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Poll - How old were you when dx with BC



  • maltomlin
    maltomlin Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2010


    56 at dx and 2 years later NED.

    I simply cannot believe the number of young people on here. It was simply devastating for me but cannot imagine how it is for young women with young kids and the whole of their lives in front of them.

    It makes me feel very humble and selfish.

    Mal x

  • Houndmommy
    Houndmommy Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2010

    Just turned 47 when dx'd.

  • SuperMom101
    SuperMom101 Member Posts: 65
    edited June 2010

    37 years young for me too (9 years ago).  Needless to say I was pre-menopausal and my mother's breast cancers were both post-menopausal and my sister was diagnosed at Stage 0 last year.  They both tested for the gene (I didn't) and they don't have it.

    Found Jane Plant's Books, "Your Life in Your Hands" and "No Dairy Breast Cancer Prevention" to be extremely helpful for me when choosing my course of treatment and have not consumed dairy for over 9 years and only eat organic meat, i.e. no growth hormones, steroids, antibitoics, etc.  since my tumor was hormone receptive.

     I'm a newbie here and can't find a discussion thread about diet and breast cancer.  Is there one?

  • anmaree
    anmaree Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2010


  • kristinpianista
    kristinpianista Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2010

    49, Stage iv at diagnosis.

  • sunflower77
    sunflower77 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2010

    22 first DX DCIS

    28 stage IV

  • JoJo03
    JoJo03 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2010

     29 and pregnant in 1994

    more aggressive second diagnosis aged 36 in 2001

    now looking down the barrel of recurrence 

  • lucylou
    lucylou Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2010

    47, Stage 0 LCIS I chose PBX,

  • hopeful34
    hopeful34 Member Posts: 522
    edited June 2010

    34 at dx - mammo showed nothing due to dense breast tissue, found on ultrasound guided biopsy-final path said 1.7 cm IDC and 2cm DCIS with lymphovascular invasion.  Had BMX w/ immed recon.- no family history.  Felt lump myself.

    This thread is scary with all of the recurrences.  And....everyone seems so young.

    Take Care everyone!  Allison

  • dharmamama
    dharmamama Member Posts: 19
    edited June 2010

    Original diagnosis at 34-stage3. Metastatic lesion to brain 1 month ago at age 35. I agree with Allison- more and more woman are having aggressive BC at an early age. I am a nurse in Maternal/Child Health and have seen way too many pregnant, or newly delivered woman with BC. It really breaks my heart.

  • ejnova
    ejnova Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2010

    55 first time (stage 1), 65 with bone and lung mets. my grandmother was 36 and passed away at age 42 and my mother was 32 (my mother lived to age 85), they didn't have chemo when my mom was diagnosed and she did only radiation and i think it's amazing that she had no recurrence. i had genetic testing and was told i'm negative,. but then there's the 15% either false neg or false pos. and also when i was tested we tested only brca 1 and 2, i would bet there is a genetic issue

  • ejnova
    ejnova Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2010

    55 first time (stage 1), 65 with bone and lung mets. my grandmother was 36 and passed away at age 42 and my mother was 32 (my mother lived to age 85), they didn't have chemo when my mom was diagnosed and she did only radiation and i think it's amazing that she had no recurrence. i had genetic testing and was told i'm negative,. but then there's the 15% either false neg or false pos. and also when i was tested we tested only brca 1 and 2, i would bet there is a genetic issue

  • 35Karin
    35Karin Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2010

    35 first DX

    36 with mets to liver and bone

  • dieAngela
    dieAngela Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2010

    16 with 1.DX

    22 with mets

  • Eileen101
    Eileen101 Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2010

    53, Stage 2B.

    btw: I'm so sorry to see so many young women on here. My heart goes out to you all. The only thing wrong with this wonderful discussion board is that I can't hug everyone. <hugs>

  • scooter-12
    scooter-12 Member Posts: 26,606
    edited July 2010

    I was diagnosed at 55.

  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499
    edited July 2010

    43 - felt it myself, then first mammo. Should have had one at 40 judging by tumor size. Sorry I waited.

  • in_cognito
    in_cognito Member Posts: 87
    edited July 2010

    Diagnosed this year at age 37 - 8 weeks after giving birth to my second daughter. 

  • Marion
    Marion Member Posts: 116
    edited July 2010

    at age 33, a year ago. I hope it never comes back ...

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047
    edited July 2010


  • jenn1975
    jenn1975 Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2010

    32 with Stage IIIC then 34 with Stage IV

  • toughmom38
    toughmom38 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2010


  • Chickadee
    Chickadee Member Posts: 469
    edited July 2010
    58 without another health issue in the world.  I was sure I was going to be the oldest bat on the block someday now I'm not so sure......about the oldest part. Wink
  • CandDsMom
    CandDsMom Member Posts: 68
    edited July 2010

    Turned 35 during workup. extensive multifocal ER/PR (-) DCIS (I think).  Some questions have arisen about the sufficiency of my path recently so dx not totally clear - at least DCIS anyway.

    Anyway, my mother's best friend was dx stage 4 at age 34 back in the 1980s.  Still here 26 years later, thriving, and NED!

  • FightnF8
    FightnF8 Member Posts: 24
    edited July 2010

    43:  LCIS Stage 0

    44: DCIS and Ductal Invasive Stage 1

    47: Lobular Invasive Stage 1

    50: Stage IV 

  • Lighthouse1
    Lighthouse1 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2010

    I was 46 and in the best shape of my life.

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited July 2010

    I was dx at age 45, I am also amazed at how many young women there are on this thread that were dx at a very young age or that have had recurrences.  Especially a recurrence with mets!  It scares the krap out of me to say the least.  But I will keep putting my faith in the Lord and living one day at a time.  I also have a friend dx over 8 yrs ago with stage 4 BC and mets and she is still thriving today with NED.  By the grace of GOD and with great medical advancement it can be done.  Good luck to all my sisters.  I pray that you all live long and prosperous lives and see your children and grandchildren grow to be old and wise!

  • 01Alpenpfeilchen
    01Alpenpfeilchen Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2010

    I was 29

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited July 2010

    original dx on my 52nd birthday......great gift...not.

    mets to bone  57

  • sdisilvestri
    sdisilvestri Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2010

    38, stage IV at first dx with mets to liver and bone