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  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Rita..... Girls just wanna have fun....Ha! I HAVE to do this with Cammi, because ...... because I have to. I have never met her, nor any of you gals, have never talked to you on the phone, but I consider you all my dearest friends.... I think about you guys all the time....

    Did you know Cammi took a shower? I read that somewhere.... She does this every 2 weeks, or thereabouts! And she works in her nice smelling flannel pajamas? Her name is Gertrude.... And she has rollers in her hair... and a cigarette! I'm trying to civilize her.... but it's a chore.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Just call me dirty Gerty.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Laughing so hard at you too Chev and Cam that I have to be careful or I'll have to get up from here and go change clothes.


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Beautiful day in San Antonio, bright sun, blue sky and 60 degrees. We'll go down to mid 30's at night and then have another freeze soon. That's south Texas weather for you. As they say, if you don't like the weather, wait an hour, it will change. One week it's 60 in the daytime, the next we're lucky to hit 40 all day. Some years we never hit freezing or if we do, it's only for a day or two. That's what happened last year. None of my outside plants died. Every few years we have a bad ice storm that shuts the city down. The nearby Hill Country gets snow, not a lot, but enough to play in. We get some once in a while...about enough to cover all the grass, but it's a thrill for us.

    I'm a week out from my 3rd surgery and doing better every day. I've had more pain with this one than the other two. Could be because I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired. Three surgeries in three months has kicked my butt. I still have an IV even though I've been home all week. i'll continue with the strong antibiotic Vancomycin for one more week, then get the PICC line taken out of the inside of my upper arm. So far there's been no sign of an infection but my doctor started me on it before this surgery started. Didn't want to take a chance I'd get another one. It took nearly a month to get rid of it. The incisions look fine - one area is mildly concerning, but since I'm on the antibiotic, the doc thinks I'll be fine. No sutures this time. I'm glued together with Dermabond.

    We went to a funeral today. Hate it that we are at that age where our friends who are just a few years older are dying. Ron was 74. He and his wife were the most active couple in the San Antonio dance community and were beautiful dancers. The funeral home was packed with many people we knew when we were still teaching dance and going out to dances on weekends. It was great to see them. Just a shame it had to be at a funeral. Since my stroke, we don't go somewhere to dance twice a week like we used to or teach anymore. I loved seeing so many of our former students who have stuck with ballroom dance and become a part of the large dance community.

    We had lunch at Olive Garden because we had a gift certificate. Lunch was $40! Certainly not worth it. Food was mediocre. We filled up on salad and bread though and brought most of our meal home -so that's dinner tonight. One nice thing happened. A group of 3 active duty Army folks were sitting near us.Usually when that happens my husband will quietly approach the waiter and pay for their meals. This time when he tried to do that, he found out someone else in the restaurant had already done it. Nice. 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited December 2013

    Checking in here with friends on this thread....I love hearing your descriptions of the snow. It snowed all day but turned to rain here after 7 PM. It's messy out there now. Typical Long Island storm.

    I missed a lot but read most of the posts. My job keeps me busy through the coming week, then it will slow down.

    I baked cookies today...with the snow falling, it was festive.

    It has been quite a time of sad reflection this week end with the shooting and anniversary of the tragedy in CT.

    I wish everyone a good week ahead with thoughts of gratitude for what we have.



  • SallyS70
    SallyS70 Member Posts: 816
    edited December 2013

    Sandra, glad you are feeling better every day. Thank you for the story about the active duty Army folks. I am so happy when people and businesses show their gratitude to our military members. The nation is sure asking a lot of them these days ... of their families too ... so many deployments so close together.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Life is only traveled once .
    Today’s moment becomes tomorrow’s memory.

    Enjoy every moment Good or bad
    because ,the gift of life is life itself  .

    author not given.
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Good morning everyone.  We had a lot of snow melt off yesterday but the night time temps. refroze what was still here.....makes for "crusty" walking this morning and slippery now and then too. 

    Joan, I really loved your description of baking cookies during the snow fall.  I think every great memory I ever had came rushing into my head....smells, sights, sounds and an over all contented feeling of things that are right with the world. 

    Sometimes when there are so many problems, for so many is hard to relax into deep comfort.  Yet, little things like recalling how your house smelled as a child when your Mom baked cookies, or how perfect you felt walking at night in gently falling snow, being able to be totally in that moment, with no other thoughts, good or bad crowding out that extraordinary perfection. 

    We all would be I'm sure, much the better if we could have that feeling visit us a lot more.  It would not change the things that are not so good, but hopefully just give us some deeper energy and focus for those times that seem to be much harsher then need be.

    Anyway....thanks for some really wonderful serene moments reading your words.

    Also agree about our servicemen and women.  The government could do much better in soothing the way at times and wonderful to hear that ordinary individuals are willing to step up and recognize how fortunate we are to have them do what they can to secure the life and freedoms we all so enjoy.

    I hope you all have a  great Sunday. 

    Love and peace,


  • bonnets
    bonnets Member Posts: 737
    edited December 2013

    Good afternoon,

    Well we had about 7 inches of snow. DH plowed and I shoveled, now things are warming up and the drive and walks melting off. Sun's out and blue sky instead of grey. Need to get bird seed for the feeders.There wasn't any church this morning , due to the weather. Got most of the rest of the presents wrapped. Thought our grands were coming over, but they postponed til tomorrow.

    I've been watching Christmas movies on UP network. That and hallmark are good for nice uplifting movies, without sex or blood and guts. Nice for a change!

    The story about the servicemen was nice. Something I started doing when we go to Perkins and I have extra coupons , is asking someone if they have coupons , and if not giving them some of our extras. It's a little thing, but I do enjoy the surprised look on their faces.

    Enjoy whatever you're doing!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Today, really look around at your world—your family, your home, your pets, your co-workers, and the strangers on the street.  Smile at everyone you meet because you can see them.  Never forget that the gift of vision was so important that when God created the world, the first command was for Light in order to see, and after the Great Creator was finished with each day’s task, He glanced back on his handiwork and “saw that it was good.”  We need to see how good it is, too.   Sarah Ban Breathnach

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning,

    bonnets, your blue skies sound wonderful.  I don't do gray, cloudy and darkish well at all.  The minute there are blue skies and even some sun......I'm raring to go and feeling like all is right ( well, quite a good deal ) in the world.  Certainly helps to function with a sensation of true energy and enthusiasm. 

    We are starting a slow warming period today......40 today and up to around 50 in a day or two......then will, if the weatherman is correct, start back down the nice slope we were enjoying to rain and probably more snow.  We do have lots of icy areas yet, but mainly in yards etc.  The streets have been clean for the last three or four days.....enough  to move around quite well.  It actually sounds like we will be having one of or strange winters and so I'm already anticipating the huge sigh of relief come spring.  Just hoping when it comes that it too doesn't turn strange on us. 

    Saying hi to all and wishing you a great Monday with health, wealth, or whatever you need to make your life wonderful.

    Peace and love,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Sand I'm sorry about u'r friend and u cn't do the dancing u lov so much, that must be difficult for u. But u did cheer us up with the service folk story, and how nice that u'r DH does tht. Lord knows these poor service folks re asked enough from everyone and the government doesn't do enough for them or their families. OK I'll be quiet. now about that whole thing.

    U gals make the snow sound so inviting, LOl I could care less and my DD is making homemade Lasagna fr her MIL and her boos and us, s the smell of garlic permeates our house. not cookies, but this is a nvery familiar smell to me, waking up every Sunday morning my whole life with my parents like this, Oh sweet.

    I'm trying to catch up but my phone is going pretty good this morning a lot for furnaces and electricl stuff--maybe to do with the weather.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    It's so wonderful that people are not shy about telling servicemen and women that their service is appreciated. My husband is a retired AF pilot. When he wears a "retired Air Force" cap, people say, "Thank you for your service Colonel." It happens the grocery store or in shops. (Here in Texas, men wear these baseball style caps everywhere, all the time.)

    I know I've talked about this before, but it's worth repeating. Everyone should have to spend an hour in the corridors of one of the military hospitals. Seeing all those beautiful young people who have been so severely wounded just breaks your heart. The people of America have no real idea what kind of sacrifices are being made for us.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Sandra I so agree, my ex-spent time there yrs ago and there were so many men then and I thought these men are not being taken care of as well as they should be--I pray that has all changed now but they truly sacrifice their life for our country and I don't believe they are honored enough.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    Here in San Antonio (also known as Military City) much is being done to help injured veterans. The wounded warriors have a fabulous rehab center called The Center For The Intrepid. Many celebrities contributed to the cost. Many of the soldiers' families are here for long periods of time while their loved ones are getting treatment and the financial burden of temporary housing is more than they can afford. Several facilities have been built for families to stay for free. Several times a month a handicapped vet is given a house that's been modified for wheelchairs. All the builders in town volunteer to build these houses. This is just one city though. I wish other cities would do the same. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    For all of you, and for all of our Military....


    I didn't want to make it any smaller...... xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    I remember working for Coors one Veteran's Day.... We all stood out front of the Brewery, and Lee Greenwood was there singing.... The Veterans that worked with us, were there, singing with him, and some had their uniforms on.... .....

    Pete Coors, was standing there, with his hand over his heart, as we all were, in front of the American flag...

    Such a memorable moment for all of us..... Thank you again......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Chevy how nice that was.

    Sandra there is a veterns hospital not far from here, it's not like that at all. So it's really not all over. The one u describe sounds like it should be like that all over and u shouldn't have to be scared stiff driving to and from and yet our is stuck in n area of nothingness with a lousy view. Sorry but I think they should all be treated in an excellent, where families can gather easily and in  great environment and treated with respect and care that they deserve and people who do this should be paid  good wage and be monitored in treatment. But that's just me and millions of others.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Sweet Cammi! I was just asked if we could watch the "girls" for two weeks! So I wrote back, and asked if thery "were going to use the tarps we took over, and if they wanted ME to staple them around the COOP! Those morons! Haven't heard back...

    You want to go over with me and beat the ever living day-lights out of Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dumb? Maybe we could shake some sense into them? I think they are from the back-woods around Duck Dynasty.... Or Pickers.... Or some black-hole somewhere!

    I'll save you some eggs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    They haven't used them" Those stupid bastards. 2weeks, well Chevy u have to keep them nice and warm so u get lots of eggs and keep that cat warm and don't worry I know people, they'll knock some sense into them, See now u have me standing up for chickens, are u happy????

  • termite
    termite Member Posts: 238
    edited December 2013

    Hi ladies,

    Welcome to all the newcomers.  I have not been on for a while. We were in Florida for a few weeks visiting my MIL and DH family. Lots of fun and laughs with great weather. Came home to winter weather, caught the cold and cough but still working so too tired at night to do much of anything.

    Trying to catch up on all the entries.

    Hope everyone is doing well and have a great week.


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Glad to see you back termite......sorry you had to come back to such horrid weather.  I hope it eases up for a bit.  Hate to think it, but we may be in for one of 'those' kinds of winter.  Hope I'm wrong.

    Peace and love


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Welcome home Termite, but now get rid of the cold, u don't want to be sick for Christmas. Take Zicam??? I'm glad u had such good weather and nice time.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    CAMMI! Yes, you little Dickens..... Oh? That's like from the Christmas Carole or something, right? I've heard it SOMEwhere! And it rhymes with CHICKENS! I haven't heard back yet... they might surmise I am a little irritated from the tone of my email, but you just cracked me up with your POST! ha, ha! You just SAID what I was THINKING!

    I KNOW they are only "chickens"..... but it's like they have names, and they are friendly, and they come around me when I walk into their coop..... AND they have more brains than their stupid owners! I should let them all loose! They are taking their little barker WITH them, for 2 weeks! So at least SHE couldn't chase them around their yard! I don't think I could let them out.... There are other dogs, and foxes and Raccoons around here sometimes.... I could give them all a gun! Then they could fend for themselves....Ha! Seems like everyone ELSE has a gun in this State........ AND weed! Weed and guns.... Geez, when we were kids, there was no problem with any of that stuff! Our Parents had guns for hunting.... but the only weeds were the ones all around us.... And me and my Brother only tried to smoke this one tall brown hollow weed ONCE.... It was like flames ran down our throats! Thought we would just keel over and die.

    Welcome "Home" Termite! I know.... everytime we come back from Florida, one of us gets sick too! Maybe it is actually the flight? Get better fast!

    And Cammi asked if you were taking Zicam? Like she knows what that is. What IS it, anyway. Try taking that Alka-seltzer Plus.... Or something like Claritin-D! I don't have a clue what I am talking about, but between Cammi and me, we will help you get over this. Drink lots of hot Green Tea, and get one of those Netti pots, to rinse your sinuses, take Mucinex, or the generic, and WASH YOUR HANDS....

    Guess that about takes care of it.... That will be $5 please....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning senior citizens. Oh Chevy, my little car part--I do know what Zicam is u take it and this Cold monster gets hit by a Zicam truck, Viola there goes u'r cold. See I'm so smart I scare others and myself.

    Well remember when I told u my ring fingernail fell off not to long ago, OK here's the thing--I do have very big hands and wide--my hands are like my dad's hands, long fingers and all. Well and here's the part that gets me--my nail is growing back and it looks just like I'm looking at my mom's nail==looks just like one of hers, never did before. My mom is with me this way and she could be a snippy person sometimes and I think that's where I'm getting all this snippiness from. My mom, and I'm stickin' to it.

    OK now for a conversation about the National Debt--oops there goes my mom--well I have to control this.

    I don't even know how the weather is yet, but I know I feel cold right now, But I just got up so the chill is in the air around here. Oh I told u my DD made Lasagna last nite, the flavor was excellent, nit enough filling tho, I like it amply filled, like my boobs used to be, but it was good/ Marty liked it, but he doesn't really like ricotta that much. He's Italian too, who could have tainted his upbringing like this?

    Well I already took my meds including my pain one, I;m not moving well, and I have to take a shower soon, before the phone calls start coming in. So I can smell good for my peeps.

    I hope everyone has a nice say today and feels good,

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Morning little Cammi.... Oh, you're taking your life in your hands.... BIG hands at that, you silly girl! We are Seniors? Guess we are, compared to all the rest, but I don't feel like it.

    My HANDS are alright, it's just the SKIN that I have issues with...Ha! I'm glad you have a "remembrance fingernail" of your Mom's.... Maybe there is something funny about that? I have my Mom's fingernails also, but it's because they are short, and sort of wide... Not long, and thin, and lovely, like most peoples! Maybe I'm a dud...

    Yes, Lasagna.... (HOW did you ever spell that right?) has to be fully filled.! Lots of Ricotta cheese.... and parsley and eggs & sausage mixed in.

    Your Boobs? Were amply filled? Yes, mine too.... just like water balloons.... I wish them to be small and perky again...

    Okay, go answer your phones.... You are taking aNOTHER shower? It's a wonder you have any water LEFT in that house!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,704
    edited December 2013

    Don’t be in a hurry.  Watch a flower grow.  It is not in a hurry.  It does not compare itself with other flowers.  It does not wish to be some other color or some other shape.  The flower does not try to bloom.  As long as the conditions are suitable, it will come into full bloom and the flower trusts that.  So just relax and be in harmony with the real.     Leonard Jacobson

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited December 2013

    Morning ladies! I haven't been on in a while...busy getting ready for the big holiday party that I have for my family this time every year. Also, boat parade event that we attended last was BF's first time to see an event like this on the water...he was impressed. Waaaay behind on Christmas shopping so tried to do it all at once last Friday...big mistake! I forgot most of what I went out! I still think I can keep all that stuff in my head.

    Sad news for the DS and DDIL were expecting another baby, but she lost it last week. She wasn't that far along and the doctor had told them to be prepared because she couldn't detect a heartbeat. It is the first time that anything like this has happened in our immediate family and naturally we are very sad. I think I said the wrong thing when I said that it was nature's way of taking care of something that wasn't right with the baby, but that is what I've always been told. They aren't coming to the party because they are in mourning for the lost baby. I certainly respect their wishes but will miss the day with my DGD opening her presents.

    I suppose if you know you're being used by family members and you allow it to happen, it's ok. My cousin who hasn't had much contact with me over the last few years since my DA passed away all of a sudden contacted me via my email. After years of ignoring me, including no comment on my cancer, sugar wouldn't melt in her mouth! She wanted to borrow money to get some jewels out of hock because the interest she's paying on the loan is too high and it's eating up her monthly allotment that is doled out to her by her brother who manages her finances. She's a hoarder and lives alone in a home full of "stuff" that she won't clean out or get rid of. Needless to say, my other cousins are frustrated with her and will not help. I told her to forget about the loan, that I would give her the money as a gift, but would rather she had contacted me to say she was coming to visit, which I've asked her to do many times. I know I'm not doing her any favors, but she has never asked before and must have been desperate. I'm not doing it for her, I'm doing it for my DA who would expect me to help a family member in need. I know this is not one of those online scams because I verified that it was actually her who contacted me and the money is going to her home. I don't know how a woman who was such a smart business person for so many years could get herself in such a predicament. She basically lost everything but her IBM pension and her social security. This after I've just had to come down hard on my DGD who is renting my townhouse and is not paying me any rent. A million excuses, but she has money to get more "body art" as she calls it. I'm now trying the tough love approach to try and instill some responsibility in this girl. She has a child (my DGGD) to support, and needs to grow up. I hate being put in this position and it has been very stressful for me. Another lesson learned...never rent to relatives!

    Thanks for listening to my complaints....I promise not to do it very! Hopefully everyone will have a very merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2013

    The home health service sent a new nurse last night. I was not impressed. She couldn't draw blood from the lumen of my PICC line meant for that purpose so she had to try the other lumen, which is supposed to be for the IV antibiotic. She barely got any out of that side either and left with only 3 cc's which she said was enough for the test. She is supposed to draw a full vial, throw that away, and then draw another vial to send to the lab for the test. Then I had to tell her how many times to flush the line...she didn't seem to know. She decided to change the PICC line dressing but did a terrible job. I've had it done at least once a week for the 2 months I had it before, and three times already in the 11 days I've had it this time. I know how all this should go. It should be a sterile procedure, with everyone wearing masks and sterile drapes under my arm. She put a mask on herself but didn't give one to my husband or me, then just had me put my arm out on a table. When she just about pulled one of the sutures out! I cried out because it hurt and scared me. That PICC line has to stay exactly where it is because it goes from my upper arm to my heart.

    Well, long story short, she took my blood pressure after all this and it was sky high! That scared me even more because with the aneurysm in the ascending aorta of my heart, I'm not supposed to do anything to raise my blood pressure and even take two drugs to keep it very low. It's usually 95/50 up to 110/60. Last night it was 179/92. When she left I cried out of frustration plus my arm still stung. My sweet husband distracted and comforted me until my pressure came down. He is so good to me. I've never been a crier, but it seems like this surgery has brought out the worst in me. I feel so vulnerable this time.

    Other than that, I wrapped presents for my daughter in Florida and Mike took it to the post office. Stephanie (37) is a Graduate Gemologist who buys and sells diamonds and customs designs wedding jewelry. This time of year is very busy and she can never get away to travel. My Chicago daughter Allison (41) is flying in next week for a few days. My son Ryan (29) lives here in town. I still haven't put a single Christmas decoration up. Can't seem to get enthused this year.

    Later today I have to go back to the hospital to get an ultrasound of my thyroid. Seems like all I do anymore is see doctors. Last year at this time I was working full time as an accountant, teaching 7 fitness classes a week, plus teaching ballroom dance with my husband. Now my job is to go to doctors. But it will get me out of the house. Still can't drive so my husband will be "Driving Miss Daisy" again. He's so good. Never complains.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. We'll be up to 68 today and they say 78 by the weekend. Then another cold snap will hit and we'll freeze Sunday. South Central Teas weather is so goofy.

  • ritajean
    ritajean Member Posts: 4,042
    edited December 2013

    Oh Sandra, I am so sorry that you've had the bad experience with the home nurse. Isn't it amazing how some people even get hired? Wow! Honey, you have been through so much in the last year. It is no wonder that you are a bit weepy at times. We have no control over so many of the things that we have to face in our health journeys and that lack of control makes us feel vulnerable......especially those of us who had active careers and were pretty efficient women before this all hit. Hugs to you!

    I have to report on my knee. On Saturday I had an acupuncture and cold laser treatment on it. When I went in to see the chiropractor/naturalist that I like, I had no idea he would perform this type of treatment. My knee is so much better. It is still tender but NOTHING like it was. I may need to have one more treatment after Christmas and before we head south but I will gladly go! I panicked when he said he was going to do acupuncture because I'm a wimp and I was sure the needles would hurt but I didn't even feel anything. Hopefully it will continue to improve.

    Kaara, so nice of you to help out your cousin. I think I would have done the same least once and then assessed the situation to see how she bounced back. Your aunt would have been so grateful! Family is family and most families have problems at some time or the other.

    Glad to see a post from you termite! Welcome back!

    I am getting a little anxious as I have all my one year tests in Peoria on Friday. I don't have any obvious signs of problems but I always wonder...."what if this is the time when the shoe drops again." I know it doesn't do a bit of good to worry but I've never been able to shut off that button. I'll be glad when Friday is over.

    Hugs to all of you!