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  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited January 2010

    SUE  I bought this online through Kech company ,,but I see mersmom found it on Amazon...So enjoyed all of your compliments and  openness with this. It was not easy for me to begin to share ~ but your  tender comments made it all worthwhile.

    ..MERSMOM I doubled over laughing about what your husband said!!! I read it to my guy. In a guy way he laughed!!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,472
    edited January 2010

    How much fish oil do you take?  I've been thinking of adding that to my diet. For calcium, I drink a glass of milk, eat a carton of yogart and take three calcium chews a day. The chews, which are carmel, milk chocolate, mocha etc. flavored are a lot more fun than swallowing a pill; it's like eating candy (20 calories a chew). Also I do weight bearing exercises almost every day. I've been on Armidex  for 2 1/2 years, have a yearly DEXA scan (bone density scan), and so far my bones have held up fine (knocking on wood with one hand and typing with the other).

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Thanks, back is better (no floor though because I probably wouldn't be able to get back up!).  Just needed to stretch it out which was done by more vacuuming and steam cleaning floors LOL.  Feeling better; just finished 30 mins on treadmill. 

    Ruthbru, I take 1 softgel Fish Oil, 1000 mg, at night.  Bottle suggests 3x/day with food but I just want to get some into my system so only take 1.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,472
    edited January 2010

    Thank you, patoo, I will take only one right now!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Good Morning!  I just have another question...Since I am 72, I hear my Oncologist probably won't prescribe Tamoxifen for me, but Arimidex!  Now I know of a lot of "older" women who DO take Tamoxifen, & I could afford that one, but I have priced Arimidex, & I think it would be impossible for me to pay for that one!  Where do you gals get your prescriptions?  With my Insurance, I saw it would still cost me over $1000 for 3 months...(I think!)  Is that what you pay?  I have Secure Horizons, & Medicare.  They paid for almost everything for my surgery and the radiation, but this drug cost would really be a kick in the pants! 

    I still haven't decided if I should go ahead with either of these drugs...I'll talk to the Oncologist tomorrow...But if you could help me here....again.....I'd appreciate it!  Thanks, Jeannette

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    Hi Jeanette again,

    I posted in the older women forum about cost issues and Arimidex.


  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited January 2010


    You aren't going to want to hear this.  The drug component of my health insurance plan has 3 tiers:  generic, "preferred", and "non-preferred".  The co-pay (my out-of-pocket cost) for each of those tiers is $5 per month for generics, $30 per month for preferred, and $50 per month for non-preferred drugs.  Those costs apply unless the drug is considered a maintenance drug, which would be something I'm on constantly, like a BP med or a statin. In that case, I can get 90 days' worth at a time, instead of just 30 days.  The co-pays for maintenance drugs are ... ahem ... (I'm embarrassed to admit this):  $5 for 90 days of a generic, $30 for 90 days of a preferred, and $50 for 90 days of a non-preferred.  (The co-pays are the same for 90 days as for 30 days.)

    There are other stipulations and rules, too; like there is a "step program" that requires me to try a generic version of a drug (if there's a generic available), or at least a low-cost brand-name version, before my insurance will pay for a non-generic version or a more expensive brand.  That's the case with most BP drugs and statins.  The step program does not apply to Arimidex,though.... not yet, anyway.

    So, that means my Arimidex costs me just $30 for a 90-day supply.

    BTW, the company that manages the prescription drug component of my insurance plan sends me a statement every 3 months, telling me what my plan has paid for my prescriptions versus what my out-of-pocket costs have been during that period.  For Arimidex, they list the actual cost of the drug as " ********* ".  Seriously.  I don't know if they don't want me to know, or if it's just so high that it's ridiculous.


  • Jan244
    Jan244 Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2010


    Contact Astra Zeneca and ask about their AZandME program.  When I had reached the maximum for prescriptions that my insurance would cover in 2009 and after I paid about $400.00 for a 30 day supply at CVS, I remembered the TV ads "if you can't afford your.......Astra Zeneca can help".  I contacted them and for the balance of 2009, I paid $50.00 for a three month supply.  I just received correspondence from them indicating that I should reapply next year when my prescription coverage ends and if I still qualify, the three month supplies will be free.  It's worth a try.


  • cw89134
    cw89134 Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2010


    Two of my doctors tell me that Arimidex will be going generic sometime soon. The timeframe is not yet specific but my BS's nurse tells me that it will be in June 2010. I've gotten lots of samples from her.She says they will stop getting samples in March 2010, I guess because it will be going generic soon.

    Anyway, that's what I've heard. Maybe you can try the sample route. It's worked for me.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Jeannette, some post-menopausal women could not tolerate the Arimidex se's and try Tamoxifen instead.  Others may also be doing it because of the cost.  I have also heard Arimidex patent is expiring this year and the generics have already been available in other countries.  Form earlier posts it seems Arimidex ran from $350.00-$450.00 a month - wayyyyyyyyy expensive.  I have a good insurance plan so I have only had to pay $40.00 for a 90 day supply. 

    As Carol has indicated, maybe you can get samples from your doc until the generic is available later this year.

    Good luck.

  • casaredonda
    casaredonda Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2010

    Hello All, happy new year

    Arimidex costs 14+ per pill.  It will not go generic until 2011 as they have been able to lock the patent down until then.  Today we had to make the decision to give up our health insurance as we were on a cobra plan and we just can't swing it.  I'm going to order generic arimidex from Canada which is $88 for a month. (the trade name one is around $147).  I'm working on getting off some of the other things I use to manage anxiety and insomnia so I expect that we'll be ok as perhaps I can pick up some benefits at the job I started on October.  They pay is low but it'll help with mortage and car insurance.and when I'm granted health insurance I can get my Rxs again.  Right now, it's all about keeping our house, paying property taxes and so forth.

    I have 3 more years on Arimidex so I'm going to figure out how to get is in this new economic panorama.  We'll pay out of pocket for my follow up appointment with the onco and skip some of the other medical expenses for a bit.

    What interesting times we live.  Wishing all of you a healthy and pain free year.

  • rainbowmusic101
    rainbowmusic101 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2010

    To Lindissima... Thank you for your very informative reply...especially on the stats. I will continue researching this but will probably go with tamoxifen after I talk to my oncologist.. right now going to take a break from everything for a couple of weeks and catch up on my sleep. Spoke to a friend tonight who was on tamoxifen for 5 years with no problems except the flashes and couldn't take Arimidex - gave it up after 3 months and couldn't take Femara either... that was encouraging... although I would like to take nothing. I also take D3, Omega 3's and a few others... really appreciate your input.  Thanks... Francine 

  • rainbowmusic101
    rainbowmusic101 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2010

    Thanks Carole... I have heard of Effexor reducing the flashes and do have a prescription but prefer to keep the drugs to a minimum if I can... I will look into switching to tamoxifen.  Thank you for your suggestions... Francine

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    How will the recent legislation effect ordering Arimidex from Canada?  i know it WAS legal but think it is now against the law.  As of January 1.  I was going to do it too.


  • cw89134
    cw89134 Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2010


    The recent bill passed by the Senate is not yet law. It still has to be resolved with the House version in conference committee and then signed by the President.

    I live in the state of Nevada, which has investigated and endorsed nine Canadian pharmacies. See this page.

    Elsewhere on this state website is the caveat that although importation of drugs from outside the US does not violate Nevada law, it may violate federal statutes.

    Hope this helps.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    Thanks Carol.  I dropped my bottle of Arimidex this AM and pills went everywhere.  Fortunately none fell in the toilet... don't know what I would have done :)


  • cw89134
    cw89134 Member Posts: 62
    edited January 2010

    I'm always afraid of doing that. Smile 

    I try to only open the bottle while seated at the kitchen table to minimize the risk.

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited January 2010

    Hello, All, I have a question about the arimidex. I think I read somewhere that it can effect your teeth and jaw bones. Anyone with some tenderness in these areas? I wear a mouthguard at night as i grind my teeth and have been neglectful for a couple of wks. I hate the thing. I don't sleep that well anyway and with the weather being at about 12 degrees and the heat on HIGH, the dry mouth and even drier night guard is making me nuts. Now my jaw is a bit painful to the touch. Probably from too much grinding. And one of my lower teeth is achy. This happens occasionally anyway but of course I always think the worst! Plan to gargle with salt water or peroxide and hope it clears up in a couple of days.

     MY THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: I have been on Arimidex for 9 months now and I swear, with the increased belly fat, I might be ready for delivery! Any ideas how to shake this annoyance? Thanks, Sue 

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited January 2010

    JO, thanks, I agree that the side effects are tolerable. I guess I keep thinking about mets. Does it ever end for goodness sakes?

    Thinking back, while holding my new grand neice (2 months old) I do think she smacked me in the jaw while not going such a good job of holding her head up. I guess I should record every "injury", no matter how small, so I don't get paranoid. Also, I am generally a very klutzy person. Should have tried modeling school, haha.  Sue

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    If ya 'klutzy' don't hang around with my twin, JO.  Wink

    Okay, going back to work.

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited January 2010

    Patoo, I really am not very coordinated and I attribute it to growing very tall and very fast. I was 5'8" in the 6th grade and weighed about 90 lbs then!

    I am a retired RN. I cannot tell you how many times I ran over my own feet while moving a bedside table........oh gosh and I cannot tell you my bed pan stories......spilled lots of them! ugh. 

  • molly52
    molly52 Member Posts: 142
    edited January 2010

    Sue - Have you informed your dentist that you are taking Arimidex?  Dentists can help.  I have heard that Arimidex and dental problems can occur together.  You are right about the dry mouth - it sets an environment for tooth decay.  There is a mouthwash and toothpaste called Biotin (sp) that is manufactured without alcohol (mw) and helps with the dry mouth.  In Canada we buy it off the shelf, in the UK they need a prescriptiont.  I don't know what the US requirements would be.

    That and drinking lots of water, frequently should help.   Not to mention wearing your night guard (I have one too)

    Can't help with the belly fat.  Wish I could....

  • casaredonda
    casaredonda Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2010

    hello all,

    I didn't know there were going to be laws against buying from canada....which is a good thing as I put in my order today.  It apparently takes a while for the Rx to get filled so I might be short by 3 days so I'll hit up my onco for some samples.  If I miss 3 days, I think I'll be alright, maybe the headaches, sore bones, insomnia, anxiety and depression will lift for 3 whole days.

    I'm due for major dental work soon (I'm going to dip into some of my retirement money) so I can pay my dentist when the work gets done.  I can't stand the biotin stuff for dry mouth....and the rest is just part of the whole experience.

     I'm due to e-mail Obama, I keep a pretty regular flow of correspondence with the White Hous so I'm going to check on this Canada thing.  I can't wait 4 years for the laws to go into effect.  I tried to download an application from Astra Zeneca but it came out in gibberish so I took it as an omen that I'm not to mess with them.

    I was able to get a clerical job at the welfare office and the line of applicants is out the door all day long.  There is so much need right now.  I live in a rural county and we don't have any homeless shelters.  Very intense but I'm grateful for the opportunity to earn a bit of money and be of service. I'm hoping to get health insurance there in the near future.  California is broke so our county is perpetually broke so even benefits have to be granted with great caution.

    time to take my tired feet to bed.  take good care, it helps to have someone to share all of this with

  • Ammy
    Ammy Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2010

    Hi All,

          I have to buy this medication and notice it is preventing estrogen from feeding estrogen-dependent cancer cells and i want to buy Arimidex from a safe and secure place.

  • puddingirl84
    puddingirl84 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2010

    Hi all,

    I have been on Arimidex since October 2005. In the beginning vaginal dryness was my biggest complaint, it seemed to happen overnight! The hand and joint pain came later, and I don't have arthritis. During the 4 years I have been on Arimidex I might have taken a break from it maybe two times. My oncologist would give me a 2 week break each time. I am in my last year now and my bone pain isn't as bad, neither is the vaginal dryness. I am a nightowl, but then I have always been and now that I am retired, I have the luxury of sleeping in, so I'm not going to blame Arimidex for that. What I know for sure is that my ER+ BC has not returned because this drug is working.

    That's the most important thing to me. 

    PS- My teeth are my best feature and I have had no dental problems at all. 

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439
    edited January 2010

    Sue61, I don't think the Arimidex affects the jaws and teeth but I do know that the Biophosphonates (Bonefos, Fosamax etc,.) have such side effects.  I wasn't allowed to start taking Bonefos until I had some teeth pulled and others filled. Apparently, it can cause 'Osteonecrosis'  but that is usually a long, long time (years) after you start using it and it happens to people who have had it delivered via the veins.  Not many people get it fortunately.


  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited January 2010

    MOLLY, just recently told my dentist about the arimidex. Small office and very gossipy so I held off for a few months. My dry mouth is from the New England weather (chilly) and having the heat up to 72. Now I think I might have an abscess in a lower tooth. Had a bad night's sleep last night and the dentist takes Wed off. I will make an appt. Just dropped my dental ins (I am retired and the health ins price nearly blew me away!) and have a lot of caps on several teeth. Probably from all my grinding.

    JO. not sure about the legality of mailing pills, I have a mail away pharmacy program and the meds do come in the mail. Wonder if you can find info at USPS web.

    SHEILA, have not been on fosamax so I guess we can rule that out.


  • Welga
    Welga Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2010


    Can I ask what anti-inflmatory you take, who often and does it give you a burning stomach, do you take it with food. Like you I'm sensitive to meds so would like to know as I need to take one, I have Naproxen at home but a little to hard on my system.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Aha, Naproxen.  My ortho doc put me on for my hip and it gives me stomach cramps, bad ones, and I need to stop taking it.

    JO, I had rotator cuff reapaired but a year before BC.   However, since my ax node removals last year I have also occasionally had popping in that shoulder.  I wondered about it because my ortho surgeon had said back then that he never had a patient with a problem after surgery.  I just hope it only pops but doesn't cause problems down the line.  Always something.

    I am also going to be doing lots of dental work this year.  Put it off for way too long, even before BC, but really need to take care of it. 

  • prssnprss
    prssnprss Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2010
    I posted this on another thread, but it certainly applies here. Let me add my voice to those singing the praises of Vitamin D. Have any of you had your vitamin D levels tested? After hearing about how low levels of vitamin D may increase risk of certain cancers, heart disease, osteoporosis, and a whole slew of other health problems, I began taking an additional supplement of about 6000 mg of vitamin D each day (caltrate and multivitamins are not enough). Within about 4 days, I noticed that my joint pain from Arimidex was significantly reduced. . . and I wasn't even expecting that! So now, I am totally off of Naproxen and ibuprofen, and can actually kneel down and sit on my heels again! You can take up to about 10,000 mg of D daily, but if you need more to give your levels a boost, you should check with your doctor. There are cases where doctors have prescribed mega doses for a few weeks to get levels up, before falling back to a maintenance dose. I have since learned that there are ongoing clinical trials testing this exact effect! Well, I unknowingly did my own trial and it is working for me. I discovered this about 4 months ago, so I am telling everyone to give it a try.