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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Chevy that is such a beautiful video of earth, sea and land and of all of nature---I understand now why my dad just loved nature and all that it meant to him. My dad was an atheist but he believed in the universe and what it was all about. I understand it more now. And yet we all went to Catholic schools--go figure, he had no objection cuz it was what my mom wanted and he did respect anyone's religion. Oh well I guess cuz we never got spanked at home they thought let the nuns get them cuz they did. LOL

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited December 2013

    To all of my BC friends:

    Thank you for being supportive this past year.  Not only for the care & concern you afforded me during my fight w/ this disease but also for listening & giving advice when my world fell apart.  You are wonderful, strong & loving women! 

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas & a healthy Happy New Year!

    Be safe & keep warm!

    Peace, joy & love,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Just something I have always enjoyed -- every time I saw it:


    Peace and love,


  • mommarch
    mommarch Member Posts: 534
    edited December 2013

    I just finished watching a documentary on Natgeo about the Galopegos   It is so interesting.  If I had the money I would love to go.  Science has always been one of my favorite things.

    DD and SIL have both of their children together for Christmas this year.  I hope all goes well.  DD is in such a nervous state.  Kids do pretty well together.  

    Came back from running errands and found a bulge in the side wall of my tire.  Guess DH will take it off on Christmas day and I will take it to the tire shop on Thurs. and have a new tire put on the rim.  Always something.

    A Blessed Christmas to each and everyone.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    I'm piled up in the recliner with a blanket and a cat, trying to pass the time until my husband goes to the airport to pick up our oldest child, Allison. She's been trying to get here from Chicago for hours. Flights were cancelled or delayed in Chicago and in St. Louis where she changed planes. She's finally in the air now and we expect her sometime after midnight.

    Today is my son Ryan's 29th birthday. He is so much fun to buy things for because he takes his time with each box, appreciates the wrapping, and has such a great reaction to the gift inside. My daughter Stephanie in St. Petersburg, FL sent Ryan a pretty jar full of sand from one of his favorite beaches. He loved it. He came over for dinner, candles and chocolate cake and left happy. He lives less than 2 miles away and will be back tomorrow to see his sister and talk basketball with his dad. He is, of course, a San Antonio Spurs addict.

    I'm still dragging. Too many lingering aches and pains from the Dec. 6th surgery. Tomorrow will be better.

    If I don't talk to you tomorrow, have a wonderful Christmas. Please know how much I love each and every one of you and appreciate these daily visits.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Yes, Merry Christmas eve everyone...  I had to take a break from working on the Space Station, so here I am...  so many things to DO! 

    Yes Mommarch, take that dang tire off!  Can't have it blowing out driving around somewhere! 

    I think we are braving the crowds and running to Sprouts today, to pick up a few things.  they have those "cuties" little oranges for only $4 a box!  And 2 pack of Blackberries for $3...  Of course there MIGHT be a few other things I absolutely don't need, but will buy anyway...Winking

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,124
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, I had not gone to church in many years until two years ago.  I decided it would be good for my mother to get out among people and attend church at the nearby Baptist church where she was a founding member.  It had flourished and grown and the sanctuary was now in a big, beautiful building.  The former little wooden church had been designated kids' church.  The first service was almost unpleasant.  The sanctuary was brightly lighted.  We attended the second service called the contemporary service and the music was provided by a small band, including drums.  The lyrics of the songs and the scripture verses of the sermon were projected onto two large screens.  People clapped after a solo was sung.

    The service starts with a song and then announcements and then there's a brief socializing session where the congregation get up and walk around and greet people.  Meanwhile the band is playing  a "hymn" and the band leader sings.  All very different from the old-fashioned services of years past. 

    BUT there is a traditional service at 9 am for those who prefer that type of service.  The one we attend is at 10:30, and my mother enjoys it.  She gets lots of attention and has been recognized from the pulpit as the only surviving founding member.  And I have become accustomed to it.  The pastor is a professor at the Baptist seminary in New Orleans and is an excellent speaker, plus a Bible scholar.  I find his sermons very interesting with the insights into Biblical times.  Of course, Baptists are convinced that only fundamentalist Christians will go to Heaven.  That leaves Hell extremely crowded.

    Yesterday I made the shrimp mold for Christmas.  It's in a ring mold in the rv refrigerator.  The ingredients are chopped cooked shrimp, plain gelatin, tomato soup, cream cheese, mayo, finely diced green onions, s & p, hot sauce to taste.  The unmolding is the hardest part.  The darned thing never wants to come out of the mold.  It will be served with crackers as an appetizer on Christmas Day.  My family love it.

    Today I will make yeast rolls, cook fresh cranberries, make the creamed spinach dish, and stuff the two pork roasts with green onions and garlic.  Tomorrow morning early I will pop the roasts into the oven.  And I will also make the German potato salad.  Warmed up potatoes are never as good as freshly cooked.  DH and I will transport all this food to my sister's house, about 15 min. away.  She will cook a turkey and mashed potatoes.  My mother is baking sweet potatoes.  A SIL is bringing green bean casserole.  Another SIL is bringing dressing.  We should have enough food!

    Tonight is our neighbor's Christmas Eve party at 7:30. 

    Merry Christmas to everyone!!!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    One of the hardest lessons we have to learn in this life, and one that many persons never learn, is to see the divine, the celestial, the pure in the common, the near at hand--to see that heaven lies about us here in this world.

    John Burroughs

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Has anyone ever not had enough food at a family potluck? Heck no! ALWAYS too much.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    I hope all of you will have a lovely Christmas.  You are all thought about so much and I deeply appreciate all of you more than words can say.


    Many warm wishes and love to all.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    We went back to the little rural church tonight for their contemporary Christmas Eve service. I had pretty much decided that this was not the church for me, but my husband likes it. So I thought we should check out the other kind of service, even though the so-called tradition service Sunday was pretty far from traditional. I just wanted to see their version of contemporary before I made up my mind.

    Not much difference except they had a guy on a guitar and another on a drum. The singers were pretty bad but kind of endearing as they tried to find the right key and remember the words to Drummer Boy and Away in the Manger. The pastor is pretty good but mispronounces a few words (such as axe for ask, and birfday for birthday.) I like someone a bit more polished, although his message is fine and his delivery is heartfelt and sincere. Again, much to like, but I'm totally turned off by the huge media screen. Is this because younger people today are so used to getting information from a computer screen that they can't deal with a church bulletin or hymnal?

    The worst was a Powerpoint presentation during the collection of the offering. (Do people now have to be entertained EVERY minute? Can't they wait until the ushers finish passing the plate? It's only a couple minutes.) The presentation was done as if Mary and Joseph had Twitter accounts and were making posts about Jesus' birth. Some of it was apparently funny because several times people laughed out loud. I was pretty shocked. We were sitting off to the side so we could see the congregation as they looked to the screen. All eyes were there. It was like something out of the movie "1984" or "The Stepford Wives." On the other hand, their communion service was nice and they had a candle lighting ceremony where everyone sang Silent Night.

    I'm just so shocked at what churches have to do to attract young families these days. Guess it's working...the pews were full of mostly young families.

    Do they have churches for old people now?

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, I'm sitting here laughing to myself a bit at many of your descriptions.  I think I would not like this much either.  I did take the lady I sat with to Church a few times  ( Lutheran ) and they too had a screen for some things.  It was not  very big but I found it somewhat off-putting.  Then again....I have not gone to Church for many years and when I did go it was a very, very traditional Baptist Church -- you know, a little hell-fire and brimstone.  I found being there upsetting because of the aforementioned parts that were quite un-real to me.  I never let on, but felt if God loves me so much and everyone else -- why am I being black-mailed into returning the love by being told  such horrible things.  No one else that loved me talked that way. 

    All was not lost though.  I grew up a little bit more and realized that most people knew better, especially the older ones, but it was quite un-pleasant for a kid.  I did though absolutely love the hymns that were sung.....usually at least four or five during the services.   I just know though that I would not fit in to most services that have kept pace with some of the more modern aspects of our life.  Except for the scare tactics....give me the old time religion, its good enough for me.

    Happy to report....I made Chevy's cranberry recipe tonight and I think it is going to taste every bit as good and maybe more ( at least to me )  than she said......but then I am a huge cranberry fan. 

    I also made up a dish of Cranberries In The Snow.....another of my all time favorites and one I always make at Christmas time. 

    As well as I was shimming my recipe book....I found a recipe called Millionaire's Salad....and since I had most of the ingredients....well, I made that too.  I think it as well ( just different flavor notes in it ) will be pretty darn good. Got tired so will make the Cranberries In The Snow Topping tomorrow....which consists of Cool Whip, Marshmallow Fluff, and Cream Cheese all beat together and applied to the jelled cranberries bottom like a frosting of snow on top. 

    It will be a relaxed day tomorrow......will go out as usual and do my feral cats.....then come home and get ready.  Will go to my cousin's about 12: 30 or so since she thinks we will eat about 1 p.m.  I'm sure I'll come home with at least enough ( if not more ) to have a whole meal here. 

    Well, off to relax for a bit in front of the boob tube....haven't seen much of it today.  More so in passing which is how I watch a lot of television.  Wishing you all well.

    Peace and love,


  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2013

    Sandra...sounds like you had a wonderful dinner with your son.

    Carole...I attended Christmas service today at 4:30 with my daughter.  We usually go to midnight Mass together but now that she is a mommy it is too late for her.  It was wonderful.   I love my Church...just hymnals, no big screen TV's, and we really enjoyed the children's choir that sang and acted out the nativity.  Then came back to our home where the rest of the family was already gathered.  We had appetizers and desserts.  I made pulled pork sliders, salad and cold tortellini.  We did our Elfster gift exchange and played a game where everyone had to draw a Christmas scene on a paper plate that they had on top of their heads.  It was a riot when everyone finally looked at what they had drawn.  I read the instructions and then we graded with points for things like "is the star touching the Christmas tree" etc.  I found the game on Pinterest and we all had a good time with it.  My niece had the most points and won a little gift bag full of goodies.   Oh, by the way, I used to make that shrimp mold and we all loved it.  Haven't made it in years.  It's the kind of thing you just cannot stop eating once you start.

    Well, my dryer just beeped so after I empty it I am finally going to bed.  All the coffee I drank is finally wearing off.  Good night, ladies!

  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    I woke up to find that this thread had disappeared from my favorites ... weird ... but I found it in the active group.  I would have been very disappointed if I could not have wished a Merry Christmas to all of you celebrating today ... and a thank you to everyone.  You all are a blessing in my life.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Mgster.....your game sounds like great fun.  Also know what it is like to get involved with those good things you keep eating, telling your self at every helping that it is the last time.  Sometimes we are just so predictable.

    Sally, I have done what you accidentally probably did....and had to re-find a favorite or two.  The  "Remove from My Favorite Topics", is right below -- Jump To Bottom.  I'm pretty sure I somehow accidentally hit that button/bar while scrolling for ??what reason I don't know.  Distressing sometimes as ( I've been hanging around the BC. Org so long ) you just feel like you've been doing everything you always do..........but maybe that is why.  We get so comfortable with jumping around through our favorites we don't notice that we fell over our comfort zone.

    Happy holidays to all..........just ran in to check how things were and then onward to the few last minute type things that need to take place this morning.

    Peace and love,


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    is the message of Christmas: We are never alone.    Taylor

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2013

    Merry Christmas everyone!!  Hope everyone is having a wonderful day with family and friends or even just spending a relaxing day at home as I am.

    The last time I went to a Xmas Eve service, it was done to rap music....what!!  Now, I like the more contemporary services where they play guitars and sing upbeat songs, but rap?  This is a huge church that is down the street from us and caters to young people, so I guess they are appealing to the youth of today.  Whatever it takes...I would rather see them at church listening to rap than out on the streets up to no good.

    Headed out around 4:30 to have dinner with DD, DGD's and some friends.  It will be nice.  We had a nice quiet Xmas Eve...I make rack of lamb for just the two of us.  It turned out perfect!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    It's nearly midnight and I've been overdosing on TCM Fred Astaire movies all evening after a nice Christmas day. My husband has had to do so much of the holiday preparations during my surgical recovery, but he doesn't seem to mind. He fixed the entire dinner - turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, etc. If I'd been doing it I would have homemade cranberry sauce and a few other minor changes, but he did a great job and it was delicious. He set it all out buffet style and even cleaned up afterward. I had made a cheesecake before surgery and froze it, so they got my traditional dessert as usual. It tasted perfect. I had made several batches of cookies weeks ago and froze those too, so the family didn't seem to notice that this Christmas was a little different. 

    I've become used to a calmer household during the past four months of recovery from three surgeries, so all the "hub-bub" today was a bit exhausting. My older daughter used her laptop computer to Skype her sister in Florida. She could see and hear whatever the computer screen was pointed at. Allison held the laptop and walked around the room giving close-ups of presents. We could see what was happening in her house too. This is the third year we've done this. Stephanie cannot come for Christmas because of her business so it is fun to have her face watching and participating in opening gifts from far away. We even carried the laptop to the buffet table so she could see what was on the menu. Next year I have to figure out how to package food to send to her so she can heat it up and have dinner with us too. My son and husband were cheerful and a pleasure to be with all day. Good day for all.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Merry After Christmas Sandra!  We did that a few times....  Skyped the family in Florida... and YES, it's easier with a lap-top, because I tried moving the camera around, on my monitor, and it just wasn't as easy as my GS walking around their place...ha! 

    So you had a WONDERFUL Christmas!   We did too... only it was Brunch... Eggs Benedict, then we opened our presents with our Daughter!   Clean-up was really easy, because I had everything cooked the  day before, like the Ham.... Even made Lasagna, but she just took 1/2 home, and we'll have some tonight...

    So today we might get out early  to go find something to spend my Christmas money on...Ha!  

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    The word prosperity comes from the Latin root which literally translates
    “according to hope” or “to go forward hopefully.” Thus it is not so much
    a condition in life as it is an attitude toward life. The truly prosperous
    person is one who is experiencing what Jesus referred to as the life
    more abundant.  Prosperity is a way of living and thinking—not just
    money or things.  Poverty is a way of living and thinking—not just a lack of
    money or things.  Considered in the broadest sense, prosperity is “spiritual
    well-being.” This involves the whole experience of healing life, satisfying
    love, abiding peace and harmony … a whole creature in a whole universe.

    Eric Butterworth

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Good morning everyone.  Wonderful day yesterday....Chevy's Cranberry dish -- yummy.  I also made Cranberries In The Snow on the off chance that ( since I bring some every year ) there would be one or more people that would feel in-complete.  Took Millionaires Salad too...........that was a total afterthought  sort of.  As I was glancing through the salads section in my cook-book -- it caught my eye.  Using 3 cups of marshmallows ( miniatures ) and 5 tbsp.. of orange juice, and 5 of sugar and 2 of butter.....all melted together.  So.....wondered how could something taste good only flavored with 5 tbsps. of orange juice.  Then I put in a can of mandarin oranges and one of fruit salad.  Very good too.  Glad I did it. 

    It was a very fun day and no one worked too hard which was great.  I have left over ham as well as a portion of the left over baked potato of the best parts of any holiday meal is the continuation that keeps on giving after the original fun has been had. 

    I do hope are all going to have a wonderful, wonderful 26th. 

    Peace and love


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited December 2013

    Sandra - I attend a Baptist church small rural town though church is prob. the biggest in town. When I first started attending, the words to new praise songs (which I did not know) were printed in bulletin and hymns were out of the hymnal. Then the digital age caught up with us and we have the media screens. I grew up traditional Southern Baptist BTW. I see budget wise the value of the screens as the new praise songs are not in the hymnal and printed lyrics were just getting trashed. We are able to use it for projections during Christmas/Easter musical presentations. Sometimes the musical accompaniment does get a bit enthusiastic but I overlook it as a praise to The Lord that we are able to make those noises. A couple of years back someone gave money for new hymnals but I never see us use them. A couple of the hard of hearing do, one in particular always looks them up. She is my age so it may just be her way - besides she says her hearing impairments makes her unable to enjoy music so she concentrates on the lyrics. I will say I had not attended church in years until the move out here 15 years ago so some of the changes did surprise me. I think our church tried 2 services for a few months but went back to just one. We still have Sunday night/Wed night services which many don't. I agree a Twitter conversation between Mary/Joseph would not be my cup of tea; don't see that happening in my church. We have special music either someone has volunteered to sing/play instrument (tons of band personnel/kids)/ or wonderful piano music during offering. I would be distracted from worship with gimmicks like Twitter and many in my congregation would not even understand what it was.

    My pastor has a couple of words he cannot pronounce for love nor money. I find in endearing. Not my place to criticize as I could not do what he does. Sometimes he apologizes most times not (and he is not uneducated-seminary educated, older, been on many SBC boards - his dad was a preacher).

    We had a feast for the 3 of us - DD came Tuesday afternoon about 3:30 much earlier than I had expected and left about 4 yest. We had chicken tetrazzini Christmas Eve. Overnight eggnog French toast Christmas morning, then turkey, ambrosia (made with greek yogurt) those the only 2 things I made from scratch, dressing, mac/cheese, cranberry sauce (bought but very good), gravy. It was a Butterball turkey breast and just about the best I've ever made, perfectly brown and just the right size (8 lb). Albertsons had a buy 1/get 1 so they ended up $1.50/lb. Sent tons of stuff home with DD for her freezer.

    Think we are going car shopping tomorrow. Mine has 110,000 miles on it thanks to hospice jobs. Starting to get lots of little glitches. We'll see what they will give us for it. Looking at Mazda 3's - drove DD's yesterday. A bit diff. from my Equinox, low slung but not that hard to get in/out of. Didn't realize it was that low until I pulled out of driveway. DH will drive it to work most days saving $75/month in gas which will go a long way towards payment.

    Hope all are having a good day after a Merry Christmas yesterday. Cool but beautiful blue sky Texas weather.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2013

    Happy day after....I suppose everyone is out shopping the malls to exchange or take advantage of the sales...not a day I like due to the crowds.  I'll leave it to the working folks who must go back to work next week.  If I miss a few bargains....oh well!

    Jackie:  Sounds like you had a great day and those dishes sound yummy.

     We went out to dinner with my DD, her friend and DGD and her friend.  It was one of those farm to table restaurants...good food, but very expensive....not something I would go to every day.  I ate a shrimp dish that was supposed to have brussel sprouts and bacon, but I did not recognize!  Interesting experience, and it was fun being with DD and her family.

    Trying to get back into our routine of walking and eating healthy for the new year.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Okay, I'm drinking healthy!  It's orange juice, vodka, amaretto and SF Pomegranat syrup, and cream!  I think the Ice is at least good for me.  Don't really know, or care, at this point....  Ha!

    Went to Super Target, so DH could spend his gift-card from DD#2....  He bought a little coffee-maker...  it matches mine.... He drinks regular, and I drink de-caf...  So it's his and hers!  Not that many people there either.... but all the Christmas stuff was 50% off..... I remember when I used to do that....  But not anymore... Just trying to down-size, and get rid of things we don't use.

    Littlegoats.... Our car is a 99 chevy Prizm, and it has about 110 thousand miles.... Still runs good though, thanks to DH always servicing it...  Maybe when something major goes wrong, then I'll get another one.... THIS time, an automatic. 

    DD just bought a used Toyota Corolla, and she loves it...  It is a 2006.... 

    Kaara, did you go to Cracker Barrel?  Is that what you meant?  Or something a little healthier...Ha!  I mean how can bisquits and gravy, hash-browns with onions and fried eggs be good for you....  But if you eat brussel Sprouts and weeds the rest of the week, it should be okay...Winking

    We're having Lasagna tonight, that I made the other day....  So THAT will be easy....

    Have a fun night gals!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Cracker Barrel Bisquits and Gravy...


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh That looks good Chevy.

    How does anyone have any energy today??? I'm in my non-movement mode, but I did some work today, my little job and washed clothes--so that was it.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Cammi, you must be in comatose mode....  You washed clothes??  In the washer?  Now how hard is that?  You...... put.... them..... in?....... then you took...... them ....out?  Good job!  Little workaholic!  Oh wait.... you added..... detergent?    By Golly, you are superwoman!  xoxoxoxoxo

  • Mgster
    Mgster Member Posts: 80
    edited December 2013

    Such a super lazy day for me!  We are just eating leftovers from Christmas Eve and Day so I don't even have to cook.  My DIL went out to the stores and said there were tons of deals to be had.  I plan to go to Pier 1 tomorrow to pick up the LiBien ornaments for my girls for next Christmas.  I give them one each year.  I wait until after and pay 50% off.  Works for me since I have to buy for my daughter, daughter-in-law, son's girlfriend and niece.