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  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582
    edited January 2010

    Just got my Arimidex today and it cost $400.31!!!!!

    It went up alot since last month!!! It's ridiculous!!!!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    It's as if AZ wants to suck every last dime out of the drug before it goes generic! Let's hope that's what is happening anyway.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010
    So I guess this means I will stay on Tamoxifen for a couple years at least!  The first Oncologist said to take the Tamoxifen, then maybe switch to Arimidex then....BUT it sounds like it might cause more "skin issues" than I want to have, also the "achy" joints?  Man, I used to have sooooooo much trouble with my skin....hives, welts, blisters, etc....supposedly caused from "hormone"  problems... The Tamoxifen hasn't cause any side-effects yet....(3 weeks)....Maybe it is too soon?  But this is a breeze, so far!    Have any of you gals been on Tamoxifen and THEN Arimidex?  Man, the price is outrageous!  And it all goes to the Drug companies!  Jeannette
  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited January 2010


    Lots of good reading here. I have been taking arimidex for 3 years this month. I cannot afford it anymore. Last month it was $369.00. I only have 3 pills left. Chevyboy, I see you switched from arimidex. My onc doesn't want me to do it but I think I am going to have to. He can give me something that has generic.How mych of a change can it be? What can I do, I just cannot afford it again! I would like to have a protest march in Washington!! He doesn't even have any free samples to help me with. He says Astra Zeneca is being stingy with them. My bones in my legs and feet hurt me and it must be from the arimidex..I feel like an old lady!

    Vnelson, ever since I have been taking arimidex I have had horrible dry skin. When I first got it, I would scratch som much my skin would bleed. I now wash with Cetaphil and use Cetaphil lotion all over. In the beginning I was using Eucerin anti-itch cream but it became too expensive. The Cetaphil is high in price but lasts alot longer and more economical.

    Ronqt, I am very near you. I live in Caldwell!

    Sunflowers, thanks for the research you have been doing. I am going to read what you wrote and comment there...thanks again.

    hugs and prayers,


  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010


    You are a ball of fire! I will write my congressman,


  • vnelson
    vnelson Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2010


    Thank you soooooo much for responding. I was beginning to think I am on the nutty band wagon. I will get some Aquaphor ASAP! I haven't had anything on my face thank goodness. Did you stop the Arimidex and change to something else?


  • vnelson
    vnelson Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2010


    I haven't thought about that but it sure does make sense. Thanks for the idea and I will look into it further.


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2010

    Sunflowers - thanks for all the research.  I was just at Wegmans pharmacy today and the arimidex price went up to 426.00!!  The tech that helped me was aghast. Well, SO WAS I because I have to pay for it!!  Don't think I'll be able to remain on this drug unless something gives.  I will join in the assualt on our congress people and senators - don't know if that will help us but can't hurt.  If AZ is trying to get an extension it's only for their own profits.

  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited January 2010

    Saw my cousin doc Nancy today ..Was sick last week and had to go to Urgent Care ,,Not thrilled with BP when there even though I was sick it was too hihg!!! AND  it has been up when I took it at home..BP was up in her office even after a.m. med!...I used to be on univasc one a day for elevated BP worked since 1990... Few months ago I told Nancy it dbeen up ,she increased it to two a day. TOday she gave me toprol a beta blocker to take in a.m. WHen I went to drug store to get antibiotic last week I talked with phamacist about high bp on arimidex .He said it has been reported but no percetages. I know it could be age but it seems to be less then coincidence that it came after taking the arimidex...Nancy did say yes it is a SE of the drug..any thoughts / comments???? TY

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2010

    lakewoman - can't believe you are talking about this.  I have always had low and below low BP until late this summer after being on arimidex for 4 months.  I eat well, exercise like a nut... all the right things and all of a sudden I have high BP. Have been on losinopril since August and had another appt today.  My BP was still high!!!  He upped my meds but I am not happy about this se and didn't know it was from the arimidex but what else could it be?? I am 53 with no family history and healthy lifetstyle?

  • mersmom
    mersmom Member Posts: 79
    edited January 2010


    I guess I did not make myself clear on the cramp issue. Cramps as in like the old period cramps. Anybody have THAT problem???

    I still own my uterus. I thought they were on a mission to remove it but since the BRAC test came back ok they are now saying no. I am due for yearly exam from my gyno gal and the pap smear. Oh great something to worry about until the results come back..


    I am now on a BP regement. They added Toprol (makes some people sleepy)  and also now they added Cardizem. Now every thing is great. Hang in there darlin.

    Here in the west it is dinner time...DH needs his three squares. I wll check back later on everyone. Sleep well...wish wish.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited January 2010

    Have med onc 3 month followup next week.  Will see where my BP is.  It's always been on the low side.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,801
    edited January 2010

    My BP has stayed fine. My cholestrol, however, is on the shakey side. Is it the Armidex, heredity, or a combination of the two? Probably heredity or the combination.............

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2010

    Hi Candy 1971.....I'm sorry if I was un-clear, but I started with Tamoxifen, and the Oncologist said I might go on Arimidex in a couple years!   Maybe my age makes a diffeence...I am 72, but feel like I'm 40...Ha!  No, I couldn't afford Arimidex either, at least until it maybe goes generic....but I'm not having any side effects with the T pill, & maybe I can just stay on it!  I've only been taking it for a little over 3 weeks!  Good Luck with your decision!  Jeannette

  • Snowbird
    Snowbird Member Posts: 26
    edited January 2010
    Sunflowers, negative, but I wish I were. I agree this is worth rattling the cages of our congressional reps, but I think ours is a bozo, didn't vote for him & don't expect any help or support from him. Thanks for starting the new thread. I'll move over there now... 
  • victoriasecret
    victoriasecret Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2010

    Just started 2 weeks ago so far so good...I am Canadian so cost is in our health care.

    Much love C

  • victoriasecret
    victoriasecret Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2010

    I also have a drug plan just to add... C

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    About the question of high BP: has anyone wondered if the high blood pressure could be an after effect of radiation since it is known to affect the vessels around the heart? Did you have rads to the left side? I don't think right-siders are at risk. My radiation was on the left and I worry about this.

    My neighbor had radiation for mouth cancer a couple years ago. Now she has learned it has caused scarring in her carotid artery. Not so good.

    Just wondering.


  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited January 2010

    I had high  BP before bc diagnosis and it has stayed the same. My cholesterol has gone up and I know that is from the arimidex. When I finished rads I had severe chest pains and heart palpitations and after a stress test, heart catheterization, they realized it was due to radiation as I had it on the left side. I now take medication for it.

    Chevyboy, sorry that I misunderstood what you said. Glad you are doing well on the T.

    edited for mispelling

  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2010

    Pam - I didn't have radiation - only chemo but still this high BP all of a sudden.  I think I'm blaming the arimidex.

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    edited January 2010

    When my Dr. prescribed Arimidex she said that high blood pressure is a possible side effect along with several others.  Suggested watching sodium intake and not gaining weight. Hopefully the benefits will far outweigh all these added issues for all of us.


  • lakewoman
    lakewoman Member Posts: 221
    edited January 2010

    I did not have radiation and my BP is not hereditery..I am blest ,as I have said, to have for my my cousin..for my GP ..she emailed me last nite..after 45 min in her office ..I have copied some of your responses to send to her. I really think those of us who think arimidex is causing elevated BP should report it . I will check with my pharmacist to see where it should be reported and then perhaps eventually we will have that percentage of those who reported this SE>

    Email from Nancy! ~Oh and I had sent her the article by Deb Jarvis on libido!!!

    I think it is the arimidex that is making your bp high.  We just need to make it normal.  You can check it at home...right?  If it doesn't come down we will need to increase meds more.   You need to take the arimidex as long as they want you to as long as your can.  You have a good prognosis.  Important to remember that.  You were wise to throw away the list of side effects as you don't need to worry about them unless you get them.  We can get your bp under control...don't worry.  It is always nice to see you but work is always crazy as they expect us to see people in a couple of minutes.  I just skimmed that article/link you sent me....Looks funny.  I didn't get to finish it but will have time later this week.  Hopefully we will be getting the big snow they got out west.  Remember, you are in good hands with Dr.-------.(my BS that Nancy referred me to 2 yrs ago)  She will not lead you astray . It is very good of you to help others.  There is so much uncertainty in this world.  What matters are people. ttyl nancy

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,801
    edited January 2010
    I think an important point in lakewomans's post is to take your blood pressure at home; if you do it only when you go to the doctor, it will ALWAYS be high (if you're like me anyway!). You can buy a pressure monitor for not much money at any drug store, Walmart etc. Mine is normal at home, and off the charts at the clinic, wonder why Surprised?! HA!
  • crag347
    crag347 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2010

    Hi Roxy  I am on Arimidex.   Definately try taking it in the morning just be sure to eat a little something first.  Little queezy but boy I sleep great!

  • LizziesNuNu
    LizziesNuNu Member Posts: 33
    edited January 2010


    They took blood, but never really told me anything. The night RN told me we all have Staph on our skin, just sometimes it goes crazy. My incisions were really red and swollen. I went to the emergency room to have it checked out, and the doctors treated it very aggressively. I had two rounds of IV antibodtics, and by the next morning things were much better.

    I know this is a late post, I haven't been on in a few days, but if you feel weird about anything, make sure you have is looked at. My sister had knee surgery last summer, and about 3 weeks later was in ICU extremely ill. Staph can get ahold of you quick, and needs to be taken care of.

    I only stopped taking it the day of the surgery, probably took it after I got home, don't remember too much about that day. Thank goodness for good drugs.

    Yes, I'm post menopausal. I talked to my onco, she reassured me everything was cool.

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited January 2010

    Hey all, check out this link re astra zeneca's financial issues as they ARE losing the patent on Arimidex in 2010 as per the article


  • sonia68
    sonia68 Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2010

    I just signed-up . I'm 68+ yrs.old, I was diagnosed 3/19/09 with DCIS, had lumpectomy, treated with radiation. Although estrogen +, my Oncologist did not feel that I need additional treatment. I was OK with it initially, but, can't seem to connect with anyone who is in the same boat? I'm thinking now, that maybe I should be taking one of the aromatase inhibitors, just for my peace of mind. I've read so much about the serious side effects of Tamoxifen, that taking it is out of the question. I'll be meeting with my Oncologist on Feb.4. I'm not sure if this is the right forum to address my predicament, but will appreciate it if some could lead me to it. Thank you so much.

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108
    edited January 2010

    Hi Sonia68,

    It does seem the DCIS girls get treated differently so I don't know if an AI is indicated for you or not. Is there a DCIS thread? You might find women with more experience there.  While tamoxifen has some serious SE's, AI's are not a  walk in the park. More quality of life issues. I'm sure your oncologist can tell you why or why not you should take one.

    Best wishes,


  • bobcat
    bobcat Member Posts: 526
    edited January 2010

    Sue - checked out the article and seems like the patent date is correct.  Can you believe they made over a BILLION dollars on this drug???  I just checked my new presciption plan last night and if I paid out of pocket it would be over $4000 per year.  They will cover me for $70 for 90 day supply but then of course my monthly health insurance costs $900!! because of pre-existing condition. 

    Sonia - I would look for more information from your oncologist - also check out the DCIS board on here.  There is lots of info to help you.  Good luck.

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Member Posts: 262
    edited January 2010

    Bobcat, my retiree insurance from a large health ins company was supposed to cost me about $500/mo after my cobra ran out. They, and "they" shall remain nameless, sent me a letter stating that the plan will be $725! I dropped it down a notch and now pay $678. Needless to say, I got ALL MY ARIMIDEX filled in Dec as I had met my out of pocket. I bet a 90 day supply will now run me about $400. Dispicable!