rita, did your new floors get started today? Will it take more than one day?

    Mgster, hope the weather cooperated so you could sub at your old school.

    Jackie, were you able to get out today or did the ice stop you again?

    Sandra, it sounds like your healing is making progress. I bet the shower felt wonderful.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Carole, my mom likes SAS shoes too. How wonderful that you and your mom could enjoy the day together ... kind of like a present in itself.

    Hi Cami ... hope the phone calls were pleasant today.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    I love SAS too --- just put them on and wear them -- no breaking in period in them.  I did not get out today boo-hoo, but that did enable me to make out bills and do that sort of fun stuff. 

    Tomorrow I have to go to work.  Dh came home to tell me that the city was out of sand so nothing got de-iced.  I could have told him that three days ago....I saw  it in the paper and I could tell the first day because only the "worst" spots in town had anything on them

    Hoping for decent driving tomorrow.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Jackie please drive safely and if it's to bad, maybe u shouldn't go out.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    Carole, wish I lived close enough to my Mom to go with her. I really never lost anything when we left Iowa.

    Could not consider moving back. We were at 60 degrees today but will be 18 by tomowrow morning.

    DH and I were tired tonight so I fixed me an omlet and he laid down and then when he woke I fixed him a

    Mcfunnin with ham egg and cheese. I was going to do meat loaf but he was so tired that I will give that another day or two.

    Everyone take care. Hugs

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Carole, I used to wear those comfortable shoes by SAS also... And after having so much trouble standing all those years, and that Plantars Fasciitis, I started wearing Crocs.

    And I just slip them on, don't have to tie! Has your Mom ever tried them? I know they aren't the most "lovely," but the newer styles are really cute AND comfortable...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013


    Crocs for winter...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Chevy thanks I forgot I had crocs, they are warm nd comfy and mine have  fold over top of red and green plaid, So they are kinda Christmas. Well now I have to find them and they're nice and warm. I hope everyone has a nice day today--Sray war, and safe.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Back to the hospital. My PICC line is totally occluded. They are giving me TPA, a clot busting drug. Don't want any of those clots to break free and cause another stroke.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, sorry you are having problems. Keep your chin up.

    DH and I watched The Christmas Story II last night, it was great. I did not even know they had made a II, it was made last year.

    Cold here to day, got up and it was 19 degrees.

    Well I need to get busy again. Have a good day

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2013

    Carole...nothing like a good time with your mother. Mine is housebound but I still love just sitting with her at her kitchen table.

    Oh no, Sandra! I came on here specifically to see if you felt better today and now I read this. After all you have been through you deserve some smooth sailing. Hoping tomorrow will find this issue resolved.

    Yes, I got to sub yesterday and loved it! I got to spend time with all my little four year olds! They were shocked to see me when we opened the classroom doors. I felt like a rock star! HAHAHA And nice to see the parents at pick-up time. Today we have a snow storm so no school. I just got an email asking me if I can do tomorrow morning's class. I told them that I would be there. My husband said he will drive me in. I'm sure the roads will be sanded by then, but if he wants to drive me I will take it! As much as I enjoy subbing I wish it was because the teacher (and good friend) was on vacation and not sitting in a hospital by her very sick husband in ICU.

    Making quesidillas (sp?) tonight. It's my new thing! Never knew how easy it was until I saw it on Pinterest. We have leftover grilled chicken. I will cut it up with corn, canned black beans, cheddar cheese and spread it between tortillas. I then put it on my George Forman grill until it is hot and the cheese has melted. Serve it with salsa and a little sour cream. So easy and so good. Made a big batch of Lemon Italian cookies for Christmas today so I want to get out of the kitchen.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    Hi gals! It's amazing how much you miss when you miss a day on this thread. We are busy, busy! :-)

    I went shopping with my good friend Mary Jane yesterday and finished all my Christmas shopping. Now I just have a few more to wrap and I am done! YEAH!!! We didn't get home until late last night, which is normal for us, and so I didn't even boot up the computer then. I collapsed into bed and then couldn't sleep because my mind was going in 50 different directions! I tell ya!

    Yes, Sally, the floor is started in the dining room. It should be finished later today but we probably won't get the trim up until tomorrow. Dave has a few jobs that he needs to do for others in the morning so maybe by afternoon we will be starting to break up and remove the tile in the kitchen. So far...once we got rid of that horrid paint job.....I like what I see.

    Oh Sandra...I'm so sorry that you're having such a rough time with this and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how it's going!

    mgster...I would NEVER have thought to make the quesadillas on the George Foreman. What a great idea! I'm going to try that! Thanks for that good suggestion.

    We woke up today to find that we had no power! I got ready for bowling in the dark with my trusty flashlight and then camped out at McDonald's for an hour to stay warm. I had to leave the house when Dave was still here to help me get that heavy garage door up and back down. The remote wouldn't work of course. They had it fixed by the time I got home so I started a fire in the woodburning stove and tried to get the house warm again. Now I have a pot of ham and beans cooking on the stove and I'm in for the day. It was 3 degrees here this morning which is WAY TOO COLD for gal!

    Hope everyone's day started off better than mine! Hugs to all of you!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    As yesterday is history, and
    tomorrow may never come,
    I have resolved from this day on, I will do all the
    I can honestly, have all the fun I can reasonably, do all
    good I can willingly, and save my digestion
    by thinking pleasantly.
    Robert Louis Stevenson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Brrrrr for Rita.  I could just as well say it for me, but we weren't quite as cold here.  I think it was about 17 degrees.  There was a wind though so it really felt much colder.  I'll be glad when our cold snap moves out though we have definitely been in winter for a week and a half now.  Boy.....I'd swear it is much longer.  We did have a very bright sun out all day so most of the ice layers have melted.  Don't know what overnight will produce, but we still should be able to get around much better if there is little ice on the road.....

    I think I will have to look for some "winter" crocs.  Chevy talked me into getting a new pair.....had two or three old pair that had just gotten too worn.........and it turns out now that my feet are older and have walked through chemo txs. with me.....crocs really do seem to make my feet last a lot longer through the hours I'm up.  I don't have to force myself near as much.  Not sure why they feel better than SAS's but they do.  At my age....I'm not fighting it. 

    Sandra....count me in for wishing you had not had to go through this se, but glad for the TPA.  I had that when I had my stroke.....which came in the very early evening.  Dr. told me so many people have them while they sleep and wake up the next morning often with severe problems for lack of treatments that could change a lot of it.  So glad you know, and there is a 'standard' fix to begin immediately.

    mommarch....I think Iowa is always a bit colder and snowier than it is here.  You sound like an excellent cook.  I think you could make almost any hot sandwiches on a Forman Grill.  Like ham and cheese or beef and peppers.  I have a sandwich grill but find it easier to toss it onto the Forman and do it.  Just makes different lines. 

    Mgster....glad you got to play with your handfuls yesterday.  I'm sorry your friend is going through this situation now with her hubby as it is so close to the holidays.  Hope things turn out ok for her and her Dh. 

    Camm....I did fine this morning.  Nice and slow until I got to the highway which was clear ( had enough traffic the last two days ) to wear everything off finally.   I hope you are staying well, sweet friend.  Hope you don't have to go out much if your weather is miserable.

    See you all later.

    Peace and love,


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    I'm back home from the hospital. The TPA worked and the clot or clots were dissolved. The PICC line is working fine again so they said I could leave and continue with the home health nurse. I want a different one than the one that came last night. He really messed things up. The IV vancomycin has to be given at exactly 12 hour intervals and infused over a 90 minute period of time in order to keep the levels constant in your body. Because the nurse tried to draw blood out of both lumens and didn't flush them correctly afterward, the clots formed so last nights' drug took close to 10 hours to infuse, not 90 minutes. By this morning the line was totally blocked. I was so afraid I had clots wandering around looking for a place to start trouble and that because my vancomycin levels had not been kept at the correct level, an infection had seen an opportunity to gain the upper hand. I was in tears AGAIN. For someone who is not a crier, I'm doing a pretty good job of letting my emotions get the upper hand. This has been a much more painful surgery than the last one, so I think the ongoing discomfort is playing a part too.

    So now we get back on the proper schedule, have another blood draw tomorrow, get good results I hope, and continue with the vancomycin another 8 days with no liver damage. No clots remain and fingers crossed, no infection will show up.   

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    You guys, I am so bummed! Our TV wouldn't work, when we got back yesterday about noon..... I waited for about 1/2 hour... called our neighbors... and of course theirs was working. So after 5 phone calls, getting disconnedted TWICE, and a trip to Comcast to get a new cable box, I am now going to have the TV guy come out tomorrow afternoon! So we aren't getting a signal.... blah, blah! But all the phone calls, and saying the same things over and over just drive me nuts!

    I couldn't sleep last night either! I got up once, and tried one other thing.... didn't work. Just too much on my busy mind. We have two smaller TV's connected in different rooms, through a cord to the cable box.... I did it all once, but now when I look at all the cords, I think I must have had a flash of genius! I don't want to do it again. You know how you feel, when something isn't right.... But tonight I have to turn my brain off... We've been watching some movies on our VCR...Ha! They play as good as the DVD's do.... We have a lot of the Dean Martin Roasts, and they are so fun to watch.

    So we sit in front of the TV and eat dinner on TV trays and watch movies...Ha!

    Warming up here.... It is 44.5 degrees now! And the sun was out all day.... I EVEN SAW THE CHICKENS! The girls finally came down from their warm little nesting area, to pick around in their hay.... I'll take them stuff tomorrow!

    Jackie, I LOVE my Crocs! Just google Crocs, and you will see all the different styles.... I have some little wedgy ones, with fur across the top.... Really comfortable also. But I got a cute gray suede pair just like them at Sketchers! I can walk all around the Mall with them on.... It's just easier than trying to tie my shoes anymore.... I still wear compression stockings.... Doctor thought it was a good idea, to keep my lower legs from hurting, and keeping away blood-clots.

    I swear, I am held together with Duck Tape and tight bras, and compression stockings! Whatever it takes, Ha!

    Sandra, thanks for posting! And glad you are home! Just sorry you have to go through so much! But it will be worth it......

    Rita.... you're shopping is done? Wow! Good job! I used to do a lot of Christmas shopping, and then mailing boxes to Orlando.... But now we just send gift cards or money.... It's just easier....! And with our Daughter here, she comes over for Christmas Brunch.... Eggs Benedict, and she opens her presents with us.... We gave her quite a bit to help her buy her "new" car.... so did her Sister, so she insists we get her nothing more.... Yeah, like THAT'S gonna happen...Winking It makes US feel so fortunate that we CAN help her out. Better now, than when we are gone...

    Mgster! I'll have to try that too! I found these "new" little tortillas... like whole grain things.... And I heat them in a skillet, and fill them with everything I like, like scrambled eggs & cheese... and a little diced green chili's..... So easy.

    Stay warm Mommarch and CAMMI!!!!

    Okay.... talk to y'all later! xoxoxoxo

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited December 2013

    Hi everyone,

    Haven't been able to get on the Internet much. Hope everyone here is doing well.

    I just can't seem to get into the Christmas spirit this year. I've done a little shopping but not much. All of my Christmas stuff is in my storage unit.

    I've pretty much have become the primary care giver to my Mom. Not that I mind, but I find myself getting frustrated w/ her & losing my patience sometimes.

    My ex BF texted me again about a message for me on his answering machine & then he texted me again & said "How are you doing?" I know how I REALLY wanted to answer him but all I said was "Great!".

    It's very cold here & snow is on the way:( I'm looking forward to Saturday; going to celebrate my birthday (is next week) w/ friends!

    Only 8 more school days, then I'm off for the Christmas recess.

    Stay warm,


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013


    Oh Hi Linda! We bumped...Ha! Jackie, these are the shoes I meant.... They also have suede. Sometimes you can find them on sale... but they are warm and comfortable.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, I have my fingers crossed with you. I hope your new home health nurse is wonderful to you.

    Chevy, I hope your TV issues get fixed tomorrow. We are listening to Christmas music on one of cable's music channels. I hope the music will motivate me to finish my cards which was today's goal.

    Linda, it sounds like you have two jobs which must be very tiring. Hopefully Christmas break will give you some "you" time which everyone needs.

    Well, my break is over ... cards here I come ... hope everyone has a warm, comfortable evening.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    Goodness! 17 degrees sounds REALLY cold to me. Or any temperature in the teens.

    Today I took 8 yr. old Nova shopping and her Mawmaw Michelle (my younger sister) came along. We bought Nova some jeans and winter clothes. Actually I paid for them. One of my brothers is sending me some money to help pay for clothes for my druggie niece's 3 kids. We also had lunch at a Mexican restaurant, Nova's choice. She had a good time. This 8 yr. old girl has a size 8 or 8 !/2 women's shoe size. She got some cute girlie cowboy boots and some Sketchers athletic shoes for school.

    Chevy, I tried the plastic or rubber crocks that a lot of people wear and they were much too wide for my long skinny feet.

    Sandra, healing thoughts going out to you.

    Linda, I can sympathize with you in your role of caretaker for your mother. I always remind myself that my mother took good care of me and her other 5 children and now we need to give her some loving care.

    Rita, that's exciting that you're getting new flooring. And free labor! What a bargain!

    Let's all stay warm.

  • rabbitvelvet
    rabbitvelvet Member Posts: 38
    edited December 2013

    Hi Everyone,

        I am a newbie to this site, in fact I just found my lump 6 weeks ago....Monday I go in for a lumpectomy, sentinel node biopsy and placement of a portacath.  I'm 66 (class of 65!)....and I look forward to joining you all in this journey.


    ps  I love our music....recently I saw Frankie Avalon, Bobby Rydell and Fabian in concert at an Indian casino here in Oregon.  Fantastic! 


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2013

    Welcome rabbitvelvet. We have a lot of fun here and you're more than welcome to join us. They must have decided you'll need chemo if you're getting a portacath (or that's my guess). We have a forum "Northwest Ladies" that you might want to check out. Best wishes for an easy surgery and uneventful recovery.

    I've tried crocks and they don't fit my feet either. Mine are wide and sort of square. The toe next to the little one tends to hang over the side. I get the same effect with Dansko clogs. They're expensive, but I've found 2 pair in a consignment store. That's what I wear with my long jeans. My normal footwear is New Balance running shoes.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Sandr I'm so happy I came back to read u were home from the hospital--what a time u'r having and yes change nurses and I so glad it all turned out OK for u. Whew I bet u'r glad that's over.

    Marcia, Marcia, Marcia sorry u'r here but it's a wonderful bunch of women and Oh yes I had a Frankie Avlon pillow too. hahaha--we'll walk u thru anything u need and hopefully  u 'll have some smiles along the way.

    Carole that's what families are for and u'r really a big part of this. Thank God those kids have u, u'r sister and brother.

    Mgstr Glad u got out and did what u like to do, I'm glad u'r husband drove u.

    Chevy (we have to be nice to Chevy she's on Aunti-B's I hope the chickens are doing well, what are u bringing them watermelon now. And No TV that to me is totally panic mode. That's happened here too and I was like  maniac with no dancing to that music tho. TV is like my IV thru my port--that's how important it is to me-It is on 24/7 I'm terrible see I'm getting upset just thinking about it. Oh ye I have to be nice to Chevy--sorry Chevy if I upset u. Bwahahahaha

    Baby it's cold outside, no more snow yet but maybe tomorrow--My present buying is much less this year but I got my sisters, nieces and so far some jewlry for my DD's nd a gold sequin scarf for me to wear Christmas hahaha--Joey of course loved it, so it passed inspection and he liked the jewelry. Most things aregoing for Joey, not that much but what we can afford. And they are on Lay-a-way so we're paying on it and then some cloths.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Welcome rabbitvelvet, so glad you found us and want to hang out here.  We are "well-seasoned" here but while our age numbers may be a bit higher than a lot....we are all young and vibrant in our hearts and souls.  We will be most pleased to walk with you on the journey you have started on and along the way, not only ease your mind we hope, about the process you go through but will keep reminding you that  we get through because of the understanding and because we have each other. 

    The concert sounds like a real walk down my teen memory lane for sure.  I am 68 by the way but feel much, much younger.  I also adored Brenda Lee and Connie Francis in those years.

    Linda, with all you have been through lately I'm not surprised that you don't feel patient.  I had some of the same feelings as Carole I think....when I took care of my Mom.  In fairness though I will have to say basically my Mom kept it pretty easy to be with her and help her.  What seems like a struggle now ( and even for me sometimes it did seem a bit cloying ) is something that you will have a long time to want back after your not doing it any more.  I think that idea kept me going a good deal.

    It's rotten to be without t.v. and seems like ( even watching movies ) there is something about knowing that you can't watch your "favorites" right now that make you "need" to all the more.  Sort of like having to fast for a test.......I'm "nervously" hungry the next morning and just feel like all my "sorts" are missing and so wishing there was something to instantly devour when the test or whatever I'm fasting for is done.

    I sure hope it is easily and quickly fixable. 

    I'll see you again in the morning.

    Peace and love,
