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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    Hmm... I would swear it's Thursday here in the south. But it's Friday in Chicago. Strange. LOL!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    I'll have to come back and read and respond but here is a quote for all to enjoy.

    The perfume of sandalwood, the scent of bay leaf and jasmine, travel only as far as the wind.  But the fragrance of goodness travels with us through all the worlds.  Like garlands woven from flowers, fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds.  the Buddha

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning All,

    I enjoy hearing about all your adventures. Since my surgery a month ago. I had been rather homebound ... afraid to go out on my own. Your adventures made me want to get out. Last night I drove to a meeting alone ... alone and at night ... a big move for me. (I didn't like driving at night before my surgery.) I feel so energized now.

    I am in the 70 year old bracket ... 70 and diagnosed about 2 months ago. Like Chevy, I was surprised by the cancer because I thought it was less likely at 70.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh my stars--Friday Eve--means Thursday--EVE is the day before u silly billies, like Christmas Eve, New Years, Eve--Oh just because u'r old doesn't mean u'r wise--in this situation. Miss Chevy-It's all right for u Carole Chevy led u astray.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    My Mom was 80 when she was diagnosed with bc. She died 2 years later, but not from cancer. She had conjestive heart failure. I could hardly believe it when she was diagnosed.

    It's cold out there. Woke up to -2 but it's already up to 4 degrees. We're expecting a wintry mix tomorrow and Saturday. My cousin passed away yesterday and his services are going to be on Saturday. We were close as kids but grew apart as our lives went in different directions and I left the immediate area. He was 4 years younger than me and I'm sad about his death. It's 3 hours to travel for the services and I doubt if we will go with the wintry mix coming in. We're just too old to travel in that stuff. I only met his wife once but feel a little guilty about not making the effort since family is family.

    I need to run into town today to stock up the refrig again before all the wintry mess hits and my other main project is to get all the Christmas packages sorted and in storage bins for travelling. I should have sorted them into piles as I went but that took multi-tasking, which I no longer seem to be able to do! :-)

    Everyone stay warm!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Rita I'm sorry to hear about u'r cousin, u sound like u have fond memories of him. And u know he's in u'r heart and the weather is a big factor in not going, so I'm sure he would understand. U stay safe

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Carole the last couple of calls I got I was thinking about u hahaha--when I email my notes I pretty much not just give info but write about the conversation too. So I told my boss the man asked ME if he should worry at all--and I told him get the hell out of the house--well I didn't really tell him that--I don't have a clue but I always have to tell my boss NO, I didn't say that, cuz I always say to him obnoxious things that I really didn't say.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Rita I'm sorry I never answered u, not that this is really interesting, but it fell into my lap cuz I'm home it was one of those she said, he said and I got a phone call asking me to do this. How could I say no--It was my sweet cousin's, grandson and we only live a few blocks away and he is adorable starting up this business but he couldn't get to the phones enuff-- When u go on the internet on these lists, the phones go crazier so here I am--it's easy of course, but I did have to learn a new program (for me that OMG) but I did and it's fine, but when I'm really having a bad day I don' want to be bothered so I know I don't get all the info I need but I do get enough and send it on and file it in the computer. I DO USE SPELL CHECK THEN or no one would understand anything.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Home from work now and checking in.  Rita, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin, but the truth is.....the weather is going to be bad and who knows what that may mean.  A three hour ride could be a total nightmare and in any case would be definitely a huge strain.  I would not go either. 

    Had to laugh a bit that it was minus 2 but had already gotten up to four.  You said that like It was just a complete major up-swing.  Hope you don't mind. 

    We have little room to talk had a single number for overnight and early morning.  I think this is maybe getting back to winters ( we haven't really experienced them much ) as they were a long time ago.  I can't say I remember as a young person, and I was gone such a long, long time.  From the age of 18 to don't know what those years were like.  I can do this ok, but I don't like the ice at all.......even 4-wheel drive is not good on the ice.....though you do have four tires to latch onto anything it can.....but with ice usually that is nothing.   I missed two days ( thank goodness, not together ) of getting to feed the feral cats.....and wondering what Saturday will be like.....if I get out then. 

    If roads are fine.....I will get out as I will work for a bit while Dr. B and Jo go to the St. Louis airport to pick up their daughter who will be on break from college in Arizona and will be home for Christmas.  So....I do have a bit more work to look forward to this week.  Just hope the weather is not too bad for anyone.

    Interesting about the many women who do end up getting cancer at a later age.  The one silver lining ( if one can even have the presence of mind to see it ) is I'm told that it usually is more curable with an older person for the most part.....and that actually older people have a tendency to tolerate some chemo better.  Of course, knowing there are exceptions to the rule with everything.  

    I'm on the next page as I type and as usual can't remember all that was said, so just reminding all of you newer ladies how glad we are you are here and that we hope you will keep on coming.

    Have a great afternoon......I think a nap is one of the items that may find its way in mine.  It is not something I easily can do, but it has a good ring to it for some just may try.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    OK Jackie here we go again--at this time of year we get 2 different weathers sometimes LOL--but so far it has been different to u got all the ice we got the snow with the sun shining today now with more snow coming so now we'll see what happens as we compare our weather in the same state. OK

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013 nice that you fell into the job. It really does sound interesting! Yep, it looks like there is more snow on the way for us, doesn't it? We lucked out last time when we sent it all down south to Jackie! LOL Don't think we'll be so lucky this time.

    I am hiding out in the office. The dining room is done except for the trim and Mr. D. is now tearing up the tile in the kitchen. It is not coming up very easily and he's not in the best mood. Since I can't help with this part, I'll just hide out until he is done or until it's time to get ready for our dinner date tonight. There is a lady who sits by us at church that we just love. She is 80+ and is very agile and so entertaining. We are picking her up tonight and bringing her in to town to treat her to an early Christmas meal with us at our favorite restaurant. I just love listening to her and I learn so much. She has a garden and provides us with fresh veggies all summer. Of course she won't take a thing for them so we try to compensate a bit by taking her out every so often to eat. She lives alone and she really enjoys the company and we enjoy her so it's a win-win situation.

    Be careful, Jackie when you are "out and about" this weekend. It is so easy to fall on this stuff. I wonder if Kaara is taking guest requests in FL this week. We could all just do a road trip!!!! :-)

  • MaryFox
    MaryFox Member Posts: 88
    edited December 2013

    Speaking of being too old for this stuff.  My mother had her first bc in her 80's, and her second in her 90's. (She died at 98) Long history of various cancers in her family so I wasn't at all surprised when it happened to me.

    I haven't read this entire topic (it would take a year to get through 608 pages) so I don't know how the rest of you have reacted to this dx, but know that my attitude and reaction is certainly different than if this had happened to me when I had young kids. It is probably also different than if I hadn't grown up with so many relatives having cancer. I don't scare easy and I'm a pragmatist.  There's a serious problem and I do the best I can to deal with it. 

  • MaryFox
    MaryFox Member Posts: 88
    edited December 2013

    By the way, for all you folks up north; when we lived in southern California I learned that you're supposed to drive TO the snow, NOT THROUGH the snow.  Thus we're now in Florida where a cold front just came through so it was only 71 today and going down to 64 tonight.  Had to wear a long sleeve shirt to chemo today!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Mary that is cruel to talk about how COLD it is in Fl. ha u finally admit u'r age--it's about time. LOL

    Rita we are supposed to get regular snow, Jackie got loads of ice--so I think that's better but we'll see--I didn't hear how much so I'm not going anywhere, my kids are supposed to go--but they'll watch the weather too. And now that I'm a working lady, I do shower everyday--even tho I don't leave my house and it takes me forever and tires the hell out of me but I smell good hahaha

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    BTW Mary is wonderful, she does take things very well, and sweet as a kitten.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Mary -- where did you live in southern California.  Dh and I spent 30 and 25 years respectively and that is where we met.  He however, was born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota while I was born and raised here.  It is all a long story but we stayed within the Santa Paula, Ventura, Santa Barbara areas.  We lived longer in Ventura than the other two areas with Santa Paula being fairly small and Santa Barbara fairly large.  We came home ( to my home anyway ) in 1997 and have planned that we will spend the rest of our lives here.

    I actually didn't learn to drive until I met my Dh and he I leaned to drive on the California freeways.  A thrill a minute often.  Was a time when if everyone else was going 85 you had to as well to keep from being run over.  That did mean though.....when we came "home" I had never driven on snow....nor had I ever driven outside of California.....and he drove the truck here while I drove our car. 

    Wouldn't trade the experience, but I would not really want to do it again.  Good to know that I was able to do what I had to, at the time I had too.

    Many of us ( I know it is true for me ) approached learning that we had this dreadful disease the same way.  Doing what we had to do, when we had to do it.  I have said so many times how amazing you can be about getting things done when you have no choice. 

    No one comes to retirement age with the idea that anything will get in the way.  I had so many plans and ideas -- nothing that would shake the world mind you, but no where in any of these lots of great ideas was one where right from the get-go I'd turn up a really bad, frightening, hard to deal with disease.  I never saw myself as having to keep on working and I really thought that I'd work hard at nothing that was a paying job and still get a vast sense of wonderful accomplishments that would leave me feeling good about my life. 

    Sigh !!!!! Still, though things are not anywhere close to the visions I was having back then, I can't say it has tuned out is in fact, far, far from that.  I have made some fantastic friends, learned a world of different things, and very important found out a lot about WHO I really am and what gives my life real meaning and true satisfaction.  I am happy with my life, and though I don't wish to give this disease too much credit ( any number of others could have brought even more changes for the better ) I do think I would not be who I am now had it not taken place.  I do think ( and that is partly the fear that initially seems to grab you and you don't know where to go with it, or how your going to get rid of it ) that it took a real life upset to shake me loose of some of my complacency ( I was apparently going to really RELAX into retirement ) as in hindsight I do seem to recall I was taken on the habit of not paying much attention to other words, not actually being very grateful and thankful for my life, my home, my overall lovely surroundings and not very aware of my fellow travelers.  I am awake and aware now and have been.......and it took a disease process to get me there. 

    Anyway....I'm rambling here.  I will be back in the morning.

    Have a great evening.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Jackie u never ramble u always have something very important to add. I do have to agree about retirement tho---the rest didn't change me after all sometimes I feel like a nut and most times I don't---  but I think even thos I've been alone I had my plans too as I watched my parents retire and enjoy so many years of just being themselves and relaxing altho my dad always worked a part time job til he went blind about 85--they did so many fun things--so I just thought bout life being like that .And if I worked 5 more yrs I would be in a better financial place and I didn't think about goofy things happening for some strange reason. I too am not unhappy or sad in any way just a little put out. But I always think it could be worse, much worse so I am thankful and because I haven't worked I have met wonderful people that I never would have met, maybe not face to face but I feel comfortable with and care about--so in that respect I am blessed, U can not have to many friends ever, so maybe my plans didn't work the way I wanted but I've gained friends and even patience waiting for all these /drs. I never feel put out for waiting for tests, results nothing I just go along. So I've gained perspective too. But I type worse now than I ever did, how did I hold down jobs--Oh yea the longest was for the government so that explains that.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    Went to see my Family Dr. today for a follow up on the cymbalta, and he was not in. He had to go to Presidio. So I saw a woman Dr. Rey, she was very good. I am going to a comunity clinic. When I was there last they had me fill out some paper work since I do not have any insurance. They told me I would be able to see the Dr. for $40 , today she refigured it on my SS and it was $15. Wow.

    Doing good, cannot believe what a difference the Cymbalta has made. Still have some pain from the Tamoxifen but not like it was and the depression is much better.

    Going to the broom shop to help DH tomorrow, need to dip handles.

    Welcome to all who are new, sorry you are on this journey, but this is a great group of women who care.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited December 2013

    Jackie - If I mentioned cold, it wouldn't compare to the rest of of you. I'm in Houston so our weather is more like Carole's in LA. We've had several drops to 36 already this year and that's COLD for here. With my neuropathy and all the weight I've continued to lose during this second chemo - I couldn't keep warm at 80 this year. I agree with Mary. I was raised in No. Calif and we went to the snow on occasional ski trips. I did live in Utah for 4 years and you could NEVER get me back to snow country. Except maybe to visit Chevy. I love Colorado but my trips have all been in the summer.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Mommarch I am so glad u r feeling better--it's been long enough--And good deal on the payment too..

    Minus2 I do understand how u feel about the weather, but 36 right now is tropical to us,

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Morning girls! How fun to see some new posts from yesterday!

    Yes Cammiwiththephone! You would be such a kick to talk to! And you are learning to "file" things on the computer?

    Holy Connoli! You will be a complete wizard if you keep THIS up!

    See, she SAYS spell check, but little wizard, you have to "hover" over the word that is underlined in red wavy lines, and then you can click on it, and it gives you "options" of what you SHOULD maybe say. You can choose maybe the right word this way.... or maybe not. I think your wavy red lines just give up and go to sleep.... They are thinking WTH, I just can't deal with this...image

    But I am so imPRESSED that you posted pictures.... somewhere!

    Morning Jackie... I love your stories, about how you got to where you are going... Or whatever I mean!

    Rita and Jackie AND Cammi! Aren't you all in the storm's path? I'm sorry....! Just stay in.... I also just had breakfast with my friend who turned 90! And she is a kick! I wonder how old is too old to drive? She is as alert as someone in their 50's! And she lives alone also, and enjoys getting out, AND a little gardening also... I just hope my DH and I are still that vital when we are 90!

    And Mary!!! Yes! I don't scare easy either! We learn to not sweat the small stuff.... If, or when we DO get scared of something, we just have to let it marinate, and deal with it, after it straightens itself out.

    I have to look up pragmatist.... and I KNOW Cammi does too...Ha!

    And you are COLD? Oh please! Cold when you live in Florida? Oh wah! Our DD lives in Orlando, and when we visit them, she has the AC on so high, we have to wear leggin's.... and muck-luks, and long underwear with hoodies! I mean she freezes even the boys out! And we go outdoors just to get the frost off of our ears!

    Since we were both born and raised in Denver, where the snow tends to fly, we are just USED to it. But not the 150 degrees outdoors in Orlando, and the 30 below zero in their house! Ha, ha! That's funny!

    Cam! You shower everyday? Not me... just every-other day.... after I chip the ice off of the shower walls... Just spray lots of cologne on... No-one will even notice.

    Mommarch! Just don't work too hard.... glad you are feeling better... AND saving money! image

    Minus! Let me know when you are coming to Denver, okay? I'll have an electric heating blanket waiting for you....

    Okay y'all! Talk to you later! xoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning---Oh it's cold here very cold and it's going to snow and it'll be just like winter out there.

    And yes Chevy now that I am earning my keep, I have to present myself in a professional manner of showering everyday and my best sleepwear is always washed (I do that) and worn daily and on the weekend I just let myself go. Just like a real job. I've been know as a real pro back in the day.I won't even say shut up Chevy on that one. I'm giving u all the ammunition u want since u'r still on Aunti-Bs--Damn I always forget I am too, so I'm just as sick as u nananananana, and on top of that neither one of us knew it, that's how sick we are. hahaha.,

    I hope every one stays warm and safe and comfy, comfy I like that word like cupcake and marshmallow those words are just pleasant to the ear, aren't they?

    My DD just brought me my coffee, Joey's not up yet--They always wait on me, I figured it out--if they keep me in my room, I won't bother them-See I know how they think. Brats.

    OK I have to wake up a little, not to much no one likes me at all then.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Morning again miss Cammi! Yes, I love those pleasant little words! Kind of like ..... Oh wait, I can't think of any....Loopy

    They wait on you? They had better.... You are special.... Like a needy little Puppy. Don't leave your room.... Only let nicely people and Katie kat in there..

    Tell them to bring you spagettio's and Bailey's Irish Cream for your coffee! Or just skip the coffee part. And mention how you like more movies to watch.

    Oh! I'm taking my last Auntibeeotic today! I am well... I am cured.... I am woman. Pretty good, since I didn't even know I needed a pill, or that I was "sickly"...

    But I think YOU are really sick.... You need comforting... and a good dose of Castor Oil. That's what WE used to get when we were little. "THEY" were trying to kill us I think. Okay.... gotta go pretend I know what I am doing UP at this hour!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013


    Me and my Crocs!

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    Good morning gals! Heat wave in central Illinois.....16 degrees! :-) I need to get out and get some errands done as I talked myself out of doing them yesterday. The storm is supposed to hit this evening and continue throughout tomorrow so I want to be ready for it. (Really I am ready for Florida, if you must know the truth!)

    And speaking of Florida, what part of FL are you in, Mary? We will be heading to Cape Coral for most of January, February, and a week in March. We're still snow birds but we're going to look at some property while we're down there this year. I really don't think I'm ready to give up my home here in the woods but we're going to see what's available.

    Well, Ii hope everyone has a good Friday. I need to get my snack made to take to my ladies' golf party tonight and get some bills paid....UGH!

    Hugs to everyone!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    There must be a place where hopes and dreams are nurtured,
    and that place is only within ourselves.  A place to clean the
    grime of life, a place that waits for us to stay and look inside
    that we might see the truth.  Cliff Robertson

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Morning everyone.....on this for right now sunny morning.  Still pretty cold out but as to our "storm" and it is on the way, it will warm ( so the weatherman says ) enough to only rain all day until tonight when it switches over to snow and may snow a lot tomorrow.....or rain, or who quite knows.  Somehow I'm not thinking this storm will have the impact of the last one which our little town did not seem to be ready for.......and neither was I.  Just too big a change........but like Chevy -- I am woman, and I have learned, "knocking on wood here" that I usually traverse the areas I always go through or too without much difficulty.  I just wasn't ready for ICE so early on this year. 

    We have lost a lot of our first sort of seems to squash down a bit, so while there is still a sea of white outside.....I'm thinking the rain could remove a fair amt. of least up until the rain changes to snow after dark.  It will be an interesting storm.  By next week ( again who knows for sure that far in advance ) it sounds like we could be near 40 at some point......we might not be having a WHITE Christmas at all but just a Christmas.  I can't say I truly mind......however it will be wonderful. 

    Hoping of course, that everyone else gets by ok as well.  So far it has been wild for weather, but while I think it is more like winters while I was not living here.....I still see it as all pretty un-predictable.  We were supposed to have a super cold year last yr. ( much like we are having right now ) but is a yr. late because last winter was a warm one.  Sigh !!!!  We get what the sky gives us.  I think that is all I know.

    See you all later.

    Peace and love,


  • Denise51
    Denise51 Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2013

    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to this board, so apologies if my comments are repeats of others.

    I am soon to be 63, was diagnosed a year ago and have gone through lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation. Since I am estrogen + , and have lumbar osteoporosis I was prescribed Tamoxifen (for the first two years of the 5 year med regimen). I started the Tamoxifen on November 1 and feel pretty horrible. Surprisingly no hot flashes, but significant joint pain in hips, knees, feet (and even the soles of my feet hurt).

    I will not say I did not have trouble with chemo or rads, but compared to what many others have gone through I faired pretty well, so I feel bad about complaining about this now - but I feel 30 years older than I did before starting the tamoxifen. Except for BC I have had no other health issues.

    Any 60+s out there with similar tamoxifen issues?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Welcome Denise I'm glad some of this is over for u, now the tammy--Well I'm not on it but it pretty much sounds like the al's most of us re on, I'm on aromasin and it stinks so all that u said pretty much goes with this territory, some get used to it and it wanes away, but others it stick round, its so difficult to say what it will do and some manage quite well on these. It's the little evil pill I think but not everyone thinks so,  I'm sure others will chime in all I can say is I the tis pill I'm on. LOL

    Yea Chevy u'r done With Aunti, now don't u go get it checked out again? I'll be on mine another maybe 10 days??? I don't know why, I never do whatever. I'm hving a ruff day today for some reason, maybe it'll get better some are rougher than others and this is one, I know complining again--but tuff read it anyway.