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  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2009

    Amber, I have been goofily happy lately. I wonder if it is the CoQ10???!!!!! Who knew!!!

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited April 2009

    Springtime-Maybe it is the weather? Spring can make one really happy. IF you actually get to experience it. Please send some north!

    Welcome Pam-Hope you enjoy on all the reading!

    As far as my comment about NYC-I have no desire to ever go there because I live near a beautiful city, with great food, a beautiful skyline, lots of cultural entertainment, etc. etc. When I travel I prefer to go places where there is natural beauty and something I cannot get at home. Same reason why I never go to Italian resturants. I can make anything served in one better. But I will exclude Paris. I love Paris. I never thought I would, but the city of light can be magic. As long as you ignore all the grafitti and do not step in the doggie doo!

  • amberyba
    amberyba Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2009

    great springtime, it may be the CoQ10, I notice I am whimpy if I miss taking it, but Spring makes me happy just as you say vivre....though I am sneezing more....LOL

    Pam, it is hard for me to keep up too...and I am still learning too....neverending process.

    thanks LIsa...I will check the site out!

  • amberyba
    amberyba Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2009

    LIsa, I just looked at the site....are you ordering the one called "Breast Health"?

  • lisasayers
    lisasayers Member Posts: 144
    edited April 2009

    Hey Amber

    I looked at the breast health, but the only difference is that includes Iodine from Kelp, which I already take and D3, which I already take, so I just got the DIM 150

  • FloridaLady
    FloridaLady Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2009

    Here is my results from today's visit....

    My cancer has become more involved on the right side of my neck and my chest wall skin up high near to collar bone you can now see it through the skin.  I have numerous small tumors you can feel in my skin. Cancer has moved into my right arm and back. Around my port,,,this may explain why my port has been giving me problems.  Good news is that I have NO organ or bone mets with all these disease and after three and half years.  So that is good new. This just shows how we all can have different disease and respond to tx differently.  I was given three to six months to live when I started this.,

    Treatment options?....None really!  My doctor has consulted with a couple other centers, and  none have any open trials gear to what I have (triple negative/chest wall/skin mets)  I don't know if other's know this, but this is the hardest of all bc to treat.  Less than 1% of bc patients have this combo.  My neuropathy is pretty bad right now (you can tell by my typing) and he has to watch what chemo to do now because of making this worst.  He only recommend one drug that is like Avastin but he has to get it under compassionate care.  So they will take time.  I told him I want to do more than this.  I have been studying hyperthermia with rads or chemo.  This is the way chest wall research is going.  I can tell he did not believe me because he did research on this about twenty years ago. He does not realize they have new equipment that does a better job of heating a area.  So we left it as he will ask around about hyperthermia as I continue to do my research.  I did show him a copy of a trial being done here in Florida were they are doing Hyperthermia/chemo in a Phase I trial.  He said he knows the doctor running this program and he would give him a call.

    So I'm feel like I'm my own doctor trying to figure out what to do next.  This is not the first time I've have been in this place and I'm sure it will not be the last.  This is why it is so important that everyone understands there disease and know what treatment options you have.

    Thank you all for your support and I will let you know what I decide to do. 


    Hyperthermia is heating part or all the body up to 108-114 degrees.  This cause the cells to open up and chemo or rads can do more damage to the cancer cells.  This also cause oxygen to go into the cells.  Anyone who has read about cancer not living in a well oxygenate body also comes into play in this treatment.

  • living4today
    living4today Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2009


    I don't know what to say, except that you are such an inspiration and encouragement to me!  I have read many of your rock!  You are in my prayers...that God will guide you as you make your path.  (I don't really understand the phase I trials, but I hope that your MD will contact the right MD for you to try hyperthermia)

    Prayers and blessings,


  • AccidentalTourist
    AccidentalTourist Member Posts: 72
    edited April 2009

    I cannot think of anything clever to say except that I am sorry about your news and for what you have to go through.  With best possible wishes Nena

  • havehope
    havehope Member Posts: 77
    edited April 2009


    You are in my prayers and you are my hero. I told my DH when I was dx that I agree to the treatments now but if I get stage IV I am not doing any treatment. I go when I go. I am truly admire you for your courage. I don't think I will be able to do what you are doing.

    I know you know a lot about this disease but I found this site that you might want to check.

    Breast Cancer Treatments:
    An Integrative Approach

    In this twenty first century, the word "cancer" still strikes terror in the hearts of most people particularly those who have seen a loved one suffer from it. Cancer in its various forms is the second leading cause of death after heart disease.

    Breast cancer has become the second largest cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer, and the leading cause of death for women between the ages of 35 and 54. Almost 20,000 Canadians will contract breast cancer this year and over 5,000 will die from this disease. In fact, Canada has the second highest incidence of breast cancer in the world (trailing only the United States). What we do know is that the pieces to the breast cancer puzzle will only be uncovered through further research. While the incidence of breast cancer as well as the recovery rate continues to rise, breast cancer is hardly a new affliction. Breast cancer has been around for centuries and the Breast Cancer Society of Canada believes we are closer to a cure than ever before.

    Conventional treatments, however, have been of limited success in presenting a cure for breast cancer especially in advanced stages. Most have a very high incidence of serious side effects. Doctors feel their hands tied up to recommend any further treatment especially after the failure of an initial protocol of chemotherapy or radiation. Patients are sent home or to palliative care. Promising genetic and immune therapies are emerging and promising to provide more tools in our fight against breast cancer.

    Most conventional practitioners ignore a large number of available complementary therapies that are being employed to treat cancer patients, improve their diet, detoxify their systems, stimulate their immune system, and provide the essential nutrients for their cells that are affected by the conventional toxic treatments.

    The medical community of the world, both conventional and alternative, has a moral obligation to unite in their fight against cancer. An integrative composite system employing therapeutic modalities from all medical disciplines would be the best tool for improving patients' chances for survival.

    The following are several researched alternative cancer treatment modalities employed by different health professionals all over the globe:

    Poly MVA

    This compound is a non-toxic Lipoic acid / Palladium complex. Lipoic acid is a natural powerful antioxidant that is both water and fat soluble, which permits the Poly-MVA to pass across the cell membranes and the blood brain barrier, which is impossible for most drugs, including chemotherapy.

    When Poly enters cancer cells, protein radicals are formed which denature the tumor cell's proteins. Since "normal cells" are capable of converting the radicals into energy and water, no harm can occur.

    The most dramatic responses were noted with brain tumors. Other tumors that respond well are breast, ovarian, prostate, colon, and lung cancer, among others. The original human trials were done in Canada by the late oncologist, Dr. Rudy Falk, usually in conjunction with standard chemotherapy for more than five years. He reported benefits including pain reduction or control, improved appetite and weight gain, and increasing energy. Some patients are still using low doses of Poly-MVA and have no signs of cancer after ten years of use.1

    Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

    It is a naturally occurring substance and as part of the extra cellular matrix is present throughout all tissue and surrounding cells.

    Because of the altered status of the tumor, its anaerobic metabolism, and its abnormal vasculature, only a small portion of the tumor is affected by cytotoxic drugs. However, simply by mixing them physically with HA, they loosely combine and will target the sites where HA is deficient and across the blood brain barrier.

    Clinical studies showed that the use of HA as a carrier/targeting vehicle can enhance the effect of some, if not all, drugs such as NSAIDs, immunosuppressive agents, cytotoxic anticancer drug therapy and drugs for the relief of atheromatous blood vessel disease. 2

    Investigations have moreover shown that tumors possess several HA receptors (CD44, RHAMM, etc.). This fact explains that HA will help cytotoxic drugs act specifically with the tumor cells, thus reducing their side effects on other normal cells. 3

    Vitamin C

    A growing number of studies in vitro as well as in vivo suggest the use of high dose intravenous vitamin C as an adjunctive therapy for cancer patients. Several clinical experiences demonstrate the ability of vitamin C to arrest progress and shrink tumors. 4

    Addition of magnesium and Vitamin B6 did inhibit oxalate stone formation in stone formers. Patients should also be screened for red blood cell G6PD deficiency to prevent hemolysis. 5

    Adding different nutrients (Glutathione, Taurine, etc.) and trace elements will help enhance the nutritional state of the patient and thus maintain cellular metabolism at an optimal functional level.

    Oxygenation Therapy

    The most fundamental feature of a cancer cell is that it is relatively anaerobic. It needs sixty percent less oxygen than a normal healthy cell. It does very poorly in the presence of excess oxygen. All of this points toward the oxidative therapies as a decent treatment for cancer and a decent preventive measure as well. These include ozone, Hydrogen peroxide, and hyperbaric oxygen.

    The improvement in the immune system is also demonstrated by increased natural killer cell activity. In vitro studies have shown that cancer cultures treated with ozone along with 5-FU did not develop resistance to chemotherapy, as did the untreated colonies. This adjunctive therapy with chemotherapy and radiation therapy is further enhanced if ozone is used at the same time with Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation Therapy (UBIT). 6


    In order for cancer to occur, the immune system must have failed. So what went wrong?

    Extensive research has revealed that the dendritic cells are there in and around the tumor, but they are immature. There is also a change in the quantity or quality of the Natural Killer cells.

    Through the Tumor tissue specimen or urine collection, a comprehensive cancer vaccine could be prepared which is comprised of:

    Tumor-specific antigen injections

    Cytokine injections to stimulate dendritic cells maturation.

    Heat shock protein/tumor specific antigen injections that act as "antigen chaperones" to the dendritic cells. 7

    Clinical responses were reported in greater than 40% in breast cancer patients of all stages, 63% in melanoma, and a 67% response in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patients. Other cancers including colorectal, lung, mesothelioma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, and thyroid have also shown significant clinical responses to the immunotherapy. 8

    Other immune modulators include:

    Ney Tumorin: is a biomodular homeopathic German medication for the treatment of cancer. It activates the immune system on one hand and also influences directly the differentiation of the tumor cell. 9

    Ney Thymun: a first line homeopathic choice in thymus therapy. Only on contact with thymus factors do precursor cells derived from the bone marrow develop into mature, immunologically competent cytotoxic T lymphocytes.

    Clinical studies have shown that Ney thymun increases the functional power of T lymphocytes, stimulates natural killer cells, produces an increase in autogenic interferons, and inhibits the growth of melanoma cells. 10

    Natural Killer cells stimulants: these include MGN III, Immpower, NK Immune, IP 6, etc.

    Iscador: Mistletoe contains a cytotoxic lectin, viscumin which is both cytotoxic and immunostimulatory. It induces tumor necrosis, increases natural killer cell activity, increases production of interleukins 1 and 6; activates macrophages; induces programmed cell death (apoptosis), and protects DNA in normal cells during chemotherapy.

    A German study done by Dr. Ronald Grossarth-Maticek of the Institute for Preventive Medicine in Heidelberg shows that, when used as adjunctive treatment in patients with a variety of cancers, it can increase survival time by as much as 40%. Research indicates that mistletoe extract is most effective when used in conjunction with conventional medical care for the treatment of solid tumors such as breast cancer.

    Wob-Mugos and Wobenzyme: is a formula containing several kinds of hydrolytic, proteolytic enzymes from plant and animal sources that attack cancer in several ways. First, it attacks the coating on tumor cells, which disguise them from recognition by the immune system to, that the antigens are exposed. Second, it stimulates various components of the immune system such as Natural Killer cells, T-cells and Tumor Necrosis factor. Third, it removes the "sticky" coating on cancer cells that allow them to adhere to other parts of the body, in effect, lessening the chances of metastasis.


    Removal of toxins from the body is considered as a very important part of the treatment. A variety of approaches are used, including colon cleansing, fasting, chelation, water therapy, heat therapy, and nutritional, herbal, and homeopathic methods. Max Gerson introduced coffee into the enema procedure, which causes the liver to release stored up toxins into the digestive system to be eliminated. Increasing your water intake may be one of the best ways to get rid of toxins in the body.

    Finally, we can discuss exciting complimentary treatment further, but this was meant to be just a summary of some of the more important integrative approaches employed in cancer therapy. For more detailed information you can log on or call (647)293-5363 or (705)735-2354.

    1- Poly-MVA, Cancer Breakthrough, Al Sanchez. AMARC: Chula Vista, California 91910.
    2- 1st International Workshop on Hyaluronan in Drug Delivery. Windsor, UK 1992.
    3- 4th International Workshop on Hyaluronan in Drug Delivery. Gressy, France, 1996.
    4-Clinical & Experimental experiences with Intravenous Vitamin C. Bio- Communications research institute, Wichita, Kansas, 67219.
    5-RECNAC, Protocol for the use of High Dose Intravenous Ascorbate as a Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic agent. Wichita, Kansas, 67219.
    6-The Principles and Applications of Ozone Therapy, by F. Shallenberger, MD. 1999.
    7-Tomorrow's cancer vaccine today. Neil H. Riordan, 1999.
    8- Autologous Immunotherapy of Cancer. J. L. McCoy, Ph.D. Stockbridge, GA 30281.
    9- Treatment Schedule Proposal with NeyTumorin. Vitorgan, Ostfildren, Germany.
    10- Ney Thymun, a first choice in Thymus-therapy. Vitorgan, Ostfildren, Germany.

  • amberyba
    amberyba Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2009

    Flalady, your story touches my heart....and you are right....we are our own best advocate.....because each person responds differently to most everything....It sounds like you are doing what is going to benefit you....hope your oncologist gets with this new doctor tonight and is able to talk with you by the first of the week.

    Prayerfully, in Jesus Love,


  • Jessica1
    Jessica1 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2009

    Hi Timtam,

    I read on the boards that you can direct to pix forum. I'm trying to decide on what way best to redo my reconstruction. Implants too big and uncomfortable...How can I get to forum...would be so helpful to see..

    Thanks so much.


  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited April 2009


    I am sorry to hear your news.  Your handle on the situation is impressive.. wow.  i would have a major comfort food lunch if i were you.

    best of luck and i send my prayers.

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited April 2009

    AT, I know for sure that there is at least one Whole Foods store in NY (google it, I used to work for W.F.) or you can google similar-type stores, like "natural food stores in Manhattan" or similar verbiage. I've spent a lot of time in NY (but not recently) and I do know that you'll find some good 'natural' food markets there. Have a great trip!

  • AllieM22
    AllieM22 Member Posts: 188
    edited April 2009

    I love this thread! Thanks ladies for the great info! I am inspired to get a juicer--have been wanting to...

    Two things--someone mentioned lavender--I thought I had read that lavender has an effect on estrogen so anyone ER+ may want to look into that.

    Also--to FlaLady--my mom's friend had great luck with accupuncture for IBS when all else had failed...

    Just thought I would throw that out there! :) 

  • lisasayers
    lisasayers Member Posts: 144
    edited April 2009

    FlaLady I'm sorry to hear about all that you are having to go through and deal with!  But you are so smart and being self-educated is going to be such a help!  I pray that you are able to get into that trial!  Keep us posted and let us know what we can do for you!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2009

    FlaLady, you are an inspiration, really. Spring.

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited April 2009


    Im so sorry to hear this News.  I hope that you can get in on that Trial & That is Works for you!

    Lets hope your Dr Calls the Other Dr  today & you hear back soon.


  • D-Ann
    D-Ann Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2009

    amberyba - I only recently added external application to my cooking uses of coconut oil.  I must tell you that both methods make a difference.  I expect that, like eating it, external use of coconut oil has a long-term cumulative benefit.  But it has started making the patches less itcy and scaly, right away.

  • amberyba
    amberyba Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2009

    thanks D-Ann, I was just thinking about getting some coconut oil this morning, I tried some organic coconut shampoo and conditioner this morning...but the pure coconut oil is probably better.


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2009

    FlaLady ~

         Sending God's Blessings on Angel Wings.....

    You are so strong & such an inspiration to me.



  • lexislove
    lexislove Member Posts: 277
    edited April 2009


    I love reading your posts and your knowledge of natural therapy and treatments is amazing. I am sorry about your rescent news...but I know you will get through this....thanks again!


  • FloridaLady
    FloridaLady Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2009

    Thanks ladies for your kind words and support.  Today has been a hard day.  I really feel like everything is one step forward and two back.  I still doing my research and hope to make a decision soon.  Chemo is just not showing a lot of promise but with skin mets you really do not have a lot of choices. If you don't get treatment can watch you skin turn to open wounds all over your body.  This fear is my only reason that I'm continue to look at conventional treatment.  (with support of alternative.) I have backed off my supplements to see if this chemo would work as most do after three months you build resistance to it.

    Somthing I've learned is more conventional treatment you do the more aggressive your cancer is when it returns.  My disease has been so aggressive from day one.  My original tumor was 10cm when I was original dx and this grow in just a few months.  I still live in hope to control this monster and have many years yet.

    I don't want to make this thread about me, so please continue on on topic. I will let you know what my next move will be.  Ladies I hope you do realize that if I have been able to control my disease and not have mets after all this time, and have a excellent quality of life in the middle of my 50+ chemos.  You can make difference in your health!

    God Bless you ALL,



  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited April 2009

    My prayers are with you.

  • amberyba
    amberyba Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2009

    Flalady, thanks for sharing, I had no idea that skin mets could leave open wounds and that you build up a resistance to chemo and that if cancer returns it attacks more aggressively. thanks for telling us about quality of life too.

    May the Lord Bless and Keep you.


  • amberyba
    amberyba Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2009


    I got some coconut oil today....and noticed immediately how much softer my skin felt....also my dad is a psoriasis sufferer, I left him some in a container to use too....but I think you are right, I've just got to get cooking with it.


  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited April 2009

    Okay, everyone I made my own body "Butter";

    I mixed some of the solid coconut oil with some of the liquid grape seed oil until it was a consistancy that I liked. Then I sprayed a bit of Chanel No 5 (thanks from one of my French students). It works beautifully! I doubt the Chanel is free of carcinogens, but it sure smells good. So I am calling my concoction CoconutChanel Body Butter. Do you think I could get a patent? Or maybe you better all keep quiet so I do not get sued!

  • amberyba
    amberyba Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2009

    sounds good...yes get patent!!!! LOL

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2009

    Vivre, I thought at first you were going to spread it on taost and eat it, and my eyebrows went up at the Channel!!! LOL

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592
    edited April 2009

    So you all are using regular coconut oil as body lotion? I'm sure it was mentioned in previous post so I apologize for missing it but is this something you get at the food store? Any special kind or grade?

  • D-Ann
    D-Ann Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2009

    Just remember, vivre, that our skin is an organ.  Whatever goes on the skin gets INto the body.

    On the other hand, I KNOW that stuff smells GOOD! LOL