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NOLA in September?



  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited March 2010

    Sue -It's not weird to pack these things, it's great!  You know what you like. I ate these same things.  I found I loved granola bars since they were more substantive and felt more like a "treat" when I needed to take pain meds.

  • amym159
    amym159 Member Posts: 173
    edited March 2010

    March 29 ladies:

    Is anyone interested in having lunch? I wish I could come along for your Sunday night dinner but will be in town only for the day Monday. We just arrived on Dauphin Island  today for spring break:)


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited March 2010


    There are plans to meet for lunch at Zia's On Monday, which is just a couple of blocks, I think east of the Center, on St, Charles. No specific time - I think as folks have time for lunch. I don't know if I'll have time to make it brtween appts, but I'll try and I know others will! I think we need a pink sign or something with on it so people know which table to go to! Now i better go to bed. Flight day tomorrow!


  • sueinfl
    sueinfl Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2010

    I have packed way too much and am off to NOLA land and Hope Lodge.

    Marthe, I will tell Taja and Yvette you say hello.

    Alaina, thank you so much for the ride to dinner tonight. Can hardly wait to meet everyone!


  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited March 2010

    Stage 2 Question: I had a nipple sparing procedure, and in Stage 2 I'll probably have a reduction and lift.  Can anyone tell me if I'll need nipple guards with this procedure?  Nipples will be slightly relocated, but they are intact.  It would make a difference as to what I'll bring to wear.

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited March 2010
    kcshreve...I don't know if this is a good comparison or not, but I had a lift and implant in my healthy breast at stage 2 with my nipple relocated and I do not have a nipple guard on that breast. 
  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited March 2010

    Sorry i hav not been on since b4 surgery. Am doing better I had trouble eating anything and I spiked a tempso I didn;t get out until yesterday I am very swollen (these do go down dont they) I see Dr D tomm at 9:30 and then fly home on Tuesday AM.It was sooo NICE to meet some of you ladies, Cat1 how is the condo doing Tell Dana it was great meeting her. I spilled oneof my drains all over me in the middle of the  night Hoe tonight is bette

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited March 2010

    Just got back from my cruise and I feel well rested. The perfect fix for recovery, great food, long walks and plenty of naps. I feel really good and will go back to work tomorrow. Not too much swelling and things look really good. I should lose one butt drain tomorrow and the other by the weekend. Yeahhhhhh!!!!!!

    Nordy good to hear all went well with your surgery and you are finally getting to see the town. Cat , Sally and Camian I hope you are recovering well from stage 1. Eve I will be thinking of you on Tues. Sandy and Julie don't have too much fun.

    All for now


  • camiam
    camiam Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2010

    Hi ladies. I made it through just fine on Friday. :) Dr. S said it's a huge success and that I'm really going to love the new breast. He added some fat to my other reconstruction, too (which he did 8 yrs ago), to help it match my newest one. 

    I've had a lot of pain, mostly the incredibly stiff kind of pain. But it goes away with meds. I had a lot of nausea, but it stayed away with meds and I haven't taken anything since last night. I haven't turned the corner yet, but I hope tomorrow will be the day I do. 

    Sue, I'm alone until discharge, also. The nurses are so sweet and they'll do anything for you that you need done. They will dig through your food stash (I brought one, too) and go warm anything you want. 

    The food here at Fairway IS as bad as you all said it was. There have been a couple of things that were edible, but the rest is just...indescribeably bad. Not to mention not fit for post surgery stomachs! The first morning after surgery, for my first meal, they brought sausage and eggs (nasty eggs, too). HUH? Sausage & eggs for a jumpy stomach? Then it was spaghetti & a meatball, and corn with hot sauce added. The nurses did what they could to get me some food that suited my stomach.

    On Thursday I was at my consult with Dr S at St. Charles, and it ran so late that it was 5pm before I got out. I wanted to go try to find any of you who were up there, but my parents were driving and we wanted to get out of downtown before heavy traffic hit. So I missed y'all. 

    Sue, I'm still planning to come see you. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow...I'm going to be thinking of you; I'll be so nearby! I'm trying to remember if I met Yvette and where she works- Fairway or St. Charles? Also, they will give you a dulcolax on the first day post-surgery. Then the next day you're offered colace. 

    Cat & Sally (and anyone else I've missed), hope your recovery is going well. I hope all of you who are here now have a great dinner! Wish I could be there!

  • camiam
    camiam Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2010

    Oh! I forgot to add the really important part! Dr. L removed 3 sentinel nodes and they were all clear! :) Now Im just waiting on the breast tissue to be biopsied, but at least we know that whatever ends up being there, it didn't get to my nodes. 

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited March 2010

    Now thats AWESOME  news,Camiam...I remember you from years ago. Marcia, formerly from Ocean Springs MS`

    Gentle hug,Marcia

  • Connie07
    Connie07 Member Posts: 446
    edited March 2010

    Hey Ladies, I have a random question at the request of my DD...

    Does anyone recommend a book on divorce?

    There are so many out there its hard  to choose and I'm hoping for a referral. you can pm me so I don't tie up your thread, which I watch, a lot.

    Thanks, Connie

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited March 2010

    Sally - you will be surprised how much better you'll start to feel soon.  My swelling went down around week 3 or so. I thought iI'd never get rid of the Dolly Partons.

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited March 2010

    CC- thank you for the info on Stage 2 nipples.

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2010

    Hi all.  Haven't been posting a lot, but staying up with the reading, and always say a prayer for those here.  Good luck to those coming up this week!  Hoping to go back to work on Thursday....well, have to really, cause Short Term Disability runs out...but I am ready.  Just wish I could get rid of this last drain before then.  Camiam - congrats on the SNB results!  Hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited March 2010

    I'm happy to hear your great news, camiam!

     Just got back to the hotel a little while ago after fun times today and this evening with Alaina, Nordy and dh, BreastCancerDiva and her dh, Laughlines, SueinFL, Minnesota and her dh, and Julie.   We ended up at Cafe du Monde, and enjoyed some beignets and cafe au lait tonight before parting ways until tomorrow!   Of course we christening Cafe Maspero's restroom with a show and tell.   The guys took some group photos, so hopefully we can share them soon.  Sue seemed ready for tomorrow!

    Glad to hear you had fun on the cruise, Stephanie--see you soon.

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited March 2010

    I am so happy to hear that everyone is doing well after their surgery last week!

    Good luck to ALL of the ladies up this week!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited March 2010


      I know you probably are in surgery right now,but I wanted you to knowthat I am holding you close to my heart and thinking wonderful thoughts for you & and hope you will have an uneventful and swift recovery~


       Holding you close as well...Please give me a buzz tonight for some "verbal hugs"!


      hopingyou got the all clear to go home to your babies...gentle hugs



  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited March 2010

    What a Busy day- I hope everyone gets time to ask all their Questions & Check out Dr Ds Shoes : )

    SueinFL- Thinking of you today!

    And Minn Tomorrow!

    Camian that is great news on your Nodes- I hope you get B9 Results on your Mastec too.

    Sandy- I cant wait to see the Pictures.

    it sounded like you all had Show & tell & your Dhs took group Pictures of that! LOL


  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited March 2010

    Ok drain or no drain I am going to Chicago this weekend... but please Jeanine if you occasionally come in here.. please call and say I can pull it... ! lol. J/KSmile  I know I'm supposed to wear the dominatrix for a week AFTER the last drain but I wonder if I can switch to a "different compression garment". I hate this dominatrix thing ... I think worse than having the drain...

    Good luck NOLA girls up this week...!!!!

    Camiam... that is terrific news on the nodes.. !!!  Good luck on the tissue results.. !!!

  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited March 2010

    I had my post op today and they changed my binder and I fell so much better I got 2 drains out --3 to go-- I have several blisters under my breasts which are hugh they said that is normal and will pop on there own. Back to NY tommorrow. Boy do I miss my boy cant wait to see him Hope all that had surgery today are weathering the storm,,, been there done that... Prayers and thoughts going your ways

  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited March 2010

    HoltBolt/cindy, I hear you on the black dom outfit, ugh! I still have about 40 cc coming out of each drain at 4.5 weeks, guess I'll be dragging them along when I go back to work in a couple of weeks! I just bought a maternity blouse to hide them. I'm sick of wearing the same thing all the time! I also went and got a different sports bra, much more comfy than the elastic (itchy) band on the original one I had.

    So glad to hear you are all out and doing well, hopefully you will feel good enough to get out a bit and see some sites before heading home. The day after my post op I walked around the French Quarter (with frequent breaks) for 5 hours! The drains were really full on that day!

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited March 2010

    Hey guys, sorry i hadn't checked in but just been tried. Everything went well and looks great!   Dr. D didn't know why it was so different but he ended up doing a DIEP on me.  So I got the tummy tuck after all.  Sally & I had lunch on Monday before surgery and it was great to meet her.  Saw Nordy & Diva after their surgery. It was great to walk the halls looking for everyone.  

    Doing better every day and after post-op I'm down to one drain.  Saw Minnesota at my post-op.  Good luck on surgery tomorow!  Wish I had felt like meeting everyone else.  Headed home in the morning and ready to get there.

  • Jinger
    Jinger Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2010

    Hi ladies!

    Just wanted to say thanks to all of you for welcoming me to the board/group at the last minute. Had my pre-op today and met Minnesota, Diva, Laughlines, Julie, Sandy, Amy and hubbies. Everyone I encountered was so, nurses, everyone, but the nicest part was getting good luck hugs from the women I had just met today!  Thank you so much!!!!

    I had to miss the lunch at Zea's, as my appointments went straight through until about 3:30 (and that was just in time for my pedicure the hotel spa for some last-minute pampering and relaxation.)  How about that abdominal CT "hot flash"??????  

    I hope everyone's appointment went well today.  You will all be on my mind.

    And so, tomorrow's a new day! Smile


  • sarabhealed
    sarabhealed Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2010

    What a convention you all had! Glad things are going so well for everybody, and best of luck to everyone coming up.

    DH pulled my drain yesterday--woo hoo! I'm 4 weeks tomorrow and looking forward to a bath and sleeping on my side. I saw my local PS today and he thought everything looked great...I took him NOLA brochures and he was grateful to have them...gotta love a man who is not threatened by expertise!

    Holtbolt--I asked Celeste about wearing the dominatrix or the binder for the week after the drain came out and she said it was my choice. I switched to the binder and am much more comfortable and have more compression where I really need it...A tip I learned was to wear a soft camisole underneath the binder,

    GAP girls--I also bought a pair of the padded underwear--it has helped both how I look and feel back there (of course in addition to an S-GAP I had hip flaps and a tail flap so I might need something back there more than most!)  I ordered through because I liked that it was designed especially for comfort post medical complications--it was a little more expensive but I'm happy with it. Cheaper kinds might work just as well...I know Sandy was thinking about getting some wholesale? Any word on that? I'm sure I'll need some more and would be willing to try a different kind.

    Pam and Christy-- I'll e-mail you tomorrow--sorry I've been swamped!

    The world is in deed a brighter place after 4 weeks...Happy Easter/Passover/Spring to all! 


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited April 2010


    This is Gary writing. Eve was out of surgery and everything went well. Dr. D. came in and looked at her at about 6:30 and said she had a little hematoma that needed to be taken care of so they just took her back into surgery to have that done. She should be back in the room in an hour. On her way out the door she kept mumbling something about telling you that she was going to get to sleep with Dr. D. again. Anyways, I was supposed to post something on this site about how she was doing, but I wasn't sure how to do that so I'm telling you figuring that you could tell everyone else. I would have emailed this except I can't get our email to work on this new laptop. -Gary 

  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited March 2010

    Minnasota I think I may have seen you at the Center on Monday AM but you had headed thru the door when I realized it. Ladies I left NOLA this AM at 8:55 and got to my Syracuse at 2:45 Then  hit a snow storm and never go to my parents until 7:20 What a long day. I have been thinking of you ladies all day I remember how I felt 1 week ago today .Actually wasnt feeling a hole lot of anything. It was son nice to me Cat (and Dana) Diva , Nordy this past week. Has anyone had problems with one of the drains staying closed?? Going to bed

  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited March 2010

    Minnasota I think I may have seen you at the Center on Monday AM but you had headed thru the door when I realized it. Ladies I left NOLA this AM at 8:55 and got to my Syracuse at 2:45 Then  hit a snow storm and never go to my parents until 7:20 What a long day. I have been thinking of you ladies all day I remember how I felt 1 week ago today .Actually wasnt feeling a hole lot of anything. It was son nice to me Cat (and Dana) Diva , Nordy this past week. Has anyone had problems with one of the drains staying closed?? Going to bed

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited March 2010

    Thank you Gary for letting us know how Eve is doing!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited March 2010

    Gary~ Thank you for updating us.  I hope Dr. D was able to fix the hematoma.

    Well my backside is finally almost completely not swollen and I have a litte dent on the left side and I managed to get some stretch marks :(  So Dr. S has a little bit of fixing to do there.  Sally called me last week and said that I was supposed to have bilat. nipple reconstruction and repair to my donor site.  Can this change ??