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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Morning all.  I knew there were gong to be lines on the quote, but it was so pretty I just decided to use it anyway.

    mommarch....I was afraid of the p. cooker too until I started using one.  The first time I ever did I thought my mother ( who'd used one for many years ) was the bravest soul in the world.  So -- another bonus point of being here.  I find out that I'm not "weird" for having slight feelings of terror about using and doing certain things.  I call that wonderful.

    mom, I always think.....the things that are meant to be, happen.  We don't always get to know the reason why something doesn't work out ---  but I'm convinced that we are all fortunate when it doesn't.  I also think this is something else the Universe has a large hand in where we are concerned.  I mean think about plane crashes for instance, or cars too.............where someone steps up and says something like -- I was going to take that flight but overslept or whatever.  Or, I was going to go to that party with my friends but had last minute company. 

    We have purposes here on this Earth --- if your anything like me, you don't have much of an idea why, but others do.......and so things happen to change your plans.  So, I try not to fret too much if things don't work out.  Just feel the angels of the Universe who are there with the express purpose of helping us transport ourselves through this life, know when to put a roadblock in the way that will keep us here.

    To that end......many people pray at night before they go to sleep.......I write a letter to the Universe nightly asking for help and kindnesses for others and being thankful that I am still here to do whatever I can to make something, anything, just a little better and if not better, from getting worse.  I also thank than Universe for the care we/I receive because I am always grateful for the blessing of the protections and help.  It's a complicated world with so many rivers to cross on your way to the other side.  No one but me ever sees the letters and they are destroyed when my "letter" book ( ordinary school tablet )  is full.  Nothing fancy you see has to happen.  it is just a special time for me that I set aside..........and I've done it for a long time -- feel lost when I don't, and can't imagine not having my special time sharing with the Universe.  It gives something to my life that I know I need. 

    I think I mentioned the lack of X-mas decorations here.  Too many cats to have way too much fun and no matter how bad it sometimes looks, I value the hair I have on my head and don't want to lose it again.  We usually go somewhere and will go to my cousin's again.  Would have made it Thanksgiving, but I worked.  This will give us the holiday time together that we missed.

    It is going to more of a hors d' oeuvres, sandwichchy, salad and desserts sort of thing which actually suits me fine.  While I would normally cook beans and corn-bread on New Years.....I will take the little 11 pound turkey I have and thaw it and cook it then.  Had gotten it just because I was not sure my cousin would be home for X-mas.  I'm seriously thinking on trying a cranberry pie for sure.  The one we tasted at Thanksgiving.....had the whole thing been available.....I'm sure I could have wiped it out alone in nothing hope I can duplicate the marvelous flavors.

    CHEVY.....NOW HEAR THIS. No more going out without good footwear for BAD conditions.  Well, I know how easy it is to want to save time and not change your shoes.  Have done it and the 'crawling' along to get where I was going was pretty awful.  Though today ( pour down showers and 50 degrees this a.m. ) is ok.....up till yesterday in spite of the warmer weather.......we had so much snow and ice.....that some of it lingered over-long and we spent several days having to handle some rather treacherous condions.  So please, please, careful, friend.  I depend on you and will be so distraught if something happens to you.  I want you all to get througt the winter weater just fine. 

    Ok....I've written too much I guess as I just am making my scrreen bounce and can't fix the mistakes until I finish. 

    I hope you are all going to have a wonderfu, fabulous Friday. 

    Peace and love,


  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Hi all ... good morning.  

    All of you have inspired me today ... motivated me.  I woke up having a bit of a pity party, but your busy posts have energized me.

    Chevy, I hope you are okay.  Mom, it must be hard for your daughter to wait for her surgery as well as being sick.  Sandra, it's wonderful that you are healing so well. 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Jackie, a cranberry pie sounds yummy. Recipe?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Jackie, you reminded me of the Diaries my Mom kept....  Remember, they used to keep  those?  She wrote a little something in it every night, and I have about 4, 5 year diaries I think!  I'll have to go read them again....  I tried once, but it was kind of painful at that time.... 

    I never thought of thanking the Universe!  I just learned to pray in Church I guess.... But now, even though I don't really GO to Church, I still thank God every night for all that we have, and getting us through another day.....    I know there is a higher-power.... for me anyway.... 

    I know I told this story somewhere, but my Brother was in the Navy Band....  Plane trips all the time...  A flight going out of Rio DeJaniero..... He was so sick, he asked to stay another night....  That plane crashed over Sugar-loaf Mountain....  All me and my Grandma heard, was "All the members of the Navy Band have been killed in a plane crash over  Rio DeJaniero"....    Took hours before we found out he wasn't one of the Band members on that plane. 

    It was then that he started believing in God.... or a higher power....  He goes to Church all the time now.... Yes, he found a reason to believe.

    You guys, this Cranberry dish is just delicious...

    1 package of Cranberries....  Add 1 C sugar or Equal.... (I only used 1/2 C.)  Simmer with 1/2 C. water for a few minutes.

    Then add 1 small can of crushed pineapple, (with juice)  some diced celery, and a handful of chopped Walnuts.

    Add 1 package of  Sugar Free Cherry Jello...  dissolved in 1 C  HOT water.  Mix all together, refrigerate, and you will love it. 

    I know Jackie.... DH gave me a ration, for not being more careful!  My own fault.... Man, my butt hurts now... like my tail-bone...  Good thing I have so much padding.  HAD to have helped..... 

    Hi Sally and Sandra!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2013

    I worked with a woman who was flying standby for a flight out of Dallas. She was chatting and the clerk said he thought she was with the woman she was talking to and had not put her on the list. The flight had closed and he couldn't add her now. She spent the night at her folks house and woke up to see the headline about the flight crashing (there were survivors). If that were me, I would have the total willies. And be buying a train ticket.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    There are several recipes for Cranberry Pie on the Internet......I'm going to glance through what Taste of Home might have, but I did see a recipe ( maybe they will have one too ) for a Cranberry Apple Pie and I may do that one sometime too. The first one I found that SEEMED easy enough for me was:


    1 cup all purpose flour

    1 cup white sugar

    1/4 tsp. salt

    2 cups cranberries

    1/2 cup chopped walnuts

    1/2 cup butter, melted

    2 eggs

    1 tsp. almond flavoring

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease 9 - in. pie pan.

    Combine flour, sugar, salt.  Stir in cranberries and nuts and toss to coat them.

    Stir in butter, beaten eggs and almond extract.  Spread batter into prepared pan.

    Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until wooden pick near the center comes out clean. 

    I intend to make Chevy's cranberry recipe as well.


  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2013

    love anything and everything cranberry!  YUM!!

    Sandra...great you are finally starting to feel better.  You have been through the ringer so it's time for good news.

    I never had a pressure cooker but I can still hear my grandmother's making all those swishing sounds.  Someone told me that a friend was making chicken noodle soup when it exploded and there were noodles all over and it was so bad it broke a mirror and loosened a kitchen cabinet door!  WOW!  Like a bomb going off!  However, my brother has one and it works have to toss away the old ones and get a new safer model.   I will stick to my crockpot!

    Up to 50 degrees here...woo-hoo!  Husband is at Mohegan Sun today so having three girlfriends over for pizza and dessert.  Just a nice quiet ladies night. 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Hey Chevy (waving like crazy.) I think I will make the cranberry pie tomorrow. I love anything with cranberries.

    I can imagine the terror you and your mothers felt when you heard about the plane crash. I've had that same experience several times. My husband was a career Air Force pilot and had plenty of close calls over the years. One time he was replaced on a flight at the last minute. He had seen several friends of ours who happened to be near the briefing room when he and his crew came out and headed for the airplane. As far as they knew, he was on the plane. They didn't know that he was called away to another part of the base just before they boarded and another pilot took his place. A half hour later the plane flew into a mountain and killed  all 15 people on board. Everyone in the building was in shock and standing around talking about the crash when Mike walked back into the building. Our friends said they thought they were seeing a ghost! Meanwhile, all the family members in the squadron knew there had been a crash but we didn't know which aircraft it was and which crew was killed. The Air Force sends a commander and a chaplain in a government dark blue sedan to deliver the news of a death. All of us in base housing held our breath while the blue sedan drove slowly down our street and prayed it wouldn't stop in front of our quarters. I still remember the terror when it slowed down and stopped. The men got out but went to my neighbors door. I could hear her scream. Terrible, terrible.

    On a happier note, I've been wrapping presents all afternoon and am almost finished. gosh, we cut back so much this year but it still seems like too much.

    We are looking forward to a holiday party tonight. We won't stay long since I don't have the stamina yet, but it will be great to see friends and share Christmas wishes. I haven't seen any of them in weeks. Tomorrow I'll do a little last minute baking and straighten up the guest bedroom. Sunday we are going to visit a new church.

    Everyone take it easy and don't wear yourselves out with last minute preparation.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Gosh, nice to see all the people who are just as wild about cranberries as I.  I know it was a toddler kind of thing, but I would when that little ask my mom for more strawberries as I imagine that is what the cranberries looked like to me --- if its read it must be a strawberry.  I've never lost my love for either one......and cherries and raspberries are right up there too.....I guess red fruit of almost any kind is ok with me.

    I started the love affair with cranberries as a great dessert having Cranberries In The Snow.  It still is irresistible to me, whether I make it, or someone else does.  I'll eat it as long as I can get my hands on it.  If anyone here as not tried Cranberries In The is very easy to make and likely you will not regret it.  Anyone wants the recipe...just say so and I'll look it up.

    Peace and love,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013 it is anyhow:


    1 lb. cranberries
    3/4 c. water
    1 c. crushed pineapple, drained
    1 c. nuts
    1 lg. cream cheese
    1 lg. box cherry Jello
    2 c. sugar
    1 c. celery, chopped
    1 (7 oz.) jar marshmallow creme
    1/2 pt. whipping cream

    Cook cranberries in water until tender. Add to Jello and sugar. Stir and let cool. Add pineapple, celery and nuts. Refrigerate until set. TOPPING: Mix cream cheese and marshmallow creme and whipped cream (whip first). Spread on top of Jello.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, glad to hear that you're feeling better.

    Chevy, I second those who are telling you to wear some safe foot gear and don't risk falling! 

    My mother used a very large pressure cooker in her canning process.  It was REALLY big.  Years ago I had a reasonable-sized one that I used quite a bit during those years we lived on a sailboat.  But I don't have one now, mainly because I'm not usually pressed for time when I'm cooking something that takes a few hours.  I think the new ones are supposed to be much safer than the old ones. 

    DH and I are going to a Christmas concert tonight.  It probably won't be as good as the one we attended last Sunday afternoon but I'm sure we'll enjoy it. 

    It was warm and humid today.  I played golf in summer clothes.  Played badly.  I'll blame the humidity.

    Have a nice Friday evening.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Chevy, the story about your brother kind of makes me wonder if at least some parts of our lives are predetermined.  Then I wonder how I can stick to my predetermined path ... or if I have.  On a lighter note the cranberry recipe sounds good ... and easy, so even this kitchen challenged lady should be able to fix it successfully.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Whoops, I missed a page change.  Hi Wren, Jackie, Mgster, Sandra, and Carole.  Time to call my mom; then I will be back to read your posts.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Carole, how long did you live on a sailboat?  Where did you sail?  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013 interesting that you say pre-determined.  I certainly feel much is pre-determined or chosen so that we can lean different ways of glorifying our souls.....I just seldom say much in that regard because most people are content with their religion, church, spirituality, etc.  But...I do believe this is pretty much why we have the help that we do......because we often can lose our way a we have special angels who do nothing but keep track of us.....and step in to keep us off of planes...or in my case to warn me to slow down in my car.....and then someone from my left or right runs a light............we have so much un-seen help while we do the work of getting our souls in good shape.....but again, just my very deep and heartfelt opinion. 

    Good news that the pressure cookers are less likely to go ka-poof all over the kitchen.....though I really don't know anyone who had it happen.  I don't really have to cook anything faster, but don't like to be tied down to some parts of the slower style as I'm usually in the opposite end of the house from the kitchen and would "forget" even if I weren't if I got engrossed in a t.v. program or something.  Well, there it is for all the world to see.....I'm lazy  and can 'forget' what I should be doing way too easy.  But...I'm not too hard on myself...I just use a pressure cooker. 

    Do recall the days I browned a roast.....then put it in water and cooked at very slow boil for three hours or so, and then for the last hour had vegetables added.  Then made the gravy ............  ah, I could do so many things then, but not now.  That's ok....I know I've got lots of company.

    Peace and love


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, I worked with a woman whose husband was near the end of his tour in Vietnam. She had elaborate rituals to allay her anxiety over his safe return. One Sunday afternoon, her husband's commanding officer and her pastor drove up to her house. Seeing the look on her face, they realized what she was thinking. Immediately they said no, no, we're just checking up on you because we haven't seen you for a couple of weeks. What a relief! And he did make it home safely.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,294
    edited December 2013

    Carole:  I want to hear about the sailboat living & sailing too!!  My son lived on a sailboat in the San Francisco Marina for 3 years and i was sooooo jealous.

  • rabbitvelvet
    rabbitvelvet Member Posts: 38
    edited December 2013

    Hi Everyone,

        You are all's like I just moved to town and the welcome wagon lady invited me over for coffee cake and everyone else showed up.  Not knowing everyone's stories, I listen and try to keep up and occasionally pipe up myself. 

        Jackie, you have a special gift and bless you for it.  I do believe that you need to listen to that still small voice inside.  Years ago my Mom told me of a near miss...when a pookey car took forever to pass her so that she could merge onto the roadway but that car's slowness prevented her from being at the exact place where a car blasted through a red light and would have hit her! 

        Love the pressure cooker stories....still remember the rat a tat of peas blasting through the cookers are all braver than I am.

        Chevy...Beware slippery places (or furniture that breaks toes...a long story)....

        Congratulations to Sandra and all who feel better recently.

       I look forward to many other coffee-klatches:)    Marcia


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2013

    Interesting reading this morning as I'm having my coffee.  I also believe our lives follow some kind of path of destiny, but that we sometimes stray from that path, which I think I've done many times.  I believe everything happens for a reason, and provides us with many opportunities to learn and grow.  Those who don't take advantage of these opportunities simply repeat them until they learn.  I also believe in Karma, which is why I don't stress over the bad things people do...the universe takes care of it.

    We had dinner to celebrate DGS's 11th birthday.  He's really growing up fast.  He was extremely hyper at the table last night...both my BF and I noticed it and wondered what was wrong.  I thought about it later and realized that he didn't have his little tablet that he always brings and plays games on the entire time we are eating...apparently DD made him leave it at home.  I'm not so sure those are good for kids to have for a lot of reasons.  He didn't seem to know what to do with his hands, or how to interact with the rest of the table.

    I'll be busy today cooking for tomorrow's family gathering.  Everyone is coming now so it should be a wonderful time for all.  I love seeing the little ones open their presents and play together.  Santa is bringing the DGD's a doll house which will stay at grandma's so they have something to play with when they visit.  I'm praying they don't fight over!

    The lawn man is coming to plant my flowers in the front so must get moving...have a wonderful weekend everyone.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Here is one of my biggest favorite authors.....and his quotes are always reflective and wonderful:

    "You are not IN the Universe, you ARE the
    Universe, an intrinsic part of it.  Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal
    point where the Universe is becoming conscious of itself.  What an amazing

    Eckhart Tolle

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Rain, rain, rain.....dreary.  The good news is, ( or so I hope and pray the news does not change ) that the sleet, ice and other un-pleasantries should be missing the southern Illinois part of the country along with the Metro East parts of Missouri.....mainly meaning those right beyond the river bridge that takes you into St. Louis.  So....I should be able to get in my longer work period....starting at 11 a.m. and maybe up till about 8:30 p.m. tonight.  Another little Christmas bonus here....and that is what will pay for my pressure cooker. 

    The Dr. and his wife will be leaving early, going to a play at the theater in St. Louis ( Dr.'s son is a playwright ) and then a nice after theater dinner in the city. 

    Nice to hear there are some who "see" what I see.  Often I can be timid about voicing some of my ideas.....we are all at different levels.....and some are where they don't need to see right now............they may already have, or it still may be coming, but never-the-less --- each person is where they are meant to be and having the experiences that were meant...........and our spirit ( though we may long for some things to be different ) is on track and ok with it all.  In other words -- be content.  If you can't you still don't have to is all set up and you will be ok.  We all have a place in the scheme of things. 

    I'm so good at saying relax and let it come.......but full acceptance ( sometimes hard to reach ) really does help you move on.  When you are not accepting of something, it tends to hang around and annoy and just generally disturb your balance.  I do best when I'm able to say ok.....I can't pay my bills this month say --- and then if I allow that to be totally and I do mean totally all right.......then extra work or something comes along or in some cases maybe someone surprises me with a gift.  I used to know how to go with the flow....apparently I needed to fight that for awhile.....but I'm now back ( maybe I needed the lesson to see how it worked ) to learning to let it go pretty much and make it ok. 

    Kaara....I think your daughter has the right idea to teach her son how to exist minus his "out" of playing games to avoid being social.  It seems that the electronics ( some of which we seasoned people actually really like too ) have gone to something of level that is not so great for some people.  Hard to know sometimes that this may be taking place.  I guess some of my young cousins ( now grown )  were given a lot of ground rules early on.  My only thing at the time where they were concerned was....they had strange dietary had to have pizza or McDonalds hamburgers for every meal.....the other ate a lot of cheddar cheese and M & M's.  They of course, don't do it know that they are married with kids of their own.....but when I first came back was bothersome in a way....though not really any of my business.  Later, I came to see them as such good youngsters and later, young men that the parents -- already knowing this......were choosing their battles and this was not worth the issues --- they were otherwise behaving very correctly. 

    Marcia....we all stay here because the path we were all forced on is a bit different and the pitfalls of it can be confusing and off-putting and even some of our family members can inadvertently  be upsetting and a trial one ends up having to bear at a bad time.  So......some of us old-timers now just hang around because someone else cared enough to extend a knowing and loving hand.  We look at each other here as best friends and when anyone new comes in for the first time......why, they are best friends too.  Just hope you come often. 

    Minus Two....I'm just thinking aloud to myself about how calm and soothing and delightful going to sleep on a sailboat in a harbor could be.  I can't think of much more that could be so earthy and spiritual at the same time. 

    Hope you all havde a sensational Saturday. 

    Peace and love,


  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Jackie, Tolle, ..."where the universe is becoming conscious of itself" ... interesting and thought provoking ... I will be sharing the full quote with DS this morning ... we enjoy discussing perspectives.

    I need to work on "accepting" as Jackie describes it.  Jackie, your comments on accepting really hit home with me today.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    We went to dinner with my group of 9 best friends and their husbands last night at an upscale Mexican restaurant. I hadn't seen any of them for a long time because of my latest surgery, so it was such a treat. My birthday was three weeks ago, but they surprised me with a belated celebration, complete with presents and a plate of birthday soapapillas with honey, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and a candle in the middle.

    Later we exchanged Christmas presents - everything from little tokens like I gave (small Christmas ornament wine glasses...appropriate for these crazy women) to calendars for next year, jewelry, ornaments, candles, wine, and scarves. Some spend more than others, some spend less like me this year since I'm on social security. No one cares. It's truly the thought that counts. One of my friends and her daughter made me a quilt! It must have taken them a couple of months. The pattern is lovely and has some blocks with pink breast cancer ribbon fabric. But the really amazing part is the quilting. There are some blocks with names quilted into a design and others with different kinds of hearts, flowers, or lovely swirling patterns. On the back is an embroidered message of love and friendship. My heart grew three sizes.

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, your quilt sounds amazing.  The whole evening sounds uplifting.  Obviously you are a super-valued friend.

  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, Our quilting guild here gave me a quilt to take to my chemo and got very choked up when one of the college students I worked with brought it in to my office.

    We had rain all day and most of the night yesterday.  Today the winds are gusting to 70mph.  Sounds like the roof is coming off the house.  A few years ago we had winds of 100 mph, that was scary.

    Went to our Christmas party last night, had a real good time.  There is another one tonight put on by our Volunteer Fire Dept., will skip it, don't want to get out in this wind and the fire station will be pretty cold and drafty.  

    I finally got all the Grands amazon gift cards e-mailed.  That is all we are doing this year.  DH went to Alpine with me yesterday and told me he knew what we were getting for Christmas for Us.  He said it would not cost more than $150.00.  I thought why, there is nothing we need.  He had me go to the hardware store, he was wandering around, and finally I asked what in the world are you looking for.  A under the cupboard light.  We have a spot in the kitchen that is so dark and I gripe all the time about it.  We lucked out it was on sale for $10.00.  He had fun keeping me in suspense.  DH put it up this morning and boy is it nice.

    Everyone stay warm and be safe.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2013

    Jackie:  I love Eckhart Tolle....I've read all of his books.  They really put life in perspective and make us realize that our egos are what cause all of our problems.  If only we could learn to get over it and just accept whatever happens with no need to feel threatened.  It's a daily challenge, but I've practiced some of his teachings on others and am amazed at the results.

    Well, my yard is beautiful with all the flowers planted, my lasagna (two kinds) has been put together and is in the refrigerator awaiting dinner tomorrow.  I found out today that the kids all want to watch the Dolphin game at 1:00, so I'll just put off dinner until it's over....that's why I make something easy.  All I have to do is prepare the salad and do the bread.  DD and DIL are bringing dessert.  We're doing our annual white elephant gift exchange after dinner.

    Happy weekend everyone!

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2013

    Mommarch...what a deal on that under-cabinet lighting.  I love when I find a bargain.  Lately I don't think I have paid full price for anything.  We were at Sears on Thursday and you would have thought Christmas was already over.  So many things were 50% off!  Used to be these sales happened AFTER Christmas.  Got lots of good bargains.  The only items I have to wait after Christmas for are the LiBien ornaments that they only seel at Pier 1.  I get 4 and put them away for the next year.  I have been doing this for my girls for the last 5 years so they are getting a nice collection.  I love how these ornaments are painted from the inside-out.  That's so amazing to me! must have felt amazing to be out with friends having a good time.  You certainly deserve it!

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Mommarch, your DH had a great idea ... and a fun way of presenting it.

    Kaara, I bet your kids think it's neat that you will schedule dinner around football.  I hope you will share the white elephant gifts with us.  I remember one year a pogo stick was the best white elephant at the adult faculty party.

    Mgster, did I hear Sears may go out of business?  Could the great deals be related to that?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    Ok.  My sailboat story.  DH and I got married in July of 1969.  His vehicle was a bright red Triumph convertible.  Small British car.  We bought a little teardrop camper and travelled for several months throughout New England where we visited literary spots like Emily Dickinson's home and Thoreau's Walden Pond.  I was a literature major in college.  In the fall we both got jobs at a ski lodge in Vermont where I experienced my first snowy winter.  Come spring we headed south.  We decided we would buy a sailboat and do ocean cruising. 

    We bought a partially-finished wooden sailboat, 40 ft by 13 ft.  We began completing the boat.  I worked as a high school teacher and dh did boat repairs and boat delivery for a boat dealership located in our marina.  We made friends with other "live-aboard" couples in the marina and enjoyed a social life on the various docks and boats.  Once we got our boat's rigging completed, we sailed in Lake Pontchartrain and made some trips to the Gulf coast.  We spent weekends at anchor at the "Point" where the Tchefuncta River flowed into Lake Pontchartrain.

    We lived on Wanderer for 9 years and enjoyed our lifestyle.  But we lost the urge to cross oceans.  Maybe we grew up!  We bought a house and moved off the boat.  A young man bought Wanderer and he did cross an ocean and went to the Carribbean.  He was in a storm out in the ocean and lost his mast.  I did not envy him that adventure. 

    We owned two more sailboats in the years that followed but at some point we switched from boating to rving.   We're currently on our 3rd camper and each one got larger than the last. 

    This afternoon we walked across our large back yard to a neighbor's equally large back yard to attend their Christmas open house for her family and the neighbors.  I enjoyed several glasses of "spirits" and some good party food. 

    I need to get out my recipes for the dishes I make each year for Christmas dinner and make a list of any groceries I need to buy.  I probably named those dishes last Christmas but we have new folks in our group.  I make creamed spinach because my sister Michelle loves it.  I usually put artichoke hearts and water chestnuts in the dish, too.  I make German potato salad because my youngest brother Brian especially likes it as do other people in the family.  I will also cook highly-seasoned pork roast.  I make slits in the roast and stuff the slits with chopped green onions and garlic sprinkled with cayenne pepper.  I'll sprinkle s & p and cayenne pepper on the entire outside of the roast.  Actually two pork roasts.

    Hope everyone had a good Saturday.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    I forgot to include shrimp mold among the foods that I'll prepare for Christmas.  We actually eat too early to need a snack food but everyone--especially my mother--loves shrimp mold with crackers.  The ingredients are boiled fresh shrimp, chopped, cream cheese, tomato soup, plain gelatin, finely diced green onions, salt and hot sauce to taste.  You can also include finely diced celery but I usually omit it.