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  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2010

    I never counted them either until it was about Dec. 27 and oops, no more pills. When I got drug stores prescription, this time I counted.

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2010

    BP side effect from arimidex.. follow up.I called RN spoke to me at length..Took lots of information.  I felt listened to and encourage others to report it if you think you have this as SE..I was even given choice to give her my doctor's name.I did!

  • C130sunshine
    C130sunshine Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2010

    With the cost of medications, I also am one of those that count their pills when I pick them up.  I have had a couple of times I was short......

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited February 2010

    HI all, there is another BCO site called ASTRA ZENECA patent to expire this yr. Check it out. I just posted on that particular site and want to copy and paste some (dreadful) info that I received from my pharmacy dept at my health ins company:

    HOLY COW. I am able to email my health plan/pharmacy dept if I have any questions about drugs.

    So I asked about ARIMIDEX. Here is the response. OH, and I have a 2K deductible and because it is so early in the year,it has not been met so  I have also included what they told me a 90 day Rx will cost. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS, IMO.

    June 2010 is the earliest predictable date that a generic version of Arimidex
    could become available. However, circumstances could extend this exclusivity
    period beyond 2010. This could include such things as other patents for
    specific Arimidex uses or lawsuits. Once the patent expires, several companies
    will likely begin manufacturing generic Arimidex.  I do not know which
    manufacturer(s) is/are getting ready to launch the generic.  Please let me
    know if we can be of further assistance.  Have a wonderful day!!

     At this time you are paying the total claim cost towards your
    current deductible. The current total claim cost for the medication is

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited February 2010

    I also just called AZ and spoke w a nurse. She cannot tell me the retail cost of Arimidex nor give me a deal as I have health insurance. I do suspect my health ins company of skimming some money off the top but cannot do one darn thing about it if I don't know how much it costs. Last yr I thought it was ten bucks a pill.

    ANYWAY, here is the toll free number if anyone wants to talk to a nurse there: 1-866-992-9276. Good luck. Sue 

  • O3132W
    O3132W Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2010

    61 pages of posts states loudly the terrible plight of  women on Arimidex.  Not by choice but to save their lives.  I have read with interest the plight of many of our sisters who simply cannot afford this expensive pill and for one reason or another cannot get any help from Astra Zeneca, in spite of the fact that they offer help on their commercials. Great promo but useless. 

    For those ladies who have tried to obtain the illusive cost of this drug, I am suggesting that all of us who buy it from different locations add the cost information to this site.  This might put the terrible secret in the light of truth and help those searching for cost info. 

    Let me be the first:   Arimidex 1 mg; 90 day supply; purchased 11/03/09                              TOTAL COST: $915.75  My co pay $50.00;  Pharmacy:  Mail order  Medco in Indiana

    How about you?  What do you pay?  I think we all pay different amounts and it would be interesting how low and high the prices are and where bought.   Here s my contribution.    

    I also agree with another post that our government reps will not help.  Not practical for their positions with the pharmacy business.

    Here is my contribution.   Cathey from Indiana

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Some of us (or at least me!) are ahead.  I get my little white pills through my med ins online pharmacy plan.  I get a 90-day supply for $40.00.  However I can guarantee I don't get 90 pills - I know I get more each time because I should have re-ordered last week but I bet I can go another 2 months without running out. 

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited February 2010

    SUNFLOWERS, thanks for the big push on both websites. I AM going to email my state rep and congressman!

  • Welga
    Welga Member Posts: 88
    edited February 2010


    re: your message january 29, you'r back on Nexium guess you really need it. Best to stick with it. It's true that Rolaids or Tums cause constipation that's why I rarely use them as I am already plague with constipation. You have switched your Nexium to the morning, I have switched to nightime but had to switch it to noon because it gave me horrible dry moulth during the night, too bad because it was more effective for night gime reflux.
    Wish you well on your futur appointements, I am also seeing my onc. in february and I also have a sore point in my back, just one point but really annoying. Cannot see my PC too long for an appointement and sick of going to so many.


  • O3132W
    O3132W Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2010

    Sunflowers:  I respect the fact that you have 20 years of first hard knowledge of DC.  Even though I do not have your positive opinions of politicians, I have to admit that your cause is important and if even a few politicians hear us and act, it is worth the effort. 

    I wrote to my representative and my senator the following:

    As a breast cancer patient, I am asking you to speak to the FDA voicing objection to any extension of US. patent #4,935,437 by AstraZeneca.  The patent for Arimidex is due to expire June 27, 2010 and has already had one extension.  The current name brand cost approximately $1,000.00 for a 90 day supply is prohibitive for many breast cancer survivors and we pray that no extension will be granted in order to open the critical need for generic offerings of this life saving pill.  Please care and speak for us.  Thank you

    I sincerely hope that my contribution helps to bring generic arimidex to the many anxious women in critical need.  Perhaps it takes someone like you to bring out the individual efforts that may "get it done". You are so right and this is an election year.  Cathey from Indiana

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    I am writing and calling my reps.  Thanks ladies - let's make our voices heard!!!

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2010

    Jo - don't know your situation but if you can get a massage that may help.  My local Y offers low cost massage to members.  Just a thought on that back spasm.  I can't afford them often but really appreciate them when I can.  I get a numbness and tingling across my back from the surgery.

  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited February 2010

    Hi Cathy,

    I have a high deductable plan with an HSA savings plan.  I pay $340 a month until my $5,000 family deductable is paid.  They say I get the Anthem discounted price so that might be a discount.


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2010

    Cathey, I hope you do not mind, but I took your words and forwarded the plea regarding Arimidex to my local Congressman and State Senator.

    Thank you for preparing the basic words necessary for our cause.


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565
    edited February 2010

    Cathey, I emailed both the Congressman and State Senator and just received confirmation of receipt of my emails regarding Arimidex patent expiration from both offices.

    At least that is a start.

    Have a good evening

  • gwerfil
    gwerfil Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2010

    You know, I think anyone can lobby with a little assistance from an organization like this one or perhaps Susan B. Komen. Groups of us who are not too far from DC could just sequentially go in and hound the senators and congressmen about the cost of Arimidex and urge them not to extend the AstraZeneca patent. I've lobbied in Washington for causes I believe in, though not professionally, but it was fun to walk those big halls and into the representatives offices and make my pitch along with a few other concerned citizens.

    Our numbers are legion. Even BC survivors who are not taking Arimidex could help. We need to help each other. We could also do a postcard campaign, where every one of us sends a postcard to each of our representatives. It would have to be organized. The cards should all say the same thing, have our signatures and arrive on or about the same day. Stacks of mail have an immediate and concrete effect. I've done it locally. It works.

    I'll bet Debbie Wasserman Schultz would be willing to help in some way. Or John Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz. She is very concerned about women's health issues. We have to go to the women who are in positions of influence and leadership who know this disease only too well! Celebrities, too. And then we have to do our part!

  • molly52
    molly52 Member Posts: 142
    edited February 2010


    That was an excellent letter!  Perhaps you could start a new thread with your letter at the top.  Then maybe, all BCorgers will send emails, letters and postcards to their politicians.

    I'm not in the US, otherwise, I would do it.

  • O3132W
    O3132W Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2010

    Ronna:  Thanks to Sunflowers ,hopefully the message is getting  out.  Feel free to use my words or any part of my letter. 

    Women without insurance cannot afford Arimidex at $1,000.00 for a 90 day supply and remain at risk for re-occurance of breast cancer.    Women with insurance that contains a co-pay will try to afford it but the bulk of the cost is still paid  by their  insurance company.  Another high cost to our health care system and it would be in their best interest  to welcome a generic Arimidex for cost control issues.

    With the release of a Generic Arimidex  many more women would have access to buying , which would benefit Pharmacys.

      Question: Who has the strongest influence  over the termination of AZ patent      1. The voter by way of Congress;    2. AstraZeneca's legal team     3  The.Insurance Industry     4  The  Pharmacy Lobby ?   Guess we will find out  in June 2010.   Cathey from Indiana

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited February 2010

    Cathey, I agree that those of us with a low co-pay should be happy for the generic.  I hope no one felt my previous post was anything other than letting people know that not all of us pay dearly, as I fully understand that I am one-step away from the same were I to lose my job.

    I'm not sure what the answer to your question is but I think #1 is the least likely and #2 is probably seeking ways to extend again for the benefit of AZ. 

    Enjoy your day ladies. 

  • chapstickmom
    chapstickmom Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2010

    Could someone tell me what time of day is best to take Arimidex ?

    And any other supplements or tricks to help avoid or minimize the side effects ?

    I start it next week.

    Many thanks to you all. 

  • balsie
    balsie Member Posts: 228
    edited February 2010

    I take mine in the morning 1 hour after I take my thyroid meds.  I also take vitiamin D-3 and calcium- CoQ10 and a multi vitiamin at about noon.  I take calcium again at night with a D-3. I also have found it very helpful to stretch in the morning and get on the treadmill.  Good Luck with all of this.  Others on here will have helpful hints too.  This is just what I do. 

    by the way chapstickmom....I love your elephant pic...I am a big fan of the elephant.



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,078
    edited February 2010

    Any time of the day that works for you is good, chapstickmom.  I take mine at night before going to bed.  I take two fish oil caplets, one glucosamine/chondroitin, magnesium, Calcium, D3, adult vitamin in the morning with a few prescription meds.  I drink 4 oz of pure cherry juice with my breakfast.  Someone posted weeks ago that cherry juice contains an ingredient that is anti-inflammatory meds. 

  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited February 2010

    Has anyone else developed high blood pressure after starting with Arimidex.  I always had low blood pressure but it has been high the last 2 times it was taken at the doctor's office.  They thought I might be nervous but it was never high before.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,472
    edited February 2010

    Get a home blood pressure monitor and take it at home for a couple weeks before you think it is actually high. Mine is always super, super high at the doctor's office and perfectly fine at home. I think the stress of going to the doctors is cumulative; the more I see them, the higher it is when I'm there (even after they tell me I'm fine; it still keeps going up until I'm out of the door!!!!).

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,078
    edited February 2010

    The NIH (National Institutes of Health) recommends that a person remain seated for 5 min. before the BP is taken.  Then wait another 5 min. and take the BP again.  Rarely do the doctors' nurses or aides ever follow this guideline.  They lead you into a room and immediately take your BP.  It's very common for BP to be higher than normal at a visit to the dr.

  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited February 2010

    "Rarely do the doctors' nurses or aides ever follow this guideline."

    Not only that, but the nurses in my PCP's office are in such a hurry that they will weigh me, sit me down (as I contemplate those 2 or 3 pounds that have mysteriously appeared), wrap the BP cuff around my arm, ... and immediately start asking me questions about why I'm there and how long have I had those symptoms.  If I growl at them or shake my head "No!" or whisper that I'd rather not try to talk while my BP is being measured (also in the guidelines), they always comply; but by then it's too late.

    That happens every time.  I swear my BP goes up just thinking about it.  I'm considering printing out a card that says, "Don't expect me to answer any questions or do any talking until my BP measurement has been completed."  Or maybe we should all print out a copy of the American Heart Assoc. (?) guidelines and give them to the staff when they mess up.  (I wish I had the link to those guideines.)


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010

    The minute they reach for the BP cuff I try to go to my zen place Wink and calm myself, slow my heart rate, and lower my blood pressure. Once in a while I can't overcome my inner anxiety and my pulse and BP are higher than usual. So far Arimidex does not seem to be causing trouble. I am a little worried about what is happening with my cholesterol. I guess that will get checked when I see my PCP in March. Until then I am blissfully ignorant. If it is actually a drug causing #s to go up maybe that is not as bad as when it is your natural body... nice theory, huh? It's just such a slippery slope - one drug causes a problem that leads to another drug - that leads to another problem and another drug! And on and on :-(

    How do we get off of this merry-go-round? 

  • otter
    otter Member Posts: 757
    edited February 2010

    What we're going through has been compared to this (don't take the link too seriously):


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited February 2010


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,472
    edited February 2010

    I think we have to wait until the ride is over before we can get off the merry-go-round.