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NOLA in September?



  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Sally I hope it starts to look better. ((Hugs))

  • camiam
    camiam Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2010

    Wow Sally, all I can say is I hope things look much better on Weds. so you don't have to travel, but if that ends up being what it takes to fix the problem for good, then you'll know for sure then, too. Best wishes for the best course of action to make itself known. Thinking of you. 

    Liz, best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    My drain output was just over 20cc yesterday and looks like today will be the same. I have a call in begging them to okay removal tomorrow, b/c my local surgeon can only do it tomorrow, as he's leaving Weds to go out of town. If not tomorrow then it has to wait until he returns sometime next week. I wonder how likely Dr S will be to okay drain removal tomorrow? I've had 2 days at 30cc, then just over 20 yesterday... 

  • sueinfl
    sueinfl Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2010

    Sally, I hope your rollercoaster ride ends soon with healthy results. I am sorry you are going through so much trouble.

    Sara, Cam, Trisha, thanks for the pep talk. I am better today. The beautiful weather we are having is helping. All I really need is patience (and I want it right now!  ;->  )

    Thanks for the tip on the inexpensive bras, Holtbolt. Is it two weeks we are supposed to wait before switching from the Center's bras? As for everything else, I am just going for 6 weeks. I will be SO glad to not sleep on my back any more, but am willing to go the distance to protect the girls.

    Pam, congrats on being home. You might try getting extra protein from chicken, fish, etc. I had the same problem with my ankles swelling a few days post op and a whole bunch of rotisserie chicken (minus skin) did the trick. I remembered that fix from my pregnancy days many moons ago. Geez, I seem to be pushing protein a lot, don't I? Dairy might work for some, but I am mildly lactose intolerant, so avoid it for the most part since it causes me to retain the same water I am trying to eliminate.

    I hope you heal fast, Margit and wish Liz, Mileha. Lilmis and Phoffa sensational surgeries and fast recoveries this week.

    Good luck with getting the drains pulled, Cam!


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited April 2010

    ((Sally)) so sorry to hear that you have to go back.

  • camiam
    camiam Member Posts: 66
    edited April 2010

    Oh yeah, Holtbolt, I also appreciated the tip on the bras! I'm going to be looking into that right away. I'm still in the Center's bras because I'm so confused on what they want us to do & not do, but I would like to change to something else as soon as possible.

    Thanks Sue, and I'm glad you're feeling better. I've had swollen feet a lot since surgery, too, even right now--still. It's better each morning after elevating my feet, but comes back soon after getting up. I haven't been pushing protein, though. Rotisserie chicken sounds really good...

    Pam, welcome home! 

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2010

    Just got my results back from my CT. I have to have the fluid in my lungs drained. THis sounds incredibly painful to me. Has anyone had this done? I'm terrified of it for some reason. Everything else has been *sigh* just part of me healing but this one is freaking me out!

  • sueinfl
    sueinfl Member Posts: 105
    edited April 2010

    ((((((((Melinda))))))))) I can understand being afraid of having your lungs messed with. I know that having the pleural fluid surrounding the lungs drained is not very difficult, but have no experience about fluid in the lungs themselves. Can you call your doctor's office and ask for someone to explain it to you? I am so sorry you are having to go through this and hope someone can ease your fears soon.

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2010

    It may be the pleural fluid, I'm not entirely sure and cant call the Dr since its after hours here. SInce they've been talking about pleurisy this whole time, maybe that is it? All I know it the pulmonologist said there is a significant amount of fluid there so it needs to be drained.

  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2010

    Hey everyone! Just got an update from Liz's dh. She got out of surgery a bit before 5pm (EST) and Dr. Massey said she did very well. The surgical team gave her dh full conficence that everything will be OK. He should hopefully be able to see her soon.

    Tomorrow evening we will be throwing a party in her room - LOL! Will share updates as they happen...

  • bennetts1
    bennetts1 Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2010

    Great news Chris!  When you see her, give her my well wishes!  Try not to party too much tomorrow evening...ya'll might get kicked out of the hospital-LOL! Thanks for giving the updates.  She has been in my thoughts all day!


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929
    edited April 2010

    I got a surgery date!

    July 14, delayed DIEP recon on left, mast with immediate DIEP recon on right. Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, Dr. Yoav Barnea.

    This thread has been so incredibly helpful to me as I've been going along this path. Well, yeah, it would be great to be able to do it at NOLA but reality is - it ain't gonna happen there. 

    So, Springtime, please put me on the list and send long-distance pv's for my surgery.


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited April 2010

    Congratulations Leah!!  I know it feels good to have a date so that you can start to prepare.

    Sally, I had incisional issues after my stacked DIEP and was pretty upset. The Center had me return ..cleaned things up...and after Stage 2 there was no sign I'd even had a problem. I am so glad Dr D is monitoring you so closely.

    Best wishes to all having surgery and healing from surgery!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2010

    Wow, Yes, Leah, i will add you. I think this is our first international listing! 

    Sally, we are all hoping things look better on Weds, but you must feel good knowing they are right on top of it.

    Melinda, well gee whiz!!!! I am so sorry. Let us know how that goes.  

  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2010

    Marcia thank you so much for your post. Made me feel much more at ease. I began to feel like I was not as strong or capable of healing as a lot of the other women who have had this surgery. I felt like I should be able to do more  but it eases my mind to know that others have been thru this too. Thanks again When I sent my sister (who had the surgery at NOLA 6 years ago) said they look Nasty. I know I am in good hands But thanks for the extra prayers.  Sally

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited April 2010

    Sally & Melinda - so sorry you guys are having these problems! It is not fair!

    Leah - Good luck and thanks for making us international!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited April 2010

    (((((((((Sally)))))))))) I have had to go back twice, and it is soooo worth it when you are having issues!  Here's hoping all gets resolved quick and easily!!

    Dejaboo - so glad things went well! Hopefully things will "even out" when the swelling goes down!  Take care and don't overdo!

  • mileha
    mileha Member Posts: 48
    edited April 2010

    I'm here...I'm here! Sitting in Hope Lodge and entirelly impressed with everything. I have pre-op tomorrow. GREAT driver, but totally spaced his name..took a taxi cab to Harrahs from Hope lodge. Wouldn't recommed that. WAYYY too expensive. The shuttle to the line wasn't available?

    I'll keep ya posted as I am able. If not, my pal Melinda will! If anyone is around who isn't listed, please PM me. Jealous I didn't get to meet anyone down here.  

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Mileha~ Glad you got down there safely.  Have fun tomorrow after your pre-op. 

    Brenda26~ When are you getting into NOLA at the end of the month ??  I think we are both going to be at Hope Lodge at the same time :)

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited April 2010

    You will be great mileha!! I will be texting you to get the scoop if I don't hear sooner than that. Hope Lodge is so great, I'm glad you like it there too. Where are you staying after surgery, I forget?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited April 2010

    Melinda - So sorry to hear about the fluid. Are they admitting you to the hospital and placing a chest tube, or is this something they can do in the office? I hope you are feeling well soon.

    Sally - Wishing you well this week with lots of positive vibes and prayers your way. 

    Mileha - Good luck at your pre-op tomorrow! Thinking of you this week.

    Pam - hang in there and give it a little time to settle - it may all turn out well in the end!

    Gin - so glad to see you on here!!!

    Spring - sending you a PM!

  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2010


    I love that this thread has become international. What a great use of the Internet to create a community of  women going through the same experience, especially when it involves a procedure that is both complex and rare. Welcome Leah.

    BTW -- I have been using the Arnica gel on my new breasts since stage 2 surgery last Thursday.  I had quite a bit of lipo to make them smaller, and there is virtually no bruising. Thank you all for the tip.



  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2010


    I love that this thread has become international. What a great use of the Internet to create a community of  women going through the same experience, especially when it involves a procedure that is both complex and rare. Welcome Leah.

    BTW -- I have been using the Arnica gel on my new breasts since stage 2 surgery last Thursday.  I had quite a bit of lipo to make them smaller, and there is virtually no bruising. Thank you all for the tip.



  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2010


    I love that this thread has become international. What a great use of the Internet to create a community of  women going through the same experience, especially when it involves a procedure that is both complex and rare. Welcome Leah.

    BTW -- I have been using the Arnica gel on my new breasts since stage 2 surgery last Thursday.  I had quite a bit of lipo to make them smaller, and there is virtually no bruising. Thank you all for the tip.



  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited April 2010

    Good luck to Liz (yesterday) and Mileha, LilMisMuffit and Phoffa this week! You will all do great!

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited April 2010


    Good luck girl.  I'm thinking about you and all your other girls coming up!


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited April 2010
    Holtbolt....I just looked at your profile pic on Facebook and you have a ton of hair! How many weeks PFC are you??
  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited April 2010
    cc- yeah, I don't know if it's a ton but it's wavier than before chemo. Last chemo tx was 3/24/09.... so it's been a year... it took a long time to come back... especially the bangs...
  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited April 2010

    Okay funny thing I just saw this thread up top in the active spot and thought "oh look hotbolt posted"

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited April 2010
    lol Jamieh... my hope is that I can go all out and change it to HotButt after my Stage 2...  doubtful looking at it now.. but who knows.. lolSmile
  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited April 2010

    Sally~ I am so sorry to hear that you are having issues! Please don't beat yourself up and think it is something you did - sometimes "crap happens". Last year when I kept having issues with my left TE getting infected, I just beat myself up mentally thinking it was something I was doing, or did. It wasn't - just a lot of wasted energy on myself that I could have used to better heel!! Dr. D. will take care of you - this is just another bump in the road on this journey~please keep your spirits up and know that we are all with you!!

    Melinda~sorry to hear about the fluid - warm and positive thoughts that this issue will get resolved for you soon!

    Mileah~ Good luck with your pre-op today! 

    I know I left out some ladies - but warm thoughts to those of you that are healing from recent surgery, and positive thoughts for those of you that are "UP" - WOO-HOO!!

    Side sleeping - Dr. S. did tell me 3 weeks until I could sleep on my side after stage I - I waited until week six or seven beacuase I didn't want to jeopordize the new girls! I found it much easier to do the side sleeping gig with pillows under my knees, pillows at each side of my body, and 2-3 pillows at my head (of course I think I had every pillow from every bed in the house in my bed!) I just made my own little nest of pillows and got through it.......

    Good luck ladies! If you get 'down', just remember it will ALL be worth it in the end!!!
