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NOLA in September?



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2010

    OK I just called and got Katie (I really like her, always have!) She says it needs to be done no more than 30 days out, not 31 days!!!! Just sayin!

  • sueinfl
    sueinfl Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2010

    After years of typing "lmao" (laughing my ass off), I just realized I look like I literally laughed my ass off. Thank goodness, Dr. S sewed it back on...

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2010

    Sueinfl - Are you on drugs?!

    Dragonfly - I so hope the COBRA thing is worked out soon! Good luck!

    Sandy - Don't gulp at me, I know you want abdominal revision! And I think "bilateral breast revision" is a.k.a. "nip tweaks." Boy, it looks like 4 of us will be keeping Dr. D. busy tweaking our nipples at the end of October! Three of us in the same day! And Sandy, how do you know you won't be waiting for us?! Whatever, if you go first, that means you'll be asleep while I'm roaming the hospital halls. Better hold onto those nips, girl!

    Springtime - My pre-op is at 3 p.m. on the 28th, too!

    Just4Ann - Your granddaughter is hilarious! Thanks for sharing that!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited September 2010

    I did verify with USPS my payment and enrollment form were delivered at 6:42 am to COBRA, so now it's a waiting game!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2010

    I am off for a loooong weekend with some girlfriends from my school days! Going to Maine. Coast! Won't be checking, but will look when I get back! Any new items to list, best to PM me so it does not get lost ! 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited September 2010

    Dragonfly~ I hope that all of your insurance works out.  I am just sad that we don't get to meet until after surgery :(

    So I am almost all ready to go, I just have to call about 2 parts of my pre-op blood work.  How in the hell do you only send 1 part out of 3.......grrrrr...

  • Elaine586
    Elaine586 Member Posts: 8
    edited September 2010
    Just heard from Jenny @ Dr Massey's office. Nov 9th is confirmed.  Nola.Stage 1 PBM . I am shaking. Not sure if I have butterflies or want to throw up. I still have to jump through the insurance hoops. Does anyone know anything about BCBS of Mi, PPO? I am hoping they don't give me a hard time.
  • sueinfl
    sueinfl Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2010
    I am sorry, Eve. I didn't mean to be offensive. It just came to mind when I looked at the scar running all around my body. Embarassed
  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited September 2010

    JaimieH - when do you fly in? I am still waiting to hear about my COBRA!!! Grrr

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited September 2010

    Dragonfly- I sure hope you hear this afternoon!

    Sueinfl- Your joke was funny.

    I used to say I sat on my Fat A** all day...Now I say I sit on my Flat A** all day

  • melindastn
    melindastn Member Posts: 98
    edited September 2010


    Thanks for helping me with this.  My diagnosis was July 2008.  7cc DCIS, Bilateral mastecomy August 2008.  TE were placed at that time.  Had re-excision Sept 2008 due to unclear margins. Exchange surgery Dec. 17,2008.  Two other surgerys since for tweaking imperfections.  I have suffered nothing but pain since the expanding began.  I never realized I had any choices till I found this website.  After two years of this pain and being made to feel I was just crazy I found The Center for Restorative Breast Surgery.  I am scheduled to have my implants removed and reconstruction with Dr. Dellacroce on Sept 28th. 

    As the date draws near I am very nervous and excited that maybe I will get back some part of my life as I knew it.  All the information on this site is really helping me to prepare for the big day. 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited September 2010

    Sue I don't think Eve was offended...she was being funny!!!   No need to apologize. 

    Good Luck Dragonfly!!! 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited September 2010

    Yes, Trisha is right...I mean tto point that out Sue...or maybe Eve is on Drugz?

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited September 2010

    Dragonfly~ I fly in on the 14th at 1:39 and I am supposed to be at the center at 3:30 (I think).  I am going to try and check in at the lodge first and then go to the center so we can go out Tuesday  We gotta sight see before I go under. 

    So I had all of the pre-op testing done and I found out yesterday that the lab didn't send all of it....grrrr.... 

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited September 2010

    So far nothing on my COBRA enrollment :( I just have a huge knot in my stomach!!! We fly in (?) on the 12th at 6:00 pm or something, so I'm hoping to go somewhere for dinner and see a couple things, because other than that night, and the night before my surgery I don't have much time!!!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2010

    Sue - I was just trying to be funny, in response to your funny!  But I guess I didn't do a very good job of it - I'm sorry! Tell me you forgive me!

  • sueinfl
    sueinfl Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2010

    ((((((Eve)))))) No need to forgive. You didn't do anything wrong. I just have a really horrible case of over-sensitivity the last couple of weeks.

    I don't know whether it's my bc anniversary date coupled w/an appt. with my doom & gloom onc in two weeks; back at school and finishing up my last semester with new classmates and missing my old ones, wondering if I will have the brain cells left to pass my exams; dreading my upstairs neighbor (who is normally super-considerate) coming home drunk with her boyfriend and fighting at 3am.

    I am doing the old PMS dance of trying to decide whether to run over the fellow student sauntering along the crosswalk while 30 cars wait on him or crying my eyes out because someone looks at me oddly (yes, I know, that happens a lot).  My bloodwork says menopause, I am off of wine and sugar (maybe that explains a lot...), I am walking at least 30 minutes every day and losing weight, so why this insanity? Sure feels like hormones to me, but darned if I know where they are coming from.

    If self-inflicted stress were an Olympic event, I'd take home the gold about now. Enough whining for now and I will call this weekend, Eve. Wishing continued healing to everyone and peace of mind to Bennets, Dragonfly and Jaimie. 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2010

    Oh Sue, I can relate to so much of what you're saying. I see that your anniversary date is coming up - I have tried to suppress my memories of exact dates of bad things - deaths, cancer, etc. Hard to do, tho. I know I was dxed end of May and that my dad died end of July. Despite not knowing the exact dates of these events, tho, I'm still well aware of when it's around those times.I hate your onc for saying such jerky things to you, and I sure hope everything goes well at your upcoming appt.

    LOL about being back at school! I went back a few years ago (then quit again when I only had two more classes left - and the easy ones (but that's a long story) - decided the field I was headed for held no passion for me. So quit in order to write. And that has been bringing in gobs of money - LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!  Gosh, it was intimidating, tho - the school - will the old brain still work? I actually found the hardest thing was writing legibly and fast enough for essay exams - I was so used to just typing.  Sometimes felt like my hand was spastic! And I sure thought I'd be past worrying about grades, but I was just as neurotic as I'd been last time I was in school - in my twenties! I did learn, tho, that my brain still worked! But that was before menopause 1 (caused by tamoxifen) and 2 (caused by age). I am also back to PMS symptoms, even when the M doesn't always come!

    Anyway, I think all this insanity is due to PMS and CA and AGE and PTSD and who knows what other initials! So glad you now know I am absolutely not upset with you and I know you know! I thought your LMAO was hilarious! (Do you have any of the narcotics left? I find that one of those can be very uplifting to my mood, as well as lessening the pain in my butt...)

  • Dagroz13
    Dagroz13 Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2010

    Now that is too funny!  Thank you for making my day.

  • Dagroz13
    Dagroz13 Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2010
    sueinfl wrote:sueinfl:  Goes to show ya . . . I always thought that "lmao" was lamo.  From your post I realized that all this time I've been reading it wrong.  Thank you for the LOL (lmao) moment!  See I do learn something new every time I'm on here!
  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited September 2010

    Fire Update for those who don't follw me on Facebook: Our subdivision remains untouched. Can get in briefly to get stuff today, but still no electricity, and wind gusts will reach 50 mph today, IN our direction. So, it's still unsettling. We and the cats are happily hanging out with dear friends. DH was able to get to the house yesterday (he has fire dept connections) to get more clothes and stuff. So many people have lost their homes and pets. My heart breaks, it could have been--and still could be--us.

    Thanks for everyone's thoughts and support.


  • anniese
    anniese Member Posts: 69
    edited September 2010

    Anne - so glad to hear that you've dodged the bullet for now.  Hopefully, the winds will blow the fire onto itself again and not increase the burn area.  I keep looking up to the hills outside my window thinking of everyone over there and what they are going through.

  • glostagirl
    glostagirl Member Posts: 93
    edited September 2010

    AnneW,  So sorry to hear of this fire danger, hoping for the best.  

    I'll have to look for you on facebook. 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited September 2010

    Anne- I hope everything starts to clear up :(

    So I am all cleared finally after paperwork drama. I went to a new lab on Aug 30 and the center only received 1 out of 3 parts of the requested labs. I actually had to go to the lab after calling didn't work.

  • foobs
    foobs Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2010

    Hi Girls

    Can I join your club?  I'm going to NOLA in November. Surgeon is Dr. Massey--for prophylactic Left MX and Bilateral, probably SGAP, maybe DIEP.  I guess we'll decide when she gets a better look at me.

     I have lots of questions.  And I'm sure they've been posted here but this discussion is huge and I think it would take forever to hunt out answers.  I hope some of you wouldn't mind me asking again.

     First of all, who's had an SGAP and why?  And do you like it?  What size foobs do you have now?

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited September 2010

    Anne- I hope everything starts to clear up :(

    So I am all cleared finally after paperwork drama. I went to a new lab on Aug 30 and the center only received 1 out of 3 parts of the requested labs. I actually had to go to the lab after calling didn't work.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2010

    Spring, I received a call from Vicky informing me of the cost to me for this upcoming revision.  I asked her what I was down for, and she told me that lipo was listed, which I wasn't expecting and did not have last time.   I think my pre-op is at 2:30, and I need to meet with Sally at 2:00 p.m.   Maybe we could all have lunch prior to our appointments.

    I have a sad announcement to make now.  Because I have not been able to get an answer back from the management of Zea, I had to give up on the idea of a fundraiser for Breastoration.  I found that I was pretty much on my own trying to plan it, and because I live on the West Coast, it has just been too hard for me to pull it together without even having a location.    I'm hoping that all of us can just make a nice donation to Breastoration in lieu of what I had hoped to do, and I'd still like to do something nice for Hope Lodge like planting flowers or helping them in some other way. 

    Minn!   Do I have to be in fear or losing my nips to you?  I'm starting to wonder if I should just postpone my surgery since I've had to stop the workouts and now will not be where I wanted to be with my weight.  Ugh.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2010

    Hi foobs, welcome and congrats on your upcoming surgery in NOLA.  I didn't have GAP (I had DIEP) but some GAPers will come along soon to answer your questions.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited September 2010

    Well crap I got a call today from Nola billing but I wasn't home. I hope it isn't the same call I got before my last revision....:(

    I sure hope tomorrow things go better, today hasn't been my day :(

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited September 2010

    Well crap I got a call today from Nola billing but I wasn't home. I hope it isn't the same call I got before my last revision....:(

    I sure hope tomorrow things go better, today hasn't been my day :(

    Foobs I had hip flap and it was done because I didn't have enough belly to create 2 breast. Dr S did the hip flap and I am a 36D and I went down there weighing 145 and I am 5'5". I love my new breast. I had expanders and then implants for 8 months and I was in pain the entire time.