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Poll - How old were you when dx with BC



  • shelliksmom
    shelliksmom Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2010

    35 - I am 66 this year.  Found lump at 33 - doctor said it was just a swollen mammory gland.  2 years later found lump in exact same place.  It was Metaplastic Carcinoma.

  • 4everhopeful
    4everhopeful Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2010

    39 - Stage IV with bone mets from the getgo

  • Honeybear
    Honeybear Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2010

    27    stage I - found myself two months after having a benign lump removed 2cm away from this lump

    31    stage I -pushed insurance company to preapprove a breast MRI since mammogram reports always said ...."women under 40, dense breasts...." and what not - got the breast MRI and sure enough!

    32    stage IV - mets to spine, ribs, pelvis-major back pain, thought I was going insane

    I turn 35 a week from tomorrow and happy to be likely to be there :)

  • page0525
    page0525 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2010

    50; diagnosed with stage IV with mets to liver. THat was a year and 2 months ago.

  • greenfrog
    greenfrog Member Posts: 73
    edited March 2010

    Very large "benign" lump removed aged 32

    IDC directly under scar of "benign" lump - found it myself aged 43.

  • aces
    aces Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2010

    Grandmother diagnosed Stage IV breast cancer and ovarian cancer at age 83.

    Mother Stage 2 -diagnosed at 49, BRCA-

    Me-diagnosed with stage 0 grade 3 at age 35, BRCA-

  • binga
    binga Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2010


  • alison34
    alison34 Member Posts: 36
    edited March 2010

    34 Frown

  • josirus
    josirus Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2010

    24: My mother died of BC at 50. Her first Dx was Stage IV at 45.

    28: Found large lump in my LB on my own. Removed surgically. Benign.

    28-32: Annual or bi-annual screening via ultrasound. Told my breasts were too dense for mammograms.

    32: Ultrasound detected tumor in LB. First mammogram showed extensive calicifcations. Dx Stage 0 Grade 3 DCIS. Bi-lateral Mx.

  • mintie
    mintie Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2010

    41 diagnosed stage 4 met to liver at same time as diagnoses got biopsy results on 41st birthday, think they should check and not make appointments on your birthday.

  • ladym13
    ladym13 Member Posts: 107
    edited March 2010

    34- Stage 3

  • Mouse6
    Mouse6 Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2010


  • Nelke01
    Nelke01 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2010


  • justpayton1
    justpayton1 Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2010

    okay heres my update,,,

    38 at dx

    5 months after tx dx with stage IV mets to the supraclavicular nodes and internal mammary age 39.

  • 64karin
    64karin Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2010

    55 with stage I

    64 with stage IV with bone and lung mets

  • momto2angels
    momto2angels Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2010

    38 pain in breast, mammo clear, pain went away

    39 ivf to get pg, got pg, stage 3 while 7 months pg, chemo, baby, chemo, dmx, hyst, femara

    41 stage IV liver

  • June68
    June68 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2010

    39 Stage IIIB...for years I thought something was wrong but my doctor just told me I had dense breast tissue and that I had "cyst" that filled up with my menstral cycle or ovulation period...turns out it was bull #%^~

    41 Stage IV - Did elective hysterectomy and both ovaries had cancer cell

    No family history, no cancer gene either....

  • KAM1
    KAM1 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2010

    I was 40 at my original diagnosis, in May, 2007, Stage II 

    43 in September, 2009 when diagnosed Stage IV 

  • Beverlyp
    Beverlyp Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2010

    47.. BRCA-   Stage II

    56.. Stage IV - mets to mastectomy scar and tibia

    58 - 61   ongoing mets in various places

  • makmak
    makmak Member Posts: 374
    edited April 2010

    39 while nursing my baby.. :(  stage IV with liver mets.. :(

  • juliempw
    juliempw Member Posts: 191
    edited April 2010

    34 Stage I

     Interesting poll, there are more of us young ones out there than I realized. 

  • riley702
    riley702 Member Posts: 575
    edited April 2010

    49 - stage II

  • camiam
    camiam Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2010


  • pam1021
    pam1021 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2010

    42, now 58 with metastatic breast cancer to sternum and ribs.

  • JennyB
    JennyB Member Posts: 16
    edited April 2010

    Just diagnosed at 39.

  • pam1021
    pam1021 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2010

    42, now 58 with metastatic breast cancer to sternum and ribs.

  • Mchan
    Mchan Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2010

    63, TNBC, BRCA -, caucasion

  • 1singlemom
    1singlemom Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2010

    just turned 33 Stage 4 from get go

  • heatherpalmerton
    heatherpalmerton Member Posts: 26
    edited April 2010

    36yrs and 7mos old first first finding of something not right  Jan 2002.

    42 and 7 mos old second finding of something not right. Jan 2008 stage 4 but thouigh it could have beeen there for over two years. Thought it had to do with my scleroderma

  • Helmie
    Helmie Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2010

    45 with stage II - neg lymph nodes

    55 with stage III

    57 with stage IV - lung mets