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NOLA in September?



  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited September 2010

    Oh Amy that does not sound like fun. I will take my greenish yellow drain over itching nonstop any day. Hope they figure out what is happening.

    Jaime so glad you are feeling better you are in my prayers,

    Dragonfly, hope you are feeling better. You too are in my prayers

  • acarr
    acarr Member Posts: 18
    edited September 2010

    Amym159, I developed a rash above and below one of my gluteal incisions a few months after Stage 2 GAP.  One of my scheduled revisions had to be postponed because of it.  I tried steroid creams first, and it got worse.  It turned out to be a fungal infection.  (No idea how that happened!) The rash went away after a couple of weeks of using Nystatin and Lotrimin.  

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2010

    Bennets, Dragonfly, and Jamie - you're all done! YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I hope we hear from Dragonfly, too! Also hope your recoveries are relatively uneventful! (Have any of you run into my friend yet?)

    Sally, that sounds horrible! Why do you keep having to deal with this stuff?! I hope we get to see you at Halloween, but it is horribly expensive down there over that weekend. Some of us were able to book at that Clarion Boutique hotel just a few blocks down from the Center - we got the lower patient rates. Maybe you could have a check-up and then also get that rate? 

    Amy - if it is a fungal infection, steroid cream will make it worse - so maybe that's it. Goodness knows, with all of our yeast infections and such, our body chemistry is definitely thrown off and maybe it is something like Acarr had.

    Sandy - What about dinner in the Quarter?

    Hi Sueinfla!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2010

    I am alergic to the surgical TAPE. it makes my skin, and me, insane! So that is now part of my permanent record, and I say it all the time too. Surgical glue I have no issue with. Skin issues are NOT fun!!

    Amy, I still have to get a tattoo, since I can't do that end of Oct, and I was also thinking we'd take our daughters (both will be on college break) over the holidays. Still playing around with that! Hilton Homewood would be great with 2 BRs. hmmmm....

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited September 2010

    Skin  & Drain issues are not fun!  I hope you both can get them worked out ok.

    Good to hear from you Jaimie!

    I will want to hear what you had done.

    Jeanine called me today...Dr D will not be there on Nov 1st-So that means No surgery for me that day... I will be having it done on Nov 2nd now. (can you switch me Spring)

    That means I can not get my Tatts done on the 2nd as planned.  Im bummed about all of this.

    Trying to work something out for Tatts still.

    Gin- what day & time to you arrive in NOLA?  I leave Nov 4th-afternoon.

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited September 2010

    dejaboo, i am flying in swa on the 3rd arrive 6ish in the evening and going to the hope lodge. i have preop on the 4th and surgery on the 5th, so maybe we can get together the night of the 3rd?  i would LOVE that!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited September 2010

    hope you get something worked out on the tats, dejaboo.  My onc is having a fit.  doesn't want me to go back this year because of my "healing issues", but told him now that i am on b12 and finished chemo, healing seems to be better.  explained i need to get it down while oop is paid with ins co...  he is not happy, but understands how i feel.  Spring, I am with ya on the tape. only thing that doesn't seem to bother me is the clear stuff that put over my port when they access it.  had to have nurses come several times a week due to skin issues with tape on my back after my last surgery, cause i couldn't reach it to dress it.  it stinks!  Jaimie, glad to hear you are doing well!  bennets and dragonfly hope we hear from you soon..  sally and amy, so sorry for the problems you are both having! hang it does get better! 

  • fourboymom
    fourboymom Member Posts: 47
    edited September 2010

    I'm scheduled with Dr Sullivan Sept 24. Left delayed sgap (had radiation) and Right mastectomy with immediate sgap. It's been two years of uniboob. I'm soo excited and freaked out at the same time. I would not have done this without all of your support (I'm a professional lurker). I will be at the Bien house (sp?). Flying in Wed Sept 22, Pre op Sept 23 then Sx Sept 24 at Fairway. I'm walking around in a fog now but I need to keep my head together long enough to make sure my families schedule is taken care of while I'm gone. I'll be re reading previous post over the next couple of days and asking lots of questions. I'm so thankful to all of you ladies.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2010

    Welcome Fourboymom!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2010

    Welcome Four! Glad all your lurking paid off! I will add you to the list above. Uniboob NO MORE!! :)

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited September 2010

    Welcome Fourboy :). Glad you came out of lurking.

    I am at the airport on my way home. I have to figure out where timtams site is to post my new pictures but everything went really well this time.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited September 2010

    Welcome Fourboy :). Glad you came out of lurking.

    I am at the airport on my way home. I have to figure out where timtams site is to post my new pictures but everything went really well this time.

  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited September 2010

    Welcome FourBoyMom, the women on this site are amazing. As are the Doctors at the Center. I have made some wonderful friends through this tragic disease.

    FYI still debating on October, If I can work Columbus day I can help my sister and still come to NOLA. Waiting to see if I get scheduled. Starting back to work on Monday. A little nervouis, has anyone else had the belly button sucking in air issue. It will suck it in with this loud noise and when I bend over it swooshes out. Way Weird. My drain would not stay deflated if I did not have the girdle on because air  from inside the belly would inflate it. Anyone else have that issue?

  • Dagroz13
    Dagroz13 Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2010

    I am having difficulty finding someone to be released from the hospital to and am being told I am required to have a caretaker the entire time while staying at Hope Lodge and to escort me on my flight home.  Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can find a volunteer or have other suggestions?  My understanding is that my surgery is in jeopardy of being canceled if I can't find a caregiver.  I'm stressing over this quite a bit because I've made it past so many hurdles to get to this point and . . .

  • sueinfl
    sueinfl Member Posts: 105
    edited September 2010

    Juanita, I pm'd you and can help part of the time. Sue

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2010

    Sally, a belly button sucking air?! OMG, what else? I can't even imagine?!  I think you need to contact the Center about this one - this is not something I have ever heard!

    Jaimie - so glad you have another step behind you!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited September 2010

    Juanita, if you end up with any gaps in coverage, the Center can help arrange to have a nurse stay with you. There is a local organization called Visiting Angels.  I had a 24 hour period set up with one of their nurses after a breast revision combined with my hysterectomy, because I traveled to NOLA alone that time.  It turned out I didn't use the service because I had some pretty severe pain (due to the gas used to distend my abdomen) and stayed in the hospital a couple of extra days so I don't have personal experience with them, but I heard that they are wonderful.

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited September 2010

    Hey ladies!!!! This has been an adventure, and I am just in awe of Dr S. We got here Sunday, Monday was my pre-op appointments. We had 4 hours to kill between my scan and seeing Dr S so we hopped on the street car and went to the french quarter and around there. Having to take every thing off and stand there for pictures was a bit uncomfortable but we all do it and get through it :) So Tuesday was the big day! Got all set up with the IV and everything. Surgery was around 4 hours, maybe less? Dr S told my Mom I had the bet vessels that he could have asked for. So that part was easy. I am SO impressed, and love them. I just notice my left side is a little larger or shaped slightly  different, but it's the radiated side so who knows. I don't even care at this point, just thrilled to have boobs again :) The center is great, the nurses are great, we just loved everyone there. My one drain wasn't holding a suction (one by my abdomen) so they said it looked like it needed some more stitches to hold it in. Dr Trahan was the one making the rounds as Dr S had went out of town. He came in, said he'd add a couple stitches, didn't bother to numb the area first, it hurt so bad, I know I jumped out of the chair!! So he numbed it after that!! Then my 2 breast drains, and the wires came out, so down to the 2 drains in my belly/hip? We are just resting at the Hope Lodge, and trying to relax. So ready to go home :) I think that sums it all up?

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited September 2010

    Dragonfly- yay... glad to hear you are on the other side and all went well!  I wouldn't worry too much about the size difference... let swelling go down...etc.. and if need be, they will even them up at Stage 2.... enjoy that cool coffee machine at the Hope Lodge and did good! 

    Jamie - yay on your successful trip as well..... I can't wait to be where you are and finally be finished with this whole deal..... yay for being done! Smile

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited September 2010

    2t - I thought my left one would stay huge forever and that the right one would shrink to be way to small - but you know after 5 months - they are pretty even! So... just give it some time!

    Dragonfly! So happy for you and glad that all went well! Told you Dr. S was the best... Wink

    Jaimie - hoping that you are feeling well and getting set to head home! 

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited September 2010

    Ladies, you MUST see the sequel to the "Pink Glove Dance"  fromBC awareness month last year!

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited September 2010

    Pain... ok i had my DIEP stage 1 on Tuesday, normal aches and pains no big deal. Today, this morning actually, i noticed a pain on my right side of my tummy way down low beneath my incision. it's not red or hot or anything but when i stand up it's bad, brings tears to my eyes and takes my breath away, you know it's bad then it feels like someone has a match there. It just started today, hoped it would go away, no luck so calling the center in the morning :(

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2010

    You could call the hospital now...

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2010

    is it near a drain?

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2010

    I'm sitting up in bed in a motel in Thunder Bay while my husband and dog are snoring next to me! Internet goes in and out - frustrating!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited September 2010


    I hate to think of you suffering and worrying. That kind of pain, for me, has been associated with a drain pulling somewhere. And the drain actually goes in pretty deep, so it could seem somewhat removed from where the tube goes in...

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited September 2010

    NO, it's clear down by my pubic area, about an inch below the incision, no where near a drain that i know of. I just have the 2 hip ones

  • Dragonfly1976
    Dragonfly1976 Member Posts: 1,552
    edited September 2010

    Plus it only hurts when i stand up, and for about 30 seconds then it goes away, but in that 30 seconds or so WOW!!!!!!!! Plus if i go to sit and bend wrong it acts up.

  • just4ann
    just4ann Member Posts: 103
    edited September 2010

    Dragonfly, I hope you get some relief soon.  Sorry you are having such pain.  

    Let me just say that I truly appreciate all of you sharing your experiences with me.  It has been such a comfort.  I fly out in the morning -- stage 1 is Wednesday.   Having to have made some many decisions since my dx and never fully knowing if I was making to right one, it is nice to feel confident in this one.  And each of you have played a huge role in building that confidence. ((((BIG HUGS ALL AROUND))))

  • sallym
    sallym Member Posts: 180
    edited September 2010

    Marsha, Loved the video, brought tears to my eyes.

    Dragonfly so sorry you are having so much pain, I agree with Eve you need to call the center NOW. It still amazes me how each one of us heals differently and the issues we have had to deal with. Hope it gets better

    I am still debating on the October trip, but have a question Has anyone used Hotwire or Orbitz, like a week or two before a trip and gotten a deal. The hotel is the factor in my going or not going, as the plane ticket is already purchased. I have until the day of my trip to cancel the plane reservation. Also thought about lessening the days I would be gone. All recommendations are welcome Thanks Sally