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NOLA in September?



  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited October 2009

    Hi Happy,

      Someone else mentioned stitches too- So I thought it was standard- LOL.

    so they are just residual Stitches that didnt disolve all the way ?

    I am very excited to get rid of these implants...  To Look normal again & Hopefully have no everyday pain (after I heal)

    My surgery is 5 weeks from yesterday!   The wait is so hard!  


  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2009

    Pam, I am sorry to hear that you are in daily pain Frown

     I think it is more like residual glue. NO open incisions just a pink line for my scar.

     5 weeks will be here very soon!! I hope you have help afterward because you may need it . Just plan to rest and heal. This is going to be great !

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited October 2009

    Oh- I meant to say- That rubbing Alcohol or Baby oil can sometimes help with that glue if it isnt too close to the incisions.

    I know- 5 weeks will probably be here before I am ready.  I want to get all my Xmas shopping done before I leave & I am not doing very good on that.


  • poolgirl
    poolgirl Member Posts: 46
    edited October 2009

    I know when you have the first stage it is painful. I am here to tell you that six months from now you will be feeling like your normal self. I am sorry for you all that are going through it and I am praying for a speedy recovery for you all. I am thinking of going back for another touch up surgery. I have had stage 1 and 2 but I was not happy with my hips after stage 2. The nurse had told me that I would be able to buy clothes off of the rack after surgery and that simply is not the case.I have always had to have my clothes altered because of the heriditary huge hips in my family. I have a 23 " waist and 36 " hips. There are no clothes to be found for that. If I could gat a normal body it would be better.My hips are a little better but no real change. They are still the largest part of my body even with my new DD breasts. Do you think I am being silly to want to try again? I feel a little guilty because it will cost us 800.00 and two weeks off of work.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Brenda,WOW WOW WOW that is so fantastic!!! .5mm left of 6x5CM!! I also had a largish tumor, (6.7cm according to MRI after core needle biopsies) but being ER+PR+ and HR2- (the complete opposite of you!) I did not have such a good response to chemo. 3.5cm was left!! (Freaks me out, I try not to think about it - though I 've heard that with ER+ the best you can expect for is about half of it to be gone - so I was about on track with that... Though I've been told of women ER+ who do much better, I sure wish I was one of them!!!) I also had no positive nodes, with that huge tumor. so bizarre.

    Anyway. Just so you are prepared in case you hear this -- My Rad Onc told me that if the lump started out bigger than 4cm, no matter what happened with chemo, they needed to radiate.
    However, if you can avoid it, I would. It is not as bad as chemo treatments, but I just HATED IT. ugh.

    Jennifer, for tummy and breast drains, yes, 2 days below 20cc. Butts are 2 days below 30cc!! You are almost there girl!!!! Wait until those suckers come out. You will feel FREEDOM!!!

    Happy, about the disovable glue/stitches: every other day in the shower after everything else, i let he warm water run over that glue / stitches glop and I gently run y finger along it, and some will peel off. I don't go digging. Just ake off what is ready to come. I also gently lift up any of those
    nylon thread ends and cut those as close to the skin as possible!!! hose things make me nuts! I still have two ends of tummy where there are lack like "blobs" of stitches and glue, and I am a month tomorrow!!

    About the fat injections. I think the Drs suck out the fat and "centrifuge" it so that the fat that is left is really the kind f fat that will stick. They need a lot of lipo fat to get a tiny bit of fat injection fat (I think). Maybe why we are allowed o have so much lipo!!! (A good thing!!!)

    Lydia, LIFE IS SHORT! For $800 and two weeks off of work, I would go for it. t sounds like this is something important to YOU. You deserve it. There! NO Guilt!!

  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2009

    Thanks Spring!!

     I agree with Spring, Lydia.

    I am going through this too because I want bigger breasts and I am worried about cost and time from work/family. Now is the time to do it. I do not want any regrets. I have come this far and I think I should get what I want.

  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2009

    I am looking up "centrifuge" Very interesting about these fat injections.....

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited October 2009

    I too would go for it Lydia!

    Interesting Sprign about the Fat/Lipo.

    I bet we all will be looking up Centrifuge!


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited October 2009

    Centrifuge - a machine that spins things at a very high speed to separate a substance... right? Now I will have to go and read how that pertains to adipose tissue and injections!

    What to do, what to do... Okay, so I have hit a speed bump! I have defninitely decided to to my hyst/bso here, but the issue now is that my ob/gyn cannot get me in until next month... so she referred me to the gyn/onc thinking that he could get me in sooner. No go... he can get me in the 27th, and that is just for a consult. SO... here is my dilemma: 

    1. Keep appt. for stage 2 for Dec. 3 and then have bso/hyst after the new year

    2. Have bso/hyst in Nov and delay stage 2 until after the new year. 

    In terms of meeting out of pocket and deductibles, it really does not matter since I will have to have one or the other in the new year anyway. Thing is I just booked my flights for Dec. - not that they can't be changed. I guess I can just wait until I speak w/the gyn/onc this month and go from there. Maybe it would be better to allow a little more space anyway. I think maybe I would end up delaying the stage 2...Pam, when did you say you were going? But... I would miss the party going on in Dec!!! Maybe I should just fly down so I can meet everyone!!!

    On another note - I am DRAIN free... I hope I didn't pull it too soon but it wasn't putting out much so I pulled it this morning! The other side definitely has some fluid under the skin so I am compressing it like crazy!!!

    Lydia - I third the comments above... just do it!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited October 2009

    Oh- Shucks Nordy.

    All that Scheduling crap.  Ugh, Makes it hard to decide.  Im sorry neither Dr could get you in!

    I am supposed to go for stage 2 sometime after feb 5th...Dh is not supposed to leave work during Feb...But then he new I was pretty upset to delay stage 2 until March.  And so he said- Ill be there for you- dont worry.  But that really doesnt mean he can get time off!  LOL

    So, I am thinking I will have to wait until March.

    Really- I have no idea when I will go.  Dr M sets that Appt up after stage 1.

    I dont like not knowing it til then.

    Yeah- On the Drains!

    Compress, compress!


  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77
    edited October 2009

     Nordy-  "on another note" you are drain free? This is great news!  I know it is lower on priority list.I can see how your mind must be racing with decisions- damn all these decisions. and wow you pulled the drain yourself?

    Not sure but part of me thinks to complete this reconstruction and strike while the iron is Hot.  You looking so beautiful and feeling good about it may help you psychologically coping with the next surgery. I say this but I do not know how long your doctor says that you can wait.

     you will choose what is right for you.. You have a great head on your shoulders and you should trust your judgement Smile

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited October 2009

    You guys are so awesome... Smile

    So... I just got off the phone w/my hubby to update him. Here is the current way of thinking: IF I were to do hyst/bso here before the end of the year, it will not cost me a penny. I have already met oop for the year and this doc and hosp is in-network, so free surgery for me. Since I am already expecting to pay for stage 2 whether or not I have met my oop for the year, it might just work to my advantage to go to NOLA after the new year.

    That is how I am feeling at the moment... that might change in 10 minutes.. LOL. And yes, I AM happy about the drains being gone... whoooohoooo... it has just taken backstage to the other task at hand!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Nordy, I hear you on the scheduling and the $$ issues.

    YAY FOR DRAIN FREE!!! As Pam says, Compress Compress! 

  • Brenda26
    Brenda26 Member Posts: 25
    edited October 2009

    Thanks for the input about the rads spring - will definitely have to talk it over with my doc and even get a second opinion just to see if I get agreement between the docs. 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited October 2009

    Brenda - I had a 4cm tumor that shrunk to 6mm... and all my nodes were negative at surgery. BUT they hadn't been - there were atleast 2 good size ones, not to mention how many may have been involved microscopically. My breast surgeon highly recommended rads even though the tumor had shrunk, my onc left it up to me... the rad onc said I could go either way as well. I chose to do rads only because I wanted to hit my cancer with every weapon in my arsenal. I was triple neg so after chemo, surg, rads... there is nothing else. I personally chose the rads, BUT I also had a little baby and wanted to do all I could to stay here with her. However, it did increase my risk of lymphedema, in fact, my lymphedema began slowly, about 1/2 way through rads. You need to do what you feel is best... if I could do it all again - I may not choose rads, but that may be because I have been so fortunate not to have had a recurrance (knock wood). Talk to your docs, do your research, ponder, pray (if you pray)... Only you can make your decision. You have to do what makes you feel best! Good luck!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Brenda, let me know what you find out about the rads. Nordy I hear you.... sometimes you want to just bang in with all you've got! 

    Today I walked a mile and did some gardening. No bra. The bra is still a torture! 


  • Brenda26
    Brenda26 Member Posts: 25
    edited October 2009

    Nordy - thanks so much for your input.  Trying to weigh the benefits vs the side effects of the rads.  I know that rads really increases the chance of lymphedema and really want to avoid that if at all possible. Did you know that they are now doing lymph node transplants at NOLA?  Not sure I am clear about just what the triple negative is? 

     Spring - so glad you are doing great!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2009

    Need some suggestions ladies...   2nd tummy drain "fell out"    1st one fell out several days ago.  Was still getting 50-100 cc per day, so know it was early for them to come out, and since it is sat, cant get in touch with nola doctors.  should I just make sure I keep belly band on?  Would it be better to get spanx that would come down on legs, maybe the ones that go to knees?  Also, a little frustrated because liz kept saying that dr d tought my rt breast swelling was just edema, and all of a sudden on fri at 3pm i get an email saying i need to get ultrasound to see if it needs to be drained.  wellllll.......when i went to the local plastic surgeon, he was NOT a fan of going out of state for this surgery so he did not want to help, and put in his notes I needed to see dr d, so now my pc dr who is in the same medical group would not see me.  I could only get appt with breast surgeron, but he is on vac till 12th, so i have email in to liz to see if it is ok to wait till 12th.  do i need to email about drains coming out, or anyone have suggestions? Thanks ladies...

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited October 2009

    Hi Ginnie,

      Im sorry to hear this is happening.  And I think it is terrible a PS there will not help.  But I was told that happens.

    I think NOLA can Perscribe- is that the word an Ultra sound at your ER.

    Is there anyone you can get a hold of at NOLA today?

     Im sure waiting until the 12th is too long.  You need to have this checked out.

    I think Trishia went to the ER for similar...And someone else did too.

    Good Luck & let us know what you find out.


  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited October 2009

    Gin, usually there is always someone on call on the weekends.  It may not be your particular doctor, but one of the docs has to cover the weekend.  Give them a call and their answering service will give them the message and call you.  Good luck!  Let us know how it all works out.


  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2009

    Hi Ladies

    I can't believe how good I feel one week out from surgery. Made it home on Thurs, long day but made out OK. Friday I had a shower and getting that girdle back on exhausted both my sister and me. We went out to lunch and I started to feel like a real person again.

    I am shocked that I am not in much pain given that  I had a stacked diep lumbar. I have not taken one single pain pill which has contributed to regular BM's. Body looks pretty good. Boobs look  larger than I expected but they are still swollen. Tummy is sooooooooo flat and incision is very low. Have some bruising on the right hip area. Energy level is great and moving around well. Need to work on improving my sleep. I am waking every few hrs at night because I can't find a comfortable way to sleep I have been trying to sleep in my own bed with pillows. Any suggestions? I think I will check out a hospital bed rental today.

    So good to hear that everyone is doing so well.

    Jennifer when I spoke to Liz about stage 2 she did say that you would be expected to stay one night in hospital and then they would like you to stay another 2 nights in the area before you go back home. I am also so in for a reunion.

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2009

    Hi Ladies

    I can't believe how good I feel one week out from surgery. Made it home on Thurs, long day but made out OK. Friday I had a shower and getting that girdle back on exhausted both my sister and me. We went out to lunch and I started to feel like a real person again.

    I am shocked that I am not in much pain given that  I had a stacked diep lumbar. I have not taken one single pain pill which has contributed to regular BM's. Body looks pretty good. Boobs look  larger than I expected but they are still swollen. Tummy is sooooooooo flat and incision is very low. Have some bruising on the right hip area. Energy level is great and moving around well. Need to work on improving my sleep. I am waking every few hrs at night because I can't find a comfortable way to sleep I have been trying to sleep in my own bed with pillows. Any suggestions? I think I will check out a hospital bed rental today.

    So good to hear that everyone is doing so well.

    Jennifer when I spoke to Liz about stage 2 she did say that you would be expected to stay one night in hospital and then they would like you to stay another 2 nights in the area before you go back home. I am also so in for a reunion.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962
    edited October 2009

    A word of advice for the ladies who are having some trouble with local PS--if your insurance covers home care have the NOLA doc's order home health services.  A home health nurse can help you get the ordered tests scheduled locally. I'm a home care nurse and work with out of state docs often.  If the local hospital won't accept the out of state doc's orders, I just call the home care agency's medical director and she calls in the order.  I haven't had to do that for a long time since I learned all the info to get from the out of state doc (ICD-9 codes, fax # to send results to, etc).to facilitate the process.  Home care nurses can also pull out drains, btw. 

  • NebrNan
    NebrNan Member Posts: 23
    edited October 2009

    Ginnie - if the regular phone number doesn't get you to an answering service call the hospital and they can contact the doctor on call.  I don't think you should wait all weekend to talk to someone. 

    Here's my stitch story:  The post op instructions for wound care said "All stitches that appear on the surface may be removed at 2 weeks postop."  The nurse said to be sure to get the knots as well.  I did what I could with the help of my dh but missed a knot or 2 and couldn't get them all due to location.  In one spot where I missed the knot the skin turned reddish (I put on some triple antibiotic ointment) and the knot finally worked it's way to the skin surface and I could get it out.  I had a scheduled follow-up appt with my surgeon here so I took along the order sheet that said to take them out and had her cut off the rest.  She used her magnifying loops to see them better (they are clear) so I didn't feel bad that I had trouble seeing them!  I'm sure she had better scissors than I had, too (and sterile!).  She said the suture is absorbable and sometimes once it absorbs on the inside it is easier to pull off the part left on the outside.  Probably time would have taken care of it but I was glad to have the help getting them all cut off.   So, no more pokey stitches left. And my surgeon was very impressed with my new foobs!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited October 2009

    Gin - call the regular number to the center and there is a recording that has the call number. Call it and give the message to the answering service - they will try to get the doc on the line for you immediately and if not, they will  have him call you back. I had to do this twice - and apologized profusely both times because I hate having to call them on the weekend - BUT, that is why someone is always on call. You cannot predict when something will happen! If nobody in town will drain your seroma, have them call in a script to the hospital or local immaging center for your US and then the ER doc can drain it for you. That whole attitude of your PS and PC is disgusting. I know this happens all the time, but seriously... And just to let you know, I got permission to pull one of my drains on Tues - and it has developed a bit of a seroma... compress, compress, compress. Hopefully that will help the uninjured tissues in my body to take up the fluid! Hang in there, but definitely call!!!

    NebrNan -My surgeon was extremely impressed w/my boobs too! She said the next time one of her patients wants a free flap she is referring them to NOLA.

    Stephanie - so glad to hear you are feeling well!!! I cannot help w/sleep on the bed - we have a really comfy couch so that is where I slept until Thurs when I hit my 6 week mark. I put a pillow under my calves to float my heals and slept pretty well. That probably doesn't help!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Ginnie, I agree with the advice above, CALL THE CENTER and talk to the doctor on call. 

    Stephanie! I am so jealous that your tummy incision is so low! Mine is so high! I hope he can make it lower in phase 2...  It apparently depends on where veins and vessles are located. 

    I went to Nordstroms and got SPANX today for phase 2. If you want the "lighter" version, you need to go to "hosiery" and not "intimates" !!! Who knew... 


  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited October 2009

    Hi all, thanks for the advice.  I did call and talk to Dr Trahan and sent him some pix.  Waiting to get a call or email back from him.  Feel better just having talked to him....  will keep ya'll advised...

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited October 2009

    Thanks for letting us Know Gin.

    I hope you hear back soon about the Pictures & what to do..


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009


    Just checked in here to see if any news? Let us know what's up. I have been thinking of you...


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited October 2009

    GINNIE - FEEL BETTER SOON!  Check in when you can. 

    Spring - THE BRA IS TORTURE!!! especially since I have not worn one it more than a year.  But still happy I have a need to wear one!  Another week and then I think Dr. said i would not have to wear one.  Wed will be the 3 week mark!  I am still so so SO tight in the abdomen.  Are you? Ouch.  I am at work today for a couple hours, then off to walk and rest for the afternoon.  I had to get in here just to get my mental game back in shape.........too much LAW AND ORDER makes Mel a cranky depressed girl.

     Jen -how was your weekend?  Still energetic?