~* The Waiting Room *~



  • sherry35
    sherry35 Posts: 155
    edited June 2009

    Well it looks like i'm waiting some more.  The needle aspiration was suspicious but inconclusive.  My surgeon said that he could have been biased by what he wrote on the request and unless he was 100% damn sure it was nothing than this had to be how he responded.  So he says we won't have pathology from excision until next Monday.  Another week of waiting and letting them get in my head. 

    This sucks!

  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Posts: 210
    edited June 2009

    Aw, Sherry, I'm so sorry for you. I'm sure your surgeon did the right thing doing the excision - there's a great saying here - "The only good lump is a lump in a jar." But the waiting does, INDEED, suck!!!

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Posts: 467
    edited June 2009

    I'm so sorry, Sherry. That's just rotten! I agree with Sue, I'm glad that it's in a jar. Even if he's lousy at keeping you informed, your surgeon is sure not playing any guessing games with the damned lump. If it's suspicious, get it out of there.

  • staceyr
    staceyr Posts: 24
    edited June 2009

    I've just been called back for "different views".  This is not helping my stress level.  Does this happen often to women who've had a lumpectomy, does anyone know?  Does scar tissue impede the radiologist's view..?  Kinda freaking out.  Still.

  • Monty
    Monty Posts: 146
    edited June 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    I went for my 1st mammogram yetserday since my diagnosis and treatment began last May.  I tried not to show anyone I was anxious but it's scary.  The tech doing my mammogram didn't have any of my history so ihad to go  throuh and explain everything first.  Then she said she had checked the films from last year and didn't see anything, so I had to explain the 5cm lump etc didn;t show on mammogram but did show on the ultrasound, she wondered why the onc had only ordered a mammogram this time - I coudln't answer her question either as I was equally surprized.  Did you guys get a mammogram only each year or some other scan? I have very little faith in the mammogram after last year.  I haven't had any other scan for mets since I had the bone scan before my chemo started last August - how do I know if anything is back? I remember, after being diagnosed, loking back and saying to my DH maybe that's why I kept feeling like I was coming down with a cold or something and my arms and underarms feeling tender and hot - guess what - thats all started again, as though my lymph system is on overload again. I mentioned this to my onc and they think it might be lymphedema starting up so may be that's what it is and I'm over-reacting.

    Gosh I hate this game.


    The bone scan thing is nothing to worry about, at least in my experience.  You have an injection of radioactive stuff and leave the ofice for a little while, then you go back in and lay on a table for about 1/2 hour while a camera moves along the length of your body, you are not inside a tube or anything so it's not claustrophobic.

  • Crystalady
    Crystalady Posts: 21
    edited June 2009

    Don't worry Hope,

    The Thyroid cancer is probably a primary cancer and is the easiest of all the cancers to treat. 

    I've had it and I've had the surgery to remove the whole thyroid. It was the easiest one I've had and it wasn't too painful. 

    Try to concentrate on healing the breast cancer and try not to think about mets. You don't need that extra stress.


  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Posts: 210
    edited June 2009

    Gaynor - Wow, a 5 cm lump not showing up on the mammogram? Somebody was really wise to also order an ultrasound. My 2.2 cm tumor was caught by a routine mammo - oddly enough, it also showed on ultrasound but did not show up on the MRI - nothing did, so my surgeon was operating "blind" and didn't know about the much smaller IDC and two ducts of DCIS that were also lurking and didn't show up until surgery (and why a lumpectomy turned into a re-excision and mastectomy.)

    My breast surgeon ordered a diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound and MRI (She said that just because it didn't show anything the first time didn't mean it wouldn't work again) for my one-year follow-up on my healthy breast. And since my tumor was Her2+, my onc ordered a PET/CT when I finished Herceptin. I had that Tuesday and am in the Waiting Room still waiting for results - and going on the "no news is good news" theory!!!!!

  • sherry35
    sherry35 Posts: 155
    edited June 2009

    Just thought I'd let you ladies know that I'm still waiting...........

    I've decided that I still believe my lump was not a recurrance.  I let the nay sayers into my head.

    Cancer is MY bitch!!!!

  • BBLady
    BBLady Posts: 20
    edited June 2009

    Sherry - so sorry that you have to go through another week-end waiting.

    Gaynor - That is so horrible that your mammo didn't pick up your lump. Mine was only 4mm and couldn't be felt, but was seen on the mammo. I've had two mammo's and ultrasounds since my surgery last May, just had a PET/CT and have had blood work every 3 months. Now they said I won't need another mammo or PET for a year and blood work only every six months. It's kind of scary to be 'turned loose' so to speak. Have you heard anything yet?

    Hugs and prayers to all who are in the waiting room - hope you won't worry too much, and be able to have a good weekend.


  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Posts: 467
    edited June 2009

    I love the fierce attitude, Sherry, battle queen. I've been thinking about you, and about all our stays in waiting rooms. It's like a new way of life, and good to have understanding company. Let us know how Monday goes. 

    I'm frustrated again. Sympathetic doctor hasn't faxed the order for the ultrasound over to the breast care center ALL WEEK. His office is so hard to reach, endless "please stay on the line" recordings and reassurances from the staff that don't get it done. He reassured me that the lump is probably nothing, so the wait isn't as hard, but it's taking so long to get anything done. There will be another wait for the actual appointment, and another for results.

    Gaynor, did you have lobular BC? My lobular tumor didn't show on any mammogram either. I no longer trust them very much. I may be the only one I know that is thankful that I found a lump. Lumps are paid attention to. The ultrasound showed it clearly. I'm hoping that all my follow-ups include an ultrasound or MRI. Invisible BC is just too scary.

  • apple
    apple Posts: 1,466
    edited June 2009

    i'm just waiting to see what happens next.

    I just wanted to remark ~*Lexislove*~,  that the title stand out beautifully.. i particularly like the the ~ symbol.. it is so pretty~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

  • sherry35
    sherry35 Posts: 155
    edited June 2009



  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Posts: 467
    edited June 2009

    Tomorrow for sure. Good news for you tomorrow. We'll have a celebration.

    Still waiting here too. This morning I told the nurse that the delay was undoing the calming effect that sympathetic doc had on me. She said that it was the fault of the insurance company. I bet she just requested the test this morning. 

  • sherry35
    sherry35 Posts: 155
    edited June 2009

    Sorry for your worry fortunate1, but whatever you do, don't let the nay sayers in your head!!

    I bet my doc. has never had to wait for life altering information or he wouldn't be so damn lax in getting me mine!!!!!

  • lexislove
    lexislove Posts: 277
    edited June 2009

    I have been away for a week or so. the weather here has just been too beautiful to be in doors! So I'm checking in!!!!

     I'll be reading posts later on, I have dinner cookin. Thanks apple for the nice words ! Be back later.

  • Monty
    Monty Posts: 146
    edited June 2009

    HI there,

    Thaks ladies for your input.

     I was never actually told which type of cancer I had other than the staging etc.  I did ask but my onc never really answered the question.  My onc is great but sometimes they miss telling you things or organizing follow ups because they have some many people to take care of.  I go for my next Herceptin next week so I'll ask my nurse then if she can find out as she's amazing.  I will also ask her about whether or not they can order an ultrasound as the Breast Diagnosis centre is at the same hospital.  I haven't heard anything yet from my mammogram so right now I'm assuming no news is good news - right?!!!!  Looks like a number of us are waiting in the wings.  Like someone said I wonder if they would take as long getting back if it was their own results?  I guess we should be thankful they can do all these tests and treatment in the first place.

    Love to all Gaynor

  • sherry35
    sherry35 Posts: 155
    edited June 2009

    Tuesday 11:20- called the surgeon's office, apparently the results are on his desk and he is in the office but no news for me yet.  If he gets a chance he will call me.


    They have no idea of what we go through with this waiting and waiting and waiting....


  • mmm5
    mmm5 Posts: 797
    edited June 2009


    Call and ask for the Office manager and explain how long you have been waiting and you are experiencing stress that is not good for you and ask them to please have the Doc call you asap. This is really quite ridiculous! You are their customer and you deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion.

  • sherry35
    sherry35 Posts: 155
    edited June 2009


    Not good news, it's a local recurrance of initial breast cancer.

    Got the info. from my GP as surgeon said he couldn't reach me.  Apparantly they will now have to go in and do a wider excision and it looks like I won't be able to have recon.

    This sucks in the worst way

  • DCMom
    DCMom Posts: 77
    edited June 2009


     I am so sorry to hear your news wasn't good, but a local recurrance should be only a temporary set back to recovery.  I can't stand seeing anyone receive bad news and I feel like I am right there with you.  Fear is our constant companion.  I look forward to the day we stop waking up and waiting...Prayers, power thoughts, and hugs.


  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Posts: 210
    edited June 2009

    Sherry - So sorry to hear your news. I agree with DC - a local recurrence can be overcome, and I know that's what you'll do. Did you do radiation, and that's why you can't have recon?

    Sending hugs your way, Sue

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Posts: 467
    edited June 2009

    Sherry, So it's another battle. Your news breaks my heart, but I feel from your posts that you are strong enough to fight anything and win. Local recurrence you're going down! 

    If strength of will can do anything, you have the waiting room women behind you all the way. More hugs from me. 

  • sherry35
    sherry35 Posts: 155
    edited June 2009

    Hope, glad your feeling well after surgery.

    Thanks ladies, for your thoughts and encouragement.  I just don't know what to think.  I waited a year to have my recon., finally got the date moved up to July 8 and now it looks like it won't happen.  On top of that i'm getting the "this wouldn't have happened if you had rads speach" and i'm questioning my decisions and feeling like this is my fault.

    What happened to 80% b9, i'm tired of winning the cancer lottery.  I'm just over 2 yrs from original dx and now this! All i can say right now is f@#$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • BBLady
    BBLady Posts: 20
    edited June 2009

    Oh Sherry! I am so sorry for your news. After all your waiting, I just knew it would be good news. Please don't think it's your fault! These things just happen. I know it's hard not to try and second guess the decisions we've made, but 'shoulda's woulda's and coulda's don't help, You've got support here and just know that we're all behind you, rooting for you to win this battle, tool!


  • Monty
    Monty Posts: 146
    edited June 2009

    Sherry - sorry to hear your news, I can't offer advice as I haven't been there yet but I can offer you my prayers and a shoulder to cry on if you need one.  I am still awaiting my mammogram results from last week and I am trying to assume that no news is good news but ...... well you know how it feels to wait.  I'm sure that your onc etc will do their very best in the way of treatment and you know all us ladies are here for you.

    2tzus - really, I have never been told the type of cancer other than it's very aggressive and without treatment I had a 90% chance of recurrence within a short period of time.  I did ask again but they kind of skirted the issue so I figured it wasn't that important to know as long as they did and they were offering the treatment accordingly.  They did tell me the one lump was 5cm and the other much smaller, that 5 out of 1 lymph nodes taken were involved and it was her2neu positive and receptive to estrogen (70%) and progesterone (50%) I think - that's all I know.  Does it make such a huge difference which type?  I am still getting Herceptin and take Femara after having my ovaries removed.

    Since having my ovaries removed I have had constant abdominal pains which at first they said was as a result of the surgery meds (hospitalized for a night after a few days out of surgery fior impacted bowel) but the pain still comes and goes daily, but differs in severity - I told the onc in May when I went back but she thinks now it may be scar tissue so she wants to wait till August when I see her again before she looks into it further.  My husband is mad and says I should go back but some days it isn't so bad and I already feel like I jump to cancer conclusions in my head for every little ache or pain - oh for the pre-cancer days when a stomach pain/headache or whatever was just that.

    Well there's my grumble for the day.

    Sherry - take care, you got through this before and YOU WILL DO IT AGAIN.

    Love Gaynor

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Posts: 467
    edited June 2009
    Sherry, Please, no second guessing. I say that while doing it myself! Just know that we all make the best decisions we can. The docs are advising us the best they can, too. Well the whole thing just stinks but we've got to do it.StacyR, are you still out there? How did the 'different views' go? I imagine that scar tissue must get in the way of a clear view, just like dense breast tissue does.As for me, I'm no longer very happy with 'sympathetic doc'. The breast center called yesterday, saying that his office had finally sent an order for an excision, not an ultrasound. Their practice is to do an ultrasound first to see if there was any reason to excise anything.  Well, yeah. So is the doc just messing up, or is the lump more of a problem than he told me? Scared again.
  • sherry35
    sherry35 Posts: 155
    edited June 2009

    hi ladies, thank you so much for your words of encouragement and your advice.  I'm just so stunned right now that i don't know which way is up.  i was so sure it wasn't cancer. 

    I just spoke to PS office and it doesn't look like they will do recon now.  if that is the case than i will have the other breast removed.  I'd rather have none than one.

    on a positive note my mammo and bone scan are clear.  just waiting on ct results and then we'll know how to procede.

    Gaynor, I agree with the others, if the pain persists i would want to see dr. before august.

    2tzus- i'm with you i'm also a control freak and have to have all info i can.  maybe too much sometimes.

    fortunate1- i feel your pain.  I would get the lump excised.  at least then you know whatever it is that it is out of your body. don't let the nay sayers into your head.  stay true to your beliefs and we'll be here for you.

  • staceyr
    staceyr Posts: 24
    edited June 2009

    fortunate1, thanks for asking, I just had my close-ups done today and I didn't even expect to hear my results until tomorrow, but they told me right away, and apparently it's nothing to be concerned about.  I almost cried when she told me - this emotional rollercoaster is a wild ride that I don't remember signing up for.

    It sounds like your "sympathetic doc" isn't so forthcoming about what's going on with you.  I hate that failure to communicate.  You need to call him and get some answers, I think.

    Sherry, so sorry to hear about your news.  Not cool.

  • fortunate1
    fortunate1 Posts: 467
    edited June 2009

    Stacy, congratulations on your good results! It's very good to hear.

    Sherry, Perhaps your reconstruction will just be put off until after the new treatment. Hope your CT result is as good as the mammo and bone scan, and of course that they don't keep you waiting for decisions.

    No news from Breast Center today. I'm just tired of it all. I am ignoring my work. The Breast Center is supposedly doing the questioning and figuring on my behalf, and right now I'm very happy to have them do it. So stupid that a tiny little BB can take over like this. It will be nothing. However, I will definitely not fight excision. For now I'm going to stick my head in the sand just long enough to get my own work done. Then I'll call again.

  • Monty
    Monty Posts: 146
    edited June 2009

    Hi Girls,

    I thank you for your responses etc.  I do have a large amount of confidence in my onc but also I guess I lead a busy schedule both at work and home.  While I was off work I had lots of time to research things and sometimes that was good and sometimes not so good, it's amazing how much info is available.  Does the type of cancer you have make a huge difference on the treatment or the prognosis - I don't know? Every time I see the onc I have a list of the important questions I have usually I get the answers I need  -things like what difference one course of treatment will make to my outcome to another.  Maybe I'm old school in the believe that my onc knows what she's doing and that I should trust her judgement, I'm not sure it's a generation thing as I know people older and younger who  all have differing opinions on how much you need to know.  Maybe I'm missing something?  But my big question really is right now to you all - does the type of cancer make a difference? I'm guessing you all probably think it does, please advise.

    As for the stomach pain I will see a doctor next week when I get my Herceptin, she is linked to the Cancer Centre, so I will mention it to her and see what she says.  I do realize we all need to take an active part in our treatment planning and I do try but I know sometimes for me it's just easier to accept their advice, I did put up a fight about taking tamoxifen  and has my ovaries removed and went on AIs instead which my onc agreed with although her Supprtive Care person wasn't so happy with me going against their 1st suggestion so I am trying, honest.

    Good luck to everyone who of us waiting for results, thankfully I'm so busy at work I get to forget about it for a large part of the day.  My husband keeps asking why I'm quiet on a night, I guess he hasn't clued in yet!  Thank you for all being here to talk to and share ideas and feelings, it's much easier than upsetting loved ones around us as it takes away at least soem of the stress.

    Love Gaynor