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NOLA in September?



  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited May 2010

    Thanks for the help ladies! I am going to talk to my onc and PCP to see if they can help get my pre-op tests scheduled. I can't believe how medical establishments just close the door in your face sometimes!

    Yep Minn, Nordy is right - I am Team Dr. Sullivan! I'm practicing my toe wrestling moves right now (I can practice at work and no one even knows!)

    Thanks for the encouragment for my freak-out too. On a positive note - I am VERY excited to have only three weeks left in my life to wear these !@J$K@!$ prostheses!!!

    Love you ladies! 

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited May 2010

    Glad to hear Dr. S is the best as that's who I'm scheduled with :)

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited May 2010

    Okay you guys. Now I do remember that Laughlines has Dr. Sullivan... Yes, he is the best. But only in the sense that more than one doctor can be "the best"... He did help produce my most expensive, per ounce, breast in the world!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited May 2010

    Liz called me today and asked me if I would be willing to talk to someone that is about to have the same type of HIP flap surgery that I had. I guess she has a lot of questions and wants to talk to someone that has already been through it. I said that I would be more than happy to talk to her. I am going to tell her about this website and this discussion thread also.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited May 2010

    That's awesome Christy!!!  You will be a great resource for her.  The Center called me yesterday and is sending my the special panties so I can take some updated after photos for them.  I hope they put my before and afters on their website! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2010

    2T - You have to request a post-op for stage 2. It is not something they normally do, but are happy to accomodate you if you request it.

    Trishia and Christy - AWESOME!!!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited May 2010

    sallym, Eve and I had some really awesome ideas for a fundraiser and are waiting for approval from the rest of the Breastoration crew before proceeding with actually planning something. Stay tuned!!!

    I am so happy today.  Not even the bridezillas who are coming out of the woodwork can kill my joy.  I got into size 8 jeans for the first time ever!  Granted, the brand is generously sized, but still.....I have hope now that by the time we meet in NOLA in October, I could be wearing size 4!!  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that was possible.....and then I will be happy to pose for a final "after" picture too! 

    laughlines, you are going to have a beautiful outcome, and you will be so happy that you took this step!!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited May 2010

    Awesome Sandy !!!  Great job on the workouts. 

    Okay so next week is our 10th year anniversary and I do not want to wear my new dress with the nipple guards.  I will be 4 weeks out is it okay to go without the nipple guards ??  Even if they have stithes sticking out.  I could call the center but I feel like I am bothering them with silly questions. 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited May 2010

    Jamie, yes, you can go without the nipple guards.  I remember my stitches sticking out through my bra, so I put a cotton pad on top of the nipple until the stitches finally fell off.

  • kcshreve
    kcshreve Member Posts: 349
    edited May 2010

    2T  - you can  pull up and print out some self-guided tours, since you have some time.  However, it is getting hot and muggy there, so keep that in mind when planning.  We did a self-guided walking tour of the Garden District - probably took us a total of 3 hours max.  We broke it up into a couple days, since we were staying in that vicinity.  There is also a self-guided walking tour of the French Quarter.  I would recommend doing this during daylight hours, since some of the details mentioned are better seen in the light.  Cafe Du Monde is a traditional stop - beignets and coffee for two people is under $15.

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited May 2010

    Hi ladies,

       Just want to let those of you who wear the "Barely There Comfort Support Wirefree" bra that KOHLS has them on sale for $9.60 and theres even a set that is 2 for the price of 1 !

       This is the only style bra I have worn since reconstruction nearly 3 years ago...extremelt soft and comfortable.

    Kinda busy of late hope everyone is doing well!

    NORDY...just saw your post!@ sorry to repost..TY sweetie!


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited May 2010

    Marcia - I posted about the bras... yesterday? I can't remember when! Anyway, I went to our Kohl's today and they did not have ANY of the Barely There bras that we like! They had some that had padding and stuff, but none of the cute little comfy ones. :(   I was really disappointed. I had my girls and they were fighting so I didn't manage to ask anyone about it, but I wonder if they are not going to carry them, or if the line is being discontinued?

    Yes, Jaimie - I second what Christy said, at 4 weeks they said I could go without... 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2010

    Yay Sandy, Size 8's!! You go girl!

    LouAnn, I had a lot more work done than you for stage 2 I think (I had the plication from navel down) and it took about 5+ months for the swelling in the tummy to go down. I could get back in my clothes sooner than that, but they really squished my belly -  but I will say not comfortably for at least 3-4  months or more. I wore Yoga pants!!! I started wondering if I'd ever be a normal shape (swollen abdomen and flat butt!! ugh!!) but it seems finally now to be evening out to a more normal shape!!!  It takes time. I am almost 6 months out now, and finally am much better...

    NORDY!!! I was just at Kohl's tonight with my 30% off coupon to stock up on those VERY BRAs, and NONE!!! I was so depressed! I tried on a gerzillion other bras, and bought one, but POOH!!! I wondrer if we can find them online. IF YOU FIND THEM, LET US KNOW!!!!! Those bras are the best, but I need more, I've worn many of mine out about now!!! ahhhhhhhhhhck!  

    Tammy, I am not going to be able to do what Ginnie did online, go without me! I don't have that software....  

  • mileha
    mileha Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2010

    Hello ladies,

    Kohls still has the bras online...:)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2010

    THANK GOD!!! We better order before they disappear!!! 

    OH NO!! They don't have my size. and they have just a few sizes and colors. POOH! Going to check around the web. ugh. I HATE IT when the BRA YOU LIKE is NO LONGER AVAILABLE!!!! 

    I went to this site to order. Not as cheap as KOHLs with the 30% off coupon, but free shipping over 50 bucks. Amazon has them, but not this cheap.  

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited May 2010

    Nip Girl - I KNEW you would do it! Congratulations!!!!!!

    2T - I also highly recommend the aquarium - and nice and cool - and places to sit down, if need be. Also, I love the haunted history tours. And they make a couple stops in bars, so you could sit down there, too, and also - cool - because it's at night (just be sure to take a nap in the afternoon). Oh! And Mardi Gras World! You take the ferry across the river and then they take you in a little bus to where the floats are made. And you get to taste King Cake and see a video (while you sit) and then wander around and see all sorts of strange giant heads and creatures (they re-use float parts) and then you get beads at the end!

    Trishia and cc - you are great ambassadors!

    And Trishia, since I had both of the two best surgeons (we may disagree on the order), my before and after photos are already on their website - PPPLLLBBBTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and even with my small breasts...)

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited May 2010

    Dammit Eve!  Why do you always get the good stuff first...LOL!  Your results are superb.  And I am SO SO jealous of your scarring! I don't know if they are putting my pics on the website, but I hope they do!  There aren't many in the "Implant Replacement" section.  And I think what Dr. S did for me was nothing short of miraculous.  Maybe they always call and ask for updated pictures from their patients. 

    Sandy that is fabulous!!!  I know I feel AMAZING when I am an 8, it's where my final goal is.  I am a 10 right now, and have one pair of 8's that are generous.  I can squeezy myself into my old 8 jeans (that are a true 8), but then I can't breathe or move...LOL!  I've been holding stead at my current weight/size since March.  I think it is time to drop these last 10 lbs for my goal.  

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited May 2010

    Hey Trishia, I think the Center needs to have a photo section for reconstruction re-dos, and it should feature us!   This is where they really show their expertise---when they can take another surgeon's mess and fix it up like they have for you and me.

    I love my trainer and my nutritionist.  Both are very caring and encouraging women, and have helped me so much.  My trainer is very happy that I postponed my revision until October because she said that now we have time to get me into really fabulous shape before I go back to NOLA.  I need to post the news about the size 8s on Facebook so she hears the news asap.   Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but the best part of my workouts is that she does about 15 minutes of massage at the end of some of nice to be so spoiled!!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited May 2010
    What?!?!?  My trainer KILLED me for an hour today and I didn't get a massage!!  SO SO jealous!  Although my insurance will pay for them and my copay is only $12.00.  So I guess I will just have to call and scheudle one.
  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited May 2010

    Trishia - you don't really know my results at all, because I don't think we've ever met in a NOLA bathroom or on the showboat! I DO have scars on that first breast. I went there 4 months post mastectomy - as skin-sparing as my surgeon here could do, but not as good as if the cancer hadn't filled most of my breast and required removal of some of the "envelope" or if I could have had immediate skin-sparing to begin with. My newest breast also has a scar - they have to get the insides out somehow!

    But I'm here to tall ya'll (I learned that in New Orleans) that 3 1/2 years out from the first recon, those scars are soooooo faded! Just be patient. It'll happen. Also, I went to the local PS and had them lasered - I think about 18 mo(?) out - the laser that zeros in on the red spectrum - that helped, too. But even the one inch long section of the overall scar that was more raised and red - even after several zaps with the laser - is way better now than even just 9 months ago. It is amazing what time will do! So now I'm not worried about the scar on the new breast - or the one on the rear end - at all! Keep the faith!

    And I totally agree with you and Sandy about having a "repair" section in the before and after photos. I also think they should have some close-ups of scars post-op and, say, 4 years out? (I volunteer!) But Sandy, I disagree that they only show their best expertise in redo's, though I also think it would be very valuable for other women to see what a bad surgeon can do to them, and how amazing these guys are to be able to fix it up. But if you want to talk about a mess, you can also look at the photos of some of us who came in without a breast or breasts, leaving a helluva mess behind on our chests for these best surgeons in the world to fix up!

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2010

    I heard back from ACS and Mercy Medical- they will be paying for my flights for stage 2 :) This combined with Hope Lodge will help soo much!!

    I'm at 9 weeks out from surgery now and after the small seroma popped last week it stopped oozing. But my tummy area- below my belly button hurts when I use the muscles again. I guess maybe I used them too much with our move and shopping and everything. Just odd that they start to hurt now of all times.

    I agree about the repair section! I could easily be in there. I'm 3 years out from my first attempt at recon and those scars really are so old looking and faded- I'm sure my DIEP scars will do the same if not better since these scars are so much cleaner and nice looking already!

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2010

    I heard back from ACS and Mercy Medical- they will be paying for my flights for stage 2 :) This combined with Hope Lodge will help soo much!!

    I'm at 9 weeks out from surgery now and after the small seroma popped last week it stopped oozing. But my tummy area- below my belly button hurts when I use the muscles again. I guess maybe I used them too much with our move and shopping and everything. Just odd that they start to hurt now of all times.

    I agree about the repair section! I could easily be in there. I'm 3 years out from my first attempt at recon and those scars really are so old looking and faded- I'm sure my DIEP scars will do the same if not better since these scars are so much cleaner and nice looking already!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited May 2010

    Melinda! Congrats on the flights! Say, I'm curious about what you said about the seroma. This morning, I woke up with my hip soaked - seems I am leaking now from where I had my drain pulled about 9 days ago. It was really sudden, and now seems to have stopped. How did you know something had "popped"? It seems like it would ooze before something popped and then after, for a while.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited May 2010

    Well, I was just commenting on the pics that ARE on the site already.  And from those, it looks superb.  I haven't seen Sandy's in person, or Nordy's or Jamieh's or Melinda's, or Sue's, or Anne's...but I have seen them all in pics and think they are fantastic!

    Melinda that is FANTASTIC!  I am SO SO happy for you!!! 

  • lilmismuffit
    lilmismuffit Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2010

    Hello Melinda413-

    I will be having my stage 2 on Sept 16 in Charleston and I am curious if there were any restrictions for ACS to pay for your tickets?  That would help me a lot and I am also looking to stay at hope lodge this time around with my sister as my caregiver.  If you could tell me the details of what ACS asks of you, that would be great!!!

    Thanks so much!


  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2010

    So I am amazed- I called the ACS Friday, they called me back Monday, Mercy Medical called me on Tues to get more info and then I got an email with my flights today. Wow. They said it was because I gave them so much notice, a lot of people call within only a few weeks and thats hard for themto work with.

     lilmismiffit- they asked me about my cancer diagnosis, treatment and Dr's. They sent a medical clearance to fly to my Plastic surgeon and they have to verify that you actually have had cancer and that this is cancer related. The only restriction I had was that my caregiver and I had to fly together, and if they're not able to fly the same days as the patient then they can't pay for them too. Understandable since the caregiver doesnt have cancer.

     Minnesota- When I said it popped, it was literally like a blister. About the size of my thumbnail on my tummy and the skin felt thin and it felt filled with liquid. I was poking at it whenit popped but it had been oozing a bit before then too. I still have been keeping a pad over that area since I am having a few oozing issues and it helps me figure out which areas I'm having problems with. After my drain I also had some leaking issues too. 9 days though sounds awfully long for it to be leaking...but then again all it needs is a small opening huh?

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited May 2010

    Melinda- Thanks for the info - I think mine came from much deeper inside. Ewww. And it hsn't happned until just today, Maybe cuz I wore jeans for the first time yesterday? And they were tight?

    Trishia - Well actually my pictures do look fantastic.

    HellofromCt - hope u're resting comfortably!

    Hotbutt is eating Voodoo BBQ!!!!!!!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited May 2010

    I had a post-op after stage 2 but I only did it beause we were still in NOLA.  Dr S removed 3 out of 4 drains and just looked at everything.  Pretty uneventful but worth it. 

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited May 2010

    Random I know but I just finally figured out where to add my picture on here lol

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited May 2010

    A post-op at stage 2 is optional - offered for out-of-town gals, if we want it. I suppose that depends on how much you get done and whether you want them to take a final look-see before you leave town.

    Okay, so now I have to watch my derriere to see if there's more fluid build-up. I'm not sure I'd even recognize it - just last night I thought it was looking good - shows what I know! So now I am worried I'll have to join the ranks of the ass-pirated. You guys who had to do that - how many weeks out and how long after your drains were pulled did this fluid build-up happen to you? Did you feel any additional discomfort at the drain site or in your derriere in general?
