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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Denise.....welcome.  This is just my opinion but I would try to stick with the Tamoxifen for at least three months.  It seems that sometimes after first having much problem our bodies can adjust and tolerate some things if we give it some time.  That said.....I'm not aware of anyone who was on Tamoxifen who  was able to see their reaction to the drug tone down. 

    That could be from just not hearing about it all the way to it won't happen with that particular drug.  If that is the case, though your Oncologist may prefer to have you on this drug -- he may be open to your trying one of the others....there are three and see if you can tolerate it better. 

    I did Arimidex with little issues.  The only ones I had were when it became generic ( then called Anastrozole )  my body was reacting badly ( I'm told this happens when whatever is used as a carrier to get the drug into your system creates an issue )  and just as I was about to ask if I could be switched.....I apparently got used to whatever this carrier was......and the problems/issues stopped. 

    I always felt fairly well ( my chemo went down very hard )  other than the three month breaking in period and I do think it is important if you can hang with it, or go on by switching to one of the others that may not give you the issues. 

    These are just my opinions really and I hope a couple of the other ladies will get on here and give you their impressions.  I finished my five years on Anastrozole and was able to stop.....just a couple of months ago.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    image I'm bery cold.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2013

    Denise51, Welcome to the thread. I know that joint pain is a big SE of the aromatase inhibitors, so it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't the same for tamoxifen. They both deprive your body of estrogen, just have different ways of achieving that end. I take Claritin which seems to help my aches. It should be the plain Claritin not the Claritin-D if you want to try it.

    Chevy, the photo of the dog and cat made me laugh. Our dog looked like that. Just change the cat to an orange tabby and you would have the pair. And they were best buds and cuddled together.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013


    Welcome to our thread. I was on the Arimidex and had exactly the symptoms you are describing on the tamoxifen. My aches and pains never completely left me during the 5 years but I was too afraid to get off that little pill. I am sure your onc didn't want to put you on the Arimidex with your osteo problems as Arimidex is known to decrease bone density....and thus the tamoxifen for you which tends to be more forgiving in the long haul. If your joint problems continue, talk to your onc. about it. There is another drug called femara that can often be substituted, although it comes with some possible side effects, too. I sympathize with you over your aches and pains as I felt YEARS older when I was on the Arimidex. Hang in there. Let us know how it continues for you.

  • MaryFox
    MaryFox Member Posts: 88
    edited December 2013

    Jackie - we lived in San Diego county - Solana Beach for 7 years and then Vista for 3.  When we had visitors we'd take them on the whole tour: ocean, mountains and desert.  In Solana Beach, we lived right on the ocean where the weather was absolutely perfect; but in Vista, it was hot hot hot!

    Ritajean - we're in Vero Beach on the east coast - about 50 miles south of Cape Canaveral and 60 miles north of West Palm. We've been here just about a year and a half.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Oh Man you guys! Another high-school shooting ! 2 kids in hospital, one shot in their head.... 15 and 16.... Still watching it live on Fox news.... Arapaho High School on Dry-Creek and University Blvd. So tragic, once again! They say the shooter is down... just said he killed himself.

    This just makes you want to cry.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    I'm wtching this now---OMG

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Our Daughter used to live in Centennial.... There is someone else on this thread that lives in Centennial... All the schools in that area are on lock-down..... wanted to make sure this kid acted alone.... Parents are soooo scared..... The kids were texting their parents that they loved them.... while this was going on...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh I'm all over this on TV now.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    It's weird that I can read discussion forums on my so-called "smart" phone but I can't post. For some reason the keyboard doesn't appear. I can read and write e-mails. Guess I should go by a Verizon store and get some help.

    About the latest school shooting. I fear that this kind of horrible event has become a part of our culture. Part of the problem is the media coverage. Hours and hours of it. Troubled teens or older-than-teens become copycat criminals. What is the answer to preventing these horrible happenings? I don't have the answer to this question.

    Today I was sabotaged. Came home from playing golf and there were two plates of beautiful home-made cookies. A gift from friends. I sampled one cookie and then another and another. My low-carb diet came crashing to a stop. But the cookies sure tasted good.

    Tomorrow I have no commitments!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited December 2013

    Carol,I hear ya on the diet sabotage.....I have been losing weight close to 30lbs in the last 6 months. by eating lots of veggies, homade soup, and protein, but very little red meat.....told hubby my tail bone is hurting as I don't have much rear padding/ while recovering from my two surgeries on Nov 18 and Dec 2 for my face lift and the my lower eye lift and brow lift and hubby has been buying me boxes and boxes of my favorite holiday white frosted Oreos which are not helping me at all with the diet.

    Did you have any complication with your cosmetic surgery? I have chemosis.....which is a gel like build up in the whites of my eyes....I have to get drops put in every 48 hour from my use a rx eye drop two everyday.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh Di what a sweet DH and u'r poor eyes. U deserve some goodies right now.

    I've been watching about the shooting a lot too Carole--These poor kids--Fire drills and hostage drills now--What a horror story for school kids now and for parents. I don't understand how he walked in the door with a rifle totally showing it--I know they said he came into another door but this was not concealed, I guess the don't have security by the doors? I don't think there are any answers if u want a gun, u'll get one somehow and I can't imagine that there were no signs of his mood, but then again who knows how he always acted? It's just so unpredictable for any school ==I get so carried away I watched this so long today and nite.

  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2013

    HI gals, it's 18 here and snowing. Supposed to get between 4 inches and 12 inches, depending on which weather you listen to. So tomorrow we will look out the window and know!

    Denise, Welcome to the boards. I'm also on Arimidex. Almost gave up on it at first. The joint pain and stiffness it the worst. I take Aleve when it's really bad. Right everything hurts some days. Weight is also the problem for me. My daughter used to envy me my flat belly. Now I'm 6 mos pregnant looking!. What can I say ,also comes with the territory.

    Guess I'll watch it snow and finally start wrapping presents. Have a good day.

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2013

    Boy, if you don't visit here for a couple days you really fall out of the loop! Hello to all the new ladies. It is snowing like crazy here and we will be shut in all day for sure. I don't care because I have this awful cold and no energy. Just sitting in my recliner by the wood stove right now. My husband just went to Subway at this early hour to get tonight's dinner. They have Marinara Meatball 6" subs for only $2.00. He's going to get a few. When we eat them tonight I will put them in foil and heat them up. My husband doesn't cook at all but is always good for take-out! This snow better not spoil plans we have for tomorrow. All my kids are coming and the three girls and I are going to decorate the gingerbread men and sugar cookies I baked and froze a couple weeks ago. Then we make chocolate bark and dipped & decorated pretzels. We've been doing this for about 5 or so years and it is something I look forward to every year. My daughter, my daughter-in law, and my son's girlfriend are just the best and they all get along so there are lots of laughs. Just hope this cold doesn't turn into a sinus infection for me. I am trying a new recipe for Sausage & Spinach soup in my crockpot because the guys will be here also. I told my husband I will set up the crockpot of soup and bowls in the family room because we need every inch of the kitchen and dining room.

    So sad about the school shooting in CO. I live about 45 min from Newtown, CT and have been there quite a few times. I think of those parents today on this one year anniversary and my heart still breaks for the families.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    In dwelling, live close to the ground.
    In thinking, keep to the simple.
    conflict, be fair and generous.
    In governing, don't try to control.
    work, do what you enjoy.
    In family life, be completely present.
    - Lao Tzu

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Count me in as very saddened as well that there has been another "school" shooting.....though I would not be happy with ANY shooting actually.  Really irritated all over again that we did not manage to make any real impact with our gun laws -- actually the NRA really dug in its heels...........and while I do understand that reasonable gun owners practicing safe rules of gun ownership don't need to be bothered.....there is an element that just want to own high-powered weapons with huge magazine clips that are meant to be used in military situations......and of course, most of our worst problems have stemmed from this area.

    I'm tired of it.  I respect people's rights, I really do  ---- but all these precious people who get wounded or killed by these weapons  --- their right to an un-molested life to come and go in their every day life should have taken precedence over any NRA, or the spouting of the 2nd. amendment which is not even understood by the of the people using it as an argument.   So, I haven't watched this latest "tragedy" for fear of bashing in the t.v. screen.  Just truly upset that so many people have died or were maimed ( Gabby Giffords and others ) for someone's right to have firearms. 

    Di.....and is easy to fall off your "eating" plans.  I do it all the time.  I did notice one thing though.....if I wanted a really sweet treat.....I slice up apples ( with the peel on ) and put in a dish, dot with Smart Balance oleo with evoo in it, and Spenda brown sugar.  It seems I just keep losing weight when I use that as a dessert.  I been thinking it must be the apples so high in fiber along with not using butter and using a sugar w/o calories.  I thought --- we were having this almost every night for two weeks.....I'd see a gain --- but I kept going down.  Now I know what apples are really good addition to keeping the Dr. away.

    This thread can move fast sometimes now.  I think all of them slow down at times......

    It is snowing outside.  It is the really beautiful kind with the fat lazy flakes.  I won't be going to work today because some of the roads from here.....and across the river into St. Louis, Mo and on to the airport are not so great.....meaning the lady of the house will not be going to the airport to pick up her daughter ( Dad and his brother will ) so will just be a regular mainly at home day for me.    That is ok.......I am guaranteed my pay whether I work or not ( what a great family to work for ) although sometimes it bothers me that I get paid for doing when I am there, there are several little things I can do and will knowing days like this will happen.  They don't expect me too....but I feel better that I try to return what I see as a monumental favor to be paid even when things comes up and I'm not used.  Like.....they have a very, very, long drive-way and on trash day.....I will after parking my car, go back down, pick up the garbage tote ( big thing but on wheels ) and pull it back to the house.  There are all sorts of things to do like that....they are easy and relieve the others in the household from having to deal with it......and I get to burn the extra calories from a somewhat longish walk usually briskly done........we all win.

    Mgster....your tradition sounds like so much fun.  A way to instill some joy and camaraderie into your home and add to the holiday spirit.  I think I'll come over have made it sound like such a delight.  Heck maybe half of us here will show up. 

    Ok....time to close this up.....I am being a motor mouth.  I'll be checking in later.  If your having snow...hope it is a pretty one. 

    Peace and love,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Just something I saw the other day:

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    GM from the snowy part of IL too. Jackie it does look pretty, but I guess the streets are pretty bad tho, and hopefully it stops soon. And I'm sure u would get paid for days off, u r so caring for everyone and they know that.

    Oh I've been watching the school shooting, I always try to understand why, what makes a kid especially do these awful things and I never can. And I do have mixed feelings about the NRA cuz most of those people are responsible gun owners--it seems--it's the ones who get the guns illegally that do so much harm and it's insane how many people have them. And the amendment doesn't make sense either I always thought it said we have a right to bear arms with a militia not singlely, but it's been forever since I've read it so I don't know--Oh I'm getting on my political soapbox and that's just plain dumb.

    I didn't sleep as well last nite as I have been so I'm grumpy, sneezy and a few other dwarves but not Doc or happy. It's damp so of course I'm all achy plus my regular crap so I'm going to take it easy, altho I already had a call about work today--It's the furnace time of year so more people are calling. I hope it's taken care of, it's not far but I don't have any control over who does what--I just let them know

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013


  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2013


    Did you hear me clapping when I read your opinion on gun laws? Yup! We think alike here, sister! What will it take? The report of exactly how these 20 little ones and 6 educators were killed was read on our local newscast and it was hard to hear. There was a warning before to not let children hear it, of course. I wonder if the head of NRA's grandchild was one of these innocent babies...would things have changed? Just makes me so sad.

    But, hey, come on over for the cookie & candy making! Just hoping it doesn't have to get cancelled. This snow is really coming down and my husband said he heard a foot! GRRRR! Don't get me wrong, I like snow and I love living in New England, but I just want it when it is convenient for ME!!! LOL

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2013

    I worked downtown in a high rise on the 15th floor. Snow flakes are really beautiful seen from above. I can sympathize with the traffic mess however. We have steep hills which are impassable in snow. And Metro continues to use bendable buses although they know they don't work in snow. They're really good at blocking streets, however.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Wren bendable buses? I never heard of that.

    Mgster Oh I hope this snow doesn't get in the way of u'r plans today, it sounds like so much fun too.

    It's still snowing here but not like what u'r getting.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Mgster....I wondered what I was hearing.  Not to get carried away but things are so different now from when I grew up.  My little family needed to supplement the meat that they could afford to buy during the winter here.  My dad would not touch a gun --- even though he had been in service -- so my Mom did all the hunting.  She had a 410 shotgun which was on a gun-rack my cousin made for her in Woodworking class at high school.  When my mom was not hunting with it, it never left the gun rack for anything.  The shells were  in a drawer not very far away from the gun.  I and my friends and anyone who was in the house walked by the rack.......who knows how many times without more than a cursory glance if that.

    In those days....guns were only for adding meat for the table in winter-time.  The rest of the time it was something barely remembered as even being there.  My how things have changed.  It could be so much better but it a different time....and we have to find things that work and we can't always let the everyday citizens who don't know what the second amendment says keep jerking us around. had it right.......the second amendment is actually speaking about militias.......not everyday citizens who love to collect high powered guns that often get into the wrong hands.  It is all so I don't always pay as much attention other than just note that something else has taken place.  I did feel for the little children who will not do what our children were able too.

    Peace and love


  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    I agree with mgster. Miss a few days, even a day sometimes, and get really behind. It's great to have new people ... welcome.

    I started this post about 3 hours ago then got a telephone call which led into a meeting ... oh well, you get the idea. Now I am really behind and don't know if the site will even take this post. I do love hectic days upon occasion ... like today. They provide a certain kind of zip. I hope to be a more considerate poster tomorrow.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Jackie it's funny there has always been crime and evil in our world since forever, but still the times were simple for most of us--I don't remember people having guns, maybe they did but no one ever saw it, but in farm country of course they did but like u said it wasn't a toy it was meant for use for something specific not let's see who we can kill tonite. I sometimes wonder if the world has gotten worse or is it because of media we hear everything now and unfortunately there are people very influenced by wht they hear. Did u see the picture of the boy who had a shotgun? U'd never look t him and think hmmm- He looked like Howdy Doody and happy like Happy Days, he was smart and had things going for him. It's like what goes on in these young minds to be so sad and vengeful. I used to stick my gum under a teachers desk and I thought boy did I get him/her. I'm not saying all of our generation had a happy childhood, cuz some didn't at all, but everyone I knew then and now did, oh maybe times were rough with money but our families were just all so close. Does that make a difference or not I don't know. There are plenty of good people that came from chaotic backgrounds, Nature, nurture , well it's hard to believe a baby can be born bad so ??? And yet there are wonderful parents and their child is not so wonderful. To much for my simple brain and the scientists too. Well I'm not a rocket scientist, but then again this isn't about rockets or is it. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    It's about rockets.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Chevy that's what I thought actually.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    Oh only took 3 words from you to crack me up! LOL

    Well we are plowed out now. I went to my chiropractor/naturalist today for my knee that has never gotten any better. He said it was muscular and ligament related and he worked me over good. The he gave me acupunture around the knee combined with a cold laser treatment. I about had the big one because I wasn't expecting that and I thought for sure that it was really going to hurt. I was pleasantly surprised to find there was no pain involved and I do believe I am having less problems with the stairs now. We will wait a few more days and see what the true verdict is and if it's no better after Christmas, I'll go to my primary care physician and see what she thinks.

    The snow seems to have stopped here now but the wind has picked up and it's blowing out of the trees.

    We are leaving shortly to meet some friends for bowling, drinks, and dinner. I asked about bowling with my "bum" knee and he said that any type of exercise or movement helps muscles heal better...within reason of course!

    mgster...I have always wanted to visit New England in the Fall to see the lovely foliage. That never worked for me since I was a teacher and was just getting back to work in the Fall. Maybe one of these days we will make it now that I'm retired. Massachusetts and New York are the farthest northeast that I have ever been.

    Well I need to get moving so I hope that everyone has a great weekend. Welcome to the new ladies to the thread.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    Camille, you have some good thoughts in your recent posts. In the biblical version of the beginning of human life, evil was right there to mess things up. And it's always present in one form or another.

    I agree with Jackie and Mgster on the 2nd amendment. The right to bear arms was to form a militia in times when there was no standing army in the new republic. But the guns rights folks disagree strongly and they seem to have the political clout.

    Our BIL in Decatur, IL, sent some beautiful snow pictures. There's nothing any prettier than big flakes falling and transforming the world, covering up ugliness like trash in some people's yards.

    Today we've had 70 degree weather. I opened up doors and the kitchen window to let in fresh air. But the temperature is supposed to go lower tonight and our high will be in the 50's tomorrow. That's cold daytime weather for us.

    I did some driving about today. Picked up my mother's Christmas present, a pair of SAS shoes she selected and we had to order the extra wide size. Then I had my car washed. I just couldn't muster the initiative to wash it myself and vacuum out the interior. Lazy lazy me. Next I went to Target and bought two Christmas presents for my mother to give to two of her great-grandchildren. And I bought a pair of black exercise pants to wear on the long airplane ride to Australia in Jan.

    DH just came in from playing golf. It rained last night and the course was very sloppy but he had signed up for a tournament in advance. He was on the winning team and won $75 in pro shop credits.

    Mgster, decorating the cookies and pretzels sounds like lots of fun.

    Di, I didn't have any complications with my face lift. The first 2 or 3 days were extremely miserable with the swelling. And I had to sleep on my back propped up on pillows for about 6 weeks. But I was very pleased with the results. It's six years later and I could use a tune-up. My turkey neck has reappeared though probably not as bad as before. I recently had some injections around my lips for deep-cut lines and also in the lips for giving some fullness and definition. No, Chevy, I do not have fat lips now! I've always had thin lips and age seems to have made them thinner. I believe in doing anything we can afford to make us feel better about ourselves. Like having our hair colored and styled. Just my opinion.

    Hope this has been a good Saturday for everyone.